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Create the worst season ever

Pony Of The Month

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This is a copypasta from the thread I created on Ponychan.

Come up with the worst season you could possibly come up with.

1. Must be 26 episodes.
2. The premiere must be a 2-parter. The finale can be a 2-parter if you want it to. And the rest of the episodes must be stand-alone episodes.
3. It must take place after S3. So that means that Discord is neutral and Twilight is an Alicorn.
4. Have fun!

I'll start:

1. Princess Gilda Part 1- The mane 6 must save the griffon kingdom from the wrath of princess gilda.

2. Princess Gilda Part 2- The mane 6 must keep Gilda away from Ponyville.

3. Games Ponies Play: The Sequal- Rainbow Dash's friends want to support Rainbow Dash in the Equestria Games. What they don't know is that they've got the wrong Rainbow Dash.

4. Big Mac's Special Day- Pinkie Pie knows exactly what Big Mac wants for his birthday: Fluttershy!

5. Twilight Sparkle Pwns Trixie- Twilight Sparkle arrests Trixie for eating her royal cake.

6. The Cutie Mark Crusaders Steal The Show- When Sweetie Belle gets her cutie mark, she steals the spotlight away from Princess Twilight Sparkle.

7. The Obligatory Background Pony Episode- Lyra convinces Dərpy, Dr. Whooves, Bon-Bon, Octavia, and Vinyl Scratch that Equestria Girls is canon.

8. Sonic Flutterboom- In which Fluttershy attempts to perform the sonic Flutterboom. Rainbow Dash gets jealous.

9. Babs Seed Destroys Manehatten- Babs Seed regresses and gets her revenge on all of Manehatten.

10. Sombra Didn't Die- King Sombra comes back, only to be reformed by Discord.

11. Daring Do And The Search For Silver Spoon- When Silver Spoon goes missing, Daring Do must find her, without any help from Diamond Tiara.

12. Sparity- In which Spike And Rarity share the same body.

13. Shadowbolt Academy- Rainbow Dash betrays the wonderbolts and decides to audition for the shadowbolts.

14. Princess Celestia Turns Into Pixiedust- Princess Luna must figure out why Celestia turned into pixiedust.

15. Shining Cheater- Shining Armor cheats on Cadence with Applejack.

16. The Obligatory Villians Unite Episode- Exactly what it says on the tin.

17. Shipping Wars- Princess Twilight Declares that Flutterdash, Cherimac, and Sparity must become Canon.

18. Fluttershy Becomes Agressive- Pinkie Pie and Rarity teach Fluttershy to be agressive, rather than assertive.

19. The Magic Mirror Of Death- Lyra finally enters the magic mirror, only to never return again.

20. Cheaterjack- Applejack cheats on Shining Armor with Flim.

21. Army Of Love- Chrysallis starts a metal band called "Army Of Love'

22. The Great Canterlot Invasion- Canterlot invades Ponyville.

23. Scootaloo's Dreamland Adventure- Scootaloo frollics in Rainbow colored grass and eats blue pudding.

24. Granny Smith Watches TV- Granny Smith yells at her tv for 22 minutes.

25. The Revenge Of Sunset Shimmer Part 1- Sunset Shimmer attacks Ponyville with the help of her changeling friends. Fluttershy does nothing.

26. The Revenge Of Sunset Shimmer Part 2- Twilight Sparkle defeats Sunset Shimmer, and Fluttershy becomes a Princess.


  • Brohoof 18



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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Lol, sadly I'm far too tired to attempt this at the moment, but I'll try to come back later if I remember it. And... it's sad to say but I'd probably watch and genuinely enjoy some of those episodes, I really want to know just what Granny Smith will yell at her T.V. for 22 minutes.

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It's better if Dimitri Hammer doesn't read episode 4, but if he'd read it, then you're going to have a bad time. But for the rest the last two episode would be hilarious.


One should always look for a possible alternative, and provide against it.

-Sherlock Holmes.




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This thread appears to be some manner of random (but strangely enjoyable) nonsense, or something spammy of the sort. Thus, it has been sentenced to the Forum Lounge section of Cloudsdale Colosseum. This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

  • Brohoof 1


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Yes... YES! I love topics like these.


1. Soarin's Spork Part One - Soarin invents a spork and revolutionizes Equestria as everypony knows it, allowing the ponies to toss out all their old utensils and use sporks instead.


2. Soarin's Spork Part Two - Everypony realizes that only Unicorns really need utensils anyway, and they all get rid of their sporks and arrest Soarin for inventing a useless invention. He is banished to a random, small asteroid floating in space.


3. Gotta Go Dash - Rainbow Dash becomes addicted to Speed, and tries to go faster and faster in order to feed her addiction. She eventually crashes into Scootaloo, and the two of them fuse together and become Scootadash.


4. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy 7000- The Flim Flam brothers return to Ponyville and make Lemonade in their new invention, the Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy 7000. Applejack's awesome, smart, and hot cousin, Lemonjack, shows up, and challenges the Flim Flam brothers to a Lemonade contest. They almost beat her, but then they all realize that there's no lemon trees in Ponyville and so it ends in a draw.


5. Magic Fool - A traveling clown called the Blithe and Spastic Wixie comes to town and starts clowning around, getting on everypony's nerves. Pinkie stuffs her in a cannon and shoots her into outerspace.


