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private The Tyranny of Princess Cadence


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Crimson sighed before grabbibg a pen and a piece of paper, he looked at the paper blankly for a moment, "who should I vote for? Not curse, he seems too full of himself, not shooting star, she's nice, but doesn't seem to be leader material, acheron is an option, but he still won't fess up about his dark magic powers, our leader shouldn't keep secrets, so I guess that just leavs....." crimson smiled and wrote crystals name on the paper, "she's dedicated, skilled, and very crafty, so I guess I trust her to lead us..." thought crimson, before throwing his pape in the pile.

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 Sanguine had been sitting under an overhanging roof in the city district nearest the Palace. He had gone to investigate the pillar of dark smoke that had appeared during his earlier meeting with Harmonic after meeting with his Network, but when he arrived he only found the evidence of a past battle. He'd searched around, but found nothing, so he left, going to his current position. The oldish stallion was simply enjoying the shade, when a guard passed by, notifying him that he had been summoned by Harmonic once again. Shrugging, he stood up, looking at the Palace for a few short seconds before making his way inside it, and towards his summoner.

A few minutes later, he arrived on the balcony with Harmonic, giving him yet another nod, leaning against the door frame and noticeably avoiding looking over the edge of the balcony, "So, what have we to discuss this time?"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"It's funny how fate throws us together yet again, to discuss matters at hoof that have been and done before and again, don't you think?" Harmonic spoke quietly, not in his usual hoarse voice, but in one much softer as he looked over the balcony, into the distance. It always was his favourite spot on the tower, the view looked almost peaceful to him from up here.


"Appleloosa falls tomorrow. I need what you have - everything. Who have you informed and what are you bringing to the fight? I don't want to have to bring my own guards for this triviality. Cadence demands we...destroy...the town, instead of taking it over" His voice quickly returned to its usual gruffness as he went about business. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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 "Very poetic." Sanguine says. His tone blurring the line between sincerity, and sarcasm. He tried to look out over the balcony as Harmonic was, but was smacked by yet another wave of vertigo as he saw the expanse before him. He looked back down at the floor beneath him, waiting for his head to stop spinning before he speaks again, responding to the actual business discussion, "Glad to hear it. Have your spies returned already then?"

Sanguine shrugs, "Anyway, I have informed my brotherhood of the plans, as least as much of them as I know. I'll be bringing a decent number of them, perhaps a squad, if you want. Most of them are like me, Sombra-era stealth corp, and are skilled in the arts of stealth, or open combat, if needed. They are able to adapt." He shrugs, chuckling slightly, "They're good soldiers. Maybe not as disciplined or elite as your personal puppets, but they get the job done."


The assassin had meant no insult by calling the guards 'puppets', it was just the way he viewed most subordinates, whether his or not. He had even thought himself something of a puppet to his father, and to Sombra after him, and to Cadence, after him. Whether he would be calling himself, or Death master after this, still remained a mystery to him. He chuckled with a dark glee at the prospect of completely destroying the town, "What the Equestrian Earth Ponies made in just a year, we will demolish in mere hours. What of Celestia's little puppet, Applejack? Will we be capturing, or killing her?" He taps a hoof on his chest, "Personally, I believe capturing her could prove entertaining, and useful, in the long run. But I suppose it's yours, or Cadence's call."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"Alright write who you would like to lead us on your sheet and put it in a pile on the ground here you cannot vote for yourself."


"I am not one for democracy, but since there's not really any other option, and we're fighting against a dictator, I guess it makes sense. Although I don't believe in democracy, I still don't want to waste my vote. So tell me, what are you all fighting for? For me, it's to bring about the end of the most despicable person in the known world. Although, I'd rather not be a leader."

Life is like an MMORPG, but with fewer fantasy weapons and more soul-crushing nihilistic despair that visits when you least need it.

Crummy OCs that I made years ago (thou hast been warned):

Main protagonist OC: Golden Typhoon
The professional assassin: Curse of Shadows

Avatar by The Incredible Blitz!

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"Puppets..." he sighed before turning to face Sanguine, looking him directly in the eye. Or at least, as directly in the eye as was possible. "They better, or i'll execute them myself. Appleloosa is a town, a simple farming and business station, they have no military, only militia. Why Cadence wants me to march a force up there I..." he slammed a hoof into the ground, causing some very small bits to fall from the door frame "If we're doing this, it's being done properly. I want no survivors, not the mares, fillies or foals, not the stallion workers and sure of all, not that orange rat!" His sentence ended with yet another throaty snarl and his nose twitched slightly as the thought of the coming battle ran through his mind. 


