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open Summer Solstice Garden Ball

Silverwisp the Bard

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The gates have been opened, the lanterns and torches lid,and music and birdcalls mingle with the chirping of insects and the rustle of the leaves.

As you step into the royal gardens, you feel as though the maretales of your childhood have come alive. This will be a night to remember...


OOC thread is here. Have fun everypony!






Joan circled slowly, sinking deeper and deeper, under her the mazes,statues and flowerbeds stretched in every direction. From afar she could hear the first guests entering, but for now this part ofthe gardens was deserted.

She touched down, careful not to ruin her gala dress. Her gala dress.To think that she'd ever form these words in her mind. The last time she'd worn a dress had been at her cutsinera. Daily guard drills did not build a body, that looked good in a dress: Her legs were too muscled, her shoulders too broad, her neck too thick.

And still, the unicorn at the boutique had conjured up something that not only made her look like less of a brute,it made her look downright graceful.

At Nightwatch Tower she had admired her reflection for almost half an hour, before Hasta's wolf-whistle had brought her back to reality. He had gotten three weeks of desk duty for his trouble, but still: she had felt like a mare receiving her first Hearts and Hooves Day card. Now she felt like a princess from a mare-tale, about to stumble across her one and true love.

Grinning to herself like an idiot, she headed into the direction of the other guests.

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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A huge brown stallion was on his way to the Gala that he had received an invitation for. It was his first time ever going to a fancy gathering of any kind so he was uncertain of what to wear and what to expect. He hadn't even been in Ponyville for more than a week so he hadn't expected to go to any social gatherings for a while, but here he was. "...This must be the place." His soft yet deep voice said to no one in particular. It was quite an incredible sight. 


The giant stallion stood at the outside of the Gala, a light scarf wrapped around his neck as well as an Opera mask which he wore over his face. His golden eyes scanning the building as he watched a few well dressed ponies enter the establishment. Once he felt comfortable enough he began to slowly trot through the doors hoping to meet some friendly faces.

Untitled.pngHuzzah! Sega Dreamcast~

Character(s): Chocolate | Pegasus (WIP) | Milo (WIP)

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Hank was getting ready in the castle as he got a ticket to the gala. He got a tux on and took the train to the gala. Once the train stops at the station. Hank got out and heads to the gala once he arrives he looks at the building and sighs deeply and went up to the door handing his ticket and went inside looking around hoping no pony will know him as he looks for a pony he can talk to.



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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An red mare was spotted walking inside the Gala entrance, her orange dress matching her beautifully-perked-up mane, and a scarlet and orange mask concealing all of her face, except for her lips and eyes. She wanted to keep herself concealed for most of the Gala, until she meets a certain pony that her eyes catch...


"OK, Rockshire, just keep calm and c-- OOH! This statue... It looks magnificent!"

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On his way to the Gala, Supernova was grinning with extreme happiness. "I've never been to a Gala before, but it must be one heck of a party!" He didn't bother to wear anything fancy or extravagant, although he stuck out like a sore thumb. Wearing his favorite blue sparkly blazer, he looked as though he was heading to a disco. But he didn't care. He just wanted to party.


As he entered the Gala, he muttered to himself, "Well, here goes!"


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Hank noticed the pony at the statue as he fixes his bowtie (cause bowties are cool) and he went up to her standing next to her smiling as he looks at the statue 'this is statue looks good huh? Im hank whats your name?" He smiles still "do you want to walk around?"



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Hank noticed the pony at the statue as he fixes his bowtie (cause bowties are cool) and he went up to her standing next to her smiling as he looks at the statue 'this is statue looks good huh? Im hank whats your name?" He smiles still "do you want to walk around?"


As Rockshire was staring at the statue, she couldn't see the pony that had walked up to her through her full-face mask. She turned around, and curtsied in front of him.


"Yes, this statue is quite marvelous... The layered rock formations do compliment the Princesses quite well... And even the texture of the stone.. It suits it to a T! Oh, the glory of this statue..." She blinked a few times, before shaking her head.


"Oh, dear, I'm terribly sorry... My name is--"


Wait, I don't want to reveal my identity... I need to think of something...


"Shi. My name is Shi. Wonderful to meet you, Hank... And yes, I shall walk with you."

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He smiles "this statue does.. its nice to meet you shi. You look nice today. Maybe i can get you some punch?" He smiles as he heads to where the punch bowl and food are at. He got her a glass full of punch "so how do you like it here? It looks amazing here huh? I just wish i new about the gala a long time ago."



