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private [RP] Love of a Changeling


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((OOC: @, not at all! She really is quite the drama queen.)) :P




As the Doctor pulled his hooves out of Flaire's delicate grasp, she continued sobbing. Without thinking, she reached over and held onto him again, this time with considerably more force. Though as her captive spoke to the eavesdropping one, her musician's ears happened to overhear him speak of a "drama queen."


"Drama queen?" She suddenly stopped her profuse weeping and stood up. "I'll have you know, I am the drama queen. Have you any idea how many Golden Saddles I have won in my day? Zey are only given out to the finest performers in the theater arts." Keeping a surprisingly cool demeanor, despite having cried a river only moments before, she examined her front hoof as she held it before her eyes. Needs a pedicure again, she thought to herself.


Turning only her eyes to meet those of the Doctor's, she stared at him for a few seconds, then smiled mischievously. "Though I am sure you knew all that, Mister..." she looked down at the ground with disappointment, "Smith..." she looked back up at him, her smile restored. "You are quite lovely, yourself, if I may say so, Mister Smith." Flaire said, giggling knowingly at such an obvious and distinctively out-of-place alias.

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Doctor Who stared at her with befuddlement before saying, "Right." He ignored her, turning away, and looking seriously at the pony. "Winter Breeze, aye, my fellow? Captain of the Princess of the Night's royal guards?" He looked angrily at him before realizing that he might not know how his lie had contradicted everything the parchments from the princess had said. He was definitely a changeling. "How...interesting," he said, whipping out his sonic screwdriver, pointing it straight at the pony, hoping to undo it's transformation to it's normal form. Strangely, it didn't work. He calmly smiled and patted it on the top, before pointing it at the pony once more. As a test to make sure it was working, he fired it at the top of the fountain, where water immediately stopped working for a few seconds before spurting water once more. He tried it once more on the pony.


"Alright, now I know you're lying, but luckily you're not a changeling, so let's get down to the truth. Clearly you're not a guard, as you are, well, here. All the guards, as the three of us know from this letter," he said, assuming the pony might not have a letter, "are locked up in the dungeons with the princess. Who are you?" He expertly flipped his sonic screwdriver, placed it in his jacket pocket, and expectantly looked at the pony, who still hasn't told them his real name.


((OOC: This won't have any effects on Hypno, The Doctor just doesn't know that his Sonic Screwdriver can't undo the transformation of the changelings, as his SS doesn't work on living beings. He just thinks that there is a device involved. Of course, none of the other ponies know this either :P))

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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((OOC: sorrry I never got the notification.))

Asnee waited as Sunset went upstairs to her room and was surprised that she didn't flee away. He guesses she started to believe him. Along with Sunset, he paced out of the restaurant.


"Talents?" He had nothing interesting from his past, but he was shy to show his movements in public. "Fair enough. My talent is martial art. It's a family martial art, and I wouldn't mind to show it, but-" he looked around - "wait a minute." Finding a spot between the hotel walls, he positioned himself so that only Sunset who could see him.


"The system isn't so flashy, but very practical." Asnee stood on his hind legs, resting his body weight on them. He balanced himself by stretching his forelegs forward, one bent so it was shorter than another. He quickly demonstrated continuous punching movement. When one hoof went forward to attack, another one pulled back to the front of his chest. His hind legs stepped forward and backward constantly as he demonstrated some blocking while attacking techniques. After a minute, he stopped.


"I know it doesn't looks so fancy without any enemy, but that's what I got." Asnee paced closer to Sunset, "Now it's your turn."

Sunset watched carefully as he went through the motions. 

"I-Interesting... I-it's still impressive, w-without an enemy. U-useful for self-defence, at least." she mused he trotted back over.

"M-my talent? I-it's not really anything useful... For the most part, it's c-cloud arrangement to m-make the sky look pretty. Just a-aesthetics.  Um..."

she slowly opened her wings and looked around. it wasn't quite sunset yet,  but the sun was low in the sky. She took to the sky and looked at the nearby clouds. She flew over to one and started moving it, and others. it didn't take long until she was done. Sunset looked at her work and landed a few feet away from Asnee. She turned to him and said, "Umm... It l-looks best if you stand over here.