"Mad Life and Chip have not returned, I suspect Mad Life has either tortured and killed Chip on the train, or Chip has lost it from being around so many ponies...either way, we're marching blind unless they get back soon." He marched forward with a powerful stride, barging the doors open with his head before bellowing down the palace. "ENID, MYRA! UP HERE NOW!"


It didn't take long for the two mares to appear behind him in a puff of purple smoke as he returned to the balcony.

"Why do you fear the heights Sanguine? Are you afraid of the height, or the fall?" 


(I think that's about the most in character i've kept him so far...also, i'll let you know here because there's no way for you to know in the RP otherwise; Harmonic NEVER calls any of his guards by name when other ponies are nearby, so you can put that to whatever you want, and he has a total bloodlust when it comes to battles, causing him to practically berserk out) 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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(Technically Acheron didn't hide his dark magic anymore considering he already used it to revive the crystals and didn't deny his ability to read the darkness of the mine :P)


Like Curse, Acheron didn't care much for democracy. It opened up too many possibilities of dissentions and as seen in the history of the world, fickleness. Still, Crystal was right in the sense that someone had to lead. Despite the fact that Acheron had started this alliance in the beginning, he had the feeling that the others would choose someone less brooding and mysterious than himself. Nonetheless, he knew quite well that he could pull certain strings using his rhetoric and speechcraft in order to orchestrate certain events to his liking...


(So I'm assuming that the three main mods of the RP are going to be the leaders of their respective faction? Or can the Black Hoof actually cast a vote?)

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Sanguine chuckles, "They understand the risks they take serving under us," he shrugs, "Cadence's mind works in mysterious ways from what I've observed. We will only have to wait and see... My brothers and I have no qualms with killing all and sundry, though it is to bad about Applejack," He gives a sigh as he pulls his mask down, giving a sadistic smile, "She was an awfully pretty one. If you'll allow me the chance, I'll see to it personally that she is silenced forever."


He shrugs, leaving the mask around his neck, and the hood still covering his head. For him, it was a sign of respect to reveal his face around somepony, and was not something he did often. 


"Unfortunate, about the spies," he continues, "Perhaps we'll run into them at the town, if your speculations prove false. We will have to wait and see.


The crimson stallion watches as the two mares appear behind Harmonic, but averts his eyes before he looks over the edge again. Sanguine chuckles at Harmonic's question, "To put it bluntly, I'm agoraphobic. Means I have a fear of wide, open spaces like that," He points past Harmonic without looking, "Think it has something to do with my height," he continues, chuckling, "But if I was to answer poetically, I'd say I fear the height. I prefer to not be seen if I do not wish to, and being high up, like this palace, tends to draw attention. I could care less about the fall. I once had a phoenix, before the Princesses defeated Sombra. You surely know of the phoenix's natural rebirth cycle? I just took inspiration from the bird, and decided that should I fall, so long as I can get back up again, I will continue. And if not, my spirit will haunt my enemies."



(I'm going to take that two very different ways: Either Harmonic respects Sanguine enough to break his little code thingy, or he doesn't view Sanguine as a pony, which in itself can be taken various ways, whether out of a lack of respect, or because he believes Sanguine is like a demon. Whichever one, it works fine.)

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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(Take it how you will, he's insane remember? And sorry for the late reply)


"You two, get into the training grounds and begin practicing your coordination. I need that town levelled before we leave."

The two mares gave him another synchronized sadistic grin, before teleporting away again. "I don't care who kills that mare, just so long as she suffers."  He paced up and down the balcony several times, getting more and more impatient with each passing second and his anticipation grew. "Get some sleep, tomorrow's going to be a fun day..." he grinned, before teleporting to the very top of the tower and sitting down on the side, his forehooves just touching the edge. 


(I'm going to time skip next post, I think we've waiting long enough for things to get going, if people dont post then so be it. Also, why is there no activity in the OoC?)

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Acheron spoke up after some moments of silence. He felt they were going about this the wrong way, they hadn't even stated their leading qualifications yet!

"Dispose of your current votes," Acheron said. "Anyone wishing to be elected as a leader, come over to my side. We will restart by stating our strongpoints we believe make us capable of leading."

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Crimson grinned happily, before walking over to next to acheron, "well why didn't you say so in the first place? Let me think.....to name a few reasons why I could be a good leader, first, ive had years of leadership experience from being a pirate captain, leading many pirates on raid and attacks on ships, I have even fought sea monsters and lead celestias navy once or twice, two, I'm an extremely gifted fighter, through the help of celestia, I have had ten years of training in many forms of combat with a pirate captain legend, three, as long as Ive been a leader, never once have my crew or allies lost in battle......and last but not least......if I'm leader, I promise you all cadences head on a damn pike!" Said crimson with a serious and determined look.

