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The next day at the celebration hank and shining armor took guard at the stairway to the princesses to protect them.






Celestia smiles "thats hank we are talking about he can do anything infact he already knows how. And Sombra. You better not be messing up our relationship.



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The next day at the celebration hank and shining armor took guard at the stairway to the princesses to protect them.






Celestia smiles "thats hank we are talking about he can do anything infact he already knows how. And Sombra. You better not be messing up our relationship.


"Haha oh yea? well have your precious little hanky poo prove it" sombra taunted, "and I want him to turn rocket into a crystal"


Rocket looked in horror, "umm what now?"


Sombra laughed, "if hank does this, I will

Leave his head alone, and I will

Also aid him with spells. So chop chop, I want to see a crystal rocket now!"


Rocket looked at hank and sighed, "do it hank, this will Make life way easier!"


SIgnature by Reverie


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Today was the day of the summer sun celebration the twins were up bright and early "Come on brother hurry up were going to be late." Aryia said hastily "By celestia's graces the event doesnt start for another two hours we have time so come and eat you're breakfast before it gets cold." Aryia proceeded to devour her breakfast "Man it seems like no matter how much i feed her she seems to burn it off and asks for more." He thought to himself cracking a slight smile. Aryia looked over at her brother and noticed he had a  look of seriousness on his face "Brother whats wrong." she asked childishly "No its nothing i was just thinking of how much fun you are going to have." he said calmly "Now go get ready to go i modified the badges that we got in the mail to clip to our cloaks to keep it from separating." "Ok brother" Aryia leapt up from the table and ran up the stairs. Aryios looked at his hoof and he was shaking "What is this feeling i feel like something big is going to happen but what.?" he thought to himself quietly. Aryios proceeded to walk to his room so he could get ready himself. 

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Hank got replaced with another guard as he went up to the princesses where he watches off the balcony. He had the same armor as shining armor as he smiles.







Hank sighs "i dont want to lose a friens but.." he makes. Rocket out of a crystal "there. A crystal rocket."



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The twins were ready to go each dressed in very nice clothing "So brother how do i look dont i look pretty." Aryia said as she twirled around like a dancer getting ready to preform and as she was spinning Aryios thought to himself "She reminds me so much of mother so pure and innocent that it almost makes me think mother is standing right here."  "Alright lets go we dont want to be late to the event."  the twins walked out the door and into the town square the whole town was sparking with activity as all the ponies were getting ready for the event. As they reached the grounds two armored pegasus stopped them "Halt no civilians past this point." "But sir we have these badges." Aryia flashed her badge "Oh those are princess cadence emblems." The two pegasus retracted there wings and said "A thousand pardons friends please right this way." As the Guards escorted the twins to the special VIP section the caught glimpses of ponies dressed in extravagant clothing. As they reached the VIP Section where the princesses and staff were sitting they were greeted by hank and shining armor. 

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Hank got replaced with another guard as he went up to the princesses where he watches off the balcony. He had the same armor as shining armor as he smiles.







Hank sighs "i dont want to lose a friens but.." he makes. Rocket out of a crystal "there. A crystal rocket."


Sombra is shocked, "you... You actually did it?" He looks at him and feels a Pang of .... Guilt. He immediately transforms rocket back to normal.

Something happens with sombra. He feels bad, like he did something wrong. Never in his life had he saw any pony actually do that before.


Rocket gasped and looked around. "Hey I'm

Still alive yay!"


Sombra looks around and says. "We'll, a deals a

Deal, I will aid you in your magic. You have proven yourself worthy." He looks at hank and asks, "but why would you do that, everypony else I asked refused!"


Sombra feels a conflict going off in his brain, (why do i feel bad for forcing a pony to make another crystal this time? Was it because rocket reassured hank?) sombra asked himself.


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Hank looked really scarry now as he is in armor.

Shining smiles "you two must be Aryios and Aryias if im correct." He smiles as he got Cadence.

