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private Pony University (Romance//Sol)


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"Hey, I know you! You ran over to us and started talking, when I was with Gardenia and Blaze, Right? So what happened? Who beat you up? I'm guessing that he or she had a pretty good reason for it..."

*Well, welcome to the dark side of this place... I saw some guys, before as I went to class... they looked like noone to mess with.*

"Um, no, I don't recall. You know a stallion named Todd? Yeah.. He beat Windy up. And uh, stabbed him. I feel so bad for him.. God, I hate Todd. He sucks. You know him?" Minty asked Redstorm. "That Todd guy is nothing. but. TROUBLE," Minty hissed. Minty sighed. "Sorry.. he just messed up my mind and I feel really bad for Windy.


@@RedStorm, @,


"Oh yeah, I remember you man!... Hey! And what they hay are you talking about, 'they had a good reason' to beat me up!? I got freakin' stabbed dude! I mean, sure, it was with a needle, not a big blade, but still! And Todd bucking Stocks will never EVER be justified in what he did! His only reason for doing what he did to me was because I wouldn't let him spread filthy lies about my marefriend! Uh, I mean, Minty." he said, blushing when he remembered that Minty didn't think they were coltfriend and marefriend.




Turning and nodding painfully at Saronyx as he entered, Windy chuckled, clutching his shoulder painfully. "Tempting as killing that bastard would be, I'd rather not have us all go to prison... And Todd 'aint worth your time. Although I must admit, I could have used some of those mad self defense skills about ten minutes ago..."

Minty blushed when he said 'marefriend.' She didn't think that Windy thought of her that way. Her blush was so red, Windy can obviously tell she's blushing even from the couch. She WAS considering the idea of her and him together, but there were also more cute stallions on campus so she wasnt that sure.


(( OOC: Hint hint, important future rp info :3 ))


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"Um, no, I don't recall. You know a stallion named Todd? Yeah.. He beat Windy up. And uh, stabbed him. I feel so bad for him.. God, I hate Todd. He sucks. You know him?" Minty asked Redstorm. "That Todd guy is nothing. but. TROUBLE," Minty hissed. Minty sighed. "Sorry.. he just messed up my mind and I feel really bad for Windy.

"Todd? Yeah, I know 'em... he actually seemed quite friendly from what I could tell... I bumped into him in a hallway, he had a hoofprint on his jaw like he was kicked. I was starving so I went to get food... well, if he's so bad then why doesn't anypony give him a beating then?"


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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(I'm going to skip through the meal to keep things moving.)


Royal found the meal to be very good, and opened the door for denim, as always.

"They are nice ponies, aren't they? A cute couple." He smiled. "The meal was alright too."




((Juicy, juicy, juicy. Gotta eat up that drama!))

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Saronyx gives a dark grin, complete with a chuckle, "Nopony would ever be able to trace it." He lets that go for a second before his grin changes into a joking one and he shakes his head, "Yeah, prison wouldn't be preferable. But trust me, soon as you're able, I'm going to give you a couple lessons," He leans against a nearby wall, "And wait for me next time, eh?"




"Mhm!" Denim nods, smiling as well "Very cute couple. I like them."

She glances back at the restaurant, "Yeah, it was pretty good." She agrees with what he said.


The unicorn mare looks back to her roommate. He was still something of an enigma, though the time during the meal had allowed her to learn some more. She cleared her throat, "So, do you have any siblings?"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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((Yay foreshadowing!!))


Windy failed to notice Minty's massive blush, as he was too aghast at what Redstorm had said. "Nopony has given that bastard a beatdown because he is so rich that he practically owns an entire fraternity full of beefy stallions who will never let anything happen to him! He practically rules this school! I mean, he takes steroids, cheats on exams, beats up anypony he wants to, and no teacher or student does a thing about it cuz he's so damn rich and a good running back! But no, Todd Stocks is anything BUT 'quite friendly'! If he's acting nice to you, its cuz he wants something from you!"




Turning to look Saronyx, Windy stood up and walked over, clutching his shoulder still. "Well, that'd be cool to learn some moves. But how am I supposed to figure them out now? I mean, I'm kinda incapacitated... Although I hope there won't BE a next time, since I did manage to slip the Librium into his 'roids, and he didn't notice a thing. Hopefully he'll be too shamed by what happens tomorrow to mess with us again. But yeah, if he does try anything, I want you with me!"

