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What do you think are the biggest plot-holes in MLP?


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So I was thinking about the show's "plot" if there ever was one, and I found several parts that don't really make sense if you think about the canon and the overall story of the show. Thought I'd ask your opinions on the issue of plot-holes and absurdities in the show. What do you think are the worst "blunders" story-wise that the writers have made throughout the three seasons? Here are the two I find the strangest/most absurd.


1) Nightmare Night

Ever since I first saw this episode, I found it odd that the ponies had this sort of holiday. Why? Because none of the ponies should know who Nightmare Moon is, if we're to believe the pilot episodes of the show. Think about it; the ponies of Equestria celebrate annually by dressing up and collecting candy so that the feared Nightmare Moon won't come and eat them up. They "sacrifice" some of the candy to Nightmare Moon by leaving it on the ground in front of a live-accurate statue copy of the mare in question. Yet, when the real Nightmare Moon appears in front of them, looking every bit like the statue, only Twilight, the pony who only a day earlier found out that such a pony even exists, recognizes her. How is it possible that they don't know her, even though they see what she looks like every single year, and possibly even more often, because I doubt that the statue stands there only on Nightmare Night?


2) Apple Family Reunion

This little event caused a lot of discussion after the season three episode aired. I myself immediately grabbed onto one word in Granny Smith's explanation of the history of the Reunion. Granny Smith's exact line in the episode is: "We've been hostin' these things at Sweet Apple Acres every hundred moons since we first planted roots here in Ponyville." See that? Every hundred moons. The last time I checked, one moon means one month, which would mean that the Reunion is hosted approximately every 8,3 years. What is so weird about that then? The fact that in the first episode, there are a lot of Apple Family relatives on the farm when Twilight arrives and later in episode 4 of the first season, when Twilight asks Applejack why all those ponies don't help her during the applebuck season, AJ's answer is: "They were just here for the Apple family reunion. They actually live all over Equestria and are busy harvestin' their own orchards." This basically means that Twilight has actually been living in Ponyville for almost 8 and a half years! Where did all that time go? And why haven't the ponies, especially the CMC grown at all since the first season? You'd expect that even magical colourful ponies age a little bit during 8 years, no?


I've heard a few explanations for this plot-hole, but personally I find them a little bit unconvincing. The first one I heard is that Granny Smith wasn't talking about 100 months, but instead about 100 days, one moon meaning one night. This however, I find even more absurd than the fact that it's been 8 years since the show started. All that's happened couldn't possibly happen during only about three and a half months. Besides, there are at least two winter episodes in the show, slightly apart from each other, so we can assume there was a year in between the Winter Wrap-up episode and the Hearth's Warming Eve episode. So I just can't bring myself to believe that there has only been a hundred days worth time in between season one and season three. It just doesn't make any sense.


The other explanation for this was that Applejack in episode four was mistaken, that the Reunion taking place when Twilight arrived wasn't the big reunion, but instead a smaller gathering, taking place every year or so. One that only the ponies living closer by would attend. This however I don't think is true, because Applejack clearly states that the event taking place when Twilight arrived was "THE Apple Family Reunion" not just A Reunion. She also says that "They actually live all over Equestria", not just close by, but all around.


This is not the only absurdity concidering the episode. If we assume that the event taking place when Twilight arrived in Ponyville indeed was The Reunion, and that it in fact has been more than 8 years since, some of Granny Smith's statements in the episode make absolutely no sense. She says "Whooeee! Looks like the family's grown tenfold since the last reunion! I'm gonna be busier than a worm in a rotten tomater tryin' to get everything ready!" Eight years seems an awfully short amount of time for one's family to grow tenfold, no? Even with some generous rounding-up, it seems like quite a feat. A few moments later when the others offer their help, she says "Oh, I sure would appreciate that. Granny's a little rustier in the giddy-up since the last time the Apples all got together." That would imply that Granny Smith was quite a bit younger during the last reunion. Is eight years so much in the end? I don't think so.


Oh, and don't even get me started on the fact that the scenes we see when Granny is telling her story are apparently supposed to be from the last reunion... There are a lot of things I don't know, but I'm fairly certain that Applejack is NOT 8 years old...


So, what do you think? What are the most glaring mistakes the writers have made, concidering the canon? Share your thoughts.



(Totally forgot to add this part. I was supposed to, though.)


