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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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Star shook her head and looked up at Liam. "Its expected with instruments." She smiled and attempted to play a little tune but failed. She sighed. "These fingers are going to take some getting used too." She said, frowning down at her hands before she attempted to play the tune again.

Liam shrugged. "Well, the only way to get better with them is to keep using them until you get the hang of it. So... I feel like there are probably a lot more things you need to know about the human world, but I don't really know what to tell you in particular. Um... Is there anything you're curious about?"

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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(OOC: S'alright. I still feel lucky enough to have Rainbow paired with you)




"I would NEVER dye my mane!" Rainbow automatically bristled at the percieved insult, despite the fact that dye didn't stick to the Rainbow family very well anyway. She'd go through a lot of trouble before letting anypony know she cared a flight feather for her looks, but one thing Dash had always been subconsciously proud of was her incredible prismatic mane. She'd worked hard to turn it from a sign of excellence in blue-collar factory work into a banner of excellence in flight.

"And the only pony I know who wears contacts is Vi...is V..." Rainbow took a couple seconds to grab the mirror, at first trying to squeeze it between her digits as though she still had hooves before realizing that wasn't going to work. She eventually found an awkward way of wrapping her new digits around the mirror so she could bring it up to look into her face.


"Duy," was the most intelligent thing that came out of her. It was still a little bit of a shock to see herself, not just to know that something really bucked up had happened to her but to watch her brows twitch in a reflection when she did. She noticed this body was the same species as the beast that had brought her here. That explained the sudden friendliness from her. Rainbow couldn't fault her for that, and it was just as well.


She also noticed that her mane was longer than the other girl's, and followed the exact same pattern as it was used to. Her eyes were the same color...hay, she could practically feel like the eyes were still hers, even though they were a little smaller. This just got weirder and weirder.

Freaky changeling magic was the best explanation, since it involved transportation. Twilight would know better. Maybe this was what happened to ponies when a changeling stole their life. But why would a changeling steal Rainbow's life. It wasn't like she had a coltfriend or anything.


With a sigh, she tossed the mirror back to the foot of the bed, tiring of looking at herself. It was a stressful activity.


There was a reason, long locked in denial, that she didn't feel broken wings.
She had no wings.

She had no wings.

She had no wings.

She had no wings.



Rainbow Dash was not the sort of pony to cry in front of others. But maybe if this wasn't her body it could be excused. Obviously it was weak. She lost herself to its wracking sobs, surrendering herself to the new body for the first time




(OOC: Excuse my minor-diety-incarnation-modding)

[Going to apartment...imagine 16-bit loading screen with Fluttershy hanging out the window looking worried as the car goes across the screen...]


Fluttershy wondered why Aly had to unlock her door when they returned to the apartment. She hadn't thought there was anything secret or super-valuable inside, like gold or Rarity's more upper-end dressed at the Botique. But, who was she to question the ways of the humans? From what little she'd gotten the impression of, this world was chock full of them. Lots and lots of humans. It sounded rather nice to Fluttershy, depending--it made the world feel cozy, like there was plenty of company around every corner. Not like Equestria, where there were still corners of the map that weren't filled in, and gave Fluttershy a lonely and frosty feeling to look at.


When she was directed to the computer, she sat down at the mysterious piece of magic, looking up and waiting for somepony to tell her what to do. From what she'd heard the way to use it involved a 'mouse', but she didn't see even a stitch of fur anywhere nearby, so obviously she wasn't very good at this.

Edited by Dawn Stripes
  • Brohoof 1

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Liam shrugged. "Well, the only way to get better with them is to keep using them until you get the hang of it. So... I feel like there are probably a lot more things you need to know about the human world, but I don't really know what to tell you in particular. Um... Is there anything you're curious about?"


Star thought for a moment. "Do humans have princesses they follow ? Back home in Equestria we have Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight. Celestia raises the sun. Luna Raises the moon. Cadence is the princess of love. And Twilight is the princess of friendship." She said, putting the violin and bow back into the case.





"Does the queen of Eengland raise and lower the sun?" Moonstruck asked, obviously still not convinced they were moved on their own. "And all sorts of music. Octavia's orchestral stuff, DJ Pon3. Pinkie Pie can play twelve instruments at teh same time, it's actually pretty cool."



