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open The Black Jungle (Military RP)


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Sapphire yawned "See ya later, then " She sat down, and took a sanvich out of her back pack "So, who wants to set up the tents?" She looked around "No one? Ok, i will" She started putting up the tents "These will fit 2 people  so chose who your sleeping with now" Sapphire ate the sanvich

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Striker walked down the Salt mine, silently, it was night when he reached the end of the cliffs, with only one or two close calls, he had finally reached the end. He walked silently, through the forest up ahead it was pitch black and he was as silent as a shadow, he walked along until he found a small outpost, enemies were every where, Striker laughed silently, "How fun this is going to be." He made his way to the camp, not a soul noticing him, there in the corner was the power box, a simple blade turned all the lights off. Panic, just want Striker wanted, for the next 10 minutes, this would be hell on earth, and no pony would survive, Striker went to work, as terrified scream filled the air.

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Sapphire jumped up "ARG!" she was just starting to relax for the night when she hured a scream "DANG IT!" She jumped up and grabed a gun "Whats going on!" She grabbed the radeo "Striker, are you ok?" She was stiff "please...please be ok!" She mudderd " Everybuddy, we might have to move fast!"

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The radio was silent for a second, and in that silence the screaming stopped, suddenly the radio perked up, "This is Striker... everything on my side is... okay... don't worry to much, i will be coming back soon, i just need to take care of... something..." The radio went dead, and the screams did not come back up the rest of the night. Striker made his way back caring a supply's and ammunition, that he stole off of the soliders, but no pony would know that. Striker knew how to clean up, even if that ment making a mess, the camp which he left was gone, only the few items which could not be taken down were gone, as if there was no camp site at all. Striker an hour later arrived at camp, he had no injuries accept for a small cut on his leg, one of the soliders tried and failed to cut him with a dagger. Striker entered camp without a word.

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Sapphire sat back, and put her gun down "Jeeze, that was kind of scary, youed think there was a bomb, or somebuddy killed an entire camp" She then saw striker "Where have you been?" She smiled "We have been waiting, we need to chose who were going to sleep with"

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"I've been busy..." Striker said bluntly, he did not like killing, not unless he had to, and he knew that they would need some supplies. "Here brought some supplies..." Striker said, he then took all the bags full of supply's and threw them on the ground, He then moved to the edge of the cliff and laid down, looking out at the land before him. he did not care if the cliff's fel with him, sometimes he just wished he could die.

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Sapphire looked at him "Uhhh, you dont look to good... Any ways, where did you find this stuff?" Sapphire opend a bag "Heh, its fresh!" Sapphire picked out a chunk of bred and ate it "This is good!" Sapphire smiled "thanks for getting it" She sat down "Well, time to rest!"

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Striker turned his head around, looking at Sapphire as she ate the food, he was silent, he did not say a word. Later when everyone was asleep, Except for Striker, He did not sleep much anymore, he took his mask off, letting the cool wind touch his face, it was a mangled mess of skin and bone, his skin on one side of his face was completely gone, the only thing you could make out of his face were the two blood red eye's that seemed to glow in a deep deadly way.  

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Sapphire yawned. She was having a very hard time getting to sleep. She got up "Whos there?" She poked her head out of the tent. She saw nopony, so she walked out into the cool night air. She pulled a picure of her dad out of her backpack "Oh dad.... i miss you so much"

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Striker saw as Sapphire got out of the tent, he decided to leave his mask off, seeing as the pony did not  notice him, he silently got up and walked behind her in a way that he was in the shadows but could still the picture she was holding, he looked at the picture, and automatically recognized the pony in the picture. A old lighter slid next to Sapphire. there was no way of knowing were it came from.

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Sapphire jumped up "WHAAPIU FHLDIASFNASLHFADAIS" Sapphire looked at striker, the darkness hid his face " Oh...sorry, i didnt see you!" Sapphire sat backdown, she put the photo of her dad behind her back "Are you having trouble sleeping, like me" Sapphire looked at her hoofs @@jdor11




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"I don't sleep..." Striker said calmly, he did not move, his eyes glowed with red in the darkness, there was something almost calming about his eye's, but if you stared at them for to long, you would see the evil that they beheld. Striker did not move to much, but every so often a small twitch in the eye here or there, "Look at the lighter..." Striker said 

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Sapphire looked at it "Ok...what do you want me to do with it?" She picked it up in one hoof, with the phote of her dad in the other "Im looking at it..." Sapphire looked up. The darkness of the forist hid his face from her. "Well,you should at least TRY to sleep, every now and then..." @@jdor11

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"I don't sleep, not possible," Striker said in a gruff voice, "Notice anything about the lighter? anything at all?" Striker said questioningly, his eyes show his curiosity on the matter, "I would be surprised if you didn't see anything at all." Striker pulled back into the darkness, his eyes vanishing in the darkness, he was as a shadow, dark and silent. 

