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searching Tarasov (Terminated)


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Hold on to the world we all remember fighting for,
There's still strength left in us yet,
Hold on to the world we all remember dying for,
There's some Hope left in it yet....
-Arise, Flyleaf
Hello! Welcome to another RP incorporated by BlackShardNixium. Only this time, I am being aided by my best friend and Co-Author: ZariaTheStormraider. This RP is based off of a personal experience the both of us got through together. It wasn't fun all of the time, and it was very hard for us. While the events in RP are purely fantasy and should not be taken seriously, the plotline is contrived from a true story. You've been warned.
"The expedition went wonderful...for the most part. Starchaser had insisted the place she had found was safe, and so it was. I was intrigued at first, the idea of an underground cave in the forests behind her house. As expected, getting there wasn't easy. It took us most of the day to trek through the woods in this hot and devastating drought, but we marched on. We got to the entrance around nightfall.
I don't know if this makes sense - but the place felt weird - off. There were markings on the wall. As a student old enough to not believe in fairy-tales anymore, I know better than to place any bets on the supernatural. Yet, the hieroglyphics - they were so unnatural. It scares me. I fear we may have stumbled upon something meant to be kept hidden from the world..."
- Fyre, Journal entry. Date unknown.
You were minding your own business when the burning started. It was right there on your wrist, and God did it hurt! It was a hot, scalding burning feeling that itched terribly. The lower area of your right front leg...its glowing! You quickly cover and hobble over to a secluded place, away from public eye. Your leg, glowing lava orange and radiating heat, hurts like hell. You hiss with the pain of it and and try to cover it with your other hoof, hoping the pressure will ease the sting. It doesn't.
You are on your knees, eyes squeezed shut, holding your breath, mentally begging for it all to stop. Something whispers in your ear. An old, feathery voice. A mere wisp in the wind.
"Bring Peace and Balance."
Just like that. that pain is gone. Your leg is still hot to the touch, but at least it doesn’t hurt. With shaking movements, you slowly lift your other hoof away, preparing yourself to inspect what surely must be scalded and burnt flesh.
You freeze.
There, right on the ankle part of your leg, still glowing with heat, is the emblem of an eye. There is one slash mark curving upwards on the top part, and another curving down on the bottom. It is the oddest thing you have ever seen. you are scared. You have no idea what happened.
But the still small voice echoes in your ear, again and again.
"Bring Peace and Balance. Bring Peace and Balance. Bring Peace and Balance."

Basically, its an RP about people who unlock a relic that in turn releases and ancient war onto all of Equestria. It is up to them to bring back the Peace and Balance and restore order to the world. Yet at the same time, the dark forces work against you. The bringser of Chaos and Darkness will try to counter you every step of the way.

I’m going to be very picky about this RP. I need SERIOUS. DEDICATED. RPers. Like really, this is the biz. So, in this RP, we will only have a few people. The RP will not start until every spot is filled. Gender does not matter, I will describe each Tribal placement below. You can either be in Tarasov (Which means Life), The tribe that brings Peace and Balance, or you can be a member of Tarasai (Which means Death) the tribe that brings Chaos and Darkness.

~~Character Specie I will accept:~~

  • Ponies (Earth, Unicorn, Pegasus)
  • Dragons
  • Griffons
  • MAYBE one or two Alicorns

Fyre (The Healer)- Played by BlackShardNixium
Starchaser (The Seer)- Played by Zariasthestormraider
Pinoak (The Gatekeeper)- Played by LeJAKoJAK
Vedana Purity (The Descendant) played by Vedana Purity


Meteorite (The Nephilum) played by Meteorite


White Rose (The Corrupted) played by Celebi (Thunder Knight)


~~Tribal ranks:
The Descendant (Child of the Sun)- Is the leader of Tarasov, and is endowed with the ancient powers of the Suneaya (Sun) forces. Is also discovered as the lost Child of the Sun, (The Ancient ruler of Suneaya).

The Healer (Guardian of the Gem)- Is the healer of Tarasov, endowed with the power of the ancient relic found in the tunnels, an emerald gem that holds incredible power. The gem is kept next to the heart and is a literal life force. (TAKEN)

The Seer (Spirit of Unknowing)- Is the teller of Tarasov, endowed with prophetic power. Has loyal, red-eyed servants the commune during dreams and gives prophecies regarding the future. (TAKEN)

The Gatekeeper (Keeper of Worlds)- the Portalmaster of Tarasov, endowed with the ability to create doorways to different worlds, like the land of Suneaya and Lunaie. Holds the “masterkey” to all worlds, it hangs from a chain around the neck.

