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About The Looks of the Humanised Girls

Mushy Giant Friend

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Honestly, I don't think they look bad. Like you said, AJ and Dashie look a bit off, but on the whole I think they're pretty decent visual interpretations. By the way, they're anthropomorphized, not humanized.


Thats my thoughts exactly.  I dont mind the idea of the poinies personalities in human form but these arnt humans, they are anthros.  For those of you who dont know an anthromorph is a human with animal features like cat ears or a dog nose or furry skin.  I dont mind that they are skinny per se since it is a cartoon.  To me this is Rugrats All Grown Up all over again.  Ill probably watch it just to say I did. Thats why I watch most things.

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In terms of how they look.  For a kid's movie, their clothes are extremely complicated.  Their hair is just unnaturally long, and I don't think they have their tails since Applejacks person-thing clearly shows that (the others make it look like they do have tails, not long hair).  If you took the colors and cutie marks off their body and actually gave them humanistic colors, you would not be able to tell they are from MLP (even if they kept the wings).  Personally I think it's Hasbro milking the cash cow that is FIM.  This movie is specifically targeted for children, since the synopsis states that Twilight's biggest challenge is HIGH SCHOOL!?!?! Anyone who is in high school or is already out of high school (such as myself), it's not an experience in which you'd call a 'challenge'....

Their body shapes are a combo of Barbie and Bratz.  To me, it's just another thing that tells girls only skinny is pretty.  And in EQgirls case, they definitely look anorexic because they are definitely not proportionate.

When it comes to the stock photos of Rarity and Applejack you mentioned, I have to comment that a lot of the FIM coloring books use bad stock images.  Their noses are pointy, and their eyes are weird.  I don't know what it is with Hasbro making just awful, not correct merchandise, but they sure are good at it.


EDIT: thoughts of EQgirls in general...meh....

It's not made with older fans in mind, it's specifically for the kids.  I won't drive a hundred miles (nearest theatre showing for it) to see it, but once it pops up online, I will give it a watch out of curiosity.  Overall, i just see a cash cow being milked and whether it's good or not doesn't matter to me, because it won't be canon, even if Hasbro makes it so, there's no continuity in the world of Equestria that can make it so.  So...meh

Edited by Treble Bolt

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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To me, with the anthropomorphized design, it kind of looks like they were too scared to go full on human. OK, so Twilight is jumping into a different dimension and physical changes aren't out of the ordinary, but other than the ears and wings, there's nothing separating these characters from oddly coloured humans. Overall I don't have too big a bone to pick about the designs. Yeah, they do look like some sort of knock off.


Also, why are all the characters wearing skirts? Most of the girls I know wear jeans. After all, it's not the 50's, girls have been allowed to wear pants for decades. Pants are also easier to animate, so you know, they could have saved themselves some time by just drawing pants, and judging by their poses, these not-Twilight's friends have similar personalities to the characters we already know. So, if I am to assume that these characters are exactly like the others, but not, then why is the Rainbow Dash looking one wearing a skirt? In fact, why are they all wearing skirts? I can see the Rarity and Fluttershy looking ones wearing skirts and dresses.


Rarity loves fashion and a good skirt does wonders for your figure, and Fluttershy would probably pick something simple that doesn't stand out too much and yet is still comfortable or course, she's still just as likely to wear a worn pair of jeans rather than a flowing skirt.


But Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash are more tomboyish, especially Rainbow Dash. Apple Jack would wear something more practical, that doesn't get in the way during hard work, and Rainbow Dash would wear something that doesn't impede movement as she moves. Also, dresses and skirts aren't very aerodynamic, and since these characters still have wings, I'm sure Rainbow Dash would hate the drag. She also likes to run and fly, and I can't see anyone like that wearing a skirt.


Pinkie Pie is a wild card. I admit, that skirt does look nice on her, and I do like the design of the character in a more humanized form. I could see Pinkie wearing a dress, but I could see her wearing anything you could party in, which doesn't exclude many clothes. Twilight I could also see wearing a dress or skirt, but like Fluttershy, I imagine she wears something simple and comfortable.


I'm trying to reserve judgement about the show/movie until I see it, but is anyone else wondering why Twilight couldn't bring her friends along? I mean, of course she's very powerful,. but a lot of her power comes from her friends, and it's clear from the synopsis that she still needs her friends to accomplish her task. And if all she needs to do is recover a crown, then why is she masquerading as a high school girl?


