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Equestrian Factions


The Factions  

70 users have voted

  1. 1. If There Is No Conflict Between The Sisters

    • Equestrian Diarchy
    • Followers of Chaos
    • Changeling Swarms
  2. 2. If There Is Conflict Between The Sisters

    • Solar Empire
    • Lunar Republic
    • Guardians of Harmony
  3. 3. If This Was Equestria Divided

    • House Moon and Star
    • House Whitegold
    • House Earthborn
    • House Everfree
    • House Stormwing
    • Cult of Laughter

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  On 2013-03-09 at 7:57 PM, silvadel said:

Rescue the real pinkie pie trapped in the astral plane by the awful experiment that twilight did which trapped her spirit there while leaving her lifeless body.  Bring true laughter back to the world.  End the war.

Hmm that is similar to my thoughts. Twilight, upon casting the spell did not kill Pinkie Pie but slingshot her soul into the Astral Plane and leaving her body behind giving the appearance of death.

Though I also added to it with this: This experience was extremely painful, in addition since the Astral Plane is empty it leaves Pinkie Pie alone and afraid. Thus calling upon her other self, Pinkamena, this darker side of Pinkie Pie takes over... and begins to grow strong with the prays and worship of those that would form the Cult of Laughter. This 'Laughing Mare' in her own twisted way would provide laughter and joy to ponies.

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  On 2013-03-09 at 8:05 PM, EquestrianScholar said:

Hmm that is similar to my thoughts. Twilight, upon casting the spell did not kill Pinkie Pie but slingshot her soul into the Astral Plane and leaving her body behind giving the appearance of death.

Though I also added to it with this: This experience was extremely painful, in addition since the Astral Plane is empty it leaves Pinkie Pie alone and afraid. Thus calling upon her other self, Pinkamena, this darker side of Pinkie Pie takes over... and begins to grow strong with the prays and worship of those that would form the Cult of Laughter. This 'Laughing Mare' in her own twisted way would provide laughter and joy to ponies.

You could merge those two thoughts actually.


Pinkie Pie is still trapped on the astral plane.


Her Pinkamena side on the other hand was twisted enough to be able to animate an undead body and has returned.




Whether or not saving Pinkie Pie would cause a merging, a battle, or a separate entity is up to your own canon.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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  • 1 month later...

I would choose the followers of chaos, Discord is, quite frankly, awesome!, the Lunar Republic, because Luna is better than Trollestia by far, happy.png and the House Everfree, because Fluttershy is the best of the mane six, and having Iron Will as a commander would be very useful! Just try and defeat the mighty motivator! laugh.png

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  On 2013-05-02 at 9:19 PM, DJ-BRONI3 said:

I would choose the followers of chaos, Discord is, quite frankly, awesome!, the Lunar Republic, because Luna is better than Trollestia by far, happy.png and the House Everfree, because Fluttershy is the best of the mane six, and having Iron Will as a commander would be very useful! Just try and defeat the mighty motivator! laugh.png

This is supposed to be a more serious voting, I think it can be agreed it would be a living hell if Discord ruled over Equestria.


Lastly remember that by joining House Everfree you would slowly become more bestial in nature and behavior.


Also please don't call Celestia Trollestia.

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Ok. I'm sorry! :( I'll say my voting more seriously then.


I would still choose the Followers of Chaos, because I believe that Discord's chaos is more random and crazy than dangerous. Discord doesn't actually want to hurt anypony, he merely loves to cause confusion and chaos.


I would choose the Lunar Empire because I feel that Princess Luna and the night deserves more respect. I feel that Princess Celestia is more tyrannical than her sister, and I would trust Luna more than her, in spite of the whole Nightmare Moon thing.


I would choose the House Everfree because I love nature and wish to support my favourite pony, Fluttershy. I understand the consequences cause you to become more bestial, but such effects can also be found to be beneficial, as the abilities of an animal to hunt and camouflage itself would be very useful in a war. Having strong allies such as Iron Will would also be useful in a world divided by war.


I hope these reasons are more well thought out, and again I apologise for my earlier post's lack of care and consideration.

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Laughs that was meant to be more a gentle chiding but this more information helps. Yet now I have a few questions for you...


