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My Hasbro Hypothesis


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I apologise in advance if I've put this in the wrong place, but it was was closest section I could find.


The other day, I was sitting thinking about the cease and desist order that Hasbro sent to fighting in magic thought It seemed like a bad idea of hasbro, and heres why. Hasbro, and more specifically, the MLP brand, is only there so they can suck money out of us by selling toys and suchlike. Now to most of us bronies, this is not a problem; we like the merc' and the show, so theres no problem right? But for Hasbro, who basically need us as their main source of income, wouldn't it seem like a bad idea to stop a much anticipated and popular game such as fighting is magic? From their point of view, wouldn't it hurt their sales if they started (continued?) annoying us like this? But this is where we run into the clincher; we are hooked on MLP and just because most of us hate hasbro for its corporate money making horribleness, we can't bear to pull ourselves away from what is essentially our sustenance. Ok, Fighting is Magic is not the best example, but we know that hasbro are very disneyesque when it comes to copyright protection. And that brings us onto the next and main point I'm trying to make: Hasbro (especially since Lauren Faust left) have been taking riskier and riskier moves, not just in their business making but now even in the show. I think that Lauren, when she was still with the MLP team, helped very much with stopping business creeping into the show, but now she has left, then we see Hasbro making bold moves in attempts to attract more viewers (and ultimately buyers) An excellent example of this is the whole Twilycorn thing. I have no doubt in my mind that it was just to sell more toys (especially aimed at young girls). Fortunately for them, the risk payed off and, thanks to the fact the majority of bronies are going to trust the wrighters and stick with the show, just filling Hasbros pockets even deeper. What I'm worried about is that hasbro make a move that is just TOO bold, and manages to scare off the fandom. I know this is highly unlikely, and that the chances are small, but what if it DOES happen? 


Im sorry this is such a long post, I just needed to get that off my mind. i don't mind if you tl;dr is, but If I didn't get that off my mind I would have gone crazy.

  • Brohoof 3
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If this is their plan, it certainly isn't working. I don't think I've paid a single penny to the Hasbro corporation, either directly or indirectly, in my entire life. I watch the episodes on youtube, and I haven't bought any merchandise, and if I did, it would be fanmade because I like to support individuals and because official MLP merch tends to look pretty poorly made. All that's going to come out of messing with the show and the fanbase is getting me to start complaining, which will cause people who do pay for Hasbro merchandise to stop supporting them, at least in a few cases. Clearly, it is possible to enjoy MLP without directly paying Hasbro much, so it is still possible to take away business from them if they mess up. If they make a big mistake, they will be held accountable. For example, if this Twilicorn nonsense isn't resolved nicely, I'm probably going to stop watching the show (though I'd stay here on the forums).


All of that being said, I don't think this is all some evil plot by Hasbro at all, and all the company is doing is trying to do what they think is best for the franchise. However, they should really leave this kind of stuff up to the brilliant, creative individuals who work on the show, and realize that tight copyright policies do not work out well in today's society.

  • Brohoof 4
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Im not being stupid right? Am I just over thinking this? I have a habit of coming up with nutty complicated ideas that don't make sense...

If this is their plan, it certainly isn't working. I don't think I've paid a single penny to the Hasbro corporation, either directly or indirectly, in my entire life. I watch the episodes on youtube, and I haven't bought any merchandise, and if I did, it would be fanmade because I like to support individuals and because official MLP merch tends to look pretty poorly made. All that's going to come out of messing with the show and the fanbase is getting me to start complaining, which will cause people who do pay for Hasbro merchandise to stop supporting them, at least in a few cases. Clearly, it is possible to enjoy MLP without directly paying Hasbro much, so it is still possible to take away business from them if they mess up. If they make a big mistake, they will be held accountable. For example, if this Twilicorn nonsense isn't resolved nicely, I'm probably going to stop watching the show (though I'd stay here on the forums).


All of that being said, I don't think this is all some evil plot by Hasbro at all, and all the company is doing is trying to do what they think is best for the franchise. However, they should really leave this kind of stuff up to the brilliant, creative individuals who work on the show, and realize that tight copyright policies do not work out well in today's society.


mmm, I'm not saying everyone does buy their franchise, but its still how they make their money, and you cant really get fan made DVD's can you... See my previous post :P

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Im not being stupid right? Am I just over thinking this? I have a habit of coming up with nutty complicated ideas that don't make sense...

