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open Need for Heroes! (Revamp) Role Play

Octavia's Bow

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"Oh. So now I'm like an equivalent to coffee. Whenever you feel like you're low on gas, come on up to Delphina's karaoke." She said it sarcastically, but with good humor. "Five bit says I know where Sapphire and Speedy are." She grinned at the open door of the armory.


Sapphire shrugged, aimed, and shot at a rather large target. It looked like she was having a tough time after the first clip. After the second clip it was clear she was doing something. The third clip looked like a heart wt a few misses. The fourth clip looked like it was trying to spell something. The fith clip spelled out, inside the heart, 'Happy Hearts and Hooves Day.'

(Happy Valentines Day everypony!)


"No, no, that's not what I meant!"

He sighed, then looked a little confused.

"In there?"

He paused.

"Oh. Yeah. Duh. The shooting range, like always."

He grinned with her.


Speedy looked shocked.

"That's today? I didn't remember that. It's never been big for me, so I guess I never tracked it."

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(I'm gonna try to get in as much rp as I can before saturday. Some good news is that it may be 6 weeks instead of eight.)


"Yeah." Patches said in complacent agreement, not really giving it much thought.




Frey looked impressed at Sapphire's display. He had never been impressed by what someone could do with a gun before.




The old engineer with the glasses stood infront of Program with a clipboard in his hoofs. They were in one of Big Shot's garages. "I'm going to ask you a few questions regard your recent behavior." He said.


Program didn't respond.


The engineer continued, "You recently entered the medical ward without expressed permition. Is that correct?"


"Yes." Program replied quickly.

Edited by Pretty Koenma
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Delphina patted him on the shoulder and went to see what they took this time.


Sapphire gasped in shock, "OhmyCelestia! Noheartsandhoovesday?" She teleported out, and reappeared to shower Speedy in assorted chocolates and hearts-and-hooves day cards. Then she hugged the mare, magically making sure Speedy's safety was on. "And I brought some brownies!" Thy were all shaped like hearts, with chocolate batter.

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Delphina patted him on the shoulder and went to see what they took this time.


Sapphire gasped in shock, "OhmyCelestia! Noheartsandhoovesday?" She teleported out, and reappeared to shower Speedy in assorted chocolates and hearts-and-hooves day cards. Then she hugged the mare, magically making sure Speedy's safety was on. "And I brought some brownies!" Thy were all shaped like hearts, with chocolate batter.


Nightfall sat down behind his desk, sorting through the papers in his inbox. He signed the consent of Forest's hero file, and sorted through the SitReps of closed cases, signing what needed to be signed.


"You always make brownies!"

She giggled, hugging Sapphire back.

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Frey stood up off his back and walked into the loby.




The engineer continued to question program. "Why did you enter the medical ward?"


"It wanted to answer a question." Said Program.


"What was the question."

"What makes Wind Slicer unique? He had been treated as if unique, but it did not know why."


"Did you find an answer?"






"Wind Slicer spoke in falsities. His answers were insufficient. It does not have enough information to come to a valid conclusion."


"Where you told to research this?"




The engineer removed his glasses. "Then why did you do it?"


"Because it was easy to do."

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She looked him up and down, "And what would you say your biggest strength is Thunder? Your charming good looks, your wings, or the tiny cloud outlets?" She was joking around, thinking about his proposal, "If we do this, no sidekicks. And you'll have to get along with the police. Okay?"

Thunder Hooves chuckled. "I thought I was the best marksman in Equestria, but I didn't realize I had charming good looks," he said as he leaned in close to Ferean's face. "Are you trying to say something miss Ferean?" He asked her teasingly. "And I guess I can get along with the police, just make sure they don't get in the way," he told her.

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Feraen blushed, "It is a saying. It is often thought that most with natural beauty are of frivolous and petty nature, just as it is thought," she added, her horn glowing as she held a ball of fire in her hoof, "That fire can only destroy. Firey passions only flame out in the end. These are not true. Fire was the first light, and fire will be the last," she clenched her fist and extinguished the flame. "Come, we have work to do. The crime in the city is worse now then it was when I was a foal." She walked outside.

Delphina looked around. It looked like pistols; Sapphire must've talked Speedy into it. Wait, only one is missing? she thought. She walked up to Nightfall's office. "Nightfall, do you-" Her eyes slowly widened, "Nightfall, do you know what today is?"

Sapphire grinned as wide as her face would allow, then turned back to the target. "Now, this was how you wanted to spend Hearts and Hooves day right?" Sapphire asked, examining the weapon. She frowned at it, and her horn flash. The weapon turned a shade of pink, and she nodded. All better.


Den frowned at Patches, "What's on your mind. You're being more passive than usual.