The Nephilum (The Tarot Misstress/Master)- the keeper of fate of Tarasov, endowed with the ability to meddle in the fate of others using a deck of tarot cards. The pack is kept in a velvet poch hanging from the wrist.

The Seeker (The Demon Oracle)- the summoner of Tarasov, able to commune with daemons and beasts of the deep. Hell and beyond. Is able to control them completely, willingly or unwillingly.

The Archangel (The Angel of Vengeance)- the defender of Tarasov. In most powerful form, they have a set of angel wings in righteous fury, which can also turn black if they are corrupted or really angry.

The Corrupted (The Bringer of Darkness)- the leader Tarasai. Has evil shadowy powers, and an emblem carved in his hoof that glows red and incinerates everything in its path. TAKEN

The Golem (The Stone Devil)- the soldierr of Tarasai, has ability to animate everyday objects and turn them into living weapons of mass destruction.

The Sayer (The Speaker of Hearsay)- the mouth of Tarasai, has special ability of planting seeds of doubt and hopelessness in the minds of others, and can virtually drive them insane. (On hold for Pinkazoid!)

The Crucified (The Slayer of Peace) - the finder of Tarsai, has the ability to seek out forces of light and snuff them out like candles. One of the biggest threats to Tarasov.

The Breaker (The Vanquisher of Love) – the weapon of Tarasai, has the ability to literally take love from you. Targets the strongest point of human emotion and snaps it in half like a twig, causing despair and suicide and hopelessness.

The Breather (The Soul-Stealer)- The spirit of Tarasai, has the ability to capture your soul and keep it prisoner wherever they want. They could even destroy it, and either kill you, or leave you an empty shell of your former self
The Wicked (The Author of Evil)- The armor of Tarasai, has the abilities of dark electricity. Silent and reclusive, is the one of the biggest threats to Tarasov.

Okay. Like I said, I don’t want a lot of people. I will be giving life to extra characters that do not necessarily need people playing them.

  • Follow ALL forum rules, if you please.
  • Romance is allowed, even encouraged. I know these characters are aged up, but I would like for you to keep your focus on the plot of the RP, and not love.
  • In order to keep the RP tidy, please wait until AT LEAST two people have posted before posting again.

Edited by BlackShardNixium
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hey can i be in the role play and if so can i be in the Tarasov i know this story is going to be epic

Well sure! Choose your rank within the tribe (they're listed and described in the first post) and have a character ready and you'll be all set! :D

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can you explain descendant,gatekeeper,nephiun,andseeker please i really want to know that way i can be part of the roleplay thanks if you explain

The Decendant is the leader of Tarasov, so naturally I want someone experienced and responsible in that position. He (or she) is the offspring of the Sun (sort of a deity to the Sunaeyan race) and is therefore endowed with their father's ultimate power over light.

The Gatekeeper is the master of worlds. He (or she) is endowed with the power to open doors to different worlds, diminsions, or eras, using a glass key kept with him (or her) at all times.

The Nephilum is like a limited trump card. He ( or she) is endowed with the power to twist and meddle with peoples' fates. Using a deck of tarot cards, they can bend and alter the lives of their queries, but there is a catch. For every part of a person's fate twisted, a card changes. It could be good or bad, you'd never know until it changed. By that time, should the outcome of the changed card mean bad news, it is much to late to fix.

The Seeker is the controller if beasts. He (or she) has the power to control daemons and other monsters. When using his (or her) power, they have total control over their querie, be it the beast is willing or unwilling, it doesn't matter.

Edited by BlackShardNixium
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Really interested in "The Sayer" I don't know if i can truly commit myself to posting on a regular schedule, not sure the quantity of the posts either, but I can certainly tell you that their quality is great, there's some chance the internet will be shut off at home for this week and perhaps the next, but I'm not sure yet, if you mind saving me the spot while i create a new character, I'd gladly appreciate it.




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Really interested in "The Sayer" I don't know if i can truly commit myself to posting on a regular schedule, not sure the quantity of the posts either, but I can certainly tell you that their quality is great, there's some chance the internet will be shut off at home for this week and perhaps the next, but I'm not sure yet, if you mind saving me the spot while i create a new character, I'd gladly appreciate it.


Yayz!!! Pinkazoid the Great and Bearded hath joined our RP! This is gonna be good! Woot!