She clearly has better and more important things to do than go to school. I also find it a little off putting that only Twilight is actually the character we've grown attached to. I can get that she needs allies in this strange new world, but why is it that the only people (can we call them that?) she has to learn friendship with, are this universe's version of her friends? Surely this would be a great time to expand her character by introducing new characters and personalities to challenge and help her.


Oh, I know why the characters look like her friends, because it's an easy way to explain why there are anthropomorphized versions of the Mane Six. After all, it would be so much harder to write a story where Twilight brings ALL her friends with her. I really am trying to keep an open mind about this because, who knows, Equestria Girls could turn out very good, but the synopsis already reveals plot holes, lazy writing, and cliches. I will watch it and try to give it a fair chance. I know it's not fair to judge it before I even see it, but what I have seen of it isn't setting very high expectations. I just hope that Twilight keeps getting the names of her new friends wrong and calling then Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Apple Jack because I still don't see why they have to write out her friends and replace them with the EXACT SAME CHARACTERS.

Chip          Clover          Honey Seed   


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I know what you mean, but either way, I personally think they look pretty cute. tongue.png


I mean I like the style...reminds me of an anime, and it looks pretty cool (except for RD's ponytail...ugghh keep her hair down! XP) but other than that I actually kinda like it and I'll give it a chance. I'm sure we'll all learn to love them eventually. wink.png


The main problems I have with the humanized characters is this:


1. Their skin should not be the same color as their coats were when they were ponies, in pony form it is their COAT that is a certain color, not their actual skin, we don't know what color any pony's skin is because they haven't shown a bald pony in the show yet, but even if it happens that their skin is actually the same color as their coat, humans still do not have colored skin, there is only one factor that determines a human's skin color and that is how much melanin is present in the skin. I think they should have gone a different rout, like taking the base luminosity of their coats color and translating it into a human skin color, like what the maker of this video did, I think it works out very well



^ Yeah, I agree, having the ponies have weird funky colors as skin really throws them off a bit. And yeah, the person who created the video did a good job at representing what their skin could be like. I mean, I'm sure it'll be good either way, but I would prefer this than candy colored humans. And the wings...almost pointless. :P If they're gonna do that, give the unicorns their horns and magic. 


But I mean if we judged everything based on one pic it wont really help. We'll just have to wait and see, and I'm pretty sure we'll like it!! biggrin.png

Edited by Pixiesong
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It doesn't make the character designs any less hideous. The colors are still ridiculous. The wings are still ridiculous. They still don't look remotely human. Humanoid aliens from the Tau Ceti system, maybe, but humans? No bucking way. Stock images or not, the designs are still crap. 


The colors are ridiculous? They're... the same colors as the ponies.


I don't like that the pegasus keep their wings but the unicorns don't keep their horns though.


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I've always felt there was something off about the anthropomorphised mane 6, I put my finger on it early yesterday. They are quite reminiscent to the Bratz Dolls, which I never liked the aesthetics of. Admittedly they haven't got the over sized heads and features, but it's the body shape. There are a number of other things I dislike and design inconsistencies the I feel make no sense but I won't go into them.


When it comes to the film I'm willing to give it a shot, but I won't see it in the cinema. Partially because I live in a small town and the cinema won't be showing it, and partially because I'd rather view it at home first before I commit money to it.

Thank you, you've finally made me realize what I don't like at all about this design, its a weird blend of Bratz and Monster High. And sadly they leaned too far into the bratz territory.


I really wish they hadn't taken the literal approach to designing the ponies. Just because the ponies designs are similar/simple in the show, doesn't mean the humanoid characters have to as well. Make thier outfits more elaborate/creative, different face sizes/body types change up the wings a little, find a way to incorporate horns, ANYTHING as long as they're different. What works in the pony/animal world does not in the humanoid world. Also, their eye shape is way too big for their eyes, their lips/hands are to small I can barely see them. 


I don't know how well the designs might translate into doll form, but hopefully it's better than what I'm looking at now. I want to like these designs, but at the moment there's little for me to love. Hopefully they'll look better animated.

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The colors are ridiculous? They're... the same colors as the ponies.


