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Hank looks at him "are you ok? Your heart started to pick up pace and you started to look scared. can i please ask what is wrong?" He stood next to him and looks out the same window "i will do my best to keep you all safe." He smiles warmly "but if i dont.. im sorry.. for it happening."



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"Oh its just you hank." Aryios said startled . Once aryios calmed down he said "Its nothing rly just got alittle dizzy for a minute. He said calmly. Aryios walked over and grabbed a glass of water but as he was just about to take a drink the glass fell out of his hooves and he fell to the floor cluthing his head in pain. Then he started to see flashes of images he couldnt make out any of but there was one he could make out he could have sworn it was him but this one looked more sinister and evil. "No this cant be happening no...no." Then he Shouted as loud as he could "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Aryios was laying on the floor clucthing his head in pain ,And just then shining armor,Cadence, and three guard ponies rushed in the room "Hey i heard the commotion whats going on." Shining Armor asked.

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Hank smiles "because we wanted you to have fun and point where you want things."


Celestia looks at what sam drew and smiles as she made the items appear in the room "so do you like where everything is at?" she smiles happily.


Nurse Redheart smiles "well thank you sam."

"Alirght, wow the office looks really good Sam" rocket said


Sam smiles, "thank you ms redheart, and thanks rocket, princess celestia did it perfectly!" She looks over to celestia, "it looks magnificent, princess. Thank you so much for your help!" She looks around and imagines how much work she will get here, she is happy and excited to get started.


Rocket smile, "Sam, you look so happy right now. It's so cute!"


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Hank gulps "what did you see! Tell us. We ca help you. Shining, guards guard the door!" He looks at aryios "everything will be fine."





Celestia smiles "thank you. But you designed it. I just placed it." She grins.


Hank sighs "sombra show yourself now.. i want to talk to you.."



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Aryios was having a full body panic attack "Its.....coming....darkness....fire...pony bodys." The more aryios talked the more scared he got. "Wait i know what will calm him down." Aryia thought to herself. she ran over to a cabinet and opened it. It had instruments of all kinds she looked around and found a violin she tuned up the instrument and started to play a calming tune. As Aryia played aryios heard the song. "Thats mothers song." His whole body stopped shaking and he fell into a peaceful sleep. "Whew that scary." she said "Im glad i still know how to play that song." she said calmly "That was the song our mother used to play for us when we couldnt sleep and looks like it still works." she said with confidence

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Hank took a step back as he listens to Aryia plays. "I might need to know that song incase this happens again and your not here." He sighs "for some odd reason.. it feels that something bad will happen. I might need more guards outside incase something does happen."



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As Aryios slept blissfully unaware of what was going on around him. "I think its about time i told them the truth." Aryia thought to her self "Um everyone i need tell you all something very important." Aryia said seriously. Everypony in the room sat down on the sofa. "Ok now that i have you're undivided attention i feel its time for me to reveal something that is no to be ever spoken of outside these walls understand." Aryia said with a commanding tone. Everypony shook there heads in agreement. Aryia's voice changed it became more mature and soft "My brother isnt what he seems to be." She said "My brother is the catalyst for my fathers power a power that if left unchecked could potentially spell disaster for all equestria." "I have know about this for years but i promised mother that i would not tell him intill he was old enough to control his power." she said in a gentle tone. "Im am not his real sister i was created by his parents to watch over him intill it was his time to inherit my fathers power for himself his real sister died many moons ago. "And i am the just a mere shell that houses his sisters soul and that tune i played was actually an incantation written in music form to hide it from those who wish to use him for evil. this tune puts his body into a coma like state he will wake up later and not know what happened" "I know its alot to take but im telling the truth." she said in her normal voice.

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Hank sighs "so what you are telling me and the princesses is that he has a power that he doesnt know.. and its really strong.. well maybe once he becomes older.. celestia and i could help him train it for good.. and i think i made a good choice selecting him to join the school."

Edited by kappa214



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Glory made her way to the library deep in thought. She had been sure that the Windigoes were the only threat to Equestria, then as she reached the library, she suddenly had another terrifying vision, this one of creatures who could take the shape of anypony they chose, who harboured feelings of hate and revenge against Equestria and who were somehow linked to her earlier prophecy. The pegacorn stood still on the spot as the terrifying vision faded; she didn't know whether to run back to where Celestia was, or stay where she was. Perhaps there was a pony at the library who could help her?



