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 @, "what is it?" Silver said as quietly as he could. She appeared to be frantically looking for something in the under brush. Silver, who wasn't use to walking on just his hind legs, uncovered his ears and dropped down onto all fours. the noise of the animals echo'ed loudly around them. 


"This tune is so familiar.... I've heard it before. Perhaps before my knock on the head or what ever happened." He listened intently, his musical memory being far superior to his normal memory, quickly brought him back in tune with the mission.


"Oh we are here to investigate this! We're on an adventure in the Everfree sent by the Princess."


Silver took in the noises silently.


"Toooo wit.... Toooooo Wit"


"Kak kak kak kak kak"




"Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Trrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"




"Well, I'm no expert on animal sounds..." Silver Note stated. "but judging by all that.... Some Twit kacked behind a tree and we all should run?" He graced Lyona with his biggest -





Then noticing Lyona's disapproving frown he added.... "of course... I could be wrong. I did receive a rather nasty knock on the head after all, and no prizes for guessing who is responsible for that!"


He winked at Cinderblock. "by the way," he said, addressing Cinderblock. "My names Silver float." he extended a hoof to her.


"Should I still be covering my ears or are we far enough away from the danger now?" he said, to no no one in particular. "Not like you can hear anything over all this racket!" dry.png

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Lyona was very close to knocking him on the head. " Shut up!" She whispered. She finally found her earplug, and blew on it before stuffing it back into her ear. " Quit flirting, Silver Note and start moving!" She motioned for him to go forward. They weren't quite out of the danger zone yet.


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"Permission to hit him with something heavy, ma'am?" Muttered Cinder under her breath, only half joking. "Sorry, I meant can we keep moving please? I feel a little dizzy after that."


Her curiousity was waning quickly - she didn't know a lot about magic and knew that as an Earth Pony she wasn't likely to ever understand it. Without her need to investigate she was beginning to realise just how much she hated this place.

Never quite forgotten.

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Lyona was very close to knocking him on the head. " Shut up!" She whispered. She finally found her earplug, and blew on it before stuffing it back into her ear. " Quit flirting, Silver Note and start moving!" She motioned for him to go forward. They weren't quite out of the danger zone yet.


I knew I should have worn my helmet.... Silver thought to himself. however he merely said "yes ma'am" and stuffed some leaves in his ears as makes shift ear plugs. Might as well drown out this racket including the mutterings of these fillies. He decided in his private thoughts. He didn't fancy yet another knock on the head! memory loss proved quite annoying.


He trotted forward prancing and humming quietly to the sound of the many bird calls, tail flipped up over his back like a foal in spring.

Edited by Mikestar
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Night Dart shook his head at the conversation between Silver Note and the others. He heard Silver's question and inched over to a bush and poked his head over it, looking for the pony. The mare was looking around for something. The rest of the group, a few feet back, couldn't hear her, but he could, barely, She said something about knowing they were there, and introduced herself as Nocturne. He cursed under his breath and struggled to stay down. He went back to the group and said, "We need to go as quietly and quickly as possible. She knows we're somewhere around here, but not our exact location. The animals' noise is helping us. She gave out her name. Nocturne. We need to get away from here, now."

Edited by Silent Dawn
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"Permission to hit him with something heavy, ma'am?"

" If it's necessary, hit him as hard as you can. But later. Now, let's move." She told Cinder.



Lyona saw Silver prancing around, and facehoofed. She dragged Silver down, quietly. She quickly removed the leaves from his ears. " Are you crazy?" She whispered. " Get your butt down and sneak, you idiot!" She turned to Night Dart.




"We need to go as quietly and quickly as possible. She knows we're somewhere around here, but not our exact location. The animals' noise is helping us. She gave out her name. Nocturne. We need to get away from here, now."

" I know, but this dumb pony's prancing around like we're not in danger!" She said in a low voice to him.