Now... who wants an imaginary invisible muffin? :muffins:

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Yayz!!! Pinkazoid the Great and Bearded hath joined our RP! This is gonna be good! Woot!


Now... who wants an imaginary invisible muffin? derpy_emoticon1.png

Can it be an imaginary invisible cookie instead? ;v;


Anyways, I'll wait for what OP has to say before i make a character :3




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Mind if I join in with my character Pinoak? I feel he would be a good gate keeper. He could use a combo of his stories and puppets with the key to access new worlds. And this RP sounds really cool and really well thought out, and sounds right up my alley. Also, the character link is in my signature.

Edited by LeJAKoJAK
  • Brohoof 1

OC: Pinoak Stringhoof, Puppeteer and storyteller. 

OC: Phil Noir, Private Eye.

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Can it be an imaginary invisible cookie instead? ;v;


Anyways, I'll wait for what OP has to say before i make a character :3


No, no cookie. Have a muffin. In fact- have this muffin.



Mind if I join in with my character Pinoak? I feel he would be a good gate keeper. He could use a combo of his stories and puppets with the key to access new worlds. And this RP sounds really cool and really well thought out, and sounds right up my alley.


That was a joke.


Anyways... hello there... I'm just gonna call you Muffin. I don't feel like enuciating that username right now. Anyways... hi! I assume you know what you are doing, correct? Do you have any RP experiance? 

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Anyways... hello there... I'm just gonna call you Muffin. I don't feel like enuciating that username right now. Anyways... hi! I assume you know what you are doing, correct? Do you have any RP experiance? 


I do have some yes. I'm a regular tabletop roleplayer for games such as D&D, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, etc. And right now, I'm currently in two RPs here: The Haunted Woods, and Crossing Paths: A learning RP. I'm a very regular poster, and the reason why I'm in the latter is so that I can practice play by post RPing and also help others if they need it. If you want, here is a roleplaying example from The Haunted Woods.



""ZZzzzzzzzzzzz-Snerk SNORK huuur...... Don't mention it, I always have an emergency tuba stash nearzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz hurk"


Pinoak feels a little bump and it stirs him in his sleep, "Five more minutes mom...." Another bump hits the wagon, this time, a bit stronger. A few pots fall off the wall, making a racket and waking Pinoak up. "What the he- WOAH!" A final bump tips the entire wagon over onto it's side, away from the lake. Pinoak falls to what is now the floor as stuff just piles on top of him. Pinoak manages to dig his way out of the pile. "What the hay hit me?"


Pinoak's horn glows a bright yellow as pony sized platinum dragon pushes it's way out from underneath the pile, accompanied by the bronze dragon and silver dragon. He climbs his way over his belongings, making his way out of the door. He looks around, and sees a  wet creature like the one they exploded earlier, but much, much bigger, standing in the water, looming over wagon.


It's menacing, sickly red eyes stared bored right into Pinoak's.  


"By Celestia's Cake."




"Alrighty everypony, WAKE UP AND BEAT THE BEASTIES!!" Pinoak screams as his horn flashes a bright yellow, sending the dragons off in three different directions towards the monster. The silver and bronze dragons are flanking the monster and shooting their normal fireballs, as the platinum dragon flies straight for it's face, and unleashes a ball of molten metal at it. And right when it collides, the scene disappears, leaving Pinoak staring at the ceiling.


"Huh wha, monster!" Pinoak floats the bronze dragon puppet over to him as he rushes outside, seeing absolutely nothing. He looks around frantically and realizes that there is no beast, just a faint shimmer of the shield and a pony looking at him strangely. 


"Heh heh, um... good evening Boomy, mind if I join you on watch?""


And I really don't mind what I'm called so long as it's nice. 

Edited by LeJAKoJAK
  • Brohoof 2

OC: Pinoak Stringhoof, Puppeteer and storyteller. 

OC: Phil Noir, Private Eye.

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I do have some yes. I'm a regular tabletop roleplayer for games such as D&D, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, etc. And right now, I'm currently in two RPs here: The Haunted Woods, and Crossing Paths: A learning RP. I'm a very regular poster, and the reason why I'm in the latter is so that I can practice play by post RPing and also help others if they need it. If you want, here is a roleplaying example from The Haunted Woods.



