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private Mercs of Equestria Rp


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(Okay...I have an Idea...kinda...lets hope this is alright.)

Diamond was still searching around for the artifact when she realized something...she was alone. Where did everypony go? Did she just venture too far.
She spread her wings about to take off but she was interrupted. "Oh what's the fun in flying? Come on Diamond...look on the ground. If you fly I'll burn your wings off." Said Acid, sitting on the roof of a nearby building.
Diamond quickly got into a fighting stance and glared at her. "What do you want, Envy? Get out of here...I thought you said you weren't going to fight us." Diamond said, slowly backing up into a wall. "Oh no no no no...we said that we weren't going to fight you now...which was a while ago...this is just the beginning of our plan. Watch out for the rock Di..." She said, pointing at the wall above Diamonds head. Before Diamond could react, a large rock fell from it and landed on her head, Fire jumped form the wall and smiled at Acid. "Where's light?" She asked...as if on cue. "I'm here. Now, lets do this." She said walking up to Diamond, who was still unconscious. Light Envy pulled out a small vile containing a bright red liquid. She poured the liquid into Diamonds mouth before standing up straight and looking at Acid and Fire. "Scram." Said Light, both Acid and Fire disappeared...but Light stood in one spot. She turned around to look at Diamond. There was a flash of light and she disappeared also, leaving Diamond alone...unconscious.

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"It is in my culture lass. Before I was cursed to be a demon I was a mortal once. In my culture, being 'touchy-feely' was a sign of politeness. Excuse me for trying to be nice. Remind me to not talk to you then. Or talk to me when you cool down lass. I just wanted to have a nice little chat." Etonat shrugged and turned into a mist. The mist floated next to Acheron, and he materialized back into his solid form. Only he had a tea cup in his grasp.




"Never been involved in one mate. Ponies back then were too stupid enough to even initiate the game. We're talking about thousands of years ago too. Probably about eight thousand by now. So, have you ever witnessed a deal? I bet not though. Real ones have only been occurring for the past several months now." Etonat sipped from the cup.


"Perhaps you'll see one soon enough in this little journey. I'm surprised though, as much as you hate Mephistopholes I'd have thought you were watching the poor fool despair as he saw his defeat. I still remember the terms for the game as if it was done yesterday!"

Acheron thought he heard some distant voices. They seemed familiar, but were too faint to recognize. Acheron wrote it off as the voices of Avalon's shades, but he still had an uneasy feeling...

"As for deals, none on this earth. I'd like to say I've created some binding contracts myself, but I usually enthrall still living beings with the Shadow Game..."

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"Hey, Mephistopholes is not important to me. The bloke was an arse. Never really listened to me. I did not care when he went missing. You could have him exorcised for all I care...." Etonat spoke with a cold tone. He then took another sip of his tea. His ears perked up as he heard the speakings of several beings in the distance. He knew what they were, but he just smiled as he listened. "Enthralling is more of a vampire's game in my opinion. No offense to you of course. My kind enjoy possession though. I particularly enjoy our little dealings. Always get what we want in the end. A soul for the realm."

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@@Dimitri Hammer,

Delia shook her head and made a noise to signify she was pissed.

"I don't even care anymore. You stallions all want the same thing in the end. Why bother covering up your intentions when you do it so badly." She laughed.

Delia proceeded to get up and walk away. She did not care for the company of the supposed demon pony. In her mind Dimitri had enough time to wake up. She was tired of waiting up for him; she decided to walk and meditate. As she walked away from them she had to make a decision: go in the direction of Draco, or search for Diamond who she hasn't seen or heard from in a while.

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@, @,


Etonat stared in Delia's direction and laughed. He turned to Acheron and took another sip of his tea. "Mares, man." He snicked and rolled his eyes. "Oy, mortals are fussy creatures you know. They always put their feelings in front of everything. I mean, look at me. Would I want to sleep with a mortal? No. Too emotional. Also a little nasty." Etonat finished the tea and threw the cup behind him. "Not to sound like someone who knows too much, but I particularly like what you did to your homeland, mate. Don't ask how I know that either..." Etonat grinned.

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"Mares can be pretty emotional. Do you know Diamond? She cried like a filly when I took her knowledge, and really the only reason I gave it up was to for the sake of this damnable quest. Perhaps I also wanted to reconcile with her, but that is a wish long gone. She can die in hatred and sadness for all I care, but I do know that after all of this, I'm taking the knowledge back from her, this time sparing no personal memories!"

Acheron relished in the idea of taking Diamond's knowledge back. However, his mind soon fell on another thing when he heard Etonat mention his home. Acheron wasn't really bothered by it, but perhaps a tiny bit.