Edited by Windy Runner
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@, @@RedStorm,


((Yay foreshadowing!!))


Windy failed to notice Minty's massive blush, as he was too aghast at what Redstorm had said. "Nopony has given that bastard a beatdown because he is so rich that he practically owns an entire fraternity full of beefy stallions who will never let anything happen to him! He practically rules this school! I mean, he takes steroids, cheats on exams, beats up anypony he wants to, and no teacher or student does a thing about it cuz he's so damn rich and a good running back! But no, Todd Stocks is anything BUT 'quite friendly'! If he's acting nice to you, its cuz he wants something from you!"


Turning to look Saronyx, Windy stood up and walked over, clutching his shoulder still. "Well, that'd be cool to learn some moves. But how am I supposed to figure them out now? I mean, I'm kinda incapacitated... Although I hope there won't BE a next time, since I did manage to slip the Librium into his 'roids, and he didn't notice a thing. Hopefully he'll be too shamed by what happens tomorrow to mess with us again. But yeah, if he does try anything, I want you with me!"

Minty trotted over with a soup bowl and handed it to Windy. Her cheeks were still flaming, and listened to the conversation. "Well.. Todd DOES know that he can get expelled from cheating on exams?" Minty said. "Why don't we report him to the counselor?" Minty asked.


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Royal shook his head, frowning.

"I, uh, not really." He paused, considering if he should continue. "I've had several step-siblings, though." He left it at that, holding his hoof out to take denim by the hoof again. He wasn't sure where they stood, but he knew his manners, and he didn't want to be rude.

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"Somepony already tried that... the next day, Mr. Margins, Todd's father, donated a huge sum of money to build a new stadium. The student in question who brought up the allegation was expelled for possession of drugs the next week. Todd was given a slap on the wrist and managed to burn all of the evidence incriminating him. Trying to use the system against him is suicide when his father has such an influence over the school. It IS his Alma Mater, after all." after a pause, he looked at Minty. "Thanks for the soup. And why are your cheeks so red?"

Edited by Windy Runner
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"Somepony already tried that... the next day, Mr. Margins, Todd's father, donated a huge sum of money to build a new stadium. The student in question who brought up the allegation was expelled for possession of drugs the next week. Todd was given a slap on the wrist and managed to burn all of the evidence incriminating him. Trying to use the system against him is suicide when his father has such an influence over the school. It IS his Alma Mater, after all." after a pause, he looked at Minty. "Thanks for the soup. And why are your cheeks so red?"

Minty looked away, panicked. "No reason.." Minty muttered, still blushing. She hopped into bed and went to 'sleep.' Instead, she just laid there in bed facing the wall, listening to their conversation while being confined in her own thoughts. 'Whatll happen at the game tomorrow? Will Windy get beat up again? Shut up brain and let me go to sleep.'


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"When you get better." Saronyx says. 


He chuckles, "At least you managed to spike it. If I really wanted to have some fun, I'm a bit of a writer," - "he says, being the author of a bestselling trilogy" - "so I can try and get his whole usage story into the papers. Really tarnish him. That might be a bit excessive, but hey.


"I'm the type that thinks about some of the worse case scenarios, so in the chance that, despite him being shamed, he does come after us, trust me, I'll take him down myself given the chance."




"Oh.. I see."


Denim takes his hoof, giving him a small smile in gratitude, "He is awfully polite... Are we... getting anywhere? Or is he just like this with every mare...? Den! Just, stop thinking about it. You're going to drive yourself crazy. If he's interested, he'll let you know."


She wanted to continue the conversation, but couldn't think of anything to ask.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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As they approached their dorm, a thought came to royal, and as he unlocked the door for her,

"Wait, are you going anywhere tonight, or are you staying here?" He asked, he had some other things to do before the day was out, and while he didn't want to say it, he didn't think it'd be good to have denim around then.

