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ooc Celestial Conquest: Adventure in the Great Beyond OOC


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This RP will be a retry of this: http://mlpforums.com/topic/35277-celestial-conquest-equestria-fallen/

except with more direction and hopefully better administration. I thank the creator of the last RP for many of the ideas and the following information/rules, although I have altered them, a great deal.


The Plot:Taking place 1280 years after the events of MLP:FiM, the Coalition of Equestria barely manages its galactic rule. Rebels, pirates, and the Changeling Empire are causing extreme chaos in the CoE, and total collapse and anarchy seems near.

Factions list:


  • The Coalition of Equestria: Equestria's descendant. Composed of of earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. Currently barely sustained by the double monarchy of Celestia and Luna. Ships are mainly designed with a white, purple and gold color scheme to mimic Canterlot's aura of power. Their primary weapons are magic blasters.
  • The Zebrayik Federation: A former ally of the CoE, but broke off due to hostilities with the Changelings. Considerably smaller than the Coalition or the Empire, but still rather large. Consist of zebras and sea ponies. Ships are designed with large fins and branches connecting smaller, detachable ships. Plasma is the primary power and weapon. They also posses cloaking technology.
  • The Rebel Fleet: A collection of pirates, mercs, criminals, and everyday ponies who have banded together for the sole purpose of bringing down Equestria's absolute monarchy. Consist of just about every race, including reprogrammed robots. Ships are pretty much anything they can get their hooves on. Same thing with weapons.
  • The Changeling Empire: Formed once the Changelings gained Faster Than Light (FTL) tech, it's only purpose is to spread the Changeling Swarm and serve the Grand Council of Queens. The main enemy of the CoE. They travel in huge bioships, surrounded by huge swarms of drones encased in an organic spacesuit. Spikes grown onto the bioships and magic blasters are used for offense and defense.
  • Neutral: Bounty hunters, mercs, civilians, miners, services for hire, etc.




No creating NPCs just for your character to defeat and look badass.

Citizens and other everyday NPCs can be controlled by any character interacting with them (within reason)

Military and police NPCs are under only DM control, as well as important characters such as the princesses.



  • No godmodding
  • No Mary Sues
  • You are not allowed to be the descendant of a main character. (Background ponies are OK)
  • Stay consistent to the story.
  • Keep your characters balanced in terms of fighting (keep in mind their particular strengths and weaknesses)
  • Don't have your character do anything that wouldn't be allowed on the show (sex, swearing, gore, etc.) However, non-gory torture is OK. So is pony swearing like badflank, hay, buck, etc.
  • No obvious rip offs of Star Wars, Star Trek, etc.
  • If you enter an alicorn, your OC will be scrutinized heavily, and will be less likely to be accepted. Still, I will not outright ban them.
  • Make sure your character is in such a place at the beginning that he/she will be able to be worked into the main story and interact with other characters
  • Energy weapons CAN be reflected by mirrored surfaces
  • You can not go faster than 9 times lightspeed


DeadEye (Mellon Collie)

Wind Slicer (~Fire Sky~)

Steel Accord (Steel Accord)

Raptor (Alex Kennedy)

Goldwrench (RedStorm)

Thunder Sword (Thunder Knight)

Storm Cloud (rainvvow dash)


My character:



Name: DeadEye (also called Moon Shiner)
Coat Color: Grey
Mane Color: Black
Cutie Mark: A Target
Eye Color: One is navy blue and one is white
Faction: Neutral. He has no alliances with any major faction, and he helps anyone who evokes his sympathies. Although he isn't loyal to the crown, he is personally protective of Princes Luna.
Profession: Mercenary with vigilante tendencies. (mostly assassin-type stuff)
Ship: The Blue Moon. It is a very small, basic vessel. It has very little in terms of offensive capabilities, with weak defensive shields as well. It has a fairly good auto-pilot system though, which can be used to catch him when falling from tall buildings while on a planet. Most of the time, he just travels with allies/ companions or stows away on other ships though.
Background: Moon Shiner was once an elite soldier for the Coalition of Equestria. He was even the personal bodyguard for Princess Luna, during which he gained a great deal of love, respect, and loyalty towards her. Then on a dark, dark day, he was sent off on a mission deep within Zebrayik territory during which he saw something so horrifying that he became disillusioned with Celestia and the Coalition in general. He became determined never to be blinded by dogma and faith in any faction. From then on he would follow his own path, fighting evil alone as the mercenary, DeadEye. He has a very rigid sense of morality, and those who violate his personal code should fear him. He avoids energy weapons, prefering to use older types of weapons such as a bow and arrow. He relies mostly on skill, rather than on the power of such modern technologies to win fights. In fact he is old school in most regards.