Of course not. It's a fairly legitimate concern.



you cant really get fan made DVD's can you

No, but you can easily download them off of youtube or on some other site. Only one person has to actually watch the show on television, really. I'm not advocating internet piracy. It's good to support the people who make things you like. However, Hasbro and other corporations have to keep this all in mind before they start abusing the fandom or messing with the show in a negative way.

Edited by MelancholicMemory
  • Brohoof 1
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I have also heard another theory from other sources [(http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/02/regarding-fighting-is-magic-takedown.html) that Hasbro doesn't like the idea of a game where the fim characters are "fighting", probably due to the cause that the target demographic for this show is mostly 7-10 yr old girls or something.

I believe that Hasbro decided to let the game go until it became more publicly known at the EVO fighting game convention.


Otherwise, Hasbro really is kinda greedy. Hasbro is kinda leeching off of us bronies for their own gain.

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This cpoyright thing should've never even happened. Hasbro's starting to take things too far. All that work...for nothing, all because Hasbro is so narrow-minded and still thinks that MLP:FIM is for little girls. Lauren Faust made MLP:FIM for EVERYONE. But because of MLP's earlier roots, Hasbro wants to stick to them.


Also, Hasbro needs to reassess its copyright policy. 

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Hasbro isn't greedy or evil. They are a corporation. As with any corporation, they have to show a profit. MLP:FIM wasn't created out of the kindness of the animator's hearts, and then Hasbro stole it. Hasbro commissioned the animation to be made, IN ORDER TO SELL MORE PRODUCTS. It's that simple. Mane6, whether, you like it or not, BROKE THE LAW by using characters that are legally owned by Hasbro. It is Hasbro's legal right to stop anyone from using their intellectual property. If Mane6 kept things low-key, they probably still would have been able to release the game. Instead, they advertised it, and then it actually came to a head when it was announced that "Fighting is Magic" was on the short list to be featured in the EVO fighting game convention. Hasbro has to protect their interests. Many Bronies refuse to acknowledge that they are just a tiny fraction of the fandom. The lion's share is still the little girls that the show was originally aimed at. The publicity of MLP being featured in a fighting tournament would be very damaging to Hasbro's image. Hence, they sent the cease and desist order.


This cpoyright thing should've never even happened. Hasbro's starting to take things too far. All that work...for nothing, all because Hasbro is so narrow-minded and still thinks that MLP:FIM is for little girls. Lauren Faust made MLP:FIM for EVERYONE. But because of MLP's earlier roots, Hasbro wants to stick to them.


Also, Hasbro needs to reassess its copyright policy. 

Hasbro owns ALL LEGAL RIGHTS to MLP:FIM. Lauren Faust doesn't own the characters or show. Hasbro paid her a huge amount of money to create it FOR THEM! Hasbro owns it, lock, stock, and horse shoe! Mane6 had no legal right to take their characters without permission. Copyright laws exist for a reason. Hasbro can't just ignore infringements like Mane6 using their property in ways that they don't approve of. Hasbro is showing a tolerance for fan art, stories, and animation projects that is unheard of in the entertainment industry. Because of that, some Bronies seem to think EVERYTHING should be allowed. As a corporation, Hasbro has to draw the line somewhere. They could be like Fox. I don't know if they still do, but for years FOX sent cease and desist orders to any and all authors who wrote "X Files" fanfics. Paramount also did for Star Trek. Hasbro had to act, because 01, They don't want their characters in a fighting game. 02, they have already granted license to at least one game company to produce a licensed game for sale. A professional quality game distributed for free would seriously undermine their sales figures.


Edited by cuteycindyhoney
  • Brohoof 4


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Fighting is magic is entirely different really. Fighting is magic doesn't seem like it would be protected under fair use at all. Other works like fan fics, art, music etc however more than likely are. Hasbro is one of the largest Toy companies in the world. They have quite a few subsidiaries.  Milton Bradley, Parker Brothers, Playskool, Tonka ... all of that is Hasbro and there's a few more. You may have bought something thinking you don't give money to Hasbro. I don't think Hasbro is evil but they are a company just like any other. They have the legal right to protect their brand. Not long ago Hasbro put pressure on Ebay to get listings people made for fanmade plushies taken down. The reason wasn't because making a fan made plush is illegal but you cant use the name "My Little Pony" or "My Little Pony: Friendship is magic". I say familiarize yourself with Fair Use.

Edited by EQRoyalGuardSGT
  • Brohoof 4



~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~

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Otherwise, Hasbro really is kinda greedy. Hasbro is kinda leeching off of us bronies for their own gain.