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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He smiles "this statue does.. its nice to meet you shi. You look nice today. Maybe i can get you some punch?" He smiles as he heads to where the punch bowl and food are at. He got her a glass full of punch "so how do you like it here? It looks amazing here huh? I just wish i new about the gala a long time ago."


"Oh, ho ho! Darling, have you never heard of the Grand Galloping Gala? It's only THE best in the entire land of Equestria! Anypony who is ANYpony knows about this like the back of their hooves!", Rockshire exclaimed, sipping a bit of her punch. "And of course, I would know! I live here of course!"

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(OOC : I assume that it's in the night. If I'm wrong, sorry. I will correct it right away. )


Asnee Hoof strode along the street to the Gala. The sounds of his hooves taps filled his head with a steady rythm. He held his head high and proud, for no reason but politeness. He didn't really like them actually. Both the Gala and his posture, but he tried to do both for the sake of being polite. The kind invitation forced him to attend it after all.


"At least the food will be nice" He chuckled. Though, he believed that he would get some fun there.


After a light yawn, his gaze moved up to the moon. It revealed most of his surrounding and the sky around it like a liquid silver.


Ten silent and bright minutes later, he stepped his hoof at the garden.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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"Man, this isn't as awesome as I thought it would be...", Supernova said to himself as he trotted around the garden. "*Sigh*, Might as well get something to drink." As he made his way to the punch bowl, he noticed Joan heading in his direction.


Time to get social!


He garfed down the rest of his drink threw the cup away and cleaned his face, all while making his way towards Joan.


"Hey! So, uh, how are you enjoying this party?", he remarked with a nervous grin.


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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"Oh, ho ho! Darling, have you never heard of the Grand Galloping Gala? It's only THE best in the entire land of Equestria! Anypony who is ANYpony knows about this like the back of their hooves!", Rockshire exclaimed, sipping a bit of her punch. "And of course, I would know! I live here of course!"

Hank nods "well.. i worked for Celestia and she never told me anything about the gala.. she just made me stay in my room whenever something happens like the gala.. im not sure why but at least im finally here." He smiles "so do you like it here?" he got some punch for him and sips it



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Between the music and the noise of pony talks, Asnee caught the sound
of trembling leaves when a breeze howled through out the night. Gaze wandering around and ears listening to the occasional grumbles, he found a white stallion who talked with a mare whom he knew was the leader of the Nightwatch. Her Gala Dress surprised him a little. Despite of her muscular body, the dress made her look like...more mare.


Since he didn't really get something to do, he decided to greet them, "Good night Miss Joan," He turned to the white stallion and nodded a little, "Mr.Supernova," He smiled to both of them, "Pleased to meet you two."



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Hank nods "well.. i worked for Celestia and she never told me anything about the gala.. she just made me stay in my room whenever something happens like the gala.. im not sure why but at least im finally here." He smiles "so do you like it here?" he got some punch for him and sips it

Rockshire gasped.


"Working for the ROYALS?! Oh, you must bet I am SOOOO jealous right now! I've always wanted to meet the royals! Oh, too bad it won't be soon... And of course I like it here! I live here, silly!", she exclaimed again, sipping another round of her punch.

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He nods "well, if you ever want to, once this is all over i could get you to meet the princesses." he takes another sip  "its so lovely here. The castle is so noisy but yea... is there any areas you want to go? Maybe we could get a picture together or something? You can pick."



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Joan cradled the punch glass held in her right wing claw, grateful for this small boon, evolution had granted her people, while looking around if there were any treats to be had. Was it acceptable to fish the fruit slices out of the bowl? Probably not.



"Hey! So, uh, how are you enjoying this party?"

She returned the pegasus' grin, until she remembered that this meant exposing two dozen pointed teeth and hastily shut her mouth, blushing like a filly. 


"Oh, it is delightful. Ehm, I don't think we have had the honor. My name is Joan."




"Good night Miss Joan, Mr.Supernova. Pleased to meet you two."


How is it that everypony here seems to know my name? Though at least, she vaguely recognized this one. He had been one of the ponies helping to fix the clockwork for the great window shutters in Nightwatch Tower.

"Ah good evening, Mr. Hooves was it? I didn't take you for a partygoer.



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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Whirl Wake hesitated as he trotted up to the Canterlot castle. His brother had insisted that he go to the Gala, but Whirl Wake never loved social events. Too much noise and not enough solitude, he would say. The sudden glow as Princess Luna fully raised the moon into the sky snapped him back to reality. Whirl Wale sighed once again before continuing into the main staircase of the castle. "Here we go." He said in nervousness and excitement.