Personality: Outwardly, he acts very cocky and proud, but he hides a lot of turmoil on the inside. He is confident, contemptuous, ruthless, and distant, but on the inside he truly cares about some of the people he helps. His pride often gets the best of him, and he is terrible at dealing with emotional problems.




Edited by Mellon Collie
  • Brohoof 2
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Heeeeere we go...I am super tired so this may not have worked out...


Name: Wind Slicer


Age: 31


Gender: Male

Race: Pegasus.

Coat Color: Dark green...on the parts that aren't machinery.

Mane Color: Light green with pale green stripes

Cutie Mark: Comedy and Tragedy. But instead of being masks they are skulls.

Comedy represents his insane side, the part of him that finds everything funny.
Tragedy represents the part of him that enjoy's seeing other ponies sadness and suffering...he basically feeds off it.


Eye Color: Blood Red but his mechanical eye is a bright glowing green.


Faction: Whoever pay's the most.

Profession: Bounty Hunter...sorda. He focuses on killing and capturing ponies...but he will do pretty much anything if the pay is good enough.

Ship: The Asylum (Not the first time I have used this name for a ship...and Slicer) Its very small but very quick and Maneuverable. It's got two simple plasma guns on either side of the cockpit, and a single Cannon on the top that is quite powerful.
Its armor is fair...not the best but its Maneuverability and speed makes up for it. It also has a decent auto pilot.
It's got a small galley and a two tiny bedroom's, each big enough to fit maybe one or two ponies...and a bathroom.

Due to its size and Maneuverability...it is quite easy to dock onto other ships.


Background: He was born on the planet of Neighgone. His mother died giving birth leaving Slicer alone with his father.
The planet was known mostly for its mining. There were mines everywhere. Slicer was a normal young colt working at the top of the mine, sorting out the different elements.
It was when he was about eight years old his father got into a bar fight...he was killed right in front of Slicer's eyes. Slicer...was never the same.
Him and his father had a very close bond. The colt that killed his father was never seen again. Slicer killed him that same night...but strangely enough...Slicer liked it...allot.
He tried to control himself but eventually drove himself to madness. He killed again...but knew it was bad...so he punished himself. He gave himself two long scar's up his each of his legs before sneaking onto a cargo ship.
The ship would be traveling for six months...and Slicer was awake for all of it. He stole food and water from the kitchens. It was about three months into the trip when Slicer had the perfect opportunity to satisfy his need to kill.
He killed the ships first mate and...well, he had to punish himself again. He filed down his own teeth.

It was about two weeks later when he was found.
Of course he was locked up for the remainder of the trip but managed to escape the day the ship arrived at a small planet in the The Zebrayik territory.

He ran...and ran. He went from Planet to planet scavenging for food...until he discovered a small pirate crew. They offered him a spot on board and...he agreed of course.

He worked aboard the ship until he was sixteen...the crew trusted him...he was one of them...that's when he had had enough. Late one night he slit all the crew member's throats and stole as many things as he could...One of those things being the Ex captains most prized possession. An Alicorn whip (Made that up on the spot) It looks like a simple handle but when in the hooves of the user, a long strands of plasma grows from the handle...about twice the length of a ponies foreleg.