Hasbro, as a corporation, has to make a profit. Do you think Hasbro should just turn their back and let anyone create anything with their licensed characters? As for them being greedy and leeching off of Bronies, do you think that all their toys and products should be given away for free, just because you are an adult fan instead of a little girl? I'm sorry if I seem harsh, but I'm getting tired of the "Hasbro is evil because they make a profit" nonsense. The show was created right from the start TO SELL TOYS!

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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What we might want to do is start a boycott of sorts...maybe we could urge everypony to stop buying the merch for a while then we could show hasbro that we're a force to be reckoned with! That would put them back in their place...

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All this talk of Hasbro leeching of us isn't quite out of place.

It's in their power and ideal to MAKE money off the series(us, respectively).

Of course, this is not something we should support, especially considering their methods.




What we might want to do is start a boycott of sorts...maybe we could urge everypony to stop buying the merch for a while then we could show hasbro that we're a force to be reckoned with! That would put them back in their place...


All you accomplish is that they will have to resort to different methods to improve their gain.

Not to say they wouldn't have even if you didn't consider this.




In the end, my own opinion... I don't care about Hasbro.

I've known better figurine designers in my life than all theirs.

Many other great shows will come and go.

I've seen more quality material in their merchandise in an old folk's home.

I do not care if Hasbro shuts down, even if it means MLP goes down with it.

It's not like MLP will die out right there and then just because Hasbro f***s itself over.




Of course, I doubt it will be the case. Considering the profits it can net in, it will probably be bought out by some other company should Hasbro decide to drop it.


MLP:FiM has had a good run, don't you think?

It's accomplished a lot of things.

I would not like to see it end the way it is now and it could have a better ending, but, if it ended like this, I'd still have no change in opinion to what MLP is worth to me.




Fortunately for them, the risk payed off and, thanks to the fact the majority of bronies are going to trust the wrighters and stick with the show, just filling Hasbros pockets even deeper..



No words are greater than mine and every word already is, Hypocrisy.

I say that I can accept that everyone is of their own decisions.
Simply so that I may judge you all the way I want through the way you think.
When you proclaim that all have their right to opinion, understand that you are placing this claim above their opinions.
Hypocrisy isn't a sin. It isn't rude. It isn't wrong. It isn't right.
It's how we live our lives, down to every word spoken.

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Okay, so you guys think Hasbro is some sort of money-sucking evil comglomerate that generates your favorite pony content? We have to set a couple of things clear:

Hasbro is a business. Businesses look to make money. How does Hasbro makes money? With merchandise. In this case, pony merchandise. This is why they let viewers watch the show online for free. Not because the writers or the illustrators are generous people who want to spread love and joy.

No, it's because most bronies are online. They know if they want more and more bronies to watch the show, they have to make it available online. The more people get hooked on the show, the more merch they can sell. Not everybody who watches My Little Pony buys Hasbro's merchandise, but it is proportionnal.


Now they don't mind a fandom generating around the show and millions of fans creating art and music around it. It does not hurt sales, so they will let it grow. However, Fighting is Magic has the potential to hurt their sales, specifically the sales of the games based around the show as there are very few of them. This is why they sent a cease-and-desist to Mane 6 Development team.


They are not an evil-money sucker corporation, just a company trying to protect it's sales. While it may piss off some of us, me included, it is understandable for them to do so.

  • Brohoof 3
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Fighting is magic is entirely different really. Fighting is magic doesn't seem like it would be protected under fair use at all. Other works like fan fics, art, music etc however more than likely are. Hasbro is one of the largest Toy companies in the world. They have quite a few subsidiaries.  Milton Bradley, Parker Brothers, Playskool, Tonka ... all of that is Hasbro and there's a few more. You may have bought something thinking you don't give money to Hasbro. I don't think Hasbro is evil but they are a company just like any other. They have the legal right to protect their brand. Not long ago Hasbro put pressure on Ebay to get listings people made for fanmade plushies taken down. The reason wasn't because making a fan made plush is illegal but you cant use the name "My Little Pony" or "My Little Pony: Friendship is magic". I say familiarize yourself with Fair Use.


Wanted to clarify something: NONE of the fan work we do as a community qualifies under Fair Use.  Fair Use is a very narrow range of copyright loophole that allows a limited amount of original property to be used in an unauthorized work for specific purposes: Parody, and Critical Commentary.  Parody and satire are forms of protected speech, but the law has specific definitions for those, and most of the fan work done in the brony community doesn't meet those definitions.  Similarly, critical commentary is pretty narrow - someone is allowed to post a clip (usually up to 12 seconds long) from a copyrighted work for the express purpose of reviewing the work.  Eg. if I were to post a video blog stating my opinions on the Season 3 finale and used a clip from that episode to illustrate my points, that would be perfectly legal.


