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open The Dark Tournament (FULL!)

Literally Snails

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Rune Breaker lunged forward wrapping his forehooves around Swordpoint's shoulder's, he was barely able to support himself.  Weeping onto Swordpoint's back he was choking and hiccuping on his word, "I-I-I....ff-f-forf-*hic*-eit.... I-I..*sniff*...f-forfiet."


His backlegs gave out falling so he was lean almost completely on Swordpoint, "I-I ccouldn't stop him, I-I'm sssorry.  I'm sssorry, ssso sssorry. K-keep her-er in your head, k-keep thinkin-ing of her.  Do-don't lettther g-o. I-I'm s-sorry, so-o  s-sorry."  Rune loosened his grip on Swordpoint slinking to the ground, where he lay; quietly blubbering over and over how sorry he was.

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Swordpoint stared at Rune Breaker. "Do not blame yourself, Rune. He is powerful... I was afraid that I could not pacify him. He could have easily torn me to shreds."


Rune stayed on the ground. Swordpoint reached his hoof out and picked him up, wrapping rune's forehoof around his shoulder. "Come on. Let's get you to the infirmary."


The ref stared unbelievingly. "I-I guess that Rune Breaker forfeits...? Swordpoint is the winner by default!"


The crowd grew angry. More shouts of "Traitor!" and "Weakling!" came, along with various items of garbage. Swordpoint glanced into the seats and spotted the pony from the waiting room... the organizer of the tournament, Rail. He was glaring at Swordpoint.


Swordpoint met his gaze with a snarl and continued to support Rune through the exit. The angry shouts of the crowd slowly began to die.


"I just keep her in my mind, yes? Just as long as I make sure to keep her in the front of my mind... I won't forget." This is bad... I could have used that wish to free Rainbow... But if I forget all about her... What will become of my life? I cannot live without her... I would rather die again. But I will not give up. I cannot. If even Celestia and Luna cannot help me... then I shall find the answer myself.


Rune had fallen unconscious. He was bleeding from his side where Swordpoint had gored Knightfall. His hide was also charred in several places. As Swordpoint entered the infirmary, he carefully laid Rune down on a bed. He then turned to one of the surprised medics. "Fix him," was all that he said. The medic gave him an angry look and started to speak, but Swordpoint stopped her. "If you do not help him, I will kill you. Am I clear?" His eyes began to glow, and a red aura enveloped her. Hastily, she agreed and went to work tending to Rune's wounds. He let the glow disappear harmlessly.


Swordpoint sighed and sat in one of the chairs. I suppose I must speak with him when he awakens. He felt the adrenaline rush begin to die, and he became dimly aware of the pain in his wounds. He scoffed and charged a spell, surrounding himself with golden energy. He released it and his smaller wounds healed. He would have no choice but to let the medics tend to his larger scapes, however.


The medic cautiously turned to Swordpoint. "So... you've heard about tonight's arrangements?"


Swordpoint eyed her curiously. "No. What arrangements?"


She inhaled nervously. "Well... the fighters are staying in a hotel for the night. Once you're done here, they'll escort you to the hotel and your room."


Swordpoint nodded indifferently. "Very well. I want him to come with me." He pointed to Rune Breaker.


The medic began to play with her hooves. "But, uh... that's... we can't..."


Swordpoint sighed. "You've paid for my room. What difference does it make if he comes with me in the room?" His eyes glowed subtly.


She looked around. "Well... Uh... I guess that... can... be arranged..."


Swordpoint smiled. "Good. Keep working."

Edited by Justin_ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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"Man this is insane!" Silver Storm said watching everything unfold. He was a but weirded out by the fact that Knightfall was pretty much as crazy as Terrorite the first time he had seen her.


The match between Knightfall/Rune and Swordpoint had excited him honestly. Though he was curious how it felt to have another presence within you.


"All I'm missing now is a hot dog and a bag of popcorn!" He joked even though it wasn't the time to be in a humorous mood.