Slicer loved this whip...allot. He loved it so much in fact when he was about twenty he got his right foreleg cut off, from the shoulder down and replaced with a fancy metal hoof...which contained the whip.
After that little surgery...he got addicted. With almost all of the money he earned...he would add something to his body. He replaced his eye with a robotic eye that can do many things a normal eye couldn't.
He got his left foreleg replaced with a robotic arm that went form his hoof to his knee, Same went for his right hind leg.
Both his wings have been reinforced with steel.


Slicer knew that he was quite talented at...killing...so he figured he could turn it into a business. That's when he became a bounty hunter. At first it was quite simple. He lived in the city of Trottingway...on a very cold planet. He would do simple things around the city and eventually made enough bits to buy his own ship...which he named the asylum. That's when his bounty hunting took off...he could go anywhere in the universe at the touch of a button.

And there he is, working for whoever pays him the most.


Picture/database page: BLARG


Personality: He finds almost everything funny, whether it's a stupid joke or somepony getting killed, He will probably find it hilarious. But sometimes he can be very serious, And he wont show any emotion...at all.


Other: He has multiple personalities...there's his normal self which is just crazy and weird, then there's his other self that thinks everyone is evil and deserves to die.

For this RP I wont do this but he usually has this rule...that helps him figure out who he should kill or not. I am going to leave it out for this RP.
He also has a simple plasma gun...for when he's not using his whip...which is rare. 

Edited by ~Fire Sky~

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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I'll consider, do we have to make our own ship or can we join an existing one? 

The futuristic setting kinda puts me off, but i'll see if I can't work with it. 

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I'll consider, do we have to make our own ship or can we join an existing one? 

The futuristic setting kinda puts me off, but i'll see if I can't work with it. 

You don't have to make your own ship, but you can if you want. All of the main characters are probably going to end up together anyway.

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What's your stance on Alicorns? (Kind of Alicorns, anyway) 

I'm thinking of making a new OC for this and want to know what to make, I have 2 ideas.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Name: Steel Accord

Age: 21

Gender: Stallion

Race: Pegasus

Coat Color: grey

Mane Color: grey with blue highlights

Cutie Mark: a pen crossed with a sword

Eye Color: blue

Faction: Coalition of Equestria

Profession: Mercenary (though he prefers "swashbuckler for hire.")


Ship: The Coarse-Air : a mid sized pegasus cloud ship with a design reminiscent of a hawk. While most of the ship is extra-stratos clouds, some of the equipment is bronze colored metal. It's a comfortable sized but still greatly maneuverable yacht; with a living quarters and training room. As for weapons, the Coarse-air forgoes standard magical cannons in favor of seeker missiles designed to target an enemy vessel's vital areas. The part Steel is particularly proud of is the Coarse-air's boarding capabilites. Special magnetic high frequency claw clamps attach to the hull of an enemy ship and the Coars-air's "beak" then pierces the interior and opens up, allowing Steel inside to wreck havoc on the (often surprised) crew. In a pinch, Steel can even load himself into the compartment and fire the beak as it's own missile.


Background: Steel was born in New Canterlot to a wealthy family, descended from the entrepenuer, Fancypants. Though raised in privilege and educated in Classical Literature as well as the fine art of swordplay, Steel is never haughty or rude. On the contrary, he's the model of a gentlecolt; having been raised to appreciate all that he had and that it took work to reap such rewards. He was very grateful to both his own family as well as the Princesses who's reign allowed him the freedom to pursue his path as he saw fit. So to "earn his keep" in his own eyes, he journeyed through the stars taking odd jobs here and there.


Steel's loyalty to Equestria is absolute, but he doesn't mind working for the Federation as long as it isn't oposing the crowns. (OOC: Wow I never thought I'd write something like that in regards to myself!))