Fan works based on the show usually fall under the broader category of "Derivative Work", and technically speaking, the law says we have to have Hasbro's permission to produce anything using any portion of their IP.  The fact that we've gotten away with so much in the fan community is indicative of two things: One, as has been mentioned, Hasbro has been incredibly lenient with its fan base, and two, realistically, it's not in their best interest to try to shut down everything that they didn't produce in-house.  They realize that they stand to piss off a lot of people if they bring the axe down on the community as a whole, and even though I'm sure they have a lot of money to spend on legal efforts, they (perhaps wisely) choose to invest it instead on their IP to increase their profits.


So why did they single out Fighting Is Magic?  I think Cuteycindyhoney and EQRoyalGuard said it pretty succinctly.



What we might want to do is start a boycott of sorts...maybe we could urge everypony to stop buying the merch for a while then we could show hasbro that we're a force to be reckoned with! That would put them back in their place...


How many people do you have that would support you on this?  Do you have any idea how many people buy MLP merchandise without any awareness of this community, Fighting is Magic, or any other sort of fan work?  I strongly suspect that any "boycott" you put together will be so small as to be completely unnoticeable by the company you're protesting.

  • Brohoof 2

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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Hasbro, as a corporation, has to make a profit. Do you think Hasbro should just turn their back and let anyone create anything with their licensed characters? As for them being greedy and leeching off of Bronies, do you think that all their toys and products should be given away for free, just because you are an adult fan instead of a little girl? I'm sorry if I seem harsh, but I'm getting tired of the "Hasbro is evil because they make a profit" nonsense. The show was created right from the start TO SELL TOYS!


Sadly, it's pretty much what you said here.  Mane6 publicized this all over the place.  So I hate to say it, but I was kind of expecting this to happen at some point.  If it wouldn't have happened to them, it would've happened to someone else.  Maybe it was to make an example, or maybe it was for a bigger reason.  Regardless, it happened and what people should take away from it is knowledge, rather than a feeling of anger.



This is why I recommend that creators of fangames follow my advice.  If you have to make a fan game, NEVER advertise it until it's completed and/or you've uploaded it.  If you have to post videos on youtube to demonstrate something, never identify yourself as the game's creator.  And finally, don't upload any fan games for about 6 months or so, until this situation cools down a bit.  Believe me, this goes a long way.


I remember a character from a TV drama I used to watch who once said that anonymity is a better defense than lawyers, Diplomatic Immunity, and body armor combined.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 1

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Sadly, it's pretty much what you said here.  Mane6 publicized this all over the place.  So I hate to say it, but I was kind of expecting this to happen at some point.  If it wouldn't have happened to them, it would've happened to someone else.  Maybe it was to make an example, or maybe it was for a bigger reason.  Regardless, it happened and what people should take away from it is knowledge, rather than a feeling of anger.



This is why I recommend that creators of fangames follow my advice.  If you have to make a fan game, NEVER advertise it until it's completed and/or you've uploaded it.  If you have to post videos on youtube to demonstrate something, never identify yourself as the game's creator.  And finally, don't upload any fan games for about 6 months or so, until this situation cools down a bit.  Believe me, this goes a long way.


I remember a character from a TV drama I used to watch who once said that anonymity is a better defense than lawyers, Diplomatic Immunity, and body armor combined.

I used that infamous story "Cupcakes" as an example in another thread. If the author made himself known, and posted short excerpts of the story all over the place for months before he finished writing it, Hasbro would have given him a cease and desist order too. Instead, whoever wrote it waited until it was finished, and posted it completely anonymously. It spread like wildfire in a matter of hours. If Mane6 followed his lead, everyone would probably be playing the game right now, and Hasbro wouldn't have the slightest idea who to send their complaints to! It would be on far to many download sites for them to ever stamp out. Not that I'm condoning this in the least. It just makes sense if you're doing it just for fun, and not for money.

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I can't stress this enough! As a toy-company, Hasbro has one goal: to make money, selling toys. The television shows for Transformers, Littlest Pet Shop, and My Little Pony are, at the end of the day, product placement. While each of the shows have more to them than just being commercials for toys, Hasbro's endgame is selling toys, not cartoons. Period.


