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private The Amulet of the Eventide (RP)


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(OK, I think everyone's more or less ready) 


- time skip - 


Discharge had been awake for the whole journey. He didn't speak either, he simply stared out the window staying alert for anything that may have gone wrong. The entire journey was uneventful, save for a few merchant travelers on the roads. All of a sudden, the carriage Discharge, Aqua and Quip where riding in began to bump around violently, and then it eventually slammed over to one side, sending Discharge smashing against the door, knocking it open and falling out on his back and cracking his head on the ground. He managed to look around, seeing one of the wheels on the carriage had shattered on the rough terrain, and the other two carriages slowing to a halt just behind his own. There was a loud ringing in his ears, over which he could hear an inaudible mumble of voices coming from what he assumed was the carriage owner and the other ponies, before he blacked out completely. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Lost Knowledge had been totally lost in thought, but he snapped out of it with a start when he heard the other carriage crash. He jumped out of the carriage before it had even come to stop and hurried over to where Discharge was lying on the ground. He immediately started examining Discharge's wounds.


"Alright, what happened here? Does anyone have any medical experience, because if not I know enough first aid and healing magic that I can probably help him, but it would be a lot easier if someone else could do it with me."

Edited by Alex-Kennedy
  • Brohoof 2

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Flame was slowly starting to fall asleep until he heard the carriage crash. He quickly grabbed onto his spear in case somepony had done something. Then he followed Lost out of the carriage. "Since we are nowhere near anyplace that would have medical attention we need to get him awake." He pulled a piece of cloth from his bag and placed it on Discharges head to soak up any blood.

  • Brohoof 1

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"Right, we also need to clean out the cuts so they don't get infected. That would be a disaster when we're so far away from a hospital. Somebody get a bucket of water, I think there was a river not too far back, try that. Come to think of it, is he the only one who got hurt? I don't think I can treat more than one person at a time."

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Maroon Sky almost jumped from his seat when one of the carriage suddenly lost its balance. Both Lost Knowledge and Flame Dancer had took initiative to help Ardent, who seemingly fall unconscious. He was relieved when Lost said that he knew some healing spells that might help Ardent. Maroon Sky snatched a nearby bucket from the carriage's driver seat and galloped to the small river they had just passed earlier. He galloped back to the group with a bucket full of water.


"Here's the water," Maroon Sky said as he placed the bucket next to Lost Knowledge. "I have some bandage and Iodine if you ever need any." With his extremely limited knowledge of first aid treatment and healing spells, Maroon Sky decided that at least he could help Lost Knowledge.


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Night Song woke up a few minutes before the crash. She stretched her forelegs and her wings and yawned. Her eyes were still blurred with sleep, but then she jumped when she heard the carriage at the front crash. She quickly grabbed her bow and her quiver and flew out of the carriage, now alert. "What just happened?!" she exclaimed, then she gasped at the sight of Discharge laying on the ground knocked-out.

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Lost Knowledge turned to Maroon Sky.


"Thank you, lad. Bring whatever supplies you have, it certainly couldn't hurt."


He took out a handkerchief and dipped it into the water, then began cleaning off Ardent's wounds. He touched his horn to Ardent's head and used the small amount of healing magic he had to stop the bleeding.


"Alright, now we just need to bandage his wounds and wait for him to wake up."

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Without speaking any further Maroon Sky cantered to his carriage and took out a roll of gauze, some cotton, and a small bottle of iodine from his saddlebag. He cantered back to Lost Knowledge and handed the first aid supplies to him. Pleased that Ardent's bleeding had stopped, he took this chance to check the damaged carriage.


"Is everypony okay?" He asked to Quip and Aqua Pura.


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Lost Knowledge nodded when the supplies were set down next to him, too focused on treating the wounds to speak. He did his best to clean and treat the wounds with the iodine and bandaged them carefully. It wasn't an expert job, but it wasn't bad for spur of the moment. 


"Alright, he should be fine, we just need to wait for him to wake up. Are the others okay?"