  • Brohoof 1


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Night Dart looked at Silver Note and groaned mentally, aggravated and annoyed.. What was with everypony today? first Fireblaze with her singing, now Silver Note, who was prancing?


"Look, Silver Note, I know you may not remember this, but we are in the Everfree Forest. We completed our mission. Now we're getting the hell out of here before the cause of what we were sent for finds us and hypnotizes us! So do us a favor and crawl."

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(LoL Poor Silver!)


Although Silver Note did not hear the threats to hit him hard.... leaves in his ears and the noise of the forest protected his precious senses... He found  himself knocked to the ground again, this time by Lyona. All this female attention is an adventure in itself he thought to himself with a inward smile. Lyona looks so hot when she's angry, he mused to himself, thankful that his commanding officer could not read his mind! At least she noticed my butt!


"Sneak, yes, right, I can do that!" Silver said in a hushed tone, sounding as nonchalant as he possibly could. Silver Note crouched low and crawled silently forward, no idea where he was going but following the trail to the west where the loudest animals sounds still echoed through the forest.




Night Dart looked at Silver Note and groaned mentally, aggravated and annoyed.. What was with everypony today? first Fireblaze with her singing, now Silver Note, who was prancing?


"Look, Silver Note, I know you may not remember this, but we are in the Everfree Forest. We completed our mission. Now we're getting the hell out of here before the cause of what we were sent for finds us and hypnotizes us! So do us a favor and crawl."


Silver turned his head towards Night Dart. "Completed it already?" he glanced from Night Dart to Lyona a bit confused. "What exactly did we find out?" Silver note still wondered if they weren't missing something here... 

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" Sneak like your life's in danger, which it is. Now move!" She prodded him. Her lion-like mane was fluffier than ever before, like a cat's when threatened. 



" I think I see a clearing up ahead. We'll be able to talk normally then. I hope." She whispered to Night Dart. She continued crawling.


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'Well this is going well. Hunted by some creepy singing filly, two crazy ponies on our own side...'


"Watch out..." Cinder whispered as she pushed through a particularly thorny piece of foliage. "You know, we could have just thrown things at it. Would have saved us all of this sneaking" she shrugged. "Or we could have just left Silver behind as an offering or something..."

  • Brohoof 2

Never quite forgotten.

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"Yes, mostly.I'll explain later. Just get a move on." Night Dart hissed as he prodded Silver Note to keep going.


"Yeah, you're right. I forgot to mention it earlier. It is a clearing, and we should be able to talk normally there. I'll keep an eye and ear out for that mare- Nocturne, apparently-,but I think we'll be safe for the time being once we get there."

  • Brohoof 1
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Silver Note felt pushed and prodded and started to feel less in high spirits and more disgruntled.


"Don't make me angry,  you wouldn't like me when I'm angry" He told Cinderblock, half chiding. He gave her a playful nudge.  Then said more seriously. "If you think I'd have been better off left behind, I'll gladly turn back and talk to this unicorn. Somepony has to and I'm tired of sneaking around like a frightened mouse! Yes we are in danger but I didn't sign up not expecting to risk my life for a greater cause."


Then he turned to the others and said "You may all think I'm nothing but a goof off, but at least I'm not letting the fear of the forest get to me! I'm not sure you get it, since you don't understand the magic of music, but the song, the lament........... is MEANT to make you run, hide, shrink in fear, and once that fear gets into your soul, it opens doorways for much worse! it takes a hold of your heart and controls you. Just like it was doing to that bird.... Think I don't know what I'm talking about?"


Silver removed his armor and revealed his Cutie Mark several musical notes and a treble clef. 


"I refuse to let the fear rule me no matter how much I'm chastised". He said, folding his hooves across his chest. 


@, "No disrespect intended M'lady"  he said turning respectfully to Lyona, "But you might be misreading my playful spirits for non sense. There is rhyme to my reasoning. If we don't keep our spirits up The lament of the forest will consume us."