Whirl Wake trotted aimlessly around the castle, passing golden apple trees, crystal pony statues and many other wonders of art. He arrived at a statue carved from stone, admiring the detailed work of art until he heard two voices close behind him, at the punch bowl based on what he heard. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to be social, he thought I himself. Whirl Wake turned around to the two ponies and thought of what to say in a hurry before walking up to them and speaking. "Um.. Hello. Nice party, huh? My name is Whi - I mean..." He raced through his mind in search of a fitting alias. "My name's Wind." He said, having difficulty sounding casual. "Did you two just get here?"

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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A grin sprouted on Asnee's face. Still with a grin plastered on his face, he observed the bat pony carefully. His gaze stopped for a while to nothing but her right wing which held a glass with its claw. A realization that observing somepony isn't so polite, he glanced back to the mare, "Ah, yes. Nothing can be more charming than gathering with friends in a garden party,"


He raced his mind to find an interesting topic to talk about, "So, the clock is still 'clocking' Miss Joan?" He said a little jokingly.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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"So, the clock is still 'clocking' Miss Joan?"

Her glance involuntarily turned upwards: Through the tree crowns she could just make out the tip of Nightwatch Tower.

So Hasta has managed to not burn it down just yet.


"Like a charm. Some of the lads would rather go back to using magic for operating the shutters, but I find the wheels ticking away is strangely comforting. I hope that doesn't sound too weird."

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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Asnee couldn't help but follow the mare's glance. Finding nothing interesting, he rose his eyebrow and gazed back to the mare.


"Ah...not so weird," He smiled as he slightly shook his head, "How is your night Miss Joan?" Those words slipped out from his mouth wihout any second thought, "Uhm, if I may ask?"

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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He nods "well, if you ever want to, once this is all over i could get you to meet the princesses." he takes another sip "its so lovely here. The castle is so noisy but yea... is there any areas you want to go? Maybe we could get a picture together or something? You can pick."

Rockshire gasped at his proposal.


"Darling... You would do that?! I'm simply appalled! This is truly unbelievable! I... I don't know what to say or how to react..."


She was truly shocked, and had walked around with Hank a little bit more around the gardens. Amazing...

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Rockshire gasped at his proposal.


"Darling... You would do that?! I'm simply appalled! This is truly unbelievable! I... I don't know what to say or how to react..."


She was truly shocked, and had walked around with Hank a little bit more around the gardens. Amazing...

Hank smiles "its nothing really. Princess Celestia says i could bring a guest over whenever i want to." he smiles as he looks at the flowers "whats your favorite flower? my flower is the rose." he smiles "so do you know anypony here? you like statues and anything with art?"



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(OOC: Sorry for being so late!)


Supernova gave a friendly look back to the mare "Joan, eh? Name's Supernova! ...Or 'Nova' for short."


As he finished his statement, a light blue Stallion was heading to them. He had an overall "lazy" feel to him, but not by a lot.


"Hey there! Name's Supe-- Oh, right!", he returned with a chuckle.


"You two seem to be aquaintanced already." He turned to Joan. "So, what exactly do you do? I mean about that magic and stuff?" He somehow didn't know about Joan's position.


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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The giant stallion stood at the outside of the Gala, a light scarf wrapped around his neck as well as an Opera mask which he wore over his face. His golden eyes scanning the building as he watched a few well dressed ponies enter the establishment. Once he felt comfortable enough he began to slowly trot through the doors hoping to meet some friendly faces.

Whirl Wake looked around the garden for someone to talk to. A large, brown stallion caught his eye, one without anyone to chat with. He trotted towards the entrance where he was standing and tried his best to introduce himself. "Hey!" He said cheerfully. "You looking for somebody?" Whirl Wake got closer to the pony and greeting him. "I'm Wind. What's your name?" He marveled at the size of the stallion as he got closer.



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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"So, what exactly do you do? I mean about that magic and stuff?"

"Oh, the archivists find out more duties for me every day: Apparently the captain of Nightwatch doubles as Princess Luna's personal bodyguard, herald, adviser in matters of the state  and last week we found out that I'm also castellan of Everfree Castle, or what's left of it at any rate.

For now we we're just focusing on getting the Nightwatch to work properly and convincing the citizens that pterasi don't eat little fillies. Master Hoof here has helped us set up a mechanism for opening and closing the shutters of our tower according to the time of day. We arerather sensitive of direct sunlight you see."



"How is your night Miss Joan? Uhm, if I may ask?"

Again Joan could feel the beginning of a blush. Good grief get it together! She smiled, taking care to not show any teeth this time.

"Oh, it has been delightful. I must confess, I am still new to this kind of event. I just wish I would have thought about grabbing something to eat before coming here. The two of you did not coincidentally happen to pass a buffet?"



Edited by Silverwisp the Bard



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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