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Ask Lyra Heartstrings :3

~Lawful Jordo~

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Hehe no problem Lyra.I only speak the truth :D


And...hug? I have one? please?


Of course! You're so nice to me :3







Yay! Aaand today's my b'day today! :D


Happy Birthday! 







I would like a slice. Would you want to invite BonBon to share in the cake too, or maybe invite some of your other firends?


Of course I would invite my friends! I'm not about to hog an entire cake to myself :P


*Hands you a slice*




Mares or stallions


Well, I would be lying if I said I was never attracted to a mare before... Overall however, I prefer stallions and could only see myself actually pursuing a relationship with a stallion. 


I am a fairly open mare.




What is your thoughts on this pic?




Yeah... Well.... I have plenty of things that are only for ponies.... So there!




What would you think of performing at the Gala with Octavia? I hear some of the musical ponies aren't coming back this year because of some unpleasantness that occurred last time. :)


I would love to play at the Gala again ^.^ Octavia and I were actually both performing at last years Gala, and it was one of the best experiences of my life, even if there was a bit of a ruckus. :P


It doesn't get any bigger than the Grand Galloping Gala, and I was truly lucky to be chosen to preform (Along with my friend Octavia no less) last year. I would jump on that chance again in a heartbeat 



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Of course! You're so nice to me :3








Happy Birthday! 








Of course I would invite my friends! I'm not about to hog an entire cake to myself :P


*Hands you a slice*





Well, I would be lying if I said I was never attracted to a mare before... Overall however, I prefer stallions and could only see myself actually pursuing a relationship with a stallion. 


I am a fairly open mare.





Yeah... Well.... I have plenty of things that are only for ponies.... So there!





I would love to play at the Gala again ^.^ Octavia and I were actually both performing at last years Gala, and it was one of the best experiences of my life, even if there was a bit of a ruckus. :P


It doesn't get any bigger than the Grand Galloping Gala, and I was truly lucky to be chosen to preform (Along with my friend Octavia no less) last year. I would jump on that chance again in a heartbeat 




Thank you! :D


Can I have a slice of cake? :wub:

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Awww, that's adorable! :D You're such a cute pony!


Heh, that's very nice of you to say ^.^




Thank you! :D


Can I have a slice of cake? :wub:


Sure you can! It is your birthday after all ;)

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Hi Lyra is the Fox and Princess Luna


We are saying hello to you and how are you doing.

I got one question how are you goting Imported games and Consoles?

Sorry for the shot post I was haveing a bad time of my computer.
Will I hope you have a better time I was.
Will that all I got to say Fox801 Sign Out!! :) :lol
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Like what???

"I didn't like that slogan, it's racist slogan!!!"


Well most of the products in Equestria are tailored to ponies. Not to say humans CAN'T use them, it would just be frustrating and awkward. 


I'd say 'species centric' rather than racist. 


Damn Doflamingo tricked me






Hi Lyra is the Fox and Princess Luna


We are saying hello to you and how are you doing.

I got one question how are you goting Imported games and Consoles?


Sorry for the shot post I was haveing a bad time of my computer.

Will I hope you have a better time I was.

Will that all I got to say Fox801 Sign Out!! :) :lol


Equestria and Earth have been trading goods ever since we've come into contact with eachother. That includes resources, tools and entertainment. I have to pay quite a bit extra to get an imported item from earth, but it's totally worth it ^.^ 


I had to drop about 900 bits for my Ps3, and almost 100 bits per game. That's not including shipping costs >.>


lyra, you are fascinated with hands, right? would you like me to use mine to scratch your back?


That would be... Nice actually 



What kind of movie do you like?


I like movies with character development and plot, which by plot I mean story! :P


I like all sorts of movies. Crime drama's are my favorite though. 


I've been watching a lot of human movies lately and I have to say: Human movies have a much bigger budget than our movies do.


Oh you, I know exactly what you meant when you say 'plot' ;P



So have Octavia and yourself ever thought of starting a band?  I bet you'd sound good!


Well we aren't going to start a 'band' per se, but we are both members of the Canterlot Royal Orchestra. 



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Equestria and Earth have been trading goods ever since we've come into contact with eachother. That includes resources, tools and entertainment. I have to pay quite a bit extra to get an imported item from earth, but it's totally worth it ^.^

Really? Then how come we've never head of that? If what you're saying is true, I'm totally climbing aboard the next PS3 shipment. :P


(Sorry for the lack of a proper quote, the forums are acting ridiculous to me.)

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Well hey, I watch it for the plot! ;)






Really? Then how come we've never head of that? If what you're saying is true, I'm totally climbing aboard the next PS3 shipment. :P


(Sorry for the lack of a proper quote, the forums are acting ridiculous to me.)


Have you been living under a rock? We've been trading for several years now :3


The only problem is that it takes a tremendous amount of energy to transport Organics across dimensions. Because of this, it has become ludicrously expensive for living things to travel from Earth to Equestria or vise versa. 

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(Aww man I was hoping for a plot shot. I kid I kid :P)


Hehe. Well, I guess we should stop with the plot talk. I don't want to feel like a pervert. :P


How are you today? :)


Heh, sorry. I'm not that kind of mare :P


I'm doing pretty good actually, how are you?




If you're going to travel around earth, mind taking a stop at Sweden?


If I can gather the bits to travel to Earth, I'm visiting everywhere I possibly can before returning. I wan't the genuine Earth experience :)


Who knows, I might end up in Sweden.

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We've been trading for several years now :3


Really? How much of our technology and other things have we shared? Since I must have also been living under a rock, as you say, I don't know how much our governments have deigned to share with Equestria.


Have you guys adopted some our...less savory things? Weaponry, fossil fuels, etc.? Or has Earth withheld the more violent stuff and let you guys figure that out according to what your government wants to do? 


On a lighter note, I'm glad I got my 2 exams this week done. Time to goof off for 8 more hours!  :P

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