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The Rocketeer having electrified the last gaurd turned to see weiss shot and standing over another gaurd, after she converted the gaurd he walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder " hey are you alright?" he asked sounding concerned about her injury 

"Im fine."

*Weiss crated a small shaft out of darkness and stuck it into the bullet wound. She winced in pain and pulled hard. When the shaft came out, it was gripping a bullet.*

"That should heal up in no time."

*She said, dispelling the shaft and allowing the bullet to fall to the ground. If one looked closely at the wound, they would see it slowly healing due to Weiss' accelerated healing factor.*

"Come on, we should get moving. Im sure once their base notices that this unit hasn't returned they will send out more guards to investigate."

*Weiss picked up Lester and held him, leaning on her unwounded shoulder.*

"I'll take this guy back to my place. He can crash on my couch until he recovers. Light Shift can be a pretty traumatizing experience."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"allright good, meet me at the safe house later, im going to be giving a speech to the troops" he said he continued on, ill also deal with the bodies, ill just say chaos got to them" he gets to work arranging the bodies



(due to how difficult gettting rid of bodies is, weiss and the rocketeer usually arrange the bodies in a fashion that makes it look like they killed each other and made up a super known as chaos who has the power to turn people against each other (he would if he existed))

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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@, Shell smiled; a rare thing that was, but it would only be to the thought of his favorite food. "Eels, i had them once at a certain building, but i can't remember where it was. I prefer them live if you can get them that way here. If they don't have eels at all... then i can go with something less enjoyable, like salmon for example." Most humans that weren't afraid of Shell and actually got to know him never understood his taste buds.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Eos frowned. "No eels here, frendo. Hold on a second." Her body did its normal limp thing and her eyes glazed as she attached to a delivery man that had been dropping off new food. She shoved those unloading the truck and gunned down the road towards the harbour.

Twenty minutes later the delivery boy arrived with a cooler and Eos jolted up as he collapsed. "There you go," she said, opening the lid with a flair. "Eels. How thoughtful of him. Thank you, babes."


Rolling the body away she leaned on the table. "So what did you do to end up here?"

Edited by Nicolas Cage


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"Got it."

*Weiss said simply. She got a good grip on Lester's arm and his belt, and began to rise into the air. More slowly, due to the added weight of the fully grown man she was carrying. Lester was not burly in any regards, but he was heavier and taller than Weiss was. She slowly began to make her way back to her apartment building a few miles away.*

"Something different about you."

*Weiss said to the unconscious man. She arrived back at her apartment and entered through the window she had exited from. She closed it behind her and then laid Lester down on the couch in her living room. She went over to her closet and took out a blanket and a pillow. She laid the blanket over Lester and lifted up the pillow and put it beneath his head.*

"Don't know what it is. But there is something stra- no. Something special about you. you are different from the others I have light shifted. In a good way."

*She thought about it for a few seconds, then shrugged with a smile and headed for the window. She opened it and was about to step out, when she turned back to Lester and smiled.*

"Sleep tight."




*Weiss was floating above the rebel base in a sitting position. She never liked coming here, and only did so when RT told her to. He was her teacher after all, and she had a lot of respect for him. Night Hawk too. But all the rebel soldiers seemed distrustful of her for some reason. Perhaps its because the meetings only ever went on at night, and during the night, she always gave off a dark aura. The only soldiers in the rebels that did not mistrust her, were RT, NH, and the few that she had light shifted and decided to join the rebels. Most guards she light shifted simply went on to live normal, happy simple lives, but a few had ended up as members of the rebel force. Weiss sighed.*

"Hope I dont get too many dirty looks this time."

*She said as she flipped up her hood and floated down towards the hidden base, slowly walking inside.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Tartaros spun around quickly and formed long, sharp blades on each of giratendrils and aimed them all at the newly arrived stranger. He had uncamoed himself, rearing up to ready himself in case this guy was looking for trouble.

"State your business.. wait, we know you..."

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(OoC: You're talking to Carullo, right?)


Carullo lifted his hands, his bright yellow-green eyes flashing. "Don't shoot the messenger, man. Got something from a certain elf she wantes me to give you. Don't make me freeze you, I really would prefer not to strain myself at the moment."


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Tartaros flicked out his tongue as his giratendrils reverted back to their usual form and assumed a less threatening position.

"Chronomancer eh? Interesting, what is that you want then? And obviously, what does that package contain?"

