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Cinder stepped aside and crouched slightly, desperate to find out what was causing the noise - her fear outmatched by her curiosity. It took a good deal of willpower for her not to edge forward and investigate alongside Night Dart but she managed to stay with the others. She wouldn't have been able to see without striking a light anyway, and that would have given them away even more than the decorative armor.


'These uniform's aren't exactly stealthy. Who's bright idea was it to outfit guards in bright gold armor?' Her internal monologue chattered away uselessly as usual as she watched and waited to see what would happen.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Fireblaze stayed crouched down, her ears start to perk up listening to the noise sound frequency. She starts to feel a bit startled from what happened earlier, and starts to wonder what is going on. ''Well, a pony with bright gold armor, a broken horn, and an eerie smile.'' '' Not creepy at all, unless you were raised in an insane asylum.'' Starts to wait behind cover with the rest of the group.

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Silver Note crouched in the bushes beside the others. He peeked out and caught sight of the mysterious silhouette of a unicorn who had arrived on the scene. He could barely make out her outline in the dark gloom. The noises of the animals seemed to get slightly louder at her arrival.


"I wonder if this is who Is behind all these disturbances" Silver Note whispered to Cinder, who happened to be the closest. He was very temped to emerge and say "Who goes there" in an authoritative voice, but opted against the idea not wanting to put the any of the other ponies in danger.


Instead he just waited to see what would happen next.

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"Maybe." Cinder replied. She fumbled at the belts under her armor with a hoof, reaching for something, anything that might help if things went badly.


"I've seen some pretty nasty magic being used but nothing that would have the forest in an uproar like this. If that's whats causing it..."

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'' I just hope that the unknown unicorn isn't evil at all, since we don't need anyone turning on us without knowing about them.'' She starts to reach into her pouch for her fire potions and flaming chemicals.


'' Well whatever it is, we were sent here to investigate it so we might as well continue investigating.'' Fireblaze started to chuckle.

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"Uh.. Silver?" Cinder jabbed the Pegasus in the side and motioned as subtly as she could towards Fireblaze, who appeared to be sitting giggling under her breath.


"I think something might be wrong." she muttered more quietly then before. "As in, thats not normal, is it?"

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'' I knew there was something wrong when, we saw that hornless unicorn.'' She starts to whisper under her breath.


'' Well, that is normal but I guess I could be wrong.'' Fireblaze started to frown a bit.


Keeps herself down crouched until the unicorn started to think to herself.

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((Umm... Nocturne has no armour))


Nocturne stopped walking in front of her animals.

"Hush, hush, you wouldn't want your pony friends to come into this Forst and get hurt would you?" She turned to a bird, who was screeching in fear.

"Come here, little bird..." she cooed emotionlessly.


Night Dart heard the mare's voice and felt oddly entranced... it had a hypnotic, song-like quality, eerie yet beautiful. So beautiful... He wanted to stay there and listen to her voice...

She said to come to her, and Night startled to move, but dimly realized what was happening and struggled to cover his ears.

"Cover your ears, she must be using hypnotic magic!" He whispered to the group.

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Starting to cover her ears, so she does not get hypnotized. '' Well, I knew that mare was evil.''


'' So I guess we should kill the hypnotizing mare now, or should we just crouch down for protection?'' She starts to have a grim look on her face, showing that she was a bit annoyed by the hypnotizing pony. '' Oh well, I suggest we run!''

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Night Dart turned to Fireblaze.

"Stay down, we don't know how strong she is. She might be able to hypnotize all of us with her magic. I say we stay down until we're out of her range of hearing, then we follow her quietly and investigate further, but I'm not the leader. Lyona is." Night turned to the mare in question.

"What do you say?"

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Fireblaze turns over to Night Dart, after she talks to her.


''Oh I'll stay down all right, besides I'm keeping my ears closed so she doesn't hypnotize me or us at all. Why don't we all just use stealth to knock her out after she turns around without looking at us?''


'' I say, that we do it then. It's settled then.''

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"Uh.. Silver?" Cinder jabbed the Pegasus in the side and motioned as subtly as she could towards Fireblaze, who appeared to be sitting giggling under her breath.



