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                                          THE BLOOD BATH


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thunder sat in the ruins of an old building that he uses as a base. it wasn't the best but he had to use it. it was night time, and it was dangerous to be outside....to dangerous. he sat in the corner holding a knife to his chest. he was jittering and feeling very on edge of his situation. he could hear the sounds of them out there, hunting for him.

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Golden Age sat in an abandoned wine cellar, trying to sew up holes in his coat under the dim light of a small candle.  


He was all alone now, his regiment had all be turned against him. He hoped to hook up with other survivors at some point, but for now he could only wait. He took a piece of hardtack out of his haversack, and after some effort, managed to bite off a corner piece. He pulled his musket off the wall and examined it. "Only nineteen more rounds? Scheisse..." he muttered under his breath. He placed it back on the wall and unsheathed the bayonet and covered it with his hands. He blew out the candle and went to sleep until morning.

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Sole sighed as he heard more of those freaks enter his hideout "c'mon guys, this is like the 3rd time this week!" He said, unfolding his wings and standing up, he was going to look for the intruders. The prey is going to fight back, this was his home and he was going to protect it.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson was leaning against a wall in an old abandoned shack on a beach, crimson sat looking at a ball of fire he had made in his hoof, with a look of anger, "mutiny.....murder....and a hunger for blood.....why my crew has done all of these crimes, I have no idea, but I do know that if I don't find some survivors of this damn infection, then I may die as well..." thought crimson solemly, he then sighed, before standing up, and adjusting his cutless on his belt to make sure it was on tight, before kicking down the door and exiting the shack in search for other survivors.

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thunder was sitting in the corner. he got up, "come on thunder, you got this, you where an elite lunar guard. you can handle these guys" he kept telling himself fight the unbeatable. He sighed, he didn't like his odds. He didn't want to sound negative. but he felt like something had to be done. he fell face first onto his face and sighed. "who am I kidding........"


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Sole smiled cockily as he walked up to the three blood suckers that invaded his home "so boys" he said cockily "the doors that way, if your not gone in ten seconds flat, then I'll make you swallow your fangs like a cold pill." The vampires hesitated at his lack of fear, but quickly overcame it and lunged at him. Instead of tearing the overconfident griffon to pieces, they all three collided and dropped to the ground. They all rose and looked around the room to spot the griffon noncholantly leaning on a wall. "We will kill you!" One snarled angrily "only if you catch me" sole said, before appearing next to him and punching him in the head enough force to put a normal pony in the hospital for a week. "So" he said, re-appearing in front of the others "stil wanna play?" He asked, as the vampires backed away warily. One tried to lunge, but got an elbow to the eye instead. The last one tried a desprate attempt to sneak up behind him, he simply wrapped his tail around his throat and threw him through a wall, instantly knocking him out. "Bloodsuckers." He muttered, shaking his head and proceeding to remove them from his house. The prey has become the predator.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Wonder walked through a building with his gunblade placed firmly across his back. He looked out a window, and saw a griffon placing three ponies outside a building. He was in a particularly helpful mood, so he flew don to the building and knocked on the door.

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Wonder walked through a building with his gunblade placed firmly across his back. He looked out a window, and saw a griffon placing three ponies outside a building. He was in a particularly helpful mood, so he flew don to the building and knocked on the door.

as sole heard a noise he sighed "yep, that's definitly not a blood sucker..." he said, as he heard a knock at his front door. He quickly used his speed to fly out a nearby window, and behind the stranger "I would be a little quieter if I were you, there are still more out there." He said noncholantly "if your not careful, somepony could sneak up on you." He said sarcastically.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"Well, maybe you should tell that to the griffon that lives here." he replied sarcastically. "Not to mention the fact that he hasn't gotten rid of the vampires, or moved to a new place. Doesn't he know that if they know where he is, they'll keep sending more till he ISN'T there anymore."

Wonder smirks at Sole. He pulls out his gunblade, and flicks it like a switchblade. The gunblade is a carbine now, and he puts it the one of the vampires heads. "Three choices: Kill them, migrate, or stay and die..."

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"Well, maybe you should tell that to the griffon that lives here." he replied sarcastically. "Not to mention the fact that he hasn't gotten rid of the vampires, or moved to a new place. Doesn't he know that if they know where he is, they'll keep sending more till he ISN'T there anymore."

Wonder smirks at Sole. He pulls out his gunblade, and flicks it like a switchblade. The gunblade is a carbine now, and he puts it the one of the vampires heads. "Three choices: Kill them, migrate, or stay and die..."

((ever played the game devil may cry? Yeah, imagine a ponified version of dante.)) Sole smiled as he watched the pony lower the blade "I could snap that toothpick in half and knock you out before you could blink." He deadpanned "I don't care if your a pony, or that their blood suckers. If you kill anyone I'll break you." He said smiling "now, you can leave my house, or put theat thing away before you hurt yourself."


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Wonder lifted the weapon and aimed it at Sole. "Don't say I didn't warn you, I'm not doing anything. I'm saying that those are your choices, I never planned on shooting anyone." He put his weapon away and began down the road. "This is me being nice. Don't ever threaten me, because it's kill or be killed out here...... and you never know what could be taken seriously." He then whistled a jolly tune.

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Wonder lifted the weapon and aimed it at Sole. "Don't say I didn't warn you, I'm not doing anything. I'm saying that those are your choices, I never planned on shooting anyone." He put his weapon away and began down the road. "This is me being nice. Don't ever threaten me, because it's kill or be killed out here...... and you never know what could be taken seriously." He then whistled a jolly tune.

sole smiled cockily at the stranger "actually, its more like beat their stuffing out, and let them try to kill." He said "at least with me." He said, as he flew up to the pony "so, you gonna keep whistling justin bieber, or are you gonna help me pack up?" He said, sarcastically "you can't just ask me to move, then leave without helping me pack."