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@@00Pony,  @@@RedStorm,



Noting that Minty had gone to bed, Windy hobbled over to the door and opened it. "Alright dudes, Minty's been through a lot today, and I think we should let her sleep. And I should probably rest too, I need to heal up so I can see the hilarity of tomorrow's game! By the way, Saronyx, I'd be careful writing about Todd. If you write about him, you'll get his father angry at you... and that's not something you'd want. Stock Margins isn't a pony to be taken lightly. Todd may be a piece of work, but his father is smart, and crafty. I mean, he's one of the richest stallions in all of Canterlot for a reason! Angering him would be... unwise. And I really doubt Todd will be harassing us after this."


Turning to look at Redstorm, Windy narrowed his eyes. saying, "Alright Redstorm, so what's it gonna be? You with us, or are you with Todd? You haven't said a single mean thing about the guy this whole time. You even had the gall to call him 'a nice pony'! So, who's side are you on dude?" 

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Denim took a second to consider his question before shaking her head, "Nah, I'm not doing anything. I gotta get rid of the old door, which won't take long, so aside from that, I'll just be chilling here. Maybe send the family a letter."


She shrugs, and turns to look at him, a curious light in her eyes, which had taken a slightly pink tint, reflecting her scarf, "Why do you ask..?"





Saronyx nods, standing and walked towards the door, though he shrugs, "Very well. I never paid much attention to Stock's family, but from what I've heard, you do have a point. But hey, we'll see."


He trots out of the dorm, waving to those inside, "Oh, by the way, if you ever need a place to lay low, my dad has a small apartment complex off campus that I live in and maintain. We have an open apartment at the moment, so feel free to come by there and stick around for a bit," he takes a key ring out of his saddlebags and takes one off, "Here's a spare key. Just let me know how long you'll be staying, and you're good to go!"


Saronyx gives one last nod to them and trots off.

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Royal shook his head a bit.

"Just wondering if i should even open the door for you." He accordingly opened the door for her, leaving it open for her.

"I have some things to do, out and around ill be home...later." He said, as innocently as possible, beginning to walk off.

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@@00Pony,  @@@RedStorm,



Turning to look at Redstorm, Windy narrowed his eyes. saying, "Alright Redstorm, so what's it gonna be? You with us, or are you with Todd? You haven't said a single mean thing about the guy this whole time. You even had the gall to call him 'a nice pony'! So, who's side are you on dude?" 

"Are you kidding? Of course I'm against the one that messes with my bros' bros! And before he started acting all nicely, he was kinda yelling at me... alright! See you around!" Redstorm says and trots back into his dorm.

*Well this has been going nicely... but at the same time I feel this is going to go downhill pretty fast... I mean messing with a rich kid isn't all that easy...*


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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"Oh.. OK." She says, in a normal tone, masking the slight disappointment she felt.


Denim nods, and walks inside, turning around and waving to him, "Well, have fun with whatever you're doing!" She goes to close the door when she realizes something and pokes her head out again, "And be careful. I don't want to have to explain to the school while my roommate is in the hospital." She said, somewhat jokingly, then shut the door. 


"OK, to business. Dispose of door, write a letter. After that? Read a book, probably. Eat something, maybe take a nap."


She trotted into her room, opening the newly conjured door and looking at the old one that was still lying in the center of the room, "Oh, and unpack, that should happen to." She said, noticing the bags in the corner.


Denim lifts the door in her light blue magical aura, hovering it in the center of the room and focusing on it. The wooden door began to smolder slightly before bursting into flame. She kept it suspended until it was nothing but ashes, which she floated into the trash can in the corner, after letting them cool.


From there, she made the bed, blushing slightly as she remembered the events of the morning. Denim shook her head, floating the clothes into the dresser beneath the window, leaving the various scarves and brooches in the bag. Lastly, she floated a picture of her family, setting it on the dresser and looking at it. Her father, wearing his police uniform, and her oldest brother, Amicus, standing in the back. She and her mother were in the front, with her youngest brother, Novus, between them. She smiled, then turned and left the room, "OK. Packing: done. Door disposal: Done. Eat something: In effect. I'll write the letter after that."