Silver Note glanced over at Cinder,  "Something is definitely wrong." He chided,, rubbing his side where'd she'd jabbed it. "Normal? Hmmmm..... Well a pain in the flank is not normal!" Silver frowned. "Unless of course somepony JABS you"




Nocturne stopped walking in front of her animals. "Hush, hush, you wouldn't want your pony friends to come into this Forst and get hurt would you?" She turned to a bird, who was screeching in fear. "Come here, little bird..." she cooed emotionlessly.


The conversations of the other ponies became a distant buzz to Silver Notes ears as he heard the mysterious purple unicorn speak. The order "cover your ears" Didn't even register as he was suddenly mesmerized by the melodic, almost musical voice of the unicorn siren. All he could focus on were the words she spoke, which became slightly distorted to his ears. "Come here..... little Pony" His eyes glazed over as if entranced as he inched forward saying in an intoxicated tone


"yes, of course.... coming, be right there..."


Then he whistled out a bird call which matched that of the frightened little bird and began to move out of his hiding place, wings fluttering as if in love.


(heh heh sorry, but music IS his thing after all. wink.png )

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'' Oh great, now Silver Note is being mesmerized and hypnotized by the mysterious unicorn. I figured that would happen since, his name relates to music after all.'' Starts to sing an awkward song '' WAH, WAH, WAH.'' Starts to peer her head to look at Silver Note walking over to the purple unicorn with her hypnotizing.


'' Luckily that unicorn won't have me under her spell.''

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"What? Don't tell me that hurt you! I... Hey, wait, what are you...?"


Cinder's whisper turned into a hiss as the stallion began to move away from her - she brought a hoof to her head in frustration.


"Get back here!" She muttered, louder this time, seemingly to no effect.


Dissatisfied with the lack of a response and a little concerned over the fact that he seemed to be prancing away like a lovestruck filly, she reached out and jabbed him in the ribs as hard as she could.


(And on that note, I must sleep! GN all.)

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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'' Well the good thing is, the rest of us aren't going to be hypnotized any longer by that evil unicorn.'' Her ears started to perk down in fear.

'' This will not go well at all. What will happen if I accidently got hypnotized by the unicorn? I'm starting to lose it.'' Dropping down to her knees starting to yell up to the sky in a huge dramatic pause.


(Good night to you, Cinder!)

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Night Dart groaned in frustration. He hadn't been asking her.

"Only Lyona gets the final say, as she is the leader."

Just then, one of the stallions started walking towards the unicorn with an awestruck look on his face.

"Urgh. Somepony didn't listen."

Fireblaze started to sing and he edged towards her to tell her to shut up. Luckily, Cinder got up and jabbed Silver Note in the side.

"Good work, cover his ears and your own." He turned back to Fireblaze. She was about to yell, and he pounced, muffling her scream with his forehooves.

"Shut. Up." He muttered through gritted teeth. 

"If she still somehow hasn't noticed us, that's a blessing. If you yell, she. Will. Find. Us. Hold it together."

Night Dart usually didn't get this agitated. He realized that the heightened magic must be getting to him too and he groaned again.

Edited by Silent Dawn
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Starts to stop singing, covering her ears, and listening to Night Dart.

'' Sorry about that, Night Dart. I know that Lyona is the leader but, I'm trying to keep my sanity which is really hard to do.''

'' Luckily, we are safe for now from her. Besides, who would be stupid enough to just surrender themselves to that unicorn?'' She starts to worry about what will happen to her and the remaining members of the group.

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Silver Note came to his senses as he was knocked sideways by Cinder's even harder jab! His mind snapped out of it's hazy dream state and he found himself staring right into the eyes of Cinderblock.


"Urrrrr what just happen....." he started to say and was quickly silenced by a glare from the mare. He then realized she was pinning him down with both hooves over his ears!  She appeared to have a couple of bottle corks inside her own. I really did miss something! He thought to himself, giving a sideways grin at Cinderblock. Maybe it was hearts and hooves day after all! Frisky fillies. Damn... what a time to lose ones memory!


