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private The Tyranny of Princess Cadence


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Harmonic's nose twitched and he snarled, more to himself than anypony else, as Sanguine stepped up to intervene too. Shaking his head, he replied to Chrysalis's statement about the guards - "No, Cadence asked her guards to escort you out, not mine." He dug his hooves into the floor, scratching in long strokes at the marble. "No one is going anywhere with this insect, Sanguine. You remember the tales of Canterlot...what she did to Shining Armour. She is not to be trusted."

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Chrysalis gave a short laugh. "Your soldiers? Thought you were loyal to your Princess? Obviously not. We discussed you in our meeting, you know."


She stared fully into Harmony's face. "Perhaps you think you can take me on," the changeling Queen said, mockingly. "Poor, deluded fool."

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(OoC: As soon as we finish this little sidebar, we'll return and progress to the next day.)


@@Pripyat Pony

Swordpoint nodded and dove toward the home. He could feel strange magical energy, unlike anything that he'd ever encountered. "This magic... it is strange. It does not feel the same as the natural magical energies of the world. It is... different." He touched down gently in front of the door and faced Sanura. "I suppose I shall allow you to introduce us. I suspect that she may have heard of me from the element bearers, although I am still a stranger."


(OoC: I'm gonna let you control Zecora seeing as how I've been playing the part of the main Equestrians.)

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@@Pripyat Pony


"There are none here more deluded than the queen of the insects, Chrysalis. Tell me, naturally in the hierarchy - where does the ant come in comparison to the hoof?" He glared right back at her, swapping his gaze from his soldiers, back to Chrysalis and to Sanguine and his men. "I know your little game, the ants protect their queen regardless of threat to themselves. I'd happily cut them down to get to you...but first, do tell. What was said about me in your little...meeting?"

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@@Justin ZW,


Ooc: Okies.


Sanura nodded, then she raised a hoof and knocked politely on the door. It was opened at once, and a zebra mare looked out. Zecora saw Sanura, and smiled. "It is good to see you, but to what end? And who, Sanura, is your friend?"


Sanura replied, "This is Swordpoint. Swordpoint, this is Zecora."




Chrysalis laughed again. "Oh, so confident!" she said. "As for what I discussed with Cadance, I think we'll see if Cadance trusts you enough to tell you. In the mean time, you seem very sure of yourself. Perhaps you'd like to prove it?"

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@@Pripyat Pony

(OoC: That was another reason I didn't want to control Zecora. That rhyming crap is too hard to do.)


Swordpoint examined the new zebra. Fascinating... I sense such different magical energy within her. "It is a pleasure to meet you at last, Zecora. Rainbow Dash and the other element bearers often speak fondly of you. I only regret that I must bring troubling information to you. May we come inside?" 

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@@Justin ZW,


Ooc: Lol. It's hard, but I will do it! XD


"But of course you may come in," Zecora said, holding the door wide open so that Sanura and Swordpoint could enter the hut. "And please tell me what is troubling."


Zecora's hut was spacious, with masks on the walls and a cauldron which bubbled gently in the centre of the room. Zecora indicated chairs set around a small table.


"Sit yourself down, take your ease. Tell me anything that you please."

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@@Pripyat Pony

Swordpoint sat as instructed. "This is a matter of grave importance, Zecora. Equestria has been attacked, and Applejack claims that it was by the Crystal Empire's soldiers. Celestia has ordered that the military be mobilized, but as of yet, we are only taking precautionary measures." He shifted uncomfortably. "I do not wish to see full scale war, Zecora. I have seen it many times, and I prefer not to relive the atrocities that wars bring. That is what brings us here today." He cleared his throat, glancing at the cauldron in the center of the room. "Shining Armor wrote to Princess Celestia approximately two weeks ago, claiming that Princess Cadence had become increasingly distant and troubled. According to him, she would rarely eat, and she would keep her distance from others, often speaking to herself. We can only assume that she has fallen into madness." He turned to face Zecora. "Please... is there anything that you could possibly do to help her? I do not wish to see her die. She was always so kind to me..." 

