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I guess it started when the lights went out,
And everybody started running round in circles trying to figure it out.

~Bloody Poetry, Grieves~


As many tales start, it was a dark and chilly night, the type people don't usually venture out on. Not that many ever did; the patrols of sadistic and cruel guards wandering would come up with any excuse they could to shoot you or throw you in prison where you would be tortured as long as possible until you were eventually dead.

There were, of course, brave souls who insisted on this anyways, but as the death rates rose during this period of "rebellion", as the guards called it, people stopped going out for fear of their lives and no longer was it a common sight.


However, on that night, something was different.


Eos Melys carefully wiped her dirk clean on a cloth, shoving the body distastefully with her foot. She was feeling particularly irritated that day-they were late, and if there was anything Eos hated more than humans it was people that were LATE. Well, besides her, obviously-she could be as late as she wanted.


There was a rustle above and instantly she was pointing her now sparkling dirk towards it, 116 years of reflexes kicking in. However, it wasn't a guard who dropped down, but a thin figure with a mess of short dark hair. Smiling grimly, Eos sheathed the blade and helped up the pale girl.


"Goddamn, but I am out of shape," grunted the girl, brushing herself off. "That was what? A thirty foot drop? Nothing. But look at me now, I've mussed up my skirt."


"Oh, quit your whining, Fen," said Eos tiredly. "Now that the rebels are here, we'll have lots of practice."


Fenyw giggled. "Rebels, rebels. This is such a joke."


"Joke or not, we are going to be rich, m'dear," replied the elf, her pale brown hair sparkling in the moonlight. She was extremely careful about her appearance-beauty was up there on her tactics list.


The mussier girl, seemingly human, blinked her dark purple eyes. "My my, but aren't you pretty tonight. Going to Rober-oh." She stared at the body. "Looks like he's already here...how many roofies did you give him?"


"One in the heart," said Eos, patting her dirk fondly.


"You are never gonna be able to hold a man down at this rate," said Fenyw disapprovingly. She tried to keep a straight face and then burst, "so how much did you make?"


"He was loaded. A few hundred thousand in his safe alone, and who knows how much else in his bank accounts?" grinned Eos. "We've got enough to rig every house in this godforsaken *hithole."


Fenyw clapped her hands. "So you do have the rigging, then?"


Eos reached into a bag by her feet, kicking Robert's limp form into the canal as she did so, and pulled out a small black box. "Better than the last one, from the note from the messenger. Now hurry up, it's almost dawn and you'll be changing soon."


Fenyw nodded and started on making a hole in the building wall. Finishing quickly, she turned back. "Eoooos, you're sooooo slooooow," she whined.


"When you get to 116 you'll see how unimportant time is," said Eos, and then, a few moments later, crowed "finished!" triumphantly.


The elf placed the box into the hole and then Fenyw put her hand over the hold, sealing it.


"Now run?" she asked, and Eos nodded.


They sped across the roads, only having five minutes to get out of there. Once they were safely away from the building, they sat down to watch. Fenyw offered Eos a bottle of wine and the two toasted as, with a deafening roar. the bomb exploded half a city block. They cheered as debris rained down like flaming confetti, as the smoke curled lazily into the sky and choked it black and people began to scream with guards rushing to the scene.


"To a job well done!" laughed Eos, and there was an awful clink as the glasses connected, distorting the horrible view in the background until it slowly began to fade; just another bombing.


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"Humans really do ruin everything good, don't they?" Butajiri announced to Hirue as he dropped the latest newspaper on the floor of their old apartment. "Now there's talk of rebellion, and I haven't seen a decent woman in ages! I swear, that was the only thing I liked about this planet! Hw are the Moody's supposed to adore me if they're all dead?"

Edited by Pretty Koenma


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Tartaros shifted his gaze towards the sound of a thunderous boom from a stray explosion. From his position high up on the rooftop of a building, he easily spotted the chaos that had suddenly erupted in just a short while, and wondered who had set up such an event. 

"Huh, not too common nowadays given the whole rise of rebellious individuals, but no doubt it did more to decrease their numbers by a bit. If this was planned by a rebellious group that is," Tartaros thought as he sprang from rooftop to rooftop to get closer to the destruction. He quickly camouflaged his body to avoid being seen by the many guards that had arrived. Lately,he had earned quite a reputation among them, and obviously not a good one. As a monstrous creature and a renegade enforcer, he had made it his habit to slaughter and devour any and all related government officials of the oppresive state, something which was hard to ignore whenever you'd find the remains of a colleague strewn all over the place, some with messages of death and imminent destruction.

"No doubt these guys are going to try and pin it on random people, so let's just stick by too see what'll develop out of this," he said as he landed on a nearby building to further observe the area.


