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open Happenings in the Everfree RP


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" I doubt we're going to die... It's just a little investigation trip into the Everfree forest. I mean, what could go wrong?" She smiled as she said to Redstorm.


"What could go wrong? Everything?"

Redstorm looked at the forest.

"But... everything going wrong is part of adventure I guess."


"Can everypony stop talking about getting killed?" Cinder interjected, somewhat nervous. She hadn't been worried about having to go into the Everfree until she had overheard the tones of the others.


"I mean, we're all going to be fine, can we not make ourselves more concerned that we need to be?"

Redstorm looked at Cinder and grinned evily.

"There's going to be ten foot tall tree monsters, that eat fillies for breakfast... and they're corrupted, so they have twice the appetite! WooOOOOoOOOoooO!"

He laughed. "Nearly getting killed is, like I said, part of adventure. We're gonna be fine, don't worry..."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Silver Note shot Redstorm a 'what are you thinking' look. He then sidled over to Redstorm whispering quietly "Easy now, these fillies get flighty when frightened. Can't have them bolting off into the distance! Poor Cinder looks worried enough with all that WoooOOOoooOOOooo'ing." Silver nudged Redstorm playfully.


Silver Note  then moved over to Cinder, placing a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. "Don't listen to him," He said with a chuckle "He's been reading too many books about Daring Do. Besides, it's well and truly past breakfast." Silver winked at Cinder. "I'm pretty sure we can all out run a tree!"


Silver was obviously trying very hard not to smile..... he cleared his throat trying to appear serious looking upward nonchalantly. 

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Lyona shot a glare at Redstorm. " Stop it, don't be rude. We're all well equipped to deal with anything that comes from there. And this is not an adventure, it's a mission from the Princesses that we better not mess up."


Head high, Lyona marched on. "Let's go, everypony! The sun's almost set!" She walked to the direction of the Everfree. 


Signature by Azura

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Cinder looked at Redstorm, then back to Silver, and cocked her head to one side - she might be nervous about what was ahead but she had faced worse. While Cinder had the attention span of a filly she had learned from experience that a pony needed to respect things that were likely to explode. Or set on fire. Or in this case, try to eat them.


"Thats great, you two deal with the trees while the rest of us watch out for the Manticores and Basilisks." She chided before trotting after Lyona. "And if you pegasi get too flighty and find something you can't outrun, you can always hide behind me." the small mare finished with a wink.


'Not that I would have a clue what do do.' She thought - not really one for conflict. Or witty comments for that matter. She quickened her pace to catch up with the other mare before giving them a chance to answer.

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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And this is not an adventure, it's a mission from the Princesses that we better not mess up."

"Well let's see... something very dangerous, and alot of ponies are counting on us. Seems like adventure to me..."

Redstorm smirked.

"I actually kind of want ten-foot tall filly-eating tree monsters to be there..." He chuckled.



And if you pegasi get too flighty and find something you can't outrun, you can always hide behind me."

"Hm... I don't know anything that I can't outrun... except maybe Rainbow Dash... I nearly beat her once!"


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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She glared at Redstorm again. " We're not here to have fun. Adventures are 'fun', so this is not an adventure. Got it? There are tree monsters, but they don't eat fillies. They eat everyone. You know, Timberwolves?" She said in a clipped tone. -This pegasus is too full of himself. He could use somepony to pull him back down before he floats away.-


Signature by Azura

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Blue Splash was inwardly fuming. He was starting to wonder why he had even signed up for this mission. Of course he knew that there would be soldiers that he wouldn't get along with, but it just seemed as though half of their company was getting on his last nerves. He quickened his pace, still not taking to the air and went to stand by Cinderblock.

He did his best to give her a smile. "If anything happens we could always team up." he said quietly. Out of all the ponies other than Lynette, Cinderblock seemed liked the most level headed and capable in his opinion. "One pony in the air, one pony on the ground makes a powerful combination, huh?"

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Silver Note stared for a while after the retreating back of Cinderblock. 'So much for breaking the ice, defending the chided and lightening things up' He thought to himself. Epic fail! Silver heaved in a breath. 'I wonder if she's still mad about incident with the feathers earlier...."


"I meant no offense" he muttered quietly as he raised one eye brow. Then just shook his head. He had always found it best to laugh at danger, rather than give in to it. Fear was something he preferred not to express. "The element of laughter..." he said to no one in particular. One thing he knew for sure, he'd never ran from a fight or hidden behind anypony.  He glanced at Redstorm with a heavy sigh.


"I guess she over heard that whisper." he said with a smirk. "Never mind, I'm sure we will both find some adventure soon, whether this is deemed an adventure or not it's bound to lead us into one."


Then Silver took to the air to see if could see anything dangerous from above.





(Classic scene so couldn't resist drawing it. The expressions are priceless! Hope I captured everypony correctly.)


Edited by Mikestar
  • Brohoof 1
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((LAWL! I just love my face there! xD Great work!))


Rorona was annoyed at the pegasi who were trying to have fun. "Wether it's an adventure or not, you'll still have to be careful. Even more so in the Everfree. Alot of strange things happen there, and it's not wise to play around in there." She said to the pegasi. She  continiued to walk with the group, while thinking of her family. It's been awhile since I saw them. I should go see them after this mission. She thought. 

  • Brohoof 1

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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(That's great xD)




"Uh, sure, that sounds good to me." Cinder answered. "But lets try and keep things from getting that bad if we can."


She smiled a little to herself - somepony seemed to have some faith in her at least. Somewhere behind her she overheard something being muttered.


