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Literally Snails

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Crimson grinned as stared at swordpoint, "sorry swordpoint, military isn't my style, it would be against everything I stand for as a priate captain.....allthough...I did lead celestias navy once, but that was becouse of a favour..." said crimson before rushing at swordpoint attempting to spinn kick him in the ribbs.

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Swordpoint smirked and jumped aside, easily dodging the attack. As Crimson flew by, Swordpoint brought his elbow down hard on Crimson's back. "That is a shame. And might I offer some advice? Never rush into combat blindly. Such brash actions can lead to defeat." 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson yelled in pain as he quickly rolled away from swordpoint and jumped back on his hoovs, crimson stood there glaring at swordpoint, while wiping blood away from his mouth, he then spit out a glob of blood onto the floor and smiled, "looks like your right, I can't hold back anymore, so why don't we kick this up a knotch!" Yelled crimson before rushing swordpiint, but just before crimson reached swordpint, he changed the direction if his strike and jumped up, neeing him in the jaw.


((This is my last post for tonight, goodnight everypony!!))

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Swordpoint was knocked to the ground from the force of the blow. Rainbow Dash gasped in the stands. "Augh... Well played, Crimson," Swordpoint remarked. He stood again and spat out a mouthful of blood. "I'm nowhere near finished, however. Prepare yourself." He extended his wings and charged full speed at Crimson, using his wings to propel him. As he approached Crimson, Swordpoint swung his forehoof at Crimson's stomach.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Midnight heard a sound coming at her from behind.  She turned in shock to see a missile.  She smiled at the unicorn and went up in the air in a blur.  She went behind Radioactive and laughed evilly.  "Did you not see my last match? Although I am stronger at night, I'm very quick 24/7" She said to her. The missile went up into the air and dropped into the crowd, killing a portion of them. Midnight jumped up into the air and threw a knife at Radio's stomach area.

"An interesting tactic for sure," Radio replies. With very little apparent effort, the knife melted. It's new form was not very aero dynamic, and it hit the ground easily. "There are impurities in this blade. I hope you did not spend much on it." It settled into three puddles, each a different color and luster. The puddles then swirled together, elongating into a rather thin spear that she halfheartedly tossed back. "So, given the choices, should you kill me I would prefer a swift reunion with the void. In return, I will do the same for you. Unless you prefer a slow death."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Swordpoint was knocked to the ground from the force of the blow. Rainbow Dash gasped in the stands. "Augh... Well played, Crimson," Swordpoint remarked. He stood again and spat out a mouthful of blood. "I'm nowhere near finished, however. Prepare yourself." He extended his wings and charged full speed at Crimson, using his wings to propel him. As he approached Crimson, Swordpoint swung his forehoof at Crimson's stomach.


"Now this is the kind of fight I like!" Topaz said happily. "Just look at those two duking it out! I think I'm a little more excited then I should be! This is a little embarrassing."


The griffon, mule and earth pony (the ones that were assaulting Silver Storm earlier) stepped in front of Rainbow Dash, cutting off her view of the fight.


"I know you don't belong here." The griffon said.


"That way you interfered with the fight really pissed a lot of ponies off. You just aren't safe here." The pony said.


"Hold on, now." The mule said. He looked over the mare intently. "She doesn't look half bad. Maybe we can work something out..."


"Why don't you three tell me exactly what you're doing." A voice interrupted from behind the three brutes. They turned around quickly as if they were ready to strike, but stopped when they saw who it was. Rail was standing behind them on the stairs. "She's with me. So tell me, what were you three doing."


The mule tried to reply, "We were.."


"We were just about to leave!" The griffon said. He rushed his two friends past rail and back to their seats.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"Now this is the kind of fight I like!" Topaz said happily. "Just look at those two duking it out! I think I'm a little more excited then I should be! This is a little embarrassing."


The griffon, mule and earth pony (the ones that were assaulting Silver Storm earlier) stepped in front of Rainbow Dash, cutting off her view of the fight.


"I know you don't belong here." The griffon said.


"That way you interfered with the fight really pissed a lot of ponies off. You just aren't safe here." The pony said.


"Hold on, now." The mule said. He looked over the mare intently. "She doesn't look half bad. Maybe we can work something out..."


"Why don't you three tell me exactly what you're doing." A voice interrupted from behind the three brutes. They turned around quickly as if they were ready to strike, but stopped when they saw who it was. Rail was standing behind them on the stairs. "She's with me. So tell me, what were you three doing."


The mule tried to reply, "We were.."


