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Apple      Bloom

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Without the cash I would be as good as dead tho :­(


If given the choice I would love to live as a hermit in the middle of nowhere, but my parents and everything said otherwise


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Not to mention the terrible sanitation and severe lack of edible food :P


Besides, taking a part in the Crusades as the Europeans only means terrible death by the Saracens


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It's good because it's needlessly complicated.

It does a good job of simulating cause and effect in a large scale.


Not perfect and it takes some time to get it all but hey, at least it's not CIV series diplomacy.


In CIV: Give someone horses and they fucksnap and will never stop trying to kill you for the rest of the game, no matter how nice you are.

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In CIV: Give someone horses and they fucksnap and will never stop trying to kill you for the rest of the game, no matter how nice you are.


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Ah yes, those simpletons A.I. One wrong move and everything is locked for the rest of the game.


Too bad from the looks of it that game was something you have to buy or torrent to enjoy. I guess I'll settle down with free flash games :'(


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Well, they are predictable. It's good if you are playing to win, CK2 is not so much P2W as it is P2P.

Civ is very objective based and likes to make players aim for a purpose.

CK2 is much more relaxed about the whole win thing. I don't think you can even rule the whole Europe in it.

Survive, and game lauds you for it.


Speaking of too complex, Dwarf Fortress.


No-one will ever suspect you of playing a game, everything is ASCII.

Just say it's a optimization program for all dem forms or something. =P

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Dwarf Fortress is too overrated by its fans. They talk about it like it was the greatest and the hardcore-est thing :/


So, what's the win condition in CK2? Gaining fame, lands, or titles?


E:gotta go now, see ya in 2-3 hours

Edited by Dreamwalker


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Hey, it's good as is. Didn't say it was anything but a overcomplicated piece of work with a million UI problems.

It's still surprisingly immersive and fun.


Game starts in 1066 and ends in 1400 something.

"Win" condition is survival of the bloodline.

Your char is the Patriarch or Matriarch of the family at any given time.

You gain score by being or doing shiny things royal-y thingies, land titles help and give you passive boosts more there are.

There is a genetic subgame to the whole thing as well, bad and good traits pass along down the line.


Here's a 30 min "Tutorial" and game set up if you are that interested.

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Mhm. So you have to preserve your bloodline, by banging the good ladies and giving your children as much education and influence as possible? :o


Damn that's heavy



Also, Korra


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That's the start of it.


AI controls 1000+ of the same kinds of bloodlines and counteracts your decisions if it needs to, to make itself survive and prosper too.

Of course, you can influence those relationships, otherwise AI would be just a huge fucksnap aiming to kill the player.

That includes the Vassals inside your country.

AI is pretty neutral, all in all, unless you fsk up or let them actively gain a leverage over you.

And even then, they are bound by the same rules.


Smallest you can start off is a single county in Ireland, or you can screw it all and take the place of Holy Roman Emperor.


It's easily "Passable", even to a noob if your goal is to survive.

Or you can take it sprsrs and aim to rule everything.

It's feasible, but really, really hard since it's equal to juggling few thousand balls at the same time.

Thank science for pause.


I like it, it's not all that serious after everything is said and done in it.

Just really, really well thought out.

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