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@Creeping Dusk,


chatty woke up in shock. he saw the carriage toppled over on the ground. he took his stuff and flew out of the carriage as fast as he could. he shouted "WHAT THE BUCK HAPPENED!!!" he looked to see if anypony was hurt from his carriage. he though no everypony is fine thank luna. he then yelled "so what pony would do this" then he remembered something he wanted to ask now is the best time to ask it he thought "so why did we need to bring weapons does somepony want the amulate i think we all deserve to know don't you" he shouted to discharge. he then tryed to clam him self down but it was hard. seeing the danger that could happen when you are a sleep. he was on gaurd because of this. now he is angrly waiteing for an answer.



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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Aqua was asleep for most of the journey until the terrain got rougher and woke him up. He then sat staring out the window when all of a sudden, the carriage fell to one side and Dishcarge rolled out the door, in an instant Aqua grabbed his staff and slammed it into the side of the carriage, as a wedge to stop him from falling out he also grabbed Quip, but as he did some bombs rolled out of his bag and landed on the far side of the carriage. Aqua not sure what to do about the bombs held him and Quip to stop them from falling into them. Aqua replied to a ponys voice "Stay away from the carriage there are some lose bombs in here". 

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Ponysona - Aqua Pura 



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Quip had somehow managed to fall asleep, but that ended when he felt a bomb fall on his face. "Wha-?" he barely let out. He has a bit light headed from sleeping in a strange position, and it was hard to see. "What happened?..." He did in fact hear the crash, but he guessed it was one of the other carriages. He was currently being held by Aqua to keep from falling into bombs as it seemed, but it was too late, one of the bombs got scathed and it was in danger of exploding.


Quip wriggled out of Aqua's grip safely away from the bombs and rushed over to them, quickly moving all the bombs away from the carriage and into the open. He picked up the scathed bomb, but luckily it was only one of the hand grenades.


Trying to ignore Chatty as much as he could, Quip moved back from the rest of the bombs and threw it away from everypony. Only the worst of things could happen, and it did.


The bomb exploded before it even got 5 feet away, and Quip took a lot of fragments to the right side of his body. Quip was in shock from what just happened. "Kaboom..." he muttered before falling onto his left side, unbelieving of what just occurred. His eyes wide open.


(...what? I had to do something interesting as well  :unsure: )

  • Brohoof 2

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Flame darted over to Quip and placed a blanket under his head. "Ah buck." He muttered, staring at all the pieces from the grenade that had lodged themselves into Quip. "Bandages, tweezers and something to get rid of all this blood. Also something to clean up the wounds." He said, Grabbing an old rag from his bag and putting pressure on one of the large wound's, trying to stop the bleeding.

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Lost Knowledge rushed the supplies over to where Flame was examining Quip's wounds.


"Bandages, cotton, and iodine. I don't think we have any tweezers, maybe we can use a knife if anypony has one."


He turned to the rest of the group.


"Does anybody have tweezers or a knife or something we can extract the fragments with?"

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Lost Knowledge rushed the supplies over to where Flame was examining Quip's wounds.


"Bandages, cotton, and iodine. I don't think we have any tweezers, maybe we can use a knife if anypony has one."


He turned to the rest of the group.


"Does anybody have tweezers or a knife or something we can extract the fragments with?"

"Thanks Lost. We just need something so we can get the small fragments out of him...your unicorn magic would work, but if some of the shards are deep, you need to be extra careful not hit any of his arteries." He said, cleaning some of the wounds with the iodine.

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If the carriage crashing didn't work, the explosion snapped Goldseek back to the normal world. "What the?" He looked around. He had slept through this? He noticed Discharge lying on the ground. The carriage had exploded and another of the ponies was down. Everypony was dashing around, trying to help them. He sighed, knowing he'd best help.

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Lost Knowledge sighed. This was a lot of pressure for so early in their mission.


"Alright, just hold his body down and make sure he doesn't make any sudden movements. This has to be precise or it could cause serious damage."


Lost Knowledge began focusing his energy into his horn and prepared himself for the difficult operation. 

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Discharge found himself staring up at a huge volcano...he was alone, nopony else in sight. He felt a sudden gust of wind push him towards the mountain, and an acute pain in the back of his head. The pain intensified more and more, until he lost sight of the volcano - bits of fire in the sky taking its place. His vision blurred, and he snapped back to reality, sitting up a little and clutching his head - the ringing still present in his ears, and a warm feeling on his hooves that he noticed was his own blood. 