Edited by ragestar
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"Anyone wishing to be elected as a leader, come over to my side. We will restart by stating our strongpoints we believe make us capable of leading."

Crystal Dusk struts forward and stands next to Acheron.

"I wish to be elected as leader and I think you should elect me. First of all I am a quick thinker and never falter in the face of danger. I like to take everyponys thoughts into consideration and am always very serious when it gets down to business." Physical abilities aren't everything you know. Mental abilities are just as and sometimes even more important than physical ones. And last and not least I will stop at nothing to achieve our goal and end Cadences tyrannical rule!"  said Crystal very pleased with her speech.

Edited by Super Derpy


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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Acheron nodded and finally stepped forward himself, preparing to speak.

"I believe I have the qualifications necessary to be the leader of this young alliance. I am decisive and do not hesitate to take action, orthodox or unorthodox, to ensure our success. I combine both the lion and the fox, knowing when to apply bold, brute force and when to use slyness and sneakiness. With those two aspects combined, rest assured I will be able to orchestrate our future missions in ways that will leave fear in our enemies, while we remain relatively undetectable."

Acheron finally spawned one of his many tomes of dark knowledge, able to be discerned from most magical tomes because of its oppressive aura and glow.

"My mind is not easily broken either, and I hold knowledge necessary to bring our skills to surpass Cadenza's allies... like you all, I seek the demise of Mi Amore Cadenza, and know that I will not show her mercy when we have her in our grasp..."


(Hooray for cheesy speech :D!)

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((I'm going to go ahead and push the spies actions forward so that we don't fall ludicrously behind.))


"Not a talkative one, are you?" Mad Life herself was surprisingly conversational, able to chatter amicably about subjects that weren't the expected torture, mutilation, etc. Her juice had been finished long beforehand, the train pulled into station at Appleoosa and caused the glass to fall over to the floor with a clunk. Mad Life levitated it back to level, broken horn briefly glowing a dull oppressive gray which cast itself over the glass like murky water manifested to life. She regarded the train itself. It was typical affair for Equestria, spacious carriage with plenty of personal room per seat and homely decoration in earthy tones. Assuming this train would be stopping in Appleoosa for the night, this would be it's probable last stop. Forever.


"Unfortunately there will be no trains back, thanks to this journey taking a surprisingly long time. Poor management service, though the drinks at least were delicious." She gestured for Chippy to follow along. "We can still get our superiors something, even if not in person." Mad Life didn't need to see much to figure out what was going on. The General herself was there, the Element of Honest, and it seemed she had assigned a small battalion to getting resources into and out of the city under the snouts of the raiders. A fairly obvious counterplay, but so far effective. That was more or less all they would need to know.


Mad Life took it upon herself to send the information out, though what she liked to call impression. The birds of the desert were a hardy bunch, suited to long flights with little rest. A little ways beyond the town, where one of Applejack's soldiers called on her to go no further due to the 'danger' beyond that area, Mad Life found a particularly grim looking vulture. To it she provided what may be charitably described as impersonal torture, which never really seemed to be the case because her demeanor remained eerily constant throughout. A few lashes and gouges later Mad Life had tied a scroll with her message to her superiors and sent the now slightly blood-caked vulture off towards the Crystal Empire on fear of much worse from the mistress of chains.


"The General is present in the city, along with a battalion numbering about forty or so. Apparently there will be reinforcements from their capital within the next two days."

Mad Life

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Sanguine watches the mares teleport away before nodding to Harmonic and pulling his face mask back up, "I will gladly see to it then."


He turns to leave, trotting towards the doorway, "I will be looking forward to it. Have a good rest then. Tomorrow we begin a war."


When Harmonic teleports away, Sanguine gives a short nod before heading off the balcony and back into the palace, making towards the exit.

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Avolon, @, @~HistoricallyInaccurate~

"Come with me," Swordpoint ordered. He made an about face and headed toward the Canterlot Sculpture Gardens. "I have called the three of you to train with me today because I see a great potential in all of you." He glanced at Fiera specifically when he said this. "Each of you brings forth something different, and I would like to see you hone your skills."


When he'd reached the gardens, he turned around. "This," he announced, holding out his hooves, "is our training ground. I'm afraid your days of routine drills have ended. When you train with me, you will not simply exercise. You will be tested, and I have high standards for all of you." He again glanced at Fiera. "Recruit Fiera. Dawn Wing will be keeping tabs on our progress. I assure you that if you do not push yourself to the utmost limits, your military career will come to an abrupt end."