Edited by Lady Rainicorn
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@Lady Rainicorn

Terrorite flapped up and left the ref.

"Hah! That chicken if a dragon knew he was no match for my-Silver! There you are!" Terrorite landed beside him. The sun had begun to set. Terrorite's claws retracted alongside her fangs. Her hair settled a bit more, allowing her a more civil look.

"Silver! Do you know where you are going to rest for the night? Do you by pure happenstance happen to coincidentally have a flashlight? I am sure that you'll want to see Night Goldre. I am Terrorite now, but in the day I was Day Terrorite. It really has little affect on our personality, but it changed our looks. We can see in the dark!" Terrorite asked.

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Yeah, I do have a flashlight." Silver replied. He pulled out the tool he conveniently had with him but He didn't use it yet.


He was still getting use to her switching from personality to personality like that. It must be a little annoying after a while.


"Since I'm eliminated I'll have to rest outside the tournament hotel. I don't care though, I love sleeping out in the wilderness." He told Terrorite.


He would use his flashlight to bring out Goldre but only when Terroite would allow him, If she was.

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Rune Breaker laid in the infirmary cot sleeping peacefully it was the best sleep since Knightfall had entered his body. Usually when he slept the dragon would try and control his unconscious body but right now there was now pressure at all, nothing working to push him aside. A silent deep sleep was a blessing to him.


But some evil never sleeps. Knightfall was weak but right now he didn't need to use magic or fight Rune for control, all he had to do was think and focus it towards a particular pony sharing the infirmary, asleep in a cot across the room. 'Hmph, mind reader, wakey! wakey! you slug. Time to open those pretty eyesss of yours, not physically that would be to obviousss but stop dreaming and hear me! Do you hear them when you sssleep? Do thoughts pouring in from all around since you can't keep them out? That must make for horrible nightmaresss or do you dream of others dreamsss? I could show you a nightmare or two. Heh. IF I THINK HARDER DO YOU HEAR ME LOUDER? WAKE UP MAO!'

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"Glorious! Only the smartest come prepared!" Terrorite rubbed her hooves together a bit menacingly. "I mean, yay, you do have a flashlight! Quickly now, shine it on me, full beam for full effect, and laugh upon the hilarious demeanor of my comrade Night Goldre!" Terrorite laughed. "She looks ridiculous! You've gotta see it!"

Silver shined the light on Terrorite who was grining like a fool. Her colors changed to a dark orange with a terrible shade of orange and a dark blue striped mane and tail. Her wings were tons smaller. Thank goodness that she wasn't flying at the time. Her hair was frazzled and her eyes bloodshot. The claws and fangs were hers now.

"Hello, Silver," she said in a gravelly voice. "I look horrible don't I?"

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"No, you look fine." Silver said in reassurance at Goldre new look. She looked a bit intimidating or unsettling but it didn't bother him. Besides; The last thing he wanted to do was make her feel bad even if that was what Day Terrorite intended.


"Say, what it like sharing a body like that? It looks weird yet oddly interesting." Silver asked curiously while he still held the light to Goldre. He almost wanted to have an alter ago just for the sake of finding out.

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Swordpoint lied on the infirmary cot, deep in thought. I wish I knew she was safe... If only just the slightest indication. And now... this foul magic Knightfall has cast upon me... I must not forget. I cannot.


One of the tournament staff entered the room noisily. "Swordpoint?" he asked in a monotone.


Swordpoint lifted his head. "Present."


The scruffy stallion raised an eyebrow. "Your accomodations have been made. We're ready to take you to the hotel."


Swordpoint glanced at Rune Breaker. "Not until he has awakened," he said coldly, pointing to Rune.


The stallion sighed. "Look, if you want to have some crazy fun, you do it outside the hotel."


Swordpoint stood at once. "You should learn to watch your tongue, lest it find you trouble." His eyes glowed gold.


The other pony only laughed. "Oh, please. I'm just here to do my job. You lowlifes aren't even worth half of my paycheck."