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Feraen blushed, "It is a saying. It is often thought that most with natural beauty are of frivolous and petty nature, just as it is thought," she added, her horn glowing as she held a ball of fire in her hoof, "That fire can only destroy. Firey passions only flame out in the end. These are not true. Fire was the first light, and fire will be the last," she clenched her fist and extinguished the flame. "Come, we have work to do. The crime in the city is worse now then it was when I was a foal." She walked outside.



Spark flew out the window behind  his partner. "Nice, you should be a philosopher," he called down to The Sparkling Flame. "Now do we have a planned patrol or do we just go around he city until we find some ponies committing crimes?" He asked as he raised his eyebrow under his ask.

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"We roam. It should not take long to find what we're looking for," she said absently. "And if there's a place that sells drinks before point A and point B, so be it," she added, mostly to herself. She hadn't trusted her water enough to drink, and was thirsty because of it. She padded down the streets looking for a good stall.

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Delphina looked around. It looked like pistols; Sapphire must've talked Speedy into it. Wait, only one is missing? she thought. She walked up to Nightfall's office. "Nightfall, do you-" Her eyes slowly widened, "Nightfall, do you know what today is?"


Sapphire grinned as wide as her face would allow, then turned back to the target. "Now, this was how you wanted to spend Hearts and Hooves day right?" Sapphire asked, examining the weapon. She frowned at it, and her horn flash. The weapon turned a shade of pink, and she nodded. All better.


Nightfall looked up, surprised and confused.

"No..? Please don't tell me I forgot something important... please don't tell me I forgot your birthday..."


"I never expected to celebrate it."

She shot her weapon, wanting it to turn it a very deep shade of purple.

"Never ever. Honestly."

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Fifth time charm)

Delphina raised an eyebrow at Nightfall, "While your... Embarrassment at my birthday, should you have forgotten it, is commendable, the fact remains that you do not know if it's my birthday today." She stared at him with a frown that displayed her displeasure, "Today is Hearts and Hooves Day. My birthday is in the middle of winter, and that was Wrapped Up a few weeks ago."


Sapphire frowned at her marefriend, "Surely SOMEPONY celebrated with you! I mean, you had a foalhood, and went to school! I mean, Den always said the criteria for good marefriends in highschool was a lithe body and a good mane cut. And look better than all of the mares in his memories!" She frowned.


(Isn't Speedy a Pegasus? Hard to change to color of your gun with willpower alone. iE, no paint, and no magic.)

Edited by Lunarian Warrior
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Fifth time charm)

Delphina raised an eyebrow at Nightfall, "While your... Embarrassment at my birthday, should you have forgotten it, is commendable, the fact remains that you do not know if it's my birthday today." She stared at him with a frown that displayed her displeasure, "Today is Hearts and Hooves Day. My birthday is in the middle of winter, and that was Wrapped Up a few weeks ago."


Sapphire frowned at her marefriend, "Surely SOMEPONY celebrated with you! I mean, you had a foalhood, and went to school! I mean, Den always said the criteria for good marefriends in highschool was a lithe body and a good mane cut. And look better than all of the mares in his memories!" She frowned.


Nightfall blushed deeply.

"Oh... yeah... um... I'm- I'm sorry I forgot. Will you forgive me? I can go out and get something if it will make feel better."


(Fixed. ;))

She blushed.

"Well... I- I never fully celebrated it... I did use it to get, er- things..."

She blushed.

"But I never fully celebrated it with anyone."

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"We roam. It should not take long to find what we're looking for," she said absently. "And if there's a place that sells drinks before point A and point B, so be it," she added, mostly to herself. She hadn't trusted her water enough to drink, and was thirsty because of it. She padded down the streets looking for a good stall.

"A drink sounds good right now. Then again anytime is a good time for a drink," Spark called down to Sparkling Flame. "Not to mention, it helps dull the pain when you fight. Something an old soldier taught me," he continued, thinking back to when he first started crime fighting..

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Delphina shook her head, "No, it's just... Hearts and Hooves Day. Do you know how many mares are getting dumped by their coltfriends right now?It's one of the worst feelings to have..." She stared out the window, "A day for love, and I still can't drown out what that day. I'll tell you, it sucked. But, you gave me your present without even knowing what day it was." She smiled slyly and winked.

Sapphire's eyes widened, and she grinned, bouncing up and down, "Oooh, ooh, what sort of things? Chocolate? Money? Cards? Gift cards?" she gasped as her pupils dilated, "Did you use it to get brownies? OhmyCelestia, bestHandHday EVER!" She did a fistpump and fell backwards into the merchandise she'd bought.