Tartaros still kept himself ready as a precaution.

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Night Hawk was in the base, he saw weiss walk in "hey there" @,




after the Rocketeer arranged the bodies he headed to the base, once he got to the base, he looked around and saw every one was there

"alright guys, our little revolution is going good so far, however there is still a lot that we need to do, first off, the entire rebellion is unorganized, several different groups, and not to mention the people who are basically just one man revolutions, if we are ever going to get this done, we are going to need to unite, sure we are in contact with most of them and they let us know when they are going to bomb a target...most of the time, but its not enough, and thats not the worst of it, i have heard stories of some rebels commiting violent crimes, like rape, or killing of the innocent, *sigh* i want good honest men in our ranks, not common criminals and thugs, im issuing an order, if you happen to encounter these people, bring them to me, alive, i will deal with them, also thanks to Night hawk, we have learned that one of the more corrupt goverment officials will be making a public appearance, he will of course be heavily armored, i am working on a plan to take him out, return here in the morning, gives you a couple hours of sleep, you are dismissed, and remember, be safe"


as he said that most of the atendees headed out in an exit that lead to the sewer, Rocketeer sat down at a table sighed

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Hi NH."

*Sasha said. She listened patiently to RT's speech, and, like always, felt piercing glares from several of the other rebels. Once the speech was over, she greeted several of the soldiers she had converted, and once they had all cleared out, she lowered her hood and walked over to RT.*

"Hey, everything all right?"

*She asked.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"Oh, well my form is a little...different. But yes, that's right." He glanced at the things in his hands. "As for these, no idea. You really think that girl tells me anything? I come to visit my girlfriend and she ambushes me with all these tasks." He laughed. "She knows I'm in the palm of her hand thanks to what she did and milks that to her advantage. Anyways, here." He tossed the package.


(OoC: Gonna assume that ya open the package so you don't have to make a post and waste time :P)


The letter was short and written in a bold font with swirls like the ones used years and years ago.

"Giant Monster Thingy,

I could use you. Meet me at the main rebel base at 4 a.m-assuming you know where it is. Perhaps we can help each other."

There was no name; she obviously preferred to remain anonymous.


The package had a map dated two days ago with a small rebel base marked by an X. Tomorrow's date was written in the margin by a different person, and underneath Eos had scrawled "I have much more."

Edited by Nicolas Cage


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Rocketeer looked up "yeah, but our little crusade is a little under wealming at the moment, our little little group has like 30 guys in it, 30 against  the country, not very good odds, and im a tad dissapointed at how divided we are, this is just one city and we have at least 5 different rebel factions, imagine how it is in other cities, i just hope i can unite all of us, united, we stand a much better chance at this, and hey, thanks for showing up, i know you dont like coming here, i really should talk to the men about respecting you more @,

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Tartaros hissed mockingly at the word 'use' in the letter.

"I'm no one's errand boy, but I suppose I''ll hear this out," he said as he flicked a tongue out at the letter. He assumed it was from Eos herself.

"Anything else Carullo?"

Despite the symbiote providing him with near limitless energy, Scipio himself began to feel weary. He decided to go home and sleep before he went to go meet with the writer.

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"I didn't tell you my name," said Carullo sharply. "How did you know that?" His eyes were suddenly more focused and he held out his hand, time nearly stopping and making it impossible to move more than a centimetre a minute. "I don't trust you, but if she does then I have no reason to hurt you-yet. But I am curious as to how you know me, considering you did say so when I arrived."

Edited by Nicolas Cage


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Rocketeer looked up "yeah, but our little crusade is a little under wealming at the moment, our little little group has like 30 guys in it, 30 against the country, not very good odds, and im a tad dissapointed at how divided we are, this is just one city and we have at least 5 different rebel factions, imagine how it is in other cities, i just hope i can unite all of us, united, we stand a much better chance at this, and hey, thanks for showing up, i know you dont like coming here, i really should talk to the men about respecting you more @,

*Sasha smiled and patted the top of RT's helmet.*

"Everything will turn out all right. Rome wasn't built in a day."

*When RT had mentioned talking to the men about treating her better, her smile dropped a bit.*

"Im not really surprised about thier distrust of me. I mean, a hooded figure who never talks to them, showing up and just standing in a corner, emitting dark energy? I wouldnt trust me either."

*She said jokingly.*

"Roberto and Jackson trusting me is good enough."


(Roberto and Jackson are the two light shifted that had joined the rebels.)