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@@Agent505,@Pripyat Pony,



"I cannot be manipulated by such magics.." Sanguine says, mainly to himself, as Harmonic and Crhysalis had begun to argue. The 'old' stallion sighs. This could go multiple ways, most of which he did not like. Chrysalis and her soldiers could win, which would deprive the empire of Harmonic and his Onyx, and they were a valuable force, if their commander was a bit volatile.

Or Harmonic could win, which would cause the Empire to lose a valuable ally. And in the conflict.

In both outcomes, there was the possibility of them killing each other. Which would combine the two. Or if Harmonic survived a bout with Chrysalis, Cadence would most likely have him killed.

Then there was Sanguine and some of his followers standing there. What could happen with them here?

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@@Pripyat Pony


(Incoming PM Lucy)


Harmonic's breathing started to shallow out, before it began increasing rapidly. He growled and snarled, lowering his posture like a rabid dog defending a fresh find. Quickly, he slammed the doors closed behind Chrysalis with his magic, hoping he would distract her for long enough to land a first blow. 

Were his mind in a more stable position, he would have known that a fight against the Queen of the Changelings would have ended less than poorly for him, but right now he didn't care to stop or even think. 


He charged in, shifting his considerable weight and strength to the front half of his body as he lunged forward, attempting to blindside the queen should she turn around, and knock her to the ground long enough to inflict further damage. Just quite what, he hadn't got planned at the minute.

Edited by Agent505
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((OOC: The 'mention' option seems to have taken a sudden vacation. Ugh.))

Crystal Empire: Steeleye Sungazer

Darting Route had waited for a while, growing steadily more impatient. He knew Chrysalis was in the exit room outside the audience room by watching the guards, but she seemed to be talking to someone. After a minute longer, he relocated so that he could get a view inside throw a large window high up on the wall. From there he could see Harmonic being his usual difficult self, which suited Darting perfectly. Removing a pane of the glass, he carefully pushed the tip of his crossbow through the gap. If someone had noticed him, he would still be only a slight discoloration against the night sky. As soon as Harmonic charged and distracted Chrysalis, Darting pulled the trigger, aiming for the area would most likely be in for the time needed for direct hit, which he assumed she would stand her ground. When the bolt hit something, anything really, it would burst in a magical fiery explosion of crystalline shrapnel and gouging flames. Darting Route would only stay for the critical second to confirm or deny a hit before fleeing.

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@@Justin ZW,


At this, Zecora looked troubled. "To corrupt a soul of love," she said, "A blow must have come from above." Zecora pulled out a heavy book and leafed thru it. The zebra mare had a vague idea, but instinctively knew that it would take several days at least, before the specific knowledge came to her.


"Cadance is not of evil born, but a victim of an evil broken and torn," she said, shutting the book.


Sanura turned to Swordpoint. Being the daughter of a zebra, she understood what the rhyming dialect of zebras was meant to convey.


"Zecora means that Cadance was not born evil, but was corrupted from an outside influence," she said. Sanura turned back to Zecora.


"Zecora," she asked. "Is there any way that Cadance could be saved, or is she going to be like she is forever?"


The zebra mare replied, "Such corruption will not last ever more. All you have to do is find the cure."


This of course meant that once the reason for Cadance's insanity was found, she could be brought back. The problem was that finding out what had influenced Cadance's evil was going to be incredibly difficult.


@@Agent505, (Ooc: Slight godmoding here, but not much; reactions are all yours! Chrysalis thinks that the crossbow magic was from Harmonic... that's gonna be bad for him. O_o)



Chrysalis smiled like a timber wolf with a bone. She had specifically goaded Harmonic to this end, wanting him to attack her so that she could teach him a lesson once and for all. Nopony spoke to the Queen of the changelings like that! Guessing, as it turned out, correctly, that Harmonic would charge at her, Chrysalis used her horn magic to teleport so that she was behind him. An explosion hit the space in front of the doors, which Chrysalis assumed came from Harmonic. She grinned as she thought that he'd missed, and would be confused by his failure to hit her both with magic and physically.