With a plan in mind, she continued about her business.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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After the dinner finally ended and the two pairs had parted ways, Rambler was finally able to say what had been on his mind. "Neon, I'm so sorry. I know how uncomfortable I made you, and I was way out of line talking like that to begin with. I don't know what I was thinking."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Nodding as Redstorm and Saronyx left, Windy shut the door. Setting down the key Saronyx had given him on the table, Windy walked gingerly over to the bed, and saw Minty was asleep already. Wincing slightly as he climbed in carefully so as not to wake her. Pulling back her bandages to check on his wound, he was pleased to see it had clotted nicely. It still hurt like a bitch, but that was to be expected. "I knew there was a reason I didn't like needles..." He thought grimly before wiggling under the covers next to Minty and beginning to drift off to sleep. Mumbling out loud more to himself than to her, and assuming she was totally asleep, he said, "Why were you blushing Minty? Are you that embarrassed of the idea of being my marefriend?" 

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Royal nodded as Denim closed the door.

"Off to business, for once." He walked out of the dorms, heading towards the Frat houses, a particular one.

The symbol out side was plain and forgettable, but that was part of the illusion.

As he reached the door, he hit it three times, waited, then hit it twice, and the door opened for him.

He went into the basement, where he learned the real business was.

A betting ring, normally. But tonight it had been converted to a poker table. 

Joining the others, royal tipped his hat to them

"Hows it going, gentlemen?" He was the best dressed there. One point against him, he realized.

"How's the gossip?"

One of the ponies grinned at him.

"Wait till you hear this."

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Arrow headed into the university with a bit of concern of how the ponies are here. He walks up to his dorm and enters. "Males and females in one room? Why?" He wondered.  This was the only university he heard that allowed stallions and mares to live in the same dorm. "Who would be with me?" He wondered some more.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Nodding as Redstorm and Saronyx left, Windy shut the door. Setting down the key Saronyx had given him on the table, Windy walked gingerly over to the bed, and saw Minty was asleep already. Wincing slightly as he climbed in carefully so as not to wake her. Pulling back her bandages to check on his wound, he was pleased to see it had clotted nicely. It still hurt like a bitch, but that was to be expected. "I knew there was a reason I didn't like needles..." He thought grimly before wiggling under the covers next to Minty and beginning to drift off to sleep. Mumbling out loud more to himself than to her, and assuming she was totally asleep, he said, "Why were you blushing Minty? Are you that embarrassed of the idea of being my marefriend?"

Minty kept sleeping. Minty was not aware that Windy was talking, or that he was sleeping with her. Since she sometimes does stuff in her sleep, she suddenly started to wave her hooves frantically and fell off the bed. Since she's a heavy sleeper, she didn't wake up.


((OOC: Notice the drama. xD))


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@@Alex Kennedy,


Neon had been eating her veggie burger and fries throughout the conversation, not really talk much just listening. When they left Neon heard Rambler speak "Huh? Oh, its alright....It would of been better if at least you had asked you know, in our dorm instead of out in public" Neon laughed  


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Windy's eyes snapped open as he saw Minty fall onto the floor. "Well, I guess any response is better than nothing." he mumbled, getting out of bed and gently picking her up. Tucking her back into bed proved a challenge with the dull ache in his shoulder, but he managed.  Through it all, she slept like a baby filly. Climbing back into bed beside her, Windy drifted off to sleep, and unconsciously  grabbed and held her hooves with his own as he fell asleep. 


((Feel free to have them wake up in the morning whenever you want))

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Rambler sighed. "I know, I really shouldn't have done that. And then what I said... I've done it before, but... look, I never want you to think your just another mare to me, alright? I have a connection with you that I haven't ever felt before, not even with my last marefriend, when I really believed I was in love with her."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Windy's eyes snapped open as he saw Minty fall onto the floor. "Well, I guess any response is better than nothing." he mumbled, getting out of bed and gently picking her up. Tucking her back into bed proved a challenge with the dull ache in his shoulder, but he managed. Through it all, she slept like a baby filly. Climbing back into bed beside her, Windy drifted off to sleep, and unconsciously grabbed and held her hooves with his own as he fell asleep.


((Feel free to have them wake up in the morning whenever you want))

Minty woke up with her hooves in Windy's. "Um.. Windy?" She lightly tapped Windy's mane. 'Why did I wake up with my hooves in his..? Did something happen during the night?' Minty shrugged it off and threw on a robe over her shoulder to take a shower. 'I hope he's okay from last night. He still looks like he's hurt.'


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