"We were just about to leave!" The griffon said. He rushed his two friends past rail and back to their seats.

"Good move..." Cosmo thought as they ran off, if the big shot hadn't told them to clear out, Cosmo would've made sure Altiar did... "They had a point about pissing off the audience though..." Cosmo thought, looking at the stallion with Rainbow Dash, "What's he doing her favors for..?" Cosmo decided he'd follow them if they left, "Swordpoint seems busy... and if I'm going to get on good terms with him, looking out for his mare friend would certainly help..."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Crimson grunted in pain as swordpoints hoof connected with his stomach, causing him to cough up some blood, but crimson ignored the pain and used this opprotunity to grabb swordpoints leg and pull it towards him, crimson then positioned his elbow above swordpoints leg, and attempted to bring it down with crushing force, attempting to break swordpoints leg, "sorry swordpoint, but incapacitation should be good enough for me to win!" Thought crimson solemly

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"Yes, incapacitation could earn you victory," Swordpoint affirmed, "if you could achieve it. I am afraid the time has come for me to cease the games."  Acting quickly, Swordpoint thrust his other leg into Crimson's face and jumped to his feet. He flew at Crimson, aiming to tackle him to the ground.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson cursed as swordpoint flew at him at full speed, "DAMMIT! I've gotta think of somthing quick, if I don't, he'll knock my sorry flank into next week! But what could I...." crimson then grinned evilly as he got an idea, "this might hurt swordpoint, but t least its better than dying..." thought crimson, before letting swordpoint tackle him, crimson howled in pain, coughing up more blood, but stood his ground, not allowing himself to get pushed back, crimson then wrapped his front hoovs around swordpoints waist and lifted him upside down, his head facing the ground, crimson then attempted to tombstone swordpoint with all of his stregth.

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Swordpoint quickly flapped his wings and lifted both himself and Crimson off the ground. He easily righted himself and kicked Crimson's squirming body off of his waist. The fall to the ground would hurt, but it certainly couldn't kill him. Swordpoint smiled and descended back to the ground. "You must try harder than that."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson quickly rolled to absorbe the impact of the fall and looked up at swordpoint as he wiped away some blood from the corner of his mouth with his hoof, he then grinned at swordpoint mischeviously, "damn......and here I tnought that would work.....but oh well, if you want harder, you got it! Said crimson, before running at swordpoint as if to punch him, but instead, crimson fliped over onto his forehoovs and wrapped his legs around swordpoints head, he then attempted to flip swordpoint and smash his head into the ground "sorry swordpoint, but I have to save violet!" Whispered crimson as swordpoints head rushed towards the ground.

Edited by ragestar
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((I've been waiting for Dawnpath for about two days now.  Is anyone here?))


Midnight looked at Radio.  She knew she disrupted the crowd by leading the missile to the crowd and it succeeded.  She tossed her tangled aqua hair out of the way and waited for her turn.

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As Swordpoint impacted the ground, he howled in pain. Slightly dazed, he forced himself unsteadily to his feet. "Augh... that was a quite a trick. But I am not out yet." He spat out some blood and charged at Crimson, wrapping his forelegs around Crimson's midsection. He then began to rise into the air. "After this is over, I could teach you a spell to give you temporary wings. They're powerful enough to carry your weight, although they dissipate after several hours." He hovered just above the top of the arena, still holding Crimson. "But for now, flight will elude you." He released his hold on Crimson and flapped his wings forward, propelling him away from Crimson.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson gasped in surprise as swordpoint released him, but before crimson could try and plan somthing to escape, somhow, he knew it was useless, swordpoint had just did a winning move, and crimson could do nothing to stop it, but instead of being angry, or upset, crimson was happy for his friend, he had now become a step closer to breaking his curse, and saving rune, crimson then looked up a swordpoint as he fell and grinned devilishly, "kick standoffs ass for me.....brother..." said crimson happily, before falling rappidly towards the arena, and landing with a loud crash, making a small crater, and crimson layed inside, unconcious, but smiling happliy.

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@, @

Swordpoint landed gracefully beside Crimson's unconscious body. "I am sorry, Crimson. You have fought with honor, and you have my respect." He bowed his head respectfully and stood for a moment in silence.


After a short time, he extended his wings and gathered energy. As it swirled around him, he could feel his scrapes and bruises healing.


Once the energy had dissipated, he floated back into the air, where he awaited the ref's call.



(OoC: He replied. This is his post.)

