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private Whisper: The City of Darkness (DEAD)


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Midnight smiled and watched the unicorns practice their magic, what he wouldnt give for the magic they had, he was a little jealous, but he was sure they were jealous of his wings, able to soar above the smog and clouds that covered canterlot.

but nothing was diffrent....it was just more....gray, he wished he remembered how it used to be, with sun, stars, that all the old ponies talked about.

he shook his head, "congratulations everypony, all of you pass, and midnight?"


midnight looked up, "yes miss?"


she smiled, "cant have you failing," she smiled, "i know you didnt do anything, but, you have never been late to my class, and you have never let me down on an assignment, so im giving you a pass as well."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Ah ha! Another chance.

At last, awesomeness is within my grasp. Now, to give Gen an answer so convoluted and mysterious his mind will be completely blown and he will stand in awe of my very presence for all time.

“Nothing much.”

What is wrong with me today?! Pisces slams his head against his desk due to his inability to ever think of something remotely cool to say.

Gen Grinned, 'You alright there, Mate?' He chuckled, 'You don't see a fish do that everyday' he nudged him, still chuckling 'You know Im just kidding, bro, Im just trying to make you laugh' he but abit of cheese to his grin 'Did I succeed?'. The teacher walked in 'Hello Class, Are you ready to start?'
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Paratyl - Virgo


When the teacher wasn't looking she nudged Paratyl with the same cheeky smile

 He looked back at Tlalli, He saw a note saying 'Its a Date', he blushed deeply, The Lovey-Dovey side of him was thinking 'Your first date with Tlalli, OMC!' Meanwhile the Logical side of him was thinking 'Its a term, Get over it.', But either way, His heart did a triple flip, He smiled and wrote 'I'll see you at lunch then, Miss Amithi' on the same page, and With a Cheesy Smile, He started drawing a string of hearts in his notebook..
  • Brohoof 1


Stay Rosy! xox

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Tlalli Amithi - Taurus


Tlalli saw him write the note, 'I'll see you at lunch then, Miss Amithi', She bowed her head to him then went back to the teacher, But out of the corner of her eye..


With a Cheesy Smile, He started drawing a string of hearts in his notebook.

Tlalli was surprised by this, 'Does.. Does he like me?' she though to herself, She wasn't sure if she was Happy, Disgusted or all out Confused by this, Tlalli and Paratyl had been friends for a long time, Had he always liked her or was this just a recent thing? Though-out all of her thinking, Her friends page had been covered by a long string of hearts, Tlalli wasn't looking directly at them, Just from her side vision, She started to sort of, Smile abit, It felt good that she knowed that someone liked her, Sorta.

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Midnight streached and looked down at his textbook, alot of dark spells were inside, but he had to read the spells that were inside, as the bell rang, "alright everypony, ill see you tommorrow," midnight looked up at the clock, the first class seemed to be the longest, it ran from 9-12, and now, it was lunch time.


midnight sighed and sat in the furthest corner of the outdoor area, before pulling out his lunch box and opening it, only to have it slammed shut, "afternoon nighty."


midnight looked up, it was the school bully, and the most annoying one at that, he was a big brutish earth pony that always got what he wanted and usually hurt ponies to get it.


"afternoon, thunder, what do you want?"


he smirked,  "you, out of this school, you dont belong here, you dont have any talent."


midnight rolled his eyes, "look at yourself boy 'o', your mother payed your way in here."


alot of the ponies chuckled and thunder shot them a look, "what are you all laughin at..." he turned back to midnight, "listen you creepy little shadow pony, i could break you..."


"yeah...well, were gonna have to reschedule, beacuse right now im hungry, and i dont want yo..."


a hoof connedted with midnighs muzzle that sent him falling too the floor, where he winced and reached a hoof up to his cheek, rubbing it tenderly.


"i have had just about enough of you nighty, now im gonna shut you up."