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Lightning dash was flying over ponyville seeing Glory as he lands next to her "hey something wrong? Do you need to talk to twilight sparkle? Cause we are almost there. Lets go." He starts to walk to twilight making sure glory is following. Once they arrived at the library. Lightning says "here we are. Twilights home."



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Hank gulps "what did you see! Tell us. We ca help you. Shining, guards guard the door!" He looks at aryios "everything will be fine."





Celestia smiles "thank you. But you designed it. I just placed it." She grins.


Hank sighs "sombra show yourself now.. i want to talk to you.."

Rocket backs up as a deal shadow forms in the middle of the room, then fire forms and sombra appears.


"What do you want, hank" sombra commands


Rocket cowers by Sam, who is just standing normally. Rocket sees that he is the only one scared and puts on a brave face and watches to see what will happen. He is also wondering what hank wants with sombra.


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Lightning dash was flying over ponyville seeing Glory as he lands next to her "hey something wrong? Do you need to talk to twilight sparkle? Cause we are almost there. Lets go." He starts to walk to twilight making sure glory is following. Once they arrived at the library. Lightning says "here we are. Twilights home."

"Princess Celestia said that I could maybe stay here," Glory said, hesitatingly. "I came to warn the Princesses about a vision I had, and Celestia said that I could stay at the library. I've never been to Equestria before; I've lived my entire life in the griffin country in the mountains."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Rocket backs up as a deal shadow forms in the middle of the room, then fire forms and sombra appears. "What do you want, hank" sombra commands Rocket cowers by Sam, who is just standing normally. Rocket sees that he is the only one scared and puts on a brave face and watches to see what will happen. He is also wondering what hank wants with sombra.

Hank looks at him "Sombra.. tell me why you ripped off my wings and smashed my horn.. i need to know why.. were you afraid of the power i was holding?"


"Princess Celestia said that I could maybe stay here," Glory said, hesitatingly. "I came to warn the Princesses about a vision I had, and Celestia said that I could stay at the library. I've never been to Equestria before; I've lived my entire life in the griffin country in the mountains."

Lightning dash nods "well go tell twilight." Twilight looks at them both "tell twilight what?"


Lightning dash smiles "can glory stay here? she never been to Equestria.. she lived in the griffin country in the mountains. so twilight.. let her ok?"


Twilight nods "sure of course she can! ill show her where she will stay." 



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Hank looks at him "Sombra.. tell me why you ripped off my wings and smashed my horn.. i need to know why.. were you afraid of the power i was holding?"


Lightning dash nods "well go tell twilight." Twilight looks at them both "tell twilight what?"


Lightning dash smiles "can glory stay here? she never been to Equestria.. she lived in the griffin country in the mountains. so twilight.. let her ok?"


Twilight nods "sure of course she can! ill show her where she will stay."


Sombra sighs, "even as a young alicorn, your powers were far greater than mine. And a prophecy foretold my downfall would come from an alicorn defeating me. So I decide to take action! I took your power from you and brought you towards your death" sombra begins to grow angry, "I should have killed you on the spot!"


Rocket and Sam stare astonished by sombras confession


(Hope that's what you wanted)


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Hank sighs "so what you are telling me and the princesses is that he has a power that he doesnt know.. and its really strong.. well maybe once he becomes older.. celestia and i could help him train it for good.. and i think i made a good choice selecting him to join the school."

"Yes he has a great power that dwells inside him and i can feel my power failing to keep his power in check as the days go by but i feel in my heart that he can be used for the good of equestria." Aryia said in a calm tone "I have seen this pony's future and it is one filled with great pain and misery but just maybe there is a chance that his fate can be changed for the better so i will leave him in you're care raise him to be worthy of his fathers legacy oh and before i forget here this is for you hank. She hands hank a sheet of paper that has the calming song written on it. "Now it is time for me to depart i will continue to watch over him farewell my friends." Then in a bright burst of light Aryia was gone. 

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Sombra sighs, "even as a young alicorn, your powers were far greater than mine. And a prophecy foretold my downfall would come from an alicorn defeating me. So I decide to take action! I took your power from you and brought you towards your death" sombra begins to grow angry, "I should have killed you on the spot!" Rocket and Sam stare astonished by sombras confession (Hope that's what you wanted)


Hank nods "but why me? just because i was an alicorn.. you tortured me also.. made me bleed nonstop.."

