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Rainbow dash was laying on her cloud reading a daring do book as she listened to Hanks music. when she heard her name being called, she looked over the side and saw lightning. she smiles "wow.. so cute.." she flies off and did a flip and lands infront of lightning. "Hello."

Lightning felt a bit tongue tied for a moment, thinking to himself to play it cool, then he said, "Hi. I've always wanted to meet you, aren't you the best flyer in all of Equestria? I'm trying to be a good flyer too, and I'd love you to help me. I won't ever be as good as you, tho."


He thought to himself that Rainbow Dash was really cute, but didn't really want to say anything just yet.



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Rainbow smiles "yeah i am the best.. i can see that you are trying really hard to be an amazing flyer. i would love to help you." She took a step closer "whats your name cutie?"


Hank sighs "im not sure.. i think its because that they arejealous of what we could have done." He holds celestia close.


Twilight holds somber close



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"My name's Lightning," the patched pegasus replied. "Ever since I was just a colt, I always wanted to join a flying team like my mother did. I got my cutie mark cuz I was really fast at flying. I've always wanted to meet you." He also wanted to tell Rainbow that she was pretty, but didn't know how to put it.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Rainbow nods "its nice to meet you lightning. You seem cool to hang out with. and trust me. When im done with you. You will be in a flying group. But not the wonderbolts." She sighs "i cant even get into it." She smiles "well lightning is a cute name. Maybe you can be my coltfriend?"



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"Wow, I'd love to be your coltfriend!" Lightning gasped. "I was hoping for the Cloudchasers, actualyl; my mother was in that flying team. Will you show me how to land properly? I keep crashing whenever I try landing. It really hurts and it looks very bad whenever I crash."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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rainbow smiles "thats good. and i would love to help you get into that group." She giggles "i can help you with your landing it shouldnt even be that hard." She kisses him deeply "you read the daring do books? I love those books. I never read until i read that book."



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Lightning blushed and returned the kiss. Eventually, he said, "I don't really read. But if you say those books are good, that's good enough for me. Maybe I could get them out the library or something. Anyway, I'd love you to show me how to land properly and so that I don't hurt myself."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Rainbow smiles "trust me you will love them. Ill go get the first book for you." She zooms in and out "here ." She smiles as the book is on her back "here you go. the first book." She smiles still "and landing is a hard thing to do. But i can teach you. all you need is balance.'



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Rocket had fallen asleep next to Sam, who was thinking about other stuff. Rainbow Dashs flying had women her from her trance. (Hmmm rocket will get a kick out of this) Sam thought as she nudged rocket awake.


Rocket woke up to lightning and rainbow dash kissing. "Awwwww! This day is the best day ever!" He said with a sleepy smile. Sam giggled at rockets reaction.


SIgnature by Reverie


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Hank smiles as he watches rainbow dash and lightning "they make a cute couple." He yawns as both him and celestia hold each other close as their nose touches and they fell asleep.


Twilight smiles at hank and celestia "aww.. thats so cute." She giggles as she holds somber



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Aryios was lounging on a cloud unaware to what was going on reading his book it was a old book that looked like it has seen better days  then he heard some talking down on the ground and when he did he saw his friends having a good time something was telling him to go down and join in on the fun then he thought to him self. "Why must they be so loud" Aryios got up and stretched his wings and then he said. "Well i might as well go down and see whats up"

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Hank wakes up after hearing rainbow talk to lightning. He smiles as he looks at aryios "hey Aryios! You came downhere to relax with us?" He smiles.


Celestia nods "yea Aryios come and join in. You missed hank play his guitar earlier ago. Do you want anything to drink?"

Hank is drinking hard cider



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Aryios walked over to the group and said "I didnt come down here to relax i was already relaxing reading a good book" he said with an irritated sound in is voice. He looked over at hank and said. " I actually enjoyed the music i found it oddly relaxing" Aryios looked over and noticed a cooler full of drinks he walks over and sees a bottle of green tea  "Oh is this green tea i love green tea i clam this drink" Aryios said with a commanding voice. As he started to drink he noticed two Pegasus that he has never seen before. He looked over at celestia and said "Who's the Pegasus?" 

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Hank smiles "thank you. You will hear more the more you are with us." He tried to get up and fell on celestia.

Twilight giggles at hank.