I don't like that the pegasus keep their wings but the unicorns don't keep their horns though.

Except, you know, one doesn't exactly expect humanoids (unless they're aliens) to share colors with the ponies. It's as if they're half pony, half human. 

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The anthro designs of the okay. That's all I'm going to say about them right now.


This video is a clear representation of what EG really is, skip to 3:17 for the message though. EG is the second coming of crap



I would honestly see Michael Bay's version of FIM over EG

Michael Bay's version of FiM is this: explosions, Megan Fox, 'MERUCA MILTARI!1, explosions, aliens, government, racial setreotypes, CGI, CGI, CGI, and explosions.

creative but lazy

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The anthro designs of the okay. That's all I'm going to say about them right now.


Michael Bay's version of FiM is this: explosions, Megan Fox, 'MERUCA MILTARI!1, explosions, aliens, government, racial setreotypes, CGI, CGI, CGI, and explosions.

And lets be honest. Would you rather see anthro girls in high school finding a crown and never fighting any bad guys? Or would you rather see some boobs, explosions and ponies killing each other?

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And lets be honest. Would you rather see anthro girls in high school finding a crown and never fighting any bad guys? Or would you rather see some boobs, explosions and ponies killing each other?

Well, considering that A. We know little to nothing about Equestria Girls right now and B. We're clearly talking about Michael Bay, I oddly feel more comfortable with EG.


I mean, seriously, we don't know that much about Equestria Girls. But we do know that MB is making a TMNT movie where the turtles are aliens, and as you can see, the Turtles fandom really loves the direction Bay's taking the film.

creative but lazy

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Well, considering that A. We know little to nothing about Equestria Girls right now and B. We're clearly talking about Michael Bay, I oddly feel more comfortable with EG.


I mean, seriously, we don't know that much about Equestria Girls. But we do know that MB is making a TMNT movie where the turtles are aliens, and as you can see, the Turtles fandom really loves the direction Bay's taking the film.

Michael Bay's movies are god awful. But they're at east funny to watch. I mean imagine the world if we had a MLP movie where we had linkin park doing the songs and scootaloo was humping RD's leg. OI mean it be stupid. But it would go down in history with everything that is associated with badness 

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Michael Bay's movies are god awful. But they're at east funny to watch. I mean imagine the world if we had a MLP movie where we had linkin park doing the songs and scootaloo was humping RD's leg. OI mean it be stupid. But it would go down in history with everything that is associated with badness 

Not only does it hilariously sounds like something from Bay's ass, but that's so wrong on so many levels, I'm not even sure where to begin with.


Just one question before the mod/creator of thread possibly ask us to continue this conversation in PMs: Would it live up to the awfulness of Birdemic?

creative but lazy

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All this speculation on how they look brings me to one question: How will the rest of the characters or..."background humans" look. Will they be humanized versions of the background ponies we love, or will they be real humans?






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Yep, they are just crappy stock images, how they will really look like can be found in the trailer. 




Well, they still look stupid, but they're a little better. 

Darnit, I was LITERALLY just about to post that. Anywho, I totally called it you guys!







I'm looking forward to watching this and you can't stop me...

  • Brohoof 1



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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I'm really glad they dropped the Horns and Wings.

Those to me were the main thing that really ruined the design when trying to make them "human"

you misspelled 'skin colour'


anyways judging from the trailer I have to give them points for fixing the designs and having good animation


but the whole high school + prom + boyfriend + dog!Spike = shit beyond all shit imaginable


maybe the whole point of this is to stop fans whining about Twilicorn and be happy with what we've got because it could be so much worse


tl; dr:



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you misspelled 'skin colour'


anyways judging from the trailer I have to give them points for fixing the designs and having good animation


but the whole high school + prom + boyfriend + dog!Spike = shit beyond all shit imaginable


maybe the whole point of this is to stop fans whining about Twilicorn and be happy with what we've got because it could be so much worse


tl; dr:




I can understand the skin color issues people have. personally doesn't bother me to much.

I am hoping the whole high school angle they try to change it a bit from the norm, though I don't think that'll happen judging from the trailer. Spike being a dog though is a bit weird. Really should've went with a sort of younger brother type character.


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Well, the trailer has been released, and I must say that they look... even worse than the stock images. This movie is going to make me cry, and it's not going to be from feels.


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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