""ZZzzzzzzzzzzz-Snerk SNORK huuur...... Don't mention it, I always have an emergency tuba stash nearzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz hurk"


Pinoak feels a little bump and it stirs him in his sleep, "Five more minutes mom...." Another bump hits the wagon, this time, a bit stronger. A few pots fall off the wall, making a racket and waking Pinoak up. "What the he- WOAH!" A final bump tips the entire wagon over onto it's side, away from the lake. Pinoak falls to what is now the floor as stuff just piles on top of him. Pinoak manages to dig his way out of the pile. "What the hay hit me?"


Pinoak's horn glows a bright yellow as pony sized platinum dragon pushes it's way out from underneath the pile, accompanied by the bronze dragon and silver dragon. He climbs his way over his belongings, making his way out of the door. He looks around, and sees a  wet creature like the one they exploded earlier, but much, much bigger, standing in the water, looming over wagon.


It's menacing, sickly red eyes stared bored right into Pinoak's.  


"By Celestia's Cake."




"Alrighty everypony, WAKE UP AND BEAT THE BEASTIES!!" Pinoak screams as his horn flashes a bright yellow, sending the dragons off in three different directions towards the monster. The silver and bronze dragons are flanking the monster and shooting their normal fireballs, as the platinum dragon flies straight for it's face, and unleashes a ball of molten metal at it. And right when it collides, the scene disappears, leaving Pinoak staring at the ceiling.


"Huh wha, monster!" Pinoak floats the bronze dragon puppet over to him as he rushes outside, seeing absolutely nothing. He looks around frantically and realizes that there is no beast, just a faint shimmer of the shield and a pony looking at him strangely. 


"Heh heh, um... good evening Boomy, mind if I join you on watch?""


And I really don't mind what I'm called so long as it's nice. 


Seems fine by me. Hey, Pinkazoid! What's your opinion? And you, BlackShardNixum? We gotta have the DM's opinion before we eviserate you with a scythe-mounted cannon. (Hur hur.)

Edited by Celebi (Thunder Knight)
  • Brohoof 1
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Wow this sounds bloody awesome, mind if I be the Tarasov? I take it since this is an important role i will have to prove myself correct?

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Wow this sounds bloody awesome, mind if I be the Tarasov? I take it since this is an important role i will have to prove myself correct?


Oh, hi Vendana! You mean the Desendant, and youi mean the leader of the Tarasov. Alright then. We're all waiting for BlackShardNixum to come on, then you can be your peace-loving ponysona.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh, hi Vendana! You mean the Desendant, and youi mean the leader of the Tarasov. Alright then. We're all waiting for BlackShardNixum to come on, then you can be your peace-loving ponysona.


Yay :D

The peace loving Ponysona that turns out to be the lost child of the sun...Meh who knew luck falls before the blinded? XD

  • Brohoof 1

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Really interested in "The Sayer" I don't know if i can truly commit myself to posting on a regular schedule, not sure the quantity of the posts either, but I can certainly tell you that their quality is great, there's some chance the internet will be shut off at home for this week and perhaps the next, but I'm not sure yet, if you mind saving me the spot while i create a new character, I'd gladly appreciate it.

Thats just fine, quality and quantity balance each other out and I'd be happy for you to join! I'll hold you a spot as the Sayer!


Mind if I join in with my character Pinoak? I feel he would be a good gate keeper. He could use a combo of his stories and puppets with the key to access new worlds. And this RP sounds really cool and really well thought out, and sounds right up my alley. Also, the character link is in my signature.

Yes, yes! Pinoak will do quite nicely! I'll add him down as the Gatekeeper, thank you for joining! ^^


Yay biggrin.png

The peace loving Ponysona that turns out to be the lost child of the sun...Meh who knew luck falls before the blinded? XD

You wish to be the Descendant? I have someone who has noted me already that they also wish for that position. However, as I've stated, I want someone with experiance in that role, and comparing the two of you together, it seems you have more experiance than the other applicant. You can be the Descendant if you'd like.

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Awesome! Can't wait to RP. I have some pretty cool ideas for Pinaok. Things could become interesting.

Indeed! Zaria and I have big things planned for you all, just you wait! I have a very desturbing mind at times, so don't be surprise if a few unexpected things come from this...


Okay, for clarification (since there's been some confusion) the characters are NOT part of Tarasov or Tarasai (respectively) at the beginning of this RP. That will come later. They don't even know of their abilities yet.


Maybe I should have posted this earlier. But here is some art from the original Tarasov storyline (before I "fixed" it). Crystal Leaf was the Guardian of the Gem (Healer). So she was my character. I my do some of the other Originals.



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