"I assume your kind went to Tartarus to have a chat with the denizens of that place? Then again you know a lot about us it seems. Do tell how you acquired that information, I'm pretty sure I can take it."

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"Oh, I know all about the Alicorn and the feud you two endured together. So sweet how you decided to give the power up. Personally, I would have lied about it. In spite of that, you seem to possess somewhat of a conscience. Even though you state that you will steal the power back, and whatever else she possesses, I am certain you are too much of a goody-goody to do that, but if you do end up stealing it from her....I might have some words to speak with you."


Etonat smiled and glared at Acheron. "I acquire my information easily. The lesser demons are always willing to prove themselves. They can usually dig up any information on anyone for any matter. I know everyone's past. Delia and her family. Big Red and the pain he went through. The pampered, but rough life of Diamond, and the 'illustrious' lustful courier too. Let us not forget you Acheron. Reminds me of Red's past. A lot of death."

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"Oh, I know all about the Alicorn and the feud you two endured together. So sweet how you decided to give the power up. Personally, I would have lied about it. In spite of that, you seem to possess somewhat of a conscience. Even though you state that you will steal the power back, and whatever else she possesses, I am certain you are too much of a goody-goody to do that, but if you do end up stealing it from her....I might have some words to speak with you."


Etonat smiled and glared at Acheron. "I acquire my information easily. The lesser demons are always willing to prove themselves. They can usually dig up any information on anyone for any matter. I know everyone's past. Delia and her family. Big Red and the pain he went through. The pampered, but rough life of Diamond, and the 'illustrious' lustful courier too. Let us not forget you Acheron. Reminds me of Red's past. A lot of death."

"A lot of death huh? That would be an understatement. I don't know how many Dimitri killed during his rampage, but for my death toll... more than just thousands... an entire nation rendered to nothing but rubble, its lands now barren and all its inhabitants now dead. I did what had to be done, and perhaps I did enjoy it, but sometimes I feel as if I cannot celebrate its fall. Oh well, that accursed place is done for, and honestly, I'm happy about it... I don't even remember what took the most deaths."

Acheron felt he should go after Delia, but what would happen with Dimitri?

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"Well, just know that the immense power you possess is nothing compared to the things I know. I could show you such immense powers. Power of many a fallen deity, and angels as well. Big Red possess everything I know. Only reason I gave it to him was because of what he did for me and my kind. He did not even try to get us imprisoned again. After he saved his wife he left us alone. I respect the bloke." Etonat rubbed his chin and looked down at his suit. "For a mortal Big Red is a decent bloke..."

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"A deity you say? I do in fact have the knowledge of a 'deity', one of the first to ever arise in the beginning. Apophis, serpent of Primordial Chaos and ruler to the realm of Isfet. However... I love to acquire more knowledge, especially the kind you speak of. What do you have in mind?"

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Etonat chuckled. "Lad, I am not offering you any power and expecting nothing in return. Even Big Red did something to possess the power he holds. I mean, powers of Azazel, Alastor, Fenir, Jormungand and many more. Not many powerful Gods left in this universe. Seems to be broken down to the basics. I mean, I was a simple crossroads demon until the old king was killed thousands of years ago.....by me....nonetheless though, it is down to a select few, and not many possess such knowledge like I do." Etonat pulled a envelope from his suit pocket. "You do not get something for nothing, mate. Up to you."

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Etonat chuckled. "Lad, I am not offering you any power and expecting nothing in return. Even Big Red did something to possess the power he holds. I mean, powers of Azazel, Alastor, Fenir, Jormungand and many more. Not many powerful Gods left in this universe. Seems to be broken down to the basics. I mean, I was a simple crossroads demon until the old king was killed thousands of years ago.....by me....nonetheless though, it is down to a select few, and not many possess such knowledge like I do." Etonat pulled a envelope from his suit pocket. "You do not get something for nothing, mate. Up to you."


"I think you're missing the point that the knowledge and power of the being known as Apophis is the most powerful in the universe. He rules 'Isfet', the realm of chaos, basically everything that you and your kind stand for, and the progenitor to every single kind of power your kind wields. You also seemed to have missed my words of 'What do you have in mind', meaning I'm willing to hear you out."

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Lust began to chuckle as her voice was through the wind and said "Well so greedy aren't you Acheron? I guess Diamond was right  you would pay any price even your very soul. Oh poor little Zefira the one she loves is dealing with a demon to gain more power. Your certainly pathetic," She chuckled as the wind carried her voice.

