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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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@@Dawn Stripes,

(JOHNATHAN. Think John + Nathan. Its simple) 


Magneus smiled and gave a small chuckle, "You don't need luck" he said to her and watched her go into the back room before starting to wander around the store.


The manager brought Fluttershy into a small room, presumably his office. He moved around the desk that sat firmly in the center of the room and sat down. "I hear you are here for the available job, thats good. The two staff we have right now just aren't enough. I saw you talking to Craig back there. He can't be here all day, so we need someone to be here for when he can't. The shop is open from 7AM to 7PM every day except Wednesday, so if you could work 6 hours a day from 1 to 7, Craig could cover the beginning half of the day. I'm judging from the look of you, you are about... hm. 18... 19? The pay is 5 pounds an hour. All you need to know is how to feed the animals, sweep, take basic care of the animals, and be able to call a vet. You up to it?" the man said, going over everything quickly, his speaking pattern a bit strange.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"Yup," Logan says, nodding partially as he takes note of the upcoming race dates and locations. He glances at the clock in the lower right hand corner of the screen, "They should be here in an hour or so. I told them afternoon, but they tend to get places early."


He sits back in his chair, tapping his fingers against the tabletop, "You know, if Rainbow Dash is really into speed, I think a stunt show by the Thunderbirds or Blue Angels would really be up her alley. There's not much faster than a jet."



Thinking for a second, he realizes that Twilight probably had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, so he explained, "By jet I mean a military airplane. Planes are what allow us humans to fly. The Thunderbirds and Blue Angels are stunt teams from the Air Force and Navy respectively. They can pull of some pretty insane stunts, given the fact they're flying at insanely high speeds when they do."


As he spoke, he opened a new tab, typing the flight team's names into the search bar, bringing up photos of each in turn.

The Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds did seem very familiar. She then recalled Rainbow Dash and her attempts to fly with the Wonderbolts, the pony equivalent of the Blue Angels.

"Wow," she responded, "They almost remind me of the Wonderbolts back at home, the pegasus stunt team. I'm sure Rainbow Dash would be at one of these Blue Angels or Thunderbirds events. She'd love it."

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@@Dawn Stripes


((If only I weren't at work and on my phone! How'd Dash learn to type, by the way??))


Colette grumbled as she turned in her sleep. The couch was comfortable enough, at least for her. Then again, Colette could sleep almost anywhere, so long as she wasn't disturbed.


That being said, Colette felt the couch move a little. Dad must be home aga-- Colette opened her eyes. Looking down, she saw Rainbow Dash sitting on the arm of the sofa. With her cellphone. Looking to be BROWSING ON IT!* "Ohsh*t, NOOOOO!" Colette cried out as she got up. In a flash, the phone was out of the Pony's hands and in the human's. "Whadidyadowhadidyaseewhadidyafind?!?"** She spat out at a mile a second. "It's dangerous for you to go on the internet!"


Looking at the screen, she saw what Rainbow's search results were. The top three being YouTube videos of Rainbow as her Pony self. Scrolling down, she saw a Google document, a story on FIMFiction, an ask page on tumblr, another story on Equestria Daily… Colette breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing bad had popped up. Yet at the same time…


"Uhh, Rainbow??" How the hell was she gonna go about this?! "There's something you need to know…"


((*Insert oh crap rage face here!

**"What did ya do? What did ya see? What did ya find?!?"))

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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The Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds did seem very familiar. She then recalled Rainbow Dash and her attempts to fly with the Wonderbolts, the pony equivalent of the Blue Angels.

"Wow," she responded, "They almost remind me of the Wonderbolts back at home, the pegasus stunt team. I'm sure Rainbow Dash would be at one of these Blue Angels or Thunderbirds events. She'd love it."


"Well, if we strike out on finding her at a race, we can start looking into upcoming air shows."


Logan glances at the clock again before closing out the tabs on his computer, "My friends should be getting here soon. Maybe they'll have an idea of where to look for your other friends... Unlikely, but worth a shot."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Liam gave her a rather odd look. "Umm... yeah, we have accordions. They aren't very popular though. Kind of a strange instrument to just bring up out of nowhere. Anyway, if you want to go to the music store, then let's head down this way." He led her down the street a few blocks- explaining traffic and how to properly cross the street on the way- to a large store filled with all kinds of different instruments. "Here we are. What do you think?"


((Give me some time to post in between...wherever they're walking.))


Star found it tough following Liam when there were so many things she wanted to look at...but it was all worth it when they arrived at the music store. Her eyes sparkled as a smile spread across her face. "It's...Huge..." She said, smiling as she took a few steps into the store. "Do...do you want to go play some music? They do let you play...right?"

