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private Slice Of New Life


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Just before Aryios was going to speak time just seemed to stop "What the whats going on." He said shocked. He walked over to hank and it was like he was frozen. "Ok if this is celestia trying to mess with my head it isnt working." he said wondering to himself. "I can assure you this is no trick my friend." Aryios turned around to see there was another pony standing their that looked like him ."What do you want scum." He said harshly. "Thats a fine way to talk to the only pony who actually cares about you.' the shadow said calmly "Your just in time casue i need a punching bag so spit out what you want or i will beat it out of you." Aryios said angerly. Then the shadow laughed  "hehehe.....you were always a quick one to make angry you try to play nice with others but you cant casue you feel like they are below you isnt that right." The shadow walked over to hank "This one is quite the specimen i can tell he has great power as well but his power pales in comparison to yours you could easily break him like a twig if you wanted. "You get away from him." Aryios said in a defensive tone "Hah! you think you can tell me what to do thats a riot man." The shadow warped to the window "Remember this Aryios no matter how hard you try you can never escape me for i will always be right here next to you every step of the way." Then the shadow vanished and time seemed to be back to normal. He looked over at hank he was a little dizzy but alive "That was a timestop spell." He said surprised. Aryios then looked over at hank and said." Hank...im sry for what i said could you please give me some time to my self i need to think." 

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Hank looks at him "im sorry.. i dont want to leave your side.. i dont want a friend hurt.. but.. if its what you want. i will wait outside the door." he heads to the door and smiles at him as he opens the door to see how the event is going "ok guards, princesses, he needs to be alone ok?"



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Aryios was alone in the room he stepped outside on the the balcony the air was rich with excitement music was playing young colts and fillys were running around playing with each other "Is all this a lie or am i just a lying to myself?" Then all of a sudden the sky turned black and the sound of music was cut short by the sound of screams"Oh no its happening no i wont let it." Aryios leapt from the balcony  and he flew away to get a better look at things. and as he flew over the square the guards were engaged with wired looking creatures they looked like insects with green eyes and they had holes all over their body. "Wait are those changlings i thought they were a rumor i better inform hank and shining armor." He said as he was turning around something hit him from the side Knocking him into a merchant cart. "Ow that really hurt." There was three changlings in front of him "He looks good i have never had alicorn blood before." one of the changlings snickered ." Humph....you think some failed experiments can defeat me thats rich let me show you how a real pony fights." Aryios attacked the changlings with great speed he punched one changiling into a wall and it turned to dust. The other changling lunged at him aryios caught the changling in midair and slammed its head against the ground he focused a magic blast into the bottom of his hoof and destroyed the changling. The other changling tried to run but aryios used his magic to stun the changling and he charged up a magic blast and destroyed the changling. "Ok that was easy." But then he heard the sound of wings and hooves behind him there had to be atleast fifty changlings surronding him. "Humph looks like this isnt going to be easy but what the hay i was needing some anger management and i think you will do nicely." Aryios assumed a defensive stance and prepared to attack.

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Hank noticed that Aryios was gone and the princesses head to a safe area as the guards fight the changelings. Hank ran to Aryios as he wipped out half of them in a blink of an eye "aryios.. you have to help the guards defend the ponies in there." He let his AIs appear as they put a shield around the him and aryios as he heads to where all the guards are



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As Aryios and Hank stormed the castle fighting off hords of changlings they finally made it to the throne room and when the entered all they could see was pony bodys everywhere Aryios scanned the room to see celestia crumpled over on her side. "So who do we have well if it isnt Aryios and Hank so good of you to join me."

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Hank gasps at celestia as he quickly ran up to her to make sure she is okay. "Princess.. everything will be all right. are you hurt? Are you ok who done this to you?" His hooves glow as he reaches for her wounds. He gave aryios his armor she he is armorless. Aryios notices scars where wings are supposed to be.