The Sparking (Although, sparkling sounds better...) The Sparkling Flame looked up at him, "Alcohol burns explosively. I will give you this warning one time; when I am sufficiently drunk, I am at my most powerful, and my most vulnerable. I can not hold my drinks, I'll say that. With that being said, one or two at a time hasn't killed anyone. Yet." She looked over at a bar, and smiled slowly, "Not to mention it's the best place to fight crime, and set up a headquarters. Come on Spark." She walked though the doors.

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Delphina shook her head, "No, it's just... Hearts and Hooves Day. Do you know how many mares are getting dumped by their coltfriends right now?It's one of the worst feelings to have..." She stared out the window, "A day for love, and I still can't drown out what that day. I'll tell you, it sucked. But, you gave me your present without even knowing what day it was." She smiled slyly and winked.


Sapphire's eyes widened, and she grinned, bouncing up and down, "Oooh, ooh, what sort of things? Chocolate? Money? Cards? Gift cards?" she gasped as her pupils dilated, "Did you use it to get brownies? OhmyCelestia, bestHandHday EVER!" She did a fistpump and fell backwards into the merchandise she'd bought.


Nightfall sighed, trying to keep it a discrete sigh. And then he blushed when Delphina mentioned they're afternoon.

"Well... I just... I do love you, Delphina..."


"No, I used it to get... colts and what they have. I used it to... um..."

She went up Sapphire and whispered that she had used Hearts and Hooves Day for, well... not for a good purpose with colts.

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Delphina grinned and laughed at him, "If I thought you didn't love me Nightfall, I wouldn't be here." She slowly strolled over to him, and lightly traced his chin with her hoof, bringing his face to hers as she kissed him passionately. When she broke it, she wrapped her muzzle around his and whispered, "I love you too."

Sapphire turned slightly pail, "Oh. That kind of Hearts and Hooves Day. Interesting. What was your favorite color again? Oh, wait, I think I know..." She concentrated, and Speedy's gun turned purple. (;)) "Speedy, what was it like... tobe with a colt? I mean, Nightfall and I... had a thing... once, but it never really went anywhere..."

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Delphina grinned and laughed at him, "If I thought you didn't love me Nightfall, I wouldn't be here." She slowly strolled over to him, and lightly traced his chin with her hoof, bringing his face to hers as she kissed him passionately. When she broke it, she wrapped her muzzle around his and whispered, "I love you too."

Sapphire turned slightly pail, "Oh. That kind of Hearts and Hooves Day. Interesting. What was your favorite color again? Oh, wait, I think I know..." She concentrated, and Speedy's gun turned purple. (;)) "Speedy, what was it like... tobe with a colt? I mean, Nightfall and I... had a thing... once, but it never really went anywhere..."

Nightfall blushed, kissing her when she kissed him and hugging her when she hugged him.


Speedy couldn't react fast enough. She just shot her gun a couple of times.

"I was never with one colt. I used Hearts and Hooves Day and got with many in one day; I wasn't loyal then."

She shot a bit more.

"You and Nightfall? Why can I actually see that happening more than him and Delphina?"

She laughed.

"You'll have to tell me about that sometime."

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The Sparking (Although, sparkling sounds better...) The Sparkling Flame looked up at him, "Alcohol burns explosively. I will give you this warning one time; when I am sufficiently drunk, I am at my most powerful, and my most vulnerable. I can not hold my drinks, I'll say that. With that being said, one or two at a time hasn't killed anyone. Yet." She looked over at a bar, and smiled slowly, "Not to mention it's the best place to fight crime, and set up a headquarters. Come on Spark." She walked though the doors.


Spark smirked and landed before walking in behind her. He trotted slightly behind her, so he could see her behind, and started speaking. "Base of opperations huh, endless supply of booze is smething I would want wheen making one of those," he told her quietly.

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Delphina sighed happily and relaxed into his his hug a bit. She found herself drifting off into sleep, and broke the hug. Hiding her shock that she'd felt that comfortable with him, she smiled. "So, you feel like you could take on the world yet?" she asked, slightly sarcastic.

Sapphire giggled, "Oh, where to beGIN! Nightfall has terrible sleeping issues, lot of nightmares. It all really comes down to his stress and blood preasure levels, which is why I personally make his coffee and brownies every day, and bring it tohim, and wait until he's had time with Maven or Delphina, before even THINKING about taking him bad news."

She raised an eyebrow, "Enjoying the show?" She slowed her pace until they were walking next to eachother, denying him his acquired veiw. "First, we must establish which bar is ours, so that ponies won't mess with it too much. And we're going to want a better bar in the area, so we'll look around."

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Delphina sighed happily and relaxed into his his hug a bit. She found herself drifting off into sleep, and broke the hug. Hiding her shock that she'd felt that comfortable with him, she smiled. "So, you feel like you could take on the world yet?" she asked, slightly sarcastic.


