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private Pony Mystery Theater: Act II, Exit Trixie, Stage Right.

Key Gear

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Dawn smirked at Key's remark "Very funny Key, If it wasn't for the fact that Im not laughing, Id think you were a comedian" Dawn said jokingly as he finished up a few smaller tasks around the kitchen.

Far from being annoyed by Dawn's retort, Key just barely managed to contain her her grin. The exchange had reminded her of almost the same short conversation that she'd had with her brother on the previous day, before they'd known that they were siblings. In her experience, it was rare to find ponies that took her lighthearted ribbing and managed to say something decently amusing in response. To Dawn's credit he managed this, and he earned extra points by actually having return the same wry humor.


"Uhh...not quite. I helped my mother alot before I left, and when I was younger the local Diner would give me some chores to do for a few bits, general work really, nothing too complicated. My main job was leading the weather team, It was a fun job really..."Dawn trailed off before he got stuck in a situation where he wouldn't be able to reply.

She neither noticed nor cared that Dawn had trailed off. His answer seemed mundane enough. A penny-ante job at a diner would be the perfect place to pick up some skills in a kitchen, and the weather team occupation was a reasonable enough explanation for his athleticism. She did wonder about him though, because it just seemed to her that both Alex and Flow had seemed far more enthusiastic in describing their occupations on the previous day. They were all pegasus ponies. Key thought that they all loved their work...


Dawn followed Key in the gawking, before shaking his head to reply to Key. "Yeah he seemed rather...glum, I dunno..."

It was the second time in a row that he had trailed off. Key winced in annoyance and then looked surprised. Her own reaction was perplexing to her. Just a few days earlier, she had been just as awkward as Dawn. Expressing herself wasn't something that had come easily to her, but now, after just a day of getting forced into awkward conversations, Key was beginning to feel much more comfortable with her words and actions. Because of this, she was now becoming easily agitated with ponies that hesitated while speaking. It seemed ironic to her.


"Huh...Uhh yeah Id say I am. I was top of my flight class and I taught my..."Dawn trailed off for the third time trying not to mention his sister. "I taught others how to fly and such. That was another one of my hobbies, teaching young colts and filly's some flying tricks" Dawn smiled as he remembered how much fun he had doing that.

Key winced again. This time, to her, it seemed as though he had trailed off even more awkwardly than before. She wanted to grab him and shake him until he finished the first sentence. It was almost traumatizing when he continued without saying what or who it was that he had taught. Instead, he offered the more general "others" and then he explained that he was a general flight instructor for young ponies.


She didn't buy it, mostly because he'd done such a horrible job selling it that his store was now closed. Her memories of her own failed efforts at being social came back in full force, and she recalled something important. When she had been at her most awkward - trailing off, changing subjects - it was because she had been trying to hide something. Now, watching Dawn, she saw how obvious it must have been to the other passengers onboard the train when she had made use of the same tactic.


It was a terribly transparent way to attempt to avoid a subject. Key thought to herself that it was probably better to just outright lie than it was to get stuck looking like a silly pony, which is what Dawn was, unintentionally, looking like right at that moment. She relished the thought of confronting him more than she should have. To her, it was just like she'd been given a chance to confront herself from the previous day. Being deceptive by omission was a terrible tactic. She considered her public confession of being a thief to be one of the best things that she had done since boarding the train.


"How about you, you seem to be fairly athletic" Dawn asked.

"Huh..." Key was taken off guard. She had been completely ready to continue with the conversation focused on Dawn, but he had managed to switch the focus back to her before she could respond. On the inside, she sighed. She should have seen it coming. Changing the focus of the conversation to the other pony was another tactic that she had used in order to evade personal questions. Now, she was faced with a small dilemma. It wouldn't do her any good to rudely refocus on Dawn. It would be far too obvious that she was snooping. Instead, she decided to take a different approach.


Dawn didn't know that Key was a thief... He also didn't know anything else about her. Yet, at that point, this information was common knowledge among the other passenger's on the train. Key figured that she could share this seemingly personal information with him to win social "points" in the conversation. It seemed rather revealing, but the truth was that she had very little to lose by sharing what was already common knowledge to the original passengers.


Key had looked away while she had spent the last minute thinking. Now, she allowed the moment to drag out another few seconds before she finally spoke. "Ah, well... Yeah, I guess I'm fairly athletic. It's not really because of any job that I have though. My 'job' at the moment is basically just fixing things when they break and the occasional locksmithing." She stopped and laughed. "Actually, I'd be a fat pony right about now if I wasn't active by nature."


It was true, and she had only realized it right then. Her actual occupation didn't really require much moving around, but she had the habit of pacing, going faster than most ponies would, and just being all-around energetic when she was focused on a problem. She also had the habit of missing meals. It was easy for her to do this because her work generally required being able to concentrate for long periods of time, trying to solve problems that could only be solved with slow, steady thought and experimentation. Both habits led to her present appearance.


She took a moment to peer at her reflection in a plate nearby. She was definitely more wiry than a normal filly of her age but nowhere near as haggardly as she had been in Manehattan at her worst. She couldn't even imagine how she would have looked after gaining enough weight to make her fat. She snickered again at the mental picture. "Yeah, I'd look pretty silly if I was chubby, like a fish, maybe, because I'm blue and stuff." It wasn't really an attempt at humor, but she hoped it was funny nonetheless.


When she continued, she unconsciously became more serious. Her smile dropped from her face. Her statement yesterday had been the first time that she'd ever purposely admitted to her actions to a total strangers. Telling Dawn now was still a task in and of itself, even though it was something that she didn't consider to be majorly important. "Well, probably the real reason that I seem athletic is because, before I started with having a shop, I was actually a thief. I stole stuff... Because I didn't have a home, I needed to eat. I also got in a few fights... Eh... Maybe a lot... I don't even think I won half of them, but I learned how to run away. Now, that's pretty good for getting athletic, I think." Key laughed.


While she laughed, she also went back over what she had just said. It seemed like she had revealed just a bit more than she had originally intended to, but she didn't care. Strangely, Key didn't mind Dawn. He just didn't seem like a judgmental pony. Key reflected that it didn't really seem like he was a digger like Lapis, either. Dawn... He had his own secrets to keep, just as she had her own. The realization, the similarity between them, led to a change in her plans.


Before she continued speaking, she sat in silence for a few seconds. She thought about Dawn. Compared to the others on the train, he seemed to have a different perspective on her. She hadn't paid much consideration to them at the time, but his earlier words came back to her. He had complimented her leadership... It was an unusual remark, now that she thought about it, and it was the first time that anypony had made it to her. Dawn was, plainly, the older of the two of them, even if it was only by a few years. He also had, if Key was to be the judge, a strong personality. For him to do what she said without questioning and to complement her leadership, she must have really made an impact on him.


Now that she'd thought about it, she knew why she felt like changing her approach. Dawn had, just in those few moments shown a surprising amount of loyalty to her. His respect for her as a leader meant that he had considered her a pony to be looked up to. Key decided to take a gamble. Even her brother didn't really consider her as a pony to look up to. Of the two of them, Key was certain that it was her that looked up to him, making it impossible for things to work any other way. A pony that thought that she was a worthwhile leader would be a valuable friend and ally, indeed.


Key cleared her throat. "Actually, Dawn... Yeah, well, just now I told you that I stole stuff. Eh... The truth is that I stole a lot of stuff... There was a time in my life where... When I needed to, I might have taken some pretty valuable items from a few places. Every once in a while, I had to do some stuff that I'm not particularly proud of in order to make things work out. I'm only telling you this because... Well... I think that you're a pony that could appreciate the importance of keeping a secret."


"See, Dawn... I think that I can tell that you're carrying some kind of burden that you don't want to share. I can tell because I am too, so I can recognize the signs. You trailed off a lot... You didn't finish an important sentence. Then, you turned the conversation back to me. All of that sounds like a pony that is avoiding something, probably because you're afraid of what others would think... Well... I just told you something about me that nopony knows, not even my own brother. Do you think any less of me?"


She charged ahead without waiting for an answer, she was certain that she knew it already. "Trading trust... I think that's sort of what it is. You're a pony like me. I think that we could possibly help each other. Earlier, you started to say that you taught somepony something? Then, you changed the subject? So... Who did you really teach? And, what happened? Just like I trusted you enough to tell you something... You should trust me enough to tell me something..."



He was dimly aware of the conversation and activities occurring in the other areas of the dining car, but Dusky ignored them. He was here with purpose, with an objective, it made no sense to deviate from his focus to pay heed to the minor concerns of others, concerns that likely had nothing to do with him at all. He was the train's engineer. It was generally Ambrosia that busied herself in sorting out the business of others, not him. The social wellbeing of the passengers was not his problem.


"Well, for starters my name is Ice Storm, and depending on how you look at things I'm from a couple different places. If where I'm from is implying where I was born, then I came from Fillydelphia... though... after being abandoned there... I try to think of that place as little as possible. If it implies where I'm currently residing, then I'm actually from Ponyville. I own a nice little parlor in town called Frozen Delights. It's nothing super fancy, but, using my magic, I can create any frozen treat that anypony could dream of," she told him with a smile.

Dusky paid careful attention to Ice Storm while she spoke. In her mention of abandonment in Fillydelphia, her words carried with them the hint of a story, a story of endurance, perhaps, because she had managed to make it to where she was today. His curiosity was piqued but he said nothing, allowing Ice Storm to finish completely before he continued speaking. "Frozen Delights?" Despite himself, Dusky was intrigued by the thought of frozen confections. "Hmmm.... Do you have any of these frozen treats that come in unsweetened varieties? I'm not overly fond of sweets myself... I prefer the broader tastes available to the palate." Dusky smiled courteously and waited for Ice to respond before continuing.


"It's interesting to me that you mention Fillydelphia. During my time as a train engineer... I've made a few stops there. On one of these occasions, we had some rather severe mechanical issues, similar to the ones encountered by this train, but... More severe. I had to stay in the city for a few days at that time." Dusky shook his head. "I'm not a creature of the big city environment. It is... Fast, thoughtless, harsh. It isn't like a place like Ponyville. In Ponyville, even I may walk, going about my business without other ponies taking note of the fact that... In truth, I am a rather unusual pony."


"Fillydelphia was nothing like this. When I was stuck in that place, everywhere I went somepony saw fit to remark on my appearance. I was ostracized. Hmmmm... I suppose that I do look odd. I'm rather tall for a pony, and my color scheme is rather... Gloomy... Drab... I can understand why some would find this unusual. Perhaps, even intimidating when combined with my formal nature? However, I don't believe that I can be held accountable for either factor. My origins are what contributed to making me what I was at that time and the pony that I am today. I see no reason to alter my own nature to please the limited perceptions of others."


Dusky took a moment to nibble on his vegetable sandwich. "I think that... Origins are essential to reaching an understanding of oneself. We are all but products of a complex series of events leading up to the present. Even the smallest action or inaction may result in a future event of a size and magnitude that are vastly greater than the original occurrence." Dusky took a hoof and gently tapped the side of his glass. "The things that influence us are like waves, building on themselves, shaping the sands on the beaches of our existences. Tell me, Ice Storm... You say that you were abandoned in Fillydelphia? I can understand if you would prefer to not dwell on such things, but..."


He stopped and took a sip of his drink. "I think that the occasional meditation on the past is what allows us to move forward into the future with a full and complete understanding of what truly happened. Besides this... I can tell you... I'm not fond of Fillydelphia. If you have a story to tell, then you will, in me, find a sympathetic ear."



There were two earth ponies there. One was bright green in color, and the other a vibrant yellow. Well... here it goes... she thought to herself before speaking. "Um... Excuse me... But... do you mind if I sit here with you?" Wind asked in a very soft, polite, yet shy tone of voice.

Ambrosia was more than happy to welcome Wind Dancer. However, she recognized immediately that the pegasus pony was rather shy. It was all too obvious, so she decided to temper her own response to take this into account. "Oh no, I don't mind at all! I'm the train's cook, actually. And, this is Electrobolt, the train's assistant conductor... Well, one of them anyway. Springer's the other one, and he's right over there." She gestured at the pegasus at the table that was diagonal to their own.



"Why don't you sit by me? Electrobolt was just about to go grab some plates for us, so I don't think that he'd mind grabbing one for you too?" Ambrosia beamed at the Electrobolt and winked. Then, she spoke to the pegasus pony as welcomingly as she could. "Ooops! I almost forgot! My name's actually Ambrosia, and it's a pleasure to meet you. What's your name? And... What brings you to the Los Pegasus Express?" Even as she greeted Wind Dancer, she kept an ear on Dusky's activities across the aisle, and she was becomingly increasingly aware of the activities at Springer's table.



While Lapis spoke, Springer did his best to maintain a neutral expression. It was his intention that his seating position would prevent an easy escape, but at the same time, he didn't want Dawn to feel as though she was being attacked. Unfortunately, he remained completely unaware of her growing sense of distress while Lapis spoke. Instead, his reaction was reserved for when Lapis mentioned something unexpected.


"Another thing. Magicon, my associate, has the ability to sense when large amounts of magic are in the air, or something like that. I'm not a unicorn. I wouldn't know. But the point is, it points to you once more. There isn't a unicorn besides yourself that would fit the description of a frequent magic user. So, what say you to all that, hm?" he concluded.

Springer's red eyes flared for a nearly unnoticeable fraction of a second. To his knowledge, Lapis had been tasked with asking questions and asking questions alone. The revelation of any information that was not required for asking these questions was not only inefficient, but it held the potential for destroying the value of any data that they obtained from Dawn.


The entire idea in approaching Dawn with just the two of them had been to avoid entanglement with any of Dawn's preconceptions and to avoid the appearance that there were a number of ponies involved in the present action. Now, Magicon's involvement had been clearly illustrated. The subtle nature of Magicon's involvement was now comprimised. Springer had no doubt that Dawn was intelligent enough to make the connection. He frowned and looked off into space as he prepared to listen carefully to Dawn's reaction.


"Well... To all of that, I intend to say what you want me to say - the truth. I am not certain about the note in Springer's room, but I do know that something happened in Springer's room. That's why I went there, just to check on him. I saw that everything was fine, so I left. That's all. I don't know anything about any mysterious notes. Why should I? I'm just a medical pony, that's all. I came from Canterlot. I arrived in Ponyville as a student transferred from Canterlot, which is where I was studying magic, healing magic. Other than that, there's not much to my story. I have been having some memory problems myself, lately, but I can take care of those, myself. I don't need any help. I think I've always been forgetful."

Her answer seemed, to Springer, to be lacking in information. He was certain that he had been sleeping extremely poorly. As a medical pony, Dawn should have noticed. There was no reason for her to not be aware of it. Even with his own, rudimentary, training in first aid, he knew enough to recognize the signs of a pony in distress. He was further surprised when she mentioned that she had been having memory problems. He was both surprised and concerned, but he filed his thoughts away until a later time.


Clearly in her element, Dawn gathered confidence as she spoke, directing her full attention to Lapis. "He'll be fine. My spell should have no long-lasting effects, but his recovery won't be instant. It will take time for his strength to return, and even then..." Dawn trailed off as she considered something that Lapis had mentioned, earlier. "You say that he's been having problems with nightmares? Were they nightmares or were they memories? Because, if they were memories, then this might be a memory that was lost in the original spell? I need to know more about the symptoms before I can make a diagnoses. However... Really..." Dawn's face grew serious.

Springer noted that she seemed to have nearly completely forgotten about his presence directly next to her. In fact, it seemed like she was, herself, a train. Springer knew a lot about trains, they were his purpose and his passion. He knew enough to recognize one when he saw one, and Dawn was reminding him of one in that moment. She was focused, narrowly, only on Lapis. The mare was so unaware of her surroundings that she hadn't even reacted when food was placed right in front of her.


Ignoring his food was a luxury that Springer would not indulge in. He, himself, started on both sandwiches as soon as they arrived. He noticed the arrival of Ambrosia and Electrobolt, but chose to ignore it. He only had a limited amount of concentration available. Focusing on his food and Dawn's response was the most efficient course of action. He continued eating at a good pace even as Dawn trailed off. He had no idea of what she was about to say, but he looked at her to make certain that her horn wasn't glowing. When he saw her serious expression, he decided to return to the appearance of neutrality.


"All of this is pointless if you don't trust me. I don't know what Magicon has told you about me, but I promise you, I'm a good pony. I'm here to keep Springer safe, no matter what happens. That's what I was asked to do, and that's what I'm going to do. None of you can stop me. As for your associate's ability to sense magic. If he's so fantastic, then why didn't he sense the spell that was put on Springer? Also... Why isn't he here to ask me questions himself? Why did he send you and this filly, Lapis? I'm not afraid of Magicon. If he wants to confront me, then he shouldn't send others. He should come to me, himself. He shouldn't be afraid of me."

It was all that Springer could do to resist commenting on the inefficiency of her idea. Keeping him safe was a noble goal, but he was not certain that it was worth her own reputation. He was also not certain that it was worth her sanity. Just as she had focused on Lapis, she now seemed fixated on Magicon. To Springer, it seemed like a dangerous situation. Two powerful unicorns, in an argument, could easily cause harm to themselves or other passengers, and Dawn was now venturing into antagonism. As Dawn's rant continued. Springer looked around, surveying the dining car. His gaze happened upon the cooly watchful eyes of Vim at the table directly in front of his own. He somewhat regretted looking around; the conductor's expression was unreadable.


Dawn glanced at Asteria for a moment and then back to Lapis. "Just another thing... This is really something that is about magic. I think that this is why you mentioned Magicon's ability to me? Well. Magicon seems like he knows a lot about magic. Maybe you should ask him to join us? I know that Asteria is capable, but if you really are suspicious of my magic usage, then a seasoned unicorn would be better able to ask the right question, don't you think? Lapis, you are intelligent, I think, but... You probably aren't as familiar with magic as Magicon is. Why don't you ask him to join us? I would like to talk to him." Dawn smiled broadly.

Springer cut in, but stumbled for the words that he needed to say to calm the angry mare. "Ummm... Wait a moment. Magicon... Ummm... Well..." He was already out of his comfort zone, speaking to other ponies without careful consideration was not something that he was skilled at, but he was certain that something needed to be said. He just couldn't find the words to say it. After a moment in contemplation, he finally managed. "Dawn... If you look at the original questions that Lapis asked, I think that you will see that they had nothing to do with Magicon? They were about me... And, no accusations are being made..." He trailed off.

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"Ah, well... Yeah, I guess I'm fairly athletic. It's not really because of any job that I have though. My 'job' at the moment is basically just fixing things when they break and the occasional locksmithing." She stopped and laughed.

Dawn cocked his head at her remark, that didn't sound like a particularly active job, especially if she only fixed things. If she was maintaining things then perhaps it would explain her being quite fit, but general handypony jobs weren't that active from Dawns past experience. His friend Stomp worked as a handypony and he was quite...well, he wasn't very fit.



"Actually, I'd be a fat pony right about now if I wasn't active by nature."

Dawn cocked his head the other way. He supposed that could explain why she was fairly fit...but it still bothered him to no extent. Finding the time to stay fit usually came with ponies who had active jobs...at least that's what Dawn had noticed on his travels. Some ponies seemed very motivated to work out and stay fit, but Key didn't seem like the type to "work out" thus she must have some other activity that kept her fit, for now thought he'd let it go...for now. "I suppose that makes sense. I'm fairly active by nature myself, being a Pegasus and all" Dawn remarked, bringing his head back in line.



She took a moment to peer at her reflection in a plate nearby. She was definitely more wiry than a normal filly of her age but nowhere near as haggardly as she had been in Manehattan at her worst.

Dawn noticed her looking at herself in a plate and a smirk formed on his face. What could she possibly be thinking about. Most the mare's he had met only looked at themselves to judge their physical attractiveness but Dawn wasn't interested in the ones who stuck their snout in the air all the time. Key didn't seem like one of those ponies, but she was certainly deep in thought about something.



he couldn't even imagine how she would have looked after gaining enough weight to make her fat. She snickered again at the mental picture. "Yeah, I'd look pretty silly if I was chubby, like a fish, maybe, because I'm blue and stuff."

Dawn Chuckled before responding "I don't think it's possible for you to be fat, like you said you're rather active. Me on the other hand, these past few weeks I've been rather slack, disregarding the fact that I've been traveling a lot on hoof and in the air.I think I see some chub on me already" He said, poking his belly slightly.



Telling Dawn now was still a task in and of itself, even though it was something that she didn't consider to be majorly important. "Well, probably the real reason that I seem athletic is because, before I started with having a shop, I was actually a thief. I stole stuff... Because I didn't have a home, I needed to eat. I also got in a few fights... Eh... Maybe a lot... I don't even think I won half of them, but I learned how to run away. Now, that's pretty good for getting athletic, I think." Key laughed.


Dawn's chuckle ended abruptly as he processed the information she had just given him.Dawn knew she must have had some other way of keeping so fit, and now he knew, she offered it to him on a silver platter, but why would she tell Dawn this, thieves weren't generally the type to go blabbing about what they do, not even to family most the time. Perhaps she was joking...Dawn shook this thought from his head, she wasn't joking this time, so perhaps...perhaps she was trusting Dawn just a little bit.Dawn didn't know much about Key, but he liked her, she reminded him of his best friend and his sister wrapped up into a ball of blue and Slate, and he knew she only became a thief out of necessity, and part of Dawn actually admired that...Dawn shook his head clear any ill thought about Key that had lingered and he began to trust her more then the other ponies he had met, even Ambrosia who he still admired greatly.



Key cleared her throat. "Actually, Dawn... Yeah, well, just now I told you that I stole stuff. Eh... The truth is that I stole a lot of stuff... There was a time in my life where... When I needed to, I might have taken some pretty valuable items from a few places. Every once in a while, I had to do some stuff that I'm not particularly proud of in order to make things work out. I'm only telling you this because... Well... I think that you're a pony that could appreciate the importance of keeping a secret."

Dawn was startled by Key clearing her throat he was still thinking but he stopped to listen to her speak. As she talked he could sense her becoming at ease with him,  and he felt a slight smirk appear before he wiped it off his face before it was interpreted badly.

Key had obviously been in a rough spot at one stage, so stealing was her way of surviving, but perhaps she continued for another reason...it wasn't greed so Dawn could take that off the list, it couldn't have been necessity anymore, she could handle getting a job easily with her skills and leadership so there was only one other option...she was searching for something, Dawn wasn't sure what and he didn't want to butt in and ask her this early on, but he felt the need to help her for some reason...his brotherly side was poking its head through his friendly side...Dawn was actually starting to care about Key.



"See, Dawn... I think that I can tell that you're carrying some kind of burden that you don't want to share. I can tell because I am too, so I can recognize the signs. You trailed off a lot... You didn't finish an important sentence. Then, you turned the conversation back to me. All of that sounds like a pony that is avoiding something, probably because you're afraid of what others would think... Well... I just told you something about me that nopony knows, not even my own brother. Do you think any less of me?"

Dawn's face dropped like a rock, his mouth hung open slightly as he tried to find an answer to the question, he didn't like talking about what had happened, it was the whole reason he left in the first place and he wasn't proud of leaving either, he didn't want to just abandon his sister...a tear formed in his left eye and slid down his cheek, Dawn barley managed to wipe it off before it hit the ground.



She charged ahead without waiting for an answer, she was certain that she knew it already. "Trading trust... I think that's sort of what it is. You're a pony like me. I think that we could possibly help each other. Earlier, you started to say that you taught somepony something? Then, you changed the subject? So... Who did you really teach? And, what happened? Just like I trusted you enough to tell you something... You should trust me enough to tell me something..."

Dawn cleared his throat and held back the tears as he turned to Key face to respond.He...Dawn trusted her, and for once he actually wanted to speak about what happened, so he cleared his throat again and spoke up.


"The reason I'm drifting...the reason I avoid the topic of home as much as possible...is because Im responsible for a death.A friend of mine who trusted me...I failed her and she died...ponies looked at me differently after that day, and I couldn't take it..."Dawn started to raise his voice in slight sobs as he spoke.