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Thunder took a deep breathe in and out. and he grabbed his wing blades and place them on his wings. they made him quicker, and could pack one hell of a punch. "need, to find, somepony who can help" said thunder. he then looked out the door hole and saw nothing, he walked out and shut the door silently. "need to find a new place to hid" he thought walking out dreadfully.


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"Oh, and I was beginning to feel you didn't like me." he says with a wry smirk. "I'm gonna kill what gets in my way...... It's a better fate than this..." his smirk instantly turning into a somber frown. He turned and thought for a moment.

"No, it's better if we go separate ways." He continues his walk down the street.

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thunder walked throughout the ruins of ponyville "man....I cant believe how much this place has really change...." he said looking at all the ruins and debris. he saw as some of the vamponies where watching him, waiting to pounce on him like prey. "sorry sorry, I ment 'grrrrr blood and sucking and........" he trotted a little faster.


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"Oh, and I was beginning to feel you didn't like me." he says with a wry smirk. "I'm gonna kill what gets in my way...... It's a better fate than this..." his smirk instantly turning into a somber frown. He turned and thought for a moment.

"No, it's better if we go separate ways." He continues his walk down the street.

sole shrugged "if that's how you feel" he said calmly "but if I ever catch you killing, I'm gonna shove that overgrown pocket knife up your ass." He said with a smile, as he flew back to his home "maybe it is about time to find a new home" he thought to himself, as he walked up stairs.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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In Ruine Clousdale, in Dash home as Rainbow Dash and Fireblaze were upside down sleeping as they were hanging since they vampire. They love each other too since Fireblaze was the one got bit by Dash when he trying to get the CMC away but too late as she got him. Now she waking up since knew Twilight going to need them right now and she tap Blaze to get up.

"Wake up Blaze and Twilight need us now." Dash saying as she was getting down.

Then Blaze land down too while yawing, then looking to his lover and he will protect her since he is a vampire now and plan get hungry later. "Ok love and let hope see if Twilight have a plan getting the surviores."

"She will Blaze and remember she is the egg head too." Dash saying.

Then both of them flew off into the air and heading to Canterlot Castel to see Twilight and others. If they run into any surviores on the way too.

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"Hehe, we'll see about that...." he muttered to himself "We'll see...." He continued down the road ever weary of the Vamponies watching him.

"Hungry for blood?!?!?! Try me, and you'll be drinking you're own!!!" he waited for a challenge from one of them, and when none came, he continued along through the buildings.

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Crimson growled as he ducked a punch from a vampony, he then quickly kicked him in the gut with a flaming hoof hard enough for his hoof to go straight through him, crimson grimaced before quickly pulling his hoof out of the now dead on his feet vamp, crimson raised an eyebrow, "you know....this would be pretty funny if I hadn't turned you into a living piggy bank....but oh well..." said crimson, before poking the standing corpse, causing it to hit the ground with a soft thud, crimson then looked around and sighed at the slew of dead vampires around him, breathing heavily, crimson quickly made his way back to a road and resumed his search for other survivors, crimson then noticed a figure walking slowly in the distance, crimsons eyes narrowed, "this had better not be anoather damn vamp!" Said crimson quitly, before cautiously making his way towards it.

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"I'm sitting on a bench now, but I'm watching all of you." Wonder shouted and sat down. He looked at a map and thought for a moment. "Gotta make a plan. I'm gonna die out here eventually, but I'm gonna have as much fun as I can first. I'm talking to myself again." he heard a hiss over his shoulder. He combat rolled away, and shot a vamp in the face.

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thunder trotted faster as he knew he was being followed, he could hear there ravishing teeth grind as they watched thunder. "hmmmm, I wonder how I smell to a vampire" wondered thunder nervously as he kept trotting at a rapid pace. one of the vampires lunged at thunder from behind.


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Tempest clung to the shadows of old building. He was wearing the standard armor of Luna's royal guard. He also had his twin swords at the ready in case any vampire was brave or stupid enough to attack him. "I wonder if anypony survived." Tempest thought. The cyan pegesus  then continued to look for survivors from the shadows. He noticed a vampony attacking another survivor and threw a sword at the beast, killing it. The sword itself went into a wooden beam with the vampony still on it.

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As crimson neared the figure, he noticed that he had began to run from a group of vamps, crimson grinned, "finally, anoather survivor! I should probably help him out first though before I get my hopes up." Thought crimson before running at full speed and jump-kicking one of the vampires behind the survivor in the face with a flaming hoof, breaking the vamps neck instantly, crimson then landed softly infront of the new syurvivor and got into a fighting position, "hey buddy, are you gonna justbstand there and cry like a filly all day, or are you gonna help me?" Said crimson, never taking his eyes off the vampires infront of him. Crimson then saw one of the vamlires get nailed by a sword, he smiled, "if you wanted to help you could've just said so you show off, now are you gonna help me clean house, or not?" Said crimson loudly.

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Wonder stood straight. He heard a commotion nearby and flew toward it. He saw Thunder and Crimson, along with more than a dozen vamps. He sniped one standing in front of Crimson with deadly accuracy."Well then!" He shouted "Let's show these things what the normal ones can do!"

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Tempest retrieved his thrown sword and drew his second. The cyan Pegasus then looked at the horde of vamponies and then back at Crimson. "I might as well, since I have nothing better to do." He said, with a bit of sarcasm. "By the way, my name is Tempest." The cyan Pegasus then started killing the vamponies, while flying.

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