(bad post is bad :( )

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Night Hawk sat in a safe house, looking at his helmet and sighed "this whole place is falling apart" he walked over to a map of the city, with photos of the corrupt goverment officials around it, several building have red Xs over them "ok, the rebels have given me a good bit of info on one of these guys,  he should be making a public speech tommarow, no doubt he will be hevily gaurded" he walks over and puts his helmet on and opens a trap door on the floor to access the sewers


The Rocketeer was in a rebel safe house discussing possible attacks on buildings when he hears a faint explosion "hmm? did we plan on a bombing?" a rebel responds "not to my knowlage" the rocketeer sighs " ill go investigate it, stealth is a major factor" he takes his jet pack off and and walks out, he takes a silenced SMG on the way out, he opens a trap door in the celling leading to an abandoned building on the out skirts of town, he  slips out of the building

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Eos and Fenyw stood up, the latter swigging the last of the rich red wine out of the bottle and belching loudly.

"Another clean job," she announced happily, but Eos was more wary now that the thrill had worn off.

'People are going to come looking," she warned her, and Fenyw shrugged.

'Whatever. It's not like anyone even cares here. I saw a guy get shanked yesterday in the middle of the market and no one even gave them a second glance. And just the other day I started to strangle a guy with my thong, anHMMPH."

Eos had shoved her delicate hand over her mouth, looking around.

"Someone's nearby and looking for us," she whispered hurriedly. "You're gonna have to change soon, so get out of here before trouble starts."

Fenyw nodded and slipped away silently, starting her change already. Eos then turned her eyes towards where Tartaros was sitting, trying to pinpoint the location.


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"I'm bored." Butajiri whined, "There was a bombing on the other side of town a few minutes ago. I heard it from here." (supersensitive Imp hearing) He lazily pointed at Hirue. "Go look into it. Make yourself useful for Gods sake."


Hirue adjusted his glasses and slumped out of the door with his hands in his pockets.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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On a rooftop nearby, Diego watched in glee as the house exploded. He'd cast a hex nearby to protect himself from the debris raining down and he hoped that at least a few guards had been caught in the bombed building. Diego felt a bit miffed that he hadn't caused that explosion, and promised himself that he'd cause some mayhem later on to make up for not doing so. The man with the dirty blonde hair stood up, swaying a bit on his precarious perch, and looked over the roofs nearby. He had at one time been innocent, but he was damned if he could remember when. Perhaps when he was a child, tho he'd always been described as a bit "out there". When he was fifteen, his powers had manifested and he had run wild, eventually being imprisoned. But Diego had used his powers to escape the prison, and now just savoured the freedom.


However, part of this freedom did not include keeping his head down out of trouble. That was alien to Diego, as was keeping a clear head or retreating if the odds were great. He was crazy in both senses of the word, and lived up to it. He threw a hex at a nearby lamppost, making it curl up like a snake, spitting electric sparks at people as they ran past. Diego laughed a high, mad laugh which echoed thruout the night.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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The Rocketeer arrived at the location of the bombing, he looks around, looking for any clues as to who did it, it wasnt a rebel attack, he knew that much and he knew the goverment wouldnt blow up their own buildings at night, he stuck to the shadows to avoid detection, he looked around *the bombers have to be near by* he looks around looking for movemernt in the distance

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Lenny sat in his apartment, looking out the large window at the city. He felt something needed to be done as he was getting incredibly bored. He noticed an explosion in the distance as a slight smile spread across his face. He grabbed a rifle and two pistols from a case and walked out the door, putting on his coat as he did so. He took the elevator down and started walking toward the bomb sight as nonchalantly as he could.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"<And cue more random stuff happening around these parts>," a hissing voice said from within Tartaros, seemingly coming from the "suit" itself. Of course, the suit was actually a living creature which had bonded to him some time ago, so this was a normal day thing. Tartaros noticed the awkward lampost spewing parts everwhere, and if he wasn't mistaken, a shadowy figure run off somewhere to hide after said individual had "altered" the lamp.

"Funny," Tartaros said as he retreated to a more shadowed corner of the roof. He had felt a chill run down his spine, and had the feeling that someone was watching him, or at least trying to, from afar. 

"<Gah, more mystic beings eh? No human or even most supers could detect us while we're camouflaged,>" the symbiote growled as Tartaros began to silently scaled down the building. Arcane users had always given him trouble, and unless they were an ally, he had little reason to love them at all. 

"We'll have to find them later, right now our 'faithful protectors' are busy looking for survivors... It's too bad they're just looking for a person to extort from," Tartaros growled as he made his way past some people silently. 