Emily laughed. "Uh...no. Like I said earlier. Ze sun and moon raize zemselves...its nataure...and science." She said, eating some more carrots. "And doez zat mean zat poniez listen to...electronic muzic ?" She asked. Emily happened to be a big fan of Deadmau5 funnily enough. Most people would think she liked slow calm music but she was very much into the fast and electronic stuff.

Something something something something


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Star thought for a moment. "Do humans have princesses they follow ? Back home in Equestria we have Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight. Celestia raises the sun. Luna Raises the moon. Cadence is the princess of love. And Twilight is the princess of friendship." She said, putting the violin and bow back into the case.  


Liam just stared at her for a minute. "Um... not exactly. Some countries our ruled by royalty, but not this one. Our leaders are elected by the people's vote. And nobody raises the sun. Or the moon for that matter. That happens on it's own. Um... anything else you wanted to know?" 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Liam just stared at her for a minute. "Um... not exactly. Some countries our ruled by royalty, but not this one. Our leaders are elected by the people's vote. And nobody raises the sun. Or the moon for that matter. That happens on it's own. Um... anything else you wanted to know?" 


Star stared at him, giving him a look mixed with confusion and amusement. "If the sun and moon aren't raised by princesses...than who raises them ? I mean really...how are they supposed to get into the sky ?" She asked, still staring at him. She smiled as if she knew he wouldn't be able to come up with something...the sun and moon raising themselves ? How silly.

Something something something something


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Star stared at him, giving him a look mixed with confusion and amusement. "If the sun and moon aren't raised by princesses...than who raises them ? I mean really...how are they supposed to get into the sky ?" She asked, still staring at him. She smiled as if she knew he wouldn't be able to come up with something...the sun and moon raising themselves ? How silly.

Liam sighed. "Well... the sky isn't... the sun doesn't actually... Do you really want me to explain astrophysics to you? It's complicated and not very exciting. The short version is that the sun doesn't actually raise at all. It just appears to move higher and lower in the sky, because of the movement of the earth. Earth being the name of this planet. The same pretty much goes for the moon. Maybe it works differently in your world, but trust me, even if the sun and moon here didn't raise themselves, there aren't any humans who would be able to, for a lot of reasons."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Liam sighed. "Well... the sky isn't... the sun doesn't actually... Do you really want me to explain astrophysics to you? It's complicated and not very exciting. The short version is that the sun doesn't actually raise at all. It just appears to move higher and lower in the sky, because of the movement of the earth. Earth being the name of this planet. The same pretty much goes for the moon. Maybe it works differently in your world, but trust me, even if the sun and moon here didn't raise themselves, there aren't any humans who would be able to, for a lot of reasons."


Star nodded...truth is, she didn't believe anything he said. "Uh huh...okay then." She said, yawning as she looked around the room. "Do humans sleep ?" She asked, glancing away from a picture on the wall to look at Liam. "Ponies sleep for about twelve hours every night." She said.

Something something something something


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Star nodded...truth is, she didn't believe anything he said. "Uh huh...okay then." She said, yawning as she looked around the room. "Do humans sleep ?" She asked, glancing away from a picture on the wall to look at Liam. "Ponies sleep for about twelve hours every night." She said.

Liam nodded. Of course humans slept; all animals do. "Twelve? That would be a bit much for a human, but we do sleep, certainly. Why, are you tired now? Because if you are, don't let me keep you up. After what you've been through, I'm sure you could use a good night's sleep."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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He nodded at the comment but David sense the frustration in her he went to a cabinet and grab a glass. he poured the water into it he walk over to her and handed to her “here you go” he smiled with a smile “I think you need a drink” he said he pulled a chair next to her and put his hand on her shoulder “listen...I know how you feel...okay I’m going to tell you a story, the story is about a young boy around ten years old he lived with his father . they both loved each other very much they would send hours together play catch or watch movies all night later in his life his father got very sick at the age of fifth teen his father dies, the boy moves with his mother on some place he didn’t know of he had no friends and his mother didn’t pay much attention to him he got into more fights he had low grades, then he found himself alone were no cared or bother him it was like he was nothing until” he said cheerfully “he relies something his love for music and making everyone happy even he wasn’t he wanted to make his father proud of him from the stars above he decided that he didn’t want anyone else felt what he felt alone” he stood up and gave a her a smile “let me go get your room prepared for tonight”


Normally she would shun his hand away, but at the time she didn't feel like it. She took the glass and druk it, then looked at his eyes... then she spoke what her instict told her.