Swordpoint began to glow, and the pony was lifted into the air. "I warned you to watch your tongue. Your participation in this foul tournament taints you. I can kill you easily, and I will if I must." Swordpoint glared at the staff member.


The pony began to panic. "A-Alright! Fine! Just put me down! We'll wait for him, too!"


Swordpoint lowered him gently to the ground. "A wise decision. Now leave us."


The stallion didn't need to be told twice; he galloped from the room as soon as his hooves touched the floor. "Man, I don't get paid anywhere NEAR enough for-" he muttered as he ran. Swordpoint didn't catch the rest of his sentence, but he could piece it together in his mind.


Swordpoint turned to Rune Breaker, who lied nearby. The medics had done a wonderful job of fixing him with their magic... something Swordpoint could not do. Swordpoint was struck with pity once again as he watched the unicorn sleep. He noticed that the cracks in Rune's horn were slightly smaller than they had been before.


But he also heard something. Faintly. In the back of his mind, almost. It was there... but it wasn't. "I could certainly use some rest. Perhaps I should wake him so we may find proper sleep at the hotel. But... I suppose there is no harm in allowing him to rest for a few more minutes. Rune has been through a great ordeal..." He placed his hoof on the cot and examined the scar his lance had left. It was completely healed, but it must have been painful. It was quite large, and the skin was folded where the lance had pierced Rune's hide.


"Rune Breaker," Swordpoint mused, "I promise that I will find some way to help you. You do not deserve this curse. And your words before the match... Yes, I think they ring true. We are brothers in this. When this tournament is over... and if I survive... I shall bring you to Equestria with me. Yes... You have wandered for too long. You must have a home... and a guardian."


Swordpoint glanced at Rune Breaker's horn. His horn seemed to heal when I cast that spell on Knightfall... Perhaps it could help further... His eyes began to glow and a golden aura surrounded Rune Breaker. He focused it on Rune's horn and released the spell. The light grew bright, and Swordpoint watched in awe as several of the larger cracks in Rune's horn began to heal. When the light dissipated, Rune's horn looked just as it had before their battle. Swordpoint smiled and lied down on his cot.


"Well... at least I have helped him in some way. If I can heal his horn... he may be a powerful mage. Perhaps he will agree to share his knowledge with the Princesses." Swordpoint sighed and waited, remembering to keep Rainbow in the front of his mind.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@Lady Rainicorn

"Thanks," Goldre smiled. "It's alright...I mean, the other WindBreakers don't have one like I do. I can't remember exactly how I got Terrorite. We share, but changing sides can prove difficult. I'm just glad that we don't disagree! If I charge a lot of energy, I can chose when I switch to her, but she gets burned in the sunlight. My body has some kind of skin condition, so that's why I'm in the light and Terrorite's in the dark. It can be fun and we can always communicate even when in danger. Lunar and Solar eclipses are exciting, as you will see. For now, I'd like Terrorite to charge moonlight so we're ready for tomorrow. The bright side is that I never have to sleep!"

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Wow, that's sounds pretty cool!" Silver replied to the explanation. He wasn't entirely sure how that worked, but he understood the basics of out.


"Ok, bye Goldre." Silver day said. He then turned off the flashlight so Terrorite would come out. "Well Terrorite; I guess I'll be headed off to find a place to rest so I can rise early you know? Unless you have something else to say or you want to learn more about me.....It would only be fair because I know about about you buy you know next to nothing about me."

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@Lady Rainicorn

"There is but one question I ask: what would you of done with the wish if you had one? Oh, and you can use our Tournament Hotel room because we don't sleep." Terrorite said.

The moonlight shone through Terrorite's bat-like wings, illuminating every vein, bone, and muscles. Through her wings, it was clear to see that her veins were absorbing the moonbeams. They glowed softly as they converted the gentle light to energy.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Swordpoint sat in a quite uncomfortable chair as he waited for Rune Breaker to awaken. I suppose I should contact Princess Celestia. She may have wisdom for me. He closed his eyes and focused on the energy of his lance. He grasped it mentally and called out to her through the void.


