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ooc Room Mates


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Silent Dawn


Well that makes things a bit complicated now we have to wait for a response from Vulpe and his roomie

Too bad that the roleplay died Dx I liked the idea... Just needed a bit more of organization from everyone...

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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I'm considering making a SOL school RP myself... I sort of have one but it's not very filled and I thick it died before it started.

I could help you organize it... Just talk to me if you want to make a role-play I'll be of helpful service :D

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I vote for a reboot of this roleplay. It has so much potential and the participants seem disappointed that it died.

yeah, I'm up for a reboot, we could just kick it off again where it left off, we just have to see how many ppl we can get interested again, but I think it could happen

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I think we should do a fresh reboot. Start from the beginning, instead of just going from where we left off. Give us a chance toplay with other characters. Also, how will we explain the disappearances of ponies who are no longer a part of the RP? I say a fresh start.

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