"So I left..I abandoned my mother and sister...and just ran. Now Im too much of a coward to go back to them...I thought I could, but I can't....I can't handle the way they looked at me, as If I was some murderer...It was an accident...but...I don't think they would ever treat me the same again. Key...please don't tell anyone this, for some reason or other I trust you... I trust you greatly even though I barely know you...just please don't think badly of me...I know Im a coward...I just...I can't take it.." Dawn trailed off finally letting tears get to him as he turned away and leaned against the bench to hide his crying from Key...this trip was turning out more emotional then he thought it would...

Edited by Dawn♥Rider
  • Brohoof 5


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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Magicon’s fears were neither lies nor exaggerations of the truth. She avoided all the questions that Lapis directed at her and instead harped own Lapis own admission. Magicon was now the sudden center of the conversation, and he wasn’t even in it to begin with. He looked over at Arcanel with desperate eyes, hoping for some guidance that he might be able to offer. While trying to hide his inner fears and feelings, he overheard Dawn directly challenge him.




"All of this is pointless if you don't trust me. I don't know what Magicon has told you about me, but I promise you, I'm a good pony. I'm here to keep Springer safe, no matter what happens. That's what I was asked to do, and that's what I'm going to do. None of you can stop me. As for your associate's ability to sense magic. If he's so fantastic, then why didn't he sense the spell that was put on Springer? Also... Why isn't he here to ask me questions himself? Why did he send you and this filly, Lapis? I'm not afraid of Magicon. If he wants to confront me, then he shouldn't send others. He should come to me, himself. He shouldn't be afraid of me."


Magicon shivered as his mind teleported back to the events of last night. It all sounded too familiar: a challenge that Magicon couldn’t avoid, the difficulty he faced, and his “success”. He hadn’t planned on challenging Trixie but she annoyed him and then angered him. Magicon knew she had to be stopped from abusing magic and that’s what he had done. But would Dawn be the same? Was she really just like Trixie?


Magicon did draw some links between the two: both were arrogant and excessive with their magical skills. He met both in the parlor car of the train and immediately had bad impressions with both of them. Worse still, both were up to no good. The parallels were strikingly similar making Magicon wonder if Dawn either was Trixie in disguise or knew about what happened to Trixie from last night. But those weren’t the most important questions at the moment. What was important was Dawn’s direct challenge to Magicon.




Dawn glanced at Asteria for a moment and then back to Lapis. "Just another thing... This is really something that is about magic. I think that this is why you mentioned Magicon's ability to me? Well. Magicon seems like he knows a lot about magic. Maybe you should ask him to join us? I know that Asteria is capable, but if you really are suspicious of my magic usage, then a seasoned unicorn would be better able to ask the right question, don't you think? Lapis, you are intelligent, I think, but... You probably aren't as familiar with magic as Magicon is. Why don't you ask him to join us? I would like to talk to him." Dawn smiled broadly.


‘She knows something,’ he thought. ‘She’s trying to bait me into doing something I’ll regret.’ He felt the greatest urge to take the bait, walk up to her, and analyze exactly who she was and her motives form all her magical spells. Yet he knew that perhaps it would just be better to remain quiet and see if anything, anything at all could be extracted from her before he entered the conversation.


Lapis had blundered incredibly and had now forced Magicon’s secret methods to the surface. But it might not be too late for him to try and get back to Dawn’s actions. Springer attempted to get back to fundamental questions at hoof, but was blundering miserably. Magicon had no idea how Lapis would manage but he expected him to fail as well. His own mistake had caught everypony off-guard and they were now paying the price for it.


Instead of them controlling the conversation Dawn had turned the tables on them and was now controlling them. Magicon hated this. His stomach quivered with fear and hatred. Manipulation was his skill, not any other ponies. Even when he hadn’t planned to manipulate ponies, he always did. It was something he was incredibly resourceful at.  Only then did Magicon realize that he had controlled Springer, Lapis, and Arcanel to get what he wanted out of Dawn: secret information about her.


But Dawn was too clever for them and had easily overrun their attempts to divulge her information. Instead she went right to the puppetmaster: Magicon and demanded his participation. He was caught between a rock and a hard place, with no better knowledge about what to do. His gut was in knots and he had no deciding factor to determine what to do. Take the bait or sit out?


While he pondered Dusky had seemingly entered the dining car quietly and passed by Magicon on his way to peek into the kitchen and grab so food. Magicon glared at the unicorn for a moment, but focused back on his own predicament. Dusky seemed to ignore Magicon as he passed him and proceeded to talk to some new passengers.


But Magicon still felt incredibly frustrated. The bait was right there in front of him and he wanted to take it. But the numerous ‘what if’s’ filled his mind with reservation. Yet from his deliberation, a glorious thought entered his mind. Dawn had asked for his participation, but did not ask him directly. She didn’t know Magicon was eavesdropping on her conversation; she could only suspect it. Magicon knew that she knew he was listening in, but that wasn’t real proof. If she wanted to talk to Magicon directly, she would have to convince Lapis or Springer to ask him. Happily satisfied with his plan Magicon leaned back in his chair, smiling; confident that whatever Lapis or Springer did, he didn’t have to utter a word unless he was directly brought into the conversation and he knew he would be. When that happened, he would be ready. Dawn would not outsmart him, he would outsmart her.

  • Brohoof 5
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After he had finished speaking, Electrobolt looked at Ambrosia as she was starting to say something. However, she stopped herself as Dusky began to pass through the hallway to go into the dining car, not even paying them any mind. As he passed by, though, he couldn't help but shiver a little. At that time, though, Ambrosia spoke up once more to agree that they should eat. She also added that they should keep an eye on Dusky. Although he wasn't exactly keen on being too close to him, Electrobolt shrugged it off as he nodded, getting ready to go into the dining car for food. Just then, Ambrosia stopped at the door before saying something else.


She started to enter the dining car but paused again. "Oh... And... Thank you for that hug. I guess this sounds silly, but I really needed it." She grinned, determined to shed her earlier mood. "Now, I think we'll be best friends forever, right? Vim can say all the crazy things he wants."


After hearing these words, Electrobolt found himself smiling as he felt that he had helped Ambrosia feel better, before the smile grew a little bigger upon hearing that they'd be best friends forever. The thought on being best friends had made him forget his previous fears temporarily as he found himself in good spirits now. Just then, Ambrosia turned around as she entered the dining car, as he followed right behind her, ready for food. As he was moving to an empty table with the mare, he passed by the table where Springer, Lapis, Asteria, and another unicorn. From his memory with speaking to Key, he could only assume that the unicorn was Dawn.


Although he wondered what they were gathered up at the table for, Electrobolt shrugged it off as he joined Ambrosia at the free table. As soon as he sat down, Ambrosia spoke to him, saying that Dusky had never actually been seen joining the passengers for lunch after having started up the train. At that remark, he raised an eyebrow. Just what WAS Dusky up to...? However, the next thing out of Ambrosia's mouth confused him. *Like he did yesterday with Magicon...? What?* he thought, confused. From what he recalled, Dusky never did anything to Magicon yesterday. All he could recall was this morning, and even then he wasn't really around for that.


After shaking that off, Ambrosia mentioned keeping an eye on him, along with getting some food and drinks for them so they could blend in. Nodding, he was about to get out of his seat, before a pony came up and asked if she could join them. Looking over, he could see it was the pegasus mare that he showed her room to. At this, Ambrosia responded by saying she didn't mind at all before she introduced him to the mare. She then pointed out the assistant conductor to her, before offering the seat next to her to the mare as she recalled that she didn't introduce herself, before doing so. At this, Electrobolt smiled and said, "I'll be right back, Ambrosia, and I'll bring enough food and drinks for the three of us."


As soon as he said that, he moved off to the kitchen and entered, before seeing the food and drinks on a counter in front of him. Not wishing to keep Ambrosia and the mare waiting on their food, he went and grabbed a drink before putting it on a plate next to the food and carefully carrying it out before sitting the plate in front of Ambrosia. He then went back to the kitchen to get another plate of food and drink before carrying it out the same way, placing it in front of the pegasus. He then returned to the kitchen one more time, grabbing the food and drink before returning to the table, sitting down at his seat with his food and drink in front of him on the table. Not sure whether he missed out on anything or not, he asked, "So, um...  Did I miss anything?"

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~~Ice Storm~~


When Dusky began to speak to Ice, she listened with great detail. The inflections of his voice showed a pony that held high standards, similar to a pony that she might have run into in Canterlot. Yet he seemed different as well. A lot friendlier than most of them could every dream of being. She liked this. He first asked if she carried anything not all that sweet, that he preferred the broader taste of the palette. She was about to reply before he continued, mentioning his experiences in Fillydelphia. that it seemed like it was the only place where ponies would actually stop to remark about how he looked and basically ostracized him because of it. He knew that we was a but unusual for ponies, which, Ice couldn't really see. So he had a black coat, and was taller than normal. What was so wrong with that? And when he mentioned refusing to change who he was to fit the limited perceptions, she lost control of her emotions for a brief moment, "THANK YOU!" she proclaimed, not too loudly but in a tone of relief before she covered her mouth quickly at realizing how impolite she had just been in interrupting him. She was sure she'd get a scowl for that, as it would be what she would give anypony else that had done the same to her. Without saying another word she gave an I'm sorry look and let him continued.


When he continued, he stated that he thought that origins were essential to reaching an understanding of one's self, and that we were all products of complex events that have lead us to what is now the present. That even the smallest action or reaction could have an impact larger than anypony could foresee at the time. His words though then started to go down a path that she had hoped he wouldn't go down, however, she couldn't really blame him with how she had left it open. Perhaps she subconsciously wanted to talk to somepony about what happened? She hadn't ever really had a chance to talk with anypony about it before or get it off of her chest. Was this really the place to do that though? She listened as he told her that he knew that she'd much rather not dwell on things, but if she ever wanted to talk, that there was somepony there that always had a sympathetic ear. At this Ice smiled before picking her plate up, and moving to the seat closer to him so that she didn't have to talk as loud. Even with the amount of noise in the car at the moment, this wasn't a public story, and a lot of it was sensitive to her. She didn't want everypony on the train finding out about every little detail.


"Well, to answer your first question, yes, I can make anything at any sweetness. That's one of the benefits of using magic to do make the things that I do," she told him with a soft smile. It quickly faded though. "As far as the other part of your statement goes, and the reason I moved closer, is, well... you're right... I need somepony to talk to, and I moved closes so I wouldn't have to speak as loud, as not everything is something that I think everypony should hear..." she told him with a small sigh.


"I guess for starters, I should preface the story with the one thing that pretty much caused a vast majority of my hardship that to this day, I still deal with. It's not really something that I'm going to go into too terribly much detail in a place as open as this but, I have a very embarrassing overnight issue, and the diapers that are in my drawer in my room aren't for a foal. They're.... well... for me.... to keep the bed dry while I sleep..." she informed him blushing immensely. Her own thoughts were going crazy though. What are you doing! you just told him the most humiliating thing about yourself... she reflected as she took another deep breath before continuing. "And I know it must seem odd for this to be the first thing that a complete stranger brings up, but it actually plays a very large role in what happened to me."


"Like I mentioned, I was born in Fillydelphia, My mother's name was Mist Weaver, and my father was Silvermane. At first everything was as a family was supposed to be. This... unfortunately didn't last long. Only about a year or two after I was foaled, My parents came into a bit of wealth after an Aristocratic Noble from Trottingham came into the city named Golden Hoof. As soon as he entered they lives, mine became a living Tartus... It was at that point my parents stopped care about me, and only cared about their money. This was only amplified when my magic didn't develop as it was originally supposed to, or rather... when it normally does in unicorns. What made matters worse is because of this, I was always bullied and picked on at school, and when ever I got home... my mother would just ignore me, and my father... well... I'll leave it at I've been flung into more than my fair share of walls..."


"It was after this that I began to develop my bed wetting issue and well... that was pretty much the final straw... My parents made no efforts to help me with the issue, and they had no problem yelling about it so that everypony could here. They even sent me to school actually wearing a diaper once..., and told.... told the school about everything... Thankfully the school had at least somewhat of a heart, and let me out of it... not before it had well... I'll leave it at it was a nightmare and I was called soggy-bottoms for the rest of my schoolhood there... which... wasn't that much longer after that..."


"About a month and a half later I finally grew tired of the abuse, and I left, feeling completely abandoned by the two ponies that were always supposed to be there to help protect me, not help everypony else hurt me even more," she stated as a small tear fell onto the table. She should have known not to start this story here. Surely somepony would notice and begin to come over and hear the conversation, however she was too far along now. "Once I left, I walked to Canterlot. Not even a joke. Thankfully, I guess you could call it that... I got stuck in a blizzard on the way up Canterlot Mountain, and it was then that I discovered my affinity for Ice magic. Once I got to Canterlot though, I thought things were going to be different, and that I could start over and that everything would be okay... Boy, was I in for a rude wake up call. Everypony I ran into there were just about as rude as the ponies in Fillydelphia, and I went a good year there actually being homeless, sleeping in the park closest to the castle. At the very least though I was able to go to Celestia's school of magic. I was still bullied there, but at least not for something as embarrassing as well... that...."


"No, this time the center of all of my antagonizers was the fact that I wasn't of noble, Canterlot Blood, and that I shouldn't even be in the city. This was starting to make me hat Canterlot about as much as I hated Fillydelphia, and after what my own parents did to me there, I assure you, that was a feat. I did ultimately find out though that the reason that my magic took so long to develop was the fact that there was never any ice in Fillydelphia. At least, none that was natural, and all of my other magical abilities... Let's just say somepony like Rarity makes me look like a push over. I was able to really work and refine Ice though, but it wasn't until about midway through the school that my ice magic took off."


"I have to say though, there was one thing that I absolutely loved about Canterlot, and is the only reason I ever return there at all, and that's Princess Luna. She found me sleeping in the Royal Canterlot Park one evening, and she inquired as to why I was sleeping at the park and not in the comforts of one's own bed. When I explained to her what happened. She took me in as a student of her own. This was when my ice really took off to the point to where pretty much, I can use any Ice magic at near infinitum. It's the reason that I can run my shop the way I do. Because I can use Ice magic with negligible amounts of energy consumption. All of my other magics leave me drained after a while, and even telekinesis is hard to do properly when I'm tired, to this day even, and while I can teleport, it's not very good, and it makes me sick when I do."


"Other than that, Luna's taught me everything that I know, and over the course of the time that I lived there, we grew very close. Almost to the point to where, well, I actually considered her the mother I never had. I never actually managed to get up the courage to tell her that, but I'm sure that she was able to figure it out. I also fell that the fact that we had both suffered what it felt like to be abandoned, had a lot to do with strengthening the relationship that we had, though I dare not say mine was anywhere near hers... I was abandoned by two ponies... Granted, they were to very two that brought me into this world, but she was abandoned by everypony, and is still feared by most to this day. Something that greatly agitates me."


"That being said, the only reason I didn't stay there in Canterlot with Luna, was well, eventually the nobles had gotten to the point to where it was never leave the palace, and thus shut down my way of living, leave, or do something that everypony involved would regret, which I almost did on one occasion. So with that, I packed up and moved to Ponyville. Everything there is much more simple and everypony else there is as nice as they can be. The only real issue that I have there, is the same one I'm stuck with wherever I go. I've been do medical specialists, and countless doctors, but nopony is able to pinpoint exactly why I'm still having issues controlling myself at night. They've had theories on what might work, however, the only type of medicine that they could give me, if isn't the actual issue, could actually to completely, and irreversibly, lost my ability to control myself at all, and not just at night. Not to mention the medicine was I think almost four hundred bits a bottle. I can't afford something that expensive that could potentially worsen the condition that I have instead of making it better," she told him honestly. "Actually, once I get to Los Pegasus, I should see if I can find somepony that's a doctor there so that I can at least attempt again to get some answers. Don't know if it would actually be worth the bits though.  That being said, that about wraps it up for me. I'm sorry if I bored you too much with the length of my story," she concluded hoping she hadn't spent too much time talking. He did ask her for the story, in a roundabout way.


~~Wind Dancer~~


The look on Wind's face softened a bit when Ambrosia gave her permission to join them. She smiled to her and nodded as Ambrosia explained that she was the cook, and that the pony that she pointed going into the kitchen to get the sandwiches, was the assistance conductor. She introduced him as Electrobolt. Wind smiled and waved as she began to sit in the chair next to Ambrosia. When she did however, she bumped her wing into the table, not hard enough to jar it, but hard enough to sting. Her wing reflexively shot open completely exposing the large scar on it before she tucked it away. She hadn't realized however as by the time she had reopened her eyes, a couple of seconds had passed and her wing was already tucked against herself. "I should really learn to stop being so clumsy..." she spoke softly as the green stallion made his way back to the table with sandwiches and cider for all three of them.


When she saw the sandwich, her stomach growled, making her blush a bit. "Perhaps I was hungrier than I thought..." she said with a smile picking her sandwich up and taking a small bit. Her eyes shot open though when she realized that she'd yet to tell these ponies her name. "Oh my, please forgive me. I realized I hadn't actually introduced myself yet. My name is Wind Dancer. I'm..." she started to say before realizing what the implications of what she was about to say held. "A street performer..." she stated fading out. "I've hoped to be a stage performer one day, but I don't see that happening any time in the near future," she stated with another small sigh before taking a drink of Cider.


"As far as what brought me here... it was an act of friendship and kindness actually. I wasn't even supposed to be on this train. Even if I saved up all of my bits for a year I'd never be able to afford a ticket for this train. If it wasn't for that mare sitting in the corner over there next to that black stallion over," she stated pointing to Ice Storm, who, looked to be in conversation at the moment, and visibly upset about something. She made a mental note to ask about it later. "I wouldn't be here. She paid for my ticked to get on the train,. Though... I have no idea what I'm going to do once I get to Los Pegasus..." the mare admitted. What was there that she could do? She didn't have enough bits to her name to try to waste in the casinos, she was quite certain that the food was going to be expensive there, and not to mention the hotel. Oh... my... what in the name of Celestia have I just gotten myself into... she thought to herself, knowing she was in trouble.

  • Brohoof 5


Princess Luna is best pony

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"You are right Arcanel. Whatever the outcome, we may end up closer to some answers. When do you think Springer will get back to us?"


Arcanel smiled when Lapis agreed with him, which he knew meant he had said something right. *If I can convince Lapis to agree with me, then that's something good, I think.* He determined. However, as he was going to answer the question about Springer, said pony arrived at that moment.




"Hello, everyone... Ummm... My apologies for the momentary delay, I think that we are all just about ready to proceed? I think that... I think that I have an appropriate method for approaching Dawn when she arrives. It is rather crowded here, actually, so I rather doubt that my strategy of waiting for her to come to us will work. We will need to go to her, most likely, to prevent her from becoming distracted..."


"No problem Mr. Springer." Arcanel said confidently smiling as the green pegasus apologized. However, as he mentioned the fact that they might need to wait for Dawn to get the "plan" into action, Arcanel's smile disappeared. *Well, it shouldn't take much now for Dawn to appear. It's lunch time after all.* He pondered. And sure enough, a little while after they had spoken, Dawn appeared and sat right across their table. At that moment, Springer had signaled Lapis to come with him and for himself and Magicon to remain listening, and both went to speak to the medical pony.


As Dawn agreed to answer the questions, Arcanel gave a small sigh. *Well, that's one part out. At least she'll listen. Although when i see it, she could feel slightly intimidated by having two ponies question her...... I hope I'm wrong.* The mailpony mentally wished. and just slightly afterwards, Lapis started to ask the questions.




"For the sake of getting much done at one time, I will ask a few questions before you can get a chance to speak. I do hope you do not mind."


As soon as the earth pony had said this, Arcanel groaned. *Oh Lapis... that's not what you say to a pony who is not even expecting to be inquired almost accusingly of having to do with something that was odd or dangerous...* he thought. Dawn had seemed eager to answer the questions initially, but as soon as Lapis had started speaking afterwards inquiring about herself, Dawn's smile was becoming smaller and smaller. And sure enough, after she was asked to tell her backstory, the light blue unicorn's smile had completely faded, and now looked very distressed. *Uh oh... this is not boding well... for any of us...* and Arcanel was not having many hopes on Lapis being more subtle.




"How long have you lived in Ponyville? If not all your life, where did you come from? Why did you accept the job of caring for Springer during his down time?"



"Also, about the spell you've cast on the assistant conductor. Are there any side effects? No weird things are expected to happen because of your procedure, correct? Because, as you may not know, Springer has been having nightmares. I'm not one to blame ponies without evidence of some kind, but things point to the nurse treating him."


The more Lapis talked, the more Arcanel had his wide open, and the more he saw Dawn become more distressed, now the mare herself having her mouth completely dropped. *Oh dear Celestia... Lapis, what are you doing?! This is not inquiring, this is being suspicious!* the white pegasus was yelling in his mind for Lapis to be more subtle. He knew Springer was not going to know or realize better than he was, so he wasn't about to give a hint to Lapis to stop. But as things were getting then, Arcanel now feared that Dawn was going to react badly. And if it wasn't that, at least things going south somewhere. *This is not boding well at all...* was all he could think at the moment.




"Another thing. Magicon, my associate, has the ability to sense when large amounts of magic are in the air, or something like that. I'm not a unicorn. I wouldn't know. But the point is, it points to you once more. There isn't a unicorn besides yourself that would fit the description of a frequent magic user. So, what say you to all that, hm?"


The moment Lapis finished those words, a lot of things happened. Springer showed his first reaction by slightly moving when the word "Magicon" came up. Dawn looked like she started to fear, and the thought of something happening between Dawn and Magicon came up again. And Magicon himself had almost fallen out of his chair the moment his name came up. As much as Arcanel wanted to ask Magicon what had happened, he was a bit lost at the current situation. *Lapis... what have you done... Magicon was supposed to have remained without being mentioned! Something DID happen between Dawn and Magicon, I'm now sure of it... but... Magicon is trying to look calm and collected, but I know something's wrong with him. Lapis didn't do the right thing when he mentioned Magicon's name... now I don't know what Dawn will do... or anypony for that matter...* he sadly thought, as Lapis had stopped talking. At that moment, Dawn cleared her throat which redirected his attention to her. As he did, he realized that Dawn looked more calm now... and as if she was decided to prove a point. *Well... now we'll see if she was offended by it or not... I'm hoping to everything that nothing goes wrong...* he wished, even though his own hopes weren't high.





"Well... To all of that, I intend to say what you want me to say - the truth. I am not certain about the note in Springer's room, but I do know that something happened in Springer's room. That's why I went there, just to check on him. I saw that everything was fine, so I left. That's all. I don't know anything about any mysterious notes. Why should I? I'm just a medical pony, that's all. I came from Canterlot. I arrived in Ponyville as a student transferred from Canterlot, which is where I was studying magic, healing magic. Other than that, there's not much to my story. I have been having some memory problems myself, lately, but I can take care of those, myself. I don't need any help. I think I've always been forgetful."


As Dawn started speaking, Arcanel sensed a tone of voice that intended to show she had nothjing to do with what was happening, which was what the mailpony was expecting to some point. *For now, everything that she said makes sense... although she's been having memory problems too... so... could it be that hers and Springer's problems are connected somehow...?* he wondered, but for now putting his question away to hear what else was Dawn going to say.


At that moment, Lapis' asistant, Asteria, as he remembered, had come to help as well with the questioning, while the bluish-grey pony introduced Asteria to Dawn, while also assuring her that she was quite capable despite looking innocent, *Lapis... for Celestia's sake that isn't going to help at all either... I'm fairly sure that Dawn would not underestimate Asteria...* he pondered yet again.




"I'm certain that she is quite capable." Dawn remarked considerately, returning a small smile to her face. "Now, as I was saying... I took the job of caring for Springer for two reasons. First, I felt certain and I feel certain that this is what I am meant to do. I have to care for Springer. For the second reason, I was asked by the train's conductor. What else should I have done?" She shrugged and grinned. "I'm sorry. If you are expecting some deeper motivation, I don't have it. I am just what I seem to be, nothing more and nothing less."


