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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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"Yeah I just got here um do you know where to go to get a house here cause I have no idea where to go at all" Flare said as he walked alongside then heard somepony coughed and turned around to see the blue-ish pegasus also then heard someone talk about being an average film maker.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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@@Rainbow Night


Corkscrew awakes to find himself laying face down in his bed. 


"Was it all a dream......What the buck happened to me....My head is throbbing. That's the last time I go drinking in Canterlot again."


Under his door is a letter baring the royal seal, Corkscrew opens it to find his assignment. He has been assigned to DarkSun and Ponyville in general. He lets out a sigh of relief.


"Wait, what DID I do yesterday......"


Corkscrew looks out the window to see that It is just later in that same day.


"......Oh buck....What did I do? I need to find a mirror fast!"


Corkscrew looks in his mirror to see if he had any signs of a kiss on his cheek, there was. 


"That's it, I'm dead! I don't even what to think about what happened."


Corkscrew went downstairs


"Hey DarkSun, I have some news! Could you come down here!"

Hold on said Darksun Im getting ready to go on that date with rarity remember he asked. He went doenstairs and said to corkscrew what do ya need man? He saw the kiss on his cheek and chuckled.He saw the letter from his sister on the desk is it something important he asked worriedly.

(OOC sorry i replied late i tried to last night but my laptop is being slow)




What should i wear opal when i see Eclipse hes an alicorn. Opal was on the bed curled up in a ball her tail flickering back and fourth. She meowed as if to say pick something fancy. Rarity got a formal dress and a sun hat to wear. After she was ready she went to Darksuns home. When she got there corkscew answered the door she said hi and asked is Eclipse here. Then she saw him standing by a desk


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Dogboots sighed as Max headed upstairs. He couldn't stand Max trying out these potions on himself and would need a plan to stop him. "I need some air." He said to himself as he began to pack a few things for the day. "Max! I'm heading out i'll be back soon!" He shouted upstairs before leaving. The sun was shining outside brightly and everypony seemed to be enjoying themselves. To Dogboots it was a helpful way to forget Max's potion addiction. 



After picking up a few vegetables and seeds from the Farmer's Market the stallion began to head back home. His eyes were glued to the ground though as he began to think about Max and his problems. He thought it couldn't get any worse than it was a month ago but he was proven wrong. However due to Dogboots not paying attention in what was in front of him he bumped into Aerial Shot on accident. "I'm sorry, I wasn't really paying attention." He said picking up the fruits and vegetables that fell out of the bag.

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Aerial's eyes opened wide as the stallion bumped into her. She furrowed her eyebrows for a moment and was about to snap at him when she reminded herself she was in a new town and she had to try to get along with everypony. She forced a smile, "Oh, it's fine, don't worry about it. Um... do you... want some help with those?". As she spoke, she caught sight of the red Pegasus she had seen earlier looking over at them.

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Hold on said Darksun Im getting ready to go on that date with rarity remember he asked. He went doenstairs and said to corkscrew what do ya need man? He saw the kiss on his cheek and chuckled.He saw the letter from his sister on the desk is it something important he asked worriedly.




"I have some good news. I have been assigned to Ponyville. This first time anypony has ever been assigned outside of Canterlot. I am supposed to keep an eye on you and mentor you. That's the good new."


Corkscrew looked over to the envelope on his dresser from one of the other guards. He picks it up and opens it. In it is the picture of the kiss. He turns slightly red as he sees it again and shows it to DarkSun.


"This is the bad news....If this ever gets out, I'm dead! If it ever gets out that Celestia kissed my, everypony will think that I got favorable treatment over everypony else, as well as what other ponies might think of your sister's decision making." 


Corkscrew took a long stare at DarkSun. 


"I need you to keep this between you and me...No pony else, not even Raitiry or Fluttershy. Now if you need me, I need to go out."


Corkscrew left his house slowly trotting to the market. His paranora was starting to get the best of him. How many ponies had say him get dropped off by the other guards. How many of the guards had seen him get kissed, and how many other ponies did they tell.


By the time Corkscrew got to the market, he was a nervous wreak.


"Everything looks normal....I guess that's a good sign. Nopony suspects anything happened."

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"No thank you. I've got it. Hmmm I've never seen you before. You new here?" Dogboots asked the mare after picking up the produce that was on the ground. "Gonna have to throw these away and pick up some more. Darn it." He thought to himself dreading that he would have to go back to the market.

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Um... do you... want some help with those?". As she spoke, she caught sight of the red Pegasus she had seen earlier looking over at them.


Flare heard the pony ask him if he needed any help with his stuff"No im good I just need to go and get a house so I can set everything down" Flare said before he dropped a few things. "Then again I might need help" Flare said picking up the stuff he dropped

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Aerial nodded. "Yes, I just arrived. I'm Aerial Shot, and you are...?" She trailed off, and looked over to the red stallion.





