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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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Blood giggled as the top of the box flew open...she thought she had tied the chains around it to keep it closed but apparently not.

The blade sliced passed her shoulder, giving her yet another long wound...but like before, Blood couldn't care less. Yes, it did hurt her but she still managed to follow the pony out the window. She flew after him and as she approached she started spinning one of the chains.

After a moment she flew above him and attempted wrapping the chain around his middle...but she missed so instead she flew up ahead of him and landed on the road, only a few feet away. "Come on...go out with style...there are ponies here to watch you and remember your name...if you tell them of course." She giggled and spread her wings, wanting so badly to look like she usually did...that would make this situation so much more scary...but she was still stuck looking normal.

She rattled the chains, waiting for the guards next move, as the ponies around them started figuring out what was about to happen...most of them ran.

Something something something something


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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower - Rarity's room


This pony... I'll have to keep him under surveillance. I may not like the sounds of his plan, but I can't let the other Houses or the Cult get their dirty hooves on this engine. "I'll be more than happy to employ the assistance of the arcanists and the artisans to help you in this. But before we put these in mass production, we must make improvements on the original first. And word of this must not go beyond these walls or the special facilities in the arcane or artisan districts," she said quietly with a hint of warning. Or else my blade will taste your blood...


Nightfall smiled, almost in a twisted, cruel way.

"As you wish, milady."

He wanted to jump for joy, but decided against looking like a dirty, hateful, cursed Cultist. He held a special hatred for them and their necromancy. They were second on his list to stop, second only to Twilight Sparkle herself.

"Not to be pushy," he said, covering his engine back up, "but I will need a workshop that has a small living quarters attached. And it will need to be big enough for the experimentation of it. However, that should be no problem."

He didn't plan on leaving until he was told where he could work and whether or not living quarters would come with the deal or not. He couldn't believe it, though; his plan was working to his own favor, he thought. His "rise to power" and the planned defeat of Twilight could not be far away. He stood there, facing Lady Rarity, with his invention covered from prying eyes, waiting for the words to go to a certain place to have it ready for other ponies to come help him improve and mass produce his engine.

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Spell and Lightning Shock - Whitetail Woods - Campsite
Spell would be sleeping a little bit away from everyone, she wanted to sing a little bit, but she was shy about her singing. She usually started singing when something bothered her, something very important she can’t point her hoof at. Not what she was very good at singing, she still practiced it somewhat.

Honor for all, as honor for none

Words waging war, minds doing nothing

Blindness all over, no one can see

Cries of the mother, rage of their sons.


Droplets of ice, dropping from sky

Souls of our brothers distant to us

Flying and falling as in their lives

Not from the rage, not from the cries

But cause of feelings for everything else


With no one to care and no one to pray

They give us our blessing and dream of the time

When all wars all over and we whole again

But war doesn’t care, neither do we

As rage boils up, corrupting our thoughts


Six mares full of pride, agendas and lies

Of rage and delusion, of horrible crimes

They think they are betters of everyone else

They give out their orders, send others to die

For their own agenda, their pride and their sake


But what will be left, of us and our world

If we do not stop this horrible war

The echoes of glory, tales of none

The world which is burned and is lifeless to core


She would lift a few stones and other lifeless things in the forest with magic, while she sung her little song.


Lightning on the other hand, had a dream where someone told her about a red and a blue flower, wonderland and some other things she didn’t believed in, so she just jammed both red and blue flower into dreams person mouth, which the person in their mistake, left open for her to do it.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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@@Spell Shock,




Whitetail Woods


Eternity saw Star get up. She seemed hurt. "You OK?" he said to her"Here." He said leviating some bangages to her "Take these. DOn't have much medical supplies. And i don't know any spels you heal you. Maybe you can heal yourself." He got up "Come on Spell and Lightning wake up. You too Long Stride." He said them. "Lets get traveling. We sill have some ways to go before we hit the city.


They all continued to travel the Forest. Trees occasionally getting in the way and Eternity sometimes having to move any obstacles. He didn't really talked much. He just looked at the map a few times and continued the trek with the rest of them and the earth pony.










The stallion walked over the gourds lifeless body. He stabbed the guard with his floating brush right in the neck, doing so quickly and nonchalantly. "Honestly Bloody," he said towards Wind "Your game was going on for too long. Just cut of his head, put it in your bag and come on." He kicked the guard body once. He didn't care if Wind got mad. He had no time to waste.