(thats all my brain could produce at the moment x3)

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Aaand class was over. Another perfectly shitty drawing. Some black pegasus? Sagittarius wasn't even quite sure what it was he drew. Something with wings, and it looked remotely like something that had four legs, so by their powers combined, he reasoned that he managed to draw a pretty shitty-looking pegasus. And he colored it black, so there he had it. He packed up his 'artistry materials' (consisting of One [1] Yellow No. 2 Pencil, One [1] Box of Colored Pencils, and One [1] Sheet of Recently-Defiled White Paper), and slid the saddlebag onto his back to the best of his ability.

"And remember class, the homework for next week is-"

In actuality, class wasn't really quite over yet, but nopony seemed to care (or notice) when Sagittarius came or left anyway, so 'lunch time' was when he was hungry enough to leave the classroom and wait at the cafeteria. Today, that was three minutes or so ahead of the bell. As usual, nopony gave a flying feather when he walked out of the room, and the professor just kept blabbering away about the homework for the subject that Sagittarius was still on the fence about whether it was Math or Philosophy.

And so he sat. And he waited. And the lunch was declared with the usual sound of a hundred screaming angels of death, which meant he could go get his food.

And, as usual, he had quite a time trying to get the cafeteria mare's attention long enough to get his food.

Soup. Or something reminiscent of something that could once have been called soup under dim lighting by a blind stallion. Meh. Sagittarius sat himself down, and casually scanned the room while he ate.

Oh, hey. A fight.

Out came the pencils and paper.

Edited by White Out
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Paratyl - Virgo

And finally the moment of lunch had arrived, the bell rang and every pony stormed out the door, 'I'll meet you at the cafeteria, I.. I have to do something first' he said to Tlalli, Paratyl did a half smile then cantered off to the fields, when he got there, he made sure no one was around, when he was sure no one was there, He started bursting into tears and flying to the highest tree in the furthest corner away from anypony else, He needed to get out all his grief and pain. When he finished crying, he wiped his eyes with. A feather and flew back to the fields exit, He was worried that ponies where going to see his Blue mane and his cryed out eyes, so he landed and shut his eyes,then galloped though a herd of ponies to get to Tlalli, the only one who could make him smile and forget right now..

  • Brohoof 1


Stay Rosy! xox

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Tlalli Amithi - Taurus


The bell rang, Finally. Tlalli walked out with Paratyl


'I'll meet you at the cafeteria, I.. I have to do something first'

Tlalli smiled at him while he ran off 'Alright, I'll be waiting' she called, She trotted off to the cafateria with her saddlebags and got some Blueberries and Rasberries, While munching down she looked around, There was Sagittarius and afew other ponies she didn't reconise, Some were laughing, others were chatting away, and some just.. Well, Eating, What else do you expect at lunch? She looked abit more to her right and saw a pony on the ground.. Midnight. Immediately she got up and went over there

"i have had just about enough of you nighty, now im gonna shut you up."

Thunder Said, Tlalli whinnied angrily at him 'Exsuse Me, Thunder, Just what do you think your doing?' She looked down at Midnight, He looked hurt. Tlalli was abit bigger than him, So she sized him up, 'Don't do that any, Y'hear?' she stomped her hoof on the ground for an example, She then turned around to Midnight, She put a hoof out 'You Alright?' she asked

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Midnight nodded and got up with her help, wincing, "y-yeah....." he rubbed a hoof on his cheek then sighed, "thanks....."he shook his head, 


"well well, have a mare fighting your battles for you?"


midnight winced, thunders voice sounded like nails in his ears, "what of it."


thunder shook his head, "pathetic." and knocked over midnights lunchbox trotting over his food, 

"damnit thunder....." 


shaking his head, midnight collapsed too the ground, a little light headed "bastard was wearing a horseshoe...."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Tlalli Amithi - Taurus


Tlalli Neighed at Thunder, 'I have a choise you know' she growled, She was sick of thunder 'and I choose to do this' she spun around and kicked Thunder in the head, He Collasped to the ground, She went back to Midnight, 'Hes such an ass, Exsuse my language, Do you want me to take you to the infirmiry?' She kicked once more and Thunders head, Still looking at Midnight, Waiting for answers..