"The pain of your heart... i can feel it David. It shows in your eyes, the mirror of your own soul. I... understand... and i apreciate your support. My past however is a little more complicated. There are others, others that depend on me. That need my advice, thank you for your aid. In time i might speak to you about myself... right now i need to make sure the ones i care about do not get hurt."


@@00Pony, @@Pripyat Pony, She focused deep within her mind, deep where the bond between all changelings exists their souls all connected there. "Hear me... hear me changelings far and wide. I am Chrysalis, your leader and Queen. Those of you who made it to this "Earth" hear my call and answer me... what has happened to you, where are you, are you alright or are you hurt?"

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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Liam nodded. Of course humans slept; all animals do. "Twelve? That would be a bit much for a human, but we do sleep, certainly. Why, are you tired now? Because if you are, don't let me keep you up. After what you've been through, I'm sure you could use a good night's sleep."


"Well...some ponies say all you need is eight. But my parents always told me getting a good night's sleep overall is much better than staying up. And I am a little tired." She said, stifling another yawn. "Where exactly am I sleeping ?" She asked, looking around the room as if hoping to see a bed in the corner or something.

Something something something something


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@@Dawn Stripes


What?? Hair that crazy HAD to be a nightmare of a dye job! Colette wanted to object, but decided to let it slide. She also wanted to know who 'Vi' was, but that was going to wait as well… Right now, Colette just stared at 'Rainbow' as she tried to grip the compact with her fists… Really, when was she gonna drop the act??


And then there was the moment she finally opened her hands, gripped the mirror (albeit awkwardly,) and looked at her own reflection… It was as if she didn't even recognize herself! Colette then turned back to her backpack and pulled out a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. "Your clothes got wrecked in your little stunt, so-- thanks for returning my mirror." Colette deadpaned as she turned back just as Rainbow Dash tossed it, clearly no longer interested.


"The nurse said she'd be back so you can be discharged, but she's... taking... forever..." Colette said slowly as she noticed the look on the crazy cosplayer's face had changed, as if something just dawned on her. Then without warning, the girl started sobbing, as if someone had died. "What? What's the matter??" She asked, going over to her and placing a hand on her shoulder. It was very unusual to see someone just burst into tears like that, and it had Colette worried. "What is it??"

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"Huh?" Rainbow pulled her mind up enough to be aware of basic sensations as she felt the creature from before touching her, trying to reassure her. "What? N-n-no! I'm not crying! I just...I'm allergic to these bedsheets! Or something."


If she'd been in less than an emotionally devastated state, it would have been perfectly clear to Rainbow that that didn't begin to cover the last ten minutes she'd spent bawling like a motherless foal; still desperate to salvage her dignity, Rainbow tried to stop the flow of tears and resulted in a half-hearted choking parade of sniffles.

She wanted to calm down, but she couldn't. Normally when she was upset she could fix it by flying until she stoned from exhaustion, usually getting plenty of work done in the process. Whenever that wasn't an option or she was too tired, she would cope by giving herself a good preening. Neither of those were options to her anymore.


The feelings of trapped hopelessness built in her with no escape, steam seeking a vent and congealing under pressure into rising panic. Normally when Rainbow felt like this, her friends were the one thing that could bring her back to ground. Fluttershy and Applejack, Twilight Rarity and Pinkie were the ponies for whom Rainbow had finally been able to look outside herself, and only with their continued presence and the magic of harmony did she manage to see permanently past her own problems and soar the uncharted skies of self-effacement.

Her friends were Celestia-only-knew-where right now.