6. Maximum Ponydrive - All the apples in Sweet Apple Acres come to life and attack Ponyville, but are quickly eaten and defeated.


7. Fusion Frenzy - Scootadash pleads with Princess Twilight for help as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon keep making fun of them and so Twilight comes to the only logical conclusion: fuse Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon together to make Diamond Spoon so that they'll stop making fun of Scootadash.


8. Spleen is Not Your Organ - Rarity tries to become a doctor but keeps getting outperformed by Fluttershy, who is trying to become an animal surgeon.


9. Window Wiper - Pinkie tries to wipe windows using her butt, and all the Staillions in Ponyville hire her to clean her windows.


10. Big Mac Attack - Big Macintosh steps on a nail and destroys have of Ponyville trying to find a hammer to pry it out with.


11. Scoot Out of My Way - Scootadash flies into a giant steak knife and, instead of getting split in half, manages to defuse herself. Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash then hug for ten minutes and beat up Princess Twilight Sparkle for being such a punk. They then cut Diamond Spoon in half, and then beat up Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for being such bullies. Then they hoof bump and start a street gang called "The Danger Dashes" whose motto is "Scoot Up or Scoot Out".


12. Apple in Bloom - Apple Bloom discovers that she has a huge crush on Snips and tries to make him jealous by dating Snails, but then it turns out Silver Spoon has a huge crush on Snails, so she dates Featherweight to try to make him jealous, but then it turns out Scootaloo has a huge crush on Featherweight, so she dates Shady Daze to try to make him jealous, but then it turns out that Sweeetie Belle has a huge crush on Shady Daze, so she tries to date Diamond Tiara to make him jealous. Twist cries in the corner cause no one loves her.


13. Cheer Up Cheerile - Cheerilie gets depressed and listens to hardcore Griffon Metal alone in her house.


14. The Princess Needs Help - Princess Twilight gets tired of sitting around in her library waiting to be informed of her princessly duties, so she takes it upon herself to help others using her new powers. But then it turns out that she sucks at being a Princess, so she decides to once again just wait in her library until Celestia tells her what to do.


15. Tuck, Buck, and Roll - Applejack tries to teach Fluttershy how to buck apple trees properly, but Fluttershy feels sorry that the trees are always getting kicked and so inspires them to rebel against Applejack and the rest of the Apple family. The trees then all get cut down and made into furniture.


16. Scoot Into My Way - Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo get arrested for being in a gang and get banished to the sea.


17. Celestia's Day Off - Celestia takes a day off and absolutely nothing goes wrong.


18. Luna's Night Off - Luna takes a night off and absolutely nothing goes wrong.


19. Twilight's Week Off - Twilight takes a week off but then realizes that she wasn't doing anything anyway and everything goes wrong.


20. Power of the Six - Sombra returns and tries to take over Ponyville, and Princess Twilight and her friends unite to stop him. Except they don't since Rainbow Dash got banished to the sea, and instead Sombra takes over Ponyville and becomes the new mayor.


21. Dis Cord Right Here - Discord comes to Ponyville and challenges Sombra to a Chaos-Off to see who can wreak the most havoc. If Sombra wins, Discord gives him unlimited crystals, but if Discord wins, he has to become his pet dog. Sombra wins and the world is turned into crystal. But then it turns out that Sombra is actually Queen Chrysalis, and then Discord and Queen Chrysalis get married and go on vacation in the Crystal Empire.


22. Every Crystal Begins with C - Nothing happens because everypony is frozen in crystals.


23. Discord's Divorce - Discord realizes that his heart truly belongs to Opalescence, so he divorces Queen Chrysalis, banishes her to the center of the Earth, and frees everypony from their crystal prison.


24. Spike the Crusader - Spike wants to earn his cutie mark, so he joins the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who only let him join since Scootaloo got banished to the sea. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle use him to try to get their marks, but then Spike saves them from a Timberbunny, and he earns a cutie mark of wooden bunny, causing Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to go insane and get taken to the asylum, while Princess Twilight decides to study Spike to see how he pulled off getting a cutie mark even though he's not a pony. Twilight determines that Spike is actually half pony and that his mother is Rarity, causing him to cry himself to sleep and have dreams about marrying his own mother.


25. The Wrath of the Banished Part One - Soarin, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Queen Chrysalis return and wreak havoc across all of Equestria to get revenge for their banishment. Celestia and Luna argue in Canterlot about how to stop it while Princess Twilight and her entourage do their best to stop the attacks.


26. The Wrath of the Banished Part Two - Soarin, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Queen Chrysalis attempt to attack Canterlot, and Princess Twilight and her gang are the only things standing in their way. Princess Twilight challenges their leader, Soarin, in a pie eating contest, and he gladly accepts. The two of them begin to eat hundreds of pies, and it surprisingly looks like Twilight will win. Suddenly, Soarin busts out his mighty spork and begins eating pies twice as fast, and Twilight admits defeat, causing Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Chrysalis to cheer for Soarin, the victor. But Soarin doesn't stop eating because he loves pie so much, and he explodes, sending Chrysalis flying off into the sky and causing Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo to go deaf. They all then become friends again and banish Celestia to the Sun and Luna to the Moon for spending all their time arguing instead of helping. Twilight then becomes Queen and gets a second horn and a second set of wings. Twist cries in the corner because no one loves her.