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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(OOC: See...we open things up a bit...everything becomes fine)


"20," corrected Fluttershy. "And okay."

The manager stared at her for a second, moving his chin. "Just...okay?"
Fluttershy nodded. "Iiiis....there something else?"
The manager opened their mouth for a second, then shook their head. "I guess not. When can you start?"
"Oh....well, not right away."
The manger threw a hand up. "It's no big deal, I can wait a bit. We're not exactly a cutting-edge business here."
Fluttershy relaxed visibly. "Oh, good! Because Magneus and I were going to get a cup of coffee first. I can be back by 3, is that okay?"
The manager's face furrowed, and they nodded slowly.


Fluttershy found work at the pet shop...passable. It kept her from getting bored sitting around Magneus' apartment, and she enjoyed every chance she could sneak to play with the puppies when Craig wasn't looking--because he found it weird that she never got tired of them--but it was surprisingly different from working at her cottage. These animals were...different. They didn't require help with their problems, or finding new homes, of with family members--she was just supposed to give them food and water, and the same awful-looking stuff every day. Fluttershy took to bring snacks of carrots and other small things when she could, and to trying to teach some of the birds to sing when Craig went out. They responded well to her, and some of them were quite talented, but still...she didn't feel the same connection with these animals that she felt back home. She didn't feel as useful as helping the animals in Ponyville made her feel. And most of all, she didn't like having to keep them all in cages. The one time she'd let one of the ferrets out because it looked like it wanted to play, Craig had gotten really mad at her. And it had taken forever for him to catch the creature, though Fluttershy maintained that if he'd let her ask it nicely and offer it food, it would have been much easier; and also that the Ferret had a name, which was Quince.


As a result of her schedule, she was most often around the apartment during the mornings, when Alex and Aly were around. On her second day of work, she felt like she was really getting started again, though she still slept on the couch, (the first thing she was saving up for was a small bed so Magneus would stop sleeping on the floor. One day was alright, but making that a habit would be ridiculous, not to mention bad for his back), and decided to make breakfast again. Cooking was something she liked to do, and one of the things she missed from caring for animals back home. Best of all, she could pick vegetables to buy herself at the grocery next to teh pet shop on her lunch breaks. So Aly and Alex woke up that morning to the sound and smell of tossing salad.





(button has letter. Press button, letter appears. .Trial and error)


Rainbow handed the whatever-it-was back, rolling her eyes. This computer thing was fun after all. Colette was right. But on the inside, of course, she was impatient to see more. Espeically if danger was involved. Ranibow digged dangerous.

"So, Col-ette," she said in a high, sweet voice. "Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes,

(*edit* OOC was too long, i'll post it in the OOC)



Aly and Alex decided to switch it up a bit. Alex was going to sleep in and Aly would wake up. Magneus was already awake and gone to work after eating a small breakfast (Assuming its Monday or Tuesday).


After getting up to a speed for 'slow shuffle', Aly finally made her way to the kitchen. The sight of... "Uh... salad? Not a typical breakfast, but alright..." she said with a small moan and shuffled her way into a chair at the table. "How has your job been going so far Fluttershy?" she asked, her head resting the on wooden back supports.

Edited by The Original PWD

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"Well, if we strike out on finding her at a race, we can start looking into upcoming air shows."


Logan glances at the clock again before closing out the tabs on his computer, "My friends should be getting here soon. Maybe they'll have an idea of where to look for your other friends... Unlikely, but worth a shot."

"Well, we'll never know if we don't try," Twilight said in an optimistic tone. The two waited, with Twilight keeping herself busy by reading some of Logan's encyclopedias. Just then she heard a few cars pull up, and some knocks on the door. Twilight headed downstairs to see what it was, but she figured she'd let Logan answer the door.

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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((Give me some time to post in between...wherever they're walking.))




Liam nodded. "I guess it's pretty big, yeah. Are there no big stores like this where you come from? Anyway, they'll let us play on the instruments here as long as we're careful. The people who run this place are really nice about stuff like that. If you want to try playing again, I wouldn't mind joining you."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"Well, we'll never know if we don't try," Twilight said in an optimistic tone. The two waited, with Twilight keeping herself busy by reading some of Logan's encyclopedias. Just then she heard a few cars pull up, and some knocks on the door. Twilight headed downstairs to see what it was, but she figured she'd let Logan answer the door.


"That we will." Logan said, smiling.


