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Really? Death Threats for disliking Derpy? Really?

100 beasts kaidou

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It's just amazing how childish and immature fanboys can act when someone dislikes someone or something that they like...


Everypony has different opinions people. Different strokes for different folks. What might be right for you won't ever be right for everyone. There isn't a single movie, videogame or book etc. that absolutely everypony in the world likes. Alot of people don't seem to realize this...

The White Shinigami

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I applaud this video! All very well stated, and not even a little bit rage-y. Now if only everypony were as level-headed about the subject, then we'd all be much better off.

If you're at all familiar with #Twitterponies, you can find me there!


Player of @mlp_snare, @mlp_MedliC, and @mlp_Vinyl

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There isn't a single movie, videogame or book etc. that absolutely everypony in the world likes. Alot of people don't seem to realize this...

It is not that people don't like Derpy that I take issue with it is that people used that dislike to complain about Derpy supposedly being offensive despite the fact that many of Derpy's fans are disabled people which caused Derpy to be censored that pisses me off. I get that people have their preferences, my favorite pony since I started watching is Applejack and though I will admit that I can get occasionally annoyed at all the people calling her a boring character I don't let that bother me too much.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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And that is exactly why I am trying as best as I can to hold back my nasty side on this issue, because even though I am always going to dislike the Derpy complainers I realize that going into full blown rage mode is only going to prove their point even if that point is BS. I made a youtube video on the subject recently and I think I presented myself well without raging too much


Kudos, sir. IMO, no one at all is better qualified to talk about whether or not something is offensive to a specific group than someone who is actually associated with the "offended" group in question. Most often, those who speak out the loudest against something "offensive" have nothing to do with the supposedly offended people in any way.


And I have to agree, Derpy's fan voicing is by far the best of the three examples you showed. (On a side note, it kind of blew my mind to hear the clip from the show that actually addressed her as Derpy. I guess I've only ever seen the edited version of that episode.)

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People started calling me an insensitive asshole because i said i didn't like Derpy, nor did i support her.


These "Death Threats" are bullshit, not even worth getting your panties in a knot for. Does anyone SERIOUSLY think that this person will go around and kill every single Derpy fan?


And, you bringing attention to her, by replying, or calling her something, just makes things worse, best way to deal with her. Ignore her.




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This reminds me of a interesting event that occured to me. On a video about Rainbow Dash's girly squeal, I said something along the lines of "Rainbow Dash rivals Fluttershy in cuteness". Within the next two days, I got quite a few Fluttershy fanboys throwing tantrums just for saying that(even though it was the top comment for a while). 


Honestly "Love and Tolerence" is a load of horseshit(no pun intended). I still don't see why so many fans still want to spread that slogan when a majority of bronies do the exact opposite even with in the fandom itself(especially to the point of death threats)

Edited by Super Kami Guru
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I honestly haven't heard of this before... probably happened during the Derpy fiasco though, which is pretty much ancient history now. Still, death threats like that are extremely wrong and shouldn't happen, ever.


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Honestly "Love and Tolerence" is a load of horseshit(no pun intended). 




This is how you should have been acting before you found the goddamn show, people.


I've heard plenty of stories from this forum and other places on the net about how MLP changes people, and it makes me sad that it took cartoon equines for people to be nice to others.


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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Death Threats over a pony are stupid to say the least, and make us all look bad. But if you want my own personal take, Yamino kinda deserves to be under fire, not saying I approve of Death threats, but once you look into him/her/it you'd find yourself pretty angry too.

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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You see? This is why Derpy pisses me off. She overrated to the point where she's annoying, and Derpy fans, with an exception of BatBrony, are so damn condescending about it. I'm sorry if I put that too frankly.

Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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Oh don't despair about some fans overreacting so much ya'll!  Now, do I think fans making death threats over disagreements about MLP is OK?  Of course not!!!  But at the same time, don't look at a couple of knuckleheads doing some stupid crap like that and say, "My gosh, the fandom is dying!!!!"


Let me say it loud and clear: EVERY FANDOM IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS SHALL HAVE SOME CHUCKLEHEAD WHO TAKES THINGS WAY TOO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!! img-1450690-1-angry.png  It's just human nature ya'll; yes, it's stupid and unacceptable behavior, but those extreme few shouldn't be pointed to as reflecting the majority of a fandom.  Plus, that Yamino business was over a year ago anyway.  As far as I'm concerned, the fandom is still alive and well, if not better than it's ever been before! img-1450690-2-biggrin.png  Stay brony my friends! img-1450690-3-img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png

Yes, every single fandom has a vocal minority but this literally is the one thing that the fans helped bring out and that even less fans ruined for everybody else. It is THE example of "well if I'm going down I'm taking you with me" in an action displayed by what happened.


People dismissing this whole thing as "hurr it's only because people aren't tolerant to Yamino's opinion" make me feel like they're missing the point entirely.