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"Hmmm and i though i had battle scars." Aryios Scowled at chrysalis "You...I will never forgive you." chrysalis let out a huge laugh " And you think you can defeat me even you're mother and father couldnt even beat me what hope do you have." "For the first time in my life i have realized that i thought i was alone but i was wrong i have friends who i can depend on for anything." Aryios said Commanding Just then a box appeared in front of aryios "What are these." It was a Medallion he recognized the mark "Thats my fathers mark." he put on the medallion and a great power flowed through him. "What is this power what are you." She asked  Aryios responded :Im not going to tell a witch." He focused all his magic into one powerful blast "This is for the Princess." Aryios fired the beam. The beam caught chrysalis and flung her out the window but then a piece of her horn broke off and struck hank in the throat. "I did it thank you father." Just then the medallion shattered into pieces and aryios fell unconscious      

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He sighs "well.. the reason why i never broke was because i wanted to escape.. i new i could... and i wouldnt weep for my mother.. she knows i am strong.. and what do you mean by your old self?"

Sombra sighed, "when I was young, I was harassed for being the only non crystal pony in the crystal kingdom. but I didn't let it bother me, I kept my head up and never broke, that's why I saw myself in you, and I was worried for my own sake. because when I got older, I found a mare I thought I loved, and her father forbid her from seeing me, just because I wasn't crystal.. you think she would disobey her father rigt? wrong! she went straight to a different pony! I snapped and I..... killed her and her whole family. I let the hatred consume me! and I loved the power it gave me. I overthrew the ruler and became the new ruler of the crystal kingdom!!!!"


the room was silent. sombra finished, "didn't you find it odd that a non crystal pony ruled the crystal kingdom? but that's beside the point. the point is, I didn't want you to unleash your true power and take over, so I  tried to crush you and your spirit like an egg!"


(hope this makes sense, ive always found it weird that the non crystal pony ruled the crystal kingdom, so I justified it)

Edited by ~/XC- BRONY\~


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As soon as hank got stabbed in the throat by the horn. He finished healing celestia. Celestia got up and quickly took hank and aryios down to the lab where ahe makes an AI of strength taking a little bit from Aryios as she puts it on hank. she removes the horn piece and hanks throat heals. Once it heals the memory ends and the AIs are surrounding Aryios in the present time "thank you for those memories.. im sure you are happy that you met hank." The Alpha says


Sombra sighed, "when I was young, I was harassed for being the only non crystal pony in the crystal kingdom. but I didn't let it bother me, I kept my head up and never broke, that's why I saw myself in you, and I was worried for my own sake. because when I got older, I found a mare I thought I loved, and her father forbid her from seeing me, just because I wasn't crystal.. you think she would disobey her father rigt? wrong! she went straight to a different pony! I snapped and I..... killed her and her whole family. I let the hatred consume me! and I loved the power it gave me. I overthrew the ruler and became the new ruler of the crystal kingdom!!!!"


the room was silent. sombra finished, "didn't you find it odd that a non crystal pony ruled the crystal kingdom? but that's beside the point. the point is, I didn't want you to unleash your true power and take over, so I tried to crush you and your spirit like an egg!"


(hope this makes sense, ive always found it weird that the non crystal pony ruled the crystal kingdom, so I justified it)

Hank nods as he listened to the story "you see..just because i am.. well.. if i should still call myself an alicorn.. doesnt mean i will be evil. sure i have been bullied a lot also.. and sombra. Why didnt you just tell me and give me that story! You had my parents worried sick!And because of you! I wasnt able to see my little sister until a couple months ago! All because you assumed i was going to use my powers to become a ruler!"



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As soon as hank got stabbed in the throat by the horn. He finished healing celestia. Celestia got up and quickly took hank and aryios down to the lab where ahe makes an AI of strength taking a little bit from Aryios as she puts it on hank. she removes the horn piece and hanks throat heals. Once it heals the memory ends and the AIs are surrounding Aryios in the present time "thank you for those memories.. im sure you are happy that you met hank." The Alpha says


Hank nods as he listened to the story "you see..just because i am.. well.. if i should still call myself an alicorn.. doesnt mean i will be evil. sure i have been bullied a lot also.. and sombra. Why didnt you just tell me and give me that story! You had my parents worried sick!And because of you! I wasnt able to see my little sister until a couple months ago! All because you assumed i was going to use my powers to become a ruler!"

"hatred" was all sombra was able to say, his psych was broken, telling himself the story of his past again all he did was look at the ground.


Rocket and sam watched sombra, with little sympathy. sure he had a bad life, but that doesn't justify years of torture! rocket looked at sombra and said, "hatred cant be the answer!"