Cadence smiles "you two must be the twins hank told me all about. Is there anything you two want that i can get you?" She smiles.




Hank smiles "well sombra. its because i show no emotion. If i had to sacrafice a friend for my sanit, i would do it. But. He wanted me to do it so i showed no emotion and done it. If he stayed a crystal. I would have undone it myself anyways."



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Aryia let a squeel "Oh my gosh its rly princess cadence." She ran towards her to give her a hug but was stopped in midair and was levitated back to aryios's side . "Now sister that isnt how you are to greet royalty." Aryia scowled at him for ruining her fun "It is always a pleasure be granted an audience with ponies of you're caliber." Aryios bowed as a sign of respect "Forgive my sister for she can be rather um...whats the word ah yes outgoing." He said in a refined manner. 

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Cadence smiles "aryios, i dont mind what she does. She doesnt have to bow. I dont really like that." She smiles and hugs Aryias. "Thank hank for everything he did for this to happen." She smiles. Hank wasnt watching them as he looks ot the balcony watching the crowd "shining be on your guard. This is a good time for an attack on the princesses. stay alert. Remember what i tought you."



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Lightning was going to the summer sun celebration with Rainbow Dash, feeling excited.


Glory the Pegacorn had arrived in Canterlot and was feeling way over her head. She walked thru the town, a panicky feeling coming over her as tho she wanted to just run away and not stop til she got back to her home in the griffin country. But she just had to tell the Princesses the news of her vision of doom, even if they wouldn't believe her, cuz she would never forgive herself if she didn't.



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Rainbow holds Lightning "lightning. Im glad i met you. I really am."


Princess Cadence is at the balcony noticing glory as she flew down to her "excuse me. Is there something wrong? Something bothering you?" She nuzzles her neck "im princess Cadence. Whats your name."



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"I'm glad, too," Lightning replied, happily wing-hugging his marefriend.


Glory started in shock. "Um, my name's Glory," she stammered out. "I have to see the Princesses at once... it's very important." She rustled her wings in agitation; Princess Cadance was an alicorn, and what was she? A poor imitation, really. Pegacorns were extremely rare; mostly, a union between a pegasus and a unicorn simply produced foals who were one or the other. Glory sometimes wished that she had been lucky enough to be one or the other, rather than being both and feeling inferior to everypony. Especially if they expected her to do something amazing, cuz they'd mistaken her for an alicorn.



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Rainbow smiles "so lightning.. is there anything you want to do right now?". She went to the library and made herself a hay sandwich.


Cadence sighs "im a princess... Luna is asleep... And celestia is in ponyville with her new stallionfriend." She smiles "are you a pegacorn?"



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"We could go flying, maybe," Lightning replied. "And you could show me some of your tricks."


"That's right," Glory replied, shyly. "Ponies often mistake me for an alicorn, but I'm not. I don't look like one, it's just that I have a unicorn horn and wings, so they automatically assume that I am. I've never been to Equestria before; I've lived my whole life in the griffin country up in the mountains."



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Rainbow smiles 'if you want to fly. Im down for it. Lets go." She smiles and kisses him as she waits for him.


Cadence nods "ill take you to ponyville ok?" She smiles "ill teleport us there." She smiles as he horn glows and they both teleport just outside of rockets house.



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Hank smiles "well sombra. its because i show no emotion. If i had to sacrafice a friend for my sanit, i would do it. But. He wanted me to do it so i showed no emotion and done it. If he stayed a crystal. I would have undone it myself anyways."

Sam looked at rocket and asked, "how did it feel" rocket thought for a second and turned to her and replies, "it felt cold, just cold"


Sombra looked at hank and said, "well, you win this round, I will aid you" then a loud boom was heard in the room and sombra was gone


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Celestia smiles "im glad you trusted hank. I really am. Hoe can we repay you?" She bows.

