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private Equestria University (Romance) (SOL)

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  On 2013-06-14 at 8:40 PM, Earl Grey said:




Zatiko sniffed, pushing the plant a little farther away on his dresser. His roommate had pounced on his uncertainty and was now becoming incredibly nosy. "It is a plant from my home country," He replied quietly. "It's thorns are quite sharp, to protect from predators. Watch yourself."


The zebra resumed unpacking, casting guarded glances at his roommate. Finally, he sighed. "What is it like in Ponyville?" He asked, not looking at Pelate. It was only polite. As soon as he had the opportunity to find a quiet place to be alone, he was seizing it. Small talk was not his forte, and he was growing increasingly frustrated with himself.


I look up. "It's a nice place, quiet, and cozy. Not too much to do there, just a simple little town" I finished unpacking and sir on my bed I shrug "notice to say, not a lot of highlights, I didn't know many ponies there, I have barely any friends..." I trailed off, I stopped myself from saying too much I had a blank face "well that's all I want to tell right now" I say in a completely different and depressing tone as my smile disappears"I don't think you would want to hear the rest..." I lay in my bed, let out a breath and relax. Edited by PelateOvercast
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  On 2013-06-13 at 6:34 AM, Psych Ward said:

Psych Ward instantly started unpacking the boxes on her bed. An entire box was filled with long sleeved sweaters, much like the one she was wearing. Another had her special pillows and fluffy blankets. The final box had all her knick knacks and books that she either hadn't read, or just couldn't leave the house without.


(Um, @GaleFenrir, you're pony is in Dorm #4.)

((OOC: Wow, I missed alot.))

Minty was still in the closet, hoping nopony noticed her. She eventually came out, and was struck by the thought of having to meet new ponies and get hurt. She whimpered, and started to head into the closet again, but her conscience forced her not to. "Be strong, Minty.." She said to herself.


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  On 2013-06-14 at 9:07 PM, Minty Wintergreen said:

((OOC: Wow, I missed alot.))

Minty was still in the closet, hoping nopony noticed her. She eventually came out, and was struck by the thought of having to meet new ponies and get hurt. She whimpered, and started to head into the closet again, but her conscience forced her not to. "Be strong, Minty.." She said to herself.


Psych Ward stopped at the sound of speaking.  She turned around, peeking back in the doorway.  "Hey," she said quietly.  "Are you finished unpacking?  I was gonna go find some dinner.  I can help you if you aren't."  She walked back into the room slowly, a small smile on her face.


  On 2013-06-14 at 8:37 PM, Cinderscribe said:

@@Psych Ward


"Yeah!" Cinder agreed, happy that somepony agreed with her. "Yeah, It's pretty normal. Don't see why everypony kicks up such a fuss about it!"


She watched the wrappers float away before looking back at her own. With a flick of her hoof it landed on the grass, not really anywhere near the target.


"Agh! Never works." she groaned as she stretched out across the ground, retrieved the wrapper and tried again. Three attempts later she settled for standing up and placing it inside instead. "Ok, I admit it, kind of wish I could do the whole 'floaty' thing."


The silver Unicorn laughed softly."I know unicorns that wish they had wings," Nightshade shrugged.  "The only type of ponies that don't wish for anything are Alicorns."    She dug at a small flower with her hoof.  "Magic makes Unicorns lazy sometimes anyways."

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Zatiko felt an uncharacteristic burst of disbelief, not only at himself but at the other pony. His roommate had now subsided from his previous nosiness and was now on the bed, looking miserable and muttering about having no friends. The strong zebra wanted to cuff him; having no friends? Did he have to go through life ridiculed and discriminated, refused jobs and housing simply because of the way he looked? Did he have to scrape a living in the trash and filth because his coat had stripes?


"You are lucky," Zatiko said firmly, lifting his gaze for the first time and meeting Pelate's own eyes. "A small, simple town is much preferable. And you are mistaken - I do wish to hear more. I wish to understand what classifies as a difficult life in Equestria."


The other pony now had the zebra's full attention, for better or for worse. Zatiko's eyes were unyielding and he waited for Pelate's answer unwaveringly.