And then walked back to Derpy and Tondrak. "Now, as I was saying. Just step into my painting. It would be the quickest way out of here." He started to act a bit more serious. "You all do want to escape quickly right? Then oblige to my orders and I will get you out of the city. Do we all have a deal?"

Edited by AnonBrony
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House earthborn - New Ponyville


Breaburn noded in agreement to the ents, he then lead them to Applejack.


Applejack walked to Rainbow Dash and gave her an uncomfortable look, but Rainbow Dash didnt seem at all intimidated. "Why should we come to your aid? You flooded Ponyville and just attacked us." Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash waiting for a response. But before anyone else could speak Breaburn came in with the ents. "Applejack, the ents have something to say to you and Rainbow Dash and its important, it concerns house Everfree." Applejack wasnt sure what the ents would say, but she was hoping it would be relevent to stopping the Everfree forest's expansion.


House earthborn - Applelossa - hospital


Applebloom had been speaking to Granny Smith for a while, letting her know about all her problems or consernes. Granny gave Applebloom some reassurance. Applebloom had been feeling more and more neglected by her older sister, believing her sister only wanted her to come up with new weapon designs, but Granny convienced her otherwise. 



House Whitegold - Mannehatten - hospital


Nightshade made her way closer to Sweetie Belle as the guards stood down. "I just followed your trail, im quite good at tracking people, i came to see if you were alright. Im not sure if you heard my name but it's Nightshade." Nightshade was hoping that she might be able to talk her way into getting a promotion at some point, butfor now she wanted to see how Sweetie Belle was doing.


Cult of laughter - Mannehatten


Tondrak held his saddle bag with his crown inside it tighter. Tondrak's patience was growing thin after the stallion mentioned his crown. He didnt like the knowledge the pony had about him. "Derpy you did not tell him about me, did you?" He could see on Derpy's face that she had no clue about how he knew what he knew. "We arnt going anywhere until you tell me how you know about my crown. We entered this city and we dont need your help to leave it." Tondrak wasnt going to let knowledge of him being a lich get out, he prepared a defensive stance just in case the stallion tryed to pull Tondrak in his painting by force.

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House Stormwing – Cloudsdale – The Citadel


It’s well known that with war comes casualties, but nothing could have prepared them for the sheer scale of this calamity. Half of the houses military were simply wiped from existence in that space of one battle, their city collapsing from under them. As Scootaloo landed beyond the inner city with Windslash, the realisation of such a loss hit her like a hammer and anvil. This could be the end; this might be their last stand here. All the other cities had sent their soldiers but to no amend. Scootaloo began to panic, her breathing picking up and her eyes widening. What if this was it?


“No,” She began to say to herself. “I’m a pegasi. We know no fear. With or without Rainbow Dash here I will stay strong.” She turned to Windslash with a new look of determination. “We need to move the last of our troops to the citadel.  We have to buy Commander Rainbow Dash some time. Where’s Dogmatic? Last I knew he re-joined his kin, but I haven’t seen them since the last advance.”


They continued to move further into the city, grand and magnificent structures surrounding them as they pressed on. More hordes began to besiege them from all sides and the scum bellow continued to hurl their foul ammunition at them. The last of the Hoplites assembled just beyond the citadel courtyard, Wing Commander Spitfire and Soarin’ at the ready. “Scootaloo! We thought you were dead! Quick, get back here. Things are about to get a bit more desperate.”


House Stormwing – New Ponyville – The Gates


Rainbow was losing her patience with these idiots. Every moment wasted only prolonged the cities demise. “I don’t give a flying feather about that! Ponyville was flooded, yes, but not by my order! Now are you going to help us or aren’t you even able to take on a bunch of trees and madponies?” Resisting the urge to draw her weapon to speed up negotiations, she trotted back to her guard and slung her shield back over her shoulder.


“Because even if you don’t help…  I’m going back anyway. My city needs me, and if that means dying to protect it then so be it. You may have no honour left, but there are some of us who hold it high. Any of your soldiers may be willing to die for you, but I am willing to die for any of mine.”


Long Stride – Whitetail Wood – The Road to Manehattan


If his memory served correct, and it always did, then they were only an hour’s trot from the city gates. About now is the time to be most worried about brigands and thieves. But it seemed no misfortune would plague them today and they pressed on without interruption, save his injured leg hassling him from time to time. They would be there in no time. “Well, that’s the worst of it over. Now we just have to get in somehow.”