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Sapphire looked at the lighter "well...it does kinda look like the one with my da- i mean this photo i have...but.... Oh my gosh....Wha..."

Sapphire had tears in her eyes "The man who killed him took this from him, how could you....how could you have it?" Sapphire backed up slowly @

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"Sorry" Striker said, silently, he was still in the dark their was no way to see him, but he still had tears in his eyes, as they rolled down his face the tears stung his face, the pain insurmountable for most others, "I always wanted to say sorry, but at this point it does not matter..." 

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Sapphire looked at him "Y-yo-you....YOU KILLED HIM?!? HOW COULD YOU!" Sapphire jumped forward in a blind rage "HOW.... WHAT KIND OF SCUMB ARE YOU?!" Sapphire smacked him hard, she still couldnt see him, but he could see his out line "YOU COLD KILLER! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" Sapphire turn and ran, crying all the way @

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Striker walked out from the shadows, his face stinging all over, putting his mask back on he yelled, "Everyone UP, UP, UP! Sapphire just ran away, and we need to get her before she raise's any alarms and gets herself killed!, now LET'S MOVE!" Striker took all his tools and started to run down the cliff wall, looking behind him every few seconds to make sure everyone was following behind.

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Sapphire ran. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She ran through sticks and thorns, leaving a blood trail behind her. The moon was also out, making the blood trail shimmer. Sapphire was losing blood to fast, she fell on her face "no no no..." she mudderd. She looked at the stars

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Striker walked out from the shadows, his face stinging all over, putting his mask back on he yelled, "Everyone UP, UP, UP! Sapphire just ran away, and we need to get her before she raise's any alarms and gets herself killed!, now LET'S MOVE!" Striker took all his tools and started to run down the cliff wall, looking behind him every few seconds to make sure everyone was following behind.

"what the!" gets up "move,move,move!" grabs his gear and runs to striker "which way did she go!" striker points in direction "alright guy's let's go after her!" they start running after sapphire "hurry up guys double time it!" sees blood on ground "guys blood trail over here, looks recent, it has to be her, let's go!" they start following the blood trail.

My oc/rp character, if you want to look at him that is: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blade-lightning-r8182

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Striker ran and ran, following the blood trail, at some point, striker did not know when he found a large pool of blood infront of him, there laying in the bushes was Sapphire, half conscious and losing blood fast, reacting quickly he took out a med pack and sealed up her wounds, but he knew that without enough blood she was not going to make it, looking at her dog tag he saw that she had the same blood type as his, getting a tube, he manually sucked his blood out into a bag, and then hooked Sapphire into the bag. looking around he realized that they had been seen, and were soon being surrounded, shouting at the others, "Someone stay with Sapphire! we got a fight on our hands!"

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Sapphire tried febily to shove striker back "No no no noooo." Her eyes were geting cloged with tears and blood "i....i...Im sorry" More tears then blood fell out of her eyes, she was about to black out, but she kept herself awake "This is all my...im sorry...." Sapphire looked up

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Striker looked down, "No i am sorry..." Striker then ran into the bush's knifes ablaze, all his knife's every single one, were flying in the air, screams and bullets filled the air, including the mist of blood that started to mix into the air. a bullet in his chest, in his leg, and yet, Striker still managed to swing his blade's around silently.

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Sapphire couldnt do anything, she just lay there. She had failed her dad. "You...dont save me... save your self...." Sapphire was blacking out "Just...Go" Sapphire pointed to a path "Go...ill be...f-fine" Sapphire couldnt speak, she started to move, but couldnt. She looked to the stars




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(it seems to me that only three people max are playing right now, i have a bad felling about this.)

After hours and hours of battle, they were finally done, all the enemies were dead and most if not all of the ponies were covered in blood that was not theirs. Striker especially did not look like himself, as his hair turned to a bright red color. Walking over to Sapphire he made sure she was alright, he was covered in blood and cuts but he did not care, "Hey? you alive? it's been about four hour's... you there?" Striker asked worried.

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