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Stygian mentally facepalmed as he heard yet another claim of serving under a Daedric Prince. Didn't they know that Draxius had dremora on his side? Using his telekinetic magic spell, he quickly brought the two champions closer to his table.

"Forgive me if I am insulting your pride, but sometimes it is best to keep quiet. You may be champions to Daedric Princes, and you may be extremely powerful, but legions of dremora will not bode well for anyone..."

Stygian continued to whisper inconspicuously.

"The dremora are from Oblivion remember, they... will feel our presence if we stir too much..."


"Keep in mind champion that soon all of that infernal legion will be after you and your allies. It is wise however to avoid trouble when you can..."

Rhaz grumbled for a moment but eventually sighed and put on his helmet, "fair enough....but didn't you using magic just now also attract attention to us? I'm fairly sure you don't see two people fly forwards everyday you know..." said rhaz in a dry, somwhat sarcastic tone as he put a hand on his hammer, eyeing the people around him warily. Edited by ragestar
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Stygian mentally facepalmed as he heard yet another claim of serving under a Daedric Prince. Didn't they know that Draxius had dremora on his side? Using his telekinetic magic spell, he quickly brought the two champions closer to his table.

"Forgive me if I am insulting your pride, but sometimes it is best to keep quiet. You may be champions to Daedric Princes, and you may be extremely powerful, but legions of dremora will not bode well for anyone..."

Stygian continued to whisper inconspicuously.

"The dremora are from Oblivion remember, they... will feel our presence if we stir too much..."


"Keep in mind champion that soon all of that infernal legion will be after you and your allies. It is wise however to avoid trouble when you can..."

draco smiled as he heard the elf's words of being inconspicuoius "your joking right?" He said with a laugh, as he teleported next to the group "none of you blend in with a croud, and what's more, you all stink of deadric training!" He said with a chuckle. ((He felt lonely.))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"Then we have to move" Zora hated him-self for what he was going to say next. "If we are prey for the time being then we must hide. We cause to much trouble in the open" Zora looked at the elf.

"If you know what's going on then do enlighten us. I'd like to know what's going on" 


draco smiled as he heard the elf's words of being inconspicuoius "your joking right?" He said with a laugh, as he teleported next to the group "none of you blend in with a croud, and what's more, you all stink of deadric training!" He said with a chuckle. ((He felt lonely.))

"And like you're helping at all. At least I try to remain hidden unlike most of this group" Zora drew his two dagger on Draco, but lowered them when he said deadric training. 


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Rhaz grumbled for a moment but eventually sighed and put on his helmet, "fair enough....but didn't you using magic just now also attract attention to us? I'm fairly sure you don't see three people fly off of their feet everyday you know..." said rhaz in a dry, somwhat sarcastic tone as he put a hand on his hammer.


"Relax, I have my methods of manipulating the minds of others indirectly to keep unwanted attention from me," Stygian said as he tossed a piece of bread into the ale of a Nord. The Nord barely seemed to notice as he continued to pick up his mug and drink from it. All of a sudden a rather... interesting individual popped up beside his table. 


"Is this really what I have to put up with from now on Hermaeus Mora?", Stygian mentally told Mora. The elf turned his attention back to the new stranger.

"Well you aren't really helping in keeping a low profile, especially since you're twirling THAT staff around while dremora walk the streets. Smart..."


"Begin to plan you departure from this place Stygian, for the dremora outside will not remain still when they feel your collective presences..."


"Right on cue Mora," Stygian responded as Zora suggested they leave. "But what of the other supposed Champions?"


"Their Lords and Mistresses shall again guide them to you...."


"Very well..."


Stygian looked each of the Champions around him in the eyes, obviously suggesting that they leave quickly to talk in a more private place....

"Let us go quickly then. Be swift, and in fact, delay your leave so as to not to alarm the guards and dremora of our collective presence..."


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@ @

(OoC: She went to get drinks long before you made that comment...XD) 

Eos grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bar with a toss of her hair and a tinkly laugh. 