Think, Rainbow, think. She could stop crying. She could make herself stop crying. Rainbow bottled up the tears by force of will, ending in a wracking sob which necessitated grabbing a few tissues from the nearby bedstand. She could figure out what to do. Her first priority was to find her friends. If this was what had happened to her, she needed to find out what happened to everypone else. The image of Fluttershy, trembling and scared in a crystal cave somewhere, was enough to shake her at least temporarily into rational thought. If any of those changelings had hurt her....


And once she found her friends, they needed to look for Ponyville; potentially for the rest of Ponyville, if they were scattered. Rainbow took a deep breath. She had a purpose. Ponies needed her. She could do this.


That being said, she wasn't busting out of any hospital on her own, if this was anything like the slammer back home. And for that she'd need some help, and Rainbow realized she hadn't been entirely polite to the one creature that had helped her so far. If she wanted to get free, she would probably need to change that.


"Um. Say, you..." Rainbow looked for an appendage to wipe across her red eyes to try and clean up, and found what felt like the equivalent of her lost fetlock. "...what I mean to say is, thanks. For stopping for me. I--" she couldn't bring herself to say 'wouldn't have made it without you'-- "That was really cool of you. I owe you one."

"So, um....did the doc say anything about how soon I'll be able to get out of here?" she asked hopefully. "And while I'n on it, what are you? Not there's anything wrong with what you are...and uh, what I am...you're totally cool and all...I mean, we're cool, why wouldn't we be? But, this is kinda' weird. Heh, am I right? I mean, these things..." Rainbow held up the thing at the end of her arm and, not getting any affirming reaction from her rescuer, dropped. Yeah, great way to go. Way to not let on that you're actually a pegasus. I'm sure she'll never figure it now, you featherbrain.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Charles thinking as he was looking at her and was thing. *Why she say No Pony? And I need play along see if this true or not* "Well You in Chicago, I am Charles Roberts of NSA, I am heading to the Sears Tower right now and well you are a human. So I be able give you ride and tell me more were you came form too." Then Charles open the door as he smiles since he park near the sidewalk making sure not blocking any traffic and was looking at her too.


Rarity got into the car, carefully doing so in a ladylike manner so as not to flash her pants. "I come from Ponyville," she said. "I run a boutique there... oh, I do hope that Sweetie Belle and Opal are alright! I just wish I could get word to them. My sister will be so worried about me!"


@@The-Master, @@00Pony,


"Sure," Cicada said, with a sweet smile. "Whereabouts are you going to take me?" As she spoke, Cicada was simultaniously sending the information on where she was to Diliges thru the Hive Mind link. Just as she'd finished sending to Diliges, a message came thru on the Hive Mind. It was from the Queen, and Cicada gave a gasp.




She immediately sent a message back on the same wavelength; this would be the only time she could send such a message thru the link, if the Queen contacted her first. "This is Cicada," she sent. "Your Majesty, I am well, tho in a strange form. The spell that the blue pegasus ruined sent us to this strange world. I am currently in a place called New York."







Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@ Peipyat Pony


Charles listing to her, then remember as he was thinking and was looking at her some more too. *Were did I hear the voice?* Then he remember watching MLP drurining his time, then it hit him that voice was Rarity voice then he was looking at her and decide ask her name too. "Ok I am sure they are fine and also I never catch your name." THen Charles drove off on W.Van Burn St. To State St.

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She immediately sent a message back on the same wavelength; this would be the only time she could send such a message thru the link, if the Queen contacted her first. "This is Cicada," she sent. "Your Majesty, I am well, tho in a strange form. The spell that the blue pegasus ruined sent us to this strange world. I am currently in a place called New York."

"New York? As luck has it i am there too. It appears we ended up on the planet Earth and this is the USA although i do not know if this is the true name of the country. I believe it is an acronym of sorts. It appears this is the world of the human race, though i do not know if there are other races. It appears one of them was kind enough to help me, we must be cautious Cicanda... we do not know if the ponies ended up here with us. If you meet them... avoid confrontation at all costs. It appears our arrival upon this world has severely weakened our magic and deprived us of actual flight. Though i believe that since our shapeshifting is a natural ability and it should still be available to us." She paused for a moment thinking. She had to know about the other changeling, who else survived and who else came to this world with us. "Has anyone else survived? Have you contacted any other changelings? What is their status? Perhaps we could regroup once again when the time is right. Remember... exercise extreme caution with all your dealings in this world. We do not know how the humans function and from what i believe so far... there is no magic in this world, we do not want to be perceived as a threat since we are vulnerable at this moment."
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"Well...some ponies say all you need is eight. But my parents always told me getting a good night's sleep overall is much better than staying up. And I am a little tired." She said, stifling another yawn. "Where exactly am I sleeping ?" She asked, looking around the room as if hoping to see a bed in the corner or something.