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Blood's eyes widened and she gave him an angry glare...which would usually look worse if she wasn't disguised.

She walked over to the ponies dead body and cut off his head, using her wingblades. She ignored the ponies screams around them then walked over to the painting. "Soooo remi-" She stopped as a few droplets of blood from her wingblades fell onto her back. She let out a small sigh and continued. "Remind me how this is going to get us out of here so quickly...Also, Tondrak, Can you make me look normal again ? You know the spell do you not ?" She asked, looking into her bag and smiling. She finally had the last little piece she needed to finish making Cookie...now she just needed a unicorn to bring him to life...which was going to prove difficult considering not many knew how and most of the time they only changed ponies who betrayed the cult...but she would use her magical begging abilities and get it some how.

She threw the bag over her shoulder which made a loud gross *Splat* echo around them. She grinned and waited for a reply from Tondrak...or the other pony...whatever his name was.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Earthborn - New Ponyville - The Gates





for a moment, Fixit felt pity for the enemy commander. The majority of House Earthborn, if not Equestria, had heard that there had been trickery involved in Rainbow Dash's flooding of Ponyville. It seemed the rumors hadn't quite reached the top of the chain of command yet, or that Applejack chose to ignore this fact.


Could it be true? he thought Would Applejack willingy ignore the truth? Why would she do such a thing?


He considered protesting, but before he could Rainbow Dash butt in as Applejack turned to the ents. So much was going on at once, and only one thing could be tended to at once...


House Stormwing had to come first. If relations were to improve the two Houses would have to show they were willing to spill blood for one another.


"All due respect, Supreme Commander, don't you think the ents can wait? Stormwing will fall if we don't help soon. I realise that these ents may have important information, but we have to prioritise here. And as for you..." he whirled to face Rainbow Dash, his face contorted with rage "You can shut your godamn mouth! You use the words "honour" and "dignity" as if they mean something to you! Well I hate to break it to you, but if my House's honour rests upon helping rival Houses then I'd have to say your honour is long gone. Just moments ago you assaulted our town and, by the looks of things, launched an assault on Everfree, and you talk to us as if you are entitled to our help! I doubt you would lift a hoof to help us if Appleloosa was under attack, so I suggest you shut up and sit the buck down because we are working on your problem and have our honour quite firmly intact!

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Spell and Lightning Shock - Whitetail Woods - Campsite

Spell was humming something at they go, something was going on but she didn’t know what.


Something horrible, no doubt, but when again – when there was something except horrible happening with this land.


“Forgotten in nowhere, return to somewhere

Strings of the words, spinning around

Creating a pillar of unfortunate lies

Truth will be told by those who can see

In blindness of eyes, darkness of days”


Lightning was going a little bit away from her, with everyone else and would say, to everyone.


- “Gosh, she sings all day today. Wonder what got her to sing” – she replied - “It’s never a good sign when she sings, to be honest. Something going to happen.”


Spell when would look down and stop for a second. She was a nest, ravaged by egg hunters; there were only a few husks of eggs left. It was peculiar, as they all were in fact – mostly intact.

Spell would lift one to look at it, stopping her singing for a moment. It was weird, she knew it was empty inside, it was pretty hallow, but she had no idea how could anything possibly suck out all the insides out, without breaking the egg, at least too much.  She saw a little crack, so naturally, she wanted to crack it open to see if she was mistaken, taking a few steps back, so the stench wouldn’t be too harsh if it is filled with filth.


As she tried to open it with magic, a little flux dot from her horn rushed into an egg and there was a cyan, light cyan flash of light.


The egg would change in that flash. IT would become like a cyan crystal of an egg, it looked rather cold. But when again, it was probably the surroundings which gave that idea, a small area around the egg, part of a tree and some grass were frozen in a flash freeze.


- “I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the effect of the spell I tried to do” – Spell replied, looking at now made of ice egg. It was glowing a little bit.


Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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Artisan District

Performance Hall



Swift raised an eyebrow at the assassin, now tangled within the vast stage curtains.


"Good going..." he announced. Well, it looked as though that fight was over...


The agent strode to the entangled assassin, standing before her. The stage was littered with props, scattered by the assassin's slip. Could a professional killer really make such a mistake...


"I suppose that now you're all tied up... There's no harm in asking who you are," his voice grew a little colder, "and what house you're from. You clearly came here to strike out at Rarity... or rather her sister. You see, I like to know which house I'm subtracting a member from, before I kill scum like you."