"With all due respect sir" Golden Age humbly "My place is wi' my lads. Many of them have been with me since the Civil War, we've grown close to one another. I have no doubts my sergeant is a good mentor but...surely you can respect the will of an instructor to be with his students..."

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Well, Crimson sounds way too confident. What's the point in that? And Acheron really gets on my nerves... And Crystal, well, she gave quite a good speech, and I know the advantages of mental strength. After all, being a leader doesn't mean one will do all of the fighting - just most of the thinking.


"I do not wish to be voted for," stated Curse, "however, I must know one thing. After defeating Cadence, will we all be able to lead normal lives?"

Edited by MinecraftBronyFTW

Life is like an MMORPG, but with fewer fantasy weapons and more soul-crushing nihilistic despair that visits when you least need it.

Crummy OCs that I made years ago (thou hast been warned):

Main protagonist OC: Golden Typhoon
The professional assassin: Curse of Shadows

Avatar by The Incredible Blitz!

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Well, I was rooting for Crimson until he promised CELESTIA's head on a pike. What's the point in that? Our main aim is to kill Cadence. Acheron really gets on my nerves... And Crystal, well, she gave quite a good speech, and I know the advantages of mental strength. After all, being a leader doesn't mean one will do all of the fighting - just most of the thinking.


"I do not wish to be voted for," stated Curse, "however, I must know one thing. After defeating Cadence, will we all be able to lead normal lives?"

Crimson smiled t curse, "normal? Normalicy is boring! After we kill cadence we'll be heroes! We'll get a proper rular to leadthe crystal empire, then we'll be living the good life! Or a least you guys will, after this is over I'm taking my bow and applause and leaving with some treasure, but nows not the time for thinking about plans after her death, but plans to cause her death..." said crimson confidently.


((I'm such a fu#%ing idiot!!! I'm sorry, but could you please edit your last post with the part about celestia? I had a brain fart and accidentally put celestia instead of cadence......crap! I can already hear you guys facehoofing from here......damn I'm an idiot!!!))

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(I'm just going to time skip to catch up to Equestria, currently it's night here so i'll skip to morning. Black Mares, I dont really think it matters about the time for you, being underground and all)


Harmonic awoke the next day to the presence of a surprisingly unnatural sight around the palace. A vulture, on the roof of the palace beside him. It glared at him for a moment, before he reached over to take the message he noticed bound to its leg, and it flew up into the sky. Harmonic scowled, and his horn started to glow, encasing the bird in a grizzly purple aura. *snap* The birds head hung limp, as he levitated it back down to his level and retrieved the message.


A grizzly grin spread across his face as he read. "Today's going to be fun indeed...Mad Life even brought me breakfast." he grinning, showing his mouth full of razor sharp teeth, before he tore into the birds carcass. 



About an hour later, Harmonic was awake and ready for action. He headed to Princess Cadences room, and waited outside, giving a single knock on the door. 

"Yes, Harmony?" She responded to the knock.

"Mad Life has sent word, Applejack is confirmed in Appleloosa...and I know why it's been quiet over there." 

"Go on..." 

"They're planning on reinforcing their position in order to free themselves from our hold. Reinforcements will arrive soon, ma'am."

"Then see to it that they arrive to nothing but ash! It's a shame about Applejack...I always did like her. Make her suffer for me, will you?"

"It will be done" 

Harmonic then walked away, sending a message to one of the patrols to send word to Sanguine and Arrow to meet him at the station, and bring soldiers. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Crimson smiled t curse, "normal? Normalicy is boring! After we kill cadence we'll be heroes! We'll get a proper rular to leadthe crystal empire, then we'll be living the good life! Or a least you guys will, after this is over I'm taking my bow and applause and leaving with some treasure, but nows not the time for thinking about plans after her death, but plans to cause her death..." said crimson confidently.

((I'm such a fu#%ing idiot!!! I'm sorry, but could you please edit your last post with the part about celestia? I had a brain fart and accidentally put celestia instead of cadence......crap! I can already hear you guys facehoofing from here......damn I'm an idiot!!!))

((Uploading from my ipod again... so it's a bit messy))


"Normality is all I've ever wanted. You don't understand. I'm no hero. It was trying to be a hero that got Anarchy killed. You seem to think that this is a glorious war. It isn't. This is cleaning up the mess that Cadence made. It isn't glorious. It'll be a blood bath, just like anything else I end up being involved in. Do you think we'll be applauded? Cadence has supporters everywhere, insane and otherwise. They will most likely raise another army against us. That's why I need to know we'll be safe."

Life is like an MMORPG, but with fewer fantasy weapons and more soul-crushing nihilistic despair that visits when you least need it.