  • Brohoof 18



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Season 5 Attack of the Rouge Meteor 

After Luna knocks herself out during a weight lifting competion all of the metors go of course. Unfortunatly the largest one is headed toward Equestria really really  REALLY slowly. Will our ponies figure out a way to stop It in time?

1. Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 1

2.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 2


3.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 3


4.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 4


5.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 5


6.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 6


7.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 7


8.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 8


9.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 9


10.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 10


11.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 11


12.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 12


13.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 13


14.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 14


15.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 15


16.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 16


17.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 17


18.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 18


19.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 19


20.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 20


21.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 21


22.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 22


23.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 23


24.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 24


25.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 25


26.Attack of the Rouge Meteor part 26

Yep that's right the first 26 part episode!!!

Edited by Anadu Kune
  • Brohoof 9
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01 Spike's Big Adventure Part 1 - Spike goes on an epic solo journey to save the world.

02 Spike's Big Adventure Part 2 - Spike gets tired and comes back home having accomplished nothing.

03 While the Pony's Away... - Spike has to take over Twilight's librarian duties while she's off doing princess stuff.

04 Sonic Scaleboom - Spike becomes Rainbow Dash...again.

05 Spike Before You Sleep - Spike has a sleepover with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle.

06 Cold Blooded Thriller - Spike is the star of an all-musical episode.

07 Dragon Your Feet - Spike doesn't want to get out of bed.

08 Hungry Hungry Dragon - Spike accidentally eats all of Rarity's gems.

09 Dragon's Lair - Spike decides to move out of the library.

10 The Great Muffin Caper - Spike has to help Pinkie Pie track down the walleyed pony who's been stealing all her muffins.

11 The Scaly Crusader - Spike tries to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

12 The Last Crusade - Spike gets his Cutie Mark.

13 Dethklop - Spike convinces Rainbow Dash, Octavia, Scootaloo, and Fluttershy to help him start a death metal band.

14 Let Me Stand Next to Your Dragonfire - Spike accidentally sends Twilight's private diary to Princess Celestia, and has to go to Canterlot to get it back before the Princess reads it.

15 A Knight About Town - Spike has a date with Rarity. Will he be chivalrous enough for her?

16 Spike Always at Your Service - Applejack saves Spike's life again.

17 School Daze - Equestrian Foal Protection Services force Spike to go to school.

18 Blackscale the Pirate - A band of dragon pirates take Spike hostage

19 Seeing Double Trouble - Spike unwittingly drinks some of Applejack's "Special" cider.

20 The Spine and Claw Spa - Spike realizes that his hands are ideal for giving massages. How will Aloe and Lotus handle the competition?

21 The Bridges of Ponyville County - Spike has a crisis when he realizes he may love somepony else more than Rarity.

22 Gordon Gecko - Spike befriends a fellow dragon who is a big-time investment banker. Will he be able to overcome greed again?

23 Burninating the Countryside - Spike goes on a rampage.

24 Wingloner - Spike sprouts tiny wings, but worries that the ponies might think differently of him.

25 Til Death Do Us Party Part 1 - Spike marries Pinkie Pie.

26 Til Death Do Us Party Part 2 - Pinkie Pie was actually Chrysalis the whole time.

  • Brohoof 7
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Clip-Clop, Pt. 1: Long-awaited Season 4 premiere! On her first flight with her new wings, Twilight hits a wall and gets amnesia. The other ponies try to get her to remember who she is via flashback clips from older episodes.


Clip-Clop, Pt. 2: More flashback clips (98% of the episode).


A Little Horse - Luna's overuse of the ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE gives her laryngitis. The only cure is to have Princess Twilight Sparkle turn her back into a baby alicorn, which is the form she remains in for the rest of the series.


Hearts a Flutter - Fluttershy falls in love with a brutish pony named Clobberguy (guest star Chris Brown). She alienates her friends and is eventually seen wearing sunglasses to cover up a black eye.


Gummy Bare - The ponies learn a valuable lesson about death as a disease causes Pinkie Pie's pet alligator to lose all of his skin and eventually die. Pinkie Pie adopts a pet rock to take his place but, when her father visits, he snatches it away and takes it back to the farm.


Trixie's Boypony Experience - The Great and Powerful Trixie manages a boy pony band, who take up residence in Ponyville and sings various songs to accompany scenarios the ponies find themselves in. Songs include, "Pick Up Your Yard", "Be-hay-ve", "Don't Tease Applejack" and "Let's All Butter our Bread Together, Quietly."


Cheerilee, Cheerilee, Cheerilee, Cheerilee, Life is But a Dream - Cheerilee has a nighmare in which she does something outlandish to get her fired from her teaching job. The next day, she feels refreshed....but reality crashes down as she finds that Featherweight's parents have removed him from school, and she's under investigation for sexually harrassing him. She's innocent, but no one believes her, and she's fired, then jailed. 


A to Zecora - Zecora stops rhyming and goes on a "zebra power" stint where she becomes militant and anti-pony. After being tortured, she promises never to speak her mind again - and re-learns how to rhyme by becoming a traveling musician in a minstrel show.


That Other Twilgiht - On Nightmare Night, Twilight attempts to assume Luna's role as Nightmare Moon but, after having read Dracula the night before, is inspired to bite all of the young ponies in the neck. She is banned from reading for good.