"<How charming, Scipio. Be sure to snag a snack along the way!>"

"Oh don't worry, I'm sure there'll be plenty enough to eat in there. Just gotta watch the hotter flames," Tartaros said as he entered through a shattered window. Symbiotes were weak to intense heat, and despite a gradual evolution in resistance, he'd always be vulnerable to prolonged exposure. Tartaros let out a forked tongue to determine the hostiles and to see if any normal people were left alive within the rubble.

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(Let's just say Lenny and Hirue live in the same apartment complex. That should make it easier for both of us to connect with the rest of the RP for now.) 


"Awful late, wouldn't you say?" Hirue said with his deep, yet nasally voice. He was only a few feet behind Lenny with his hands in his pockets. "It's dangerous."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Eos knew that they were going to the bomb sight; she had been aware, thanks to a friend, that there were other "super" beings in the area. She turned to face the wreckage and saw a large tree nearby. Focusing, she shut her eyes and suddenly she was looking out from inside. From there, she transferred to a normal human and quickly shut down their brain by stimulating sleep, allowing her to completely take over. She approached a guard and asked in her best panic voice, 'What's going on?"


The guard grunted and shoved her along, and Eos released her victim and attached herself to the guard, shutting down his main organ functions. He collapsed, his heart stopping, and she continued to move along, trying to find someone who she could use to her advantage. She noticed several liable people coming down and stopped her movement in an obese man. He realized what was happening and she had to quickly knock him out so she could look around.


(OoC: Eos's power is the ability to enter a living system and control it. Unlike possession, the person knows what is going on and can try to fight it, which is why she has to induce functions like sleep.)


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The Rocketeer kept to the shadows,  he then spotted some movement  and slowly moves twowrds it, still keeping to shadows and avoiding lights so it doesnt reflect off his armor, he stops for a second and looks for more movement



Night Hawk exists the sewer  in a back alley

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Diego was sure there was someone nearby, perhaps in possession of a wallet. He jumped down from the roof, casting a hex as he did so to make the ground soft and yielding, like a feather bed. He hoped that someone was nearby to get the benefit of this as much as he did. He looked about to see if anyone was nearby, not even thinking that there might be some danger to himself.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Lenny glanced behind him as he walked. "Eyeah, same for yourself, But danger is my buisness." He said with a chuckle as he looked to where the explosion was. "And buisness is a boomin'." He commented. "What brings you out here, slightly stalker looking guy?" He asked keeping his hand on a pistol.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"<Your secret admirer seems to be close by, by the way,>" the symbiote whispered as Tartaros overturned some debris to reveal an injured person.

"Wonderful," Tartaros growled as he sent a part of his suit to heal the hurt individual. He made sure to include a sleeping agent however, considering most people didn't handle being rescued by a savage looking creature too well. The screaming didn't help in keeping a low profile.

"And that marks ten people. Anyone else?"

"<No one except dinner.>"

"Fun, time to clean up then!" 

Tartaros rounded a corner and spotted two guards checking a couple of bodies to see if they were still alive. Pointing a somewhat invisible claw towards one, he shot a small spike carrying a potent venom. He couldn't help but laugh as the poor guy began to cough up blood and stumble about frantically. As the other guard took notice, Tartaros quickly pounced upon him and uncamouflaged himself, much to the horror of the guard.

"Hi there," Tartaros said gleefully as he ripped out his throat with one swift swipe, cutting off a scream shortly.

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Diego approached the person in front of him, and put a hand on their shoulder. "Going someplace?" he asked. He was sure that this person wasn't a regular human, and a small part of him screamed caution. However, he had long since abandoned reason and ignored the small part that recommended it.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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The Rocketeer noticed some gaurds disapear behind a corner, he dashed across the street once he was across he walked over and  looked around the corner, to see a monster like creature brutaly killing one of the gaurd, *what the hell is that thing?* @,


Night hawk grappled up to a building

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Fenyw was hidden in an alleyway, gasping for air. She saw Lenny and Hirue but ignored them as she began to focus on the change-she had to get to work. Removing her clothes, she began to relax her body.

There was a strange noise as her body began to get taller and much more muscular. Her hair got shorter and her chest disappeared to be replaced with the flat one of a man. By the time she was done, a 6'5 man stood in her place. He rummaged about in a knapsack, out on some new clothes, and stepped into the early sun, waving at the two as he moved along quickly towards the site, wondering what was happening.


Eos killed the fat man by shutting down his liver, and then moved on to a guard again. She entered the building to see something attacking the others. He was obviously non-human and she had no reason to kill him yet, though she imagined having his body would be pretty fun.