{I swear Zatiko's not mad. ^^ He's just very direct about things and is pretty bitter about how he's being treated by ponies. xD}

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@Earl Gray


I was surprised at what he said, "well I may have lived in a nice place but the way ponies treated me in school wasn't like the adults where therein ponyville...I wasn't born in ponyville though, i was born in cloudsdale...flight school sucked, i could barely fly because I was born legs first, which hurt my wings, so I couldn't fly as good as the others, I was technically a cripple I could fly but not for too long before I started getting a stabbing pain in my joints. Anyways, my classmates poked fun at me and pushed me during flying excursuses, almost killing me, ignorant MULES.sorry about the fowl language, anyways... I told my parents I want no more of this, so I left to Ponyville. I got miss Cherilee (I think that's how you spell it) As a teacher, ( I was not in appleblooms class, she wasn't even born then) she was a good teacher, but the students where no better than my old ones, but it was my blank flank that they teased, which wasn't as bad but still irritating as hell!" I look towards him "well... I just am usually afraid I'll get picked on again, but I was happy to go to collage (read my first post it says I was unusually happy) because I was getting a room mate and I knew it was my chance to get at least ONE good Friend" I stop talking and finally say " I'm not usually this open to ponies. But I have to get to know my room mate if I'm going to get along with him" I laid down "don't worry, I'm only energetic when I'm excited, which was because i was meeting you my roommate after such a long wait, but I usually am pretty quiet, (FYI he's personalized after me so yea, no I'm not a cripple I meant the quiet noisy part you get it) so...what do you mean by 'Lucky'?" I turned to him and cocked an eyebrow.


(Yea I suck at backstory, really badly! Dealt with me here! I'm only 14 and still studying writing and shit, my pony is not lying! This is his backstory for this RP. If you've read my older replies you can see the connections, I have some more backstory connections in mind right now too)

Edited by PelateOvercast
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Ciel grinned, "Right." She finished organizing and unpacking all of her belongings, and flopped onto her bed, doing her best to make it somewhat more homely. Her bed at home and the one at Amour's house was a lot larger than this one, so it was kind of awkward getting used to it.


"So, did you decided to come here on your own or was it someone elses choice?" She asked, because she figured that not everyone at this school came because they wanted to. Not everyone's parents were as laid back as Ciel's were.

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Gardenia followed Ciel's lead and flopped onto her own bed, "It was of my own volition, though I do admit it wasn't my own idea." The bed was indeed smaller than she was used to, but she thought the beds she had slept in before were too big anyway. "And by that I mean I had suggested leaving home, to which I was recommended University life prior."


Gardenia was making circles in her sheets with her hooves, "though, honestly, I would have liked to have the courage to just go out traveling the world. But that'll just have to wait a few more years. I am sure I can learn a lot here, though, so it's for the best." She didn't much want to bring up that she wanted to search for a certain somepony, so she tried to remain vague.

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An intercom crackles in the hallway of each Dormitory.


"Attention, First Year students. An initiation meeting will commence in the auditorium in ten minutes. Please follow the brick pathway towards the Starswirl the Bearded Wing, where the auditorium is located. Things like your class schedules, rules, and roommates will be announced at this presentation.


Thank you, and have a nice day."

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Nightshade got up and turned to Cinderscribe.  "That's us," she smiled.  "I'm interested to see the class line up.  Although I'm pretty sure everyone already knows their roommates."  She stretched a little bit before starting to find the auditorium.  "Now if we could only find our way around this place.

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Ciel nodded in understanding, but before she could reply the intercom came on and they were told to head to the auditorium. Wherever that was...Ciel got to her hooves and cast Gardenia a nervous smile. "Uh, do you mind if I stick with you? It took me almost 30 minutes to even find this dorm. Imagine how long it'll take me to reach the auditorium!" she laughed. She really hoped, her roommate would say yes. If she didn't, then Ciel figured she could find a map or maybe follow somepony. But she really didn't want to show up late or miss the announcements.

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Gardenia laughed with Ciel, as she got off her own bed and onto her hooves. "Of course, Ciel. I can't much say that my sense of direction is that great, but it would still be preferable to get lost together, no?" Gardenia walked over to the dorm's door and opened it, "after you," she said politely.

Edited by GaleFenrir
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Psych Ward jumped at the announcement over the intercom.  What if she couldn't find the auditorium?  What if she got lost?  She quickly ran out of the room, leaving Minty behind.  She ran through the halls, finding the auditorium much quicker than expected to her surprise.

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@@Psych Ward

"Oh! I.. Uhh.." Cinder exclaimed, the directions sitting on the tip of her tongue. She remembered seeing a sign pointing towards the auditorium...

Somewhere. Maybe. Probably.

"I think maybe... this way?" She suggested sounding more like a question than a statement.

"Yeah! This way!" She repeated, convincing herself she was right. She scrambled to her feet and pointed off in a direction they had yet to explore. It was probably the right way anyway, she thought.

Never quite forgotten.

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"Lead the way," Nightshade shrugged.  "I'm sure we won't be the only ponies lost if you're wrong.  How do they expect first years to find the auditorium within the first couple hours of being here.  I was only able to find the dorms by following other ponies."  She silver Unicorn mare started walking in the direction Cinder had pointed to. 

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@@Psych Ward

Setting off at a trot, happy to have found somepony who had a little faith in her, Cinder led the way back inside and down a hall towards the far side of the building, certain that she remembered the way.

"Starwhirl the Bearded, they said right?" She said, looking every which way. "Oh, it was... On the left?"