Cutie Marred Crusaders - Scootaloo reveals a dark secret to Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom: she cannot fly because of a birth defect. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom respond to this revelation by kicking Scootaloo out of the CMCs and alienating her for the remainder of their lives.


Stuck Spike - Princess Celestia accidentally leaves the fax machine on overnight, causing Spike to vomit up so many letters that he runs out of flame completely. No longer feeling like a proper dragon, he goes to Twilight for re-assurance, only to hear her say, "I agree - you can't call yourself a dragon anymore. And I've outgrown you."


Home Shopping Clopwork - Non-animated segment selling My Little Pony toys, hosted by Gilbert Gottfried (who keeps calling them Pound Puppies).


How Do You Like Dem Apples? - Applejack gets convinced by the Flim Flam Brothers to bottle apple jam made at the farm. When the rest of the family protests, Applejack takes ownership of the land via a lawyer and evicts them. She eventually learns about Granny's fatal heart attack via a letter, and does not respond.


Scrub a Dub, Bub - Big Macintosh and Cranky Doodle Donkey take a bath together.



Taste the Rainbow - Rainbow Dash is embarrassed about getting her first period, and wants to hide. But, when dangerous storm clouds threaten to flood Ponyville, she must fly all over town to get rid of them. Unable to control her flow, the other ponies now have something worse than rain falling from the sky to worry about...


Medium Rarity - Rarity decides to become a more "common" pony by dressing down and assuming a non-melodramatic demeanor. When Sweetie Belle tells her to snap out of it, she bites her hard on the butt. Because of the injury, Sweetie Belle can never receive a proper cutie mark, and Rarity is permanently banned from spending time with her.


Striking The Wrong Discord - John de Lancie's time as the voice actor for Discord ends as Justin Bieber takes over the role.


Div-horse - Princess Cadence and Shining Armor call it quits. The separation is amiable at first, but eventually devolves into screaming and dishware throwing, while Twilight cowers in a corner and cries.


Easy as Pinkie Pie - After a parade during the song "Smile, Smile, Smile" inadvertantly kills some butterflies Fluttershy is friends with, the hospital provides Pinkie Pie with medication to help her calm down. The end result is a mature and joyless Pinkie, who eventually gathers all the ponies together for a timeshare presentation.


Fan Mail - Another non-animated episode where a suit-and-tie executive from Hasbro reads off various pieces of fan mail and calls Bronies "fairy boys" and "dumbasses". The episode ends with the exec and his new girlfriend, Lauren Faust, pointing and laughing at the fourth wall.


Mrs. Dash - Rainbow Dash gets married and becomes a housepony. She dutifully fulfills her role as doting wife for her husband, even though he's frequently wrong and is sternly against female ponies competing in flying contests.


Der-pee - The problem of bedwetting is addressed when Derpy can't seem to keep her sheets dry at night. The ponies come up with a solution: hang the soiled sheets on a clothesline for the entire town to see to shame her into not pissing the bed. It works, although we never see Derpy smile again.


Spike Could Just Die - Spike reveals to Rarity that he loves her. An awkward 25-minute silence follows, with crickets in the background, and Rarity looking uncomfortable. She finally tells Spike never to think of her that way, and Spike walks out with Rainbow Dash providing a cloud to follow him around, raining on him.


Origin Stories - Portions of the original 1986 My Little Pony - The Movie are shown with Applejack repeatedly asking "what the hay is going on" in the background.


Celestia, Woudn't Wanna Be Ya - When Princess Celestia disappears from the kingdom, all of Ponyville chips in to help find her. They discover her in a different dimension with a saddle on her back, giving $5 rides to human children. "That's right - this is what your Princess does to pay the bills. What the hell are you looking at? Leave! NOW!" They leave.


The Twilight of Our Friendship (series finale) - The Mane5 go to visit Princess Twilight Sparkle to see if she'll attend this year's gala with them. She barely acknowledges them and declines. After going home, a sequence shows the Mane5 back in Ponyville doing mundane things and looking sad as Terry Jack's "Seasons in the Sun" plays in the background. Then, a fire burns the library to the ground. Twilight shows up to survey the damage and is pleased, as she was not wanting to leave anything "meaningless" attached to her back in Ponyville. As she exits for the last time, now-ownerless pet Owlowiscious is shown eating a screaming mouse, while Fluttershy watches with somewhat indifferent approval.

Edited by John Mellenclop
  • Brohoof 9

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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I'm gonna be honest, John, while I did chuckle at many of yours, for some reason this line really made me laugh hard:


"She eventually learns about Granny's fatal heart attack via a letter, and does not respond."


Oh Celestia, I'm such a bad pony.