"Yes he has a great power that dwells inside him and i can feel my power failing to keep his power in check as the days go by but i feel in my heart that he can be used for the good of equestria." Aryia said in a calm tone "I have seen this pony's future and it is one filled with great pain and misery but just maybe there is a chance that his fate can be changed for the better so i will leave him in you're care raise him to be worthy of his fathers legacy oh and before i forget here this is for you hank. She hands hank a sheet of paper that has the calming song written on it. "Now it is time for me to depart i will continue to watch over him farewell my friends." Then in a bright burst of light Aryia was gone. 

hank salutes as Aryia left. He looks down at aryios and sighs "i guess i will break the news to him.. When that happens i want everypony out of here.." he looks at the sheet of paper



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Hank nods "but why me? just because i was an alicorn.. you tortured me also.. made me bleed nonstop.."

hank salutes as Aryia left. He looks down at aryios and sighs "i guess i will break the news to him.. When that happens i want everypony out of here.." he looks at the sheet of paper


"Seeing your spirit not breaking angered me, 100s of stronger ponies dropped dead from what I did to you, but you didn't. So I stepped up my tortures on you. I wanted to see you break, hear you weep for your mother! But you never did. And it made me angrier, so I tortured you more. How you didn't break.... Shocked me.... I saw my old self in you, and I wanted to crush it!" Sombra replied.


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As Aryios slept he thought he heard a strange voice "Why do you deny you're self of power you have the power to control all of equestria give in to your instincts you are meant for more than just a normal alicorn dont disappoint me Aryios." Then the voice trailed off to nothing. "What was that voice and what did he mean by power." Just then Aryios woke up and as he scanned the room Aryia was gone. "I see so i guess she left to go explore the town." He looked over to see hank standing against a wall next to the bed.

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"Seeing your spirit not breaking angered me, 100s of stronger ponies dropped dead from what I did to you, but you didn't. So I stepped up my tortures on you. I wanted to see you break, hear you weep for your mother! But you never did. And it made me angrier, so I tortured you more. How you didn't break.... Shocked me.... I saw my old self in you, and I wanted to crush it!" Sombra replied.

He sighs "well.. the reason why i never broke was because i wanted to escape.. i new i could... and i wouldnt weep for my mother.. she knows i am strong.. and what do you mean by your old self?"


As Aryios slept he thought he heard a strange voice "Why do you deny you're self of power you have the power to control all of equestria give in to your instincts you are meant for more than just a normal alicorn dont disappoint me Aryios." Then the voice trailed off to nothing. "What was that voice and what did he mean by power." Just then Aryios woke up and as he scanned the room Aryia was gone. "I see so i guess she left to go explore the town." He looked over to see hank standing against a wall next to the bed.

Hank sighs as he gestures everypony out but Aryios "i think its time to tell you thatAryia.. isnt really here... that was a shadow left behind to guide you.. im here now.. to help you.. to guide you.. to make you good.."



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"Wait what do you mean shes gone and what do you mean by shadow. Aryios said in a panic ."Wait was the voice right was everything i have done a lie having i been living a lie this whole time?" He thought to himself "You better get to explaining what you are doing with that paper." Aryios said angrly. 

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"Wait what do you mean shes gone and what do you mean by shadow. Aryios said in a panic ."Wait was the voice right was everything i have done a lie having i been living a lie this whole time?" He thought to himself "You better get to explaining what you are doing with that paper." Aryios said angrly. 

He sighs "she died in the fire.. and what i am doing with this paper is so that i can calm you down when you need it ok?" he smiles warmly "i wont hurt you.. i could get you a room in the castle if you want but i am going to protect you and help train you ok? so please dont do anything risky."



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Aryios looked at hank with a shocked expression "What do you mean she died in a fire she was right there." Aryios pointed to where Aryia would have been standing "And how the Hay do you know anything about me for what she said  could have been a lie just like everything else that has happened and i dont need you to hold my hoof like a little baby." Aryios said in a angered tone 

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He glares at her "I am not! I just dont want you to do things you will regret doing! Nothing was a lie! that was all true! you are going to become Celestia's student! now please calm down.. not for me but for your sister..  and that was a ghostish.. more like a figure of her that was guiding you."



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Aryios scowled at hank " And how do you know anything about this for all i know you could be lying to me at this moment." "And whats this about me going to BECOME celestia student it almost sounds like your trying to force this on me like its my your my father or something." He said harshly 

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He sighs "you wanted to be celestia's student.. and i dont lie unless i have to.. and im not lying." he says with a straight face "please just listen to me.. you got accepted to be Celestia's student, you should be happy.. and you should remember that your sister is always watching you."



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