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ooc An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (OOC - No longer accepting!)


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@@Dawn Stripes, @,


I'll send you a PM in a minute, Nios!


Also, ditto to what Nios said in the RP thread-- I need something for Colette to do!


Also, I'll be visiting family next week, so I too, will be very slow to post, but I MAY post my ideas for the sequel in that time...

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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You know, for the first time in a while I have absolutely no idea what to post. I'm not sure how to take this.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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*skips in, posts random video and skips back out again* :P




Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Sorry about that! I had Shawn ask Angie what she wanted to do, but I feel like I deeper that post completely… I just wanna see what the princess says first, and I'll do my best to get your characters more chances to be more active with mine!



I'll send you a reply to your PM either later on tonight or tomorrow. In the meantime, you may want to post your idea here on the OOC thread to get everyone's opinion on it...


On a final note, anyone can answer Colette... just sayin'

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@,@@Hypn0ticD, I'd be tempted to do that. 

So i was thinking i had my own way of Queen Chrysalis returning to Equestria.

So we know that changelings are empowered by love right? While the meteor thing sounds plausible that it would have power from another world it sounds a little bit far-fetched that a meteor that would have power to rip dimensional portals into our world would indeed be stable enough or dormant. If you have anymore clues about it that would be nice.

So i got this idea that Chrysalis says that she can't open the portal unless she has enough "love" power. For that matter she'd have to gather it... maybe by hosting a goodbye concert for the ponies and herself to gather the strength of the humans? Then i thought that we have the agents so that's a no go...

Now i have the idea that the spell shall be really dangerous for her... maybe even deadly. Due to that fear she would make a goodbye speech/talk with each of the ponies and the humans, in her worries that she might not survive. It would make for a great emotional scene and would maybe cause for the ponies and humans to forgive the changelings and visa-versa. But then i thought none would even care about this shit so i am kinda not willing to do this...

Due to them casting a spell that would involve so much love freely given this would literally rip apart their previous existence and force a transformation into perhaps a flutterpony? BUT hear me out... before you start saying that this is too early and stuff... this could be only for those three changelings! 

Imagine now... 3 flutterponies ((or... you know 00pony)) claiming to be leaders of the changeling race coming back to Equestria only to be greeted with disbelief and some changelings going renegade perhaps with another leader? Princess Twilight, Luna, Celestia could be helping her re-claim her kingdom. She and Luna might have an understanding of each other maybe because of their common darker pasts.

Chrysalis and her allies could be trying in the sequel to re-unite the changelings and show them this new transformation, this new appearance of Flutterpony is their true form! 

Then Hypno talked to me about facing trial for kidnapping the Princesses. 

I have only one objection. There is no international court and Chrysalis does not abide by Equestrian law. She would have to agree upon it herself. I mean look at Kadafi and the fact that the American's couldn't send land troops. Such an act would greatly insult the sovereign power of the Queen upon the changelings to the point that it could result in a rebellion. Of course that doesn't mean i am against it but in order for her to be truly subjected into a trial she would have to have been conquered by Equestria. She could face the music true... But what kind of accusations would she face? Mass genocide? No she didn't do that... Kidnapping? I mean... this ain't exactly that. We could say she still has some ponies imprisoned back in her kingdom. They could demand them back but she would refuse... Until a solution would be found. The only true music she would face is one of the pony people who would not amount to anything. Not to mention you can't punish a whole nation and that this could even reach the point of my three changelings being called traitors no longer representing them. 

Just saying this is a big and delicate move... It could be good or it coukd be extremely catastrophic. I am just a bit worried... Thats all... Not to mention that she might have been the softie-one resulting in a ruler of greater evil taking over the changelings and this time going on full scale war.

Also I kinda don't see how long term peace could be achieved if the changelings remain a love hungry race. Even the power of the Queen can't stop if some changelings hate the ponies for killing their children. Of course you could say that they did it in self defense but does a mother or a father truly think of that when their children are dead? Just saying that despite a truce there would still be hate between the two nations. 