  • Brohoof 4



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1. Fluttersolo Part 2 - All her friends ISH SO MEANS TO HER so she HAS TO RUNS AWAY but then Trixie and Luna come and beat them up for being MEANIES and now they NEED FLUTTERSHY


2. Fluttersolo Part 2 - FLUTTERSHY helps her friends again OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF HER HEART and ITS THEIR FAULT THAT TRIXIE AND LUNA CAME and Princess Luna removes Twilight's wings for being mean to BELOVED FLUTTERSHY


3. I Chipped A Hoof! - Rarity chips a hoof and learns to omg stop being a drama queen and then she breaks her leg and that'll teach her good


4. Background Ponies - Derpy, Dr. Whooves, and Vinyl Scratch face off against the changelings because the Mane 6 couldn't beat them and then they make fun of Rarity


5. You Chicken? - Scootaloo flies around for 22 minutes and makes Rainbow Dash jelly and she gets into the wonderbolts and does a sonic Scootboom


6. The Fourth Wall - Pinkie Pie breaks the fourth wall for an entire episode and her friends just wander around confused


6. Sonic Flutterboom - Fluttershy does a sonic Flutterboom, which is EVEN FASTER than a Sonic Rainboom


7. Triple Sonic Flutterboom - Fluttershy breaks space and time because she's just that awesome


8. Applejack and Family - Applejack hangs out with her TOTALLY LIVING parents and nothing ever goes wrong and Big Mac speaks like Shakespeare


9. Want Some Cupcakes? - Pinkie Pie kills two ponies. ISH DARK. AND EDGY.




11. The Real Elements of Harmony - It turns out Applejack is the element of loyalty and Rainbow Dash is the element of honesty, also Rarity doesn't have an element cuz she sucks


12. I Hate You So Much Big Sister - Luna beats the stuffing out of Celestia. Everypony cheers.


13. Hats Off To Yule - A touching, heartfelt episode about how Applejack's parents are dead OH WAIT THEY CONTRADICTED THAT FIVE EPISODES AGO


14. TwilightxFluttershy - SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP


15. Discord SAVES THE DAY - Rainbow Dash doesn't trust Discord cuz she sux but Discord saves her life and everypony laughs at Rainbow Dash the end


16. Future Twilight - There is a real future pony war and there is gore and bloodshed and Twilight has to kill her friends to return to the past


17. Boyfriends - Everypony gets a boyfriend except Rarity cuz she sux


18. Awesomeness - Everypony does something awesome except Applejack because lol does she even exist?


19. Human In Equestria - The bronies visit Equestria


20. LUNA - Luna joins the Mane 6 and replaces Applejack. This is never spoken of again.


21. TRIXIE - Trixie joins the Mane 6 and replaces Rarity. This is also never spoken of again.


22. In The Shadows - A gripping, dark yet uplifting episode that everypony misses because they stopped watching the show at this point


23. Reality Check - All the logical errors are pointed out in the show over a span of 22 minutes


24. Poo - Fluttershy farts


25. Not A One Trick Pony Part 1 - Trixie tries to join the Mane 6. Episode 21 is never referenced.


26. Not A One Trick Pony Part 2 - Trixie replaces Twilight Sparkle and becomes and Alicorn and overthrows Celestia and rules together with Discord and Luna but spares Fluttershy because SHE SO CUUUUTEEEE

  • Brohoof 7

Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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I believe that season I was going to come up with was already taken.




Alright, to be actually original:


The season would be a short season... a VERY short one.


STARTED AT 1:21PM(just to show you how long it takes to actually make episode + episode descriptions)

Spike the Slave - Spike believes he is a slave under Twilight's presence. So, he runs away to live in a new home. He goes to homes, and believes he belongs with Twilight.

Pinkie Slinkie - Pinkie finds this slinky and plays with it so much, she avoids her friends just for this slinky toy. They are unseperatable.

Find the Booty Part 1 - The Main 6(including Twilicorn) believe there is treasure at an ancient island called Equestria Island(it was originally a prison for the ponies who broke the law, but abandoned hundreds of years later). So, they sail to the island, and they get blown off track by a huge storm. They end up on a strange place, knowing they will never return home. Magic doesn't work here, so they can't get home.

Find the Booty Part 2 - The ponies find a small village where all the lost ponies who actually tried to sail to Equestria Island lived. Will they ever get home? Better yet, will they find the treasure they have been seeking for?

Phew, I finished this at 1:43pm.



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Episode 1. Twilight's Boyfriend: Part 1 - A black and red Alicorn named Edward, who is a vampire that had a dark and tragic past makes his arrival at Ponyville. Twilight immediately falls in love with him.

Episode 2. Twilight's Boyfriend: Part 2 - Twilight meets another black and red Alicorn named Jacob, who also have a dark and tragic past and he's a werewolf. Now Twilight had to choose who will be her boyfriend. Twilight changes her name into Bella and becomes a black and red Alicorn by the end of part two.

Episode 3. Good Spike - Zecora cast a spell on Spike that turned him into a dog. Fluttershy is permanently a dragon for no reason.

Episode 4. Birds Of The Griffon - Gilda gets redeem by Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash and Trixie fall in love with each other in this episode.

Episode 5. Cupcakes - Pinkie Pie and Derpy Hooves are insane cannibals. Half of Ponyville doesn't notice (the other half doesn't really give a damn) until they kill Rainbow Dash. This is also a DT&SS torture epsiode (think of FiM's answer to Spongebob's Squidward torture episodes)

Episode 6. Sweet Apple Massacre - A Applejack episode centered around Big Mac. Big Mac turns out to be a pimp and he rapes and kills the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Episode 7. Rainbow Factory - Rainbow Dash and the CMC comes back from the dead for no logical explanation. Rainbow Dash rapes Fluttershy, falls in love with Sonic The Hedgehog, and kills Scootaloo in a factory. DT&SS torture episode and the Flim Flam Bros. get redeem.

Episode 8. Super Flim Flam Bros. - A Applejack episode in which Flim and Flam have to save Diamond Tiara & Sliver Spoon from King Sombra, King of Stairs. Scootaloo comes back from the dead and DT&SS are left in the dungeon anyways. Lightning Dust gets redeem.