"Oh, trust me...we get a bit more of the good stuff in you, and you'll be the life of the party in no time! Better than that boring old High Elf, anyways." She wrinkled her nose. "I don't think he understands what humour is." She paused, musing. "Or bathing."

After paying for the drinks, Eos slung herself back over to the table, noticing she was the only female thus far. It'd be easy to work that to her advantage greatly, especially with her glib tongue.

She heard the bossy one say they were dispersing and pouted, putting and hand on her hip as she set the tray down.

"Going so soon?" she asked with a frown. "But I just met the most darling young man, and he promised he'd have a few with us..." 

She really didn't want to leave just yet; Nocturnal had her plans, and though they seemed to be pointing in this direction Eos felt a small bubble of rebellion roil inside her. The words of the oath, promising herself as her mistresses vessel, flicked in her mind, she resigned herself to her terrible fate. This wasn't going to be the finest hour of her life. She retrieved her armour and stored it in her bag-flaunting her Nightingale status to all was no good, and thus far no one knew much about her, not even her name. She was safe, and never had to see them again.


(OoC: I have to go now, so a good night to you all. Hopefully I don't miss too much.)

Edited by Suigintou


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Draco grinned and continued to twirl wabbajack "good idea bookworm!" He said sarcastically, as he pulled out a bottle filled with chocolate milk "my stealth attribute isn't very high, but I blame drocsid for that." He said with a shrug "oh well, bye bye everyone, I'llsee you all soon!" He said happily, taking a swig of the milk and disapearing without a trace.

((Lol, I love breaking the fourth wall!))

Edited by drocsid-soahc


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"Relax, I have my methods of manipulating the minds of others indirectly to keep unwanted attention from me," Stygian said as he tossed a piece of bread into the ale of a Nord. The Nord barely seemed to notice as he continued to pick up his mug and drink from it. All of a sudden a rather... interesting individual popped up beside his table. 


"Is this really what I have to put up with from now on Hermaeus Mora?", Stygian mentally told Mora. The elf turned his attention back to the new stranger.

"Well you aren't really helping in keeping a low profile, especially since you're twirling THAT staff around while dremora walk the streets. Smart..."


"Begin to plan you departure from this place Stygian, for the dremora outside will not remain still when they feel your collective presences..."


"Right on cue Mora," Stygian responded as Zora suggested they leave. "But what of the other supposed Champions?"


"Their Lords and Mistresses shall again guide them to you...."


"Very well..."


Stygian looked each of the Champions around him in the eyes, obviously suggesting that they leave quickly to talk in a more private place....

"Let us go quickly then. Be swift, and in fact, delay your leave so as to not to alarm the guards and dremora of our collective presence..."


Rhaz nodded silently before slowly standing up and calmly walking towards the exit of the tavern, "as much as I would enjoy to see you crush those pathetic dremora outside....the altmer working for morah is correct....escape from that place quickly and regroup to fight again anoather day, my champion..." said rhaz's master malacath in his head, rhaz nodded and quickened his pace.


Rhaz nodded silently before

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@ @

(OoC: She went to get drinks long before you made that comment...XD) 

Eos grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bar with a toss of her hair and a tinkly laugh. 

"Oh, trust me...we get a bit more of the good stuff in you, and you'll be the life of the party in no time! Better than that boring old High Elf, anyways." She wrinkled her nose. "I don't think he understands what humour is." She paused, musing. "Or bathing."

After paying for the drinks, Eos slung herself back over to the table, noticing she was the only female thus far. It'd be easy to work that to her advantage greatly, especially with her glib tongue.

She heard the bossy one say they were dispersing and pouted, putting and hand on her hip as she set the tray down.

"Going so soon?" she asked with a frown. "But I just met the most darling young man, and he promised he'd have a few with us..." 

She really didn't want to leave just yet; Nocturnal had her plans, and though they seemed to be pointing in this direction Eos felt a small bubble of rebellion roil inside her. The words of the oath, promising herself as her mistresses vessel, flicked in her mind, she resigned herself to her terrible fate.