Sombra glared at rocket and shouted, "HAVE YOU EVER HAD SOMTHING SO EVIL, SO POWERFUL HELP JUSTIFY YOURE ACTIONS!!!!???!!!!! IT CONSUMED ME!!!! DO YOU THINK I ALWAYS WAS A DICTATOR?????? I NEVER PLANNED THIS, I LET HATE CONSUME ME!!!!!!" Sombra quieted and calmed himself down, he turned to sam, "sam, you've seen what im talking about right?"


SAm slowly nodded, "Rock, sometimes a pony can be tormented so bad, that there only way to solve the problem is to harm others. and they justify it in their heads."


Sombra nodded, then he looked over to hank, "never..., NEVER let the hate consume you! it consumed me and luna, and bad things happened."


The room was quiet


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Lightning dash nods "well go tell twilight." Twilight looks at them both "tell twilight what?"


Lightning dash smiles "can glory stay here? she never been to Equestria.. she lived in the griffin country in the mountains. so twilight.. let her ok?"


Twilight nods "sure of course she can! ill show her where she will stay." 




Glory was relieved. "My mother Starfall used to live in Equestria, in Trottingham I think," she said. "She left Equestria when she was in foal with me and never told me why. I think tho it was something to do with my father. Mother never really told me much about him."



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Hank listens to sombra "dont you yell at my friend! And if you noticed! I used my hatred to help me! To support me! To make me stronger... I thought about something sombra but i am not sure if we can trust you.. im not sure if you are changed.. i was thinking of letting you back alive... But just by judging how you are acting i might not! And Sombra, just because that pony you loved couldnt marry you doesnt mean anything! You could have found another! You dont know if i already let Hatred comsume me! I could be an empty shell just controlled by the AIs!"


Twilight nods "well im sure you will love it here. Are you hungry because that must have been a long travel." She leads glory inside



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Hank listens to sombra "dont you yell at my friend! And if you noticed! I used my hatred to help me! To support me! To make me stronger... I thought about something sombra but i am not sure if we can trust you.. im not sure if you are changed.. i was thinking of letting you back alive... But just by judging how you are acting i might not! And Sombra, just because that pony you loved couldnt marry you doesnt mean anything! You could have found another! You dont know if i already let Hatred comsume me! I could be an empty shell just controlled by the AIs!"


Twilight nods "well im sure you will love it here. Are you hungry because that must have been a long travel." She leads glory inside


Sombra looks down, "I know, hank, I know. By you're right you can't trust me, I can't even trust myself." Then he says something that catches rocke and Sam off guard, " I do know one thing that's changed, though, and it's I am sorry for the torment I put you through. I don't plan on takin over your mind. I don't plan on hurting you anymore. I am sorry"


Sam leans over to celestia, "something's different about sombra"


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Hank stares at him "do you know how many ponies lives you ruined?! Dont apologize to me! Apologize to the crystal ponies! For the families you ruined!"


Celestia nods "sombra looks like he changed.. but has he changed.. that is the question. Lets see what he will do."



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Hank stares at him "do you know how many ponies lives you ruined?! Dont apologize to me! Apologize to the crystal ponies! For the families you ruined!"


Celestia nods "sombra looks like he changed.. but has he changed.. that is the question. Lets see what he will do."

Sombra is quiet for a while he stares at the ground. "I... I know..... ive ruined countless lives....." he says, choking up. "I wish there was a way I could take it back. but the fact is there isn't. I cant do anything to help them. I cant show my face in the crystal empire again, they don't deserve that, they deserve my body burned at the stake, and that still wont be enough." he looks back at the ground.


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He nods and listens "sure thats what you deserve but you must remember. Everypony deserves a second chance.. look at me.. i got many chances. So why cant you? Lets go." He looks at sam and rocket and celestia "time for a trip to the crystal kingdom." He smiles warmly.



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He nods and listens "sure thats what you deserve but you must remember. Everypony deserves a second chance.. look at me.. i got many chances. So why cant you? Lets go." He looks at sam and rocket and celestia "time for a trip to the crystal kingdom." He smiles warmly.

Rocket looks at sombra, whos eyes were as wide as dinner plates now. he smiled, "you guys think I deserve a second chance?"