Dawn's reaction slightly surprised Arcanel, in that he wasn't expecting her to be so calm... or even to grin. Which in some way disturbed him. *Although on hindsight, she is a really happy pony, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is what she did when confronted against such a situation.* He deteremined, as he kept on hearing Dawn's words, but so far trusting that the pony seemed to be telling the truth and that nothing seemed to be wrong with her answers, as most of what she said seemed similar to what he would say, albeit a bit more subtle.




"I'm a medical pony. Now... The spell that I cast on Springer was basically a powerful spell to break a spell that had been cast on him previously. The spell that he had been under was one that I think I recognized from my studies in Canterlot. I only think that I recognized it, because I thought that the symptoms seemed familiar. He seemed like he was lost and drifting further away. Adrift like a boat in a storm, I think. With my own magic, I could sense this. The spell had tried to 'borrow' him or his thoughts, but whoever had cast it was interrupted or something before they could finish. Because of this, he was wasting away. It was like not putting the top on a bottle of water." Clearly in her element, Dawn gathered confidence as she spoke, directing her full attention to Lapis. "He'll be fine. My spell should have no long-lasting effects, but his recovery won't be instant. It will take time for his strength to return, and even then..." Dawn trailed off as she considered something that Lapis had mentioned, earlier. "You say that he's been having problems with nightmares? Were they nightmares or were they memories? Because, if they were memories, then this might be a memory that was lost in the original spell? I need to know more about the symptoms before I can make a diagnoses. However... Really..." Dawn's face grew serious.


*So that's what happened... well... it seems to make sense... although I don't really know much about magic, and I didn't even know such a spell could exist... at least this means that Springer is okay for now... but nightmare issue is still there...* he pondered as he considered what Dawn had mentioned about her spell and what had affected Springer. While he was happy that Dawn had known what to do, he still couldn't help but to feel like there was something else going on.




"All of this is pointless if you don't trust me. I don't know what Magicon has told you about me, but I promise you, I'm a good pony. I'm here to keep Springer safe, no matter what happens. That's what I was asked to do, and that's what I'm going to do. None of you can stop me. As for your associate's ability to sense magic. If he's so fantastic, then why didn't he sense the spell that was put on Springer? Also... Why isn't he here to ask me questions himself? Why did he send you and this filly, Lapis? I'm not afraid of Magicon. If he wants to confront me, then he shouldn't send others. He should come to me, himself. He shouldn't be afraid of me."


As soon as Magicon's name was mentioned again this time by Dawn's mouth, he felt that somepony was watching, to which looked towards Magicon who was looking at him as if looking for answers, only Arcanel felt lost himself. *Oh Magicon... I would really want to answer you but... I don't know how... and it is true... why didn't Magicon sense Springer's spell...? Or... was he actually unable to...? Although.. I'm not sure Magicon confronting Dawn is a good idea right now...* he thought, his mind turning into a small machine to try and figure out the best course of action of a situation that was not starting to turn for worse very slowly.




"Just another thing... This is really something that is about magic. I think that this is why you mentioned Magicon's ability to me? Well. Magicon seems like he knows a lot about magic. Maybe you should ask him to join us? I know that Asteria is capable, but if you really are suspicious of my magic usage, then a seasoned unicorn would be better able to ask the right question, don't you think? Lapis, you are intelligent, I think, but... You probably aren't as familiar with magic as Magicon is. Why don't you ask him to join us? I would like to talk to him."


"Uh oh..." Arcanel said, unable to contain his sudden worry, but in a low enough tone. *I know that this is not going to end well... and if Magicon goes then this might end well if Magicon is that affected by Dawn...* he pondered as he looked towards Magicon who seemed to be deep in thought as well, and looked uneasy as Dawn had offered Magicon to step up. At that moment, Springer tried to take the attention to him, but he didn't know how that was going to work out. At that pause, he decided to ask some questions to Magicon himself, who was subtly watching a pony pass by, a dark grey tall unicorn. *I'm going to take a guess and think that that is the engineer, Dusky.* He decided, as Magicon stopped looking at him and went back to his own train of thought.


At that moment, Arcanel felt slightly lost and started looking everywhere in the dining room. Dusky was now sitting with an icy blue pony and probably new to the train who seemed slightly upset about something, as if she was telling something that was not too comfortable for her. Elsewhere, Electrobolt and the cook, Ambrosia as he recalled, were now sitting with a with a sand colored pony. At that moment, he stopped looking around, he took a decision. He would ask Magicon some questions, knowing that now would be a very bad moment to ask them, but with the intention of lessening whatever could happen now. *Right now, I need answers.. and Magicon looks like he's about to try something... right now, Dawn might intend to answer Springer... this is my chance before gets her attention elsewhere makes this whole thing look even worse.*




At that moment he turned to Magicon and spoke in a very low tone. "M-" he almost inmediately intrerupted himself because he remembered that Magicon had felt slightly uncomfortable when he called him "Mr." so he retried talking again. "Magicon... I know this is not boding to look well... but... I need to ask you a few questions." He said, still in an almost whisper tone. " Something happened between you and Dawn... and with Dusky there's also something going on... I need you to tell what happened. Otherwise, this could end ugly for all of us involved, and I'd rather that did not happen. Why were you so suspicious of Dawn? Are you so sure that she's planning something? And the same thing with Dusky? Can you tell what?" He carefully asked. "I want you to trust me... and want to help fix this whole thing as much as I want to, but I need to know as much as I can. Please..." he finished, knowing that he needed to be slightly more bold than he usually is. He knew something was going on, and he intended to help. He just hoped he knew how to... and that he was allowed to.

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Lapis held back a grin as Dawn began answering his questions. Asteria worked away as she took notes. He would have to inquire about what Dawn had thought was in Springer's room. And the glint he had seen in Dawn's eyes did not worry him greatly. What exactly did she want though, in that brief flash? Her agreement only revealed her need to seem at ease. Lapis did not actually expect hidden motivation. He literally wanted to just prod and see what fell out. He wasn't disappointed so far.


In truth, he disregarded much of what she said. It was exactly what an innocent pony would say. If it were true, it was completely useless. If it were false, then it meant she was a liar. But giving it any mind wasted resources. He just sat there silently and she wasted her breath. It was more than enough to convince him of some innocence. There was no way for him to know if what she said was true or not, though, so it didn't matter.


But then, Dawn did what Lapis was waiting for. He had hoped she'd lose her cool. It was well worth the risk, it seemed. He could feel the tension in the air. Magicon, Springer, Arcanel, and perhaps a few of the other ponies. Their eyes were on him. Watching him for his next move. And he would happily oblige. Dawn's challenge fell on deaf ears. Lapis would most certainly not call Magicon. Luckily, the unicorn stayed at his seat. If things got messy, Lapis would have to sidestep his way out of it. As things were though, Lapis remained calm. A small grin crossed his features.


"No, I will most certainly not call Magicon to the table. And you seem to be awfully defensive. I merely noted a few things. And I only wished to get to the bottom of things. You were a viable cause, and I do apologize if I am incorrect. Also, it seems as though you presume my questions posed to you were asked of me by Magicon. While that may be true in the sense I was chosen to do the asking, it does not negate the fact this was all very much my idea." he said evenly. "I also doubt Magicon is afraid of you. Why must you assume such things? You're just a medical pony. I guess I was mistaken in questioning you. But I must ask one more question if you will allow it. What did you think was in Springer's room?"


Asteria watched with curiosity after the last notes were taken. She was also aware of the feeling emanating from some of the ponies nearby. It made her shiver. She didn't like this feeling at all. They wished to hurt Lapis? Or something. It wasn't clear. But Lapis seemed to be in command of himself. He showed no fear. Did he really plan this, though? And how would Dawn react? She tried not to worry. Lapis was a smart pony.

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"No, I will most certainly not call Magicon to the table. And you seem to be awfully defensive. I merely noted a few things. And I only wished to get to the bottom of things. You were a viable cause, and I do apologize if I am incorrect.  Also, it seems as though you presume my questions posed to you were asked of me by Magicon. While that may be true in the sense I was chosen to do the asking, it does not negate the fact...
Dawn fumed in the face of Lapis's bitingly direct refusal, and her thoughts suddenly raced at a frenzied pace. Her expression darkened considerably. In fact, she was more furious than she could ever recall being. His words stung. He should have gone to get Magicon; she had told him why and he had refused, merely accentuating her earlier points. Of course, she was defensive. She had every right to defend herself against Lapis's miserable accusations. Not only this, but Lapis had done much more than simply "note a few things". 
With his words, he had pointed an accusing hoof at her. Worse than this, he had done so while acting as a pawn of another pony. He was nothing more than a mindless pawn, an insect blocking her path. This disgusting insect sat across from her, accusing her from its powerless position. It was weak by itself, yet here it was, facing her with boldness, pathetic. It was an ant most likely. Clearly, it was an ant. She could see it quite distinctly. 
It was clean and cleaning itself further, grooming its antennae and scrawny legs with its mandibles. It was neat and orderly, maintaining its tunnels with cold precision. It was spineless, nothing more than a pitiful speck of mobile flesh. It was shallow, living only for the purpose of self-proliferation. It had no appreciation for the light, being born from pulsating mucous larvae in the blackness of Magicon's deception. 


this was all very much my idea." he said evenly. "I also doubt Magicon is afraid of you. Why must you assume such things? You're just a medical pony. I guess I was mistaken in questioning you. But I must ask one more question if you will allow it. What did you think was in Springer's room?"
The insect attempted to lie to protect its queen. Dawn knew what needed to be done to insects, all insects. She had seen her cats dispatch many of them before, this one was pathetically unintimidating. It's chattering mandibles continued spewing forth hateful and disgusting attempts at deception. There was no end to it. An ant. A disgusting, sniveling little ant. She would take no more of this abuse.
Such a weak creature; she would snuff him out with just a flicker of magic, surgically extracting his life force and casting it in the air. She wondered how it would look. Probably, she thought, it would look like confetti, hundreds of thousands of pieces of shiny confetti. It would be so delightful, and she would throw a tea party to ensure that she could enjoy it completely. A tea party with her cats. The air filled with confetti. The ant's lifeless carcass would make such a wonderful and comfy settee. At least a half dozen cats would be able to enjoy her company, seated on a delightful blue settee. 
For the tea, most likely, something muted, subtlety tasty. Ah, she chastised herself. There would have to be an appetizer. Crumpets, salad, fruits, vegetables... No, no no... She chastised herself again. It would never do. Her cats required meat, they would never eat the things that ponies ate... That's why they hunted insects. She was sad. She would have to find a new settee. It was such a pity, too. The ant's blue fuzz would have complimented her own fur so nicely - the perfect settee.
Now, she would have to turn the settee into something lovely for her cats to eat. How would she do it? It would have to be a quickly cooked meal. She wanted to get it prepared before the confetti had a chance to settle. Ants had such limited life force; the confetti would hardly last forever, even if she threw it as high into the air as it would go. Such a pity, she would have loved to prepare a good meal for her cats, something fancy. Now, she would have to think of a quicker meal.
The ant's sickening mandibles had finally stopped their chattering. It was grooming itself again, the filthy hedonistic little monster. Her horn started to dimly glow, and her eyes began to glow with a muted crimson brilliance. Her mouth warped into a wide, toothy grin. She knew just how to cook the ant in a way that was most satisfying for her cats. They would delight in the feast, all of them, gathered around... There would be plenty for them all, she would make certain.
She would use her magic. She would crack the creature's putrid form wide open. She would rip its flesh from its shell, discard all the hard parts. Magic would make the cooking easy. Magic always made cooking easy. She could heat it with magic. Her cats would not be served cold meat. She'd dice it with magic too. It would only take an instant. Ripping the soft flesh into pieces and then subdividing them until the pieces were small enough for her cats to nibble delicately on. Confetti would be falling, brilliant sparkling confetti. She would sing a song while she cooked. She had such a pretty voice. There would be some pleasant herbal tea. All of her beautiful kitties. Plenty of meat to go around. Perhaps, she might try some too.


You're just a medical pony.
Through the feverish thoughts, a phrase echoed. Something the ant had said. It wouldn't stop repeating itself. Her horn stopped glowing, the grin faded. She closed her eyes and held them shut with her hooves. Still the noise kept going. She started to cry and she trembled with the weight of her silent tears. Her head was still in her hooves, but she could still see it. It was such a beautiful vision, her cats would be delighted. That irritating ant. Why did he have to ruin...
She took her hooves from her eyes and looked towards the window, desperate for a glimpse of the light. Her breathing was fast, quiet, unsteady. For some time, she continued like this, until the crimson light in her eyes faded into her normal shade. She took a hoof and wiped away her tears. When she spoke, her voice was a whisper. "I 'm sorry. I'm... I'm not sure what came over me... That's what I meant earlier... My problems..." She laughed softly, grimly. "They go beyond missing memories. I have moments when... I don't know quite what's going on around me. When I see things that aren't really there... I'm sorry for everything, really. I'm a useless medical pony."
"I'll tell you the answer to your question. When I went into Springer's room, I was looking for a light. I did see something that concerned me. He wasn't well. I could see that he wasn't well... I'm sorry for lying, but I was afraid of it. It was in there... That was the only reason that I had known to go there looking. I... I'm drawn to the light, and it was a light, just a dim light but it was a light. I could sense it. I thought that it was Springer getting better, but it wasn't. It was something else. I was scared... And... Just like I just did... I... I lost control. I ran away. I'm sorry... Springer... Please. Don't hate me."

Of all of the tables in the dining car, the one that focused Vim's attention was the one where Lapis, Springer, and Dawn were speaking. Soon, they were joined by Asteria. From where he was, he couldn't quite make out the topic of the conversation, but he could clearly see that Dawn was becoming agitated, very agitated. Her response to whatever Lapis had said seemed strangely cold for the normally friendly unicorn. Vim shook his head. It looked, to him, that the search team was still ongoing, only, this time, they were focused on Dawn.
He couldn't imagine what they'd hoped to find. Lapis spoke again. This time, Dawn's reaction was immediate. When Lapis finally stopped speaking, her horn began to glow. She was furious. Actually, judging by the expression on her face, she was insane, but the details didn't matter to Vim. With a sigh, Vim excused himself from his table, thankful that both of the mares were facing away from the brewing storm. He delayed his approach for a moment. He didn't want to disturb Dawn any more than she already was, but he was hardly about to sit idly while she cooked passengers, no matter what had been said. When she quieted down, Vim approached.

Springer winced when Lapis's words came forth. In his mind, he could hear Vim's constant recriminations on how to be a decent pony. With his direct refusal, Lapis had done the exact same thing that Springer, himself, would have done at an earlier time. The researcher had cut straight to the point and held nothing back. Springer looked to his left to see Dawn's reaction. The unicorn was frozen, motionless and staring directly at the earth pony across from her. Her pupils were dilated, her gaze unwavering, her eyes unblinking.
When Lapis finished talking, her immediate reaction was to begin some type of spell. Her mouth formed an expression that he had never seen on a pony's face, and one that he was certain did not belong there. Springer blinked and prepared for the worst. Lapis had failed. Magicon would be needed to save them all. If Magicon failed as well, then Lapis would probably die. Springer calmly took a sip of his drink while he considered things. Most likely, Springer thought, he would die too. So would Asteria. They were all too close. Death. Ah, such were the wages of inefficiency. 
So many believed that it was cutting corners that was efficient, but he knew better. To be truly efficient, one could not cut corners. Efficiency without some type of constraint was useless. Lapis was only efficient on the surface. His methods cut even more than corners. Lapis had cut straight through everything. A straight line, Springer thought, was always the quickest way between two points but not when there was a wall in the way. Now, they would die. He pondered if Dawn had selected an efficient method for dispatching them. Something tasteful, he hoped, that would leave the train undamaged...
A soft voice interrupted his thoughts. It was Dawn. She was apologizing. Springer nodded. The apology was an obligation. Killing other ponies decreased overall Equestrian efficiency. It was a thing to be avoided at all costs. That she had even appeared to be considering such an option was a sign that her thought processes were anything but efficient. 


"I'll tell you the answer to your question. When I went into Springer's room, I was looking for a light. I did see something that concerned me. He wasn't well. I could see that he wasn't well... I'm sorry for lying, but I was afraid of it. It was in there... That was the only reason that I had known to go there looking. I... I'm drawn to the light, and it was a light, just a dim light but it was a light. I could sense it. I thought that it was Springer getting better, but it wasn't. It was something else. I was scared... And... Just like I just did... I... I lost control. I ran away. I'm sorry... Springer... Please. Don't hate me."
Springer smiled. "Dawn, I see no reason to hate you. You are, I think, a foolish pony, terribly inefficient. However, in this case, you did not follow through on you inefficient thoughts. That was, of course, the right decision to make. Ah... And, you must forgive my friend. Lapis still has much to learn in the ways of efficiency, himself. Speaking of which, Dawn, I could never hate you. Hatred, among the emotions, is the least efficient. However, I would be quite pleased, in fact, if you could recall exactly what it was that..." The sound of a throat being cleared interrupted Springer's conversation.
It was Vim. Smiling courteously, he spoke to the ponies at the table. "Excuse me, everypony. Lapis, Springer... I would really like to speak with the two of you out in the hall for a moment. You know, just a friendly little chat." He didn't speak another word. Instead, Vim started walking for the door leading to passenger car three, trusting that both ponies would follow. Springer sank in his seat, at first, but then, dutifully, followed. He spoke to Lapis, when Vim was out of earshot. "For the love of Celestia... Let me do the talking, please... I already know what he's going to say..."
Dawn looked sorrowfully around, and then started eating her sandwich. It tasted pretty good, she thought, much better than Lapis would have tasted.



(OOC: This is it, I can do no more. I'll post for all others tomorrow. Be patient, Dawn Rider! My handsssss! D:)

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While the interrogation continued Magicon sat silent, listening and watching the scene unfold out of the corner of his eyes. Dawn had discovered his secret plan, even though he hadn’t intentionally planned it that way. She obviously had it out for him, and he would not be the victim of her antics and acts. Yet he was forced out of the conversation by Arcanel’s subtle whispering to him.




"Magicon... I know this is not boding to look well... but... I need to ask you a few questions." He said, still in an almost whisper tone. "Something happened between you and Dawn... and with Dusky there's also something going on... I need you to tell what happened. Otherwise, this could end ugly for all of us involved, and I'd rather that did not happen. Why were you so suspicious of Dawn? Are you so sure that she's planning something? And the same thing with Dusky? Can you tell what?" He carefully asked. "I want you to trust me... and want to help fix this whole thing as much as I want to, but I need to know as much as I can. Please..."


Magicon stared at the pegasus for a few moments, then looking to the side and out of the window at the passing scenery. He knew Arcanel was a good pony and his sincerity was not unnoticed. But Magicon wondered if this was the right time and place for the answers he seeked. Deciding to help Arcanel out of the dark Magicon spoke quickly and quietly.


“Yes, something did happen. I can elaborate later, but for the moment let’s just say Dawn and I didn’t have the warmest of greetings earlier on the train. I can’t say what she or Dusky are up to, but I can say it’s not good, especially with Dawn. Now, keep listening.”


Turning his attention back to the group out of the corners of his eyes he saw his unprepared, unknown-until-recent plan unfold. Lapis remained firm in his attempts to corner Dawn, much to her frustration. A small grin appeared on his face as he saw Dawn grow visibly frustrated and angered by Lapis. Actually Magicon’s horn began sensing danger and his smile suddenly changed to one of agitation and worry. Attempting to be subtle, he moved his head toward Dawn slightly enough her horn glow with magical energy. Magicon stiffened up, suddenly worried about Springer, Lapis, and Asteria. He didn’t know what spell Dawn might be conjuring but he knew it wouldn’t be a friendly one.


Magicon prepared his own defenses in his mind, making sure not to create any magic in the process. He had no way of knowing Dawn’s power and he wanted to make sure that none of his energy was wasted in preparations. Dawn looked ready to strike and Magicon would have to be quick if he wanted to protect those ponies. But then everything changed with Lapis’s fatal words.




"I also doubt Magicon is afraid of you. Why must you assume such things? You're just a medical pony. I guess I was mistaken in questioning you. But I must ask one more question if you will allow it. What did you think was in Springer's room?"


While the statement filled Magicon with pride and arrogance, he couldn’t afford to beam at the words. His concentration on Dawn’s potential dangers was too great. He expected her to leash out with those words, attacking Lapis with everything she had. Instead, she froze in place and then put her face in her hooves, visibly upset. Her horn fell silent as did Magicon’s prepared defenses and he listened carefully, showing no sympathy in his heart for what appeared to be desperate words and actions.




"I 'm sorry. I'm... I'm not sure what came over me... That's what I meant earlier... My problems..." She laughed softly, grimly. "They go beyond missing memories. I have moments when... I don't know quite what's going on around me. When I see things that aren't really there... I'm sorry for everything, really. I'm a useless medical pony."


Magicon remained suspicious of the unicorn, debating whether or not this was just the next scene in her act. He refused to be baited and trapped by her already and he was keeping his distance from her desperate please.


"I'll tell you the answer to your question. When I went into Springer's room, I was looking for a light. I did see something that concerned me. He wasn't well. I could see that he wasn't well... I'm sorry for lying, but I was afraid of it. It was in there... That was the only reason that I had known to go there looking. I... I'm drawn to the light, and it was a light, just a dim light but it was a light. I could sense it. I thought that it was Springer getting better, but it wasn't. It was something else. I was scared... And... Just like I just did... I... I lost control. I ran away. I'm sorry... Springer... Please. Don't hate me."


‘Finally, some truth emerges. Albeit a hazy truth, but a truth nonetheless,’ he thought with satisfaction. He put his hooves together and began thinking about what Dawn had seen. What was this light? What was its source? What was its purpose? Who lit it? There were now countless questions, but it was another piece of the puzzle that could be worked with. Perhaps Springer, Lapis, and Arcanel knew more and could help fit this piece correctly in place.




"Dawn, I see no reason to hate you. You are, I think, a foolish pony, terribly inefficient. However, in this case, you did not follow through on you inefficient thoughts. That was, of course, the right decision to make. Ah... And, you must forgive my friend. Lapis still has much to learn in the ways of efficiency, himself. Speaking of which, Dawn, I could never hate you. Hatred, among the emotions, is the least efficient. However, I would be quite pleased, in fact, if you could recall exactly what it was that..."


Magicon suppressed a chuckle at Springer’s glibness. Had this been a threatening situation, like a few moments before, Magicon would be seriously worried about Springer and his logic. But instead he didn’t dawdle on Springer too much. He was sure the assistant conductor was smart enough to know a trustworthy pony from a non-trustworthy one. While Magicon contemplated his thoughts he observed Vim approach Springer and Lapis and asked to speak to them in private.


Dawn was temporarily free for the moment and she began eating her sandwich. Magicon though this would be a great time to challenge her and put her in her place, but he knew that such a moment would not be appropriate here. He felt that such a moment though, would come in the near future.


Turning about to Arcanel Magicon whispered, “Well…that went, a little unexpected, wouldn’t you say? Despite what happened we got something: a light. Do you know anything about that, Arcanel?”

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“Yes, something did happen. I can elaborate later, but for the moment let’s just say Dawn and I didn’t have the warmest of greetings earlier on the train. I can’t say what she or Dusky are up to, but I can say it’s not good, especially with Dawn. Now, keep listening.”


As Magicon's words left his mouth, Arcanel slightly slumped, but agreed with a "Very well" and went to listen on Dawn's and Lapis' conversation. *Well... that wasn't the answer I was expecting... but... I'm guessing that's all I'm going to get for now... hopefully he'll be able to tell me later.* He pondered.