(I did say, "THEN she went to go get drinks," to acknowledge your previous action :lol:. Also.... Why do all your characters hate on my character's :P?)


"I'm quite certain your fair Lady will guide you to us again, it is your destiny," Stygian said calmly as he began to walk away from the table. Exiting the tavern, he did a quick scan of the area. A few guards wandered the area, and unfortunately a flying dremora roaming the rooftops above.

"That one will no doubt alert the other demons of my or the presences should he become well aware..."

Stygian pulled his hood over his head and walked out the gates of Solitude.


"I shall send word for the other lords of your future allies to instruct their allies to meet you and the others leaving with you..."


"Wonderful, but mind giving me some indication of where to go? I doubt everyone can just enter Apocrypha so freely."


"The rest will meet you in the temple of Meridia, the Mistress of one of your other future allies..."


"So close to here? I hope you know what you are doing. Besides, why would Meridia even let the rest of us in? She seems to be a rather strict and harsh one judging from what I've read about the other Princes in your tomes...."


Mora remained silent this time, a clear indication to Stygian that his master was simply saying "trust me".

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"You can delay your leave, I know a way or two out of here. Anyway you still have yet to tell us where to go" Already He could tell this was going to be a pain. 

"You know what I'll just find you guys later. My way out of here as enough room for two people to get out at the same way" placing his hood over his head.

"Only one of you can get out with me" Turning away from everyone, he walked out the door.

"I'll see you guys later... I guess"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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((Playing a game and posting on here is gonna be hard))


"Well I am just going to leave before more hunter appear so good luck" Abraxus said before he looked out side and saw a hunter wearing Ebony armor with a ebony great sword. "You know I might join you guys...is there another way out" Abraxus asked as he made the fire in his hand disappear.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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*Alzack looked around as the strange woman and her apparant friends began to empty out of the tavern.*

"Well, so much for that."

*Alzack mumbled.*


:Aw, that seemed like it was going to be fun.:

*Alzack finished his drink.*


"Well I guess I probably wont be seeing them again, right mother?"

*Alzack said quietly to the shade that resided within the large sword on his back.*


:Unfortunately it seems like it.:

*Mephala replied to him.*


"Nothing else to do but head home then I guess."

*Alzack said. It was for the best, he would only have grown to like these people and then they would end up dead, just like all the others. He put his hood back up and walked out of the tavern and went to leave the city.*


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Rhaz glared silently at some of the dremora roaming the streets watching him, yet he obeyed his masters wishes and didn't attack any of them, "very good my champion.....now quickly, make your way to the shrine of meridia, that is where you may speak your widely unwelcomed wishes with the other champions.....and where you will plan your first quest against that spinless coward..." said malacath in rhaz's head. Rhaz simply nodded and quickened his pace until he made his way out of the city until he eventually reached meridias shrine, rhaz then grunted in satisfaction and sat down on a nearby bench to wait for the others.

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"You can join me. I have my own way out, but you have to keep out of sight" Zora thought for a moment

"And if you get caught I'll leave you behind. So try to keep up" Zora Looked around to make sure no guards were around. Once the coast was clear. Zora dug his claws into the wall and climb up to the roof. Moving on the roof tops Zora was fading out of sight fast.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Draco walked through the wilderness, twirling wabbajack and whistling happily. As he finished his milk, he threw the bottle into the air and cocked wabbajack like a shotgun, as it clicked he aimed it like a gun and fired a spell at the bottle. As it droped to the ground, it turned into a sweetroll. He picked up the delicious pastery and ate it as he walked, humming happily to himself.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Abraxus followed Zora as fast as he could. "He's fast but I have to keep up or I'll have to deal with the bounty hunter and I don't want to kill anymore then I have to" Abraxus said as he used his reptilian claws to climb and follow Zora. "Wish I was a Kahjit then I could climb faster and also I would be more stealthy

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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:We should head to the shrine of Meridia.:

*Alzack looked surprised at his mother's words.*


"Why? What would we have to do there?"