Yes, I understand that it is a kids' show, and that we shouldn't over analyze too much, but that's just how I am. Maybe these parts mean nothing, and maybe I'm just stupid for thinking this way, but hey, what can you do? Analyzers analyze :D

Edited by Jamza
  • Brohoof 6

Credit for the amazing signature goes to the equally amazing Iridian! Thank you :3

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I know that the writing is not perfect so I don't attempt to over analyze it too much. I think of plot holes as imagination holes. Use your imagination and evaluate!


EDIT: The only thing that does annoy me is that we don't know much about Scootaloo however we really don't need to either. I am happy to have her as RD's sister (remember the camping episode).

Edited by ~Scootaloo
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Nightmare Night:
While Nightmare Moon isn't known by the townspeople when she reveals herself, as we can see in the first episode, the "old pony's tale" of "The Mare in the Moon" does seem to be well known. Maybe the one they were leaving candy out was supposed to be the Mare in the Moon. Maybe they were worried, though, that people wouldn't remember the myth of the Mare in the Moon, so they just used Nightmare Moon's name in place. Or it was an oversight and they forgot to make it the Mare in the Moon. However, you're right. This is a bit of a glaring mistake.


Apple Family Reunion:
I think this is just a flub, not a plot hole. Probably when they were making the first season, they weren't planning on making this episode. Then, when the Apple Family Reunion episode came along, they either forgot that that line was in the fourth episode or they just said "Screw it. We're just going to establish this from this point on."

Something that I noticed is in the episode Baby Cakes, where Pinkie Pie takes care of the Cakes' babies, the kids give Pinkie a hard time. It's explained in the episode that baby unicorns have uncontrollable magic bursts. This explains Pumpkin Cake's use of magic. However, Pound Cake is seen flying around. In the series, we see that Scootaloo can't fly yet. How come Scootaloo, a school-age kid, can't fly, yet a newborn can? I'd also heard that pegasi need to be taught to fly. I don't know if that's canon or not, but if it is, how exactly did Pound Cake learn to fly? Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Cake are pegasi, so they obviously couldn't teach him. And to our knowledge, nobody else has taught him. This has always bothered me.

  • Brohoof 3

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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One I often ponder is the naming process for foals. There are so many ponies in Equestria with names that correspond to their cutie mark, such as Rainbow Dash, Lyra and Bon Bon, Time Turner, Rose, Snips & Snails, Carrot Cake & Cup Cake, and so many others. The question it raises is, how do parents know what to name them? They can't have known what their cutie mark was beforehand, or what they would grow up to be anyway. Flim & Flam's parents would have known from the start that they would be trickster salesponies, for instance. Silver Spoon's parents couldn't have known her cutie mark would actually be a silver spoon. Shining Armor can't have just happened to become Captain of the Royal Guard to match his name and get an armour cutie mark, etc etc.

Edited by Flipturn ツ
  • Brohoof 7
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Yes, I understand that it is a kids' show, and that we shouldn't over analyze too much,


I beg to differ. Excusing a children's show from critical thought is an insult both to the show and to children.


The biggest plot-hole in MLP that I know is in Sleepless in Ponyville even, though they didn't get to reveal to us much, but I guess we don't need much revealed.

I could say, that is the only (minor) plot hole that I know.


What plot hole are you talking about?

  • Brohoof 2

Pretty Pony Analysis

Reviewing, analyzing, and overthinking cartoon horses since 2013.

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I beg to differ. Excusing a children's show from critical thought is an insult both to the show and to children.



What plot hole are you talking about?

The plot hole I'm talking about is well, if you watched Sleepless in Ponyville. They didn't really have a chance to continue the RD/Scootaloo sister relationship. That's what I mean.

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The plot hole I'm talking about is well, if you watched Sleepless in Ponyville. They didn't really have a chance to continue the RD/Scootaloo sister relationship. That's what I mean.


I apologize, but I'm still not certain about what it is you're talking about. You mean, we haven't seen them act like sisters since Sleepless in Ponyville? I don't think that's a plothole so much as an inconsistency.

Pretty Pony Analysis

Reviewing, analyzing, and overthinking cartoon horses since 2013.

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I apologize, but I'm still not certain about what it is you're talking about. You mean, we haven't seen them act like sisters since Sleepless in Ponyville? I don't think that's a plothole so much as an inconsistency.