((OOC: we should probably get to the fountain fairly soon. the others are there and I don't want us to get left behind. Well, maybe we'll be okay. The Doctor seems to not understand something so that might take them a while.whatever. we should probably get there anyway))))

Edited by Silent Dawn
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Sunset watched carefully as he went through the motions. "I-Interesting... I-it's still impressive, w-without an enemy. U-useful for self-defence, at least." she mused he trotted back over. "M-my talent? I-it's not really anything useful... For the most part, it's c-cloud arrangement to m-make the sky look pretty. Just a-aesthetics. Um..." she slowly opened her wings and looked around. it wasn't quite sunset yet, but the sun was low in the sky. She took to the sky and looked at the nearby clouds. She flew over to one and started moving it, and others. it didn't take long until she was done. Sunset looked at her work and landed a few feet away from Asnee. She turned to him and said, "Umm... It l-looks best if you stand over here.


Asnee gaped at the scenery upon his gaze. A ray of light lazily got its way through a formation of clouds. Particles of water made the air around them shimmered like a morning dew. A moment later he found Sunset landed a few feet away from him. Still looking at the sky, he paced to Sunset and stopped next to her, "Indeed."


After a while, Asnee turned his face to the mare, "I believe you. Now" - he looked around, making sure that nopony was watching them - "what are we going to do with the letter? We can't abandon the Princess, and telling local guards doesn't guarantee that they are not working to out enemy." He raced his mind to make a decision. He didn't feel like putting this mare into the conflict, but he couldn't do that if the letter was directed to her.


"The letter says something about the park fountain. It also says that there are some other ponies who get the same letter. We must go there quickly, but -" Asnee paused, trying to find a way to say it without offending Sunset "- we are facing and army of changelings here."



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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@@Sky Warden

Sunset smiled to herself as he gaped and gazed at the view she'd made.

He turned to her, and she checked if anypony was watching at the same time he did. She listened to his words, and when he was done, answered.

"I-I know, a-and I probably won't be of much use... B-but I want to help any way I can.

For the first time, she looked him square in the eye. Well, almost. She was still shy, and was terrified at the thought of going up against changelings. But she had read the letter, too, and she didn't want to just stand by and wait for the changelings to be defeated.

"W-we were both chosen by the Princess' assistant, and I don't want to sit around, waiting for the changelings to go away. I-I want to help... H-help make a difference... O-otherwise, I'll just.. just..." She trailed off and hung her head. She couldn't say it. She couldn't tell him about her insecurities, her past. They had only known each other for an hour or so, and she was already on the verge of dumping her insecurities and issues on him. She couldn't do that. "I... I just want to help... F-for once in my life..." She mumbled the last part, barely audible, a tear starting to sting her eye.

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Though he didn't expect Sunset to go with him, Asnee was relieved to her answer. He couldn't hear the last words she said, but something made her crying. He threw a quick glance around, making sure that nopony saw him to prevent any possible misunderstanding. "H-hey... why are you crying?" He clucked, mind racing for an idea, "Uhm... we better get going" - he extended a hoof to her - "come on."


Without waiting for an answer, Asnee grabbed Sunset's right hoof softly but steadily, and pulled her along the way. He remembered where the park was. It was near the residential district. He set his pace as fast as she could manage. Ignoring any eyes which were directed at him, he turned his face backward to Sunset. "Don't worry. Even if you can't help much, I will still try my best to keep going with you. You're still a precious pony to protect." Realizing his last sentence, he blushed, "I-I mean, everypony is precious. They" - he shifted his gaze to the road again - "they just need to find their places."


As they trotted, the sight of the fountain started to reveal itself. Asnee spotted some ponies gathering around it, even though he wasn't sure if they were the 'other' the Princess mentioned in the letter.

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Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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@@Sky Warden



Sunset tried to hide her tears, blushing profusely from embarrassment. She hadn't meant to let him see her crying. 

"U-u-um... i-it's nothing... I..."

She let him take her hoof and lead her along the way. she hovered lightly off the ground, still following him, as she used her other fore hoof to wipe away her tears. She listened to his words, and couldnt help a smile and a blush at his words as he quickly turned away. Even after he rambled a bit, saying everypony was precious.


Asnee thought she was a precious pony?