Aerial frowned, watching the other stallion hurry to pick up his items, and cringed to herself. She shook her head and, once again, forced a smile, "I'll be needing to find a house too, actually. And, uh," she turned to the blue Pegasus mare beside her, "How about you? Are you looking for a house?"

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By the time Corkscrew reached the market, he was a mess. His eye was twitching, his ears scanning for any mention of the Celestia or the guard. In his haste to leave his house he forgot to wipe off the lipstick from his kiss.  He quickly runs over to the nearest newsstand and buys a paper to see if he had made the news.  


"Ok, let's just make sure I'm not in the new....Hummmm, Ponyville ...bla bla bla ......PRINCESS! I'm dead."


He breaths a sigh of relief as he continues to read. 


"Few....it's about that unicorn, Twilight Sparkle becoming a Princess, She was nice when I was in Canterlot for my training. If anypony deserves it, it's her with all the times she's save Equestria."



Corkscrew sees DogBoots in the market and approaches him. He didn't see the other ponies with him. 

"Hey Buddy.....What's up?....."


Corkscrew was looking around to see if anypony was stairing at them.


"Your normally in the loop...Have you heard anything about the guard...or princess...or me...in the loop."


@,@@Aerial~Shot, @@MojoDash,  


Corkscrew had just noticed the group of new ponies that had gathered and was hoping that nopony would notice the kiss mark.


"Hi everypony...I'm Corkscrew...I just need to talk to my GOOD buddy DogBoots here for a moment."


By now, the stress was getting to Corkscrew. He had to know what the other ponies new about his trip to Canterlot.

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Nice to meet you Corkscrew" Flare said as he saw Corkscrew head off before he even finished. "Guess he had something important to do...anyways does anyone know where to even get a house" Flare said hoping one of them would know where. "I was thinking it would be at town hall"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(No, I have done lots of other RPs before! Sorry I get left behind... Does anyone know how to 'tag' people in a post?)




Stella turned and listened. She was slightly jealous of the way the purple mare could introduce herself. Stella wasn't really anything interesting. Just a fast flier and helped with the weather at day and night. Oh! That reminds me! I'm going to have to look for a weather team job round here. And a place to live... Oh dear... Stella sighed and turned in shock as someone bumped into the mare she'd said hello to. She flew up into the sky as she listened to the mare asking a question. "I'm doing... Okay I guess..." She did not want to have to talk about her past. It was painful. "Yeah, I'm looking for a house. Might be tricky..." She crossed her front legs as she gently floated back down to the ground, and picked up her bag again. "I hope we can become great friends!" She muffled.

~Sig is currently under construction...~


My current OC for roleplays: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/stella-shine-r2971

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By now, the stress was getting to Corkscrew. He had to know what the other ponies new about his trip to Canterlot.



Dogboots eyes narrowed at Corkscrew after mentioning the guard and the princess. "I'm afraid not Corkscrew. Besides, i've been incredibly busy worrying about Max these past few weeks." He replied to the orange pegasi. The stallion didn't enjoy bringing up Max in coversation but it had been bugging him for a while. "Anyways is there a reason why you ask?" He asked curiously to Corkscrew. 

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@, @@MojoDash,


"Nice to meet you Corkscrew," Aerial said, quickly turning back to the others as he took the pony named 'DogBoots' aside, "Town Hall sounds like the best guess, really, doesn't it? Shouldn't be hard to find," she said, glancing around, "By the way, what are your names?"



(MojoDash - to 'tag' someone, you double click a part of their post, then click '@ Mention' and it will put it in the reply box. Just do the same thing for each person you wanna mention and they'll all appear there~)

Edited by Aerial~Shot
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@@Aerial~Shot, @@MojoDash,


"My name is Flarebolt what is your name miss" Flare said as he smiled as he looked at the other pegasus. "What is you name miss" Flare asked wanting to learn both their names. "Really need to stop adding miss when talking or asking mares" Flare said to himself.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Stella looked at the mare as she turned around. "The name's Stella. Stella Shine! What about you?" She said, again rising back into the air. She hated to just stand on the ground. She then turned to the stallion behind her. "Nice to meet you! I'm Stella."


((Can I make Rainbow Dash appear somehow? I'd just like Stella to become like Scootaloo, in love with her! {Not literally... :3 } Does somebody play her?))

Edited by MojoDash

~Sig is currently under construction...~


My current OC for roleplays: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/stella-shine-r2971

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"My name is Flarebolt but you can just call me Flare" Flare said as he couldn't fly up a bit since he is carrying all of his stuff. "Anyways I also need to look for a job...I wonder if the pegasus here are hiring for weather patrol" Flare said.