Sapphire giggled, "Oh, where to beGIN! Nightfall has terrible sleeping issues, lot of nightmares. It all really comes down to his stress and blood pressure levels, which is why I personally make his coffee and brownies every day, and bring it to him, and wait until he's had time with Maven or Delphina, before even THINKING about taking him bad news."


"Not quite. I'd need more rest and some brownies and coffee that Sapphire makes, but I'm getting there. And it's mostly thanks to you."


"I guess that's why I could see him still easily with you; you solve pretty much all problems. I'd bet if you were to spend a night or two with him, just you and him alone, all his problems would fade."

She winked at Sapphire, and then laughed.

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Delphina blushed, "You don't really talk about your time with Sapphire, Nighty. How WAS being with the best cook on the force, who seems to enjoy paperwork and keeping the station running." She was obviously curious, and teasing him at the same time. Her eyes closed she waited.


Sapphire blushed and giggled nervously. "We'll, I could never help him with his nightmares, not like Delphina can. When he was with me, he would get about an hour of restful sleep. Most nights, I'd try not to sleep so I could bake and sing for him, but I just... He wasn't for me. So I let him go. And then I found you, and at first, you seemed dangerous, and mean. But now you don't want to kill Nightfall, and you're honest, and pretty, and you like brownies!" Sapphire grinned wide and planted a kiss on Speedy's cheek. "Besides, me spending a night with Nighty would only cause more problems. ESPECIALY if Delphina thought anything... Else went on."

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Delphina blushed, "You don't really talk about your time with Sapphire, Nighty. How WAS being with the best cook on the force, who seems to enjoy paperwork and keeping the station running." She was obviously curious, and teasing him at the same time. Her eyes closed she waited.


Sapphire blushed and giggled nervously. "We'll, I could never help him with his nightmares, not like Delphina can. When he was with me, he would get about an hour of restful sleep. Most nights, I'd try not to sleep so I could bake and sing for him, but I just... He wasn't for me. So I let him go. And then I found you, and at first, you seemed dangerous, and mean. But now you don't want to kill Nightfall, and you're honest, and pretty, and you like brownies!" Sapphire grinned wide and planted a kiss on Speedy's cheek. "Besides, me spending a night with Nighty would only cause more problems. ESPECIALY if Delphina thought anything... Else went on."


"That was... interesting. My nightmares were a bit worse, but I had seen more death and destruction in that time than now. She was... She was able to keep my nightmares at bay. I probably would have gone crazy and maybe even killed myself if those dreams continued."

He blushed a little.


Speedy blushed.

"But what if we all agreed on it? And you and him promised nothing frisky?"

"I was hoping maybe they would get frisky, but oh well."

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Delphina sighed, "I never was as good at solving problems as that white little unicorn, even when she was Den's other." A thought struck her suddenly, "Nightfall, you aren't... Bi, are you? I mean, not that I care, but you would've been seeing Den AND Sapphire. I'm sure Den remembers that!"


Sapphire shot Speedy a look, "You're not trying to give me away are you?" Sapphire looked at her hooves, "I know I'm not perfect, but give me some time! I promise, I'll be the best marefriend I can possibly be!" Sapphire had one of her mood swings-all of her zest just seemed to puff right out of her little chest.

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Delphina sighed, "I never was as good at solving problems as that white little unicorn, even when she was Den's other." A thought struck her suddenly, "Nightfall, you aren't... Bi, are you? I mean, not that I care, but you would've been seeing Den AND Sapphire. I'm sure Den remembers that!"


Sapphire shot Speedy a look, "You're not trying to give me away are you?" Sapphire looked at her hooves, "I know I'm not perfect, but give me some time! I promise, I'll be the best marefriend I can possibly be!" Sapphire had one of her mood swings-all of her zest just seemed to puff right out of her little chest.


"Me? Bi? No, no, no! I was just... it was just... Sapphire made, and sometimes makes, me happy, Den is like a brother. No, I'm not bi!"

His blush got worse.


"I'm not trying to give you away!"

She hugged her marefriend, and kissed her cheek.

"I'm just trying to get Nightfall back to 100% so we can have more alone time!"

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She laughed, and took a step back. "The thought never, not once, crossed your mind that maybe using Den's body, however feminized, might just be a little bit... Weird? I mean, Den is strong, and he's got that kind of protective thing going on for him. I mean, there's a lot of things that pegasus can do."


Sapphire looked a little better, "Nightfall is going to be just fine. Delphina's totally taking care of him, with lots of love, patience, and music. Did I mention she used to play first-chair concert cellist for the Manehatton orchestra? If she ever offers to play for you, don't turn it down. She's good."

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