What 'version' of Discord are you speaking of? Of the return of Harmony I feel it was clearly shown just how selfish and uncaring he is, having a surprising cruel sense of humor where he went inside of the Mane Six and seemingly 'broke' them, twisting their minds and personalities. You don't have to physically hurt someone to harm them, and it can be argued emotional and mental harm can be far worse. Even when on brings in Keep Calm and Flutter On one could argue that Discord is only bidding his time and manipulating the Mane Six on keeping him free on 'good behavior'. Honestly I find it laughable that one could ever truly consider 'reforming' Discord and makes as much sense as reforming the Joker. (This being my view of Discord).


Who says that Celestia is actually a tyrant other then the fans? Have you considered the possibility that perhaps someone or something else has turned the sisters against each other? Someone that wants to bring conflict into Equestria and turn the sisters against each other to weaken them? Who can say Luna is even in the right, or that Celestia is in the wrong? Perhaps yet against Luna has be corrupted... or maybe she has been deceived into thinking Celestia is a tyrant and should be stopped? There is so many ways one could have the Solar Empire and Lunar Republic why go with the boring 'bring down the evil tyrant' (Celestia) and 'she is just wants to be loved and stop her evil sister'? -laughs-


Now onto Equestria Divided what I like about it is that it is not Black vs White but Grey vs Grey... none of the five houses are right and all of them have done horrible things in the extreme actions carried out for their beliefs. wink.png

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My votes:


Equestrian Diarchy: They're obviously the most stable and organized.  The changelings are forced to be nomadic because once a place runs out of love, they have to leave or die.  Chaos is completely disorganized because that's what they are, which isn't exactly a trait that appeals to me.


Guardians of Harmony: I'm the type of person to stay on neutral ground.  I tend to not take sides, and this seems like the best option for that.


House Moon and Star: As insane as Twilight is, this house seems to be the only one actively trying to solve the problem of the princesses' disappearance rather than running around and just being generally pissed off.  However, if this was a poll for which faction I would actually be in, I'd probably say Cult of Laughter, because I like the idea of working in the shadows with no one knowing quite how powerful they've become.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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  On 2013-05-02 at 9:48 PM, EquestrianScholar said:

Now onto Equestria Divided what I like about it is that it is not Black vs White but Grey vs Grey... none of the five houses are right and all of them have done horrible things in the extreme actions carried out for their beliefs. img-1427060-1-wink.png


I'd label it something more akin to Black vs Black since they are all basically horrible. 


(I usually like my stories to be Light Grey vs Dark Grey, with them both muddling towards the middle at some points. All dark isn't really my style, though I can respect it.)

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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Equestrian Diarchy, although I'd like to point out that Diarchy isn't a real word.


Solar Empire, of course! As everybody knows, Princess Celestia is the one true ruler of Equestria, and anyone who says otherwise is a heretic.


House Whitegold.


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  On 2013-05-03 at 2:00 AM, Harmonic Revelations said:

Equestrian Diarchy, although I'd like to point out that Diarchy isn't a real word.


Solar Empire, of course! As everybody knows, Princess Celestia is the one true ruler of Equestria, and anyone who says otherwise is a heretic.


House Whitegold.

It is both a word and an actual form of government, meaning a rulership of two equal rulers... though there is more to it then simply that: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diarchy

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  On 2013-05-03 at 2:03 AM, EquestrianScholar said:

It is both a word and an actual form of government, meaning a rulership of two equal rulers... though there is more to it then simply that: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diarchy

Wait what.


I was hoping it would be a system of leadership based on the movie Diehard, but I guess I'll never truly have my way in the end. sad.png

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 1


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  On 2013-05-02 at 9:48 PM, EquestrianScholar said:

Laughs that was meant to be more a gentle chiding but this more information helps. Yet now I have a few questions for you...


What 'version' of Discord are you speaking of? Of the return of Harmony I feel it was clearly shown just how selfish and uncaring he is, having a surprising cruel sense of humor where he went inside of the Mane Six and seemingly 'broke' them, twisting their minds and personalities. You don't have to physically hurt someone to harm them, and it can be argued emotional and mental harm can be far worse. Even when on brings in Keep Calm and Flutter On one could argue that Discord is only bidding his time and manipulating the Mane Six on keeping him free on 'good behavior'. Honestly I find it laughable that one could ever truly consider 'reforming' Discord and makes as much sense as reforming the Joker. (This being my view of Discord).