However, as he turned to look at Dawn's table, he inmediately saw something was wrong. The light blue mare looked like she was about to hurt somepony, that somepony being Lapis. *Uh... oh... this is bad...* he thought in worry. His worries however scaled further as Dawn's horn started glowing and her face grew more insane. *This is NOT good.... this is not good at all...!* he mentally yelled, his face growing more restless, but now flaring his wings in case he had to act. He also sensed magic to his side, which he guessed was Magicon preparing some magic himself, which was confirmed as he quickly looked towards the crimson uncorn, but quickly getting his attention to Dawn again.


After Lapis's last words however, Dawn's face and reaction grew even worse. *Oh Lapis for the love of Celestia...!* he mentally yelled at the earth pony for saying things that were definitely not making things better. *That's it I have to act, Dawn looks like she's about to release that spell, now!* he yelled once and was about to jump from his seat before he realized that Dawn's magic and face started lessening in power, and were returning to normal, ending in the mare now crying on the table. *Phew... that was one save there... but now I'm worried about Dawn... or why this even happened...* he thought as his position lessened its alert and his wings tucked back towards his body.




"I 'm sorry. I'm... I'm not sure what came over me... That's what I meant earlier... My problems..." She laughed softly, grimly. "They go beyond missing memories. I have moments when... I don't know quite what's going on around me. When I see things that aren't really there... I'm sorry for everything, really. I'm a useless medical pony."


While Arcanel had just seen Dawn looking mad enough as if she was to kill somepony, the white pegasus was now feelinhg sorry for her, as he understood the feeling when your own mind played tricks on oneself. *I know that feeling all too well...* he pondered in slight sadness as he recalled some of the times he had acted in things he felt he really shouldn't have.




"I'll tell you the answer to your question. When I went into Springer's room, I was looking for a light. I did see something that concerned me. He wasn't well. I could see that he wasn't well... I'm sorry for lying, but I was afraid of it. It was in there... That was the only reason that I had known to go there looking. I... I'm drawn to the light, and it was a light, just a dim light but it was a light. I could sense it. I thought that it was Springer getting better, but it wasn't. It was something else. I was scared... And... Just like I just did... I... I lost control. I ran away. I'm sorry... Springer... Please. Don't hate me."


At this point, Arcanel just wanted to give the mare a hug, but he first waited for Springer's answer. *He's the one she's talking to. I trust Springer on this.* He thought, confident that the green pegasus would not say anything that might invoke heavier feelings on Dawn.




"Dawn, I see no reason to hate you. You are, I think, a foolish pony, terribly inefficient. However, in this case, you did not follow through on you inefficient thoughts. That was, of course, the right decision to make. Ah... And, you must forgive my friend. Lapis still has much to learn in the ways of efficiency, himself. Speaking of which, Dawn, I could never hate you. Hatred, among the emotions, is the least efficient. However, I would be quite pleased, in fact, if you could recall exactly what it was that..."


As Springer talked, Arcanel couldn't help but let out a small chuckle and grin. *Yeah sounds about what Springer would say if he was in different situations, and if he'd be just efficient thinking as he is now. And Lapis needs to learn some subtlety...* he pondered, knowing that that lack of subtlety was probably what ha caused the reaction in the first place. However, before Springer could keep talking, Vim showed up and had summoned both ponies to follow him to have a chat. *Oh dear... he's probably not happy with them if he saw what just Dawn did... I should probably go as well... I might have been reluctant, but I was technically a part of the plan...* he thought, his loyalty and sincerity showing up. However, before he could think of anything else, he heard a familiar voice, but in a whispering tone.




“Well…that went, a little unexpected, wouldn’t you say? Despite what happened we got something: a light. Do you know anything about that, Arcanel?”


It was Magicon who was now looking at him with calm face. *Just a little unexpected?* he thought sarcastically. However, the word "light" brought something up to him. *A light... memory problems... this is too familiar...* he pondered in reminscence. Arcanel then remembered that Magicon had just spoken to him and turned to whisper at him.




"I'm afraid I know as much of the light as you do. Which is not much right now... but... there's something that now bothers me..." the mailpony said trailing off, the gears starting to turn inside his head. "Memory problems that are shared by Dawn and Springer... mysterious lights now having appeared twice... the spell that affected Springer... something else is going on here..." he said, taking a  pause before continuing. "You said that according to you Dusky is up to something as well, but you mentioned it as something separate... there's somepony else that is handling this... this seems to odd for not anypony else to be involved... but I might be wrong." He pointed out, before continuing once more. "There's also the fact that Dawn WAS right, you weren't able to feel Springer's spell... but I know this is for a reason... and the only one I find is that it somehow wasn't magic... Magicon... I don't know what's going on right now.... but somepony else is meddling with this is... and I don't think it involves Dusky or Dawn... I would however appreciate it if you could explain some things to me later, as you could find useful another point of view." He told the unicorn.


"I know you are very suspicious of Dawn, but I'll talking with her now. I'm going to go comfort her because I can't stand seeing her being sad like that. She might be suspicious as you called her, but I'm not going to forget my own morals,even if they doom me." He said, his face filled with confidence as he talked. "If however you wish to see it another way, she's vulnerable right now, and had a very emotional moment. I can hope to figure out some things from what she said as well, and it probably would be good if she didn't see either you or Lapis right now. I know how to be subtle, after all. I may be innocent, but I'm not a fool." he finished and slowly walked to Dawn's table.


@@Key Gear,


As he reached her table, he did not sit next to it as he thought space was probably what Dawn might need. "Ummm... Ms. Dawn... are you okay?" he said to the mare, knowing that she was probably not in the best of moods, but feeling the question necessary to be asked.

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When Dawn Rider started speaking, it was all that Key could do to not pat herself on the back in congratulations. She had managed to get him to trust her enough to divulge his secret. It was something that she had not entirely been certain about being able to do. As his first words tumbled out, though, her sense of accomplishment fell away completely. In its place, was a nascent confusion. Key wondered, what, exactly, she was supposed to do now? Having a random stallion pour their innermost secrets out to her was not something that she was familiar with.




"The reason I'm drifting...the reason I avoid the topic of home as much as possible...is because Im responsible for a death.A friend of mine who trusted me...I failed her and she died...ponies looked at me differently after that day, and I couldn't take it..."Dawn started to raise his voice in slight sobs as he spoke.


Lacking any knowledge of what else to do, Key just stood still and watched, listening as he spoke. She didn't know that he was "drifting" or the exact meaning of the word when applied to a pony, but she supposed that, whatever it was, it was a good description for her own state as well. She blinked when he mentioned that he was responsible for a death, and her eyes narrowed. She had seen dead ponies before, and had, on certain occasions, even borrowed some of their possessions. However, to her knowledge, she had never caused the death of another pony.


But, as Dawn continued speaking, a sob working its way into his speech, his words belied his original claim. Key didn't see how it was possible to be responsible for the death of another pony, when it was failure that had resulted in that death. Certainly, she thought, he had done everything in his power to keep it from happening, but it had happened, anyway. He would probably have never shared this story with her if he had held back a hoof to a pony in need. At least, this was what she hoped. 


His voice increased in volume and the sobbing was now clearly perceptible. Key felt oddly disgusted. Why did the opinions of the other ponies even matter? Was this his only reason for behaving the way that he did? Did they hurt his feelings? Hadn't he told them that he had done his best to save his friend? If so, and they'd held it against him, then they were the ones at fault. Dawn was, in Key's mind, not in the wrong. This perception held solid until he continued again. 




"So I left..I abandoned my mother and sister...and just ran. Now Im too much of a coward to go back to them...I thought I could, but I can't....I can't handle the way they looked at me, as If I was some murderer...It was an accident...but...I don't think they would ever treat me the same again. Key...please don't tell anyone this, for some reason or other I trust you... I trust you greatly even though I barely know you...just please don't think badly of me...I know Im a coward...I just...I can't take it.." Dawn trailed off finally letting tears get to him as he turned away and leaned against the bench to hide his crying from Key...this trip was turning out more emotional then he thought it would...


She choked at his words. He had willingly left his mother and sister? He had abandoned them... He admitted it freely to her... Key felt sick. Dawn was, both in his own estimation and hers, a coward. Her mind attempted to understand what logic or reasoning could ever be used to support the idea of abandoning a family that he had and loved. Nothing made any sense. The feeling that she felt, a combination of anger and sadness, was a familiar one to her. It was the same feeling that she had felt when her own parents had left her - going on an adventure that they would never return from. Just like Dawn...


His tears were her tears on the day that they had left her. She could see her own parents now. She wondered if they cried like Dawn cried. She wondered if they called themselves cowards. She shook her head, because it made no sense. Cowards for what? What had they done? If anything, her parents had the opposite issue. They had been too courageous, too eager to face the unknown. They hadn't killed anypony... They had never ran away. They weren't cowards. If she could face them in that moment, she would hardly be able to be disappointed in them for pursuing the unknown. It was their talent, their purpose.


Dawn was different. He had made a conscious choice to run away. He himself had said that it had been an accident. He could have stayed. Yet... Rather than facing the problem, rather than attempting to explain what had happened, rather than fighting for what was right, he had run away. He hadn't gone on an adventure to discover the unknown. He was a "drifter". Even now, instead of owning his own actions, he wallowed in his own tears. It was self, Key thought, it was selfish of him to have run away from his family. They had loved him. Surely, that had meant something?


She was so wrapped in her own thoughts, that she only subconsciously noticed her brother, Electrobolt, entering the kitchen and exiting several times, carrying plates. Instead, she stood still. She stared at the weeping pegasus for some moments before, finally, a thought overwhelmed her. Key thought about the pain that his mother must have felt when he fled. She thought about the pain that his sister surely felt. How would she cope with losing the pony that was probably the one that she cared more about in the whole world. 


Her heart was gripped by a horrible agonizing emptiness. What if Electrobolt fled because of something that he thought he had done wrong... She felt like she was dying. She would have to stop him, to find him, and to bring him back. A tear rolled from her eye. She would follow him to the ends of Equestria and beyond. The pain of her abandonment would give her the fuel to press on no matter what obstacle she encountered and no matter how hopeless her quest was. Her blue eyes flamed like shooting stars. She would find him, nopony would be able to stop her. No force would be able to slow her down.


When she finally found Electrobolt, she knew exactly what she would do to repay him for abandoning her, for his cowardice, for not trusting her to help him,  for being a coward. The fur on the back of her neck stood on end, and she hissed with rage. In the blink of an eye, she had leaped right in front of Dawn Rider. She landed, neatly balanced on her hindhooves. Her right hoof was already pulled back to strike. She hit him, smashing him in the nose with every ounce of her wiry strength.


In the moment that her hoof made contact with his nose, she had realized her mistake. Electrobolt hadn't left her, she was not at the end of a long journey to bring him back, and this was, most certainly, not Electrobolt. Not only this, but her own flawed reasoning came back and hit her just as ferociously as she had hit Dawn Rider. How could she hold his cowardice against him when she had just admitted to running away from her own fair share of fights. Dawn Rider had been the one pony to respect her, a potential ally unlike any that she had seen. He had shared his deepest secret with her, and she had paid him back by smashing him in the face.


The thoughts had whipped through her head by the time she had pulled back from the strike, and she moved in again, even quicker than before. Like a bolt of blue lightening, Key was right with Dawn Rider. This time, not to hit him. Instead, she wrapped her hooves around him in a wild, haphazard hug, mashing her face into his fur to hide her own look of embarrassment and humiliation. In a strained voice, all she could say was to repeat, "I'm sorry", over and over again.





"THANK YOU!" she proclaimed, not too loudly but in a tone of relief before she covered her mouth quickly at realizing how impolite she had just been in interrupting him.


Dusky didn't mind the interruption. In fact, he was appreciative of her enthusiasm. He was used to others simply absorbing his words without much consideration, and while watching him warily. In fact, the previous several days had been punctuated with an overabundance of such failed conversations. Of course, he had owed much of the failure to the topic of conversation, but those ponies... They had held no appreciate for strength, true strength. Instead, the had justified themselves, pathetically attempting to uphold their own flawed ideas. Now, he hoped, that Ice Storm would display more.




At this Ice smiled before picking her plate up, and moving to the seat closer to him so that she didn't have to talk as loud.


He was mildly surprised. What type of story did she intend to tell him that demanded so much secrecy that she was afraid of being overheard. He very much hoped that it was not a tale of lawbreaking. The mare in front of him didn't look like the type of pony to be involved in illicit activities. He certainly hoped that this was the case. He needed her help, and it would be impossible for him to obtain if she was a criminal. He would have to leave her with the appropriate authorities. It was weakness to confess a crime to a random stranger anyway. 




"Well, to answer your first question, yes, I can make anything at any sweetness. That's one of the benefits of using magic to do make the things that I do," she told him with a soft smile. It quickly faded though. "As far as the other part of your statement goes, and the reason I moved closer, is, well... you're right... I need somepony to talk to, and I moved closes so I wouldn't have to speak as loud, as not everything is something that I think everypony should hear..." she told him with a small sigh.


A smile with just a hint of eagerness appeared on Dusky's face at the possibility of unsweetened confections. His passion for superior foods was such that the thought of a pony that shared his variety was encouraging. This was especially important because of the fact that he had always struggled with frozen treats. Without magic, they were a chore to make, and they seemed to require a skill level that was beyond him. 


He nodded in acknowledgement when Ice Storm mentioned the reason that she had moved in closer. Now that he was certain of her reasoning, he decided to make it even less likely that they would be overheard. Without appearing too awkward, Dusky leaned in a little closer to the icy mare. If there was one thing that he had no intentions of doing, it was allowing a secret innocently conveyed in trust to be overheard. Certainly, this would not happen due to ordinary sloppiness.




I guess for starters, I should preface the story with the one thing that pretty much caused a vast majority of my hardship that to this day, I still deal with...


Dusky had been prepared to hear just about anything. His preparations were not in vain. He didn't even blink at the mare's revelation. In fact, his expression remained calm, attentive, and focused on her words. He could immediately sense where her story would go from there. Seated in front of him was a pony that was very much like those that he had once protected so long ago. Due to an issue that had very little bearing on their total strength, they would be ostracized by society. It was unfortunate, but the truly strong were so often held back by those that were weak but with less obvious flaws. One day, he would fix this problem, the strong would be allowed to flourish and find their way in society unfettered by the judgements of the mediocre.




"Like I mentioned, I was born in Fillydelphia, My mother's name was Mist Weaver, and my father was Silvermane. At first everything was as a family was supposed to be. This... unfortunately didn't last long. Only about a year or two after I was foaled, My parents came into a bit of wealth after an Aristocratic Noble from Trottingham came into the city named Golden Hoof. As soon as he entered they lives, mine became a living Tartus... It was at that point my parents stopped care about me, and only cared about their money. This was only amplified when my magic didn't develop as it was originally supposed to, or rather... when it normally does in unicorns. What made matters worse is because of this, I was always bullied and picked on at school, and when ever I got home... my mother would just ignore me, and my father... well... I'll leave it at I've been flung into more than my fair share of walls..."


The revelation was beyond brutal. Even with as much as he had seen and heard, it was still a surprise that ponies could be so relentlessly cruel to one another. He felt a sense of irritation. To mindlessly wreak havoc on the young, without rhyme, reason, or purpose. It was something that he was unable to comprehend through rational means. He was unwilling to contemplate irrational means, so he simply comforted himself with a thought. In a society in which the powerful were allowed to reign supreme, those that were still developing their strength would have to be guarded. Otherwise, the nascent strong would be destroyed by the fully developed weak.




"About a month and a half later I finally grew tired of the abuse, and I left, feeling completely abandoned by the two ponies that were always supposed to be there to help protect me, not help everypony else hurt me even more," she stated as a small tear fell onto the table. She should have known not to start this story here. Surely somepony would notice and begin to come over and hear the conversation, however she was too far along now.


Her tear distracted him from his abstract thoughts on the nature of social structure in his new world order. He didn't understand why. Just that morning he had been complimenting himself on how he had managed to overcome the weakness of emotions. Now, he felt something, if only slightly. It seemed like sympathy. It was a strange, alien sensation - one that he didn't understand. He had heard so much suffering, and in total honesty, he had, himself, inflicted this same on so many others. Somehow, though, perhaps because of her total disregard of his demeanor, this was different.




Once I left, I walked to Canterlot. Not even a joke. Thankfully, I guess you could call it that... I got stuck in a blizzard on the way up Canterlot Mountain, and it was then that I discovered my affinity for Ice magic. Once I got to Canterlot though, I thought things were going to be different, and that I could start over and that everything would be okay... Boy, was I in for a rude wake up call. Everypony I ran into there were just about as rude as the ponies in Fillydelphia, and I went a good year there actually being homeless, sleeping in the park closest to the castle. At the very least though I was able to go to Celestia's school of magic. I was still bullied there, but at least not for something as embarrassing as well... that...."


His eyes, normally half-closed, opened fully when she had mentioned that she had made the journey from Fillydelphia to Canterlot by hooves and that she had been stuck in a blizzard. Once, at a time that seemed like it had been ages ago, he had done a similar thing. Carrying a pony that he had cared deeply about, he had made a lengthy journey in a blinding blizzard. It was one of the things that, early on, had distinguished him from any other guardian - his strength. Thanks to that journey, his strength had become known to both himself and to others. It was, more than anything else, the one moment that he would highlight as the beginning of his own story. Just as Ice Storm had, so to had he discovered his affinity on his long journey.


He expected that her tale would end here, but it did not. Instead, she continued to speak. In his mind, he continued to trace the path of her journey. She had risen from a destructive life as a younger pony to make the journey, successfully, from Fillydelphia to Canterlot on hooves. Now, she was homeless in Canterlot, having a horrible time with the locals. Her story sounded familiar, like that of the pony that he had once hoped would be the key to solving the primary problems that plagued him from his earlier failures. He continued to listen.




"No, this time the center of all of my antagonizers was the fact that I wasn't of noble, Canterlot Blood, and that I shouldn't even be in the city. This was starting to make me hat Canterlot about as much as I hated Fillydelphia, and after what my own parents did to me there, I assure you, that was a feat. I did ultimately find out though that the reason that my magic took so long to develop was the fact that there was never any ice in Fillydelphia. At least, none that was natural, and all of my other magical abilities... Let's just say somepony like Rarity makes me look like a push over. I was able to really work and refine Ice though, but it wasn't until about midway through the school that my ice magic took off."


It seemed unnatural that everything this pony said, every single thing, was of some concern to him. Of course, she had to be skilled to some degree with ice magic. Yet, now it seemed as though she was, in fact, a specialist. Dimly, he began to sense a possibility, but it seemed so wild, so impossible that it would never be true. He merely needed her assistance with a simple ice spell, one that would reveal the words on the pages of the book so that he would not need to be concerned with whatever mindless trick that Dawn, the odd unicorn, had attempted. Yet, there was, in Ice Storm's words, the hint of something more.




"I have to say though, there was one thing that I absolutely loved about Canterlot, and is the only reason I ever return there at all, and that's Princess Luna. She found me sleeping in the Royal Canterlot Park one evening, and she inquired as to why I was sleeping at the park and not in the comforts of one's own bed. When I explained to her what happened. She took me in as a student of her own. This was when my ice really took off to the point to where pretty much, I can use any Ice magic at near infinitum. It's the reason that I can run my shop the way I do. Because I can use Ice magic with negligible amounts of energy consumption. All of my other magics leave me drained after a while, and even telekinesis is hard to do properly when I'm tired, to this day even, and while I can teleport, it's not very good, and it makes me sick when I do."


At the mention of Luna's name, Dusky could feel his fur tingle. It was all too much. This was impossible. Despite his normally disciplined thoughts, his imagination began to eke forward. He was, after all, an engineer. The understanding of complex systems was a requirement for his work. He had developed the ability to do more than simply understand them though. He could see them, the entire realm of possibilities, stretched out before his eyes like an endless mechanical tapestry. The complexity was a lure for his senses. In this case, his mind began to accept and integrate the information that he was hearing from Ice Storm. With every word she spoke, the machine changed in its size, shape, and function. 


Infinitum. Such a lovely word for a lover of complexity. It spoke of endless depth, endless breadth. It spoke of power, the raw unfettered substance of which the dreams of so many were made. In this case, it spoke of a power that was tamed, mastered... Not merely this, but a power that was developed into fruition by the one pony in Equestria that he admired above all others. He wondered... How many students had she trained? To his knowledge, the one across from him was the only one. Much as Celestia had her Twilight Sparkle, he mused, could it be that Luna had her Ice Storm. If so, then what twisted conception of random action had brought her before him... Hesitantly, he reached out to acknowledge forces beyond even his conception.


The machinery that had been taking shape in his mind for so many years... It began to destroy itself. From the farthest corners of his thoughts to the ones that were closest to where he now sat, it all began to collapse. The pieces, so many that he had so delicately machined, began to fall into an endless space. His mind reeled. His face wanted to smile but he could not. After all... She could be lying. He would be a fool for allowing himself the weakest of emotions - hope. Yet, here it was... Her words... Spoken softly to avoid detection in a room of ponies. What incentive did she have to deceive? If it was deception, he would kill her, surely. If it was not...




"Other than that, Luna's taught me everything that I know, and over the course of the time that I lived there, we grew very close. Almost to the point to where, well, I actually considered her the mother I never had. I never actually managed to get up the courage to tell her that, but I'm sure that she was able to figure it out. I also fell that the fact that we had both suffered what it felt like to be abandoned, had a lot to do with strengthening the relationship that we had, though I dare not say mine was anywhere near hers... I was abandoned by two ponies... Granted, they were to very two that brought me into this world, but she was abandoned by everypony, and is still feared by most to this day. Something that greatly agitates me."


It couldn't be deception. Deception would never have been able to fuel the words that she now spoke. No mere deception could characterize Luna in this fashion, not without some slight tip of the hoof. No mere deception could understand the nature of fear. To be feared. It was a feeling that he knew. To be abandoned. It was a feeling that he knew. He held nothing against Luna. Her story, in so many ways, was similar to his own. Ice Storm's words were certainly genuine. She understood...


It was, truly, ages ago. It was another age and another place, before Canterlot and before the royal sisters. Yet, the result was the same. He had known what needed to be done in order to protect them, all of them, but he was too weak. Unable to fill his role, he had no purpose until he used his magic to give himself purpose. He had returned, triumphant, ready to be their ultimate guardian, but they were blinded by the darkness. It was their fear that had doomed them. If they had only accepted him as their protector, but they abandoned him, attacked him. He had responded in kind, and the darkness had grown.




"That being said, the only reason I didn't stay there in Canterlot with Luna, was well, eventually the nobles had gotten to the point to where it was never leave the palace, and thus shut down my way of living, leave, or do something that everypony involved would regret, which I almost did on one occasion. So with that, I packed up and moved to Ponyville. Everything there is much more simple and everypony else there is as nice as they can be.


So, it was mere randomness that had brought her to his path. It was nothing more than randomness. The twisting, turning wheels of fate. The madly spinning, madly dancing, madly laughing jester of the machinery. It was, perhaps, some great mockery of him and everything that he had stood for. The machinery that he had so gently laid, it was all useless now. The last of its vastness fell into the darkness. It was all wasted effort. It had all been in vain, all of it. He could have simply sat in Ponyville, waiting in an ice cream shop. She would have come to him there, he was certain. Now, he would never know.


It was time to rebuild. This new machine, it would be simpler. There was no need for so much of what the old machine had been comprised of. Instead, he would only need a single primary component, and she sat across from him at that moment, innocently conveying her deepest memories to him, a random stranger. Again, the randomness. What had he asked? What steps had been taken to get the point at which he now found himself? What terrible light had penetrated his darkness, it was blinding. A single tear fell from his dark eyes. Restoration. It would be beautiful. More beautiful than the cold workings of the machine.