While they waited, Twilight preoccupied herself with reading more about humanity from his library. Logan was back behind his house, practicing his draw and fire speed, and aim for the first half hour,  second half he spent playing with  and excersising Ulysses.


Soon as he entered the house, he heard cars pulling into the drive, and knocking on the door. Twilight came downstairs and seemed to be waiting for him to answer the door. Logan set the shotgun in his hand down on the oval coffee table in the center of the room, and stepped up to the door, turning the knob and opening it, "Sam. Angie. You guys know you can just let yourselves in, so long as my car's in the driveway, right?"


Sam, a dark haired individual who stood about a head taller than Logan, shrugged, "Yeah, but it's polite to knock."


Angie,  a brunette who was more around Twilight's height, pushed her way past Sam and flopped onto the couch, punching Logan's arm as she passed, "It's Logan, Sam. This is the guy who broke through his own door to kick my brother's ass for calling his sister hot. That and he carries a gun with him everywhere, and has a 12. Gauge sitting right here on the coffee table!"


"Touché." Was Sam's reply.


Logan sighed and crossed his arms, shutting the door with his shoulder, "Alright, guys, I didn't invite you over here to discuss my varying levels of 'politeness'. I have reasons for the guns, and Angie, your brother deserved it," he sighs again looking to Twilight, holding a hand towards her, "Twilight, these are my friends, Samuel Bowman," he moved his hand to point to Sam, "And Angelica Dufrein," and then moved his hand to Angie, "Guys, as you've probably guessed, this is Twilight Sparkle."


He put his free hand on her shoulder, and moved his gesturing hand back to her.


Sam smiled and held out a hand to her as Logan stepped away, "Pleasure to actually meet you in person, Miss Sparkle. You can just call me Sam."


Angie waved from her spot reclining on the couch, "Same here, but I'd rather you call me Angie instead of Sam. I would get up and offer to shake your hand, but I've forgotten how comfortable Logan's couch is, and it's kinda not wanting to let me go now."


She groaned as her phone began to ring. She took it out and answered it. She sighed at something the person on the other end said, then took it away and set the phone to speaker, the voice that came through saying a greeting in a thick PA Dutch accent.


"And that one on the phone is my other friend Zedekiah Swartzendruber. We just call him Zed."


(OOC: I kid you not, those are legitimate Amish/Mennonite names. Zed was raised Mennonite.)

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"That we will." Logan said, smiling.


While they waited, Twilight preoccupied herself with reading more about humanity from his library. Logan was back behind his house, practicing his draw and fire speed, and aim for the first half hour,  second half he spent playing with  and excersising Ulysses.


Soon as he entered the house, he heard cars pulling into the drive, and knocking on the door. Twilight came downstairs and seemed to be waiting for him to answer the door. Logan set the shotgun in his hand down on the oval coffee table in the center of the room, and stepped up to the door, turning the knob and opening it, "Sam. Angie. You guys know you can just let yourselves in, so long as my car's in the driveway, right?"


Sam, a dark haired individual who stood about a head taller than Logan, shrugged, "Yeah, but it's polite to knock."


Angie,  a brunette who was more around Twilight's height, pushed her way past Sam and flopped onto the couch, punching Logan's arm as she passed, "It's Logan, Sam. This is the guy who broke through his own door to kick my brother's ass for calling his sister hot. That and he carries a gun with him everywhere, and has a 12. Gauge sitting right here on the coffee table!"


"Touché." Was Sam's reply.


Logan sighed and crossed his arms, shutting the door with his shoulder, "Alright, guys, I didn't invite you over here to discuss my varying levels of 'politeness'. I have reasons for the guns, and Angie, your brother deserved it," he sighs again looking to Twilight, holding a hand towards her, "Twilight, these are my friends, Samuel Bowman," he moved his hand to point to Sam, "And Angelica Dufrein," and then moved his hand to Angie, "Guys, as you've probably guessed, this is Twilight Sparkle."


He put his free hand on her shoulder, and moved his gesturing hand back to her.


Sam smiled and held out a hand to her as Logan stepped away, "Pleasure to actually meet you in person, Miss Sparkle. You can just call me Sam."


Angie waved from her spot reclining on the couch, "Same here, but I'd rather you call me Angie instead of Sam. I would get up and offer to shake your hand, but I've forgotten how comfortable Logan's couch is, and it's kinda not wanting to let me go now."


She groaned as her phone began to ring. She took it out and answered it. She sighed at something the person on the other end said, then took it away and set the phone to speaker, the voice that came through saying a greeting in a thick PA Dutch accent.