I kinda wanted a chance where i would get to show more of my Queen's true personality. I wanted to show the ability to sing that all changelings have whether rythmically or melodically. (headcanon) I also wanted her to delay things a bit before leaving simply to form a gathering between all the ponies and humans so she could have a talk to get to know all of them. After all... If they don't form relations between each other they are kinda dead in the water since they will be back from where they begun before this rp. 

I was thinking Twilight would be interested in changeling magic,Fluttershy would like to know how changelings grow and are born, Applejack would like to know how they feed and eat how they cultivate things below the Earth, Pinkie Pie would like to know about their singing and partying, and finally Rarity would like more to know about the mental power chanelled through the jewels.

Since this season the elements are gone i don't know if it could be wise to introduce the flames of balance, basically the changeling elements of harmony. But it would make for a huge twist if the changelings said "We're guarding you now... Making outposts in the borders of Equestria and becoming an Agents-like force in Equestria. 

We could also use another headcanon that i have talked about with 00pony and that is immersion. We could say that the changelings did try to live withe the ponies but failed... Here's what happened. They took forms of new ponies and tried to live in peace. But due to remaining in a fake form for so long the changelings lost themselves due to "Immersion" and started believing they are truly those they depict. "Fake it till you make it." they say... "Immersion" is a real life phenomenon where you get invested so much in an experience that it becomes real for you.

All in all i want the Princesses and the ponies and humans to know changeling society because they barely scratched the surface. And i want to get to Rp as QC a bit more because i get the feeling i haven't had a lot if chances for character building.

Sorry for the Copy-Paste Hypno... but if you guys have any ideas about this feel free to just shoot.

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I'm gonna go the lazy route and paste this here in response to the first half of your idea. I'll try to havetge second half up later!


I know where you're coming from, but I think the concert would be out of place at this time, since the agents are after her, and the others wanna move on to the sequel...


I was thinking the meteorite could possess and radiating pure Equestrian magic – neither good nor evil, and can be used by anyone who can use magic. This will eliminate the need for the queen to collect any love from anyone, and we get straight to planning the sequel, in which the meteorite can play a big part!


I imagine the spell to be quite draining and possibly fatal in the wrong hooves – hence why it was forbidden from the start! Only those with strong enough magic and focus should perform it.


You might want to run the idea of the Changelings reverting to Flutterponies in the OOC thread or PM 00Pony and Pripyat Pony, though. Maybe the energy of the meteorite could somehow revert them? Even if they say no, the queen and Changelings will still play a huge role in the sequel.


I don't mind Chrysalis giving a speech, but try not to make it too long! Also, don't expect everyone's hearts to soften at the end of it.


I was gonna save this idea for when we got to the end of the current RP and started planning for the sequel, but I think now would be a good time to tell you... Don't get mad!


I planned on having Chrysalis face the music and face a trial upon her return for kidnapping one of The Princesses of Equestria, along with the other Elements of Harmony – well, I have no idea what the Mane6 are going to wield now, but you get the idea!


Though she faces punishment, the Queen will get off with little more than a slap on the hoof, much to the dismay of many of the ponies, but there's little Celestia can do, as Chrysalis is the Queen of the Changelings as well as ruler of the Badlands. Imprisoning Chrysalis would only make things worse, as you pointed out, there will be no shortage of usurpers to the Changeling throne. Re-installing the queen should bring this to an end, although not easily or smoothly.


@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Fireblaze,


Okay, here's the second half! Forgive the parts that were repeated from the first half!


Yes, this true, but the US still lent a hand in his capture, but that's neither here nor there.


Like I said in my last PM, the Queen would face charges for pretty much kidnapping a Princess of Equestria, along with the other Bearers of the Elements of Harmony - let's just call the Ponies that for the sake of convenience, but back on topic - whether or not she adheres to Equestrian law is not up for debate. Kidnapping a member of royalty along with the Elements won't go over well no matter how you slice it. Part of the reason why I actually wanted to see Chrysalis as an antagonist, but again, that's neither here nor there at this point.


But, she will get off easy, like I said in my last PM. Celestia will more than likely want an explanation for Chrysalis' actions, as well as make her pay restitution for damages, but otherwise she'll do what she can to return the queen to her throne, as

also stated in my last PM. In other words, I would like to see the queen own up to her actions, but the punishment is going to be fairly light.