Yeah, that's what I meant. I really wanted to see more, but I guess I'm happy with how they are now. Maybe, in Season 4 it might come true.

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One I often ponder is the naming process for foals. There are so many ponies in Equestria with names that correspond to their cutie mark, such as Rainbow Dash, Lyra and Bon Bon, Time Turner, Rose, Snips & Snails, Carrot Cake & Cup Cake, and so many others. The question it raises is, how do parents know what to name them? They can't have known what their cutie mark was beforehand, or what they would grow up to be anyway. Flim & Flam's parents would have known from the start that they would be trickster salesponies, for instance. Silver Spoon's parents couldn't have known her cutie mark would actually be a silver spoon. Shining Armor can't have just happened to become Captain of the Royal Guard to match his name and get an armour cutie mark, etc etc.

To be fair, a lot of the names you listed aren't canon. Sorry, I went back and checked, and I think the only one you listed that isn't canon is Bon Bon.


It's said of humans that what we're named can affect how we turn out when we grow up. Maybe the same is true of ponies. Maybe the names that they're given influence them from a young age.


This also may be an issue of show versus product. They want to push the product that they've simply stuck a symbol on it with a name to match. Put it into the show, writers. Well, at that point, they have no choice. Unfortunately, this results in a little bit of inconsistency.


Or this could be the matter of the writers. It could be that they just want the name and the cutie mark to match, because in the end, it just makes more sense. Maybe they never gave any thought to when the parents name these foals. And if your name is more vague, like Fluttershy or Rarity, you've got some room to work with. However, if your name is Silver Spoon, well, what else is your cutie mark gonna be, y'know?

Edited by Clover Heart
  • Brohoof 1

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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Great, now we're over analyzing things again. : D


Anyhow, I'll keep things short. Remember Winter Wrap-up? Somewhere in that episode, they clearly mentioned that things have been done the same in Ponyville for centuries (or something along that matter). However, in Family Appreciation Day, Granny had that story, where she claimed that she herself was a prominent figure in the creation of Ponyville.


So yeah. The magic of friendship apples. Truly amazing.


Also, longevity.

Edited by Oleg
  • Brohoof 3

Who needs signatures?

   ...not me

          seriously, you're not supposed to see this.

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To be fair, a lot of the names you listed aren't canon.


It's said of humans that what we're named can affect how we turn out when we grow up. Maybe the same is true of ponies. Maybe the names that they're given influence them from a young age.


This also may be an issue of show versus product. They want to push the product that they've simply stuck a symbol on it with a name to match. Put it into the show, writers. Well, at that point, they have no choice. Unfortunately, this results in a little bit of inconsistency.


Or this could be the matter of the writers. It could be that they just want the name and the cutie mark to match, because in the end, it just makes more sense. If your name is more vague, like Fluttershy or Rarity, you've got some room to work with. However, if your name is Silver Spoon, well, what else is your cutie mark gonna be, y'know?


Those names are canon - there have been some trading cards released by Hasbro with their names on it. If not, then there are still a lot of other canon names that fit the problem.


With a character like Silver Spoon, I wouldn't say it's writer match-up. If it was Meghan McCarthy who gave the name Silver Spoon to a foal with a silver spoon cutie mark, then she would also have given the name Cadence to a mare with a blue heart cutie mark. It could be that they didn't come up with the names though - I continue to wonder how, if we assume no exterior influence such as marketing, these pony parents can be so accurate.


EDIT: Scratch the first bit, just saw your edit.

Edited by Flipturn ツ
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I beg to differ.



Oh I'm sure you do.





Excusing a children's show from critical thought is an insult both to the show and to children.


The show is made for children and the plot is not meant to be incredibly complex for that reason. This is not to insult the child's intelligence it is mainly so that they don't get confused due to a billion little details. A simplistic show does not mean a bad show.

Edited by ~Scootaloo
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That was an oddly personal remark. "I'm sure you do"? Have we met, good sir? Nonetheless:


The show is made for children and the plot is not meant to be incredibly complex for that reason. This is not to insult the child's intelligence it is mainly thought they don't get confused in a billion little details. A simplistic show does not mean a bad show.


I am not demanding that the show be complex. I am demanding that the show be intelligent.

Pretty Pony Analysis

Reviewing, analyzing, and overthinking cartoon horses since 2013.