"And that one on the phone is my other friend Zedekiah Swartzendruber. We just call him Zed."


(OOC: I kid you not, those are legitimate Amish/Mennonite names. Zed was raised Mennonite.)


"So," Twilight said to the group, "It's nice to meet you all. Do you guys happen to have any idea about this show that I'm supposedly a part of? My friends are all scattered across the country, and maybe you guys might have an idea on where they might be? For example, my friend Rainbow Dash loves speed, so she'd probably be at a NASCAR race or something. I think I do know that Applejack, one of my friends, is with a highschool girl and a traveling NASCAR driver in San Diego, I was told in a dream."

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Liam nodded. "I guess it's pretty big, yeah. Are there no big stores like this where you come from? Anyway, they'll let us play on the instruments here as long as we're careful. The people who run this place are really nice about stuff like that. If you want to try playing again, I wouldn't mind joining you."


Star smiled. "Yea...I would love too." She said, smiling at a big fancy shiny grand piano. "Do they have an accordion? We could play guitar and accordion. It always sounds lovely. Or we could do something else...you choose, I cant decide." She said, clapping her hands together happily. There was a small part of her mind reminding her that she didn't really know how to use finger's...but she just pushed that thought away in hopes that it would just come naturally when she sat down...like skipping.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Star smiled. "Yea...I would love too." She said, smiling at a big fancy shiny grand piano. "Do they have an accordion? We could play guitar and accordion. It always sounds lovely. Or we could do something else...you choose, I cant decide." She said, clapping her hands together happily. There was a small part of her mind reminding her that she didn't really know how to use finger's...but she just pushed that thought away in hopes that it would just come naturally when she sat down...like skipping.


Liam shrugged. "Well, I'm sure they have an accordion somewhere if you want to go look for one. Assuming you know how to play and think you can do it without fingers being to much of a problem. I don't really have any idea how accordions work. Whatever you decide to do, I'll probaby just play guitar. I prefer to stick to the one instrument I can do pretty well."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Liam shrugged. "Well, I'm sure they have an accordion somewhere if you want to go look for one. Assuming you know how to play and think you can do it without fingers being to much of a problem. I don't really have any idea how accordions work. Whatever you decide to do, I'll probaby just play guitar. I prefer to stick to the one instrument I can do pretty well."


Star shrugged. "I'm trying not to think about it...maybe if I just go, it will all come naturally..." She said. She smiled before she happily walked off in a random direction. "Um...where exactly would Accordions be?" She asked, looking around the shop. "Oh wait...this way." She said, walking off towards the corner of the building.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Star shrugged. "I'm trying not to think about it...maybe if I just go, it will all come naturally..." She said. She smiled before she happily walked off in a random direction. "Um...where exactly would Accordions be?" She asked, looking around the shop. "Oh wait...this way." She said, walking off towards the corner of the building.


"I hope it does come naturally for you. It must be so frustrating not to be able to play the way you used to be able to, considering how much you love music." He thought for a moment. "I really don't know where an accordion would be, but if you think it's over there, that's good enough for me."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"I hope it does come naturally for you. It must be so frustrating not to be able to play the way you used to be able to, considering how much you love music." He thought for a moment. "I really don't know where an accordion would be, but if you think it's over there, that's good enough for me."

((Gonna do a minor time skip if you don't mind))


After a few minutes of searching she found an accordion...since they weren't really on the top of the sale's list...the store only had a couple, but one was all she needed.

Star put on the strap's and placed her hands like she would her hooves and...began to play. At first it was rather sloppy, but eventually she started getting the hang of it...and that's when she really started to play.




((I must sleep))


Something something something something


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(OCC: Well, the coffee was a bit of a guess, but Magneus is a programmer, so an educated one. 2, she has to have some kind of break, her shift is six hours. You can't ask someone to work six hours without taking a break for food. 3, it sounds....crunchy. With the occasional clack of a knife on a cutting board) 


Fluttershy grinned--it was almost amusing to see Aly try to get up this early--and quickly fetched Aly a glass and a bowl, depositing a large helping of salad in front of her. "My one and only Rise and Shine Good Morning Salad!" she said brightly. "Carrots, beets, a little egg, pepper and oil, bell peppers...anyhow. Um, you didn't want the cinimmon roll on top, did you? Angel Bunny's very particular about his, I first made it for him. Also, do you want orange juice to drink? I think we also have milk."


She got out the orange juice and set it on the table in case. "My job's alright. It's not the same as being home, but I like being able to do something at least, and I get to see some animals every day. That's pretty nice. Did you know almost no one comes in to buy these animals? It's like no one wants a pet? Tch."

