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Coincidentally, Diego came into the same coffee shop that Damon was in. He ordered a double expresso and sat down at the next table. He toyed with the sugar packets, planning out the best time to set his plan in motion. He'd never considered doing so much damage before, and again the little part of him tried to reason that it was a bad idea. As usual, he ignored it. It wasn't really Diego's nature to think before acting. This was what often got him into trouble.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"Alright then," Tartaros said as he exited the room. He made his way out of the sewers and camouflaged himself as he entered the upper world. Bounding off into the city, he jumped up into the air and traveled by tendrils to the area of the second bombing. There were quite a number of guards patrolling the area, nothing to serious for him. Flicking his tongue, Tartaros registered the scents around him, and located the one that matched the official he had smelled in the car earlier. He then quickly scaled up the wall of a building to avoid travelling by ground, and jumped from wall to wall as he followed the scent.

"Welp, he was obviously carried off by Carullo," Tartaros growled as he crawled on a buildingside. "I wonder what they actually want with the guy."

He paused as endeared the area where the scent seemed stronger around.

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(OoC: It's just that she's not interested in what you have to offer...she doesn't like you much and she doesn't like what you want. I don't really feel like that's a good alliance...) 




Gwen placed the removed bullet on the table and then touched it. It slowly morphed until it took the shape of a fairly large blue pill, which she dissolved in water and then pumped into him via a tube.


"He'll be fine," she said, but she didn't sound too happy about that-Gwen usually liked to "accidentally" murder her patients in varying violent ways, but she knew that this one was too important at the moment to kill.


Carullo lifted him off the table, knowing that with whatever Gwen gave him he would be awak soon, and sat him in a chair, trying to figure out where he had seen his face before. However, his thoughts wandered to Olivia again, and that's when he realized.

That was Olivia's godfather.

He had seen him when he had gone with her to family dinners-after all, they had been friends since they were eleven, and started dating when they were sixteen and her family was his second home. While he had only met him fleetingly a few times, it was definitely him.


He reeled back in shock just as the man began to come to weakly, and ducked away, motioning to Eos and jabbering to her in their native language. She nodded and stepped forwards.


"Hello," she said in her slightly lilting and accented English. "We are not here to harm you. You do, however, have information we require, and we are willing to go great lengths to get it."


The man struggled slightly but found himself tied down. "You'll never get it out of me!" he said, knowing the line was cheesy but wanting to try to sound tough. Eos smiled slightly.


"Don't hurt yourself, Mr. Track...you already got shot once today." There was the sudden ch-chnk of a gun as she pointed it straight at his head...and pulled the trigger with a resounding bang.


He screamed until he realized that he was still alive, and Eos laughed. "It's a blank, Mr. Track. Just a little joke. However, my friend here has the real deal," she said, and gestured to Carullo, who was hidden in the shadows trying to hide his face. He just waved the gun he was holding a little.


The man swallowed and shook his head. "I'm not telling you anything," he said, hoping that the other gun was a fake too.


Eos smiled and approached him slowly, leaning down till she was level with his prespiring face.


"Since you evidently don't trust us, I'm going to have to go for...drastic measures." her body slumped in his lap and he was confused for a few moments until he passed out.

A few minutes later Eos woke back up and rose to her feet. She had put him to sleep-going through a brain was always an uncomfortable experience for the victim-but she had everything she needed; the leaders of the military's names, secret locations, and so much more.
"You can all leave now," she said, but then quickly turned to Gwen. "Except you, not yet."
Gwen shrugged and went back to disemboweling a rat she had found outside.
Carullo, on the other hand, was relieved to leave. Fenyw chose to stay to read the book with Eos, but he fled, running back to Liv's apartment, accidentally leaving the door wide open. @
He found his girlfriend sitting on her couch quietly, staring at the blaring and flashing television screen which had "MANDATORY BROADCAST" flashing across the top. Her eyes were unfocused and Carullo turned to shut it off and froze.
There he was, throwing his hands out and freezing the guards. The news said that he had been threatening them with the bomb that he apparently later detonated but Olivia wasn't as stupid as the rest-she knew what was happening.
"Guess I wasn't trustworthy enough to know," she said quietly, and then, a little louder, "I guess I was just never good enough for someone like you."
Carullo felt crushed-Liv had a temper but she knew that he was sensitive about their relationship. He approached her, trying to sooth her, but she suddenly screamed "I HATE YOU!"
The next thing he knew, he was slamming into the wall across the room, and the world went dark.
(OoC: At the moment Olivia is pro-government because some family members work in it.)
Edited by Captain Hammer


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Tartaros unlocked a window and crawled inside, then resumed his tracking of the official. He clung to the ceiling and made his way to where he was almost certain the man was located, and entered as silently as he could. There were some new faces, just one really, a girl who had some particular enjoyment out of torturing small animals. She reeked of death and poison. He saw that the official was unconscious, but still alive. He quickly tried to figure out how to capture him without the others noticing too much, but it was going to be difficult...