You're right about Changelings and hating the Ponies. I have no doubt the feelings would be mutual for the Ponies for abducting their children. If the others are okay with it, we can work on negotiations between the two kingdoms in the sequel... I'm sure there'll be something stronger that'll come along, but your idea of having the Changelings becoming hired guards for Equestria could work, though!


I kinda wanted a chance where i would get to show more of my Queen's true personality. I wanted to show the ability to sing that all changelings have whether rythmically or melodically. (headcanon) I also wanted her to delay things a bit before leaving simply to form a gathering between all the ponies and humans so she could have a talk to get to know all of them. After all... If they don't form relations between each other they are kinda dead in the water since they will be back from where they begun before this rp.


I agree that the queen didn't get enough time to show her character, but I think relations between the Changelings, Ponies and Humans would better covered in the sequel. Melancolicmemory wants to leave, so I don't want to keep him here longer than he needs to be. We can also touch on their singing abilities in the sequel as well.


As far as the characters relating to the queen and Changelings like the the way you want them to-- let's get the other RPers opinion on that! Same with rge immersion idea.

@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Fireblaze,


One last thing to add: whatever happens with Chrysalis is going to be but one part of the sequel. I can only speak for myself, but there were a lot of things I wanted to do with Colette, but never got a chance in this RP. I also want the humans and Equestrians to do other things in the sequel!

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Holy geeze. I need to buckle down and make my brain work. Stat.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Hypn0ticD, They could be the ones to help in this subject together with the ponies. You could also do what the author did in "My Daughter Chrysalis" and say that they are like test subjects to see if the humans are ready to live together with the ponies or not, to unite the worlds. Last but not least i want to adress this subject... what will the Human's forms be in Equestria? Could we say that they all get stuck in their human forms and it to be on of the problems we have to solve?

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Finally remembering this inter-dimensional meteorite... I have a few delicious ideas now. Of course, what I find delicious may be different than others, but meh.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@, @@Hypn0ticD,


I like the idea of the three Changelings becoming Flutterponies; it could mean that they keep their shapeshifting ability, (my headcanon of Changelings and why they don't have cutie marks to represent their talents is cuz they have a Hive talent, ie shapeshifting!) but the Flutterpony look is their true form before the corruption.


Also, the unrest within the Changeling Hive after they return would be a perfect chance for my villain Avarice to be introduced; she could escape the painting (she was trapped within a painting by the Princesses wielding the Elements centuries ago; the seal weakens and she escapes) and then go back to the Changelings who are her allies. Finding them unwilling or unable to get their heads round the new forms of their Queen and two others, Avarice could get them on her side and then attack Canterlot to get her revenge.


I also think it better that the humans who go to Equestria end up as ponies, cuz then they'll have multiple problems and issues arising from having to adapt to both their new form and a new world. Would make for much more character development that way. Plus, those ponies who have families around (Rarity and Applejack, mainly) would struggle to get their families to accept the new arrivals.


The plot point of the sequel could be the return to the human world for help to deal with Avarice, perhaps?



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Pripyat Pony, @@00Pony, @@Hypn0ticD, Very interesting... though we'd have to deal with how the elements of harmony go back to the tree of harmony. We could very well have the animals of the forest fleeing and invading the surrounding areas: Dragons, Cockatrices, manticores, c-rock-odiles, poison joke fairies or whatever with the changelings attempting to defend the ponies from this mess to perhaps gain some trust? We also have to talk about how much time has passed from the time they left to the time they arrived and what happened to the changelings and ponies in the meantime. Will we return at the same time we left? Will it be the same time that the Everfree Forest invades? Making resuming the fight with the ponies a bad choice?

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@@Hypn0ticD,@,  @@Pripyat Pony,



I actually assumed were were just going to make our own continuity, rather than trying to make this fit into the show's continuity. This is a fan work, after all. They don't have to fit the canon. I like to think Twilight's mom, Twilight Velvet, wrote the Daring Do books, basing them off of her friend - the actual Daring Do's real adventures. But in the canon, Daring writes her own books, based off her own adventures. 