He left it at that. His ears drooped forlornly. Nopony 'gets me' he thought to himself. Was there anypony out there who understood the element of laughter?

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Cinder did her best to turn and smile back at silver (not an easy feat while crawling through the undergrowth) - mostly just glad that he seemed to be regaining his senses. She felt bad about hurting his feelings but it was better than having the oblivious version of him trailing along.


"Remember who you are now then?" She whispered brightly. "Come on, don't fall behind, we need you thinking clearly is all."

Edited by Cinderscribe

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Silver Note blinked at Cinder for a moment... realizing the impact of her words.


"I.... I.... You're right! I do know who I am. Forgive me Cinder, I was just so.. charmed by that unicorns voice. Thank you for bringing me back to my self. I couldn't live without knowing my destiny, which is........ music. Her voice just.... seemed to take me away and it was like... being a blank flank again!" Silver replaced his armor, hiding his Cutie mark once more and those blasted dapples which he hoped no one noticed in the dim light.


Then noticing Cinder's expression Silver added "Don't look too relieved. I'm still Silver Note, and as you know.... that means trouble and bantering about.  Ummm lets catch up the others are way ahead now!"


Silver crept forward,  wondering the whole time if anypony would notice if he pranced for at least a few steps!

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"Sure thing, just, try not to go running after strange mares and leaving us flighty fillies on our own." Cinder grinned as she ducked under more brambles, quickening her pace - her small stature helping her weave through the narrower openings.


"And, uh, sorry if I hurt you." She made a prodding motion with a hoof aimed vaguely behind her without looking back. "Earth Pony thing, don't know my own strength sometimes."


'If I getting so cut up by these thorns then strange singing unicorns are going to be the least of my worries...' Her mind rambled on. '... did I bring any charcoal balm? I think I did...'

Never quite forgotten.

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"And, uh, sorry if I hurt you."



"Hurt me... ?? ha ha... heh... " Ok so the laugh didn't sound very convincing. "Not at all, i was just being.... Flighty!" He puffed out his chest and  flapped his wings for effect. He watched Cinder make her way through the brambles.


Brambles... now that won't do at all. Silver noticed them getting stuck in Cinder's mane and tail.


"Uh.............. Um........ well don't take this wrong but allow me" Silver offered. Then he glanced over his shoulder to check for potential threats. Yep coast clear, then he soared over Cinderblock grabbing her around the middle and flying low between the tree's and clear of the brambles. She was light so it was easy to maneuver between the tall tree's. He easily spotted the clearing so effectively the two of them arrived there before anyone else.


"Less noise... less scratches, and  good opportunity to scope out this clearing" Silver sniffed the air and peered into the darkness. Was it really safe here? A black bird darted off a branch over head and went squawking off into the distance. the animal noises rose hauntingly around them. A small brown critter scuttled off and hid in the bushes. Something different about this clearing Silver thought to himself. 


He glanced at Cinder and wondered if he should offer to help get the debris out of her mane and tail. He decided not to. He'd had enough prods and knocks on the head for one adventure!


Instead he pulled out a flute from his music bag and played a haunting melody to blend with the forest noise and hopefully guide the others to where they were.

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"Uh, that was..." Cinder stalled. Not quite sure what had happened.. "... unexpected?"


She proceeded to sit at the edge of the clearing, sorting through various bottles until she came across a thick, black paste which she promptly started to apply to the various scratches she had picked up on the way.


He could had at least mentioned what he was going to do! We could have crashed or been seen or...' She thought, but kept it to herself, instead deciding to take stock of what she had brought.


A brown pouch contained two small black orbs, which if broken would give off a short lived thick cloud of black smoke. She had learned how useful this could be in the past. She had two left.


Aside for that there were a pile of mixtures (most of which were unlabled) which could only be described as 'unpredictable', vaguely sorted into two piles - ones to drink and ones that she thought that she probably shouldn't drink.