"Princess Celestia... can you hear me?"


The Princess' voice came through clearly. "Yes, Swordpoint. It is well that you have won your match... and spared Rune Breaker's life."


"But of course. How could I kill him? He does not deserve death. He deserves freedom from his curse."


"Wise words indeed. But the magic which Knightfall has cast on you... I am sorry. Twilight is researching it as we speak, but there is very little information on the Draconians here..." Her voice conveyed her sorrow.


"I understand, Princess. And what of Rainbow? Have you been successful in your attempts to locate her?"


For a moment, there was only silence. "... I am sorry."


Swordpoint sighed. "I expected this much. The royal guardians are skilled in foalnapping... Courtesy of the vile Omnia."


"Yes... I know." There was pain and sorrow in Celestia's tone when she said this. 


"Forgive me, Princess. I did not mean to revive painful memories."


"It is quite alright, Swordpoint. For now, I would suggest that you rest. Take a nap while Rune recovers some of his strength. When he awakens, he will be able to explain Knightfall's dark magic to you."


"Yes... That seems prudent. I am still quite exhausted, although the medics have performed their duties well. The healing magics they wield are powerful... and I made certain that I observed every spell. I may be capable of recreating their effects... or at least conveying the technique for use in Equestria."


"Swordpoint... Sleep. You cannot place the weight of the world on your shoulders. Your efforts are truly admirable, but you mustn't overexert yourself. I will be watching, and I will provide you any advice which I feel can help you."


"Very well. We shall speak again, Princess. Thank you." Swordpoint opened his eyes and released his connection to Celestia. He stood and walked to the empty cot near Rune Breaker. He prepared to lie down, but then stopped. He picked up a piece of paper and a pen from the nearby table and wrote a note to Rune in the event that he awoke first.


"Rune Breaker," it read, "We have much to discuss. I have arranged for you to join me in the hotel where the contestants are to be housed. When you read this, please rouse me if I am not awake. We shall leave as soon as you are ready.


Also, I believe I have healed the damage done to your horn by our battle. I hope that it eases your pain.

-Sincerely, Swordpoint."


Satisfied, Swordpoint placed the note on Rune's chest. He then turned to his cot and lied down. His final thoughts before sleep found him were of Rainbow Dash.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Silver Storm put a hoof to his muzzle. "Now that you mention it, I'm entirely unsure about what I would wish for. There's just so many things to pick from you know." Silver said admittedly. He wasnt even sure if he'd win the tournament so he didn't even have a wish in mind.


"Wow you don't need sleep? That's pretty cool." Silver said impressed by the sight of her absorbing moonlight and making it energy. "I wish I could do that." he joked; at least then he wouldn't get sleepy every 12 hours or so.


"Oh and I really don't mind sleeping outside tonight. I'm sure you can agree the night sky is quite a sight."Silver said

Edited by Lady Rainicorn
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Standoff was equal parts amused, frightened, and hungry.The match between the loose cannon and the government's dog had ended fairly ridiculously, but they were both fairly powerful fighters. Lucky job the weaker one had won, he didn't like what little info Red had gotten on the mage by jumping in and out at opportune moments...


It had gotten dark as the matches had pressed on, and now it was well and truly nighttime. Standoff walked down to the arena after grabbing most of his gear, trying to figure out as much as he could. As the moon came out from behind a cloud, he saw a pony and a... Oh balls. Red, get in there! Standoff dropped into a crouch and started making his way down the stairs, taking a pistol out of his satchel...


Edited by baman



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Terrorite heard the familiar click of a pistol. She squeezed her eyes shut and activated her echolocation. She saw every object around her and Standoff with the gun. She around the corner, slamming Standoff to the floor as she screamed, "Don't shoot!"

Too late. When she pounced, Standoff had accidentally pulled the trigger, shooting her square in the chest. She rolled to the ground.