It wouldn't even surprise Swift if she was from Whitegold itself; the amount of backstabbing involved within the government could easily lead to something like this.


Swift raised one leg, inspecting the hoof arrogantly while he waited for an answer from the assassin, a beg for mercy perhaps...


It made little odds to him what this killer had to say; he'd heard it all before.

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(OOC: Sorry for the lack off posting lately - homework n' stuff...SOOO MUCH...)


The Cult of Laughter - The Manehattan Inner City - ...Somewhere (?)


"Yep!" said Derpy gleefully to her rescue stallion. She jumped into the painting, but before doing so, she grabbed onto Tondraks' hoof, dragging him in with her. Into the depths of the painting they disappeared, landing in some random forest.


"Ooh," said Derpy, "pretty painting!" She then walked forth, exploring, oblivious to the dangers that could be lurking.


House Everfree - The Old Castle Ruins - Fluttershys' Dining Hall


Jade looked Sand up and down. Was he really not able to stop that spear? she thought to herself. He could be lying, but what would be his motivation? Fluttershy did call him a trickster. He could be telling the truth, though - I have no knowledge of unicorn magic. Casting her thoughts aside to ponder over later, she started to mull over what Lily had said.


"I think you're right. Lady Fluttershy will know what to do, if there is anything to be done." Turning to the door the Lady and the stag had gone through, she asked, "Who else will come?"

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@@Spell Shock,




Eternity - Whitetail Woods


As they were working through the woods, almost approaching a river, he looked over to Spell shock who stopped singing her odd song. She was looking at something on the ground.  He was curious at what she found. "Is that a-" He was going to continue but got cut off by the light that began to glow from the egg. The cyan light almost blinded him. When the light settled down, the egg was glowing. The are around it was frozen. As soon as Eternity saw the the egg how it truly was, he realized what it was. 


"That's a... Why that is a Pheonix egg isn't it!? I've seen some in books but never in real life. they are so rare. And the ones I've seen glow red and are orangish. Not blue." That is amazing. A Pheonix egg. That's blue! Must be some new discovery! ... I wonder if it's like an ice or water phoenix instead of fire?


"The poor thing doesn't seem to have a mother." Eternity looked around a bit to see if there was a Pheonix around. "Well, we can't just leave the egg on it's own to die now can we?" He picked up the egg with his magic. "Hmm, here Spell, you hold it. You found t after all."






(OOC: God dang it Sonic, Now i had to edit this, ugh... Sorry for me dragging you into the painting Jolteon, blame Sonic.)


Since Tondrak were now inside the painting with Derpy, the stallion picked it up and sucked Wind in too. "There we go."

While inside they were in a clearing, sort of like a huge plains. He appeared suddenly in front of them.


He glared at Tondrak. It was an Intense glare. You could easily tell he wasn't pleased. But then, it went away, and he laughed a bit. "heheh Hahahahaha! OH! SO You are G-Givin' ME orders are you now?" he laughed again "I give the orders around here, you- Oh should i say it, Around this pony who HAS NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE?" he said it loudly so Wind would definitely notice. The he laughed again. "Ya wanna know what really irks me Tondrak? When ignorant ponies don't do what I say and they question my command." The whole time he was circling around the group and he finally stopped when he was in front of Tondrak. "Now, You are going to listen to me. Oh yes. Yes you are. Cuz I have something you need. He reach in his saddle bags, and pulled out a book. "This yours perhaps?" It was Tondrak's book. No doubt the one containing a piece of Tondrak's very soul. He quickly put the book back into his bag so he wouldn't take it. "You couldn't sense it because it was in my painting. I bet you got a good whiff of it when i took it out though. Now, you do exactly as I say, Or no book. Since only I can get the book out of the painting. Capisce?"


He looked towards Wind now, "The process is simple. You step in, wait a few minutes, and I get you out. And you will be outside Manehatten. You just leave it all up to me." He looked to all three of them. "Now that you are hear just wait. Is there any questions before I go?"


(OOC: BTW you are too far to meet Lila. Each painting brings you to a different place.)