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So I was thinking about the show's "plot" if there ever was one, and I found several parts that don't really make sense if you think about the canon and the overall story of the show. Thought I'd ask your opinions on the issue of plot-holes and absurdities in the show. What do you think are the worst "blunders" story-wise that the writers have made throughout the three seasons? Here are the two I find the strangest/most absurd.


1) Nightmare Night

Ever since I first saw this episode, I found it odd that the ponies had this sort of holiday. Why? Because none of the ponies should know who Nightmare Moon is, if we're to believe the pilot episodes of the show. Think about it; the ponies of Equestria celebrate annually by dressing up and collecting candy so that the feared Nightmare Moon won't come and eat them up. They "sacrifice" some of the candy to Nightmare Moon by leaving it on the ground in front of a live-accurate statue copy of the mare in question. Yet, when the real Nightmare Moon appears in front of them, looking every bit like the statue, only Twilight, the pony who only a day earlier found out that such a pony even exists, recognizes her. How is it possible that they don't know her, even though they see what she looks like every single year, and possibly even more often, because I doubt that the statue stands there only on Nightmare Night?


2) Apple Family Reunion

This little event caused a lot of discussion after the season three episode aired. I myself immediately grabbed onto one word in Granny Smith's explanation of the history of the Reunion. Granny Smith's exact line in the episode is: "We've been hostin' these things at Sweet Apple Acres every hundred moons since we first planted roots here in Ponyville." See that? Every hundred moons. The last time I checked, one moon means one month, which would mean that the Reunion is hosted approximately every 8,3 years. What is so weird about that then? The fact that in the first episode, there are a lot of Apple Family relatives on the farm when Twilight arrives and later in episode 4 of the first season, when Twilight asks Applejack why all those ponies don't help her during the applebuck season, AJ's answer is: "They were just here for the Apple family reunion. They actually live all over Equestria and are busy harvestin' their own orchards." This basically means that Twilight has actually been living in Ponyville for almost 8 and a half years! Where did all that time go? And why haven't the ponies, especially the CMC grown at all since the first season? You'd expect that even magical colourful ponies age a little bit during 8 years, no?


I've heard a few explanations for this plot-hole, but personally I find them a little bit unconvincing. The first one I heard is that Granny Smith wasn't talking about 100 months, but instead about 100 days, one moon meaning one night. This however, I find even more absurd than the fact that it's been 8 years since the show started. All that's happened couldn't possibly happen during only about three and a half months. Besides, there are at least two winter episodes in the show, slightly apart from each other, so we can assume there was a year in between the Winter Wrap-up episode and the Hearth's Warming Eve episode. So I just can't bring myself to believe that there has only been a hundred days worth time in between season one and season three. It just doesn't make any sense.


The other explanation for this was that Applejack in episode four was mistaken, that the Reunion taking place when Twilight arrived wasn't the big reunion, but instead a smaller gathering, taking place every year or so. One that only the ponies living closer by would attend. This however I don't think is true, because Applejack clearly states that the event taking place when Twilight arrived was "THE Apple Family Reunion" not just A Reunion. She also says that "They actually live all over Equestria", not just close by, but all around.


This is not the only absurdity concidering the episode. If we assume that the event taking place when Twilight arrived in Ponyville indeed was The Reunion, and that it in fact has been more than 8 years since, some of Granny Smith's statements in the episode make absolutely no sense. She says "Whooeee! Looks like the family's grown tenfold since the last reunion! I'm gonna be busier than a worm in a rotten tomater tryin' to get everything ready!" Eight years seems an awfully short amount of time for one's family to grow tenfold, no? Even with some generous rounding-up, it seems like quite a feat. A few moments later when the others offer their help, she says "Oh, I sure would appreciate that. Granny's a little rustier in the giddy-up since the last time the Apples all got together." That would imply that Granny Smith was quite a bit younger during the last reunion. Is eight years so much in the end? I don't think so.


Oh, and don't even get me started on the fact that the scenes we see when Granny is telling her story are apparently supposed to be from the last reunion... There are a lot of things I don't know, but I'm fairly certain that Applejack is NOT 8 years old...


So, what do you think? What are the most glaring mistakes the writers have made, concidering the canon? Share your thoughts.



(Totally forgot to add this part. I was supposed to, though.)