That was the sweetest thing anypony had ever said to her, even if it had been mostly by accident. It made her feel warm inside. It wasn't a familiar feeling, but it was a nice feeling.

It made her happy that he would try to stay with her, even though she would probably just slow him down. She didn't want that, and would tell him so soon, but for now she wanted to just think about what he'd said.


As they reached the park, she landed and took a nervous step back at what she saw. More ponies, all talking with each other. She hid her face under her mane and stepped back again, trying to hide a bit behind the stallion beside her. She grabbed the letter from her saddlebag and silently gave it to Asnee.

Edited by Silent Dawn
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@@, @@Sky Warden,


Looking past the pony he had been speaking to, he told him, "Never mind, we'll get to that later." He took a step to go past him before pausing and looking him in the eye. "And don't lie when in this situation, distrust is exactly what we don't need right now." He lifted a hoof and patted him on the shoulder.


The Doctor now focused on the two ponies who had just entered the area. The dark clouds were slowly rolling in, closer than before. This had to mean something, though he didn't have the slightest clue what. He grinned as he stopped in front of a shy, nervous looking pony who had her mane adjusted to cover some of her face. Next to her was a slightly more confident looking pony who had been eyeing the group seconds earlier. What had drawn The Doctor to them was the glowing scroll the pony had discretely gotten out of her saddlebag and handed to the other pony. He examined them for a few seconds and said, "This'll only take a few seconds." He got out his sonic screwdriver and repeated the motions he had used on the fountain pony, not knowing that this would do nothing even if the ponies were changelings. No response from the screwdriver, he decided he should speak, as he had let an odd silence fill the air between the three ponies.


He kept his grin on as wiping it off would look even stranger than keeping it on. "All right, hello, nice to see you! We obviously don't know each other; I'm The Doctor. Presuming that was the letter that you were given, follow me and join our odd little group." He motioned toward the bench where everypony was gathered and headed off in that direction, not even giving the ponies a chance to speak.

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Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Alice watched over the chain of events, wondering how the new pony would take her random act of kindness.  Alice couldn't help but eye at Winter Breeze a little strangely.  She had to think that this pony was hiding something from them and even so, his horn started to glow a bit in front of her.  She stepped back a bit, feeling a little cautious about this certain pony.  "Does he wish to mean us harm?  But...  I was just being nice to him..."  Alice thought to herself when she just heard John Smith speak up to back her up.  He spoke about how he can see right through his rouse about his identity.  Come to think of it, his story was a bit off since the letter said that herself and all of the Canterlot Royalty along with all of the Royal Guards were held prisoner and she would have stated that in her letter that one of the guards had escaped.


Alice frowned at the new pony, wanting to tell him just how bad it was to try and pull a trick like that to scare everypony here.  However, her rant had to wait as two new ponies approached the group.  Alice regained her smile and pulled out a tulip and a daisy with her magic before approaching the new ponies.  "Hello there, I'm Alice Starling.  These are for you.  Please come join us, the more the merrier."  Alice said kindly to the mare and stallion, giving the mare a daisy and the stallion a tulip before rejoining the group.  Alice pondered on this as now that they had their group, she had no idea on where to go next.  "So...  um, I guess now we are waiting for one more to join us..."  Alice stated to the group, wondering what was going on with those rolling dark clouds looming off in the distance.

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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Sunset hid even more behind Asnee as the stallion came up to them, said that "This will only take a few seconds," and pointed something at them. 

'What is that thing? Is it a weapon? Is he planning to hurt us?'

Her thoughts were cut short as nothing happened and he put the thing away, the grin still plastered on his face.. 

The stallion spoke, introducing himself as The Doctor, and motioning for her and Asnee to sit with the group. He trotted to sit back down before she or Asnee had a chance to reply. Not that it bothered her, she didn't know how to react aside from hiding her face behind her mane.

Sunset shied away as a mare came up to them next, introduced herself, and gave her a daisy, but took the flower anyway, not wanting to come across as rude, or hurt the mare's feelings by not accepting it. She inspected it closely. It was obviously well cared for, and beautiful. She looked at Alice through her mane. She seemed nice, but she was still shy.

"U-um... H-hi... I-I'm Su-Sunset Sky... Um... Th-th-thank you... I-it's really pretty... Th-the daisy, I mean..."

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