Hank smiles "i know i won.. and now i got sombras magic. This will be fun. But im worried.. he could still corrupt me." He sighs "he could have put a spell for the more i use his magic. The more i become corrupted."



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Celestia smiles "im glad you trusted hank. I really am. Hoe can we repay you?" She bows.

Hank smiles "i know i won.. and now i got sombras magic. This will be fun. But im worried.. he could still corrupt me." He sighs "he could have put a spell for the more i use his magic. The more i become corrupted."

Rocket smiled, "of course I trust him! after all, he is my best friend" rocket said, looking over to hank.


Sam looked at hank, worried, " well, we just have to see what happens, we'll find out soon enough." then she smiled, "but hey! you have some stronger magic now, so that's cool!"


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Rainbow smiles 'if you want to fly. Im down for it. Lets go." She smiles and kisses him as she waits for him.


Cadence nods "ill take you to ponyville ok?" She smiles "ill teleport us there." She smiles as he horn glows and they both teleport just outside of rockets house.

Lightning was glad enough to fly after Rainbow.


Glory jumped nervously as they arrived outside a strange house. "Where are we?" she asked Cadance. "I don't even know who lives in this place, will they mind me being here outside their home like this?" Glory looked even more nervy than before.



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Celestia smiles "im glad you trusted hank. I really am. Hoe can we repay you?" She bows.

Hank smiles "i know i won.. and now i got sombras magic. This will be fun. But im worried.. he could still corrupt me." He sighs "he could have put a spell for the more i use his magic. The more i become corrupted." Celestia kisses hank and smiles

Rainbow flies around and smiles.


Cadence smiles "well. Celestia is in there." She knocks on the door as celestia opens the door "hi cadence who is your friend?"


Cadence smiles "this is glory. she needs to talk to you."

Edited by kappa214



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Glory took a few deep breaths so that she wouldn't stammer; it was very intimidating for her to finally meet Celestia. "Your majesty," she began. "I come here to warn of a great danger that is going to come to Equestria. My talent is for prophecy, and tho I have often gotten visions before, none have been this bad. The vision reads of strong magic and an ancient evil that will rise again to attack Equestria. I just wanted to give you warning."



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Celestia nods as she listens "well thank you for the warning.. do you know if the evil is king sombra? Because he is in one of my guard's head and i need to know if he could be trusted. I dont want my guard.. and my coltfriend.. to get hurt.. from what sombra can do."



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Celestia smiles "im glad you trusted hank. I really am. Hoe can we repay you?" She bows.

Hank smiles "i know i won.. and now i got sombras magic. This will be fun. But im worried.. he could still corrupt me." He sighs "he could have put a spell for the more i use his magic. The more i become corrupted." Celestia kisses hank and smiles

Rainbow flies around and smiles.


Rocket smiles and laughs, "after everything your did for me and are doing for me and sam? you don't owe me anything princess!"


sam looks at celestia, "yea, princess, don't worry. you don't owe me and rocket anything, we owe you for all the deeds you are doing us!"


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Celestia smiles at rocket and sam "but without you both. Hank would have been hurt.. and controlled by sombra.. i just hope he can keep his word and not hurt hank.. i hope he doesnt find out about the bluff." She sighs "well.. if sombra takes control we will beat him."



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Celestia nods as she listens "well thank you for the warning.. do you know if the evil is king sombra? Because he is in one of my guard's head and i need to know if he could be trusted. I dont want my guard.. and my coltfriend.. to get hurt.. from what sombra can do."


Glory replied, looking troubled, "I had a specific vision which seems to speak of a different evil. I don't know what creatures they are, but they were huge horse shaped spirits and seemed to freeze the very air around them. Sombra might be a part of it, but maybe not. I have spent years doing my best to interpret my visions, but I don't want to alarm you when Sombra might not be involved. But these winter spirits are what appeared in my prophecy; perhaps you know of which I speak? I have never lived in Equestria so I don't know all the legends."




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