Edited by AnonBrony
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Wind raised an eyebrow. "Usually I would insist upon escaping with you...and fighting...but I will do this for one reason and one reason only...Its because I like you." She said, giving him a seductive grin and brushing his chin with her tail before walking past towards the painting. "And we all know that Tondrak isn't alive...well, he is but...you know...byeeeeeee." She said, spreading her wings and diving into the painting, almost crashing directly into Derpy as she flew. She landed right next to the mare and grinned. "So...What is this place...I mean, I know its a painting but-" Her eyes widened and she looked up at the sky from where she came. "HEY MR. PAINTER PONY...IF YOU FIND A PONY NAMED BOB SEND HIM IN, HE'S MY UNCLE...I think." She called up before happily skipping around a random tree for no reason. "Who knew paintings could be so life like...I mean, look at this tree." She tapped her hoof on it and grinned. "I wonder how he does it." She thought out loud, looking up at the higher branches of the tree. "I wonder if he'll show me..." She muttered.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Spell Shock - Whitetail Woods
“What egg? A second ago it was kind of a dead egg and I wanted to see how it was eaten. I mean, it was empty, hallow but intact. Tried to break it. I think it’s just frozen, I mean, the spell did react kind of… wonky” – she replied, telling what the spell reacted wonky was a rather large understatement.”

“Besides, the birds almost went instinct; there would be no way an egg of theirs would just lie down here in the middle of nowhere. I’m pretty sure it will melt down soon and it’s just going to be a same husk again. I guess I will open it with my own hooves, if magic wants to misbehave, AGAIN”


She would put the egg in the saddlebag, carefully not to break it and let the filth inside, or well – maybe an empty husk of an egg to fill it.


-“Maybe I should try and repeat that spell again later” – she replied, before going back to singing - “Would be useful to know how to freeze stuff, if anyone’s going to have some bad ideas”


“Forgotten in nowhere, return to somewhere

In middle of nights in dawn of new age

Nothing will matter, no one will care

Sun will go up but never set down

Setting aflame, those pillars we build

Lies will be shattered, burned and engraved

In bloody red ink, on a hundreds of graves


Some will remember the tyrants and queens 
Some will, their actions and color of mane
But in the end, there is no doubt
They are the one's who will suffer the most.


//I just make up lyrics on the spot, sorry of they not very good D://

Edited by Spell Shock

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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The Five Gifted - Equestria - Hidden mountain hermitage


Somewhere in Equestria the Composer stood, staring out across the land. The wind whipped up her mane and tail, but other than that she remained completely still. Her eyes scanned the landscape, searching for something... Or someone.


She hve a sigh of frustration and looked behind her at the entrance to her home. It was a small cave mouth that lead into a rather large tunnel complex, and it served perfectly as somewhere to base herself and the other Gifted and somewhere to plan their machinations. Despite it's appearance, it wasn't too chilly either.


She looked up at the sheets of cloth hanging above and around the entrance. They bore the pattern ofher ancestral clan, a symbol she bore with pride. She tried to incorporate its design into her robes whenever she could, to remind herself why she had to keep going and bring Equestria to its knees before her.


She adjusted one of the straps on her robes to avoid it billowing away in the gale. Wouldn't want anyone getting a glimpse under there. Not even her brother knew about her... Disfigurement, and he was unlikely to ever know until she felt that the time was right.


Once again, she cast her gaze across the landscape and sighed "Where is that fool?" she murmured.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Cult of Laughter- Painting.....?


There she was, standing, unable to move. She still couldn't believe what she was seeing even after the strange stallion had told her. The large metal bridge invited her into the borders of the kingdom. And it felt right. Lila took one shaky hoof and placed it on the cold hard metal that connected the floating island to the main land. She took another step. It's too good to be true. Somehow the stallion had gotten everything so far exactly as she remembered it. She didn't realize she had completely crossed the bridge until her hoofs made contact with a dirt road, which led to the forty foot tall wall made of cobblestone and the large archway with the gates wide open. Lila took a minute to calm herself before continuing into the castle itself. Once inside she was greeted by the market which laid empty of any ponies or goods to be sold. But it was all there. Every shop, stand, street lights. It was a perfect replica! Lila quickly rushed down the straight path that led to the heart of the kingdom, which was the castle she used to spend her nights in. It wasn't hard to miss since it was the only large structure in the kingdom. It had been so long since she had been inside by the warm hearth in her room. She finally decided she would never leave this painting.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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@@Spell Shock,




Eternity - Whitetail Woods


As Spell continued to sing away, Eternity studied the egg further. He certainly sensed something about it. He put it up his ear to see if he heard something inside, but as it touched his ear he felt the sheer coldness of the egg, almost freezing his ear. He realized it though. He definitely sensed it. Life. Inside the egg. Spell, brought a simple shell, back to life.