He looked down at where the tear had fallen. It was like a snowflake, unique. It was like a butterfly, it served some purpose... It would have to remain. He caught himself. The machine. It had to be built anew. There could be no distractions... But... There already was a distraction. Dusky took his glass and looked down into it, seeing his reflection in its depths. His face, it clearly expressed sympathy, sorrow for Ice Storm's plight. The emotions. They had never been mastered. The building of the machine would have to wait for his sanity to return; it would be soon, though, so soon... Everything... Through sheer willpower, he mastered his expression, returning to the look of calm that he had began with.




The only real issue that I have there, is the same one I'm stuck with wherever I go. I've been do medical specialists, and countless doctors, but nopony is able to pinpoint exactly why I'm still having issues controlling myself at night. They've had theories on what might work, however, the only type of medicine that they could give me, if isn't the actual issue, could actually to completely, and irreversibly, lost my ability to control myself at all, and not just at night. Not to mention the medicine was I think almost four hundred bits a bottle. I can't afford something that expensive that could potentially worsen the condition that I have instead of making it better," she told him honestly. "Actually, once I get to Los Pegasus, I should see if I can find somepony that's a doctor there so that I can at least attempt again to get some answers. Don't know if it would actually be worth the bits though.  That being said, that about wraps it up for me. I'm sorry if I bored you too much with the length of my story," she concluded hoping she hadn't spent too much time talking. He did ask her for the story, in a roundabout way.


Her weakness. It didn't matter. Her strength. It was everything. His words were the only thing that he had now. His words and Ice Storm's curiosity. Now, he let them flow, smoothly, eloquently, and with a sympathy and comfort that they had never carried for another besides those that he had held most dear to him. This moment, this gift from Luna herself. A dazzling gift, as glorious as it was destructive... His voice, soft, silent, and sonorous, reached across the narrow space that divided them. He would keep his words few, but they would be strong. They would have to be strong.


"Ice Storm..." He started, full of intent... Only to trail off as he realized something... Her problem, so seemingly trite, paralleled a problem that he had once faced. His eyes tremored. It was too much. The parallels were too much. But... Now... More than anything... He knew what he had to say. "Ice Storm. I know from experience that sometimes the cure can be... So much worse than the original problem... So much worse that it is not worth attempting. At all. It should not be done. The cost... It would be too high, far too high. The darkness... Ah..." He held a hoof to his head. He needed rest. He wished he could sleep.


He couldn't leave, though, not before speaking again. He needed to fulfill the trust that she had placed in him. What she chose to do at that point would  be her decision to make. His world was oblivion. His words lacked the grace and purpose that he normally willed them with. "Ice Storm, thank you. Your story has opened my eyes to my own story. As I said before you spoke... It is our origins that shape us. Yours... They parallel my own, I think. It is not an exact parallel, for it is more of an allegory, but even the allegorical parallel is still strong... But... My own story is still ongoing... I need... I cannot share it here, for the same reasons that you spoke in softness, I must speak in secrecy alone. If you wish, then you may find me in the train engine. I need to return to my post." Without another word, he nodded his head as a sign of respect and then left the dining car, blind to everything that was not his destination.





Her wing reflexively shot open completely exposing the large scar on it before she tucked it away. She hadn't realized however as by the time she had reopened her eyes, a couple of seconds had passed and her wing was already tucked against herself. "I should really learn to stop being so clumsy..." she spoke softly as the green stallion made his way back to the table with sandwiches and cider for all three of them.


Ambrosia's quick eyes had caught sight of the scar. She shuddered. It was a horrible fate to have befallen a pegasus pony. She wondered if the pegasus was capable of normal flight or if her damaged wing prevented it, but she wouldn't dare ask such a callous question. It was something that she would be particularly certain to not do, because this pegasus seemed like such a delicate creature. Ambrosia quickly spoke to allay her concerns. "Oh no no no, don't worry about it, you should see me when I first wake up. I'm falling into everything. The tables are a bit awkwardly placed in here, so nothing to worry about at all." As she spoke, Electrobolt arrived with their sandwiches. Ambrosia snapped up one of her own and took a bite. It was delicious. She beamed with relief. The fillies and Dawn had done an excellent job. "Thank you, Electrobolt!" She chirped.




When she saw the sandwich, her stomach growled, making her blush a bit. "Perhaps I was hungrier than I thought..." she said with a smile picking her sandwich up and taking a small bit. Her eyes shot open though when she realized that she'd yet to tell these ponies her name. "Oh my, please forgive me. I realized I hadn't actually introduced myself yet. My name is Wind Dancer. I'm..." she started to say before realizing what the implications of what she was about to say held. "A street performer..." she stated fading out. "I've hoped to be a stage performer one day, but I don't see that happening any time in the near future," she stated with another small sigh before taking a drink of Cider.


The noise from the pegasus pony's stomach didn't surprise Ambrosia. The poor thing was late to lunch. Ambrosia's soft green eyes looked at her with pity. More than anything, she knew that this pegasus needed something more than food, she needed a friend. When Wind Dancer shared her name, Ambrosia smiled. It was such a pretty name, and she hoped, dearly, that the pegasus pony could still, indeed, dance upon the winds. She listened to Wind Dancer without interrupting, she did not wish to disturb the pegasus pony. And, she didn't wish to disturb the pegasus pony by allowing her attention to focus elsewhere. She paid full attention to Wind Dancer. Dusky and whatever his activities were... They would have to wait. 




"As far as what brought me here... it was an act of friendship and kindness actually. I wasn't even supposed to be on this train. Even if I saved up all of my bits for a year I'd never be able to afford a ticket for this train. If it wasn't for that mare sitting in the corner over there next to that black stallion over," she stated pointing to Ice Storm, who, looked to be in conversation at the moment, and visibly upset about something. She made a mental note to ask about it later. "I wouldn't be here. She paid for my ticked to get on the train,. Though... I have no idea what I'm going to do once I get to Los Pegasus..." the mare admitted. What was there that she could do? She didn't have enough bits to her name to try to waste in the casinos, she was quite certain that the food was going to be expensive there, and not to mention the hotel. Oh... my... what in the name of Celestia have I just gotten myself into... she thought to herself, knowing she was in trouble.


Ambrosia leaned over a bit to look in the direction that Wind Dancer signaled. There, right there, was an icy mare deeply in conversation with Dusky. Whatever it was that she was saying, Dusky looked positively lost in her words. His normally cool expression was tinged by emotion just as Ambrosia's own had been when she pondered Wind Dancer's damaged wing. She stared for a moment longer, before she tore her gaze away. She had never seen him express that emotion before. A random act of kindness... For Wind Dancer... Now she's affected Dusky? What kind of unicorn is this... Her thoughts were ambiguous. She refocused on Wind Dancer just in time to catch the mare's closing remarks.


After some hesitation, Ambrosia decided to be gently bold, and she spoke with some trace of her small town accent. "Well... You say that you're a performer? Stage or street, it's all the same to me." She laughed softly, a cheerful laugh. "I think that anypony that can go out and entertain a bunch of other ponies is amazing. It's something that I can't do, but my food can kinda do it for me. The good thing about that is that I don't have to go out, I just put out plates and I can watch reactions from anywhere I want to. For you, though, I think that things are different. You're already used to a certain size of crowd gathering to see you perform... Hey... I have a thought." She smiled as she said the words, but in truth, the thought had sprung into her mind at the moment that Wind Dancer had mentioned that she was a performer. 


"This train was originally supposed to be carrying Trixie to Los Pegasus for the Applewood Magic Festival. Well, it's a magic festival, but the fact is that they don't even have their main act anymore. Sooo... Maybe this'll be the time for you to go from the street to the stage? How about that? From Ponyville to Los Pegasus... Thanks to a train ride, maybe?" Ambrosia's idea was so distracting, that she didn't notice the quiet movement of the other ponies in the dining car. She was oblivious to Dusky's departure, Dawn's rage and sorrow, and every other thing. Instead, she continued, suddenly aware of the significance of what she was saying.


"Hey! It's a magic show, but it's still a show, right? Who cares what the main act is! I bet they wouldn't mind a pegasus performing. It's Los Pegasus, they're always a little crazy. It's less risky to them than having Trixie, and your performance could be a great surprise for the crowd. I actually know a lot of ponies in Los Pegasus from... Uhh... Some of my adventures. I could probably see if I could get you a contact with one of the show's organizers when we arrive? You never know, right? That'd sure be something interesting to do when you get to Los Pegasus? Right, Bolt?" Ambrosia calmed down just a bit, but the gears in her head kept turning. "Well, Wind Dancer, what kind of performance would you put on? I mean, it would be something airborne? They love those in Los Pegasus!" Ambrosia tactfully angled for the answer to her earlier thought, could Wind Dancer fly?

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Dawn stood there leaning on the bench letting his tears fill up in his eyes and trickle down his cheek as his sobbed quietly, he wanted Key to go, to not see him in this state. He had felt ashamed of what he had done, abandoning his friends and family, like a pice of trash kicked around in the gutter. He felt a million eyes glaring at him and telling him he was unworthy, a coward and should be ashamed of all he has done. All of a sudden this weight crashed down on his head like a brick wall collapsing on his very soul as he awaited Key's response.



The fur on the back of her neck stood on end, and she hissed with rage. In the blink of an eye, she had leaped right in front of Dawn Rider. She landed, neatly balanced on her hindhooves. Her right hoof was already pulled back to strike. She hit him, smashing him in the nose with every ounce of her wiry strength.

Before Dawn could turn to key he felt the hoof smash him on the nose, harder then he had ever been hit before and almost like the world had stopped, his thoughts became clear and loud in the front of his mind. Was she angry? Why did she hit him? Maybe she hated him for what he had done? Perhaps she wanted to turn him in?. These thoughts came forefront of the pain that was soon to follow in quick succession.


Sure enough, the pain crashed down on his like a hammer and he recoiled in response. Small amount of blood had splashed up and hit him in the face and a steady stream began to flow out of his nostrils. A bruise seemed to appear almost instantly and he could feel a numb, yet extreme pain wash over his muzzle as Key withdrew her hoof.The next part would confuse Dawn greatly.



Like a bolt of blue lightening, Key was right with Dawn Rider. This time, not to hit him. Instead, she wrapped her hooves around him in a wild, haphazard hug, mashing her face into his fur to hide her own look of embarrassment and humiliation. In a strained voice, all she could say was to repeat, "I'm sorry", over and over again.

When Dawn felt Key hug tightly into him his head almost exploded. He had no idea what had come over Key but she seemed very embarrassed over what she had done. Dawn could feel anger build up inside him like a fuse on a bomb ,ready to explode in Key's face with every fiber of his very being.He wanted to scream in her face, yell at her and give her everything he had. Dawn wanted to shove her back and never talk to her again...but something clicked in his brain.


The anger and hate that built up in his mind simply slipped free of their shackles on him and dissipated into darkness.He had wanted to say so much, but now...all he felt was compassion. This mare who had just hit him, causing him some of the worse pain he had ever gotten from another pony...was getting the same compassion and caring that he had given to his very own sister.He felt nothing but kindness towards Key, and in almost an instant, she had become one of, if not the closest friend he had ever had in only a single day of knowing her.


Dawn didn't know what to do at first but quickly let his heart do the talking. He simply wrapped one of his hooves around Key and hugged her back tightly. He knew she wasn't the type to ever hug somepony but he also recognised that she was sorry for hitting him...very sorry. He hugged her tighter to stop her from apologising to him and spoke up in a calm voice, calmer then the voice he had the night his sister woke up screaming from a nightmare and he had sat beside her telling her a story to lul her back to sleep.


"Key...it's okay. You don't need to say you're sorry, I forgive you...I do" The words churned out of Dawn like a smooth clockwork machine. "Im  not sure why you hit me...but Im not mad...not at all, I suppose because I've realised something. I've known you for almost a day now, barely even that...and yet I've let you closer then I've ever let anypony to me. You are my friend Key...and I can't be mad at you, not in the slightest...and if you ever need me for anything...Im here for you" Dawn chocked the last words out as he used his free hoof to wipe some of the blood from his muzzle, not that it did very much. He simply stood their hugging Key until she was ready to let go...which he hoped was soon, he was cramping up rather badly...

  • Brohoof 4


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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Summerfall absentmindedly picked one of the fruit sandwiches and nibbled on it slowly. She wasn’t sure on what to expect, what with the sandwiches were being made by fellow passengers. It might as well be crammed to the brim with ground pepper or maybe vinegar paste. Not that she doubted their cooking capabilities, but she knew that winged ponies loved to experiment with everything, and she doubted that Dawn Rider would be an exception. At least the conductor would be very near if somehow she gagged on the fruits. As she started to chew on the sandwich, her face instantly brightened up. It was actually good! No butter or anything between the fruit and the breads, just the way she like it. Without a thought on how she would look like to other passengers, she wolfed down her sandwich in one gulp and took another. She smiled contently. It was not luxurious, but at least the lunch would be a filling one.


The door to the passenger car opened, and Dusky trotted in. Summerfall gave the engineer a small “Hello there” as he trotted past her and took the seat at the other end of the dinner car with another passenger. She shrugged. Maybe he just wants to socialize with fellow unicorn, she mused. The door opened once more, and this time the Ambrosia and Electrobolt trotted in. The cook seated herself at the table opposite from Dusky, while Electrobolt trotted into the kitchen, presumably to fetch some food for both of them. Huh, maybe there was indeed something between them. Summerfall somewhat felt bad for her earlier prejudice.

Summerfall helped herself to some more sandwiches while keeping an ear up to eavesdrop from the next table’s now almost heated up conversation. Dawn had tried to justifiably defend herself, but Lapis, the so-called researcher, had refused to accept the fact that the unicorn was definitely not very willing to be interrogated for something that might or might not be related to her, and kept pushing her buttons to no end. Springer’s totally unrelated blabberings wouldn’t help much to soothe the situation.


After sipping her glass empty, Summerfall looked around the room. Seemed like a pegasus she couldn't recall ever seen anywhere had joined Electrobolt and Ambrosia. Dusky was having a conversation with the blue unicorn at the far end of the train. The big red unicorn and the white pegasus were still sitting own their own seats. Lapis, still on his high seat along with Asteria and Springer, droned on with his absurdly discrediting questions. Summerfall sighed and rubbed her forehead with a hoof. Lapis had so recklessly and determinedly questioned the poor mare, she wouldn’t be so surprised if Dawn finally decided enough was enough and started flinging solid murder coated with obscenities.

When Vim finally excused himself from the table and trotted to the Dawn’s, Summerfall almost grinned childishly. She couldn’t pay much attention to what Lapis and others were doing, but she could certainly hear that... was Dawn actually crying? It was faint, but she could hear some cries and an apology. Summerfall nearly facehoofed from the ridiculousness of everything. Welp, enough is enough, her subconsciousness rung, eavesdrop anymore and surely you will lose your mind from the rampant idiocy. She could do nothing but to agree heartily.


@@Dave (RayFriedh),

“Oh dear I’m so tired...” Summerfall cracked her neck to the side. The sound of tiny bubbles of air popping inside her cervical spine was quite audible. “I’m so sorry I can’t talk much, Maple Sand, but my back is killing me. I’ve been staying up late for quite a while. I think I need some rest in right now,” she said to the earth pony mare next to her. She stood up from her seat and took one of the sandwich with her mouth. She gave Maple Sand a muffled “See you later!” before trotting off to her room in the second passenger car. Taking a glance over the dining car for the last time, she noticed that it was the white pegasus’ turn to interrogate Dawn once his colleagues shooed away by Vim, and Dusky was still having a chat with the icy unicorn.

She opened the door to the passenger car and trotted through it in silence. When she pushed another door that led to her room’s passenger car, she finally noticed that she was all alone. Pretty much all of the train’s crews and the passengers she had seen around her room were in the dining car. Summerfall craned her head, her sandwich still in her mouth, to look behind her. The cacophony that was the dining car seemed to be so far away. She smiled. She liked silence. Once again she fumbled around with her room’s key. She entered her room, slammed the door behind her and locked it shut without any delay.

Humming a cheery tone to herself, Summerfall cantered to her saddlebag. A quick prodding had revealed that nopony had tried anything daring with it. After a quick trip to the bathroom to wash her hooves the mare finally ate her sandwich. “Now that’s what I call a lunch!” She cheered. The room's only lamp was still turned off, so she left the window open. She took out a random book from her saddlebag before jumping to her bed. The bed's plush mattress amusingly bounced back. Sighing in content, Summerfall laid down and started reading the ‘Idiot’s Guide to Survive in the Wilderness of the Everfree Forest’ she borrowed from a local library. The title sounded weird, but a quick scan of the index was very promising.

Edited by Starshine
  • Brohoof 2


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Ah. A writer! If Summerfall was only mildly curious earlier, she was definitely interested now. She chuckled silently when Maple abruptly paused midsentence, as if she changed her mind while the words left her mouth. If she guessed right, the mare was a bit embarrassed to open up about herself. It was understandable, Summerfall thought to herself. I'm as good as any stranger out there. When Maple commented that it was just some foalish impulse, she waved a hoof to indicate that it was all right. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. Travelling over a long distance is a great way to find some inspiration for your books. There is nothing foalish about wanting to see more of this Celestia's green earth."


"Anyway, for myself I'm here on a business trip. I work on the Harvest Union, and I need to check up on something that's called Cloud Candy in the Los Pegasus. Nothing big, just your everyday salesponies stuff." Summerfall refrained herself from telling everything and decided to tell Maple only a half of the truth. Maple didn't need to know everything. She was about to ask further about Maple when the conductor suddenly sat on their table.



The Vim's appearance was rather unexpected. Summerfall never really paid any attention to the train's etiquette, but wasn't the conductor of a train supposed to stand on-guard somewhere around the engine? Either way, Summerfall kept her question to herself and gave the red stallion a nod and a smile. When Maple Sands looked over her, Summerfall only gave a shrug. There was nothing wrong with a conductor that decided to join his passengers for a lunch. It was kind of unfortunate that with him sitting here, Dusky would have to stay in the engine room, Summerfall mused to herself.


"So far everything has been good, Vim," She replied to the conductor. "The bed is frankly the nicest bed I've ever put my hooves on. I'm positively looking forward for the night, I'm sure the sleep would be fantastic. I have to thank you for that."



Summerfall watched in veiled curiosity as Dawn entered the dining car from the what seemed to be the parlor car. As soon as the baby blue unicorn settled down on an empty table at the middle of the car, a green pegasus and a dark blue earth pony stallion from the table across from hers approached her, the green pegasus even quickly took the seat next to her. Summerfall raised an eyebrow in disbelief. Seriously? The pegasus introduced his friend, Lapis, who was supposed to be a researcher. It was a somewhat peculiar for a researcher to question random mares on a train. Summerfall's ears stood straight to eavesdrop their conversation, but her interest abruptly vanished as soon as Lapis mentioned something of a strange happening on the train that may or may not be related to the poor unicorn mare. The more questions she overheard from Lapis, the more she was certain that it was one of those crazy conspiracy talks. Nope, not my business, she mused to herself. Summerfall looked straight at Vim's eyes and nodded to Dawn's table, hoping that maybe Vim would handle the situation over there when things took the southern route.


Asteria trotted out of the kitchen and then passed over a glass of water to every table on the train. Closely after her, Dawn Rider placed a platter of fruit sandwiches on the tables. Summerfall thanked the pegasus as he went back to the kitchen to retrieve more sandwiches. She sniffed the fruity aroma in the air. "By Celestia, finally!" She grabbed the closest glass and sipped the content a little bit before directing her attention back to Maple Sands. "Anyway, Maple, how many books you have written? I believe I'm quite an avid reader, I would love to read some of your books if you have their titles."

"Well, I'm glad you understand," Maple replied, "but at least you have a more constructive goal- I'm not even sure what I'll do there.", she shrugged.


Vim had turned his focus to another group of ponies. Tracing his sight, she could see and hear them speak of some strange occurence on the train. She tried to keep focus on the conversation, interested in hearing whatever mysteries the train might hold... 


Her sight of the table was distracted by another pony, a blue-green pegasus, who, most importantly, bore a plate of sandwiches. She waved hello, as if to beacon the pony over, even though she was already head there. When she laid down a plate and a sandwich, she thanked the pony, who was soon delivering sandwiches to the rest of the train.


She ate the sandwich in generous bites. When asked the next question about her works, Maple had to chew a little while before answering. Swallowing the sandwich- which she absolutely loved- she answered the mare, with a subtle eagerness that any artist would have when someone inquired about their works. "Well, I've written four, so far. They're called 'The Lyre', 'Celestia's Loneliness', 'Colt #45', and 'House of Cards'."


Of all of the tables in the dining car, the one that focused Vim's attention was the one where Lapis, Springer, and He couldn't imagine what they'd hoped to find. Lapis spoke again. This time, Dawn's reaction was immediate. When Lapis finally stopped speaking, her horn began to glow. She was furious. Actually, judging by the expression on her face, she was insane, but the details didn't matter to Vim. With a sigh, Vim excused himself from his table, thankful that both of the mares were facing away from the brewing storm. He delayed his approach for a moment. He didn't want to disturb Dawn any more than she already was, but he was hardly about to sit idly while she cooked passengers, no matter what had been said. When she quieted down, Vim approached.

"Oh, alright then. See you later, maybe."


She noticed the direction where Vim was headed, and was about to focus again on it, when Summerfall spoke. 


@@Dave (RayFriedh),

“Oh dear I’m so tired...” Summerfall cracked her neck to the side. The sound of tiny bubbles of air popping inside her cervical spine was quite audible. “I’m so sorry I can’t talk much, Maple Sand, but my back is killing me. I’ve been staying up late for quite a while. I think I need some rest in right now,” she said to the earth pony mare next to her. She stood up from her seat and took one of the sandwich with her mouth. She gave Maple Sand a muffled “See you later!” before trotting off to her room in the second passenger car.


"Oh, no worries! You should get yourself some sleep, then.", Maple said. Waving good-bye to the already retreating mare, she chanced another glance at the group- she was alone now, finally, to think. Not that she hadn't had good company, but she loved to dedicate every ounce of attention to whatever was in front of her, rather than divide her interest between things. Now she could hear what they were saying and think. She took a sandwich, and ate a little slower while eavesdropping on the ponies.

  • Brohoof 3

Pony Artist Resources: http://mlpforums.com/topic/56189-pony-artist-resources/#entry1342454


All of my artwork: http://mlpforums.com/topic/53879-rayfriedh-art/#entry1276998
DA: RayFriedh


If you want to send in suggestions, post 'em in the thread of the genrepony, or send me a PM or add me on teh Skypes, or send me a note on DA.

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Lapis knew this was going nowhere. The mare was merely growing angry. Her horn began to glow, and it was clear this meeting was at an end. He watched with indifference. If he was going to die, so be it. It was unlikely he would, though. Asteria was with him. She always did something to fix the problem. The thing was, Dusky had kept him up for far too long last night. Lapis was out of sorts. Normally, he could at least maintain the illusion of patience, intelligence, and the actual demeanor of a researcher. He'd gone and made a fool of himself. Lapis let out a bored sigh and readied himself for either the cold, painless release of death, or some escape plan. Behind him, he could feel the anxiety of his comrades. They probably thought they could stop Dawn.
Luckily, Dawn broke down into a fit of tears. Lapis felt a pang of guilt, but she was not going to affect him. Lapis prayed he'd get more sleep tonight. No more all night interviews or whatever. Her apology was....necessary? It wasn't her fault. An out of sorts pony had questioned her very existence. But Lapis knew apologizing himself wouldn't do much. She probably had plans of revenge or something. Or not. Best to just keep an eye on her. But she answered his final question all the same.
A light? Like in Springer's dream or something. He would have to investigate as soon as he was free to. He may have to apologize to his comrades, which of course would seem silly. Would they honestly believe he was merely exhausted? He himself would view it with suspicion, despite its truth. Springer forgave Dawn. Most likely a good idea. But the green pegasus was full of far too many words. Thankfully, somepony interrupted the stallion.
Lapis turned to face the origin of the noise, only to see the smiling face of the conductor. Lapis tried not to look downcast. He knew Vim was not fond of unicorn, so maybe he was going to give him a medal? No, that'd be too fortuitous. Perhaps he planned on putting Lapis in some sort of train jail? He shook his head lightly. He was beginning to sound like Asteria. Logic dictated it was one of two things. Either Vim was going to commend Lapis, or reprimand him. If it was the latter, he knew the Researcher's Organization would hear of it, and Lapis would receive a demotion. Truly embarrassing. The director of his branch would surely give him a lecture on proper sleeping habits. Or, more likely, knowing when to sit back and have others do the investigating for him. The director would understand having to stay up all night doing research.
Springer got up after a lackluster attempt to do so. As he began to follow Vim, he stopped long enough for Lapis to gather his thoughts and join him. What he whispered in Lapis' ear neither relieved him nor worried him further. Springer didn't specify. It could mean anything, and Lapis wished to remain hopeful. A smudge on his record would be very annoying.