But anyway, my point is that I just assumed we were going to create out own continuity. We find a place that this can branch off from the canon, and jump about from there, rather than try and incorporate bits of season four into it. After all, season 4's only five episodes in. We don't really know enough about it to try and make a canon around it. This is just my two cents on the matter.


I rather like the idea of having to return to the human world to find help. Assuming that the help they seek isn't the Finders, I actually have a concept in my head that I will go into much more detail about after my next series of posts. 

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Pripyat Pony, @@00Pony, @@Hypn0ticD, Return to the human world? Huh? Why? And yes indeed we don't have to mimic the show's canon but it would be nice if we didn't derail too much from it. We need to talk about that too... because you do understand the the elements were basically one big lame "Reset" button right? That's why the writers ditched them... and that's why the writers kept shoving the Princesses out of the way to make room for the mane 6 to do things.

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Fireblaze,


That's why the idea of the meteorite is here. Red was the one to introduce it, and I modified it so that it tied in better with the RP. The idea was of a metorite crashing into earth in 1984, then recovered by NASA and the U.S. government. Red originally suggested that the meteorite contain an alien virus that the agents assume the Equestrians havesome.connection to, but I was thinking the meteorite can be Equestrian in origin, and contain pure magic that can augment the powers of the one who uses it. I think that privilege should go to the queen, as she hasn't had much if a chance to be very active in the RP…


In his idea, Red said the location of this meteorite was Area 51, but anyone can think of a better location for the Equestrians to access, feel free to post it in the OOC thread!


Also, let me know what you think about the Queen facing trial upon her return to Equestria!


And lastly, spoiler alert! The humans will NOT be going to Equestria at the end of the RP… Yet. They'll have their chance in the sequel. What form they take will be decided by voting. I wad originally going to post my ideas sometime next week, but I might post them this weekend. From there, we decide which one we wanna go with.


Pripyat has a good idea for a villain, though!


I for one, wanna see the humans stay human when they go to Equestria… Interesting things could happen... Very interesting things!

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@MelancholicMemory, @, @@Fireblaze,


That's why the idea of the meteorite is here. Red was the one to introduce it, and I modified it so that it tied in better with the RP. The idea was of a metorite crashing into earth in 1984, then recovered by NASA and the U.S. government. Red originally suggested that the meteorite contain an alien virus that the agents assume the Equestrians havesome.connection to, but I was thinking the meteorite can be Equestrian in origin, and contain pure magic that can augment the powers of the one who uses it. I think that privilege should go to the queen, as she hasn't had much if a chance to be very active in the RP…


In his idea, Red said the location of this meteorite was Area 51, but anyone can think of a better location for the Equestrians to access, feel free to post it in the OOC thread!


Also, let me know what you think about the Queen facing trial upon her return to Equestria!


And lastly, spoiler alert! The humans will NOT be going to Equestria at the end of the RP… Yet. They'll have their chance in the sequel. What form they take will be decided by voting. I wad originally going to post my ideas sometime next week, but I might post them this weekend. From there, we decide which one we wanna go with.


Pripyat has a good idea for a villain, though!


I for one, wanna see the humans stay human when they go to Equestria… Interesting things could happen... Very interesting things!



I think Charles boss will tell him the truth about the meteorite, also tell him his back story about that he did had a wife but the government came and took her away since she was form a another country that was China since she was a chine see spy. So since he didn’t want this to happen to Charles well he plan put Charles in the Splinter cell program so this way he can be invisbal to the CIA and other government. Since NSA won’t know about Charles well benign.

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Refer to Pripyat's post:


he plot point of the sequel could be the return to the human world for help to deal with Avarice, perhaps?
 That is what I was referring to.


And yes, I do realize that is why they ditched them. But what I'm saying is it might just be a bit difficult to try and tie this into season 4's canon. We can still claim that somehow the Mane 6 gave the elements away, but stay away from trying to strictly follow the shows canon.




Part of me wants to claim the meteor is in the Bermuda Triangle. Might be an explanation for why ships and planes seem to vanish around there? (though I think there is actually a scientific reason, but this is a roleplay about magical ponies coming to Earth. We can change that bit) Something along the lines of the magic field it lets off is messing with our technology. Plus, part of it is actually on the equator, so that could tie in fairly well to that bit. Again, this is my two cents.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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