  • Brohoof 1
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Name: Raptor
Age:Unknown, presumed to be in his mid-twenties

Gender: Male
Race: Griffon
Coat Color: Reddish brown feathers, gold fur
Mane Color: Technically doesn't have a mane, but the feathers on his head are reddish brown
Cutie Mark: Doesn't have one
Eye Color: Yellow
Faction: Contracted by the Rebel Fleet
Ship (describe it and name it; optional): The Talon: The ship's entire design is geared towards boarding enemy ships so that the crew can take them on in close combat. Very fast, only a few small guns, lightly armored, uses gravity "claws" to pull ships in close for boarding.
Background: (I don't have time to write a whole lot of background right now, so I'll try to come back to this later.) Grew up on a small planet colonized by griffons, and was raised to believe that griffons are the most powerful race, destined to eventually rule all the known universe. As a young adult, he learned the skills that would later make him a great warrior hunting in the planet's mountains. When he was old enough, he left his homeworld to fight with the rebel fleet, hating the idea of being ruled by an inferior race like the ponies. With the help of a talented all-griffon crew, he quickly earned a reputation as one of the most dangerous privateers in the galaxy, able to track and take down ships that far outclassed his own by boarding them and slaughtering the crew.


It is worth noting that he is not officially a member of the rebel fleet, but a privately contracted privateer. This means that he technically isn't bound by the chain of command.

Picture/database page: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/raptor-r2573 (No images of Raptor exist. Sorry about that.)

  • Brohoof 2

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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What's your stance on Alicorns? (Kind of Alicorns, anyway) 

I'm thinking of making a new OC for this and want to know what to make, I have 2 ideas.

I wouldn't make him/her an alicorn if I were you, but if you really need to make him/her an alicorn, and he/she is not a mary sue, I may accept him/her.


@@Alex Kennedy, @@Steel Accord,

Both of you are accepted. :)

Edited by Mellon Collie
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So I have edited a few things in Slicer's backstory and his ship...and stuff...now he's got allot more machinery...a cyborg.



 Name: Wind Slicer

Age: 31


Gender: Male

Race: Pegasus.

Coat Color: Dark green...on the parts that aren't machinery.

Mane Color: Light green with pale green stripes

Cutie Mark: Comedy and Tragedy. But instead of being masks they are skulls.

Comedy represents his insane side, the part of him that finds everything funny.
Tragedy represents the part of him that enjoy's seeing other ponies sadness and suffering...he basically feeds off it.


Eye Color: Blood Red but his mechanical eye is a bright glowing green.


Faction: Whoever pay's the most.

Profession: Bounty Hunter...sorda. He focuses on killing and capturing ponies...but he will do pretty much anything if the pay is good enough.

Ship: The Asylum (Not the first time I have used this name for a ship...and Slicer) Its very small but very quick and Maneuverable. It's got two simple plasma guns on either side of the cockpit, and a single Cannon on the top that is quite powerful.
Its armor is fair...not the best but its Maneuverability and speed makes up for it. It also has a decent auto pilot.
It's got a small galley and a two tiny bedroom's, each big enough to fit maybe one or two ponies...and a bathroom.

Due to its size and Maneuverability...it is quite easy to dock onto other ships.


Background: He was born on the planet of Neighgone. His mother died giving birth leaving Slicer alone with his father.
The planet was known mostly for its mining. There were mines everywhere. Slicer was a normal young colt working at the top of the mine, sorting out the different elements.
It was when he was about eight years old his father got into a bar fight...he was killed right in front of Slicer's eyes. Slicer...was never the same.
Him and his father had a very close bond. The colt that killed his father was never seen again. Slicer killed him that same night...but strangely enough...Slicer liked it...allot.
He tried to control himself but eventually drove himself to madness. He killed again...but knew it was bad...so he punished himself. He gave himself two long scar's up his each of his legs before sneaking onto a cargo ship.
The ship would be traveling for six months...and Slicer was awake for all of it. He stole food and water from the kitchens. It was about three months into the trip when Slicer had the perfect opportunity to satisfy his need to kill.
He killed the ships first mate and...well, he had to punish himself again. He filed down his own teeth.

It was about two weeks later when he was found.
Of course he was locked up for the remainder of the trip but managed to escape the day the ship arrived at a small planet in the The Zebrayik territory.

He ran...and ran. He went from Planet to planet scavenging for food...until he discovered a small pirate crew. They offered him a spot on board and...he agreed of course.