Rounding a corner, she found herself facing a staircase, heading both up and down from their position. Quickly glancing back at the mare behind her, she decided that 'up' seemed like a good idea.

Never quite forgotten.

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Nightshade followed the mare carefully.  She took note of her surroundings so they could make it back if needed.  The silver mare kept her eye out for other students but saw none that were uneasy enough to be first years.  They all had an importance and a look to them that set them off from the younger ponies. 

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@Earl Gray


I hear the intercom. "Never mind that , we gotta go." I get up and walk towards the door "see ya there...I guess..," I wasn't expecting this kind of introduction, I was almost disappointed that I didn't make friends with him it feels like "wonder if we'll ever become good friends at all" I say to myself quietly as I walk through the hallways towards the auditorium.

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Ciel breathed a sigh of relief and chucked softly. "Yeah, getting lost together totally trumps getting lost alone." She trotted out of the door, nodding in thanks to Gardenia, then let out a little shriek of surprise as a few excited mares dashed past her speedily. "Oh for the love of Luna..." she grumbled, rolling her eyes.


She took in the direction that most of the mares were running in, and pointed in the general direction with her hoof. "I guess it's that way?"

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Gardenia nodded her head as she followed Ciel into the hall, "that would be the safest assumption. The announcement said something about a brick path, so if following them will bring us there we'll know it sooner rather than later." Gardenia didn't much want to move along with the crowd, and risk bumping another or getting bumped into. Never have been much one for crowds. She had a look of worry on her face, "Um, if you don't mind, could we try and stay a bit separate from them. I, um, would rather not bump into anypony. It's terribly embarrassing to admit, but I don't really handle physical contact well..." Gardenia let out a small nervous chuckle. She probably thinks I am weird now. I mean, what kind of sheltered little filly can't handle bumping withers* now and then?


*((note: technical term for the 'shoulder' area of a pony))

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Ciel nodded quickly, slowing her pace so that the faster more 'in a huge hurry' ponies could speed past them. "No problem!" she said, smiling. Sometimes she wasn't all too keen about being near other ponies as well. A sudden though tugged at her mind and she turned to look at Gardenia, "You aren't claustrophobic or something are you?" She wasn't all too sure on how to deal with people who got panic-y. Especially since she didn't know where the nurses office was yet. "Not that there's any problem with that, it's just that I don't know where the nurses offices are yet..." She trailed off when she noticed the brick path that had been mentioned in the intercom announcement.


"There's the path!" she said triumphantly, pointing a hoof in the general direction.


((:o I did not know that! Thanks for that tid bit :D))

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Gardenia shook her head, "no, not claustrophobia; I can handle enclosed spaces. If I remember correctly, I have something called haphephobia, the fear of touching others." Gardenia thought to append, it shouldn't be a problem, but she didn't feel she could say that with sincerity.


Gardenia turned her head in the general direction that Ciel was pointing towards, down the brick path. "That should, indeed, take us to the Starswirl Wing." And so the two started to trot down it.

Edited by GaleFenrir
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@@Psych Ward

"See! There it is! Told you I knew where I was going!" Cinder proclaimed as she approached a wide double door - despite the fact that they been through at least three different wings of the university.

"Hey, it looks pretty empty. Is this the right place even? I was sure there were a lot more of us..."

She pressed her face up to the glass window of the door. "We might be the first ones here." She said before turning back to the other mare. "That... Can't be right? Can it? I mean, we kind of took the scenic route."

Never quite forgotten.

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"Fear of touching others, huh? Then school wasn't the awesomest was it?" she laughed, and then closed her mouth abruptly. "Sorry that was mean. If it helps, I don't like balloons?" she offered. And it was true she didn't like balloons, as she didn't know when they would pop and scare the life out of her.


They reached the auditorium doors, where a brown, black maned earth pony with a cutie mark that looked like a dust cloud stood. Ciel halted and scuffed the ground with her right hoof. Getting chatty with one pony was fine, but add another pony to the mix and she wasn't so chatty anymore. It wasn't as though she was shy, but she just wasn't the social butterfly, like her sister.

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Gardenia shook her head, "don't worry, I know that it's... weird." Gardenia trotted with Ciel, looking at her, and she only partially recognized that they had reached their destination. She briefly turned to see another pony, one she recognized from the registration phase. Gardenia, however, turned her head back to Ciel and saw that she wasn't wanting to take another step towards that eccentric looking mare. "Um, we don't have to go over and talk to her, if you don't want to."
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@@GaleFenrir, @,


Ciel shook her head adamantly. "No, no. Besides she's an earth pony, so you guys should talk, you know? Since you'll probably be seeing a lot more of each other." To prove her willingness socialize she stepped forward and approached the brown pony.


"Hi." She said blandly. She had meant to sound inviting or excited, but that was the only thing that came out of her stupid mouth.

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