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Horseshoe? Sagittarius didn't even notice that.

He spat out the black pencil he'd been using to color in the recently-beaten pegasus, and switched to a nice silver-colored one.

There. Four 'U' shapes that were vaguely near the hooves of the yellow stallion. Good enough. Oh, and sunglasses too, because sunglasses were soooo cool. And who was this brown mare all the sudden? He needed to add that too. And the green gem bracelets on the front legs, for accuracy. And a green stripe on the mane and tail. Yup, he officially lost track of what he was supposed to be looking at. Ooh, and candy-red for the blood on whatshisface! And blue tears, for effect. And a sandwich on the ground.

Ohshi- Whatsherface totally kicked him! The blueish colt moved quickly to erase one of her brown legs, and draw another one connecting with the yellow guy's face. Accented with 'action marks', of course.

Sagittarius smiled to himself. It was bucking marvelous. Definitely the absolute worst thing that had ever reared its ugly head on a single piece of paper. It had a beauty only a mother could be ashamed of and want to smother in its sleep.

He calmly folded the masterpiece, and tucked it into his bag again before conjuring another blank one and taking another sip of whatever was in that bowl in front of him.

Edited by White Out
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Paratyl - Virgo


Paratyls eyes had dried up completely now, He walked into the cafeteria to see Midnight and Thunder, The bully lying on the ground with Tlalli between them, Paratyl cantered over 'Are you two aright?!' He said with a worried tone, Tlalli looked fine so he lay down next to Midnight 'You have a bit of horse shoe print on your forelock, do you need anything?' He put his wing on Midnights leg to reassure him that he'd be okay

Edited by RoseBud


Stay Rosy! xox

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Through it all, Libra had watched with an expressionless face, calculating and deliberating quietly. In the simplest of words, she was a bookworm. She read whenever she was not in class. Being interrupted by such a commotion was not something she favored. She didn't like noise. And she certainly didn't like Thunder either. The bully was just begging for a fight. By the time they all finished school, she could estimate without hesitation that, while he would be living in the slums, she would reside in a courthouse.

But she digressed.

She watched with mild satisfaction as the other students defending their classmate with courage and gusto. It was nice to see some ponies still cared for one another.

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Arianna jumped up as the bell rang.  They had some extra time at the end and she had fallen into one of her novels.  She put her books back into her bag and headed for the lunch room, planning on sitting alone with her sacked lunch like always.  The cafeteria was full by the time she got there but she could see her usual empty table and went there with a smile on her face, pulling out her novel.  For some reason she couldn't focus on it though.  She put it away after a few pages and took out her lunch.

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Aquarius was going to be late as ever, considering she was always full of energy, she had stayed up all night last night. She yawned and woke up. Glancing over to look at her clock, she gasped. She had overslept, not stopping to think, she dashed out of bed, using her dark blue aura to snatch up ever textbook that caught her eye. When she had finished packing up, she didn't even stop to make breakfast, she bolted out the door and ran as fast as her strong hooves could possibly go.


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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Scorpiok didnt like the school and started later than the others because of 'something' he said to the principal so he decided to head there now becuz he was starting ¨...another 'day'... in school¨ he shrugged it off and walked to the cafeteria with his 'light' package lunch, he found a table that was nearly empty and he thought 'well i dont want to be too crowded so i guess this is good enough' he took a seat seeing a mare reading as he got there she took out her lunch, so did he but he didnt talk to this stranger at all while taking out his dragon fish that he would eat. (dragon fish. ooooooooh ooooh)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Aquarius had thought about ditching school, but like her mother said, " Ditching school is going to affect your grade, young filly, you are already failing! " She knew she couldn't disobey her mother, she knew how far she would go in punishments, She finally came across the school, her hooves were killing her, she slowly walked in and remembered, she had forgot her lunch. No. She wasn't going all the way back home, and all the way back, but she then stupidly remembered, she has a horn, it could carry her in a magic bubble, she groaned and did so.