"Wha...what the hell happened?" he slurred, noticing the huddle of ponies around a bright green stallion he recognised as Quip. 

"Is everypony alright?" he asked, hiding the panic in his voice with some confidence.

Edited by Creeping Dusk

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Lost Knowledge had just finished pulling the fragments from Quip's body when he heard Discharge behind him.


"You fell out of the carriage and injured yourself, then one of Quip's bombs blew up and he was wounded by it. I took care of it as best I could, though. I think you should both be okay with a some time to recover. Now if you'll all excuse me, magic surgery is very exhausting, so I'm going to go find somewhere to lay down."

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"Mhhhh, yeah...sure. Thanks" Discharge groaned as he rubbed his aching head some more, examining the situation they seemed to be in. The carriage driver, upon finishing his conversation with his workers, approached Discharge with a frown on his face. "This is my carriage! It's wrecked now, look at it! How are we supposed to sort this crap out? There's shrapnel in the side, it's all torn up and the wheels are broken..."

"How is this any of my fault?" Discharge interrupted. 

"IF it you hadn't wanted to come down here in the first pla-"

"If you knew what terrain your carriages could handle, more like." 

With this, the carriage driver glared at Discharge, and then stormed away back to his workers.


"Last time I use public transport to avoid suspicion" he mumbled.


Struggling to his feet, he thought best to make an announcement "Alright...everypony" his speech was a little slow, as he was busy focusing on bringing himself round completely "We...it seems we are...a little stuck. We're going to...to...to have to w-walk the rest of the wwway...does anypony have any w-water?" he asked as he flopped back, sitting down holding his head in his hooves,

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Maroon Sky's eyes widened when he saw a grenade being thrown out of the carriage. He yelled, "Look out! A grenade!" The explosion was quite ear-shattering, he got lucky that the grenade was thrown away from everypony, but the same luck wasn't applied to Quip. The stallion got the worst hit. Lost Knowledge and Flame Dancer were quick to help the bleeding stallion.


He turned to Chatty Dash, who was seemed to be at the verge of panicking. "By Celestia, calm the hell down!"




Ardent's request for water snapped Maroon Sky from his stupor. He telekinetically lifted his saddlebag from his carriage, pulled a water bottle from it and gave it to the visibly hurting pegasus. "How is your head?" He asked to Ardent. He looked at the carriage driver, who seemed to be very upset. "I guess we are on our own now."


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"Throbbing" he replied, taking the water bottle from the air and immediately drinking half of it. "Thanks" he held the bottle out, noticing just how much he drank "Oh...sorry..." he checked himself for his saddlebags, which didn't seem to be on his back at the moment "I should have some water in my pack, wherever it's gone, you can have it when we find it." 


He stood up, shook his head, stretched his wings and cracked a few joints, then finally he was back to his old self - his vision was fine, and he could stand up straight without a problem. His head was still pounding though.

Looking over at the disgruntled carriage driver, who looked now like he was instructing his workers to take the carriages back, Discharge shook his head and looked at the floor "sure looks that way. How's everypony holding up? How are you holding up?" He replied to Maroon Sky quietly, not wanting to further worry the other ponies without need.

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"There is a small river not too far from here. We can refill our water supplies," Maroon Sky said. He was about to help Ardent to his hooves, but it seemed the pegasus was way tougher than he looked. He continued, "Everypony from the other carriages is fine. A bit shocked, but nothing more. Chatty Dash panicked. Quip is going to be fine, Lost Knowledge and Flame Dancer know what they are doing.  I'm not sure about Aqua Pura, though."


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Discharge simply laughed "Me and Aqua have been through worse things than this, i'm sure he'll be just fine. There's a good chance he's actually still sleeping, mind you. What happened with Quip? I woke up and saw flames, and a huddle of ponies around him, but I don't actually know what went off." Discharge spoke with his usual tone of voice again now - confident and commanding, just like him.

  • Brohoof 1

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Quip was still slightly in shock, but he could still see everything around him and understand, but his ears were ringing and he couldn't hear anything. He felt like the bombs were betraying him or something, but it was only one bomb. This wouldn't be life scarring, but it sure would be face scarring pretty badly, that's for sure. He felt all the pain of the shards being pulled out of his face, but he couldn't react to it.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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