Whirling round, Chrysalis pointed her horn at Harmonic before he could turn, sending a sickly green jet of magic right at the unicorn. She wasn't planning on killing him, merely incapacitating him. After all, despite his rudeness, he still could be useful to her allie Cadance so it was important to keep him alive. After the magic hit, Chrysalis reared up, using her hooves to batter the stallion over and over again. She felt it was important, to show him how inferior he was, both magic wise and in strength. The fact that he'd tried to hit her with an explosive magic made her hit him hard. She only stopped when he collapsed.

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@@Pripyat Pony

(F*cking Alicorns...dry.png )


Fragments of the explosive magic pelted Harmonic's coat and caught him off guard, giving Chrysalis more than enough time to retaliate. Eventually he gave way to the relentless pummelling from the changeling, but he wasn't done in just yet. A fire burned in his eyes, much like the spark before the attack on Appleloosa, and he rose to his feet, slightly wobbly from the minor concussion he would no doubt suffer later, but for now he was too angry to register the pain. He reached under his cloak for his hookblades, but of course they where in the armoury below the palace. 


Thanks to Chrysalis's confidence, she had allowed herself to come within easy striking distance, and Harmonic intended to make the most of the opportunity by ramming her in the chest with his head and following up with swings of his own. Despite his injuries, bruises, cuts and probably hospital-worthy bone damage, he could still pack a powerful punch with his hooves.

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@@Agent505,@@Pripyat Pony,  


Arrow was still in the otherwise empty front room of the medical bay, hunting for some miraculous future-pills he had heard mention of  called "pain killers" that he could "borrow" to help his hangover while he gave Enid some privacy in the back room with her sister and the nurse. He found a box of the pills in a medicine cabinet,  and, reading the instructions carefully, eagerly dry swallowed two before the nurse or anypony else came back into the front room. He coughed slightly as the pills traveled rather roughly down his throat, and moved to place the pillbox back in the cabinet.




The floor shook slightly with the vibrations of a not-so-distant explosion. Arrow's muzzle opened in shock and the pillbox fell into the sink and burst open. Arrow did not waste time watching the pills spill into the sink, or even to say "bye" to Enid, instead rushing out of the medical bay at full gallop. 


"The palace is under attack!" he called as he ran, but there was nopony around to hear him as Arrow dashed through the corridors of the Crystal Palace. He darted into the throne room, ready to defend Cadence, only to discover no apparent enemies. Confused and feeling a little foolish, Arrow was about to inquire as to what exactly was going on, when he found himself drawn to the sound of a fight behind the door leading to the exiting corridor of the palace.


Just what is going on in there? Arrow wondered as he slammed the door open. The sight beyond made his jaw drop. What in the name of tartarus is that thing?!


It seemed that Harmonic was fighting - and losing to no less - some sort of...well, monster. Its basic structure was vaguely pony, but it was much larger - about the size of Princess Celestia at a glance - and had a shorter muzzle, grinning with what appeared to be fangs. Protruding from its back were wings, but like no wings Arrow had seen on any pegasus: they were more like insect wings than anything else. The nightmarish creature's legs - which it was repeatedly bringing down on Harmonic's body - were filled with holes, as if they were rotting. 


Arrow stood frozen in shock for a moment, able only to watch. Apparently neither the monster nor Harmonic had noticed him yet. Arrow's eyes were drawn to the creature's head, where a long jagged piece of bone protruded - a horn, perhaps? He had seen much on his travels, but nothing like this creature.


It was the sight of Harmonic shakily rising to his hooves, still determined to keep fighting it seemed, that prompted Arrow to action. Git or not, his commander needed help!


Arrow drew his sword with his muzzle, letting out a yell around the hilt as he rushed the creature from its side.

Edited by Ano170
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@@Pripyat Pony

"Is there anything you could do to assist us?" Swordpoint asked Zecora. "Our options are few, and I do not wish to send the element bearers to do battle." He tried to hold a straight face, but his worry showed.