Asteria's eyes widened in pure horror as Dawn's horn started to glow. Asteria wasted no time in preparing her mind for what was to happen next. She would tackle Lapis to the ground, erect a barrier, and hope for the best. The teleport spell took too long for her to cast to save them both. She didn't let it show, though. After the initial fear, she settled back into her seat. No one would hurt her friend, adoptive brother, and mentor. Her face was almost a mask of grim determination. She did her best to look innocent, since she knew Dawn could be watching. Asteria knew she was bad news the minute she saw her. Dawn did nothing to conceal her aura. Perhaps she knew nothing about them? Either way, Asteria was ready.
But it never came. Instead, Dawn simply broke down. Asteria lost all energy at the sight of it. Dawn was just a poor misguided pony. She didn't know she was dangerous, obviously. If only Asteria could help her by getting her to one of those special magic facilities that helped unstable unicorns, maybe she could improve. Dawn was still a bad pony, but only because Lapis had provoked her. Asteria pouted a bit, but reaffirmed her stance. Lapis was technically her boss, and if he died, she'd have to make a complicated report back at HQ. Not fun. And then they'd send in a new team to properly research the matter. And then what? Where would she go? Home? That place was boring. So she quickly readjusted herself in case Dawn planned to strike while their guard was down.
Her ears perked up. Somepony had cleared their throat. Turning around shyly, she saw the conductor. Big boss Vim himself. Asteria merely shot him a nervous smile. He was more concerned about the stallions than her. It was likely he didn't actually see her, despite the fact she blocked Lapis from his view. Well, almost. She wasn't all that big compared to Lapis, or Vim either. Vim was a very big pony compared to her. Her eyes widened in awe. Big ponies were tough. Tough ponies got jobs done. She loved it when jobs got done. But what could he want? Was he going to tell Lapis he did a terrible job? Was he going to want to see the director? Oh no! That would hurt poor Lapis' pride. Nothing she could do about it, sadly. Instead, she got out of the way so Lapis could get out. She prayed whatever happened, Lapis could at least remain on the train.
By the time Lapis was out of sight, a white pegasus stallion was at the table. Asteria looked at him, a perplexed expression spreading across her face. Who was he again? She couldn't recall meeting him exactly. And he was trying to comfort Dawn. A noble effort, perhaps a good one. Dawn needed help. Serious help. If one pony could drive her to attempted murder, then things had already gone too far. It was a wonder the white pony couldn't see it for himself. Not important, though. Asteria needed to put a little distance between her and Dawn. Turning to see the table the stallion had come from, she saw the red unicorn, Magicon. "Oh, hey there Magicon. How are ya? Say, how tolerant of young ponies are you? Ya know, 'cause I am one and stuff. I don't want to bug you, but I would like someone to chat with if it's not any trouble." she said cheerfully as she approached him before taking a seat.
"You've been working with Lapis, right? Didn't you notice how tired he was? Why did you let him do the questioning? Also, why was Lapis questioning Dawn, anyway?" she asked in a bit of a flurry before stopping herself abruptly. "Oooops... I didn't mean to barrage you with a bunch of questions. You don't have to answer any of them if you don't want to. I can just sit here and be quiet." she apologized while levitating a nearby sandwich to eat. Taking a few bites, she watched Magicon with a barely veiled curiosity. He was a rather imposing unicorn, but not like Dusky. This pony's aura was almost unreadable. It spoke volumes about his prowess. Definitely an interesting pony, to say the least. Edited by Bari
  • Brohoof 3


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After having sat down at the table, he could tell there wasn't really all that much that he missed. In fact, he had gotten to his seat just in time to hear the pegasus introducing herself as Wind Dancer. He didn't think too long on it though as his stomach growled on him again, as he started to eat on his sandwich. After taking his first bite, the flavors of the fruit practically burst in his mouth as he mmm'd from the deliciousness. *Wow this sandwich is good!* he thought, as he continued to eat his sandwich. While he was eating though, a thought popped in his mind.


*Wait... What about Dusky? If Ambrosia is busy discussing with Wind Dancer, then who's keeping an eye on him?* Clearing his mind out, he leaned back a little while not being suspicious, before appearing to be focused on Ambrosia and Wind Dancer. To the untrained eye, it would look like he was looking at the two mares as they spoke to each other. But really, he was watching Dusky and the icy mare having their conversation. As the cook and Wind were talking, he was observing the icy mare and Dusky's reactions. However, as he was listening to the two ponies that he was seated with, he heard that the icy mare had bought Wind Dancer's ticket as an act of generosity.


*Wow, that was very nice of her,* Electrobolt thought to himself before noticing Ambrosia looking over to the table where the icy mare was. Deciding to take this chance, he too decided to look over to where they sat. What he saw, though, surprised him. Instead of a cool, calm expression on his face, Dusky showed signs of being at a loss of words, as well as appearing to be a bit emotional. What did that mare say to him that had caused the stallion to act in this way? *This is very curious...* he thought to himself, before shaking his head as he looked back to Ambrosia and Wind, still watching Dusky's table from the corner of his eye.


Next, Ambrosia then began to talk to Wind Dancer about her being a performer. As she was talking, a stray thought entered Electrobolt's mind. *Hmm... She's a performer, huh... Wonder what she does...* As he thought that last bit, he had to suppress a chuckle. If her name had anything to say about her talent, it was most likely that she was a dancer. If chance would have it, he would have to see the pegasus dance one of these days. It was around then that Ambrosia was mentioning the magic festival that he noticed something going on from the corner of his eye.


Taking a risk, he turned his head slightly to look over to the table where Dusky sat, only for him to get up and leave the dining car. This confused him, as he turned around to face Ambrosia and Wind Dancer. Although his facial expression seemed normal, his mind was racing. Picking up the glass of cider, he started to take a drink as he thought, *What is going on with Dusky...? He's acting very unusual right now... He was talking with that icy mare earlier, and then... Suddenly, his attitude changed... He showed emotion...? Why?* His mind continued to race with these thoughts, before snapping out of it as Ambrosia spoke to him.


"Hey! It's a magic show, but it's still a show, right? Who cares what the main act is! I bet they wouldn't mind a pegasus performing. It's Los Pegasus, they're always a little crazy. It's less risky to them than having Trixie, and your performance could be a great surprise for the crowd. I actually know a lot of ponies in Los Pegasus from... Uhh... Some of my adventures. I could probably see if I could get you a contact with one of the show's organizers when we arrive? You never know, right? That'd sure be something interesting to do when you get to Los Pegasus? Right, Bolt?" Ambrosia calmed down just a bit, but the gears in her head kept turning. "Well, Wind Dancer, what kind of performance would you put on? I mean, it would be something airborne? They love those in Los Pegasus!" Ambrosia tactfully angled for the answer to her earlier thought, could Wind Dancer fly?


When Ambrosia spoke to him, his attention turned completely over to the mares in front of him. At the suggestion of Wind performing at the magic festival, he wondered if it would work out. If it did, though, he would be excited. Ambrosia continued to speak, though, as she began to ponder on what performance Wind would do. At the mention of something airborne, he began to ponder himself. *Hmm... Perhaps an airborne dance...? I dunno... But I'd still like to see her dance...* Electrobolt thought in his mind. Finally taking this time to speak, he nodded. "I think it'd be a good idea, Ambrosia. But hmm... Wind, um... I may call you Wind, right? Would I be correct in guessing that your performances involve dancing?" Setting his glass down, he then picked up his sandwich to take another bite out of it, waiting for Wind Dancer's response.

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~~Ice Storm~~


When the awkward silence continued between the two of them, Ice thought maybe she had said too much to start with. She wasn't sure, but she knew that she could be very long winded in relation to these types of situations. Once she gets started talking about something that she's sensitive about, it's hard for her to just stop before everything is out in the open. Then Dusky began his response. He started just by repeating her name, and fading out. In all honesty she couldn't really make out the reaction based on that alone though. It could lead into so many different reactions that there wasn't any way for her to possibly interpret correctly.


He started again though, telling her that he knew from experience that the cure could more often than not be so much worse than the original problem. Even to the point where it's not worth attempted due to the possible costs involved as well. He further told her that her story had open his eyes to his own, and that is was the origins that shaped ponies, and her story seemed to be very parallel to his. He added that his story was still unguarded, and that for the same reason she spoke softly, his much be mentioned in solitude, and that if she wanted to hear, she'd have to meet him in the engine of the train. She nodded, as he stood up and walked out. As soon as she got up to follow him was when she noticed the other light blue unicorn that had been the target of all the harassment by the others earlier. She was now in shambles, crying, and very upset. They better be thanking Celestia that I was distracted during that mess or somepony would have been a new ice sculpture for the train... she thought to herself feeling the anger rise in her towards the others and how rude they were.


She turned back mare and gave a soft smile. She gracefully approached the crying mare and placed a gentle hoof on her shoulder while raising a napkin up to wipe the tears away with magic. "Shhh, it's okay. They're gone now," she told her with a soft, friendly smile. "And while I know they probably aren't going to apologize, I will do so for them. I have no idea who they are, but nopony has any right to treat others the way they just treated you. However, over the course of the conversation I did manage to hear that you were a medical pony. Is this true, and if it is, are you currently accepting new patients?" Ice asked with a gentle smile making it ever so clear that she was a friendly and that she wanted to be this mare's friend. that being said, she knew that she couldn't keep Dusky waiting too long either. She'd have to suffice for an answer now, but if she was accepting new patients, she'd have to arrange a time to meed with her sometime later this afternoon. She had just earned Dusky's trust and she didn't want to betray that. She felt for him, and it felt like he was in the same boat that she was in.


~~Wind Dancer~~


A soft smile crossed Wind Dancer's face when Ambrosia mention that the clumsiness wasn't an issue and that she should see herself when she got out of bed, that she was falling into everything. She also mentioned that having the ability to go out and perform for others and entertain others was a wonderful thing, and something that she was quite certain that she couldn't do. She did add that her food could probably do it for her though, and she didn't ever have to actually go out to do it. Just set the plates down and have the waiters take them out.


She did mention something else that caught her attention though. This train was originally carrying the main act of the Applewood Magic Festival with Trixie on board. She mentioned that the festival didn't have it's main act anymore, but a show as still a show. She asked about possible being able to move from the street to the stage, and that a performance was still a performance. She also added that she knew a lot of ponies there and that she could see if she could get her in for the main act. Wind's face lit up. She had received more kindness today than she had most of her life up to this point, and now this mare was giving her a chance to not have to live off of five to ten bits a month? She was at a lost for words. However, the cheeriness in her face did drop a bit at the last question, on if the act was aerial or not. Wind sadly shook her head.


"I would very much love the opportunity to perform on a stage in Los Pegasus. In fact, it's always been a dream of mine since I was a filly. A dream that I thought was shattered about seven years ago," she stated intentionally lifting her scarred wing. "I was working on a new Dance Routine in Cloudsdale when a loose gust of wind smashed me into one of the cloud-stone pillars that we had up there. There were many injuries inflicted that day, but this was by far the worst. The scar is from the surgery that they had to do just to get all the pieces of the wing joint back together. I shattered it in five places. That being said, even with it healed now, I can't stay airborne for more than maybe ten minutes before it locks up on me. I've... actually had it lock up on me during a dance routine that actually had some aerial moves in it. So I've had to space them out a bit more," she replied, admitting to being virtually flightless. It wasn't something that she was happy about, but at least she was alive. There was always the potential for it to get better at least if she could ever afford the therapy required for it to do so.

  • Brohoof 4


Princess Luna is best pony

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Alex sat down along with Flow at their table.  When she was trying to sit down, he could tell that she was acting a little distracted with him at the moment.  He wanted to ask her about it, but he decided against as he most likely wouldn't get an answer anyways.  "Never my business to ask what's going on in a mare's head..."  Alex thought to himself.


As he looked down at his table, he noticed the food that was displayed.  It was a simple, but easily delicious looking fruit sandwich along with a regular glass of water.  Alex took the sandwich and took a bite out of it.  The resulting taste was a symphony of taste buds relishing in the taste of mixed fruit and found himself closing his eyes to enjoy the taste in his muzzle for as long as he could until he had to eventually swallow his bite.  Alex saw that he was in Flow's line of sight and gave a small nervous smile.  "Heh, sorry.  It's a pretty delicious sandwich."  Alex said to her slightly cheerful.


Hoping to see who else decided to join them for lunch, Alex looked away from his table and Flow to satisfy his curiosity.  At one table, he found Electrobolt at a table with the mare that had passed out during the small inquisition that Key Gear was enduring as well as a new Pegasus mare that he had not seen before.  Alex felt curious about the mare as she also seemed to be fairly athletic, but he was certain that he had not seen her before on the Pegasus Weather Patrol in Ponyville.  He got the chance to know everypony on the Weather Patrol thanks to Rainbow Dash.


At another table, he noticed the same icy blue mare that he encountered earlier on the platform.  He thought of how silly he was for believing that she was Trixie at first because of her similar appearance.  However, he was surprised to see the engineer, Dusky, sitting with her.  He narrowed his eyes at him suspiciously.  "Isn't that the same pony that accused Key Gear of stealing something that was his eariler?"  Alex thought to himself, his mind trailing back to the one sided inquisition.


Now as he thought about it, he wondered where Key Gear was now.  He realized that he hadn't had the chance to spend time getting to know her more as she did express interest in being his and Flow's 'adopted parents'.  He thought that it was a little ridiculous, but he thought that it was a nice gesture.  He didn't mind the fact of a younger pony acting as a parental figure for him since he didn't know what a parent was like in his own personal experience and he could use it.


He looked at another point across the dining car and saw somepony crying her eyes out in the presence of Lapis, his assistant, Magicon, and a few others that Alex recognized and failed to get their names.  Alex didn't know what was going on that was causing the mare to be this way and was about to go over and see what was going on.  Although, his involvement didn't seem necessary as the icy blue mare was now done with her lunch and walked over to comfort the sobbing mare.


Alex focused his eyes back on Flow's own to try and engage her in conversation.  "So, Flow.  I am glad that we're gonna be close to each other for the rest of this trip.  I kinda felt out of place being at the other end of the train."  Alex said to her sounding genuninely cheerful.  He figured that since he was going to be across the hall from her, he should go ahead and engage her in a good deal of conversations if he was going to completely enjoy the train ride.


Alex decided to try and start the conversation first.  "So, Flow.  Since we are going to be close to one another in the hall, we should get to know each other better.  As you already know, I was from Fillydelphia.  I lived in the Sunnyside Orphanage there for fifteen years until I had to leave Fillydelphia.  I had been a part of the Fillydelphia Eagles Hoofball team there for two years before I left though.  After I came to Ponyville, I was able to land a job as a Pegasus Weather Patrol when I was able to show how fast I could clear the sky there to Rainbow Dash on my second day in the town.  So, I had been working down in Ponyville for two years and lived up in Cloudsdale since."  Alex explained to her, pausing for a few seconds to let the information sink in before trying to continue.


"So,Vim tells me that you're pretty athletic as well.  What do you do that keeps you so fit?  Is it your job or is it just something you love doing like me?"  Alex asked her curiously, wanting to get to know more about her.

  • Brohoof 4

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Arcanel’s response was long and complex. He admitted that he knew nothing more than what Magicon already knew: very little. He stated that something else was ahoof on the train and Magicon couldn’t agree more. Something dangerous was going on and it surrounded Dusky and Dawn. They had to find out and uncover the truth. More pieces of the puzzle would be discovered that way. But besides explaining his ideas to Magicon, Arcanel seemed to criticize Magicon.




"There's also the fact that Dawn WAS right, you weren't able to feel Springer's spell... but I know this is for a reason... and the only one I find is that it somehow wasn't magic... Magicon... I don't know what's going on right now.... but somepony else is meddling with this is... and I don't think it involves Dusky or Dawn... I would however appreciate it if you could explain some things to me later, as you could find useful another point of view." He told the unicorn.


Magicon was about to explain himself, but Arcanel wasn’t interested at the moment. He thought for a moment about his words. Magicon hadn’t detected Springer’s spell and Arcanel suggested that it wasn’t magic at all. Then what was it? A potion? Just a crazy memory lapse? He was unsure. Perhaps it was magic and he had just ignored the feeling in his horn. After all, he wasn’t with Springer when it happened. He was traveling with Dave in Ponyville. Magicon didn’t know and he wouldn’t unless more facts were uncovered.


As he thought he only subconsciously registered Arcanel’s words as he saw the pegasus move over to Dawn’s table and try to comfort her. Magicon shrugged. Lapis was quite aggressive and Dawn had been aggressive in response until her mental collapse. Now she seemed pitifully weak and vulnerable, easy prey. Arcanel, by using his own morals, would most likely get some further information about her because of his calm and friendly ways. She may trust him and tell him more than she would’ve told Lapis or Springer. Magicon hoped that would be the case. While Arcanel went to comfort Dawn, Lapis’s friend, who Magicon couldn’t quite remember the name of, Lapis was it?, approached him.




"Oh, hey there Magicon. How are ya? Say, how tolerant of young ponies are you? Ya know, 'cause I am one and stuff. I don't want to bug you, but I would like someone to chat with if it's not any trouble." she said cheerfully as she approached him before taking a seat.


Magicon gave a small smile to the young filly as she sat down. She had been recording the conversation with Dawn and would be the tool for the proof of whatever danger that Dawn or Dusky might be. She began with a quick series of questions, completely in concern for Dawn and Lapis.




"You've been working with Lapis, right? Didn't you notice how tired he was? Why did you let him do the questioning? Also, why was Lapis questioning Dawn, anyway?" she asked in a bit of a flurry before stopping herself abruptly. "Oooops... I didn't mean to barrage you with a bunch of questions. You don't have to answer any of them if you don't want to. I can just sit here and be quiet." she apologized while levitating a nearby sandwich to eat.


Magicon chuckled and spoke calmly. “You’re a smart pony, Asteria, correct? I’m not very good with names; much better with faces. But anyway, I can answer your questions. For Lapis, I can’t say I did notice how tired he was. Has something been troubling him? Has he been getting enough sleep? He seemed fine to me. As for the questioning, well since you’re a unicorn you can understand this. Dawn has been doing some crazy teleportation and invisibility spells throughout the train. I’ve felt them and Lapis, Springer, Arcanel, and I are trying to figure out why she’s doing all these spells.


“We figured Lapis would be the best interrogator because he’s direct, like you saw, and gets to the heart of the matter quickly. None of us can really do that all that well. Despite what happened with Dawn, you must admit that we got some good information out of her and a better understanding of her nature. Now, tell me, what troubles you so?” He smiled at the young unicorn.

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As he looked down at his table, he noticed the food that was displayed. It was a simple, but easily delicious looking fruit sandwich along with a regular glass of water. Alex took the sandwich and took a bite out of it. The resulting taste was a symphony of taste buds relishing in the taste of mixed fruit and found himself closing his eyes to enjoy the taste in his muzzle for as long as he could until he had to eventually swallow his bite. Alex saw that he was in Flow's line of sight and gave a small nervous smile. "Heh, sorry. It's a pretty delicious sandwich." Alex said to her slightly cheerful.


When Flow heard Alex apologize, she felt embarrassed for a bit, thinking that he caught her staring at him "Oh, um...I should be saying that too...I didn't mean to make you feel nervous, ehehehe...but wow, that really must be a delicious sandwich, that reminds me, I need to get my lunch, wait here." And with that, she stood from the table and went to get a tulip sandwich and a glass of apple juice. As soon as she came back to the table, Alex continued as she ate her sandwich.


"So, Flow. I am glad that we're gonna be close to each other for the rest of this trip. I kinda felt out of place being at the other end of the train." Alex said to her sounding genuninely cheerful.


"Close to each other.......each othe-....Wait what!?! Does this mea- Ack no....we just met!! Let's not think about it okay Flow? He's just happy that he''s staying across your room, yes just keep it at that! Why am I thinking like a featherbrain today?" Was what ran in her mind, she stopped chewing before swallowing it whole and drinking her juice, "Y-yeah...I'm glad that you were moved in to my car," she spoke with a nervous grin.

Alex decided to try and start the conversation first. "So, Flow. Since we are going to be close to one another in the hall, we should get to know each other better. As you already know, I was from Fillydelphia. I lived in the Sunnyside Orphanage there for fifteen years until I had to leave Fillydelphia. I had been a part of the Fillydelphia Eagles Hoofball team there for two years before I left though. After I came to Ponyville, I was able to land a job as a Pegasus Weather Patrol when I was able to show how fast I could clear the sky there to Rainbow Dash on my second day in the town. So, I had been working down in Ponyville for two years and lived up in Cloudsdale since."


She felt relived that he only wanted to know more about her, and when he told her about his past, she was amazed that he happened to have played for the Eagles, "Woah, you played for the Fillydelphia Eagles? That's amazing! But I'll tell you that I don't really follow hoofball that much, I'm more of a hockey fan if you ask me, my favorite team is my hometown's Manehattan Rangers, I just love their style and power, I even love watching their rivalry games with the Fillydelphia Flyers too!"


She realized that she was straying away from Alex' question about her past, so she apologized "I'm sorry, you were asking about my past? Well, as you know I came from Manehattan and grew up at Queens Orphanage. I stayed in there till I turned seventeen and moved to Ponyville because I wanted a change of scenery. Once there I saw a notice on the town's bulletin board hiring a flying teacher for preschool aged pegasai, I took the offer and that has been my job ever since, I'm currently on vacation right now." She explained.


"So,Vim tells me that you're pretty athletic as well. What do you do that keeps you so fit? Is it your job or is it just something you love doing like me?" Alex asked her curiously, wanting to get to know more about her.


"Oh, well the reason why i'm athletic is because..um.. I grew up around bullies and...well as time flew by I toughened up and turned into a tomboy to defend myself against them, when I earned the respect of my bullies, we often played hockey together with roller blades and a variety of other sports too, any more questions you would like to ask me?" She politely asked as she finished her sandwich and took a sip of her apple juice.

Edited by Flow (Naru)
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OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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As Arcanel waited for Dawn's reply, a blue unicorn mare suddenly came in his range of vision, and he watched as she wiped Dawn's tears with a napkin. *I wonder if she watched the whole situation develop...* he pondered.




"Shhh, it's okay. They're gone now," she told her with a soft, friendly smile. "And while I know they probably aren't going to apologize, I will do so for them. I have no idea who they are, but nopony has any right to treat others the way they just treated you. However, over the course of the conversation I did manage to hear that you were a medical pony. Is this true, and if it is, are you currently accepting new patients?"


As he heard the mare's words, Arcanel couldn't help but slightly cringe. *As much as I agree with her... (Sigh)... I need to try and smooth this whole situation... otherwise... this will not be good in the end.* He decided as he took a deep breath and addressed the pony who was standing next to Dawn.


@@Ice Storm


"Ummm... hello?" he started off, his voice slightly shy. "My name is Arcanel and forgive me to interrupt you but... while you may not have seen me sitting in front of Dawn... I was technically a part of this... er... let's call it "plan". And, I will do, what you said any of us wouldn't do." He spoke as he then turned to look at Dawn in the most apologetic look he could muster.