Lastly, she had her armour and goggles - the too large helmet having been lost somewhere en route from the library.

Never quite forgotten.

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Lyona's ears prickled when she heard the flute. She crawled a little bit more, and finally burst out into the clearing, mane full of leaves and branches.

" Finally! I thought I was gonna be stuck there forever! Ponies, we rest here for a bit and get ourselves together. We're gonna decide our plan of action as well." With that said, the mare then shook herself and sent the mess from her hair flying. Her mane then returned to it's original shape. She looked at the two ponies.


" Oh, so you two lovebirds decided to skip ahead without us, huh?" Lyona had a little smirk on her face. " You two are sharing a tent, so that you won't have to be split apart." 


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My hooves are killing me! thought Silver to himself. He wasn't use to this much trotting about with out flight. He rolled over onto his back glancing up at the night sky, wings spread either side of him, and waiting for the others to catch up. it was at this point that he noticed it was a full moon in the sky. It glowered down on him, illuminating his armor in an eerie glow around him. He glanced over at Cinder who was fiddling with various bottles. Sheesh mares! it's probably perfume, lipstick, hair spray and the like.


(OOC off to bed! Night.)




" Oh, so you two lovebirds decided to skip ahead without us, huh?" Lyona had a little smirk on her face. " You two are sharing a tent, so that you won't have to be split apart." 



Silver Note Gawked at Lyona... 


"Sharing a ...... " he sprang to his hooves. "Really y... you have the complete wrong idea... I ur... prefer to sleep in the tree's. yes that's it! Stay on watch, keep guard." Silver blushed under his fur and was thankful that the cover of night would hide that... except for the fact that he was standing right under the moons rays! Blast it all.


"I'd better... collect wood for a fire!" he said hastily then disappeared to busy himself.


(OOC Ok really leaving this time!)

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Cinder gawped at Lyona for a moment, still part way through tending to the cuts, her face frozen somewhere between a laugh and a scowl. Sure, silvers reaction was priceless but...


"You are the single most evil pony I have ever met." She said in jest, twisting her face to try and find an expression which could show how she felt about the situation. "I might go take my chances with crazy music mare back there."

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Lyona giggled at Silver Note's reaction. " Oh, you. But seriously, you two are sleeping in the same tent. As your commanding officer, I, uhh... command you. Just don't keep the others up at night with your shenanigans." She winked.



 The pegasus waved her off. " I know, I know. No need to compliment me."

Edited by Lynette


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'' Now that problem has been solved, I guess we are going to sleep now. Finally!'' The unicorn trots to her tent, crouching down into her tent to sleep tonight. '' I just hope I don't have to sleep with anyone tonight, I like to have my personal beauty sleep time.'' Laying down in her sleeping bag.

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Cinder shook her head, returning to get mixtures, threading them back into the belts in order.


'How much flash powder did I have? Enough to make another smoke bomb? It would be worth it....'


No, she had to show discipline. Shame though.


"Were the others really lagging behind so much?" She asked, finally putting away the charcoal balm, now covered in thin, ashy lines and looking like somepony doing a poor impression of a zebra.

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Night Dart had gotten caught up in helping the slower ponies out of the brambles, and was last in line. He quickly soared over their heads and landed in the front. 

"Now, you all should be fine, we're entering a clearing. We'll be staying there to rest." He whispered to the ponies.

He arrived at the clearing and looked into the trees all around the edge. No sign of the mare.

Night trotted up to Lyona and spoke.

Coast is clear. We're lucky the animals started their racket again." 


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Using my horn to use my teleportation magic spell, teleports in front with Night Dart. '' I can tell that I'll be happy to get some sleep at last. Now that those annoying animals are just causing some noise, I guess we could sleep there. Not like I'm the leader or anything.''

She starts to stop the teleportation spell. '' Good thing that the unicorn is long gone.''

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