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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(Hey, PONI3SFTW, you can only post after two other people have posted.  It's a new rule.)


Arianna looked up.  "Hello," she smiled.  She couldn't remember if this stallion was in any of her classes but it payed to be nice.  She put her book back in her pack, accepting the fact that she wouldn't get any reading in today.

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(two ponies posted... i get to post XD)


¨Good day... If it even is day for that matter¨ he responded to the mare he was sitting with 'well you can atleast kill some time talking today instead of reading the 1500 page history book for the 10th time' ¨may i ask for your name miss?¨ Scorpiok sounded like a slum boy but acted more like an upper house man continuing to eat his lunch while he was waiting.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Midnight nodded and looked at both ponies, a slight amount of blood trickiling down his cheek "yeah....ill.....ill be fine, just a little dizzy, he caught me off guard," he shook his head, "not the worst fight ive ever been in though, last one a few months ago left me with a broken wing." he stood up wobbiling a bit, "bucking hell.....id just like to sit at a table if thats okay with you."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Midnight nodded and looked at both ponies, a slight amount of blood trickiling down his cheek "yeah....ill.....ill be fine, just a little dizzy, he caught me off guard," he shook his head, "not the worst fight ive ever been in though, last one a few months ago left me with a broken wing." he stood up wobbiling a bit, "bucking hell.....id just like to sit at a table if thats okay with you."

At this point, Libra had slowly made her way over to the scene. Relieved that no one had been hurt to seriously, she turned to Midnight and smiled in an open, friendly way.

"If you'd like a place to sit, you're welcome to join me." She offered, and then turned to the pony standing beside him, "and by the way, that was a very brave and nice thing to do. You don't see ponies defending one another like that anymore..."

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Arianna smiled.  "My name is Arianna," she said. "And yours?"  She opened the sack, pulling out a muffin and unwrapping it.  "I don't think I've seen you that much around here.  It is day though.  We would still be sleeping if it wasn't."  She took a small bite of the muffin with a smile.

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He looked up at her ¨my name is Scorpiok Dragonbone¨ He continued to eat his fish as she said that she have not seen him much around here ¨well that is actully because i am very unnoticed by all since i start at a different time. Oh, okay but i didnt sleep last 'night' so i shouldn't really know¨ he looked at his fish again and started eating (didnt tell you all his last name  surprise)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Gen Grinned, 'You alright there, Mate?' He chuckled, 'You don't see a fish do that everyday' he nudged him, still chuckling 'You know Im just kidding, bro, Im just trying to make you laugh' he but abit of cheese to his grin 'Did I succeed?'. The teacher walked in 'Hello Class, Are you ready to start?'

Pony Psychology moved extra slow that day for Pisces. It's just going to be one of those days. Eventually after several hours the sound  of "a hundred screaming angels of death" echos throughout the room to signify lunch.

Wait a minute, where did that analogy come from? Pisces never remembered coming up with that metaphor. Oh well, wherever it came from it was not important, so Pisces decided to just ignore it.


With class over, Pisces headed to lunch hoping they would have something along the lines of kelp. By the six, did he love seafood!

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At this point, Libra had slowly made her way over to the scene. Relieved that no one had been hurt to seriously, she turned to Midnight and smiled in an open, friendly way.

"If you'd like a place to sit, you're welcome to join me." She offered, and then turned to the pony standing beside him, "and by the way, that was a very brave and nice thing to do. You don't see ponies defending one another like that anymore..."

midnight nods ":i-i would like that."

he smiled back, a bit taken aback by her friendlyness but relieved, "t-thank you." he didnt know much about libra, but he shared a few classes with her, he remembered that she wanted to be a lawyer, or something to that nature, and midnight wanted to join the CIA (canterlot Intelligence agency) but it was hard going to become an agent, almost impossible, but a stallion can dream.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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