"Spell." he said to her. She continued to sing though "Spell!" He called out to her, "This isn't an eggshell, its a proper living egg. It's alive. You brought a dead egg back to life! Not even the greatest of mages can create life. Sure there are necromancers but they can't fully restore anything back to how it was. This is amazing!" She is definitely one special pony. But she can't control it, but I did, back at hoofington... maybe i can help her.








"What.." he said to Wind "What did you call me?" He levitated over to her, flying in the air. "MISTER. PAINTER. PONY!? Don't ever call me THAT!" He was right up in her face still floating in the air. He back off though and sighed. "You guys are probably going to need to call me something I guess... Fine."  He flew up higher into the air.


"How about you call me:




Oh no no no no NO!! Don't use that color! How about this one?... NO Definitely NOT!! ...Hmmm OH. OOOOOOOOOH. Maybe. Maaaybeee Oh? OH YES!! YES YES!!!! It Is the color of Blood! *ahem*


Call me:




I think that color suits me don't you think Wind?" He asked looking down at Wind.




House Whitegold - Manehatten


When all the cult ponies were back into the painting. Guards started to swarm around him. "Oh not this again. Brushy. Now that we are alone you can come out now." He Brush came out of his saddlebag. "Time to get to work. Now" He looked back at the soldiers an guard surrounding him. "PERISH!!!!" The Artist jumped into the air and took out another painting. Gallons upon gallons of water flowed out of it. All the unicorns and earth ponies on the ground were washed away. The Pegasi Brushy took care of. The water burshed The Artist up into the air.he then put a different painting under neath him very quickly. Blasts of air of came out of it, sending the Artist skyward. It was like he was surfing on a painting. He flew above the walls and landed in the Under city. "Ugh, that's it? Damn Windy sea. Hopefully they don't find us Brushy." he took out a new robe out of his bags and put it on. "Let's sneak out of here the old fashioned way shall we?"







The Artist - Painting - Fallen Moon II


The Artist was laying on her bed once she came in. Eating... more grapes. "Don't get too comfortable now. Your friends are almost out of the city." he ate a couple more grapes "So, di I git et al riht?" He sad with a mouthful of grapes.

  • Brohoof 1
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The Five Gifted - Equestria - Hidden mountain hermitage



The Five Gifted - Somewhere in Equestria - Hidden Mountian Hermitage


"What fool may I ask are you talking about my lady," says a stallion appearing not far from her from the shadows perhaps suggesting he had been there for a while or that he had just teleported from nearby, maybe both. He was a tall unicorn with a strong confidence and bearing, his smile suggesting he found amusement in what was around him. Yet something seemed off about his appearance, though it was clear his natural coat color is grey while his mane and tail white... it would seem his appearance would change for a few seconds. He would walk forward and he would take the appearance of a pegasus or earth pony, his coat changing colors as would his mane and tail. It was as if his identity was in flux. Yet after a moment he was able to stabilize things for the most part and his appearance stayed as that of his own.


When asked about the flux all he would say is that it was a condition of his powers, and that it was nothing to bother about. It only seemed to really be noticeable on his returns from his missions, though the Guardians of Harmony knew nothing about it as he made sure that the flux stopped before showing himself to them. When he looked up at the Composer’s face, his eyes looking into hers she could see what he seemed tired. It was unknown just how much rest he got each day though he hides it well enough, today he even laughs saying, “I hope such a lovely mare as yourself as had a good day. It would not be good to see our cunning leader upset over the tardiness of one mad pony.”

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Spell Shock - Whitetail Woods
- “Nonsense! Well… you sure it has life?” – She asked, she looked at him like at the madman – “There is no way to create a life. Perhaps…


She would take the egg and look at it. She looked rather closely, observing how… perfect it was now.

- “Perhaps… it’s very cold in the place from there those creature go. Perhaps, one of them managed to slip through. Perhaps, the flux and the creature’s inner magic created… a life”


IT was most peculiar, she kind of wanted to see and hear more on it, it was a pity she couldn’t ask anyone who really could tell her if it’s what happened.