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I love the Brony community. I have faith in it. But sending death threats....hmmm...a little too far....ok...WAY too far. e_o 


As much as I love MLP, it's a cartoon. A cartoon with animated ponies learning about friendship. Come on, it's a great show, and I love it, but I really don't get sending death threats to somebody because somebody likes a cartoon horse that I don't like. Sheesh....it's almost pathetic. tongue.png I mean, keep in mind it's a show. It's not to be taken so, so seriously. tongue.png It's a fun, cute show based on friendship and how wonderful it is. Now if you start taking it seriously and wanna maul people over it, that's taking things waaayyy outta hand. A darn pony for crying out loud. I really don't think something like that's worth sending death threats and scaring the hell out of people. 


I haven't lost faith in the Brony community. Just some bronies....take things way more seriously then they should, causing people pain and fear over an innocent show for little girls...and bronies. 


With a fandom like this growing bigger and bigger, there's always gonna be some crazy ones. :P But I still have plenty of faith in the community, but it's people like this who make it seem like a hateful and scary community. But instead of complaining about the brony community falling, I think we should show people how cool and caring we can be! :D 

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But.. The muffins! I'm kidding. In all seriousness, this is just an amazing showcase of people farrrr  too over-serious, and over-exaggerated while we're talking about that.


Getting mad at someone over not liking a pony is not really worth it. Like someone says "Lel, Rainbow-Dash is best pony!" then someone replies "No, brah, your ponies a wimp, you should be DESTROYED! TWILI EMPIRE UNITE!" is.. Just. Pathetic, to say the least.

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Singer, picture editor, and most of all, a fan of MLP. 

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Why is it only considered taking it too seriously when people are reacting to something being censored, but not considered taking it too seriously when they help cause something to become censored in the first place?

That has also been seriously bugging me, it is hard to get more serious than "I find this character offensive, off with their head". It is one thing to get the wrong idea at first but to lash out like that when you don't have all the facts which is what most of the complainers did is ridiculous. The only reason I am taking Derpy so seriously is because they have taken it so seriously, I think we have come a long way in how we treat the disabled but the Derpy situation is a reminder that we still have a long way to go. Derpy was never confirmed one way or another to be retarded, she was only assumed to be retarded because of her voice, eyes and clumsiness.

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They must be really rabid fans I am guessing, because they were sending death threats to people who were not liking Derpy. This actually happens to a lot of fandoms, where if one person doesn't like a certain character, he/she is going to get flammed.

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As soon as you start doing things like that you become as bad as the brony haters that you yourself condemn, you're just being hypocritical, the essence of MLP is love, tolerance, and friendship, so you'd think all bronies would try to behave well towards everypony despite their personal differences in opinion.

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Yes, every single fandom has a vocal minority but this literally is the one thing that the fans helped bring out and that even less fans ruined for everybody else. It is THE example of "well if I'm going down I'm taking you with me" in an action displayed by what happened.


People dismissing this whole thing as "hurr it's only because people aren't tolerant to Yamino's opinion" make me feel like they're missing the point entirely.


I'm not missing the point entirely; I just don't want to keep banging my head against the wall over it.  Look, I joined the fandom about a year or so ago right as this thing was JUST dying down; BACK THEN, it was actually something to worry about, and I like everypony else in the fandom said my two cents about the whole affair in plenty of detail.  But it's been over a year since this thing happened, and the fandom has thrived ever since, so I just don't see the point in beating a dead horse is all. smile.png


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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That may be true, but you have to keep in mind that rude and obnoxious people are usually the loudest in a group. That's doesn't mean that a larger section of bronies are like that, only that the ones that are tend to be VERY vocal about it. :)

that is so true! it seems like the loudest most obnoxious people are always the most active and they give the whole fandom a bad image because they post so much crap that people think we all suck!

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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In truth, the Love and Tolerance thing is a part of *being* a brony, byfar the most important part too, I would say. Brony culture was created with the idea in mind that both men and women of any age could have interest in something that society labels to be *not* for them. It was also created with the idea in mind that bronies should always follow the freindly behavior the show portrays, and make it a part of being a brony. Death threats and hatred driven from simple difference in opinion do not belong in the brony culture. The Love and Tolerance policy is what separates us from the rest of society, and other cultures.


Also, @@Glaceon,, I thought you would want to see this. I posted based on what you said in your post here.

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Would you still be as blasé if I were to write countless blogs about how FiM is a racist and smart-shaming show? Would you still be like "oh well that's just a difference of opinion"?




What if the end result was that Hasbro actually followed through on these threats and censored the show to be less "racist" and "smart-shaming"? Which is exactly what happened with Derpy.


Yeah, actually. Yeah, I would. Then there is to have my opinion heard in return, which is another story. I still have no reason not to treat others with hatred and intolerance, though. Dunno what you're trying to prove.

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