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Mr. Tack slowly woke up, he had a bad headache and he was still strapped to a table, he tried to look around, he tried to keep quiet but  his headache wasnt making that easy, he wanted to scream in pain, but he had to keep quiet, who knows what those phycos would do to him

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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(OoC: @-you seem to have forgotten Gwen is a tracker and knows where every super is. :P)


"There's some creep on the ceiling," called Gwen boredly, not even looking up as she carefully removed the heart and then popped it in her mouth, swallowing, and put the rest of the organs into a small jar which she placed on the table next to the rat carcass.


"Is it big and ugly?" called back Eos as there was the sound of another flipping page.


Gwen glanced skywards. 'Yeah. It's that one guy I told you about."


Eos was busy puffing on the whistle that the demon gave her and yelled back something in her language  "Bod un yn niwsans, beth mae e eisiau?"


Gwen ignored her and walked away, unconcerned. Eos muttered some choicer curses and came into the room.


"Nice try."




Meanwhile, Fenyw went over to the official and handed him some Advil. "I can imagine your head hurts. How's the shot wound doing?"


(OoC: Douchebag official: life saved. Calls them psychos. D: Also, he's on a chair. Not a table. :3)

Edited by Captain Hammer


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(He was invisible, but whatever)

Tartaros saw no more point in working subtly anymore, but he still stuck to the roof nonetheless.

"Dedicated that girl just eat a rat's heart for the hell of it? That's funny," he said as he ceilingcrawled closer to the official's table.

"So tell us, why did you want to sabotage the assassination? Better yet, what do you want with this man anyway?"

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(i thought so, couldnt remember)


Tack looked at her "it still hurts, and my head is killing me, what happened? and how did i get here? ill have you know the goverment is looking for me as we speak" he looks around some more, trying to look for an exit or a way out@,

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Damon noticed Diego walk in, he thought he felt a strange presence from him, but just shrugged it off as he sipped on his coffee. He knew that he probably wouldn't find who he was looking for today, so he decided that gave him a reason to be lazy. He got his coffee to about half way before he leaned back and closed his eyes in his seat to rest.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Diego finished his coffee and stood up. He turned to walk to the door, and the cafe owner shouted, "Hey you, you didn't pay!"


Diego turned and, almost casually, threw a hex at the woman. She blinked, then turned away; the hex he had thrown was a small one to make her think he had paid after all. Someone at one point had lectured Diego on abusing his power, but he hadn't listened and now couldn't even remember who it was. Once outside, he threw the hex that would bring a blanket of hallucinations accross the entire city. He had the beginnings of a headache afterwards due to the amount of power needed but felt it worth it.


(whether it affects nonhumans... up to you guys to decide whether or not your character is affected)



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Butajiri picked up his sword and covered his ears when he heard the whistle. The sours was remarkably close by.


The whistling stopped.


"Took a little longer than I expected." He said, opening the door to the balcony. "Hirue, I'm leaving." He jumped off the balcony, a feat that would break a normal human's legs, and ran north to the sound of the whistle before he came upon [].


He was about to search each room before he heard yelling in elvish. "That's probably a safe bet." He said to himself before [].

Edited by Pretty Koenma


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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(OoC: Tracking works through enchantments. Eos can't see you but Gwen can.)



"Coming from the one who eats humans, I don't think that's entirely fair," said Eos smoothly. "Let me guess, Carullo left the door open? There's no other way in here." Her voice suddenly hardened. "Don't move, you'll screw up the healing process. For one, that's that little Weiss' girls father. Secondly, you're blaming the wrong girl for the bombing."


"You're stealing my glory," yelled Gwen from some other room.


"And third, I don't trust you, seeing as you invited yourself into my home and now presume to make demands of my conduct. Etiquette isn't your strong point."



"Some rebels attempted to blow your brains out; you may be happy to know it was your daughter who gave the fire order!" said Fenyw cheerfully, putting an ice pack on his head and handing him some water for the Advil.




(OoC: She lives underground... :P)

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(@, All I knew was that you've been calling it an apartment. Ive replaced information I don't know with brackets.)


