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private Pony University (Romance//Sol)


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"Alright." Denim says, nodding. She adjusts her posture so she can better reach the table, "You'll probably have to teach me how to play, but sure, I don't see why not!"


Then it was her turn to hum, "Now to think of something for us to discuss... Maybe our fellow University goers? I'm sure there're some interesting things going on with them." 

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"How about a simple blackjack?" He shuffled the cards, this time not taking note of the order. He didn't want to cheat, after all.

"It's simple, just try to get as close to 21 as possible, without going over." He passed her two cards, and himself two as well.

He then thought to her question. "Yes, i met windy, a nice athletic fellow. His...Marefreind, minty,a innocent little mare. I also breifly met blaze, the three of them had a sort of love triangle going, but im not sure where that stands now." Then he chuckled.

"I also met this nice mare named denim, she turned out to be my roomate." He said with a smile.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Neon smiled then sat on Ramblers lap and continued kissing him


*After movie* 


Neon was kissing Rambler when she saw the lights turn on. She slowly stopped kissing him "Ugh, i guess its time to go" She kissed him one more time then got off Ramblers lap "That was fun...i wonder how the movie was tho" She laughed 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Windy positively seethed as Chase trotted smugly out. After a few minutes of pacing, he decided that, if this was war, there would need to be casualties. Hurrying out of his room and over to the training center, Windy grabbed a bat, and begun heading towards the Delta's Fraternity House, where he was sure he'd see Todd AND Chase. "I wonder how nice their frat house will look with a bunch of shattered windows..." he thought angrily.






Wrapping his hoof around the reporter's shoulder in what looked to be just a friendly gesture, Mr. Margins subtly frog-marched the reporter pony around the corner and down the hall, out of earshot of anypony. Glaring at the reporter, he snarled, "Alright, listen up and listen good you snoop. I don't want to talk about that stupid game, and I don't want to talk about my failure of a son. He has done nothing to deserve my respect, and as soon as my lawyers get around to it, I will be not be his father anymore, at least not legally. I am already most of the way through writing that little failure out of my will. Is that a good enough 'killer scoop' on his pitiful performance in the game for you?"

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Rambler took pleasure in the weight of her body shifting onto his lap. When it was finally over, he sighed. "That was wonderful. If this is what usually happens in movie theaters, I should really go to the movies more often." He stood up. "Well, I guess we should be heading back now. Care to pull me back to the dorm?" He laughed and held out his hoof.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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 Denim looked at the cards he gave her, eyes narrowed slightly, "Soo, how exactly do I go about doing that?" She asks, before realizing his talking about the question, "Oooh, a love triangle? Well, that can only end well. Should be interesting to see how it turns out."

She initially responds. Then she caught his last comment, about her. She knocked a bit of her mane in front of her face to hide the blush that surely would come, and smiled, "Hah... Thanks." She said.


Denim cleared her throat, lifting her head ever so slightly so she wasn't talking to the table as she said, "As for me.. I already told you about the Pegasus who gave me the pills, Saronyx, I think his name was. He was a writer. And then there was another named Cloudchaser, who broke his door's lock." She chuckles, brushing her mane out of her face, having finally got her blush under control again, "I met my roommate of course. A respectful, and sweet stallion named Royal Flush," she shakes her head, "And yes, I did totally rip you off just then."


Denim glances at his face, "And then of course there's the love birds, Neon and Rambler."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Royal nodded. "You hit, which means get another card, or stay, which means you won't try to push it." 

He smiled as she talked, then laughed when she mentioned him. "Oh he sounds like a nice pony. Love to meet him."

He chuckled when she mentioned the couple. They shared dinner with them.

"Yes, those two seem to be all over each other." He laughed. "I don't think it'd be at all like that, for me. I'm never much for romance." 

This mare, however, seemed to be pulling him toward her. He might have to negate his rule, the way he thinks of her.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Neon laughed "Yes, we should go here more often!" She said then thought about it "Tho, it is kinda funny how we pay for a place to make out when we could just make out at our dorm" She laughed then nuzzled his cheek. She grabbed his hoof "I would love to" She laughed then pulled him with her as she trotted out of the theater 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Rambler pretended to think about that for a few seconds. "I guess we could make out at the dorm couldn't we? You know now that I think about it, we should really hurry back." He laughed and nuzzled her back. "I've had so much fun tonight, you know? I can't believe we just met yesterday." 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"Oooh, I get it. Sorta. So, you just keep 'hitting', and add up the cards numbers that you have until you have, or are near, 21, and hope you're closer than your opponent?" She asks.