Episode 9. The Princess War - Luna makes a empire and claims that Celestia, Bella, and Cadence are evil. Celestia makes her own empire and say that she's the good princess, Cadence makes her own empire and says that she is not a crook, and Bella makes her own empire and say that she is not a dictator. Chrysalis gets redeem. A DT&SS torture episode.

Episode 10. Q's Wedding - Discord changes his name into Q and marries Celestia. Rarity gets turned into a marshmallow.

Episode 11. Chrysalis and The Changelings - Chrysalis and her army form a rock band. And then she went solo and starts using auto-tune for her songs, starting with 'Monday'. DT&SS torture.

Episode 12. I Derp Your Mom - A Applejack episode in which Derpy becomes a seapony. Oh, and she gets banish to the sun with Diamond Tiara and Sliver Spoon because she was a jerk toward Bella.

Episode 13. I'm A Doctor Whooves Doesn't Have A PhD - Doctor Whoof drags Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash with him to stop The Master. Shining Armor becomes a smartass.

Episode 14. Holy Musical Applejack! - A Applejack episode that actually center around her in a musical. Applejack replaces her own friends with inanimate objects and sings multiple music numbers while fighting a villain named The Joker, who steals the spotlight from her. Batman kills everyone who come back to life in the next episode.

Episode 15. Celestia Is Secretly Chuck Fuckin' Norris - Exactly what it says on the title. DT&SS torture and King Sombra is redeem.

Episode 16. Dan Vs. Season 4 - Dan plans to avenges Lauren Faust (despite him disliking the show and teasing Chris for being a brony) by screwing over the people he assume to have made the episodes of Season 4.

Episode 17. Attack Of Tiara Ultima: Part 1 - Diamond Tiara, tired of being the ass of everyone's joke, captured every redeemed villain thus far and merge themselves into a abomination.

Episode 18. Attack Of Tiara Ultima: Part 2 - The Mane 6 defeats Tiara Ultima. Applejack and Fluttershy are useless throughout the episode. Diamond Tiara and Sliver Spoon are redeemed but are still tormented by everyone.

Episode 19. Pinkie Pie Killed The 4th Wall With Deadpool - Exactly what it says on the title.

Episode 20. The Foalvengrs - Cheerilee gets send into the future and The CMC thought that she was banish and team up with all of their classmates (foals seen thus far) to avenge their teacher by attacking the princesses. DT&SS torture.

Episode 21. Dragon You Over - Spike fucks everypony.

Episode 22. Snowbloom - Snowflake and Applebloom merged together and they are now trapped in the same pegasus body.

Episode 23. A Rarity Episode - Rarity finally gets her own episode, in which she does absolutely nothing.

Episode 24. The Conversion Bureau: Part 1 - A portal to Equestria has been opened and Humans
think that the Ponies are evil, while the Ponies think that this the other way around. Guest starring Nicolas Cage as himself as he and Lyra teams up to stop the war. DT&SS torture.

Episode 25. The Conversion Bureau: Part 2 - Lyra and Nicolas Cage formed a army of bronies to end the war. Lyra gets hands after the portal to our world close. DT&SS torture.

Episode 26. Cancelled - A cliffhanger finale in which Bella learned that the show is cancelled. DT&SS torture.

Best worst season ever?

EDIT: Ninja'd img-1436055-2-ph34r.png

Edited by Edgeworth1001
  • Brohoof 7

creative but lazy

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1. Trixie and Sunset Shimmer get revenge part 1- Trixie faked her apology and meets Sunset Shimmer. They steal Twilight's crown and go to a different world.


2. Trixie and Sunset Shimmer get revenge part 2- Twilight goes to this new world to get her crown back and gets horrible beaten, but then flies away because she is the only one with wings out of the three.


3. Twilight's revenge- She goes back to the other world with her friends beats Trixie and Sunset up and goes back to Equestria.


4. Discord snaps- He gets peer pressured into doing evil things. Becomes evil and pimp slaps Luna. Luna send him to the sun.


5 Sunset Shimmers apology- She apologizes and replaces AppleJack as element of Honesty. AppleJack becomes Canon supporting character.


6. Rainbow's letter- She gets a letter from the Wonderbolts saying that all the positions have been filled. Rainbow commits suicide. AppleJack becomes Element of Loyalty.


7. Canonization of shipping- Everypony has to ship with another character. Fluttershy is paired with dead Rainbow Dash.


8. Scootaloo's brother- Her parents died so she only had her big brother. He comes to Ponyville from Canterlot and wants her to go back with him she doesn't he becomes abusive. Then accidently kills her she meets Rainbow in hell and gets abused by her.


9. Babs gets her mark- She gets her cutie mark and starts to make fun of Sweetie Belle and Applebloom again. They kill her and she makes fun of Scootaloo in hell.


10. 4chan invades Equestria- /MLP/ comes to Ponyville in search for Rainbow Dash. They find out shes dead and some leave, others commit suicide and go to heaven.


11. Fake Alicornitius- Cadence she finds out she has a rare disease where she turned into an Alicorn. We find out that Twilight got it to they will die if they don't cut their wings off.