He worked aboard the ship until he was sixteen...the crew trusted him...he was one of them...that's when he had had enough. Late one night he slit all the crew member's throats and stole as many things as he could...One of those things being the Ex captains most prized possession. An Alicorn whip (Made that up on the spot) It looks like a simple handle but when in the hooves of the user, a long strands of plasma grows from the handle...about twice the length of a ponies foreleg.

Slicer loved this whip...allot. He loved it so much in fact when he was about twenty he got his right foreleg cut off, from the shoulder down and replaced with a fancy metal hoof...which contained the whip.
After that little surgery...he got addicted. With almost all of the money he earned...he would add something to his body. He replaced his eye with a robotic eye that can do many things a normal eye couldn't.
He got his left foreleg replaced with a robotic arm that went form his hoof to his knee, Same went for his right hind leg.
Both his wings have been reinforced with steel.


Slicer knew that he was quite talented at...killing...so he figured he could turn it into a business. That's when he became a bounty hunter. At first it was quite simple. He lived in the city of Trottingway...on a very cold planet. He would do simple things around the city and eventually made enough bits to buy his own ship...which he named the asylum. That's when his bounty hunting took off...he could go anywhere in the universe at the touch of a button.

And there he is, working for whoever pays him the most.


Picture/database page: BLARG


Personality: He finds almost everything funny, whether it's a stupid joke or somepony getting killed, He will probably find it hilarious. But sometimes he can be very serious, And he wont show any emotion...at all.


Other: He has multiple personalities...there's his normal self which is just crazy and weird, then there's his other self that thinks everyone is evil and deserves to die.

For this RP I wont do this but he usually has this rule...that helps him figure out who he should kill or not. I am going to leave it out for this RP.
He also has a simple plasma gun...for when he's not using his whip...which is rare. 


Edited by ~Fire Sky~
  • Brohoof 2

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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I wouldn't make him/her an alicorn if I were you, but if you really need to make him/her an alicorn, and he/she is not a mary sue, I may accept him/her.


@@Alex Kennedy, @@Steel Accord,

Both of you are accepted. smile.png


Huzzah! Thank you very much. I hope my Zorro-esque motif isn't running counter to the setting. In my defense, modern Equestria has cities with skyscrapers and very modern sensibilities, yet still has various trappings that some would consider arcane.

  • Brohoof 1
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Words! And things.


Flame Dancer, I can't help but get the feeling you took some...shall we say, inspiration from the OC I told you I was planning on making? Hmm? 


Hehe, anyway, i'll be writing mine up pretty soon and i'll post an application when I have done, sorry about the wait and I hope this is still a thing. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Flame Dancer, I can't help but get the feeling you took some...shall we say, inspiration from the OC I told you I was planning on making? Hmm? 


Hehe, anyway, i'll be writing mine up pretty soon and i'll post an application when I have done, sorry about the wait and I hope this is still a thing. 

Actually I just kinda wanted to have Slicer more of a cyborg than he already was. Is that alright?

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Actually I just kinda wanted to have Slicer more of a cyborg than he already was. Is that alright?


Ah hell to the no! Don't cry 'bout it goofball. 

lol anyway, chances are if i'm accepted we'll be on the same ship anyway, the more cyborgs the merrier :D

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Ah hell to the no! Don't cry 'bout it goofball. 

lol anyway, chances are if i'm accepted we'll be on the same ship anyway, the more cyborgs the merrier biggrin.png


Anywho. I also messed around with the ship to make it a little bigger to fit two ponies. I cant wait to start happy.png

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Eventually, I apply! 


Here's a link to Grindwheel, a new OC I made pretty much just for this RP. 

I'll update him a lot more later, and i'll go through and make him seem less Gary Stu like, and i'll add some things in "other" for relevance to this RP. I just don't have the time right now, sorry. 


Edit: So, here's my edit that I said i'd get around to doing...