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes,


((Oh. Herp Derp! What about the search, though??)) 

What was with that voice?? looking again, Colette saw that Rainbow read her email. Did she see anything?? Opening the browser again, she took another look at Rainbow as a Pony. Did she see this?? “Look... The internet can be an extremely dangerous place, and there are places that will scar you for life. Don't go on unless I'm around, okay??"  Colette said, groaning on the inside. Way to go, Over Protective Mom!

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@@Dawn Stripes

(My dad is a programmer and he never drinks coffee. She can have an afternoon tea break....)


Aly looked at the salad... or whatever it was. She poked it, like it was some sort of lifeless animal. "Lemme go over a few things really fast. This salad has no greens, what's up with that. I'm ok with the cinnamon roll. I'll just get myself some ginger ale" she said, mustering all her morning energy to get the words out of her mouth. She got up from her chair and moved over to the fridge, pulling out a small aluminum canister of her faved beverage. She walked back to the table and set it down to the top right of the salad then sat down herself. 

"Well, Scotland isn't know for its buyers of pets" she stated and took a sip of her ginger ale.

(I don't even know if they sell ginger ale in Scotland. Lets just hope)

Edited by The Original PWD

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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((Gonna do a minor time skip if you don't mind))


After a few minutes of searching she found an accordion...since they weren't really on the top of the sale's list...the store only had a couple, but one was all she needed.

Star put on the strap's and placed her hands like she would her hooves and...began to play. At first it was rather sloppy, but eventually she started getting the hang of it...and that's when she really started to play.




((I must sleep))


Liam smiled as he listened to her play. Eventually he picked up a guitar and began to join her, following the melody of what she was already playing. "You know, I've never much liked accordions, but the way you play... it's really beautiful. You have such an incredible talent, you know? It's like every instrument you pick up, you're almost instantly great at it."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Liam smiled as he listened to her play. Eventually he picked up a guitar and began to join her, following the melody of what she was already playing. "You know, I've never much liked accordions, but the way you play... it's really beautiful. You have such an incredible talent, you know? It's like every instrument you pick up, you're almost instantly great at it."



Star blushed but smiled none the less. "It's my special talent." She said. "This was the first song I learnt...all the way through. And it sounds so much nicer with you playing too." She said.

A few passer's by stopped and listened for a minute as Star and Liam played.

Something something something something


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Star blushed but smiled none the less. "It's my special talent." She said. "This was the first song I learnt...all the way through. And it sounds so much nicer with you playing too." She said.

A few passer's by stopped and listened for a minute as Star and Liam played.


Liam smiled back. "Maybe, but you're the one who's really carrying it. I'm just following along. You know what? How about I buy you that accordion, and you accompany me tomorrow and for as long as you're staying with me while I'm playing for money. Considering how well you can play, I'm sure you'll pay off the cost of the accordion almost immediately."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Liam smiled back. "Maybe, but you're the one who's really carrying it. I'm just following along. You know what? How about I buy you that accordion, and you accompany me tomorrow and for as long as you're staying with me while I'm playing for money. Considering how well you can play, I'm sure you'll pay off the cost of the accordion almost immediately."


Star ended the song and thought for a moment. "As much as I love the accordion...the first instrument I ever learnt to play was the violin...and I think that may go better with the guitar. But I couldn't ask you to buy me an instrument...A violin is really expensive...and so is an accordion." She said, scratching the back of her head.

Something something something something


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Star ended the song and thought for a moment. "As much as I love the accordion...the first instrument I ever learnt to play was the violin...and I think that may go better with the guitar. But I couldn't ask you to buy me an instrument...A violin is really expensive...and so is an accordion." She said, scratching the back of her head.


Liam shook his head. "Like I said, I think you'll be able to help me make more than enough money to pay it off. Anyway, if you're still not satisfied, look at it this way: I consider you a friend, and I want you to have this as a gift. If nothing else, I want you to have something to remember me by when you go back home. You can accept that, can't you?"

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Liam shook his head. "Like I said, I think you'll be able to help me make more than enough money to pay it off. Anyway, if you're still not satisfied, look at it this way: I consider you a friend, and I want you to have this as a gift. If nothing else, I want you to have something to remember me by when you go back home. You can accept that, can't you?"


Star sighed but still smiled. "Well...if you insist. I swear I'll do something to make it up for you. As...a return gift." She said, taking the accordion off and putting it back on the shelf before she walked over to Liam and gave him a tight hug, kissing him on the cheek as well.

Something something something something


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