Edited by Justin_ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Swordpoint landed gracefully beside Crimson's unconscious body. "I am sorry, Crimson. You have fought with honor, and you have my respect." He bowed his head respectfully and stood for a moment in silence.


After a short time, he extended his wings and gathered energy. As it swirled around him, he could feel his scrapes and bruises healing.


Once the energy had dissipated, he floated back into the air, where he awaited the ref's call.

Crimson gasped in surprise as swordpoint released him, but before crimson could try and plan somthing to escape, somhow, he knew it was useless, swordpoint had just did a winning move, and crimson could do nothing to stop it, but instead of being angry, or upset, crimson was happy for his friend, he had now become a step closer to breaking his curse, and saving rune, crimson then looked up a swordpoint as he fell and grinned devilishly, "kick standoffs ass for me.....brother..." said crimson happily, before falling rappidly towards the arena, and landing with a loud crash, making a small crater, and crimson layed inside, unconcious, but smiling happliy.

"Luna's frozen glare... another Pegasus..." Cosmo thought, his ears dropping beside his cheeks, "Still, I have to say it will be interesting, Swordpoint is crafty if nothing else and he carries the mystical aura of one who dabbles in magic... Perhaps he will have something I can learn from..." Cosmo mused, then remembered his original irritation, "Except he'll be flying around the area rather than fighting me closely... Should I even bother asking him for an aggressive, close range, fight..?"

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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@, @

Swordpoint landed gracefully beside Crimson's unconscious body. "I am sorry, Crimson. You have fought with honor, and you have my respect." He bowed his head respectfully and stood for a moment in silence.


After a short time, he extended his wings and gathered energy. As it swirled around him, he could feel his scrapes and bruises healing.


Once the energy had dissipated, he floated back into the air, where he awaited the ref's call.



(OoC: He replied. This is his post.)

(Did you notice my last post? I expected Rainbow Dash to respond.)


Juri lifted her mic to announce the winner, but was immediately pushed away by a wide eyed Topaz who had lept from her announcers box into the arena.


"The winner of this intense match up is the, incredibly handsome Swordpoint, who will be one of the last to advance to the Semi Finals!" Topaz said.


"Aww! That hurt!" Juri complained. "And could you practice a little subtlety?"


Topaz stuck out her tongue playfully.





"I... I don't believe it..." Big Shot said. "I lost a buckin' fifty bit bet! Who loses a fifty bit bet!!!???"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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(Dammit. I didn't. I'll respond to it now... although it may be weird.)

Rainbow eyed the stallion warily. "Who are you, exactly? You don't look like all the rest of these lowlifes..." She heard a loud smash and wheeled around to see Crimson slam Swordpoint into the ground. "Oh, buck! Get up!" Swordpoint struggled to his hooves.


"Augh... that was quite the trick... but I am not out yet." 


She watched as Swordpoint propelled himself toward Crimson and grabbed him by the midsection. As he rose into the air, her jaw dropped.


"After this is over, I could teach you a spell to give you temporary wings. They're powerful enough to carry your weight, although they dissipate after several hours. But for now, flight will elude you."


She gasped as Swordpoint dropped Crimson. When he impacted the ground, he lied still. "Whoa... I think he just won..." She quickly turned back to the strange stallion. "So spill it. Who are you, and why did you protect me?"


(Aaaand back to the present)


Swordpoint glanced at Topaz. "Do not waste my time with flattery." He returned to the ground and landed near Crimson. Swordpoint lifted Crimson's unconscious body and glanced into the stands. He saw Rainbow Dash speaking to Rail, and his eyes narrowed. I suppose it's time to try that audio amplification spell... He closed his eyes and heard a small pop, followed by a clear voice.


"... Who are you, and why did you protect me?"


Protect...? I do not like this... Once I take Crimson to the infirmary, I must check on her. He carefully lifted Crimson's body onto his back with magic and slowly walked out from the arena, still eyeing Rainbow and Rail cautiously. The booing from the crowd had turned into cheers. Not even a single mention of the word "traitor" came.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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(Dammit. I didn't. I'll respond to it now... although it may be weird.)

Rainbow eyed the stallion warily. "Who are you, exactly? You don't look like all the rest of these lowlifes..." She heard a loud smash and wheeled around to see Crimson slam Swordpoint into the ground. "Oh, buck! Get up!" Swordpoint struggled to his hooves.


"Augh... that was quite the trick... but I am not out yet."


She watched as Swordpoint propelled himself toward Crimson and grabbed him by the midsection. As he rose into the air, her jaw dropped.