"You know, we aren't exactly the most intimidating group ever, are we?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Lyona stopped infront of the Everfree forest. " We're about to head into the forest. If anyone needs a bathroom break or anything, now's the time to do it since it might be to dangerous to do it inside. You don't want a snake or something biting your butt, do you?" She smiled, then looked at the ponies. 


Signature by Azura

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Rorona laughed a little. "No, I'm ready to go." She looked around at the group. I hope I can live up to my expectaions. Rorona couldn't help but think of her family. What if I don't return? What if any of these ponies don't make it to their families? Bah, snap out of it, Rorona. You can do it. She waited for Lyona to lead them into the forest.

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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Cinder reached under her armour to check that the belts that held the various chemicals and such was still secure: it wasn't standard issue and she doubted that she would need it, but relying on brute force wasn't her 'thing'.


"Ready." She said, nodding back.

Never quite forgotten.

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Fireblaze nodded her head at Lyona's answer. '' I see. Well since, the Elements of Harmony were able to assemble 10 ponies that would be able to investigate the weird events that are happening in the Everfree Forest then we are good.''


'' So I am ready, when all of you guys are.'' Placing her fire potions and other weapons in her saddlebags and protected pouches.

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Lyona nodded firmly. " Good. "


The sun had completely set. Moments after, the animals began their song. It was haunting and eerie, as well as slightly creepy. The yowling and calls of the animals filled the air, they were extremely loud. Lyona shivered. -Really damn creepy.-


Signature by Azura

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Fireblaze perks her ears down, listening to the animals creepy yet relaxing song.


Looking over at the clear night sky. ''I'm guessing that this is not normal at all, this is definitely getting me in a fierce mode to start attacking any animal in sight. But, that isn't our mission.'' Fireblaze's legs start to shake a little.

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"Uh, hey!" Cinder said quietly as she tapped the unicorn on the side. "Are you ok? Your.. uh..." She shrugged, an action she hated herself for doing which she had picked up from a friend. 


"Sorry, you just looked a little... On edge." She lost her nerve "I'll go now."


'Focus Cinder, we've got a job to do. Can't go poking your nose into other ponies business all the time any more.'

Never quite forgotten.

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'' Hello there.'' Fireblaze looks over to Cinder tapping her on her side. ''I'm fine, it is just that these animals are creeping me out with their scary singing especially at night time.''


'' It is okay. You don't have to go, we need to stick together.'' She said. Looking ahead of the forest, rubbing her tired eyes.

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"Oh, ok." Cinder said, turning back to the unicorn. "Tired? It IS kind of late..."


She followed Fireblaze's line of sight towards the forest. 


"It's going to be pretty dark in there, I'm glad we've got some ponies like you with us." She nodded towards her horn. "I, uh, never got the hang of torches. Keep dropping them, bit too dangerous in a forest. Things tend to burn. Really easily."

Edited by Cinderscribe

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'' Yeah I am definitely tired. We might as well get some sleep before we keep going on our mission, we need to keep our energy and ourselves in check away from insanity.'' Fireblaze said.

She starts to trot along with the group through the forest.


'' Your right, Cinder. I think we should have brought flashlights or something with us, that won't burn the whole forest.'' Fireblaze's horn starts to flicker a weak signal of magical energy, which starts to create a small flash of light.

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"I might be able to help, I don't sleep much!" Cinder declared proudly, reaching for a bottle attached to one of the belts under her armor but bringing out two similar looking ones instead. They were unlabeled.


"Oh... Uh, never mind. Forget I said anything." she muttered. "Unless you want to chance it? Fifty-fifty chance, either it'll wake you up for six or seven hours or it'll give you the worst headache you've ever had..." The brown mare grinned, pausing for a moment, trying unsuccessfully to deduce which bottle was which. "Come to think of it, why do I still carry that one around?"


She sniffed at one of the liquids inside the bottles before dropping them both into a small brown pouch.

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'' Oh, a bottle that is unlabeled that I don't know much about. I guess I'll give it a shot, I've had worse.'' Fireblaze reaches one of the bottles from Cinder's brown pouches, grabbing the bottle from the pouch with her hoof and holding it up to her mouth.


'' Well, bottoms up.'' Opening her mouth, pouring the unlabeled liquid down her throat. The unicorn starts to feel a bit dazed from the unlabeled liquid that she had limited knowledge about.


'' Well, I guess I'll sleep. Night.''  Fireblaze drops down on her four hooves, starting to fade away.

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Well, Cinder had never really expected the unicorn to actually drink one. There wasn't anything dangerous on that belt but some of the potions were more... successful than others.


"Well, she did one." The mare sighed before gulping down the unlabeled liquid. It was bitter, thick... 


'Ah, Aha! Ouch!' 


One one hoof, neither of them would need much sleep once the mixtures kicked in in a few minutes. On the other hoof, Cinder was going to have one major headache in a few hours. And it tasted terrible.

Never quite forgotten.

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Fireblaze starts to come to her senses, waking up after the potion liquid was able to cause her to sleep.


'' So, the potion's purpose was to cause me to sleep. What an amazing potion, we could use it to cause the animals to sleep.'' Putting her hoof on Cinder's back. '' Just think about it, we could be the ones to complete the mission and help the others.'' Starts to feel a headache from the potion. '' Ow, this potion is pretty powerful.''

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"Just... don't drink any more. Not until you get some real sleep. I'm pretty sure it's safe but just to be sure..." Cinder said as she held a hoof to her head, grinning slightly - It was one of her older (and more successful) mixtures and she was quite glad that she had finally persuaded somepony else to try it.


'I KNEW it would be fine!'


"Don t worry about any dizziness or anything - theres a load of sugar and... other stuff, in it. It passes pretty quickly. For me at least."

Never quite forgotten.

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