Name: Metal Gear, nickname - Grindwheel.
Age: 32

Gender: Male
Race: Earth Pony*
Coat Color: A really, really pale gold
Mane Color: Brown and purple
Cutie Mark: Interlocking Gears with bits in the center of each
Eye Color: An even paler gold than his coat
Faction: As we plan to be together, i'll be in whoever's faction Wind Slicer joins.
Profession: Engineer
Ship (describe it and name it; optional): The Asylum (Wind Slicer's ship)
Background: Simplified version? He lived with his parents for a while, working in his fathers workshop as an assistant. Eventually moved in to full time work there when his father retired. At the minute (as in, why he's here) he's looking for what drives everything - money. Where there's money to be made, he's there, and who pays more than intergalactic bounty hunters? 
Picture/database page: Link


*Earth pony with wings, he's an inventor and has developed himself a set of mechanical wings that use leg power to fly with. Obviously being powered by his legs, he's going to have limited flight ability.

Edited by Agent505
  • Brohoof 2

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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(I just made a character, then I remember this thread and I thought he'd fit well.)


Name: Goldwrench (Just Gold for short.)
Age: 36

Gender: Male
Race: Earth pony
Coat Color: Orange
Mane Color: Light blue
Cutie Mark: A golden wrench, which means that he's good at building/fixing things.
Eye Color: Acid yellow. (And he has large, creepy pupils.)
Faction: The Rebel Fleet
Profession: Building any mechanisms from guns to spaceships.
Ship (describe it and name it; optional): The Polished Scrap. (I suck names, sorry :( ) A ship built by him and a couple of friends.


Ships pro's: Has missiles and triplecannons as weapons. (If you've ever watched The Pirates of Carribean, you know. The same cannons that the Flying Dutchman had... only bigger, stronger and better.) Also some smaller guns for backup.

                   The ship also focused on boarding, meaning that the crew is armored with energy weapons and heavy armor. (Boarding the ship might be a bad idea...)

Ships con's: It is slower than most other ships.

                    It's shields aren't that great either.

                    Without shields its either attack and hope you win or give up. (The ship isn't made out of the strongest material.)

                    It has got a bad name. (In my opinion anyway.)

Background: Goldwrench was born in a farm. He spent most of his days working there, doing chores and playing.
He once saw a robot that was bypassing his farm. He then betted his friends that he could build the same thing, only better. It came out... fine actually. He felt good, better than ever. So every day he started to build machines, making robots and inventing new things: Like a mini motorbike... that crashed into a boulder and he lost half of his ear and got burnt.
That didn't stop him from building sutff. Eventually he wandered off into the wide world of Equestria with his robot dog Max. Once all of his friends joined The Rebel Fleet, he didn't have much choice but to come with them. He actually didn't like it at start, but later on the place felt like home. He and his friends then started working on The Polished Scrap.


And a little something about Gold's companion: Max is a prototype, built by Goldwrench. He was trying to invent robot that would look like a pony. A friend to talk to.

Ever since then, Gold has been upgrading Max. At this point, Max can communicate using a chip that Gold installed. Max understands commands ONLY coming from his master (Voice commands.) and he will do whatever his master tells him to do.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Eventually, I apply! 


Here's a link to Grindwheel, a new OC I made pretty much just for this RP. 

I'll update him a lot more later, and i'll go through and make him seem less Gary Stu like, and i'll add some things in "other" for relevance to this RP. I just don't have the time right now, sorry. 


Edit: So, here's my edit that I said i'd get around to doing...


Name: Metal Gear, nickname - Grindwheel.

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Race: Earth Pony*

Coat Color: A really, really pale gold

Mane Color: Brown and purple

Cutie Mark: Interlocking Gears with bits in the center of each

Eye Color: An even paler gold than his coat

Faction: As we plan to be together, i'll be in whoever's faction Wind Slicer joins.

Profession: Engineer

Ship (describe it and name it; optional): The Asylum (Wind Slicer's ship)

Background: Simplified version? He lived with his parents for a while, working in his fathers workshop as an assistant. Eventually moved in to full time work there when his father retired. At the minute (as in, why he's here) he's looking for what drives everything - money. Where there's money to be made, he's there, and who pays more than intergalactic bounty hunters? 