- “It was just a simple, dead egg of a simple forest bird. Is it going to hatch? What is it going to hatch?” – Spell asked, looking at it – “And will it melt in the normal temperature, I wonder”


- “I mean, it’s not possible to create life. Life has to come from somewhere. I mean, the magical feedback of creating life would be so big, everyone; even Earth ponies would feel it for a hugest of distance away! And I didn’t felt much, except coldness from the spell. “

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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The Five Gifted - Somewhere in Equestria - Hidden Mountian Hermitage



The Composer remained still, unfazed by the Storyteller's sudden appearance "Oh, the Artist," she said without turning "That insufferable psychopath who insists on committing atrocities for entertainment. I have long gorwn past such things."


She turned around and walked towards him, back into the shelter of the cloths surrounding the cave entrance. She watched his coat and mane fluctuate between states until he stabilised, then gazed back out across Equestria.


When he inquired as to her well-being, she laughed "Oh, Storyteller, do not try to use your wiles on me. I know all your tricks. Although there is no need for tiles; I believe we are a little past that after 15 years," she turned to him again, smiling "However, since you ask, I am fine. Soon we shall set our plans in motion, and Equestria will be in our hooves. It won't be easy, but my - and by extension, your - dynasty will be rebuilt. The Taira clan will rise again, and you and the other Gifted will be to thank for it." Dhe waited for a moment, and then her expression turned to a scowl and she glanced back at the view "If that maniac doesn't appear soon there'll be hell to pay, mark my words."

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Cult of Laughter- Painting....?- Fallenmoon II


"Right? You got it more than right! It's perfect!" Lila squealed. she could care less about Derpy or Wind at the moment. This was hers! Lila turned to face the strange pony with a smile on her muzzle. "I don't know what to say, its just.... I never want to leave." she said before jumping on the bed next to the stallion. The bed was just as comfortable too. The softness, the smells. "How can I thank you? I just don't any way I could possibly repay you for all of this." she asked as she scanned the rest of the room. Suddenly a tinge of sadness engulfed her as she realized the kingdom felt empty with nopony in it. Her mood quickly darkened now remembering the times of bloodshed and war. Much of which she was dealing with in the over-world. She felt the need to be alone rise and no longer like the company of this strange stallion laying on her bed eating grapes. Lila glared at him. "Get out of my room." she stated bluntly before knocking the grapes from his hoofs. "And take your stupid grapes too!"

  • Brohoof 1

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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The Six Gifted - Somewhere in Equestria - Hidden Mountian Hermitage
He would laugh at her answer to his question, feeling it was accurate enough in its own way as was her statement that she had grown past such things. He watches as she walks towards him and to the entrance for shelter.


Once she had finished speak on her grand plans for Equestria, which the Storyteller had never shown any disagreement with but also has shown little agreement with as well, he smiles before shrugging somewhat as she saw through his words though he had not given up just yet, “Well it can’t hurt to try, having time with such a beautiful mare would be most wonderful indeed. Perhaps if the Taira clan rises again I can be your top scholar, live a quite life?


On her words of not using titles he asks after watching her scowl for a moment, “Does that mean I can called you Chiyoko Chan or perhaps even just Chiyoko my lady?” He did tease her at times, normally because she allowed him to get away with it but even he know he asked her a serious thing indeed based on where she comes from. Using his knowledge of both recent as well as older customs when it comes to Neighpan, 'chan' being a more cutsy title for fillies and no title at all only being for very close friends or special someponies.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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@@Spell Shock,




Eternity - Whitetail Woods


Create life with magic impossible huh? He thought. He looked over at Lightning. Maybe not.


"Perhaps your magic is different. Where ever it comes from, maybe it is able to create life, or alter life, or restore life. Point is, we now have an egg, and you made it. Which makes you its mother. Mama Shock." He laughed a bit when he said that. "We are going to have to keep it cold." he thought for a moment and then had an idea. He created a magic bubble, and put ice in it using magic. He then put the egg inside the bubble.


"There. An Ice Phoenix incubator. Here you take it." He levitated the bubble with the egg and ice over to Spell. "You take care of it. You are its mother now, Mother Shock. We have to keep moving." he said and then trotted towards the river up ahead.





 Cult of Laughter - Painting- Fallenmoon II


He was about to get angry at the mare, but then he had a brilliant idea. He smiled at her. A devilish smile. "How about we make a deal hm?" He said as he started flying around the room. "I'll let you live here, under one condition. I will even pop in some ponies too. All you have to do is do whatever I say. Be my assistant. Travel with me. But at night. When you sleep, you will wake up here. In you kingdom. Then when you sleep here. You will come right back and it will be morning. And vice versa. Don't you want to see you parents again  And your friends. And even have parents who loved you instead of be complete tyrants? Or maybe you want to be Queen? And live happily-ever-after? You life can be perfect. I can do all of that for you. Just take this." he took out a rather large white pill he had. "Swallow it, and by doing that we have a deal, so what'dya say Lila Fireheart, Queen of Fallen Moon?" He said as he extended his hoof with the pill in it. He continued to smile more devilishly. "Do we have a deal?"