That said, saying that Hasbro does not care about the show, or it's fans is also not true. Hasbro loves the show's success, and they love us (the consumers) in the same way a car-company or a video game developer loves their customers. Hasbro does not care if we are grown men and women who like the show, because the money we spend on toys and merchandise is exactly the same as the money parents use to buy the exact same toys and merchandise for their kids. A good amount of the merchandise they make or license is actually made specifically for us, which is something that rarely happens.


However, Hasbro has taken on a real challenge by embracing rather than ignoring the brony phenomenon, as they now have to balance what they do with the brand between two completely different audiences. If they stray too far from the original concept (and cater only toward bronies), they'll lose the original target demographic: little girls. If they exaggerate the girly stereotypes and themes too much, they'll lose out on an almost equally sizable chunk of their profits: bronies. So, they're caught in an endless tug-of-war with the show, being extra careful not to stray too far in either direction.


Now on to another touchy subject: Twilicorn. As a toy company, Hasbro needs to revitalize it's brands to keep their toys fresh, and keep kids coming back for more. For their other brands, doing so is relatively simple. Transformers can have an infinite number of Autobots/Decepticons, and things like Maximals/Predacons and Vehicons. What can they do with My Little Pony? Well, they could add more recolors of the same pony, or add some wings to existing ponies. Hasbro chose the latter, and we now we have Twilicorn. She was never meant to be anything more than a toy promotion (which is why she'll likely go back to being a unicorn again in the show), and like the Canterlot Wedding sets or Crystal Empire toys, will probably be a limited time thing.


Finally, as for the C&D for Fighting is Magic, I'd just like to say that Hasbro was merely protecting their brand. Just about any fan project that strays too far from the show's kid friendly nature is sure to get the axe, and Fighting is Magic happened to be one of them. Alot of RPG's and MMO's that involved fighting or violence were also axed before it, while projects like Pony Kart have remained untouched. Whether this is because Hasbro sees nothing wrong with them, or simply does not know about them is uncertain, but Hasbro is merely trying to avoid another "Derpygate" style fiasco.





Edited by Twinhead B

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Although I'm really sorry for those who put all that time and effort into creating Fighting is Magic (even though I only had minimal interest in the game myself), and those who were so eager to play it, I can understand why Hasbro did what they did (although, personally I think they could have handled it better, a compromise maybe?)


The thing I think may have clinched it was this.


They put Pinkemina in it.



Think about the damage that could be done to the brand if that got out, especially if the media (*Cough cough* Fox news *cough cough*) decided to make a massive deal out of it. It could ruin Hasbro. Well, maybe a slight exaggeration, but it would be very bad for their overall image. Try to think about it from the point of view of a parent who has no idea how the internet works.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

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'Hasbro is greedy'

'We should boycott Hasbro'

'Hasbro's taking things too far with its copyrights...'




This sounds so much like the people I hear whining about artists who have the GALL to charge MONEY for commissions!


It's different in that Hasbro's relationship with us is more impersonal.  Instead of asking what we want, creating it, then handing it to us for money, they've created something appealing and dangle it like a lure.  We're attracted, and while we sit watching it, we soak up ads, and just might buy some merchandise based on their lure.


You might see that as objectionable, but it's just business as usual.  Of *course* the lure has to be attractive and enthralling, so they bring in good writers, good musicians, and skilled animators.  At least, the smart companies do.  The ones who half-ass it end up with a smaller market share, or just die off.


Many bronies feel Hasbro is letting its greed ruin the show, but they're looking at it from a tail-wags-the-dog perspective.  Hasbro's going to do whatever they feel will make them money, and nothing you're likely to do is going to influence their decisions in that.  If you were in their shoes, beholden to a board of gray soul-shriveled shareholders, your job on the line, you'd be doing all you could to A) keep the show going and B) keep it profitable.  Put a face on the faceless corporation.  


Does any of this change the fact that the show may suffer because Hasbro is taking more of an interest in the show's creative direction?  No.  I will be as crushed as any of you if MLP's quality continues to decline.  All we can do is rely on the writers to take Hasbro's directives in stride and mold the show around them seamlessly.

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I think you are right in what you said in your OP. Everything you said about hasbro and since Lauren Faust had left the show. I see everything that you said about Hasbro trying to put out more ideas just to shell out more toys etc. I only have bought fan-made material from the show too. Hasbro has very poor quality merchandise if you have not already seen. I just hope the next season is great and does not ruin the show. At this point in time I think we are riding the fence here with the show and the fandom itself. The last episode was decent not the best by far. But lets just hope the next episodes of the show are good. 



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