Denim nods when Royal responds to her mention of him, "Oh he is! I'll have to introduce you to him sometime."

"Oh yeah. I'm not one to judge, for she who judges will herself be judged, but they do seem to," she says, looking into his eyes for a second as he speaks before looking elsewhere on his face, "Oh really? That's to bad.. I'm sure there are plenty of mares that would be lucky to have you." She said, smiling.

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Neon stopped and looked at Rambler "Yes, we sure could...So i agree, we should get to our dorm" She laughed "I know right, but i feel like i have known you for much longer then that" She kissed him on the cheek then continued pulling him with her as she trotted to their dorm


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Royal nodded, smiling. "Yes but you have to be carefull not to go over 21, or you lose, 'Bust'" 


"That seems noble. I have my judgements, i'll admit, but i don't say anything about them." He nodded. "That's whats polite, right? Respect, that's always important." He looked at her, trying to decide if that comment was anything toward him, and ultimately decided:


"Hmm. I'm flattered, really. I'm sure you were swarmed back home, too." He said, smiling at her.

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They arrived at the dorm and Rambler of course held the door for her as always. He sat down on his bed and his face became a little more serious for a moment. "You know, with what we were saying outside about how it feels like we've known each other for so much longer than we really have, I was just thinking, and... I think... I think I'm in love with you. I mean real, true love." He shook his head. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking like that when we just met yesterday. I'm probably just scaring you off." 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"OK, got it!" Denim says, looking somewhat proud of herself for figuring it out, "You can go first, if you want.


"Of course. Respect is an important factor in most things in life. Relationships especially." She brushes her main from her eyes again, making sure it is tucked behind her ear this time.


She giggled at that comment, "I was.. But there never was one that stood a chance," She smiles in return, and adds quietly under her breath, "That might be changing though.."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Royal hummed. He took a hit, but saw he only came to 18. Not gonna risk it. He thought, nodding to denim to take her turn.


"And trust." He said, taking a chip, realizing that they had a lot. "If you doubt people every way, your gonna find that they will violate it."


He looked at her, raising an eyebrow, not sure what she muttered, but he felt it was something.

"Stood a chance against what? You brother, or your standards?" He laughed.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Neon walked in to the dorm with Rambler with a smile on her face. She sat down on her bed and looked at Rambler, she was confused about why he looked so serious all of the sudden. When he was done talking she looked surprised but she smiled and walked over to him. She looked into his eyes "I love you too" She said then kissed him


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Thea awoke suddenly, as she heard voices nearby. It sounded like someponies were... fighting? She lifted herself up from the ground, and pushed her way forward with her suitcase, going towards the voices. She was about to turn the corner but she saw some ponies there and she gasped slightly and hid back behind the corner wall.


She saw 2 stallions, one with red and the other with a brown coat. She saw them both pass out. She blinked. What just happened? She noticed two other ponies there. A stallion with a blue coat and a mare with a grey coat. 


"Wow, I sure appeared late, didn't I?" she pondered. She decided she would have to do her best to avoid any drama. 


Now, she thought. Where is dorm 8?

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Rambler smiled and grabbed her pulling her onto the bed and kissing her. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that. Thank you. Thank you so much. I don't know how I could possibly deserve a mare like you. Oh Celestia, there's nothing I want more than to rip off your clothes and have at you here and now. But... I shouldn't say that. I can't expect you to be ready for that so soon."

Real men don't need signatures...


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@@Alex Kennedy,


Neon was surprised of Rambler pulling her into his bed. She smiled and kissed him back like she kissed him in the theater, as passionately as she could. She stopped to talk to him "Thank you...you are the bast coltfriend i have had and i love you so much" She kissed him again then stopped "Rambler...i want that too" She kissed him again and wrapped her arms around his neck 


(OOC: Time for a time skip i would say) 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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(OOC: Time for a time skip i would say) 


((Wait just a minute. I have to drag this out to build suspense, or something. I don't know just go with it.))