Who says that Celestia is actually a tyrant other then the fans? Have you considered the possibility that perhaps someone or something else has turned the sisters against each other? Someone that wants to bring conflict into Equestria and turn the sisters against each other to weaken them? Who can say Luna is even in the right, or that Celestia is in the wrong? Perhaps yet against Luna has be corrupted... or maybe she has been deceived into thinking Celestia is a tyrant and should be stopped? There is so many ways one could have the Solar Empire and Lunar Republic why go with the boring 'bring down the evil tyrant' (Celestia) and 'she is just wants to be loved and stop her evil sister'? -laughs-


Now onto Equestria Divided what I like about it is that it is not Black vs White but Grey vs Grey... none of the five houses are right and all of them have done horrible things in the extreme actions carried out for their beliefs. img-1427060-1-wink.png


I consider Discord as a slightly insane character, but he would never hurt those that embrace the chaos! He only breaks the minds of those who try to oppose him and his goal of total chaos, so I think that being one of his followers would be the best choice.


I still believe in my opinion that Luna is the princess that was overshadowed and unfairly treated. If her night-times had just been given a little respect from the beginning, she would have been much happier!


I suppose you're right on the Grey Vs Grey thing though, no one is in the right, but some are still more wrong than others! ;)

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I would vote "Equestrian Diarchy" then "Lunar Republic" and then "House of Moon and Stars."


They all sounded and seemed to me like best choices. I after all: trust more Republics than Empires. Others than those: i count on liberty and light ruling.

Spring has arrived to Finland and you know what that means?


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljOpfo1sras ITS SOON HOLIDAY!



 Other track :)
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I ended up voting for the Diarchy, cause as bad as things get in the canon storyline just look how bad it got after they both disappeared in the Divided storyline! 


Lunar Republic because personally I think Luna having 1000 years of complete isolation, without going insane, has given her a unique perspective on the changes that have occurred in the land and would have ideas on how to correct any issues that may have cropped up over the years.


Finally, while I will say I kept waiting for a House that one could at least stomach I could not find one.  However, if there is any chance for peace to come back I believe it would be with either Fluttershy or Pinkie.  This led to the disturbing realization that Flutters has gone cuckoo for cocoapuffs and Pinkie is now Nightmare Fuel that makes Pinkamena from Cupcakes look like a swell neighbor.  Still though, from the looks of it all of them have lost their minds which would seem to me to be some form of corruption similar to that of Discord.  For that reason I picked Everfree as Zecora is wise and Fluttershy is kind.  If this corruption that has swept through these nations can be undone I believe they would be the first to be able to pass it along.

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Actually based on what facts are given I have come to believe that the spell Twilight cast had not killed Pinkie Pie but slingshot her soul into the Astral Plane. This experience would have traumatized Pinkie, not helped by the fact the Astral Plane is such an empty place, to cope Pinkie Pie would allow Pinkamena to take over perhaps even creating her on the spot so she would have company. Then when ponies started worshiping her she would slowly begin the process of becoming the Laughing Mare.


One Celestia and Luna, on how I see what happened 1000 years ago and the pain that followed watch these videos (watch in this order):

The Moon Rises:

Lullaby for a Princess:

Luna's Reply (Lullaby for a Princess Luna Version):

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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  • 2 months later...

I'm definitely part of the Changeling Swarm.

I don't know why, but I've always loved changelings, and for some reason I sometimes I actually wish I were a changeling (Don't judge me!)

  • Brohoof 2


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Changeling Swarm for life. I have always loved changelings because they look cool, are shapeshifters, feed off of love, and they are ruled by the best and most beautiful queen in all Equestria, Chrysalis. I support this faction and wish to see them succeed in the long run.

  • Brohoof 2



IF is best girl.

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  On 2013-07-31 at 6:24 AM, SmartyPants said:

Changeling Swarm for life. I have always loved changelings because they look cool, are shapeshifters, feed off of love, and they are ruled by the best and most beautiful queen in all Equestria, Chrysalis. I support this faction and wish to see them succeed in the long run.

So, we're in the same alliance... I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one in the changeling swarm! (Sure there's only two of us for now, but at least it's better than one)

  • Brohoof 2


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Uuuhh.. What's the Changeling emblem supposed to be?

It's kinda like... It looks like... Uuughhh.... Read about them in medical pamphlets I got in the early years of high school.

I think we're enough on the same page so we don't have I say it.

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I like Luna and Celestia ruling together. None of that Luna Republic and Solar Empire stuff.


I dislike The Conversion Bureau Empire Celestia going insane and committing genocide on all the sapient races of Equestria and then invading another universe/Earth to kill all Humans by turning them into Ponies. 

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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