@@Key Gear


"Dawn... I am very sorry... I really am. I... can't say that the others would apologize, although I'm sure at least Springer might, but... I want to apologize on my behalf, at least. And... you deserve to know the truth on why we decided to question you. Well... the full truth." The mailpony started to explain. "Sometime ago, as Lapis told you, we found a note in a train model that Springer had which was written in his hoofwriting... but it wasn't written by him. While this may seem crazy, it's almost literally impossible for Springer to have written said note. At that time, Magicon detected some magical movements from your source of magic, and while we weren't really accusing you of anything, we at least wanted to see if you knew anything about this. Although to be honest, while I had kind of guessed it, I, nor I think any of us, realized that Lapis had as much subtlety as Princess Luna has hate against the moon." He lamented, his right foreleg grabing his head as he shook it, but he continued to talk.


"But... I think Lapis would not have been AS blunt had he known you would react like this... but I honestly wouldn't know myself. " He spoke with honesty, knowing that Dawn was an intelligent pony, and knowing that lying to her would be the worst thing he could do. "However... there is something that you said that caused me to think... you seem to be suffering from some things that Springer himself has. And... his symptoms are pretty much the reason we went to question you in the first place." He spoke, this time carefully choosing his words to avoid upsetting the medical pony more. "I have no idea if Magicon has something against you, or if he has, if his intentions are wrong intended. But... our original intention was to figure out what was wrong which would also end up helping Springer. I'm thinking that whatever is affecting him... also affected you somehow." Arcanel assumed. "If you, after you had some lunch and rest of course, were able to... I would appreciate it if you explained to me later how exactly are you affected. It might help us overall but, of course, I know you might not want to help any of us after... well... all this happened..." He offered the medical pony, hoping he was not making the mare more distressed. As he finished talking, he let out a long sigh. "I just want to help whoever needs help right now, to be honest... again... I'm very sorry Ms. Dawn..." he said in sadness. At this point, he returned his gaze to the icy blue unicorn.


@@Ice Storm


"Um... could I ask your name, miss? I... think you're one of the new passengers, right?" he asked to the mare hoping he wasn't coming off rude. "I, know a bit of what has been going on recently on this train, which trust me has been a lot. If you'd like to, I could tell you a bit from it." He kindly offered to the unicorn. "And... sorry again for interrupting you. I'll leave if Dawn wants me to." He finished as he slumped back to his chair and waited for the answer of both mares.

Edited by Eevee
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(OOC: Weee! Posting at work! I just wanted to post this so that Bolt could respond, if he wanted to. Also, I'm going to see movies tonight, so I may not be around much. Iron Man 3, baby!)



He would need to anticipate every possible angle of approach that Vim would take, pick the most likely and then construct an argument to defuse it. His thinking sped up as he followed Lapis out into the hall. Mercifully, Springer thought, Vim was a relatively simple pony. Unfortunately, Vim was also a stubborn, resilient pony. Springer combed through his own thoughts efficiently. Doubtlessly, Vim would chastise the both of them for what had happened. He would need to be quick, but his lack of rest combined with this sudden challenge was beginning to take a toll on things.


The conductor waited patiently for both ponies. His patient smile was completely unreadable. Lapis entered first, followed by Springer. The door had barely closed behind them when the pegasus started talking. "Vim, I already know what you're going to say, so I will respond to it before you ask." Vim spoke, with just a hint of irritation, "Springer." His smile wavered as the pegasus rattled on. "Before you exercise summary judgement on the nature of the actions that you just viewed, I should provide an outline of the events. You see, you need to know everything before you can draw any conclusions."


"It's efficient to take this approach. The original intention of the plan was merely to question Dawn. This was necessary in order to discern the nature of an unusual occurrence earlier in the day. We found a note in my room. It hadn't been there when we searched earlier. In addition to this, I had been troubled when I tried to sleep. Dawn... We have a source that indicates that she was in my room during the time that nopony else was. It could have been her that caused everything." Vim growled, "Springer", but the pegasus continued, picking up speed. 


"Lapis was chosen as the questioner because it was efficient. Myself, Magicon, Lapis, and Arcanel all agreed that the plan was ideal. We followed through and executed on the plan with all due speed. There was only one last minute change, which was... Uhh... That I would accompany Lapis instead of... I'm unable to recall who was supposed to accompany Lapis originally. Vim, allow me a moment to regather my thoughts, I believe that I'm tired." Vim nodded, replaced his smile and replied, "Yes, Springer, I believe that you are."


"Springer?" Vim asked, because the pegasus suddenly looked quite... Listless. "Yes, Vim?" Springer inquired. Vim eyed him suspiciously before continuing. "Have you even taken a rest break yet? At all? I know you helped with the search... And, you know, I thought that you'd take a break after that? Did you?" Springer nodded. "I'd have to check my journal for the exact time that I slept, but I'm reasonably sure that I had at least 5 minutes of sleep before the nightmare started... Uhh... Actually I forgot to make a note in my journal, another inefficiency."


The conductor sighed and tilted his head to the side while raising an eyebrow thoughtfully. "Springer. You know, I've just had a sudden realization. Would you believe that it's about efficiency?" Springer's eyes lit up happily. To see Vim concerned about efficiency was a delightful sight to him. He took a few steps closer to Vim while flapping his wings. Finally, after all this time, Vim was finally beginning to understand efficiency for its own sake. His efforts had not been in vain. All of the arguments and disagreements were worthwhile after all.


Vim's face glowed with a friendly grin. "I read some fancy research back when we were in Canterlot! It actually said that for every hour of sleep that you get, your efficiency goes up 20 percent. Only thing is that the size of the bump goes down the more you get sleep. See, that was the problem with the math and stuff, they couldn't figure out how to measure that drop. None of them were efficient enough. They didn't make enough notes and things, you know?" Springer looked confused. He kept up with all of the latest in efficiency research. 


His confusion wasn't missed, Vim tapped the side of his nose knowingly and explained. "It was for conductors only, Springer." The pegasus was at ease again, and even further delighted as Vim continued. "See, Springer, I need you to help them out. Go write something in your journal. Get as much sleep as you can. Then, whenever you wakeup, you can measure your efficiency. You know, you're probably the only pony that can figure their efficiency without even needed a bunch of researcher ponies, eh?" Vim poked Lapis gently when he mentioned "researcher ponies". 


Smiling amiably, Vim waved a hoof around. "Why don't ya get on it, Springer? That's an order. Your research could probably increase the efficiency of every pony on the trainline. Heck... I'd even recommend you for a conductor. You'd deserve it! Just think about it... First the trains, then the stations, then all of Equestria. Efficient. Can you see it, Springer?" Springer saw it. "Yes sir!" The pegasus turned around so fast that he nearly fell. 


After Springer turned, Vim returned to his earlier more neutral expression, and he moved to refocus his attention on Lapis, but the sudden movement of the door caught his eye. Whoever it was, they were in a hurry. With a speed that belied his age, Vim pulled Springer out of the way of the pony that had jerked the door open. It was just in time. Making full use of his stride, Dusky cruised by them at a frightening speed. Vim blinked. The engineer looked agitated. On the inside, Vim wondered... Had Dusky finally met his match?


Springer was released by Vim, in front of the door, and the pegasus made his way, efficiently, through the dining car and straight to his room. When he reached his destination, Springer immediately reached under his bed and withdrew a book. He was behind in his entries. So many distractions over the past couple of days. He made a notation, and then fell into bed. Equestria needed his efficiency. The other ponies would... Springer dozed off, completely obvlivious to the fact that something new had been added to his room.


After Springer left, Vim took a deep breath. "Riiiiight." He turned to Lapis. "I hate that word. Let me tell you something, Lapis. Real efficiency is working hard, doing what's right, and treating other ponies decently. That's all there is to it. Well, and, working smart. That's pretty tricky though, because you work smart by finding time to not work. That's how you do it. I'm still working on that last one, though." Vim chuckled at his own joke and gave Lapis a hearty slap on the back. "Look Lapis, I'm sorry about all of this song and dance, but Springer was supposed to have gotten some rest. I don't need a crazy pegasus on this train, you know? I already have a crazy unicorn."


Vim's expression turned serious. "See, that's why I called you two out here. I didn't like where that discussion was going, and I didn't like the idea of having passengers frying passengers. Dawn's nuts. That's not a surprise to me. I figured she was off because she was always jumping around like a squirrel and talking about those cats." Vim shrugged. "I think you did a good thing by getting her to basically show everypony that she's a loose cannon. Next time, though, if you think a unicorn is about to blast you, you may want to just knock them out. I'm not saying that it's a nice thing to do, but it's easier to apologize than it is to come back from the dead, right?"


"And... I think she would have killed you. That look on her face..." He shook his head. "I've seen a lot of things - dragons, manticores, some crazy ponies, and some other crazy things, but I've never seen a pony with a face like that before. You're lucky, Lapis, because I'm not so sure that your assistant would have been able to stop whatever Dawn was preparing for you." Vim suddenly stopped, and a smile reappeared on his face. "But, enough about that! You're not dead, nopony was hurt, and now I'm not the only one on this train that knows Dawn's crazy. That's all good stuff. Job well done, I'd say." 


His fiery eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Now, I need to know a couple of things that I bet you can tell me. Is there something wrong that I need to know about? Is there something that we can do about it? What do you think about taking a look in Dawn's room for anything suspicious?" A devilish grin spread across Vim's face. "That last one's pretty important, so think about it a bit. See, if she catches you in there, that might just be it for you. I can see it now. Glowing horn, then zap. For me, I'm pretty sure I could play dumb. I could say something like, 'I have no idea what he's doing in here. You might want to fry him.' So, yeah, it's up to you. Actually, no it isn't. I'm going. You can follow me if you want? Soo, what do you think?"



She'd launched into Dawn Rider with a hug out of strange combination of sympathy, confusion, and self-preservation. Her thoughts rambled over her own reasoning. She had punched the only pony that, in her memory, had ever shown even a semblance of looking up to her. That had demanded more than just a simple "I'm sorry." She was still trying to sort out exactly why or how she'd mistaken him for Electrobolt, and why her reaction would be to smash her brother's face if he had run off. Maybe that was another reason that she hugged him, because she should have hugged Bolt in her fictional scenario. 


Then, Key knew, from experience, that most ponies with any semblance of athleticism tended to hit back. She also knew that there were a few ways to keep that from happening. In this case, it was obvious that Dawn was much less likely to strike a filly that was hugging and apologizing profusely. He might shove her away, but that wouldn't be as bad as fighting a pegasus in a kitchen full of sharp objects. There was no place for pride in avoiding unnecessary conflict. 


The thoughts came full circle. If Dawn did hit back, she would have to defend herself, wouldn't she? Key felt strangely reluctant. She'd hit him when he was at a weak point. He had been sharing something that, by all accounts, probably should not have been shared. She had maneuvered him into the revelation, then, when he was looking away and in tears, she had struck him nastily. It had been a viscous attack. He had every right to defend himself, and she wouldn't hold it against him for doing so. She would have to defend herself, though... She hoped it wouldn't come to this.




Dawn didn't know what to do at first but quickly let his heart do the talking. He simply wrapped one of his hooves around Key and hugged her back tightly. He knew she wasn't the type to ever hug somepony but he also recognised that she was sorry for hitting him...very sorry. He hugged her tighter to stop her from apologising to him and spoke up in a calm voice, calmer then the voice he had the night his sister woke up screaming from a nightmare and he had sat beside her telling her a story to lul her back to sleep.


The one thing she didn't expect was to receive a hug in return. He hugged her so gently at first that she hadn't even noticed. Instead, her thoughts and words kept rolling forward. When he tightened the hug, she tensed, not quite sure what it was. But, it was just a hug. He just held her there. Key was somewhat confused. She had expected almost anything besides a hug. A hug... It was something that you gave to a pony that you cared for, wasn't it?


She became worried. It didn't make any sense, she had hit him, and he was hugging her? Of course, she'd started the hug, but her motivations had been many. Now, she thought about why. There was the possibility that she had hit him so hard that he no longer remembered who she was or, maybe even, who he himself was. Maybe it was a case of amnesia or mistaken identity or... Her thoughts rambled onwards in confusion until she felt something trickling through her mane. She looked up and saw that Dawn was bleeding. Key winced. Now, she would be a mess. Dawn was already a mess. The whole situation was a mess.




"Key...it's okay. You don't need to say you're sorry, I forgive you...I do" The words churned out of Dawn like a smooth clockwork machine. "Im  not sure why you hit me...but Im not mad...not at all, I suppose because I've realised something. I've known you for almost a day now, barely even that...and yet I've let you closer then I've ever let anypony to me. You are my friend Key...and I can't be mad at you, not in the slightest...and if you ever need me for anything...Im here for you" Dawn chocked the last words out as he used his free hoof to wipe some of the blood from his muzzle, not that it did very much. He simply stood their hugging Key until she was ready to let go...which he hoped was soon, he was cramping up rather badly...


He remembered her name. That alone was enough to convince her that he didn't have amnesia. It was a good sign, but the words that he spoke... They were so kind and gentle. He forgave her, he wasn't angry, he declared her to be his friend. Key gave up trying to even understand. It wasn't something that could be understood, she was certain of that. Instead, she just accepted the fact that, through the strangest of ways, she had made a friend, a good friend. Key tightened her own hug and held on for a few seconds. She let the hint of a smile appear. Then, she broke loose. She didn't say anything. She didn't want to say anything, because she was afraid of the words that would come out of her mouth. Instead, with a straight face, she set about looking for some way to clean up the mess.


"Dawn Rider, you're bleeding." Key helpfully informed him. She calmly and quickly went back to the sink where she had been washing dishes just a few seconds ago. There were still plenty of unused cloths. She took one of the larger ones and a few others and then returned to Dawn. "I'm really no good at this, but I think that I can figure something out. Just hold still, ok? You'll still need to get something else for this, but at least you won't be spilling yourself all over the place." Using a smaller cloth, she gently cleaned him up as best as she could. Thankfully, it was just his nose that was injured, but it was still a mess.


After cleaning things up as best as she could, she surveyed the damage. It didn't look like his nose was broken, but it was still bleeding. There was a possibility that his head didn't feel too good either. She sighed and gave Dawn the larger cloth. "Well. You're not dead. That's a plus. Just hold this on your nose, and try not to talk to much, ok? Look... Thanks for forgiving me, and I'm sorry for hitting you. I know this will sound weird, but I didn't mean to. I... Well. I just thought about my own brother leaving me... Running off. I got angry." 


"That's why I hit you, I think." Key stopped and smiled sheepishly. "It's also probably part of the reason that I hugged you. Well, that and I did feel bad. I guess you probably think I'm crazy. I'm not though, but I've gone through a lot of things, I guess. And, maybe I care too much about some things." She stopped and thought for a moment. "Or... Maybe I care just right. Dawn, you don't have to tell me. In fact, you could just leave now if you wanted to, since I hit you and made this mess... But... I just want to know. Don't you want to go back? Back to your mother and sist..." Key stopped abruptly.


She sighed. "Look... The way I see it... You have a right to run away. Like I said, I've run away plenty of times. It's a great way to keep out of trouble, but there's a catch to it. You always have to go back and finish what you started. It can take a day, a week, or maybe even more. For me, whenever I had to run from a fight, I remembered that pony. I didn't forget them. Eventually, I always got them back. Maybe you can do the same thing, but a bit differently? Just remember your mother and sister? Plan on getting them back? Errr... I mean going back to them." She grinned.


"In the meantime, you could hang out with me if you wanted to... See, I kinda think that I need a pegasus pony for what I eventually need to do. You can take a pretty good hit, so I think you're sturdy enough. You could help me out. And... I could help you out, if you'll let me? I could teach you how to deal with what happened to you. Not now, of course, but as time went on... By the way, about that... Don't tell me anything else about it, because you've already told me everything that I need to know. I trust your word on it, and so, I want you to trust mine now."


"Here's what I think. It was an accident. Somepony died. But, it really was an accident. Dawn, you're not a pony killer, and you're not a bad pony. Anypony that says otherwise is wrong, and nothing they can tell me will ever change my mind. Just like you didn't judge me just now for what I did, I won't judge you by anything that you do. Instead, we can both be friends, helping each other, not judging each other, and working together? What do you think? Is it a deal? Errr... And, I promise, I'll never hit you again. Unless you tell me to, but that would be weird. Or... Maybe, if I have to hit you in order to keep you from getting hurt or something, but that would be weird too. So, yeah, I can sorta promise. Uhh... Is that good enough?" Key held out a hoof to Dawn.





"I think it'd be a good idea, Ambrosia. But hmm... Wind, um... I may call you Wind, right? Would I be correct in guessing that your performances involve dancing?"


The cook just barely resisted facehoofing, but she managed to keep her good humor intact. In truth, Ambrosia hadn't even thought about connecting Wind Dancer's name and dancing. It seemed obvious now that Bolt had said it though, but still... She thought... It wasn't always the case that pony names had anything to do with their actual talent. Her own name did have something to do with cooking. Dusky was certainly dusky. Springer was certainly wired.




"I would very much love the opportunity to perform on a stage in Los Pegasus. In fact, it's always been a dream of mine since I was a filly. A dream that I thought was shattered about seven years ago," she stated intentionally lifting her scarred wing.


Ambrosia's cheerfulness dropped to nothing as she took another glimpse at Wind Dancer's scarred wing. She shivered, but she wasn't willing to believe that Wind Dancer was flightless unless the mare said so directly. It was too horrible of a thought to bear. A pegasus pony that couldn't fly? It wasn't the same as being an earth pony. To have experienced the freedom of flight and then had it harshly taken away. It was a horrible feeling, and it was one that she wouldn't have wished on her worst enemy. Yet, here was Wind Dancer, a sweet pony... She didn't deserve the scar... She certainly didn't deserve a worse fate...



"I was working on a new Dance Routine in Cloudsdale when a loose gust of wind smashed me into one of the cloud-stone pillars that we had up there. There were many injuries inflicted that day, but this was by far the worst. The scar is from the surgery that they had to do just to get all the pieces of the wing joint back together. I shattered it in five places. That being said, even with it healed now, I can't stay airborne for more than maybe ten minutes before it locks up on me. I've... actually had it lock up on me during a dance routine that actually had some aerial moves in it. So I've had to space them out a bit more," she replied, admitting to being virtually flightless.


Her earlier cheer was now full-blown sorrow. She couldn't believe it. She started to tell Wind Dancer about her feelings, but she stopped immediately. Ambrosia wondered to herself... How many other ponies had told Wind Dancer the same thing? How many other ponies had told her "you poor thing" or "that's so sad" or "I'm so sorry"... Probably, there had been too many. That wasn't what the pegasus needed. Even if she had needed it at one time, Ambrosia was certain that this time was long since past. Instead, now she needed something more meaningful. She didn't just need a friend, she needed a great friend.


Ambrosia reached over gently and wrapped a hoof around Wind Dancer, being careful to avoid agitating the injured wing. "Well... I'll tell you what... I don't think that you'd have to be airborne in order to be a stage performer, Wind Dancer, and I'm not just saying that. I know it. I think that we should still check with some of the ponies that I know in Los Pegasus when we get there. It would only take a few moments after we get off the train. The station is pretty much in the center of the town. If we move quick enough, and if you're up to the challenge... Then, I bet that they'd accept you."

Edited by Luminescence
  • Brohoof 7
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Key tightened her own hug and held on for a few seconds. She let the hint of a smile appear. Then, she broke loose. She didn't say anything. She didn't want to say anything, because she was afraid of the words that would come out of her mouth. Instead, with a straight face, she set about looking for some way to clean up the mess. "Dawn Rider, you're bleeding." Key helpfully informed him

Dawn didn't expect Key to continue the hug after he had hugged her back. He had thought Key to be less emotion driven, but he was wrong, and it pleased him to see her out of the element he thought she was usually in. He quickly tried to respond to Key in a joking manner to ease the situation. "So I've noticed. You have quite a hoof on you If I may say so myself" Dawn smirked under his blood covered muzzle. He thought the situation was quite funny actually, at first he felt anger,then compassion now it was just odd,funny and just a little bit touching..or so he thought.



She calmly and quickly went back to the sink where she had been washing dishes just a few seconds ago. There were still plenty of unused cloths. She took one of the larger ones and a few others and then returned to Dawn. "I'm really no good at this, but I think that I can figure something out. Just hold still, ok? You'll still need to get something else for this, but at least you won't be spilling yourself all over the place." Using a smaller cloth, she gently cleaned him up as best as she could. Thankfully, it was just his nose that was injured, but it was still a mess.

Dawn nodded to Key's instruction and complied as best he could, slightly wincing as she touched the cloth to his nose. He hadn't thought she could be this caring but once again he was happy that he was wrong, he had truly made a good friend this day, which he'd never expected to do when he first decided to come on board the train."Thanks Key, sorry I got blood on you btw" Dawn responded, noticing some of his blood on Key Gears coat, then realising that he apologised for getting his blood on Key, when she was the cause of his blood loss...he chuckled abit at the thought but kept silent.




"Well. You're not dead. That's a plus. Just hold this on your nose, and try not to talk to much, ok? Look... Thanks for forgiving me, and I'm sorry for hitting you. I know this will sound weird, but I didn't mean to. I... Well. I just thought about my own brother leaving me... Running off. I got angry."

Dawn nodded and held the cloth to his nose firm enough to prevent his blood from dripping onto the floor anymore and listened to Key speak. He heard sincerity in her voice and knew that she hadn't hit him with malicious intent, she had obviously just gotten into some part of her own mind that hurt her and caused her to lash out in response. Dawn winced as she spoke about her thought of her brother running off on her. He began to think about how his sister felt, about how she felt that he had ran from his problems and didn't stand up and face it head on like he should have. A feeling of saddness washed over Dawn as he remembered the whole situation, but he shook it from him and continued to listen to Key.



"That's why I hit you, I think." Key stopped and smiled sheepishly. "It's also probably part of the reason that I hugged you. Well, that and I did feel bad. I guess you probably think I'm crazy. I'm not though, but I've gone through a lot of things, I guess. And, maybe I care too much about some things."

Dawn felt himself smile in response to Key's smile. He was secretly happy that she hugged him, not because he wanted to intentionally get this close to her, but because in some way the hug prevented him from losing his cool, the physical connection and obviousness of her sincerity had prevented him from saying something stupid and from making him realise how much of a friend she had been and probably would be long into the future. He smiled again thinking about the kind of adventures they may get into in the future, and about how Key would probably rise to become some great leader. "I don't think your crazy Key, and I understand why you care so much about this sort of thing, I just wish I could be more like your brother...at least he stayed" Dawn looked down slightly after stating that and continued to Listen to Key.



"Or... Maybe I care just right. Dawn, you don't have to tell me. In fact, you could just leave now if you wanted to, since I hit you and made this mess... But... I just want to know. Don't you want to go back? Back to your mother and sist..." Key stopped abruptly. She sighed. "Look... The way I see it... You have a right to run away. Like I said, I've run away plenty of times. It's a great way to keep out of trouble, but there's a catch to it. You always have to go back and finish what you started. It can take a day, a week, or maybe even more. For me, whenever I had to run from a fight, I remembered that pony. I didn't forget them. Eventually, I always got them back. Maybe you can do the same thing, but a bit differently? Just remember your mother and sister? Plan on getting them back? Errr... I mean going back to them." She grinned.

Dawn looked up with a look of determination and spoke up "Of course I do, and someday I will return, but I need some time to think, to get this stupid feeling out of me and to build up enough courage to return, but I WILL return." Dawn looked away for a moment and thought about the day on which he would eventually return. He had hoped ponies would forgive him and he could move on with his life, get back to his job and do something productive for once, instead of just running away to newer and stranger places.