((Im not sure you should check the OOC ))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"My name is Aerial Shot, it's nice to meet you both," Aerial said, "And, as I was saying to Stella just a moment ago, I'm an amateur filmmaker." She pointed at her clapperboard cutie mark and smirked proudly, but suddenly bent her head with a shy smile, "That's... amateur... I haven't exactly made anything noteworthy, of course..."


(If you want canon characters to appear, you can request them/offer to play them on the OOC thread. I just checked and no-one's taken Rainbow Dash yet. Actually, Aerial would probably want to see her, too, 'cause she'd want to beg Dash to perform in her films laugh.png  She also thinks Fluttershy must be a good actress after Photo Finish made her a model... that'll be interesting...)

  • Brohoof 1
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@, @@Aerial~Shot,




Stella smiled at them both. "Yes, I really need to get a weather job too. My cutie mark represents it after all." She said to Flare, then gesturing at her flank. "Aerial Shot, that's an awesome job! What type of videos? I'm always free if you need any actresses..." She said shyly.


((Ooh that'll be interesting for Fluttershy! Rarity might want to be in the videos, she should ask Aerial to do an advert for her clothes! x3 I was wondering - maybe if Stella and Aerial become good friends, they could rent a cottage or something..? Just an idea :D ))

~Sig is currently under construction...~


My current OC for roleplays: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/stella-shine-r2971

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@@Aerial~Shot, @@MojoDash,


"Don't worry about the way you make your films all it does is take practice and also I would like to help you with you videos...even though my cutie mark mostly mean shooting arrows on fire...but I can do other things then that" Flare said feeling like he shouldn't have said what his cutie mark meant.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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@, @@MojoDash,


(*gasp* I didn't think about Rarity, that's a good idea! :D And sure, Aerial and Stella living together sounds cool, and could make for a good story! laugh.png )


Aerial gave Flare an unsure look, "Uh, fire...?" she shook her head, "Nevermind. Um, my films, right. Well, I tend to use stories from legends and myths. When I was a filly I made one using the old Nightmare Moon story. I won a foal's film competition with that, that's how I got my cutie mark," she chuckled to herself, "Of course, I never thought I'd actually find out how that story ended in real life. Anyway, just recently I made it into Cloudsdale's amateur film festival with my own version of the founding of Equestria. You know, the story in the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant? That's when I decided to leave and really get my career started. I'd be happy for you to help if you'd like."

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"I would like to help you to tell you the truth" Flare said before he remembered. "Um shouldn't we head to the town all to see if we all can get a house for our selves" Flare said as he trotted off towards town hall with all his stuff in tow except he left behind of his saddlebags without noticing.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Aerial Shot rolled her eyes as he trotted off. "Hey, Flare, while I'd love to get living spaces sorted out, aren't you forgetting something rather important?" She shouted after him and pointed her hoof at the saddlebags slumped on the ground where he'd left them.

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Flare turned around and noticed the saddlebag he left on the ground. "Oh thank you I almost forgot about that"  Flare said picking up the saddlebag. "Now I think I can get going to town hall"  Flare said as he once again trotted off towards town hall. "You guys coming or what" Flare yelled

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Max didn't even hear Dogboots' departure. He trotted upstairs and began work on the PR potions. The RS potion effects wore off halfway through, prompting Max to pop another one. After completing his work, he packed his bags and flew to the hospital. When he delivered the potions, the doctors showed some concern over the pulsing rainbow eyes.

"Nah, its fine. Just testing my products for quality assurance. Don't you worry so much, you silly doctors." Max said in a dopy tone. He got his payment, along with a lecture on the dangers of potion testing, and flew home. The effects wore off again by the time he returned to his study. Max quickly got to work on a new potion that would cross the effects of Rainbow Sight and Disorientation. Mixing together the two, it created various fizzles and pops. After 10 minutes, a small puff of rainbow-colored gas indicated that the potion was done. The concoction was a very odd slime color.

"Here we go. Time for my favorite part." Max thought aloud eagerly, clapping his hooves together. He drank the experimental potion in one go, and the effects soon became apparent. The room got coated in a rainbow hue and began warping sporadically. It was going well, until 20 seconds in when Max's stomach began to clench up. He felt like acid hit his guts. Suddenly his eyes went to a lime green tone and Max only had enough time to get to a nearby waste bin before he began puking violently. It was piercingly loud and sounded like a dog was dying. The vomit in question was a very vivid green. Max puked for about 10 minutes before the contents of his stomach ran dry, which triggered dry gags. Max's muzzle was coated in the toxic stuff. The gags finally stopped when Max blacked out.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Aerial sighed, "I'm coming." She trotted over and walked alongside him towards the town hall.


(Hey, I'm really sorry but I'm gonna have to go now. It's 10:30pm over here and I have to get off the laptop now. It's the same time for MojoDash so I'm guessing she won't be back tonight. See you tomorrow?)

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