"You're not supposed to be in here, you know, stealing what's rightfully mine," she said silkily, not bothering to use the guards voice. She saw the man Tartaros had helped breathing and slipped into him, paralyzing his entire body, and back into the guards before he could collapse to the ground. "I mean, I blow up a building, and then you goddamned rebels have to spoil it."

Others started coming in and she turned around. "Excuse me, this is a matter for the guards. Please exit," she said, this time using a man's voice to match the body.

@ @@Skullbuster

Edited by Nicolas Cage


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"More or less the same reason as you." Hirue said. "Let's just say I represent a special interest group that wants to know what this bombing business is about. I am a man of buisness, can't you tell from the suit?" He smiled, adjusted his circle-lens sunglasses and began to walk past Lenny.


(EDIT: Was Diego talking to me?)

Edited by Pretty Koenma


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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2 Weeks earlier


Haul didn't have a hard time locating the joint. It was located in what is now the decaying remains of an apartment block. The door seemed to be one of the few modifications to the actual structure, a number of locks securing it in place. Haul cautiously made his way to the door step, getting out of the cold for at least a second. Suddenly he could hear shuffling on the other side, and soon a gruff voice.


“State your business.”


“Tony sent for me. He said you had a job that needed doing.”


After a seconds murmuring the door unlocked and a tall figure was revealed in the doorway. Aside from his grubby appearance and awful smell, he didn't seem to be the most cheerful of men. “It’s ‘bout time you showed up. People were starting to get impatient.”


“Yes yes, I get it.” Haul entered the hallway, slipping past the doorman carefully. The wallpaper was already peeling and the chandelier had crashed into the hardwood floor, but yet voices and music came from different rooms.


“First door on the right, can’t miss it.”


“Will do.”


Haul slid open the creaking door and looked in at the sight. A number of the most infamous rebels were gathered in one room, conversing matters over drinks. None of them looked in the joking mood.


“Mr Haul, welcome. We've been expecting you for a while. Sit for a moment.” The most well-dressed of the lot spoke up.


“Pleasure. Anyone going to tell me why I’m here.”


“Right to the point, aren't ya? Fine, you can hear it. A number of our associates have been terminated by an unknown assailant, no patterns, just random targets. It's becoming a pain in the ass to replace my men. We have no leads as of yet, but on any sign of danger I want you on their case. Find them and kill them.”


“Sounds easy enough. I should be able to sort everything out myself, just leave it to me. Now, remuneration?”




“$30.000. This is a long term deal and I want my monies worth.”


“So be it. Welcome aboard Jeremy.”


“It’s just Haul.”


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"Fair enough reason to be here." Lenny said "What kind of buisness is da questin'. There is a lotta different kinds, telemarketing, entrepreneur, real estate agent. Or somethin' like a hit-man, arms dealer, and da fun stuff." He explained with a shrug as he walked.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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(She's talking to Tartaros right? Sorry derp moment)


Tartaros growled angrily as he saw someone approach him at a distance. He was rather amused hearing what appeared to be a male talk in a female's voice, but then quickly recovered his guard after the voice had changed.

"How interesting, I didn't know there were people who were born with the amazing power to change voices," Tartaros said sarcastically. He glanced outside a shattered window and grumbled as he caught sight of an armor clad stranger escaping upwards towards a building.

"Great, another witness," he thought as he turned his attention back to the guard. He flicked out a forked tongue to register him better, and was slightly intrigued to discover another being was inhabiting the body.

"Nice, so what exactly are you, what do you want, all that casual stuff," Tartaros asked as he wiped of blood from his body.

"<Why don't we just kill... it?>," the symbiote asked in his head.

"Because no."

Tartaros did know he had to make an escape, the person before him wasn't exactly friendly.

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"More or less the same reason as you." Hirue said. "Let's just say I represent a special interest group that wants to know what this bombing business is about. I am a man of buisness, can't you tell from the suit?" He smiled, adjusted his circle-lens sunglasses and began to walk past Lenny.


(EDIT: Was Diego talking to me?)


(Yes: sorry, should have clarified.)


Diego's main thing around the town was random attacks, not caring whether he got rebels or guards. He was long since past caring about which faction to join, mainly cuz no-one had given him a good reason either way. He sometimes had moments of clarity when he wondered what the point of it all was, and whether or not he ought to try and get his head fixed, but these were few and far between.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"Yokai." He said under his breath as he removed his sunglasses and placed them in his pocket. His eyes were dark brown. "But what does a hu... What does a person like you want to do with violence?" He looked forward to make sure he was walking n the right direction. They had gotten much closer.





(Whoops... sorry, pripyat. Could you try to talk to him a second time? I derped)

Edited by Pretty Koenma


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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