"After this is over, I could teach you a spell to give you temporary wings. They're powerful enough to carry your weight, although they dissipate after several hours. But for now, flight will elude you."


She gasped as Swordpoint dropped Crimson. When he impacted the ground, he lied still. "Whoa... I think he just won..." She quickly turned back to the strange stallion. "So spill it. Who are you, and why did you protect me?"


(Aaaand back to the present)


Swordpoint glanced at Topaz. "Do not waste my time with flattery." He returned to the ground and landed near Crimson. Swordpoint lifted Crimson's unconscious body and glanced into the stands. He saw Rainbow Dash speaking to Rail, and his eyes narrowed. I suppose it's time to try that audio amplification spell... He closed his eyes and heard a small pop, followed by a clear voice.


"... Who are you, and why did you protect me?"


Protect...? I do not like this... Once I take Crimson to the infirmary, I must check on her. He carefully lifted Crimson's body onto his back with magic and slowly walked out from the arena, still eyeing Rainbow and Rail cautiously. The booing from the crowd had turned into cheers. Not even a single mention of the word "traitor" came.

"I saved you because it suits me." Rail said. He tossed his lighter to Rainbow Dash. It was small and golden with the initials R.C. engraved into its side. "My daughter is making a fool out of herself." He added. "Tell me how you know Swordpoint. You obviously care for him."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Protect...? I do not like this... Once I take Crimson to the infirmary, I must check on her. He carefully lifted Crimson's body onto his back with magic and slowly walked out from the arena, still eyeing Rainbow and Rail cautiously. The booing from the crowd had turned into cheers. Not even a single mention of the word "traitor" came.

Cosmo's attention was divided between Rainbow and the Stallion talking to her, and Swordpoint. He noticed Swordpoints glaces in their direction and it didn't take much to figure out his concern. With telepathy, Cosmo projected into Swordpoint's mind, "Swordpoint. Try not to freak out but this is Cosmo, your next opponent. I have alot of respect for what you did and are doing to ensure your opponent's life. I noticed the issues your marefriend is having, and I'll keep an eye on her till you get back from the infirmary, and if you like, whenever you're unavailable in the future."

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Standoff sat in the lobby, whistling a tune. He had a good clue who he was up against in the semi-finals, and he had a pretty good idea on what he would do. In fact, he was kind of annoyed with himself that he hadn't done it sooner. It was so simpleOkay, Red, here's what we're gonna do...



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Standoff sat in the lobby, whistling a tune. He had a good clue who he was up against in the semi-finals, and he had a pretty good idea on what he would do. In fact, he was kind of annoyed with himself that he hadn't done it sooner. It was so simpleOkay, Red, here's what we're gonna do...

A security guard could be heard from outside the lobby. "Hey! You aren't supposed to be here-"


'CRASH!' The voice suddenly stopped after a loud banging noise.


"Shut the hell up." A deep, meaty voice said. "Better yet, I'll do it for you!"




The lobby door then swung open. A huge earth pony was at the door. He was just barely small enough to walk through the door frame, though he had to duck his head. He had a light brown coat and a short, black mane. "Buck the tournament committee!" He yelled. "They chose this runt instead of me? You barely come up to my knees!"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Standoff stood up quickly and examined the pony. He was obviously drunk, which was good and bad. Good because he wouldn't be aiming well, and bad because he wouldn't give up. First line of action was to try and defuse the situation. "Don't think I've met you before. Standoff." Red, keep your mouth the hell shut for this one. Okay. This isn't my domain anyway.

Edited by Confogl



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Standoff stood up quickly and examined the pony. He was obviously drunk, which was goo and bad. Good because he wouldn't be aiming well, and bad because he wouldn't give up. First line of action was to try and defuse the situation. "Don't think I've met you before. Standoff." Red, keep your mouth the hell shut for this one. Okay. This isn't my domain anyway.

(Not drunk, just unintelligent and naive)


"I know who you are!" He snapped. "Everypony knows who you are! The name's Imagin, most powerful fighter in all of Equestria and the only fighter who deserves to be in this tournament! Those thick skulls at the tournament committee didn't chose me as one of the sixteen fighters, but I can fix that. I did my homework, and it turns out that if a contestant dies outside of the arena before the semi finals, an alternate is chosen to take his place, and that's gonna be me!" He lifted his hoof and, in a manner similar to Roto's powers, morphed his entire leg into a fleshy axe blade that was as tough as steel. "Axe Blade Hoof!" He yelled. He lifted the axe blade apendage above his head and charged at Standoff.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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