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"You know lad, your arrogance is too much to handle sometimes. I like that in a stallion, yet at the same time it makes my standings with them be awful. Forget it then, mate. Keep boasting your 'immense' power to me. You are not really impressing anyone. I have seen beings like you come and go for thousands of years. Seems that creatures like Big Red are much easier to handle. Especially when they are not selfish bastards who are also completely arrogant. I like it only when I am the boasting, arrogant prick. Keep the air flowing out of your mouth. See who pays attention." Etonat smirked and adjusted his cabbie. He stared at the mare that was on Acheron's back.


"Oh, so you're boasting and have a mare friend with you. How adorable."

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"So be it then, I usually get what I want in the end anyway. Sometimes I can even slip into realms undetected and steal what I like from the kings of that plane. You might have to bolster your security Etonat," Acheron said with a smile. He then looked towards Zefira... who was apparently still asleep.

"Wait, is this the part where you say something like I'm trying to be impressive. Given the fact that she's asleep, I don't really think it matters that I'm boasting. And oh look, that pitiful Seneschal known as... what was it, Whore?, something like that is now back! Hey Whorebiscuit, are you going to go and waste our time by kidnapping Draco again?"

Acheron turned back to Etonat and grinned.

"Well my friend, looks like our little chat is coming to a quick close."

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Lust rolled her eyes. as she watched from nearby concealing her presence "Says the pathetic pony who closed off his heart just because of one betrayal," She said as she smiled. "You know I haven't unleashed my full power onto you, you know that right?" "So keep pushing fool and I just might cut off your horn,"

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Etonat winked at Acheron. "Oh, there is always ways to demean a stallion. No worries there mate." He eyed Zefira for a couple seconds. The demon walked over to Dimitri. Dimitri moved around and made some noises. Etonat patted Dimitri's forehead and the red stallion's eyes opened wide. "Ah, there he is." Etonat said as he took out another cigar.




Etonat heard the Seneschals voice. "Oh, Lust, what a pleasure to hear your voice again. It has been a rather long time..."

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"Etonat didn't see you there. You do know Lust is just a title correct? Draco knows my real name He won't tell you because why should he when you criticize him for having faults. He doesn't criticize you now does he. Oh yes I looked through his memories wonderful  simply wonderful. Your driving him right to us after all he holds the artifacts," 'Lust' says with a smile.

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"Honestly, I would rather just call you whore. Fits better anyway. I mean, defending mortals? Especially one with such imperfections? Nasty traits you have. The courier outright insulted me, but I help this ramshackle group only because I never really liked you Seneschals." Etonat lit, and smoked his cigar. "Oh, do tell the others to kindly sod off as well."

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"Don't even think about it," Acheron said as he gave Etonat a glare. "Because if you so much as try anything funny, your last sentence of banishment is going to seem like Paradise."

Acheron continued to hear Lust's voice echo around them and only rolled his eyes.

"Bitch please, what are you going to do? Make it rain? And I don't even care about knowing your name really, so I wouldn't act as if it were a top priority."

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"Maybe he did insult you but he didn't ask you for anything did he? you like chaos don't you Etonat. Oh I nearly forgot. Wrath has ben thoroughly rewarded for his efforts. No I'm no whore I have my purity thank you very much. I have my eyes on the courier who has the balls to insult you," Lust said with a slight chuckle. Her smile turned malicious as the oxygen around Acheron's nose started to thin. Edited by dragon4111
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"Oh goodness, don't tell me you gave Wrath a *censored to avoid trouble from the mods :3* as a reward... Gosh Lust, I think the way you're going to kill us is by putting godawful images into our heads. Give Wrath my condolences for getting some sort of  disease from your filthy body."

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"Oh, relax Archie. I would never hurt your little 'schmoopy-do.' She is far too good for you though. No offense meant mate. Maybe you should make-out with the lass. Do it Draco style." Etonat laughed.




"You know. You really fucking disgust me. Sex with mortals? I consider that bestiality." Etonat shivered. "Really bloody nasty there. Oh, and jealousy does not equate to 'balls' as you say. The courier is just looking for some nice pleasures of the flesh. Guess you and him go together then."

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Lust began to laugh as she smiled at the insult. "Keep talking pretty boy I just might slowly choke her to death by decreasing her oxygen around her nose and mouth. Oh and also Etonat you don't truly know Draco then. You only see what he portrays,"

((uh guys really? You do know there are different type of lusts right?))

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"If you so much as do anything to her you'll be enduring a fate worse than death little whorebiscuit," Acheron said with a defiant grin. "Besides Lust, stop trying to justify yourself and that other lustful fool. You speak from what's kept up in your heart, and Draco's little 'mask' has gone on for far too long and has been done far too well to just be a little portrayal!"

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