Rambler just stared into her eyes for a moment. She couldn't have just said that. He couldn't possibly be so lucky. "Neon... Are you sure? I don't want to make you do this if there's even a hint of doubt in your mind."

Real men don't need signatures...


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@@Alex Kennedy,


(OOC: Alright, i got another idea anyways)


She stopped kissing Rambler and thought about it "Well...i really want to but...i dunno.." She sighed and laid down right next to Rambler   "You're so sweet you know" She kissed him on the cheek. "Rambler, maybe we could sleep in the same bed...i mean not do anything tho" She smiled


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Rambler nodded. "Whatever you want. If you have any doubt, then I'm willing to wait until you know you're ready. You're definitely worth waiting for. Having said that, there's nothing better than waking up next to a beautiful mare, and I would love to share my bed with you." 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Windy positively seethed as Chase trotted smugly out. After a few minutes of pacing, he decided that, if this was war, there would need to be casualties. Hurrying out of his room and over to the training center, Windy grabbed a bat, and begun heading towards the Delta's Fraternity House, where he was sure he'd see Todd AND Chase. "I wonder how nice their frat house will look with a bunch of shattered windows..." he thought angrily.






Wrapping his hoof around the reporter's shoulder in what looked to be just a friendly gesture, Mr. Margins subtly frog-marched the reporter pony around the corner and down the hall, out of earshot of anypony. Glaring at the reporter, he snarled, "Alright, listen up and listen good you snoop. I don't want to talk about that stupid game, and I don't want to talk about my failure of a son. He has done nothing to deserve my respect, and as soon as my lawyers get around to it, I will be not be his father anymore, at least not legally. I am already most of the way through writing that little failure out of my will. Is that a good enough 'killer scoop' on his pitiful performance in the game for you?"

Blaze wrote down everg last detail that he could, write down to how disgustdd he was. "Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. One final thing..." He tapped his hoof on stocks head and almsot instantly began to drain the hate out of him. "Now I would reccomend you calm down sir. This will not hurt and will infact make you more respectable then you already are." He said as he stood still.

*Man! Hate tastes disgusting! But there is allot of it. Probabaly going to last me three days! That won't end well.* He thought as he stood still.


After about two or so hours, Blaze was done. He had managed to drain out the negative emotions of a business man who wathed hsi son fail. There was nothing bad left to take. Blaze, now feeling pretty full, nodded to stocks. "I would reccomend you tell those lawyers they won't be needed, and that your son is at the campus if you want to see him."

(OOC: Blaze had taked all the negative emotions from stocks, so he basically cannot feel them anymore. Not permanently mind you but for a year or so. And of course, blaze has to burn all that off now doesn't he?)

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Windy positively seethed as Chase trotted smugly out. After a few minutes of pacing, he decided that, if this was war, there would need to be casualties. Hurrying out of his room and over to the training center, Windy grabbed a bat, and begun heading towards the Delta's Fraternity House, where he was sure he'd see Todd AND Chase. "I wonder how nice their frat house will look with a bunch of shattered windows..." he thought angrily.






Wrapping his hoof around the reporter's shoulder in what looked to be just a friendly gesture, Mr. Margins subtly frog-marched the reporter pony around the corner and down the hall, out of earshot of anypony. Glaring at the reporter, he snarled, "Alright, listen up and listen good you snoop. I don't want to talk about that stupid game, and I don't want to talk about my failure of a son. He has done nothing to deserve my respect, and as soon as my lawyers get around to it, I will be not be his father anymore, at least not legally. I am already most of the way through writing that little failure out of my will. Is that a good enough 'killer scoop' on his pitiful performance in the game for you?"

Minty was trotting back to the dorm when she saw Windy with a bat. "Uh, Windy? What are you doing..?" She asked sternly. 'Better not be wrecking something.' Minty wasn't sure if she was even Windy's friend anymore.. She was betrayed and hurt. And believe it or not, Minty can hold a grudge.


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@@Alex Kennedy


Neon smiled at Rambler "Thanks...like i said before, you are so sweet" She blushed a bit at what he had said, which is something she rarely did. She got under the covers and cuddled up next to Rambler. She kissed him on the cheek "Good night love" She laughed a bit 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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