Picture/database page: Link


*Earth pony with wings, he's an inventor and has developed himself a set of mechanical wings that use leg power to fly with. Obviously being powered by his legs, he's going to have limited flight ability.


(I just made a character, then I remember this thread and I thought he'd fit well.)


Name: Goldwrench (Just Gold for short.)

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Race: Earth pony

Coat Color: Orange

Mane Color: Light blue

Cutie Mark: A golden wrench, which means that he's good at building/fixing things.

Eye Color: Acid yellow. (And he has large, creepy pupils.)

Faction: The Rebel Fleet

Profession: Building any mechanisms from guns to spaceships.

Ship (describe it and name it; optional): The Polished Scrap. (I suck names, sorry sad.png ) A ship built by him and a couple of friends.


Ships pro's: Has missiles and triplecannons as weapons. (If you've ever watched The Pirates of Carribean, you know. The same cannons that the Flying Dutchman had... only bigger, stronger and better.) Also some smaller guns for backup.

                   The ship also focused on boarding, meaning that the crew is armored with energy weapons and heavy armor. (Boarding the ship might be a bad idea...)

Ships con's: It is slower than most other ships.

                    It's shields aren't that great either.

                    Without shields its either attack and hope you win or give up. (The ship isn't made out of the strongest material.)

                    It has got a bad name. (In my opinion anyway.)

Background: Goldwrench was born in a farm. He spent most of his days working there, doing chores and playing.

He once saw a robot that was bypassing his farm. He then betted his friends that he could build the same thing, only better. It came out... fine actually. He felt good, better than ever. So every day he started to build machines, making robots and inventing new things: Like a mini motorbike... that crashed into a boulder and he lost half of his ear and got burnt.

That didn't stop him from building sutff. Eventually he wandered off into the wide world of Equestria with his robot dog Max. Once all of his friends joined The Rebel Fleet, he didn't have much choice but to come with them. He actually didn't like it at start, but later on the place felt like home. He and his friends then started working on The Polished Scrap.


And a little something about Gold's companion: Max is a prototype, built by Goldwrench. He was trying to invent robot that would look like a pony. A friend to talk to.

Ever since then, Gold has been upgrading Max. At this point, Max can communicate using a chip that Gold installed. Max understands commands ONLY coming from his master (Voice commands.) and he will do whatever his master tells him to do.

Cool OCs. You're both accepted into the roleplay. Congratulations!


I'm gonna wait for two or so more before starting the roleplay.

  • Brohoof 2
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Alright cool, sweet! I'm gonna send out a few messages and see if I can't get those two people we need, can't wait for this to get going, and once again, apologies for taking so long with actually getting my act together.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Guess that's a no then, well peace then.


Shame kinda want'ed to play in this one for once, Well have fun.

Oops, sorry. Missed you among the many posts I've gotten here today. If you filled out the application, you will be considered. You need to do more than just link your character.

  • Brohoof 1
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Skin Color: Dark green
Hair color: None bald
Eye Color:Gray
Faction:Neutral for hire
Ship: The Nimby (Not in my back yard) Or The scrap heap take you're pick,This ugly Hunk of jung is nothing more then a scrounger's ship Made to grab the wreckage of whatever he can find. Iron, Part's, You name it, it has a price.  


Background: After working with the governments of Earth for my term, I went looking for other worlds. One I could settle in like a nice town or something with a little work I could do to live. What I got was a messed up galactic war based on some folks who didn't like how things were running. Another race who got caught in it and some poor fools trying to save what's left. Now in this situation I would just leave but too bad for me, I’m too damaged to just leave. Give me maybe two months and I'll be gone. While I’m here, I'll do some work, make some cash and maybe just maybe leave with it all.
Where I landed was also a problem. A dead station attacked by what seems to be a race of... I got no clue. Maybe bugs? Well, whatever they were, they left the place in a wreck. Whatever I could find, I modified into a ship worth my time. A crane arm still worked so I used it on the ship. It seemed that this junk station used to sell interstellar parts to whomever needed ‘em. With the restoration underway, I had my ship finished in about a week of hard work, but I started to run out of rations and water.
I searched for an intact station or someone to hire me for something better than this jury rigged hunk of warped steel that I ended up dubbing The Scrap Heap.