"In the meantime, you could hang out with me if you wanted to... See, I kinda think that I need a pegasus pony for what I eventually need to do. You can take a pretty good hit, so I think you're sturdy enough. You could help me out. And... I could help you out, if you'll let me? I could teach you how to deal with what happened to you. Not now, of course, but as time went on... By the way, about that... Don't tell me anything else about it, because you've already told me everything that I need to know. I trust your word on it, and so, I want you to trust mine now." "Here's what I think. It was an accident. Somepony died. But, it really was an accident. Dawn, you're not a pony killer, and you're not a bad pony. Anypony that says otherwise is wrong, and nothing they can tell me will ever change my mind. Just like you didn't judge me just now for what I did, I won't judge you by anything that you do. Instead, we can both be friends, helping each other, not judging each other, and working together? What do you think? Is it a deal? Errr... And, I promise, I'll never hit you again. Unless you tell me to, but that would be weird. Or... Maybe, if I have to hit you in order to keep you from getting hurt or something, but that would be weird too. So, yeah, I can sorta promise. Uhh... Is that good enough?" Key held out a hoof to Dawn.

Dawn listened to each of her words carefully. She was asking him for his help, and he knew that he wouldn't return anytime real soon, he needed the time off to think about things, and if Key was willing to help, then he would gladly accept it. In the mean time he knew he would help Key no matter what it was that she needed done, he had trust in her and even though she was younger and smaller then him, he would follow her lead no matter what. He extended his hoof and gave her a hoof bump before speaking up. "Of course It's a deal...but...I prefer to call it a promise...I promise to help you no matter what it is that you need. I'll follow your lead on this and I trust you to make the right decisions.And anyways, I need the time to think about things, I may write back to my family and inform them that I will be returning so that they don't worry so much. I'd also like to apologise to you Key, I know what you said about me having a right to run away, but I know you feel strongly about ponies running away from their kin...and Im very sorry Key, I truly am. I promise to you and to my family that I will return...for now though, count me in with whatever it is that you need, and if you want to help me, then Id gladly accept the help" Dawn smiled after his response and only then remembered that he needed to keep pressure on his nose, so he held the cloth tighter to his muzzle before saying to Key "So I guess we just tell people you punched me for screwing up the sandwiches..." Dawn chuckled.

  • Brohoof 2


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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The fact that Magicon had smiled was proof enough he was tolerant towards young ponies. Asteria felt confident she could make a new friend. "Yup, my name is Asteria. Thanks. I guess I'm sort of smart. Well, Lapis was up last night talking with Dusky. Like, really late. That's what he told me, at least. And just judging from his expression. But I'm sure the threat of death must have woken him up." she answered, "I guess he seemed fine. I dunno. He worries me sometimes. And Dawn was using a whole bunch of magic? Wow, that does seem kind of odd."


Asteria considered Magicon's opinion of Lapis' actions. Getting to the heart of the matter saved the most time. It didn't mean he had to risk his life though. It seemed alright now at least. Everything worked out okay. Or at least as okay as the situation permitted. She should just calm down. What was one mishap? Everything was okay. "Well, you're right. Lapis proved that Dawn is unstable. So, can I come with you to check out that light? That could be fun." she said, glowing with enthusiasm.



Lapis made his way down the train corridor, Springer behind him. Lapis expected little. It was best to keep his thoughts neutral. When they caught up with him, Vim was smiling. Lapis didn't know what it meant. Springer began to explain, while Vim tried to stop the unrested pegasus. Finally, Springer stopped long enough for Vim to say some things. They were curious things which were too complex to make sense of. Lapis didn't even feel the gentle poke. Dusky passed them, and Springer darted off. Lapis was barely paying attention. The sooner the matter cleared up, the sooner he could look into finding out about that light.


Then it was Lapis’ turn. The conductor wasted no time in debunking his own nonsense. The hearty slap almost unbalance Lapis, but he stood firm. This was an amiably pony, one given to physical familiarity. Lapis was caught between being put off and being drawn in by Vim’s friendliness. As Vim turned serious though, Lapis straightened up. Dawn was dangerous, that much was certain. But it was doubtful the other passengers could see that. Lapis had an understanding of the mind. The others would assume Lapis was wholly at fault, the thought that it was wasn’t normal to blast others into oblivion from only one bad confrontation never crossing their minds. Unavoidable. Lapis knew in time he would be vindicated, though.


Lapis didn’t see how he could have knocked her out. Was he supposed to jump across the table and pin Dawn to the ground? Even if that had worked, it would have made him out to be the insane one. All at once a terrible idea. Vim had the right idea, but maybe he didn’t see the way some of them looked at Lapis. And the idea that Asteria would have been powerless shook Lapis deeply. Having relied on her for so long had given him what seemed to be a false sense of security.


It was a good thing Vim smiled once more. Lapis had been about to go to his room and contemplate. That would have been rude though. Vim wanted to know what was going on. A reasonable desire, since this was his train after all. Lapis took a deep breath and detailed the events of the yesterday and today before and after the magic show, including what Asteria had told him. When he had finished, Lapis found that he hadn’t really explained the notes all that well. “If you will excuse me a moment, sir, I should retrieve my Dusky notes.” he said before running to Asteria’s room. Inside, it was a bit of a mess. Asteria liked to just leave her things on the ground, but it wasn’t too hard to find her saddlebags. Lapis deftly reached into it and pulled out the notepad. He took it in his mouth and sped back to Vim.


“Here you are, the details of Dusky’s story. I’m not sure what you can make of it, but all the same, you may find it useful. I think I left the Springer note within his room. I seem to have been a bit careless. And as to what you can do about any of that, I’m not really sure. Stopping the train again would be a waste of time, and I don’t think you can kick Dawn off the train anyhow. So, for the time being, we should make our way to Springer’s room, then to Dawn’s. Should I inform my comrades, or will we just go for it? Either way, lead the way.” he concluded, the excitement building up again.
  • Brohoof 2


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Luminescence waited until both the conductor and the engineer had been away from baggage car for some time. Even then, all that she did was to gently push some of the apples out of the way so she could see the room. If she was in a locked compartment, then that wouldn't be easy to get out of, so she would have to just make herself comfortable in that case. It wasn't a locked compartment, though, so she decided to poke her head just a bit further out of the box to take a look around.


Before she could do so, the door to the train engine opened, and the engineer went walking out again. She wondered where he was going; he looked like a pony on a mission. Only her eyes were visible from the apples, but she didn't worry about being seen. Her eyes were as red as the apples. The engineer would have to look hard to see her. Even then, she thought, he would probably think that she was a big worm or something, munching on apples. Now that she was thinking about it, her eyes were red like the conductor's eyes, they were nearly the exact same shade. She bet that he would be good at hiding in a box of apples as well, if he wasn't so horribly big.


It was now even more quiet than before. She sighed. Now was an excellent time to explore. The filly carefully poked her head from the box, and looked around. There was nopony in the room, so she decided to mostly abandon caution. As carefully as she could, she extracted herself and her saddlebag from the box. Only a few apples fell out of the box, she took them and placed them carefully in her saddlebag. Apples were fun to eat, especially the shiny ones.


After doing this, she made her way down the hall. Despite her young age, she moved with a quiet grace. Every hoofstep she made was with a certain purposefulness of motion, and her hoofsteps were delicate. She moved soundlessly through the hall. Her saddlebag wasn't even rustled by her movement. She held her head high, even as she glanced around, taking in the sight of the train's interior. The Los Pegasus Express was a fancy train, far nicer than any that she had seen before. She hoped that she wouldn't get thrown off. It wouldn't be nice at all to get tossed from a moving train, she thought with a silent chuckle.


She was only about 11 or 12 years old. She couldn't remember exactly which one it was, because she couldn't remember her last birthday. She didn't know where her last birthday had been or what it had been. She'd been so tired on that day. She was certain that there had been cake, though, cake and probably ice cream. Maybe marshmallows. She loved marshmallows. She had a few in her pack, along with some cookies and other things.


That morning, she'd arrived in Ponyville on a train from Baltimare. She'd done some cleaning for a few local ponies and acquired enough bits to buy some supplies. She had wandered to the nicest looking train in the train station and waited for the right opportunity to sneak aboard. This was how she travelled. She knew that other ponies would think ill of her, but it was a fun way to live, trains were a great way for a filly to see Equestria.


She opened the door from the baggage car to the first passenger car by gently standing to her hindhooves and handling the door handle. It was a strange thing to do, and she knew it was. After all, she was a unicorn and it was easily possible for her to use magic. But, she didn't want to. Doing things the long way, without magic, was always more interesting. It took more work, but it allowed for new experiences. Magic was special, she thought, it should be used only for special things, not for things that could be done normally with just hooves.


She opened the door cautiously. First cracking it somewhat, and then poking her head around the corner. She saw nothing. Had anything been in the hall, though, they would have seen a unicorn filly with silver fur, a mane of rosewood red, eyes of a deeper red, and an unsmiling face. She only rarely smiled. A smile, it was a special thing. They were not to be wasted on normal activities, but only for special cases. Times of great kindness or perhaps even something funny but not funny enough for a laugh.


She needed to find a room. One by one, she tried the passenger doors, but they were all locked. With a sigh of extreme disappointment, she made her way to the next passenger car. She hoped that, when she found a room, nopony was in it. It was always really awkward when she just opened up a door and she found herself standing face to face with a passenger. It didn't help that she liked to say silly things when that happened, and most passengers became confused because she always said silly things very seriously, it increased the amusement for her.


If she was thrown off the train, she would have to go back to school. She hated it there. They couldn't teach her anything that she didn't already know, she was smart for her age. It was a waste of her time, and she wouldn't be a filly forever. She had no time to waste. Life was to be enjoyed. To add to her dislike of school, the other young ponies were mean to her.


Almost from the first day she started school, the other young ponies had called her the "Firestone Queen". She knew that it was her unsmiling face and graceful movement that had earned her the title of "Queen". She also knew that it was her soft, silvery fur and red eyes, mane, and tail that had earned her the title of "Firestone". She reflected on this as she tried the doors in the second passenger car. It hadn't helped her at all when the other students had discovered that, for some odd reason, she always seemed to be softly aglow.


It had started when she was just a small foal. Just a few months after she was born, she started glowing for whatever reason. It wasn't something that was noticeable during the daytime, but at night, it was completely unmistakable. Medical ponies told her parents that it had something to do with the way that her magic. Her horn was always weakly active. It meant that she could get spells off with less of a "warmup time" than other unicorns, but it also meant that she was always wasting magic. Thankfully, it was only a tiny amount, but it was still something that she sometimes worried about.


Her parents, both earth ponies, weren't sure what they could have done with that information, so they had just loved her without allowing her strangeness to effect them. She was thankful for this. She had been sad when she had to run away from home, but her parents, they wanted her to stay with them. She loved them, but she knew that she couldn't stay. It had become to boring, and even the things that she used to enjoy were no longer fun. She blamed the other ponies in her school. They weren't nice at all. They would destroy things that she built. Their fun would interfere with her fun. It wasn't fair at all. She had to run away.


She tried the door to room 8. Finally, a room that was open. She took a deep breath and worked the door handle to enter. The room... It was completely empty. She had been hoping for a soft bed, at least. Her eyes tremored with disappointment, but she didn't cry. At least, it would be a safe place to sleep, and she could be certain that no other ponies would come in, after all, what was there to see? She huddled in a corner of the room and shut her eyes, nap time. After a few minutes, though, something bothered her. She opened her eyes and looked around. Something was in the room, she was sure of it. It was something dark.


Once again she fumbled around with her room’s key. She entered her room, slammed the door behind her and locked it shut without any delay.

She shivered. It wouldn't do to stay in this room, alone. She had to leave. She didn't rush though, and she didn't show fear. She wouldn't show whatever it was that she was afraid. If it was a wild animal, then that might cause it to attack her. That's what her father had told her. He worked in the woods all of the time, even at night. He was fearless. She worried about him, sometimes. She reached the door, and opened it just in time to see the owner of room 7 arrive.


It was a good thing, she thought, that her timing had been so perfect. She had completely avoided the passenger. She was going to venture into the next car, but she stopped when she was certain that she heard voices from it. She looked around. There was really nowhere to hide. If the ponies from the next passenger car came into this one, she would be discovered. She thought about the passenger in room 7, a nice earth pony mare. She decided to take a chance. As gently as she could, she knocked on the door to room 7 and huddled herself close to the door.


Maybe her timing had not been so perfect after all. She could have squeezed in with the passenger if she had been earlier. In the worst case, she would have been hit when the mare had slammed her door. That might have hurt badly and it would have definitely not been very fun at all. Now, what would she do? What if the passenger was asleep? Her eyes opened wide. What if the thing in room 8 could open doors... She knocked on the door to room 7 with greater urgency and kept knocking. There was no room for gracefulness when danger was possible. She didn't want to be eaten... And, she was terribly afraid of the dark...



"Shhh, it's okay. They're gone now," she told her with a soft, friendly smile. "And while I know they probably aren't going to apologize, I will do so for them. I have no idea who they are, but nopony has any right to treat others the way they just treated you. However, over the course of the conversation I did manage to hear that you were a medical pony. Is this true, and if it is, are you currently accepting new patients?"

Kindness... From a stranger... Dawn was surprised... Even Springer hadn't really expressed this kind of kindness, and she had saved his life. She was beginning to think that the sole purpose of her trip on the train was to be punished and pushed to the edge by Lapis and his questions. When the unicorn apologized on behalf of the ponies that had wronger her, Dawn shed another small tear. She wasn't really accepting new patients, but she would happily make an exception for this mare. "Thank you... And, I am accepting..."


"Ummm... hello?" he started off, his voice slightly shy. "My name is Arcanel and forgive me to interrupt you but... while you may not have seen me sitting in front of Dawn... I was technically a part of this... er... let's call it "plan". And, I will do, what you said any of us wouldn't do." He spoke as he then turned to look at Dawn in the most apologetic look he could muster.

The unexpected voice of another pony interrupted Dawn's own soft speaking. It was Arcanel. She immediately recognized him from earlier. She had learned his name when she had visited Springer's room earlier in the day, before all of this strangeness started happening. When he admitted that he had been a part of the plan, she was surprised but not surprised. Somehow, she'd known already, just like she'd known Magicon's name before he told her.


"Dawn... I am very sorry... I really am. I... can't say that the others would apologize, although I'm sure at least Springer might, but... I want to apologize on my behalf, at least. And... you deserve to know the truth on why we decided to question you. Well... the full truth." The mailpony started to explain. "Sometime ago, as Lapis told you, we found a note in a train model that Springer had which was written in his hoofwriting... but it wasn't written by him. While this may seem crazy, it's almost literally impossible for Springer to have written said note. At that time, Magicon detected some magical movements from your source of magic, and while we weren't really accusing you of anything, we at least wanted to see if you knew anything about this. Although to be honest, while I had kind of guessed it, I, nor I think any of us, realized that Lapis had as much subtlety as Princess Luna has hate against the moon." He lamented, his right foreleg grabing his head as he shook it, but he continued to talk.

She shook her head in disbelief as the pegasus told her everything. Why was it her... Why was she the one suspected of anything? They hadn't really accused her? Then, what was it that they'd done? What was Arcanel doing now? Telling her all of this? What did he expect would happen... Dawn breathed slowly. It was happening again, that same feeling. But, she didn't know why. She wouldn't allow herself to get pulled into the darkness for a second time though, she would have to master her thoughts.


She wished that she could use her own magic on herself, to calm herself down. Just a little try... She discarded the thought, she was unstable. There was no telling what would happen with her mind in the state that it was in, and this pegasus pouring everything that she already knew right out before her as if... She froze. She did already know everything. Nothing he said was a surprise to her, not even a little bit. In awe of this, she watched Arcanel continuing to ramble onwards with a look of frightened confusion.


"But... I think Lapis would not have been AS blunt had he known you would react like this... but I honestly wouldn't know myself. " He spoke with honesty, knowing that Dawn was an intelligent pony, and knowing that lying to her would be the worst thing he could do. "However... there is something that you said that caused me to think... you seem to be suffering from some things that Springer himself has. And... his symptoms are pretty much the reason we went to question you in the first place." He spoke, this time carefully choosing his words to avoid upsetting the medical pony more. "I have no idea if Magicon has something against you, or if he has, if his intentions are wrong intended. But... our original intention was to figure out what was wrong which would also end up helping Springer. I'm thinking that whatever is affecting him... also affected you somehow." Arcanel assumed. "If you, after you had some lunch and rest of course, were able to... I would appreciate it if you explained to me later how exactly are you affected. It might help us overall but, of course, I know you might not want to help any of us after... well... all this happened..." He offered the medical pony, hoping he was not making the mare more distressed. As he finished talking, he let out a long sigh. "I just want to help whoever needs help right now, to be honest... again... I'm very sorry Ms. Dawn..." he said in sadness. At this point, he returned his gaze to the icy blue unicorn.

Somehow, the pegasus changed his tune as he continued rambling. Dawn's confused look became a look of intense interest. Now, this was something that she had not heard before... Her symptoms were the same as Springer's own? She hadn't thought of that, and she hadn't even noticed it at all. Now, she could see... Arcanel was trying to help her. He had gotten off to a poor start, admittedly, but now... She could see. When Arcanel spoke out his feelings on Magicon's attitude towards her, she gained even more faith in him. She was completely mistaken. Now that he had spoken though, her thoughts were again moving against her will. This time, she sensed no ill will in them, so she let them linger. They seemed to have nothing to do with Arcanel, though, instead, they concerned the light. It was back. It as also in Springer's room.


"Um... could I ask your name, miss? I... think you're one of the new passengers, right?" he asked to the mare hoping he wasn't coming off rude. "I, know a bit of what has been going on recently on this train, which trust me has been a lot. If you'd like to, I could tell you a bit from it." He kindly offered to the unicorn. "And... sorry again for interrupting you. I'll leave if Dawn wants me to." He finished as he slumped back to his chair and waited for the answer of both mares.

Dawn blanched as Arcanel offered to pour all of the train's messiness out for this passenger to see. She didn't think that thiis was necessary, particularly when the passenger had merely wished to comfort her and request her assistance. Speaking to Arcanel in the same way that she had addressed Magicon and Lapis, she cut her words to prevent her inner feelings from leaking out. Her eyes, though, the betrayed all of her thoughts. They leaped, flickered, glimmered, and trembled under the effects of an uncountable number of emotions as she spoke, they were in complete contrast to the calm of her words.


"Arcanel, if you excuse me... I appreciate your words, particularly those concerning the similarity of my condition and that of Springer's. I also accept your apology. But... It still does not change the fact that you did something to hurt me. You can undo this though, by helping me to find out what is really happening with Springer. I think... With you in my company, perhaps we could go to investigate the light that I saw in Springer's room... Because, it is back. That was what caused all of this to start, isn't it? If we go back and look, then perhaps we can understand... And... If something tries to harm me, would you help?"


She glanced at the blue unicorn that had approached her earlier, though, with total appreciation. "But, before I go... I would like to thank you. And... To let you know... If you have some time later today, then I would be happy to hear your concern. I am, despite my young age, extremely skilled in all forms of healing magic. Hmmm... Actually... I would hate to impose, but... Perhaps you could accompany myself and Arcanel. You see... Well... I went a little, strange when I was last there and I found the light. Arcanel is right... Even Magicon is right. I'm an unstable unicorn."


She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, they were perfectly normal. "I don't even know your name, but I think that, if the worst happened, and I was to go wandering off again, perhaps you could contain my magic? I really am not sure that I should even go, but... There's a light there. It is something that I need to see. I have to. I think that, in addition to caring for Springer, this is a part of what I am supposed to do - my purpose. I'm sorry for asking so much of you, though, and I'd understand if you couldn't help me. Well... I guess we should be formally introduced? My name is Dawn, and you are?" Dawn held out a hoof to the icy unicorn.



A reasonable desire, since this was his train after all. Lapis took a deep breath and detailed the events of the yesterday and today before and after the magic show, including what Asteria had told him.

Vim's face became completely unreadable as he listened carefully to the words that Lapis was saying. Some of what he had heard seemed familiar. The butterfly incident that had affected Dusky so strangely was one of them. Vim nodded grimly and understanding flickered in his fiery eyes. It was interesting, Lapis's assistant had managed to somehow disturb Dusky. Then, something else had happened in the dining car to disturb him further. In fact... Dusky was everywhere and nowhere, it seemed. In nearly everything that Lapis had related to him, Vim could see Dusky's influence. It was greatly concerning.


When he had finished, Lapis found that he hadn’t really explained the notes all that well. “If you will excuse me a moment, sir, I should retrieve my Dusky notes.” he said before running to Asteria’s room. Inside, it was a bit of a mess. Asteria liked to just leave her things on the ground, but it wasn’t too hard to find her saddlebags. Lapis deftly reached into it and pulled out the notepad. He took it in his mouth and sped back to Vim.


“Here you are, the details of Dusky’s story. I’m not sure what you can make of it, but all the same, you may find it useful. I think I left the Springer note within his room. I seem to have been a bit careless. And as to what you can do about any of that, I’m not really sure. Stopping the train again would be a waste of time, and I don’t think you can kick Dawn off the train anyhow. So, for the time being, we should make our way to Springer’s room, then to Dawn’s. Should I inform my comrades, or will we just go for it? Either way, lead the way.” he concluded, the excitement building up again.

Vim was deep in thought when Lapis left. He had noticed Lapis's departure, but he only acknowledged it with a nod of his head. Now, Lapis was back, with some notes about Dusky's story'. Vim waited to hear what Lapis had to say. In the meantime, he took a look at the notepad that Lapis had given him. He didn't even need to read through it. He recognized the story almost immediately. "Lapis, hold it for a sec... See these notes?" Vim held up the notepad. "I've seen this story before." Vim looked concerned but not agitated as he continued.


"It was when I first met Dusky. He was still living with his mother and her folks at that time... Actually, yeah, I think that he still is, but anyways... See, one of the things that I found out was that she was something of an author. I think that it was her talent, but I couldn't tell - she didn't have a cutie mark. It didn't matter, though. She could write, and she could write pretty danged well. I know I may not look the type, but I've always done a lot of reading, myself. I read all kinds of stuff. Well, took a few of her books with me, and I liked them. Over the years, she kept me in the loop by running some things by me... Well, eh. Up until recently."


"One of her stories was about the kind of stuff in these notes. It's kinda funny because it wasn't even a finished story. Instead it was one of those manuscripts with a bunch of notes and things in the margins. I read that one straight through, and I remembered it over the years because of how odd it was. Look, you've got to understand. Most ponies don't write about pre-Equestrian society. It's way too hard to figure out how things were back then. You're a researcher, so I bet you already know what I'm saying. Most ponies can't take the danger of going out and looking into this stuff."


"That story, though, it was pretty well researched... It even came with a map. Well, you know, I'm always traveling around Equestria, so I decided to check out some of the places on this map. All I have to do is stop a train and go for a trot, right? See, there actually is a place in Equestria where you can see what looks like a place where a dragon destroyed a town. There's a place where you can see what looks like the signs of a massive dragon and some type of monster fighting. These places, Lapis, they're all overgrown with wildlife and stuff, but I've seen them. Heck, one of them is right there in White Tail Woods, which is where we'll be passing through."


He caught himself. He'd been reminiscing, but there was a very good reason that he was bringing this up. "Lapis, here's the thing... Dusky told you this story? He said it was written in the margins of another book? That's not exactly right. Like I said, it was a manuscript. It's got nothing to do with Trixie. His mother was a neat pony. She didn't scratch stuff out when she changed it, she just made notes in the margins of the pages. Dusky thinks this book is what Key Gear's after? That doesn't even make any sense. I have the darn thing in my room. It's in the same place it's always been - my little bookshelf."


"If I'm remembering it right, and you just went through the book, reading the stuff in the margins, then you'd end up with this same story. You had a couple of endings to choose from though, but I think the ending of these notes matched up with one of those too. I don't know. Maybe that's what Dusky was talking about? If he was, though, then why's he trying to tie it to everything else? Heck... I can't make sense of this. Maybe you can make more sense of it than me? Look, don't tell anypony else for now, I don't want anypony else getting in and messing anything else up. Just keep it calm and let's go do some reading? Are you ok with that?"

Edited by Luminescence
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