Celestia smiles "well. The rainbow one is rainbow dash, the one with her is her coltfriend lightning. they are cute together."



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Aryios thought to himself. "I fail to find how this is cute." As aryios sat back and watched his friends having fun his head started to hurt like a throbbing pain aryios griped his head in pain "What is all this...these memories....what are they?" he thought to himself trying to mask the pain as to not alert the others.

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Hank and celestia look at him noticing the pain "aryios.. will you tell us whats wrong? We can help you." Celestia says.


Hank smiles "yea. can we? My AIs can cure headaches." He smiles

Twilight smiles as she got cider and relaxes and reads a book while sipping the cider.



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"It's nothing just took a drink too fast so dont worry about me im fine." Aryios said trying to reassure celestia and hank. But then another wave a pain washed over his ahead "What....are ....these....visions ...or...are they something else?" The pain was so intense unlike anything he has ever felt he tried to stand up but as he stood his eyes rolled into his head and he blacked out hitting the ground with a thud. 

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Celestia gasps as she used her magic to bring him inside. "Hank i approve of you to go inside his head and see the problem."


Hank gulps and nods as his eye change so all 13 collors fills his eye and he fell down as the 13 AI went inside Aryios' head to see what is wrong.



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As the Al's traveled through aryios mind they finally reached the first memory. As the Al's looked around they saw who they thought to be aryios except it was a younger version of aryios he was sittling down on the ground crying and then a mare appeared standing next to the young aryios the mare was fairly tall her sliver mane flowed so smoothly as if it were silk the mares body was a white color her eyes were crystal blue color. The mare walked over to the young aryios and said " Whats the matter my little ari why are you crying?" The Al's didnt know who the mare was so they sent a message to back to hank.

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Hank saw everything as he says "that pony.. looks familiar.. is that his mom?" He asked himself as he kept watching through the AIs eyes.


The AIs kept watching them observing every little detail so that they can comfort him when he needs it. They also made sure they can see everything as they go to every angle.



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The white mare stroked young aryios mane with a look of gentleness in her eyes then the mare said " Little Ari please tell me whats wrong you know you can tell me anything." Young Aryios looked up at the mare as started wiping  the tears from his eyes and said" The elders said that i was a stain on the family's name not worthy to be the heir of the estate" The mare let out a slight chuckle and then she said " No my dear you're not a stain on our family besides did i ever tell how much i love you. You are so special you have a great gift blessed by the goddess  herself dont let them get you down."

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The AIs smile as they listen "wow. He had a rough life already.. kind of like hank.. but he got kidnapped and sold at the crystal empire for sombra.." they kept watching the two wondering what other surprises are coming. "Is she one of his family member?" They asked each other



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The scene changed there was  alot of ponies gathered around a bed where the white mare was laying she looked weak her body was a plale color her mane was unruly like it hasnt been kept young aryios ran to the bed crying and he said  "Dont leave me what about  you're promise you said that you would be with me forever. The white mare embraced young ariyos and said " Im so sorry my little ari i know you were looking foward to me taking you the summer sun celebration but know this my little ari i will always love you even if my body is longer here my spirit will always be with you in you're heart." The white mare let out a painful breath then the white mare fell silent. 

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The AIs watched as tears formed as they cried. Meanwhile hank burst into tears as celestia holds hank.


Hank is crying as he wished he could have done something to help Aryios knowing his pain.


The AIs kept watching wanting to see what will happen next.



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Young aryios sat alone crying in the living area he said" Why did you have to leave me all alone" Then another pony entered the room it was a tall rugged stallion with a dark brown coat with a straight white mane one of the most proment features was a scar over the stallions left eye. The stallion said "Suck it up you're not supposed to cry" Then the stallion walked over to the young aryios and raised hoof and struck aryios sending him flying into a wall his body fell on the floor with a loud thud. The stallion walked over the young colts body and he said" You're soft just like you're mother if you are going to be my son then you better straighten up or i will beat you till you stop!" As the stallion went to raise his hoof for another strike another pony walked in and said "Forgive me my lord elder ryko would like to see you" The stallion let our a disgusted sigh "Again i cant stand that old geezer" Then he looked down at young aryios and said " We will finish this later" Then the stallion walked out of the room leaving young aryios curled up on the floor in a ball.Then young aryios said "I hate you dad"

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