"Turn on the light," she began to gurgle and choke on blood. "Gold...dre..."

Edited by Lunar Knight

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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@, (Godmod. But I'll let it slide.)

Standoff jumped up and got the gun trained on the... THING... lying on the ground. "Any last words, you freak?"

Red leapt into Silver's mind and set about trying to find what the weird mutated thing was. He had a lot of shock to riffle through, though...



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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@baman, Lady Rainicorn

"Freak?" Terrorite gurgled. She swallowed the blood. "I assure you *cough* I am a perfectly normal *cough* WindBreaker. I am *cough* competing here. *cough* why did you shoot?" Terrorite managed. "I *cough* need a light *cough* but I won't die until after my third eclipse *cough* but even then I won't die *cough* unless somepony kills me. I'm only on my second eclipse."

Terrorite's wounds mended in the moonlight. She hacked and coughed up a small amount if blood. When she spit it out, a metal bullet rolled out of it. She whiped her mouth with her hoof. Her eyes suddenly changed to slits.

"You! You assumed that I was one of them!" she screeched. She summoned her shadow whip. She walloped Standoff on the side of the head with it.


I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Finally. I was waiting for somepony who would actually give me a challenge." Standoff went into a fighting stance, and then struck, grabbing the mutant and slipping behind her, one hoof on her neck. "Now. Either you concede and I let you go and we pretend this never happened, or I see how well you can heal with your head separated from your body."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Terrorite laughed.

"That would not be wise," she choked out. "But I dare you. Go on, try it. Be a man and try to 'kill' a poor, helpless pony who does not know you nor ever will. And I'm not a mutant. I am a normal species."

She threw her shadow whip down. It slithered faster than a snake and disappeared. Terrorite looked shock.

"Wait!" she called. "I need you! Come back!"

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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@ragestar Artemis suddenly teleported away from Crimson and flung more arrows at him. She also tried to quickly stab him with helios with her unicorn powers. "I have to finish this." she thought. Artemis tried flinging arrows at his chest trying to pierce his heart. 

I love Supernatural! :D

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Crimson cursed and his horn glowed a bright red, as he teleported behind artemis and attmpted to kick her in the head with all his streangth but with his hoof extinuished as to not kill her, "please artemis, you've fought bravely but if you carry on any longer in this fight I'm gonna have to kill you! Please, let this knock you out, I DONT WANT TO KILL YOU!!!" Yelled crimson pleadingly.

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"ENOUGH!" Silver shouted seeing Terrorite bicker with Standoff. "Save your pointless festering for the ring." Silver said angrily "Or else..." He threatened prepping a hurricane hoof and pointing towards Standoff. Just because he was out didn't mean he would quite fighting.


Silver then snickered "What's your problem anyway....? Too scared to fight with honor?" He teased.

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@, Standoff shifted slightly,so that Terrorite was between him and Silver. "Honor is something made up by soldiers to justify the awful things they do. I don't need your "honor"." Still gripping Terrorite, he backed up the stairs. Once at the top, he threw her aside and slammed the door.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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@ragestar Artemis suddenly teleported away from Crimson and flung more arrows at him. She also tried to quickly stab him with helios with her unicorn powers. "I have to finish this." she thought. Artemis tried flinging arrows at his chest trying to pierce his heart. 



Crimson cursed and his horn glowed a bright red, as he teleported behind artemis and attmpted to kick her in the head with all his streangth but with his hoof extinuished as to not kill her, "please artemis, you've fought bravely but if you carry on any longer in this fight I'm gonna have to kill you! Please, let this knock you out, I DONT WANT TO KILL YOU!!!" Yelled crimson pleadingly.

(Finnish this up soon, please.)


"Alright fans, it's the last match up of the Perliminaries and it looks like it's about to wrap up!"


(ATTENTION EVERYONE: After this fight is over, we are going to skip into the next morning and continue round two from there. I will make another post to tell you all when the next rounds are starting.)

  • Brohoof 2


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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