In all honestly he could remember nothing of his apparent charming and felt extremely disorientated. His mind was fuzzy and he tried to remember what he was actually doing in the forest... hiding in the bushes... with a brown coated filly pinning him down.... her raven locks surrounding him like a dark curtain.




(Sorry Cinder! LOL he's a flirt. :P )

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'' I knew that you would come back to your senses, Silver Note. All thanks to Cinder.'' Looking over to Cinder getting pinned down by the brown coated filly. '' Well at least your back to normal.'' Fireblaze starts to chuckle a little.


'' I'm guessing that she is coming on to you.'' Staying with the group.

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'' I knew that you would come back to your senses, Silver Note. All thanks to Cinder.'' Looking over to Cinder getting pinned down by the brown coated filly. '' Well at least your back to normal.'' Fireblaze starts to chuckle a little.


'' I'm guessing that she is coming on to you.'' Staying with the group.



Silver Note could barely hear the other pony with his ears blocked, but he did pick up two key words... "Sssss.... senses...N n normal?" queried Silver note with a quaver in his voice.... glancing over at Fireblaze... "Ummm who are you anyway? For that matter... who the heck am I?"  

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we can definitely destroy whatever ancient evil force is coming our way.

-Did she just... Read my mind?- Lyona shivered slightly at the thought. She shook her head. -That's just silly...-


Lyona looked at Silver Note. " I swear, if you just got friggin' amnesia I'm gonna kill you. We do not need that at a time like this." She whispered. " Get up, ponies. We're gonna sneak past her, and if she discovers us, we fight. Okay? I hope to Celestia this works..." Lyona's mind was a little cloudy, even though she had her ears covered. She shook her head again, hoping to get rid of the fuzziness  It didn't work.

" Come on! Move!" She said quietly.


Signature by Azura

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Nocturne heard the bird call, but the bird came no closer. She furrowed a brow, perplexed. 

She then heard some dreadful singing, and covered her ears. 

"What? Who goes there...?" She said, slightly wary. She then realized it must be some filly who had come in and was trying to save the bird.

"Come out, little pony, I know you're there... somewhere... Just listen to my voice, you'll find there's nothing to worry about... Do you know who I am, little pony? I am Nocturne.. There's no need to fret... I can take you somewhere very, very safe...."

She said, looking around her immediate surroundings. 

No answer. 

She didn't realize that it was a group of ponies and that they were sneaking by, behind the nearby bushes. She heard the shuffling, but the animals had resumed their noise and she couldn't tell where the shuffling was coming from.

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Silver Note glanced over at Lyona, I recognize that pony from somewhere he thought to himself His head was beginning to clear a little... the bells weren't as loud.


 "Can you speak up a little... " he said a little bit too loudly " I can't hear a damn thing with my ears covered...." but he did recognize her body language motioning the group to move.


"Begging your pardon" he said, more quietly to Cinderblock. He gently, and reluctantly, nudged her off him with a blush. "But I think we are going somewhere.... Follow that mare." Wow, I can write poetry. He thought to himself... or is it song lyrics... I'll figure it out later.


He then put his own hooves over his ears and followed after Lyona. Oh that was her name! Lyona. yes of course. His commanding officer in the... that was it! He was a member of the Royal guard and his name was..... 


Silver coat! How could he forget. and his cutie mark was.... well it's covered by the armor. Oh well. He was sure he would remember eventually.


Silver crept after Lyona and the others trying to be as quiet as he could.


(OOC don't worry he will recover fairly fast, he's just still hazy from the siren song.)

Edited by Mikestar
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For the third time that night, Cinder facehooved.


'This is going to be a long, long night.' She thought to herself as Silver walked away before falling into formation behind him.


Still, he was still there, which was a good thing. Cinder chalked up a large '1' on an imaginary chalkboard.


'Cinderblock, 1. Creepy enchanted forest, 0.'

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Lyona looked at Silver, and made a 'shh' sound with her hoof. " Quiet." She mouthed slowly. -I think she heard us, but now the animals are louder, thank Celestia.-

One of her rubber ear plugs popped out. She cursed under her breath, and slowly looked around for it, not wanting to make any noise. The ear-plug color was very close to that of the soil, so it would be extremely hard to find. -Nononononoo!- She panicked.


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