Dawn Wing entered the barracks with a smirk upon his face. He found Golden Age quickly. "Soldier," he said slyly, "I remember you. You were a part of Luna's army during the civil war. Surely you can understand the disgrace that Swordpoint is upon this army. As such, I bring forth a proposition. Help me kill him, and you'll be my second in command. I promise to reward you handsomely."






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@@Pripyat Pony

"Is there anything you could do to assist us?" Swordpoint asked Zecora. "Our options are few, and I do not wish to send the element bearers to do battle." He tried to hold a straight face, but his worry showed.




Dawn Wing entered the barracks with a smirk upon his face. He found Golden Age quickly. "Soldier," he said slyly, "I remember you. You were a part of Luna's army during the civil war. Surely you can understand the disgrace that Swordpoint is upon this army. As such, I bring forth a proposition. Help me kill him, and you'll be my second in command. I promise to reward you handsomely."

The Sergeant turned towards Dawn Wing. "Aye? And just how is Swordpoint a uh 'disgrace' upon the Army? Fergive me, but I've yet to see much, if any, evidence of that statement." He slouched back in his chair and lit a small clay pipe. "I'm afraid ye'll have to explain it to me" he said with a half-smile. He took a puff and listened attentively. 

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The Sergeant turned towards Dawn Wing. "Aye? And just how is Swordpoint a uh 'disgrace' upon the Army? Fergive me, but I've yet to see much, if any, evidence of that statement." He slouched back in his chair and lit a small clay pipe. "I'm afraid ye'll have to explain it to me" he said with a half-smile. He took a puff and listened attentively. 

Dawn Wing smiled vindictively. "Simple. That weakling is unfit to command, and yet Celestia places the full force of the military in his hooves. Do you really believe that he is capable of leading? He hasn't commanded anything for over two years. I'm concerned that he's leading these soldiers to their deaths. You wouldn't want that, would you? Your men, who fought and died with you through thick and thin, being sent to their graves because of his incompetence." Yes... that will certainly rouse him. If I can have the assistance of Goldie and his men, taking out Swordpoint will be easy. He can't fight off that many of us, no matter how strong he is.


(OoC: In case you haven't figured it out, Dawn Wing is a power hungry asshole.)

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Chrysalis hesitated only a moment of Harmonic's onslaught before she recovered enough to send a blast of magic at him. This was the same spell as she'd put on Shining Armour and would enslave Harmonic's mind. She swung round to face the intruder who's hooves she heard on the floor.




"Not one step closer," Chrysalis warned, her horn still pointing at Harmonic. "Or he dies. I don't want to have to kill him; my newly made allie Cadance will in all likelihood have some use for him, but I will not stand for being attacked. Since this unicorn attacked me, my only choice was to defend myself. I warn you, the results for you won't be good if Cadance hears that you treat our alliance in this way."


@@Justin ZW,


Zecora looked grave and thoughtful. "A few days I must ask," she replied. "To find the cause of Cadance's mask. Crystal gazing will bring an answer to me, I am sure that that will be the key."

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@@Pripyat Pony

Swordpoint nodded. "I understand. I shall leave you to it, then. Thank you for your time, Zecora." He stood and walked to the door, stopping once he got there. "If you ever find yourself in need, do not hesitate to seek me out. It is my duty to defend those who cannot defend themselves." He opened the door and stepped outside. 

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Dawn Wing smiled vindictively. "Simple. That weakling is unfit to command, and yet Celestia places the full force of the military in his hooves. Do you really believe that he is capable of leading? He hasn't commanded anything for over two years. I'm concerned that he's leading these soldiers to their deaths. You wouldn't want that, would you? Your men, who fought and died with you through thick and thin, being sent to their graves because of his incompetence." Yes... that will certainly rouse him. If I can have the assistance of Goldie and his men, taking out Swordpoint will be easy. He can't fight off that many of us, no matter how strong he is.


(OoC: In case you haven't figured it out, Dawn Wing is a power hungry asshole.)