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Wind smirked as he yelled at her. "You said it. I didn't know what to call you...you know, you're cute when you're angry." She gave him a cute smile and then went back to skipping around a random tree. "So...when are we gonna get outta here exactly ? I wanna go finish building cookie...OH...MY...MUFFINS...THE ARTIST...do you wanna know who cookie is...he's my pet, maybe we could all have a tea party, me you Lila Derpy Tondrak Cookie...so many ponies oh that would be fun...you should join the cult, The Artist." She said, smiling again then flying up to the top of the tree this time. She landed on the top and looked around at the forest. "I must say your art is incredibly detailed...its so pretty...I would love to see some blood...do you have blood in this picture, OH Can we see other pictures ? Do you have a picture made out of candy ? Or maybe a picture made out of chocolate...I guess that counts as a candy though. Do you have a picture made out of Ice cream ? Oh that would be tasty." She said, very quickly, obviously excited they had a whole new world to explore...she did feel a little sad she couldn't help The Artist kill some guards though...

Edited by Jolteon

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@Nightfall,@@Spell Shock, @, @@AnonBrony, @@discorded,@@Sky Warden,


(OOC: Anon, did you just break the fourth wall, or did you take your brush and paint the words?) 


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - On Stage


The mare thrashed around, trying to get free to no avail. She looked quite savage now, despite her not being a professional fighter. "That... that... RARITY... was nothing but... a KILLER! A power hungry KILLER! ...Ha... Haha... HahaHA..." she was slowly beginning to lose her mind. "AND YOU EARTH PONY! If you don't stay shut about all of this... you'll.... you'll... be UNCOVERED! Yeah! Haha, THAT'S RIGHT! You'll be locked up, never to see the light again!" Tired and slightly psychotic, the mare fainted. Some guards arrived to  take her away, not paying attention to the agent who played a rather major part in taking her down.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Hospital Class No. 1 - Sweetie Belle's room


"Oh, hi Nightshade! Thanks for helping me out back there. And thanks for the flowers," Sweetie Belle cheerfully said, despite the pain of the various needles being inserted into her hood wear it got cut. In a more quieter voice, she added,"And sorry about how my sister left you behind there. She can get a little..." She bit her lip, not wanting to reveal one of the weaknesses her older sister possesses. "...Drama queen-ish" she said after a moment's hesitation, then letting out a light-hearted laugh. 


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Some street somewhere


Uninjured soldiers were marching back to their headquarters after leaving their injured comrades at a military hospital nearby. One of them, an amateur paying very little attention to her surroundings, bumped into a staggering figure. He had a military-like feel to him and it looked as if one of the Cultists got to him. "Somepony, we've got an injured civilian here!" she shouted. Some of the soldiers, herself included, quickly rushed him to the military hospital.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower - Rarity's room


Rarity shook her head "no". As she did, the light from the lavish lamps reflected off of the crystals covering half of her face. She almost became a dazzling light show for a couple seconds. "Unfortunately no. Your work will take place in the facilities that can only be accessed by the top arcanists and artisans. And your sleeping quarters will be in one of the guess bedrooms on the bottom floor of this tower. Please know that this is so that we don't attract unwanted attention to our little project," she said sweetly. It's true that she wanted to avert the public's attention away from this machine, but it was also so that she can keep an eye on him. We may be partnered now, but you are not a friend in me!


Star Rain - Whitetail Woods


Star Rain was staring at the ground as she was walking, both at the ground and the bandage covering her hoof. She was too occupied right now to use even the simplest healing spells on herself. A truth that can't remember? How can a truth not remember anything? Unless "truth" is referring to a pony, then I have no idea how a truth can have a mind of its own. She then remembered the white flash in the sky in her dream. Now that she remembers more, it seemed to possess wings and was very bird-like. What does a bird have to do with any of this? Just then, she felt a sudden coldness and looked up to see the egg in Spell Shock's magical grasp. " A phoenix egg?!" she whispered silently in surprise. But why is this one blue and not a fiery red? Then again, there are such things as ice phoenixes, but one here of all places?!

  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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