Liam thought for a moment. She was his guest after all, and he should make sure she was comfortable. "You can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the couch. My bedroom is just across from the bathroom. Do you want me to help you walk over there, or will you be okay by yourself?"

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Charles listing to her, then remember as he was thinking and was looking at her some more too. *Were did I hear the voice?* Then he remember watching MLP drurining his time, then it hit him that voice was Rarity voice then he was looking at her and decide ask her name too. "Ok I am sure they are fine and also I never catch your name." THen Charles drove off on W.Van Burn St. To State St.


"My name is Rarity, darling," she replied, fluttering her eyelashes. "I do hope you're right. I wonder if my friends are here as well?"




"I have made contact with Captain Diliges, your Majesty," Cicada sent back to the Queen. "As far as I can tell, he is alright. There are no other changelings here apart from ourselves. I will take extreme care to do all you say."





Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Charles was shock, how did this happen and he driving Rarity form his favor TV show while his mind was racing and was thinking. *It couldn't be Rarity and then he took out his iPhone as he type MLP, then he found a picture of Rarity as a Pony and looking at her. "Un is this you and I am Right Rarity?" As he show her his iPhone and her picture.

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“Okay then” he said softly he walk down the dark hall way he found the switch and turn on the light. he entered his bed room he looked around to see that he left a mess of things (whoa I don’t remember leaving a mess) he thought he picked the clothes that he left on the floor, he picked up some cans of soda that were on his dresser (well I think that’s about it…wait I forgot to make the bed) he turn to his bed, he fluff the pillows and made the bed. He walks out of his bed room he turns and walk over to her “alrighty then your room a waits its down the hall to the left and the bath room is on right” he chuckled “hey…um listen I wanted to ask you something since it doesn’t look like you brought any luggage maybe we can go buy you some clothing cause looks like you’re going to be here a while”   

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@@Dawn Stripes,

(Sorry for not responding sooner. It didn't notify me of the mention)


Alex looked over Fluttershy's shoulder and at the computer. "You... do know how to read english... right?" he asked, hoping to the heavens the answer would be 'yes' and if it wasn't, he would just have to do to searching for her. He reached over Fluttershy's shoulder and moved to mouse to double click on the google chrome icon. The web browser appeared full on the screen a second later.


"Just type in what you want on the keyboard and it should show up" he instructed her and walked over to Aly who was on her knees on the couch looking at the computer. "I'm still trying to get over the fact that she has never used a computer before" he whispered to Aly.

Edited by The Original PWD

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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@@Pripyat Pony


"Just over near Brooklyn, not too far from here. Maybe you can...  I don't know...   call someone?" Then something occurred to him, something he hadn't thought of before. "Are you here alone? Maybe if there's more of... your kind here we can find them." I never thought I'd have to say that. "Let's head back to my place and we can start from there. I'm keeping my end of the deal."


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Fluttershy stared at the keyboard and the harsh flat sheet of glass, trying to figure out what to do. Eventually she figured out that by hittng a button with a certain letter on it, she could make that letter appear on screen.


She slowly, deliberately typed out the word 'ponies'. The phrases 'ponies for sale in Illinois' 'ponies for sale' and 'ponies the anthology' appeared beneath her words, making her jump.


What did that mean? Buying and selling ponies? That sounded really bad.....Flutterhsy glanced over her shoulder to see who was watching, not saying anything in concern, feeling half guilty and half scared for her strange worries and suspicions. She shouldn't be suspicious of other ponies...still, they weren't ponies...

She didn't see anything other than the three phrases, which made her think she was doing something wrong. From the way the Internet had been described to her, it should have more than three categories of information about all of ponies. Then she squinted to read the small text that said 'Press Enter to search'.