Yes, I understand that it is a kids' show, and that we shouldn't over analyze too much, but that's just how I am. Maybe these parts mean nothing, and maybe I'm just stupid for thinking this way, but hey, what can you do? Analyzers analyze :D

I may be wrong, but isn't 1 moon equivalent to 1 week? Even if it isn't in real life, that's how the saying goes. When Apple Family Reunion aired, it'd been around two years since the first episode, which is around 100 weeks/moons.


The Nightmare Moon thing is a bit weird. Why didn't anyone know that Celestia and Nightmare Moon are sisters?


Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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I may be wrong, but isn't 1 moon equivalent to 1 week? Even if it isn't in real life, that's how the saying goes.


Umm... What saying are you referring to? I've never heard anything like that... And it really doesn't make any sense in my mind either laugh.png  How would one MOON mean one WEEK instead of a MONTH?


Here's a quote from Wikipedia for you: "A month is a unit of time, used with calendars, which was first used and invented in Mesopotamia, as a natural period related to the motion of the Moonmonth and Moon are cognates." See that "Month and moon are cognates"? As far as I know, it means that they basically mean the same thing. Correct me if I'm wrong tongue.png 

Edited by Jamza

Credit for the amazing signature goes to the equally amazing Iridian! Thank you :3

When life gives you lemons, say "Thank you" because lemons are awesome.

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That was an oddly personal remark. "I'm sure you do"? Have we met, good sir?


Didn't really mean to make it personal. However you just seem like the person that tries to analyze things a bit too much... no offense intended. Also no I don't think we've met before.



I am not demanding that the show be complex. I am demanding that the show be intelligent.


I can agree with you on that. 

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However you just seem like the person that tries to analyze things a bit too much... no offense intended.


You certainly aren't the first one to get that idea. No offense taken.


But I just thought of a solution to the Nightmare Night plothole- maybe that holiday just started following the events of Nightmare Moon's defeat. Is there any indication that it predates Twilight's arrival in Ponyville?

Pretty Pony Analysis

Reviewing, analyzing, and overthinking cartoon horses since 2013.

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But I just thought of a solution to the Nightmare Night plothole- maybe that holiday just started following the events of Nightmare Moon's defeat. Is there any indication that it predates Twilight's arrival in Ponyville?


Well as far as I know, it has been celebrated before. Pipsqueak mentions that this is his "Very first Nightmare Night ever", which in my mind implies that there have been some before that. Besides, at least Pinkie seems very... experienced in the candy-collecting business laugh.png  Also, Rainbow Dash mentions that "It's the best night of the year for pranks!" How would she know that if it hasn't happened before? 


Although you may be right IF we include my second plot-hole (8 years between season 1 and season 3), and it has been celebrated for the last few years, ever since Twilight moved to Ponyville. Still not likely in my opinion, though tongue.png

Credit for the amazing signature goes to the equally amazing Iridian! Thank you :3

When life gives you lemons, say "Thank you" because lemons are awesome.

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Hearth's Warming Eve was a plothole that has been bugging me to no end. One of the biggest things was the lack of the princesses. I might be just me since it's been a long while since I haven't seen the Luna Eclipsed, but didn't Luna say that she knew Starswirl the Bearded? This would mean that she existed before Equestria was founded, because that would make their absence in HWE even more confusing

Edited by Megas75
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Like most kids shows, MLP doesn't benefit from being analyzed too closely. tongue.png   But there are a few holes that stood out to me, particularly in Season 3.


*Where the hay did the Alicorn Amulet come from? Who would sell such a powerful item to a novelty shop? What did Twilight do with it after Magic Duel? Is she keeping it under her mattress? That's kind of dangerous. xD


*What was so special about Starswirl's spell? What was the purpose of switching ponies' cutie marks? If Twilight reversed the spell in a few hours, was it really such an important feat? Hasn't she done far more impressive things to merit her promotion to royalty? And if it's that easy, how come there aren't more alicorns running around? (Not that I support this idea in ANY way.)


*And I'm sure this has been mentioned, but how do ponies know what to name their foals before their talents become apparent? This, as well as the Season 3 finale, brings up a significant conflict in whether names and cutie marks determine your destiny or simply reflect it. (I prefer to believe the second one.)


*And finally, when we saw golden Sweetie Belle, why did Equestria not explode from the sheer devastating cuteness?


Seriously, they'd better explain that one.

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Like most kids shows, MLP doesn't benefit from being analyzed too closely. img-1282779-1-tongue.png   But there are a few holes that stood out to me, particularly in Season 3.