*Alzack asked her.*


:Just go there child. Do not argue with me.:

*Alzack was surprised. Mephala was never this strict and serious.*


"Whatever you say mother."

*Alzack said. He began to wander along the path on his way to the shrine of Meridia. He suddenly heard a rustling in the bushes. Alzack turned toward the noise, drawing his sword, and rightly so, for a feral werewolf launched out of the bushes. Alzack put his Ebony Blade out in front of himself effortlessly weilding the long weapon with one hand and caught the werewolf's claws on the blade.*

"Well this is a nice distraction."

*Alzack said. He put his hand up in front of the werewolf's face and launched a small fireball of destruction magic thar quickly set the werewolf's fur on fire. Alzack then swung back his sword, dodged under the werewolf's arm, and stabbed his sword through the werewolf's back. The werewolf dropped to the ground, dead. Alzack pulled his sword out of the werewolf and placed it onto his back. He crouched down next to the werewolf and closed its eyes.*

"Im sorry for taking your life."

*He said to the corpse. he then stood back up and continued his walk to the shrine of meridia. Upon his arrival, he was surprised to see an orc sitting on a bench.*

"Oh, you are one of those guys from the tavern, in solitude, arent you?"

*Alzack said to the man.*


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:We should head to the shrine of Meridia.:

*Alzack looked surprised at his mother's words.*

"Why? What would we have to do there?"

*Alzack asked her.*

:Just go there child. Do not argue with me.:

*Alzack was surprised. Mephala was never this strict and serious.*

"Whatever you say mother."

*Alzack said. He began to wander along the path on his way to the shrine of Meridia. He suddenly heard a rustling in the bushes. Alzack turned toward the noise, drawing his sword, and rightly so, for a feral werewolf launched out of the bushes. Alzack put his Ebony Blade out in front of himself effortlessly weilding the long weapon with one hand and caught the werewolf's claws on the blade.*

"Well this is a nice distraction."

*Alzack said. He put his hand up in front of the werewolf's face and launched a small fireball of destruction magic thar quickly set the werewolf's fur on fire. Alzack then swung back his sword, dodged under the werewolf's arm, and stabbed his sword through the werewolf's back. The werewolf dropped to the ground, dead. Alzack pulled his sword out of the werewolf and placed it onto his back. He crouched down next to the werewolf and closed its eyes.*

"Im sorry for taking your life."

*He said to the corpse. he then stood back up and continued his walk to the shrine of meridia. Upon his arrival, he was surprised to see an orc sitting on a bench.*

"Oh, you are one of those guys from the tavern, in solitude, arent you?"

*Alzack said to the man.*

Rhaz nodded in reply to the dunmers question, "yes, my name is rhaz-gesh, champion of malacath, I am here at this shrine, waiting for other champions to join me in my quest to defeat and de-throne draxius, and I assume you are one of the champions my master spoke of....becouse if your not.....then this may not end well..." said rhaz darkly before standing, up and putting a hand on his hammer. ((Just so everyone knows, I'm gonna call rhaz's hammer death, so don't get confused when I say he reaches for or grabs death...))

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Draco grinned as he arrived at meridia's shrine, and waved when he saw the others "hello fellow champions!" He said happily, teleporting next to them and started twirling his staff. "I guess we were all summoned by the higher ups right? So let's get started shall we?!" He said, grinning crazily.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Rhaz nodded in reply to the dunmers question, "yes, my name is rhaz-gesh, champion of malacath, I am here at this shrine, waiting for other champions to join me in my quest to defeat and de-throne draxius, and I assume you are one of the champions my master spoke of....becouse if your not.....then this may not end well..." said rhaz darkly before standing, up and putting a hand on his hammer. ((Just so everyone knows, I'm gonna call rhaz's hammer death, so don't get confused when I say he reaches for or grabs death...))

(Alzack is Nord/Redguard, not dunmer.)