The Sergeant smiled mischeviously. "Well...I never was one for Celestia and her little lot of rats..." He stood up and shook Dawn Wing's hoof. "But know that I do it not for you, but for my boys. But...what of the Crystal Empire? Tensions are...high, to say the least. If by some act they were to advance upon Canterlot, I'd rather fight with the lad then let this city...as much as I despise the place, fall into their treacherous hooves."

Edited by ~HistoricallyInaccurate~
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"I have plans for them, as well," Dawn Wing said as he shook Goldie's hoof. "We'll take the fight to them instead of waiting around like Celestia would have us. Unlike Swordpoint, I can think for myself instead of blindly following Celestia. And if it makes you feel any better, you should know that Swordpoint is a murderer. Just ask him about his past. When you hear it, you'll probably want to kill him then and there." Haha... imbecile. When we march upon the Empire, your soldiers will be on the front lines, while mine follow behind. An effective meat shield.




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"Very well" he said apathetically. He sat back down and took a puff of his pipe. "So...when do you plan to move out? On 'morrow's dawn? T'night? Cover of darkness would suit us well, y'know." he said without much emotion. 


Golden Age couldn't help but sense a small feeling of regret. He did not know why. He assumed it was because he was going against orders, but he didn't understand why that would upset him either. He had done it in the civil war, what difference does it make now? 


I'll play it by ear, if me mind should change in the midst of it, I guess I can be some sort of...double turn-coat?

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"Very well" he said apathetically. He sat back down and took a puff of his pipe. "So...when do you plan to move out? On 'morrow's dawn? T'night? Cover of darkness would suit us well, y'know." he said without much emotion. 


Golden Age couldn't help but sense a small feeling of regret. He did not know why. He assumed it was because he was going against orders, but he didn't understand why that would upset him either. He had done it in the civil war, what difference does it make now? 


I'll play it by ear, if me mind should change in the midst of it, I guess I can be some sort of...double turn-coat?

"We'll move tonight, and take out Swordpoint in his sleep. Unfortunately, that's the only way that the army will follow my orders. Those damn fools respect him so much... I don't know why. So he saved Equestria once. Big deal. We'll not only save it, but lead it into a glorious new age." He glanced around. "I know a group of ponies who support Princess Luna. They want to see Celestia overthrown and executed for her crimes in the civil war. I trust that I can count on the support of yourself and your troops?"

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"Well, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend', so unless some balderdash should prove otherwise, Aye." he put the pipe in his mouth and buttoned his coat. "But I'm afraid ye'll have to do the killin'. I have no quarrel with the lad, but you do." 


Sergeant Ballyhooly walked in rather convientantly. "Ballyhooly" Goldie said. The Sergeant turned attentively.


"Form the regiment, we're movin' out. Assembly in 10 minutes, muffle the canteens, no talking, silence is key"


With a pat on the shoulder Goldie dismissed him and turned back to Dawn Wing. "I hope you're OK with ending Swordpoint's life."

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"Well, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend', so unless some balderdash should prove otherwise, Aye." he put the pipe in his mouth and buttoned his coat. "But I'm afraid ye'll have to do the killin'. I have no quarrel with the lad, but you do." 


Sergeant Ballyhooly walked in rather convientantly. "Ballyhooly" Goldie said. The Sergeant turned attentively.


"Form the regiment, we're movin' out. Assembly in 10 minutes, muffle the canteens, no talking, silence is key"


With a pat on the shoulder Goldie dismissed him and turned back to Dawn Wing. "I hope you're OK with ending Swordpoint's life."

Crap... I should've expected that. "Are you sure? Swordpoint is strong... if he defeats me, then he will have you tried for disobeying orders. What's more, Celestia will continue her rule. I need your help, as there is safety in numbers."



Swordpoint landed softly outside the Canterlot Palace. "I cannot even sleep in my own bed tonight... I only hope that the princess has a plan for our defense. We do not even know if they mean to attack us again... It could be that Applejack was wrong, as well. I only pray that we will avoid war."

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