12. Pinkie's mind- Twilight goes into Pinkie's mind and finds a door labeled "Cupcakes." She walks inside and comes out with both wings missing and they become bloody stumps in the real world. She is cured of her disease. Cadence dies


13. Bieber's comeback- Justin comes to Equestria and sings a little. Celestia tries to send him to the moon while at the exact same time Luna tries to send him to the sun. He is torn in half in the process. He goes to heaven and tortures all the 4chan people.


14. Murder in Ponyville- Well I didn't really think of the plot for this one right now, but I am sure it will be fine.


15. Sombra's return- He returns and is reformed by Pinkie Pie, but still doesn't get any backstory.


16. Conviction of the CMC- Sweetie Belle and Applebloom get arrested for the murder of Babs Seed they plead not guilty. They go to jail until they are 25.


17. Shining Grief- Shining uses all his liquid sadness over Cadence's death for half a minute then moves on by marrying Twilight. Twilight gets pregnant after one night of hardcore sex and has a baby named Gizmo. He is a Twonicorn. (A two horned unicorn)


18. Rarity's Thorn- Rarity falls in love with another dragon named Thorn. Spike get pissed challenges him to a duel for Rarity's heart. Spike loses and Thorn takes Rarity's heart literally.


19. FlutterDash breakup- FlutterShy can't take the smell of Rainbow's dead body. She throws up and throws her dead body away.


20. Rainbow Zombie- Rainbow's dead body was thrown away into a trash can full of chemicals. She becomes a zombie and takes her element back from AppleJack.


21. Pinkie PSY- Pinkie Pie whilst breaking the 4th wall discovers Gangnam Style in our world and brings it to Equestria. She becomes extremely rich.


22. Zombie Aponylypse- Rainbow infects half of Equestria and Twilight must kill the source of infection to stop it all.


23. Rule 63/64- everyone becomes gender swapped and must find a way back. The only way to fix it is to go to heaven where Justin Bieber is it will be one long day for them.


24. Do the Pony Shake- Harlem shake comes to Equestria. Pinkie Pie loses all of her money.


25. Fake Alicornitius plaque part 1- Everypony becomes an Alicorn and start to freak out


26 Fake Alicornitius part 2 (Series Finale)- Everypony gets their own song and die from the disease right after. When the last pony dies everything explodes then the universe collapses on itself.


I think I did a good job with this season. Tell what you think.

Edited by TBB Animal
  • Brohoof 1


                                         Thanks to ~Cider Barrel~ for the signature

                                            My OC Forest 'Animal' Hunt forest-hunt

                                                   Look me up on fimfiction.net

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1. Spike Goes to School Part 1 - Spike goes to school and gets bullied for being the only dragon there.


2. Spike Goes to School Part 2 - Spike switches to a dragon-only school and makes a friend named Bob.


3. Pinkieback Rides - Pinkie Pie gives piggyback rides (as transportation) to ponies who need to get somewhere.


4. Lyra's Legs - Lyra invents artificial legs and convinces Bon Bon to use them too.


5. Scootaloo Gets Her Cutie Mark - Scootaloo gets a cutie mark of Rainbow Dash. She loves it.


6. Applebloom Gets Her Cutie Mark - Applebloom's cutie mark turns out to be 2 apples. She hates it because every other pony in her family has an apple cutie mark, so she drinks a potion from Zecora to get rid of it.


7. Sweetie Belle Doesn't Get Her Cutie Mark - Sweetie Belle doesn't get her cutie mark. She becomes depressed.


8. Fluttershy's New Chicken - Fluttershy adopts Scootaloo and makes a nice cozy spot for her in the chicken coop.


9. Scrub a Dub Dub - Spike takes a bath and almost drowns, but finds out he can breathe underwater.


10. Scrub a Wub Wub - Vinyl Scratch (DJ P0n-3) takes a bubble bath.


11. Sweetiepoo - Opal poops on the floor and Sweetie Belle eats it, mistaking it for chocolate.


12. Electric Toothbrush - Colgate invents the electric toothbrush and forces everypony to buy one.

13. Rainbow Dash's Revenge - Rainbow Dash gets revenge on Derpy for accidentally bumping into her.


14. Cheerilee Becomes a Pegasus - Cheerilee drinks Red Bull and becomes a pegasus.


15. Pipsqueak Hates Plates - Pipsqueak doesn't eat his pizza on a plate because he hates plates, so his mom spanks him.


16. Applejack is a Cat? - Applejack plays with a ball of yarn and Applebloom gets suspicious, so she investigates. Turns out Applejack is really a cat!


17. Daring Dash - Rainbow Dash slips on a banana peel and breaks her wing again. She becomes addicted to reading Daring Do.


18. Snips and Snails and Puppydog Tails - Snips and Snails make a friend named Puppydog Tails.


19. Love Spell - Cadance uses a love spell to make Rarity and Pinkie fall in love.


20. Colgate's Cash - Everypony gets revenge on Colgate for making them buy the electric toothbrushes so they get their money back.


21. Big Mac - Big Mac eats a Big Mac.


22. Sweetiepoo Gets Her Cutie Mark - Sweetie Belle gets a poop cutie mark. She loves it and no longer has depression.


23. Spike's Dream Comes True - Rarity cheats on Pinkie Pie for Spike.


24. Bon Bon's Bagel - Bon Bon drops a bagel on the ground. She accidentally squishes it with her hoof. She becomes depressed.