Sam nods, "im a firm bieliever in second chances, so why not?" she smiles warmly at sombra.


Rocket laughs and says, "well if I didn't, I wouldn't be standing here talking to you."


sombra says, "thanks, and...ermm... sorry about lashing out"


rocket smiles, "water under the bridge"


Sombra says, "alright hank, lets go..."


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Hank nods "we do.." he smiles as celestia teleports the group to the crystal kingdom and the crystal ponies bow at hank and celestia, and shook and hugged rocket and sam. They lead the group to the castle. Hank was hiding sombra so nopony saw him. He smiles as they went to the throne room.



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Hank nods "we do.." he smiles as celestia teleports the group to the crystal kingdom and the crystal ponies bow at hank and celestia, and shook and hugged rocket and sam. They lead the group to the castle. Hank was hiding sombra so nopony saw him. He smiles as they went to the throne room.

"wow I have to say, this is simply stunning!" sam says to celestia, admiring the crystal kingdom.  rocket looked around and said, "it is rally nice, im surprised that everything is this shiny!"


Sombra, hidden by hank asks quietly, "are you sure this a good idea?"


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Celestia nods "it is. But im worried for hank.. he probably has a lot of bad memories.. and they are coming back to him.."


Hank nods "i know its a good idea. Now stay hidden." He smiles as he knocks on the throne door and walks in seeing princess cadence sitting there and he salutes.


Celestia smiles "Cadence."



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Celestia nods "it is. But im worried for hank.. he probably has a lot of bad memories.. and they are coming back to him.."


Hank nods "i know its a good idea. Now stay hidden." He smiles as he knocks on the throne door and walks in seeing princess cadence sitting there and he salutes.


Celestia smiles "Cadence."


the minute they walk through the door, a flash of nervousness hits sombra, he begins to shake


Rocket eyes go wide with admiration of cadence

"Hi, princes cadence" he says, lovestruck


Same rolls her eyes and says, "easy there lover boy." Then he turns to princess cadence and says, "it is a great pleasure to meet you, princess cadence." Them she bows politely


Rocket bows politely and introduces himself and Sam.


"I'm rocket blast and this is dr Samantha cer-"


"Just call me Sam" Sam interrupts rocket, laughing at his introduction.


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Cadence smiles "i know who you both are already. Celestia sent me a quick letter. Im so glad seeing hank. After all he is family." She smiles warmly. "May i ask why you all are here?"


Hank sighs "cadence.. what if i told you sombra wants to apologize?"


Her smile went into a frown "him apologize. That wont do anything!"



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Cadence smiles "i know who you both are already. Celestia sent me a quick letter. Im so glad seeing hank. After all he is family." She smiles warmly. "May i ask why you all are here?"


Hank sighs "cadence.. what if i told you sombra wants to apologize?"


Her smile went into a frown "him apologize. That wont do anything!"

"I told you this was a bad idea" sombra said


Rocket and Sam looked at each other, then Sam spoke up


"Cadence.... I promise sombra has changed, I'll put my good name on it. He has seen the wrong in his ways and wishes to at least start to correct his actions. I understand that it is hard to fix his actions. But at least give him a chance to apologize.... Please?"



Rocket and sombra were surprised at Sams appeal in favor of sombra.


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Hank and celestia are shocked.


Cadence looks at sam "ok. Ill give him a chance. But if he doesnt change you will pay for what he did in the past. Now where is sombra?" She looks around "is he one of hank's AIs? Or what? Is he not here? Is he still dead?" She paces around the room.



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Hank and celestia are shocked.


Cadence looks at sam "ok. Ill give him a chance. But if he doesnt change you will pay for what he did in the past. Now where is sombra?" She looks around "is he one of hank's AIs? Or what? Is he not here? Is he still dead?" She paces around the room.

Rocke looks at Sam, "are you crazy?"


Sam looks back at rocket, "it's ok sombra has changed and if he does something wrong... Well you might want to find a new doctor than"


Sombra appears he looks at cadence for a few seconds, then looks straight at the ground and says, "hello princess cadence. I know you don't want to hear anything from me, but I apologize for my actions I have done. I will do whatever it takes to repay my actions"


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