Crummy OCs that I made years ago (thou hast been warned):

Main protagonist OC: Golden Typhoon
The professional assassin: Curse of Shadows

Avatar by The Incredible Blitz!

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@@Pripyat Pony,@@Avolon, @~HistoricallyInaccurate~

Swordpoint sighed and turned to Phylomon. "Your natural abilities, Sergeant. I have seen your skill with the sword, and it is respectable.  Most soldiers prefer lances or poleaxes, so it is rare to see a sword fighter in the military."


He could practically feel Fiera glaring at him. "Recruit Fiera, your anger is misplaced. And I assume that you are under the assumption that your near discharge is due to your sex, as is the case with every mare in your situation. I can assure you that your gender does not affect the situation. There have been many mares in the Equestrian military, although they are seldom mentioned." He held up a small clipboard. "You are on the verge of discharge because of your performance. However, I see potential in you, and I believe that you are not receiving the proper chance to prove yourself." He smiled. "I've seen your skills, and I know that you will make a fine soldier.  The problem is that you will be better suited in a specialized division."


Swordpoint lowered the clipboard as Golden Age made his request. "I suppose I should be truthful with all of you. You have been selected to receive training for commanding your own units. I will see that you develop your natural skills and come in command of others like you." He held out his hoof toward the rest of Canterlot. "The military has need of a great variety of soldiers, and you each have the talents to stand above." He again glanced at Fiera. "The permission to train you all was given by Celestia after she reviewed your records. Before we begin, I want you each to remember that I am not a member of the Equestrian military. I volunteer my services for the princess, and as such, there is no need for formalities. You may refer to me as 'Swordpoint,' and I will refer to you by your names... if you prefer."

Edited by Justin ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Sanura reached the meeting point. She could see that Swordpoint was busy, talking to three recruits, so she stood still and waited respectfully until such a point came that he was finished and ready to speak with her. She overheard him speaking to Fiera, thinking to herself that perhaps her own presence might reassure Fiera; after all, Sanura was a mare and altho she didn't work in the military, she was a trusted employee of Celestia and was treated the same as a stallion in the same profession would be.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony, @~HistoricallyInaccurate~, @@Avolon, @

Swordpoint spun around to find Sanura standing nearby. "Ah, Sanura! I apologize... it appears that our meeting has clashed with my training session of these three soldiers." He held out his hoof toward the soldiers. "These are Golden Age, Fiera, and Phylomon. The princess has allowed me to train them for command." He turned to the three and held his hoof toward Sanura. "This is Sanura. She is also in Celestia's employ... and it seems that I have made a minor mistake. She and I have a task given to us by Princess Celestia, and I am afraid that it cannot wait. Although..." He glanced at Sanura. "Perhaps they could come with us? It would be the perfect opportunity to give them true experience in a field mission. Unless, of course, you'd prefer otherwise. I leave the decision to you. What would you prefer?" 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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 @~HistoricallyInaccurate~, @@Avolon, @

Swordpoint spun around to find Sanura standing nearby. "Ah, Sanura! I apologize... it appears that our meeting has clashed with my training session of these three soldiers." He held out his hoof toward the soldiers. "These are Golden Age, Fiera, and Phylomon. The princess has allowed me to train them for command." He turned to the three and held his hoof toward Sanura. "This is Sanura. She is also in Celestia's employ... and it seems that I have made a minor mistake. She and I have a task given to us by Princess Celestia, and I am afraid that it cannot wait. Although..." He glanced at Sanura. "Perhaps they could come with us? It would be the perfect opportunity to give them true experience in a field mission. Unless, of course, you'd prefer otherwise. I leave the decision to you. What would you prefer?" 

Sanura gave this matter a lot of thought. Eventually, she replied, "I agree that these soldiers can accompany us on our mission, but only if they agree to defer to myself as well as to you on this matter. We can't have them deciding off their own bat to go off on their own. While it's true that this is a minimal task, you as well as I know the importance of disclipline and being self aware on missions such as this."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Pripyat Pony@~HistoricallyInaccurate~@@Avolon@

Swordpoint nodded. "Very well. It has been settled, then." He faced his trainees. "You three shall accompany us to Appleloosa. We shall depart at once. However, though she and I are not in the military, you will be falling under our command for this mission. I expect all of you to grant both of us the same respect that you would grant Dawn Wing." He thought about this for a second. "No... allow me to rectify myself. I expect you to grant us the same respect that you would have granted Shining Armor." He winked at the three soldiers before turning to Sanura. "Shall we depart, then? I trust that the train is waiting at the station."

  • Brohoof 1

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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