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Tartaros painfully twitched his claws to produce rather large orb of red energy. Grabbing onto it, he was able to move around more easily as he used the gravity to propel himself around.

"Chill, you don't see me mauling people apart because they know my name. In the matter of fact, how is that a lot of people know of me when I have barely ever made myself known to others?"

Edited by Horus
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Rocketeer smiled under his helmet then sighed again "and that shape shifter, she knows something, just...its bothering me a bit, tommarow, ill have to go find her, also when you can, ask the guy you light shifted earlier...lester was his name right?  make sure to ask him everything he knows, every little bit of info is needed, im going to plan our attack on the goverment official, make sure to be back here around 6am ok?"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"You evidently don't know the difference between slowing time and mauling. I don't see myself ripping you to pieces, though I suppose that's what you do. Also, it's just mauling people, not mauling people apart," he said tiredly. "And you didn't answer my simple question. How do you know my name?" He stopped time completely, making it impossible to move.


(OoC: Carullo wanted to nitpick your entire post...sorry for his grammar freak tendencies. All my tulpas are like that. XD)

Edited by Nicolas Cage


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(Haha xD, I shall do that on purpose now!)

Tartaros would''ve increased the power of his orb, but it might've done more harm than good by siphoning quite a number of things around him, including Carullo.

"I trail things a lot just as precaution to see who's a threat and who isn't . I spotted you out at a diner with some lass once, mad overheard the name 'Carullo' at your area. Fair enough?"

He increase the orbs intensity, careful to monitor it so that it wouldn't hurt anything. He absorbed it into himself, causing his crimson areas to glow brightly as he circled with some difficulty around Carullo.

"You gonna keep that up? It might not bode you well..."

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(OoC: Carullo is going to hate you forever. :P)


"You stalked me and my GIRLFRIEND?" he choked. "Oh god oh man oh god oh man you have a problem, dude. She would NOT be happy if she knew about that."

He raised his eyebrows. "It's my power; trust me, nothing's gonna happen. I have a few of my own safety nets installed."


(OoC: For the record, my tulpa Olivia actually just started dating Carullo. XD)


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(I missed my best chance to link up with everyone and now I'm stuck at the bomb site alone. Please don't leave me behind.)


"Follow me and try not to touch anything." Butajiri ordered to Hirue. He began to follow the path of Human scent that Rocketeer had left behind him.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Rocketeer smiled under his helmet then sighed again "and that shape shifter, she knows something, just...its bothering me a bit, tommarow, ill have to go find her, also when you can, ask the guy you light shifted earlier...lester was his name right? make sure to ask him everything he knows, every little bit of info is needed, im going to plan our attack on the goverment official, make sure to be back here around 6am ok?"

*Sasha nodded.*

"Okay. Guess im gonna need to take a sick day from work tomorrow."

*She took a phone out of her pocket and quickly sent a message to her boss.*

"Its such a good thing that the boss man is one of our funders. If not, well I wouldnt have a job. Especially one that pays me even when I take sick days."

*Sasha smiled and got up from her seat on the table.*

"Be careful out there."

*She said before walking out of the room and into the buffer zone between the vase and the surface. She quickly flipped her hood back up and then went out into the dark city. A cloud of darkness shifted around her feet and raised her into the air. Once she was at a good height the cloud of darkness solidified around her lower legs and arms, keeping her suspended in the air. She then made her way back to her apartment, and again, entered through the window. Lester was still unconcious on her couch, so she headed into the kitchen, filled a glass with water and quickly downed it.*

"And now, I wait."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Rufus walked down the street, morphing the mace to look like a walking cane as he walked down the street to a more populated area. He decided he was getting a bit hungry and walked into the nearest restaurant. He sat down in a booth, noticing two odd looking characters too. He waited for the waitress rather impatiently with a bored look and ordered a raw t-bone steak when the waitress did come.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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(All in good fun xD)

"Not really stalking since I don't do it everyday or often in any style. If you had heard me, I said I just came across by chance, not that I was following you on purpose. Now, is there anything else you need to tell me, or can I go do something else now?"

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Eos noticed Rufus and instantly waved him over, remembering seeing his picture in a file. She remembered he had a R name but that really was it.


Carullo looked reluctant to release jim, but he remembered how much Liv hated when he was late and released him. "Don't come calling anytime soon," he said, and the air flickered as he turned and jumped off the roof nonchalantly.


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