"I guess. My mother on occasion will call herself Mephala, thats one of the daedric lords, right. She lives inside this."

*Alzack drew the Ebony Blade*

"So I guess I am a champion. I dont fully understand it all, but mother told me to come here, so thats what I did."


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(Alzack is Nord/Redguard, not dunmer.)

"I guess. My mother on occasion will call herself Mephala, thats one of the daedric lords, right. She lives inside this."

*Alzack drew the Ebony Blade*

"So I guess I am a champion. I dont fully understand it all, but mother told me to come here, so thats what I did."

Rhaz sighed in relief and nodded, "that's good to hear.....it would've been pretty messy if you weren't.....but anyways, the other champions should get here soon, you may get your questions answered then.....but until then..." said rhaz before turning to draco and glaring at him, "go away you fool, you'll just cause us annoyance, so either shut it, or leave!" Said rhaz threateningly.


((Sorry, my bad...))

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After escaping Solitude by using a hole that dropped down to river below. -Alright then that was easy-  Zora shook the water from his mane. Zora looked around for Abraxus

-Zora Met up with the other at the shrine of Meridia-

"Hircine? Is that you?" Zora was surprised that Hircine was talking to him. The only and last time he heard and saw Hircine was when he raised Zora to be one of his Hunters. 

"Yes I'll go" Running as fast as he could to reach the shrine to applease Hircine.

Out of breath and tired Zora saw three other people here But he knew them from the tavern..

"Looks like our Group leader and the Psycho are here" Zora let out a sigh.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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He grinned, not the least bit threatened by the orcs stature "hmm, how about none of the above jolly green!" He said jokingly, as he tapped the orc's head with wabbajack, turning his helmet into a stack of pancakes, watching as the syrup dripps onto his face.

Rhaz growled angrily as he realized what draco had done, he then quickly lashed out and grabbed draco by the throat, lifting him into the air, and putting him at face level with him, rhaz glared at draco with muderous intent in his eyes, "GIVE.. IT. BACK. NOW..." said rhaz slowly but threateningly, as he began to squeez tighter on draco's windpipe.

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Stygian continued to travel towards the Shrine of Meridia, as instructed to him by Hermaeus Mora. This whole.... "alliance" between him and the other champions was by far one of the strangest ideas the Altmer had ever heard. Stygian knew quite well that the Daedra were far from the type to work together, and when it came to the face of mortals, they would much rather sit back and enjoy the misery of mortals. There had to be something in it for each of the other Princes, including Hermaeus Mora, whom Stygian also knew would never give something and expect nothing in return. Stygian finally arrived at the foot of the winding path which lead up to the entrance of Meridia's temple.

"This seems to be the place. Let us take some precautions first however," said Stygian as his hands suddenly became basked in a purplish glow. They both shined brigther as Stygian began to conjure several powerful Seekers from Apocrypha. They immediately knew what to do, rendering themselves invisible in order to watch the area for any threats.

"They are rarely seen away from Apocrypha, meaning that even other beings from Oblivion will have a hard time recognizing them, especially in their invisible forms," Stygian said to himself as he traveled up the path. He was pleased to find many of the others he had seen at Solitude's tavern already there, getting introductions and other things out of the way.

"Most of you are here, good. I recognize most of you, but not all..."

Stygian pointed at Alzack.

"You... you wield the Ebony Blade, don't you? Champion of Mephala, I have read and heard many things about your Mistress. As for the rest of you... Champions to Malacath, Hircine, even Sheogorath... I'm surprised as to how many of you there are... so tell me, what are your names?"

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Draco looked at the orc in annoyance "well, your no fun..." he mumbled, as he bonked rahz harder on the head then necessary. Soon, the pancakes morphed back into helmet "happy now?" He asked calmly, as he teleported away from him and started to twirl his staff again with a sly smirk. "Hello there, champion of nerds!" He said, turning to stygian and bowing "my name is draco, the master of tricks and sheogorath's champion!" He said happily, as he held up his staff, letting confettie explode out of it.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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