Butajiri walked through the opened apartment door to see Tartarus and Eos talking. "What the hell, now? Please don't tell me you invited him!" He drew the Banshee Shriek. "If this is a trap, it's not going to work."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"He came of his own accord," said Eos coldly. "He most certainly is not welcomed in this base, and I may need to forcefully expel him soon."

She glanced at the demon beside her. 'So, what do you expect me to do for you? I do need more team members, I will admit, but you're not...usual material." 


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Damon opened his eyes when the woman yelled, he watched Diego leave, unaffected. He got up and followed him outside, thinking that this could be the first of many he was going to have to investigate his very own way. "You, kid... you didn't pay for your coffee..." He said with a grin.


Rufus felt a disturbance as he trolled the lower parts of the city for food. He got up and started to drudge his way towards the source slowly but surely.

Edited by Hypno

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Damon opened his eyes when the woman yelled, he watched Diego leave, unaffected. He got up and followed him outside, thinking that this could be the first of many he was going to have to investigate his very own way. "You, kid... you didn't pay for your coffee..." He said with a grin.

Diego turned at the voice. "I never have to pay if I don't want to," he said with a shrug, wondering how much this guy had seen. "I know that I shouldn't use my power like that, but what the hell, why even have power if you never use it? Not as tho anyone's ever given me a reason to use it for anything else. Anyway, I'm rambling on. What's your handle on the situation?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Track scoffed "my daughter? how absurd! she wouldnt hurt me, im more willing to belive in the existance of supers than to belive that"  he took the advil "and rebels? they dont have the means, all they are are a bunch of rag tag hobos who cant even unify them selves, their little bands fight eachother just as much as they "fight" us, and its not fighting really as it is a general annoyance, its an ant against a giant"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"He came of his own accord," said Eos coldly. "He most certainly is not welcomed in this base, and I may need to forcefully expel him soon."

She glanced at the demon beside her. 'So, what do you expect me to do for you? I do need more team members, I will admit, but you're not...usual material." 

He sheathed his sword but kept an eye on Tartarus. "To say I was would be an insult considering what realm we're in. You're the only person I can find who knows what's actually going on with this war. I want what you want. I want this to end in a way that doesn't level the city." He looked Tartarus up and down. "There are more like him. They're part of the problem. There's a reason humans are supposed to be weak. Do you know of the others?"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Fenyw's face fell slightly. She didn't want to say anything that would piss Eos off, and she was busy with that fat thing and the shifty demon. She instead sat next to him, deciding to make conversation with him.

"I'm sorry we can't free you yet, but it's true, what I said." She looked around furtively, and then pulled out a recorder. Carullo had been close enough to pick up a good signal and recorded Weiss' and Jackson's exchange. She hit the play button and Weiss' voice saying "take the shot" floated out.



"No can do," sighed Eos. "That's not a possibility. See, I don't care about the war...I care about my allies and that's it."

Edited by Captain Hammer


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Damon readied a explosive fireball, shooting it straight at Diego's face. "Ya know, you're right, why not use power?" He asked with a slight laugh. "My handle is that i'm about to wipe the streets with you unless you pay me three fiddy cash dollar..." He commented.


Rufus continued down the streets, sensing that he was getting closer.

Edited by Hypno

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Diego laughed. He readied a hex. "Go on," he said. "Throw that fireball right at me, right now. I double dare you."


The hex that Diego had put on would rebound the fireball back on its thrower. Plus, he didn't actually have the money to give. So far he hadn't even thought of using his power for street crime, only for large, attention seeking things like what he'd done today.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Track looked down, breathing heavy "no....tha-that cant be....why would she work with those idiots? and why cant you free me? i demand to be let go!" he was obviously in shock of hearing that his daughter ordered a hit on him "no...this isnt happening and i demand to be released!"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Fenyw held up her hands. "Calm," she said soothingly, then wished they had Illium there-she would be useful in a situation like this. She had left after her and Wesley had a row, and they were sorely missed.

She gently pushed him back onto his chair since he had moved around, and the bindings had probably cut him a little.

"Your daughter is just as bad as your government," she said sadly. "The rebels are murderers just like you..."


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"the goverment arent murderers! they are just doing a job, we are trying to run the country and keep it stable and keep it running, i will agree with you that the rebels are a bunch of mad lunitics complaining about problems that dont exist! and i rasied my daughter well, as well as i could with my job, i...i cant belive she would be caught up in their murderous rampages"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"And who might those allies be? The only thing I've seen you speak to is the creature. Yesterday you said you wanted to maintain the balance of this city. Has that yet changed? I don't care what it is you want in return, I need your knowledge, and you said you needed more members."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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