25. The Stare Part 1 - Fluttershy uses the stare to make everypony become vegetarian.


26. The Stare Part 2 - Fluttershy uses the stare to take over all of Equestria.

  • Brohoof 4


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12. Sparity- In which Spike And Rarity share the same body.


This sounds horrible. I love it.


9. Window Wiper - Pinkie tries to wipe windows using her butt, and all the Staillions in Ponyville hire her to clean her windows.


So stupid. Laughed hard.


14 Let Me Stand Next to Your Dragonfire - Spike accidentally sends Twilight's private diary to Princess Celestia, and has to go to Canterlot to get it back before the Princess reads it.


The title is awesome, and I want to see this episode.


6. The Fourth Wall - Pinkie Pie breaks the fourth wall for an entire episode and her friends just wander around confused


Like Duck Amuck - sweet!


Episode 14. Holy Musical Applejack! - A Applejack episode that actually center around her in a musical. Applejack replaces her own friends with inanimate objects and sings multiple music numbers while fighting a villain named The Joker, who steals the spotlight from her. Batman kills everyone who come back to life in the next episode.


Paint Your Wagon comes to mind. *shudder*

  • Brohoof 1

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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Episode 14. Holy Musical Applejack! - A Applejack episode that actually center around her in a musical. Applejack replaces her own friends with inanimate objects and sings multiple music numbers while fighting a villain named The Joker, who steals the spotlight from her. Batman kills everyone who come back to life in the next episode.


If you changed it just a little so that Applejack was Batman, I think that it'd actually be kind of awesome in a terrible B-movie way.


Actually, that pretty much sums up most of your bad season.

Edited by Stellafera
  • Brohoof 1

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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If you changed it just a little so that Applejack was Batman, I think that it'd actually be kind of awesome in a terrible B-movie way.


Ah, yes, I can see the brony commentaries right now

Edited by Edgeworth1001

creative but lazy

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There once was an ugly stallion.

He was so ugly that everypony died. The end.

And yes, it takes up to 26 exciting, action-packed episodes.

  • Brohoof 1



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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This thread is hilarious! Oh my gosh, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. If these were combined to make a season, it would definitely be the funniest season ever.

I definitely agree with this.


Also, do you have a idea for a bad season?

creative but lazy

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I definitely agree with this.


Also, do you have a idea for a bad season?

Thanks! But no, sorry, I don't have enough ideas at the moment. I've been thinking, though. Perhaps I'll post some of my bad episodes a little later.


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Episode 1: Return of Madame LaFlour - Pinkie Pie's inanimate object, Madame LaFlour, comes to life on a quest to become a princess.


Episode 2: Queen LaFlour - Madame LaFlour devours Princess Celestia's head and becomes the new highest monarch before promptly being baked into a cake.


Episode 3: Rarity's Special Episode - In this episode, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy learn to value their friendship more.


Episode 4: Spike is a Princess - Spike grows beautiful wings and becomes a princess.


Episode 5: Princess Celestia's Resurrection - Princess Celestia is a headless zombie, and starts the beginning of the zombie apocalypse.


Episode 6: Ponyville Zombieland - Ponyville fights back the zombie army and creates a barricade made entirely of moose hair.


Episode 7: Art of the Dress - While doing laundry, Rarity magically turns into a sentient pair of socks. She must now cope with being a pair of socks.


Episode 8: Apples - Applejack eats an apple.


Episode 9: Cutie Mark Crusaders - The CMC get their cutie marks in zombie slaying. 


Episode 10: Sonic Raindoom - Rainbow Dash attempts to do a sonic rainboom and hits a tree. She is now one with the tree.


Episode 11: A Royal Tree Wedding - Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash get married.


Episode 12: Spike is a dragon - Spike reads a book on dragons to learn more about his kind. The whole episode is him reading the book.


Episode 13: Spike's Musical - Falling into insanity after having read too much, Spike makes a musical for himself.


Episode 14: Twilight's Hubris - After her own mentor and close friends have abandoned her, Twilight travels to the Everfree forest to become a hermit.


Episode 15: Wacky Shenanigans - Twilight becomes Zecora's new room mate. 


Episode 16: Luna's problem - Luna doesn't know how to come out to her friends that she's secretly bald.


Episode 17: Granny Smith's Dead - Granny Smith passes away peacefully in her sleep. Nobody notices or cares.


Episode 18: Big Mac's Big Day Out - Big Mac goes to the store to buy some corn flakes.


Episode 19: All Bunnies Go To Heaven - Angel Bunny looks for carrots and accidentally finds Granny Smith's corpse. Angel Bunny discovers his love for necrophilia.


Episode 20: Fluttershy's Baby - Fluttershy is pregnant. Her baby is half-bear and Rainbow Tree loses her shit.


Episode 21: Mysterious Magic - Cadence and Shining Armor magically gain personalities.


Episode 22: Pinkie Pie's Fury - Pinkie Pie stubs her hoof and grows a burning hatred for everyone and everything. 


Episode 23: Rarity's Big Day Out - Now being a pair of socks, Rarity must get around differently. She learns how to fly with the power of cotton spores.


Episode 24: Pinkie Pie's Breakfast - Pinkie Pie eats a plate of eggs and reads the newspaper.


Episode 25: Twilight's Love - Twilight finds out that she is in love with the sun.


Episode 26: Expedition of Love - Twilight flies to the sun and immediately is burned alive.

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