Picture/database page:

Some profession examples:Cook/Engineer 


That work for ya? 

Also http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/douglas-r3571

Edited by CobraComando
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Name: Thunder Sword
Age: 35

Gender: Male
Race: Changeling
Coat Color: Black
Mane Color: Green
Cutie Mark: None
Eye Color: Light Blue
Faction: Changeling Empire
Profession: Captain (can I haz Admiral- command of a fleet?)
Ship (describe it and name it; optional): The Arcship Demonstone, his command ship. It is equipped with one large frontal energy cannon, two medium frontal energy cannons, two medium side energy cannon, six medium frag cannons, one homing 'missile' launcher. It has two docking bays- usually closed- and a medium-sized bridge.

Background:Thunder Blade is a relative of one of the Queens on the council, but he doesn't take advantage of his position for luxuries. He grew quite comfortable in the realm of space, land, and sea battles. He rarely leaves his ship for directing combat, using the biological sensors to enhance his connection with his land representatives.


(more later, perhaps...)

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Name: Thunder Sword

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Race: Changeling

Coat Color: Black

Mane Color: Green

Cutie Mark: None

Eye Color: Light Blue

Faction: Changeling Empire

Profession: Captain (can I haz Admiral- command of a fleet?)

Ship (describe it and name it; optional): The Arcship Demonstone, his command ship. It is equipped with one large frontal energy cannon, two medium frontal energy cannons, two medium side energy cannon, six medium frag cannons, one homing 'missile' launcher. It has two docking bays- usually closed- and a medium-sized bridge.

Background:Thunder Blade is a relative of one of the Queens on the council, but he doesn't take advantage of his position for luxuries. He grew quite comfortable in the realm of space, land, and sea battles. He rarely leaves his ship for directing combat, using the biological sensors to enhance his connection with his land representatives.


(more later, perhaps...)


Nerf the ship (it's a bit too powerful), and you're in. Also, you may be an admiral. Thank you for submitting a changeling.








Skin Color: Dark green

Hair color: None bald

Eye Color:Gray

Faction:Neutral for hire


Ship: The Nimby (Not in my back yard) Or The scrap heap take you're pick,This ugly Hunk of jung is nothing more then a scrounger's ship Made to grab the wreckage of whatever he can find. Iron, Part's, You name it, it has a price. 


Background:After working with the goverment's of earth for my term i went looking for other world's one i could seattle in like a nice town or something with a little work i could do to live, What i got was a messed up galactic war based on some folk's who didn't like how thing's were running, Another race who got caught in it and some poor fool's trying to save what's left. Now in this situation i would just leave but too bad for me i'm too damage to just leave give me maybe 2 month's and ill be gone but while i'm here ill do some work, make some cash and maybe just maybe leave with it all.


were i landed was also a problem, A dead station attacked by what seem's to be a race of...i got no clue bug's? well whatever they were they left the place in a wreck whatever i could find i modified the last Ship into a ship worth my time, A crane arm still worked here so i ended up just using it on the the ship it seem'ed this a junk station used to sell interstellar part's to whom ever needed em, with the restoration under way i had my ship finished in about 1 week of hard work i started to run out of ration's and water.


I now search for some intact station or someone to hire me for something better then this jury rigged hunk of warped steel that i ended up dubbing The Scrap heap. img-1571931-1-GSjIFtI.jpg


Picture/database page:

Some profession examples:Cook/Engineer 


That work for ya? 



I'm sorry, judging from the picture and such, you worked really hard on that. However, judging by the large number of spelling and grammatical errors, which made your post very difficult to read, and your use of a rather stereotypical type of alien, I must decline your character.

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