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Army, Navy, or Marines


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Hello every pony,

I have been wanting to join the miliary, since I was like ten but I never really made up my mind for which branch to go into.


If I go into the  Navy I would try to become Sea Bee. Which are like a hardcore engineering company. they go in and build bases and stuff for the army or marines under fire sometimes.


If I join the Army i want to be a mechanic and work on tanks and humvees.


If I join the Marines i just want to one of the bad ass of the bad ass.


I just would like to know what everypony eles thinks.


Thanks for your time!

Im just one hell of a butler.

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Probably the one that would give you the best experience to get a job in the private sector would be your navy option. I'd throw marines out right now, because that is a difficult path that may, in fact, get you killed without any big rewards except being kind of badass. Between the army and navy, the navy option seems best, as I've said, in terms of a life choice, but it also just seems cooler, and you'd be more important.


I vote navy, though I could never do it because the ocean freaks me out.

  • Brohoof 2
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Hello every pony,

I have been wanting to join the miliary, since I was like ten but I never really made up my mind for which branch to go into.


If I go into the  Navy I would try to become Sea Bee. Which are like a hardcore engineering company. they go in and build bases and stuff for the army or marines under fire sometimes.


If I join the Army i want to be a mechanic and work on tanks and humvees.


If I join the Marines i just want to one of the bad ass of the bad ass.


I just would like to know what everypony eles thinks.


Thanks for your time!


You don't say how long you plan to be with the military. Are you going to be in the military your whole life? Or do you plan to just serve your country and try and make a living outside of the military? I would be better suited to give advice if I knew the answers to these questions, but since you're young I don't expect you to really know.



Sig made by me. Surprisingly it came out somewhat decent.

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For one thing next year is my senior year in high school. And it depends on which branch i go into depends on how long i istay in. If i jointhe navy i will stay in long enough to get a start on a career. the army i will stay in for as long as i really want to. the marines i would join for life.  

Im just one hell of a butler.

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Coast Guard for me, ive wanted to fly helicopters for the coast guard for a long time, ever since i saw the movie "The Guardian" ive wanted to go to A school and get my pilots wings to fly a HH-60 jayhawk or a HH-65 dolphin

  • Brohoof 2


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 Midnight moon (my main OC)

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If I had to join any service

Spetsnaz or VDV , perhaps FSBph34r.png

?? ??????!

No American Forces interest me.

Id say Marines

lol no "Chair Force"( service joke )

  • Brohoof 2






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When making a decision like this, it is best to find what field you are most interested in, than whatever field that happens to be, find the branch it falls under. Now joining the military may look all glorious at first, but you very soon realize what it truly comes to be. My father is in the navy, and the last I've seen him was 3 years ago for a few days. So I'm not saying military personnel don't have good families, just they don't get to spend much time with them. You could always join the National Guard, a weekend job serving the nation that pays for college. Either way, when you join the military regardless of what field you're in they can and will deploy you when they need to. Lastly, make sure you watch them boot camp videos just to get a better idea what you are heading into. The gas chambers are no fun.

Good luck, and whatever you choose to do, make sure you 100% want to do it.

  • Brohoof 2


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  • 4 weeks later...

 choose one that your comfortable with i guess i myself can't join any of them (im from Aus) but im going to join the either the R.A.A.F ( Royal Australian Air Force) or the Australian Army Corpse when i graduate high school ( graduating this year but am redoing gr 12 again royally fucked up this year )


uhm aren't the Marines a sub-branch of the Navy and why no love for the Air Force 


all sound pretty cool just choose one that would best suit your talents i guess or a job that sounds appealing. you dont want to be stuck a job you don't like.


and good luck what ever path you choose friend 



signature made by DaReaper

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There are a lot of engineering options in the army. It  has architects, the guys who go build a place to stay or build bridges when they need them and such, and combat engineers, your demomen, you want to be a "badass" well blowing stuff up and walking away is pretty cool, at least I think so. There is probably a lot more too, I just know off these two in particular because my father works with them.

I am not creative so... Battlefield


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To be honest, the very experiences that you desire attached to the war machine can be found outside the military. You don't need to be a marine to be 'badass' or "a badass"  You can study many forms of fighting and shooting without having someone else tell you to follow orders and kill someone else regardless of what you think or feel about it or believe. It's practically slavery with benefits. Would you shoot me simply because someone else says so? You come on here and i have to remind you pony, there's people from all over the world on this forum. The very people you are asking your question to, could very much be the same people your commanders would not care to order you to shoot and pay you to do it.

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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It all depends on what you prefer and want. I recommend that you give this around 2 years of thought and talk to your parents. Why is there no love for the "Chair Force?" I'm thinking about joining them and going to the Academy.

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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Sorry man, you're looking at this from an extremely wrong perspective. 


The thought process going through your head right now is "Do I want devote at least 6 years of my life to the military, doing what they tell me to do and go where they want me to go, without question?" This is the biggest thing. You don't choose where you go in the military. They send you there.


The next thing you should be thinking about is "What do I want my career or my potential career to be?" I see you said sea bee for the Navy or a mechanic in the Army. That doesn't make any sense, they dont do anything similar. Figure out what YOU want to do, what job sounds the most interesting to you? The Army has combat engineers, same thing as a sea bee. The Navy has mechanics, for aircraft and naval vessels. 


Something you need to get out of your mind right now is you do NOT want to do this soley for the glory of it. It's not about being about a bad ass, it's not about being a hero. It's about doing your job for your country, your president, you chain of command. The glory will come when it needs to come, but don't you dare go looking for it. You will have the worst time of your life and you will be absolutely destroyed by your peers.


Also, if you're thinking about the military, you might as well start shaping up for it. The PT standard to get in to and stay in the army is 42 push ups in 2 minutes, 53 sit ups in 2 minutes and you must run 2 miles in at least 15 minutes and 54 seconds. That is the bare minimum.


I don't want this post to scare you, but you seriously need to get your mind right if you're considering the military. The military is a big place, full of big things. I just completed my time last month (May 9th was my last day in boots) Get your mind right, get your body right, figure out what you want to do, and go from there. If you've got any questions, feel free to PM me. If I don't know the information you're looking for, I will find it for you.


P.S. In the Army, you wont get to work on tanks and HMMWV's, you will either become a Tracked vehicle mechanic or a wheeled vehicle mechanic, whichever you chose. Very small chance you'll be able to work on both unless you take a secondary MOS later in your career and are assigned to a company with both types of vehicles. I am very familiar with the mechanics field, considering I was in a support company myself in the Army and worked right along side of them. I was one of their assigned recovery vehicle drivers.

  • Brohoof 1


Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! Signature thanks to Doc Volt.

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I would prefer to be  non-military person. The military is a little bit too hard for me.

If I had to, I would go Army myself because:

Navy and Coast Guard are marine based.

Air Force, obviously, is air based.

and Marines? Half Land half water, but I don't like water.

I would likely be a Tuba Player for the band honestly tongue.png

Edited by Rainbow P.F. Sparkle


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well to start I'd say  try to go on a few boat trips out to sea if possible.  It may be important to see if you get sea sick.  If you do you are probly gonna be stuck with army.    From my (limited) understanding Marines and Navy tend to be out to sea alot. 


now getting past that.  GO for Marines.  The training is harder but if you cant make it you can always drop down to Navy or Army without having to go back to boot camp.  When I was considering this in college the Recruitment officer basicly said to me that if you want to go from army to marines you would have to go to their basic training first.


Other than that. Good luck and be carefull out there.  In training and in the field.

Other's more Talented than me.




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