After staring blankly for another five minutes, Flutterhsy noticed the similarly labeled button on the keyboard, and realized that she was meant to press teh button labeled enter to start teh search. Not sure what the computer would do when she did, she reached out with one finger and tapped it hesitantly.


She gasped a little as the screen filled by magic with a jumble of text. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the images that appeared--there were creatures that looked just a little like ponies, but had longer muzzles and more spindly legs, and the most unruly manes, as if they were wild creatures that lived in the Everfree forest.

They were cute, though. Fluttershy giggled, then noticed a smaller picture on the right. Say, that looked kind of like a drawing of Rarity and Twilight! At least, the colors were right. But that didn't make any sense. Fluttershy shivered. There wouldn't be any reason for huans to have information on her friends, would there? Because certainly nopony was trying to buy or sell them secretly...

Fluttershy began to shiver.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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“Okay then” he said softly he walk down the dark hall way he found the switch and turn on the light. he entered his bed room he looked around to see that he left a mess of things (whoa I don’t remember leaving a mess) he thought he picked the clothes that he left on the floor, he picked up some cans of soda that were on his dresser (well I think that’s about it…wait I forgot to make the bed) he turn to his bed, he fluff the pillows and made the bed. He walks out of his bed room he turns and walk over to her “alrighty then your room a waits its down the hall to the left and the bath room is on right” he chuckled “hey…um listen I wanted to ask you something since it doesn’t look like you brought any luggage maybe we can go buy you some clothing cause looks like you’re going to be here a while”   

"You sure know how to give a Queen a proper welcome even if you hardly know much about me, but as i said... i can't deny your help in my situation. Are all humans like this?" she said with a curious look, she needed to know what to expect in this world, she was lost and desperately needed information "David... i need to ask you some questions. As you can see i am not from this world, i do not know how things work here, i need to know what to expect and what my fellow comrades must expect. How advanced are you all? Does magic exist upon this world? Also... are you the only race inhabiting this planet? And how does the government work?" she started her inquiry. However she was a little afraid that she asked too much in little time.


"My name is Rarity, darling," she replied, fluttering her eyelashes. "I do hope you're right. I wonder if my friends are here as well?"




"I have made contact with Captain Diliges, your Majesty," Cicada sent back to the Queen. "As far as I can tell, he is alright. There are no other changelings here apart from ourselves. I will take extreme care to do all you say."

"Thank the maker... i was worried. I still am to be honest, because as far as i can tell the bulk of our people is back on Equestria... alone. We need to deal with this issue as soon as possible. The longer we remain, the greater the danger for those left behind. What has happened since you arrived Cicanda? Have you met any humans? What can you tell me from your own experience with them? I have met a human named David Pond and am currently asking him about this world. He has offered to help me find clothing. Perhaps we can meet togother? Is Captain Diliges with you? If not where is he?"

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"Hear me... hear me changelings far and wide. I am Chrysalis, your leader and Queen. Those of you who made it to this "Earth" hear my call and answer me... what has happened to you, where are you, are you alright or are you hurt?"




@,   "I have made contact with Captain Diliges, your Majesty," Cicada sent back to the Queen. "As far as I can tell, he is alright. There are no other changelings here apart from ourselves. I will take extreme care to do all you say."


"Yes, I am here as well, my Queen, I apologize for not responding sooner. I am not sure where I am on this... Earth, aside that I seem to be in a closet of sorts. I am not hurt at all. What about you, how are you faring, Majesty?" As he transmitted to them he turned the knob, stepping out of the closet. He winced as the light hit his unaccustomed eyes.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"Yes, I am here as well, my Queen, I apologize for not responding sooner. I am not sure where I am on this... Earth, aside that I seem to be in a closet of sorts. I am not hurt at all. What about you, how are you faring, Majesty?" As he transmitted to them he turned the knob, stepping out of the closet. He winced as the light hit his unaccustomed eyes.

"A closet? How the hell did you end up there Diliges? Are you hiding? Where are you? I am fine... i am more worries about you guys. What city are you in? Are you also in the USA, by the way it would be nice if i could know what the acronym of this country means. Have you met any humans, if yes how have they treated you?"

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