*Where the hay did the Alicorn Amulet come from? Who would sell such a powerful item to a novelty shop? What did Twilight do with it after Magic Duel? Is she keeping it under her mattress? That's kind of dangerous. xD


*What was so special about Starswirl's spell? What was the purpose of switching ponies' cutie marks? If Twilight reversed the spell in a few hours, was it really such an important feat? Hasn't she done far more impressive things to merit her promotion to royalty? And if it's that easy, how come there aren't more alicorns running around? (Not that I support this idea in ANY way.)


*And I'm sure this has been mentioned, but how do ponies know what to name their foals before their talents become apparent? This, as well as the Season 3 finale, brings up a significant conflict in whether names and cutie marks determine your destiny or simply reflect it. (I prefer to believe the second one.)


*And finally, when we saw golden Sweetie Belle, why did Equestria not explode from the sheer devastating cuteness?


Seriously, they'd better explain that one.


Well there was a pretty good explanation of Starswirl's spell here http://mlpforums.com/topic/51121-alicorn-apotheosis-an-ascension-analysis/?hl=alicorn+apotheosis#entry1239102

If you haven't read that one, do it! It's a bit long, but after I read that one, I started to actually kinda like the last episode instead of hating it, because everything seemed so clear after that laugh.png  (Of course it is fan-made analysis, but it was still REALLY good)


Don't know about the other two, but I wholeheartedly agree with you on golden Sweetie. I mean, HOW CUTE CAN YOU GET??

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for the amazing signature goes to the equally amazing Iridian! Thank you :3

When life gives you lemons, say "Thank you" because lemons are awesome.

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Great, now we're over analyzing things again. : D


Anyhow, I'll keep things short. Remember Winter Wrap-up? Somewhere in that episode, they clearly mentioned that things have been done the same in Ponyville for centuries (or something along that matter). However, in Family Appreciation Day, Granny had that story, where she claimed that she herself was a prominent figure in the creation of Ponyville.


So yeah. The magic of friendship apples. Truly amazing.


Also, longevity.

When Twilight said that in Winter Wrap Up, it was just a figure of speech, like when you say "I've told you a million times..." have you really told them that many times?  I think not.


Hearth's Warming Eve was a plothole that has been bugging me to no end. One of the biggest things was the lack of the princesses. I might be just me since it's been a long while since I haven't seen the Luna Eclipsed, but didn't Luna say that she knew Starswirl the Bearded? This would mean that she existed before Equestria was founded, because that would make their absence in HWE even more confusing

I'll have to double check, but I think she just implied that she'd heard of Starswirl, not that she knew him personally.  However, there is a chance that Luna (and in that case Celestia, as she is the oldest) may have existed before Equestria was founded, but weren't as we knew them yet? 

What do you get if you take the adventurous element, and good vs. evil storylines of Generation 1, reintroduce some abandoned storylines, that only happened with the toys, add the lessons of life elements from My Little Pony Tales, and the adorableness, and fantasy element from Generation 3, use the type of personalities of ponies used in all generations, and put them together using a true fan's perspective?



My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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When Twilight said that in Winter Wrap Up, it was just a figure of speech, like when you say "I've told you a million times..." have you really told them that many times?  I think not.


I don't really know about that... :/


No Spike, Ponyville was started by Earth ponies, so for hundreds of years they've never used magic to clean up winter. It's traditional.



No matter how I look at it, it doesn't seem like "figure of speech" to me. You did bring up a point, but it's going to be a point my ridiculous head-canon will refuse to accept (which, for your information, is that ponies in MLP FiM have very long lifespans).


Edit: On a related note, why the heck are pegasi allowed to fly and all that stuff, while unicorns aren't allowed to use magic? I mean, you practically already broke tradition before, so now you're just going to be all "fuck you" to the unicorns and not let them do what they can do to help?

Edited by Oleg

Who needs signatures?

   ...not me

          seriously, you're not supposed to see this.

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One things that seems strange to me is Shining Armor. No mention of him was made until season 2 finali. Now why is that? You can make speculations that Twilight never mentioned him, but why?


Another thing is in the Hearts and Hooves day episode. The love potion. Now if the book is telling the history of the potion, and it told the effects, then why in Celestia's name did they put in the recipe to make the potion. This was made for a plot, but thinking logically it makes no sense. Why would they put on the recipe of a potion which could cause catastrophic events.

  • Brohoof 1
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