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open Happenings in the Everfree RP


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"Mmppphhh." Lyona's muzzle was buried in the dirt. She sat up quickly, and spat the dirt out, frowning in disgust. "Bleeghh. Gross. How did I fall asleep like that-*hic*" Lyona blinked, and shrugged it off. *hic* The pegasus frowned slightly. -This is gonna be really annoying.-

*Hic* *hic*

She couldn't stop hiccuping, barley finding time to breathe. -I've had hiccups before, but not this bad!- *hic*


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"Heh. I'm fine, I'm fine." She said joyously before scooting over to Silver and whispering in a conspiring tone "I'll tell you when it kicks in in about an hour."


Grabbing a helping of oatmeal, she began to eat to stifle her good humour. 



Silver Note's ears perked up as Cinder whispered and he gave her a strange look Derpywierd_zps61537f4d.jpg Obviously he was wrong about the oats since she hadn't seemed to have eaten them til now. He turned to Lyona, "Permission to hit her with a large branch?" he said jokingly with a big cheesy grin.


Silver Note's jaw dropped yet further when Lyona fell asleep in her oatmeal and then woke up with the hic ups. He badly wanted to say something, express some words of concern for is commanding officer, but he was too busy biting the inside of both his cheeks in  a desperate effort to keep from laughing!


The sun comes out and I sing a song, and everpony goes crazy! What is Equestria coming to? Thought Silver as he cleared his throat, then started pretending to cough to stifle the laughter.


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Barely withholding her mirth, Cinder passed a piece of the tent that she hadn't been able to identify to Lyona to wipe away the dirt and traces of oatmeal.


"Sorry about that ma'am, it sent 'Blaze to sleep at first too. You should start to feel a lot more awake soon. Never did it to me though." She held in another burst of laughter as the Pegasus hiccuped again. "Um, are you feeling ok? Need a drink of water?"

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Waking up from her very excellent sleep from last night. Stretching her hooves, trotting out of her sleeping tent. '' I'd be delighted to light up the sticks.'' Pointing her horn at the sticks, using her fire magic which causes a fire to spark on the sticks/twigs. '' There we go, now we have a nice fire going on for warmth.'' '' So how's it hanging everypony?''

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" You catch a-" *hic* "-cold, Silver? Don't want anypo-" *hic* "-ny getting sick." 




Barely withholding her mirth, Cinder passed a piece of the tent that she hadn't been able to identify to Lyona to wipe away the dirt and traces of oatmeal. "Sorry about that ma'am, it sent 'Blaze to sleep at first too. You should start to feel a lot more awake soon. Never did it to me though." She held in another burst of laughter as the Pegasus hiccuped again. "Um, are you feeling ok? Need a drink of water?"


" Water-" *hic* "-please. My mouth is dryer than a-" *hic* "-desert."*hic* She wiped her face quickly. In between the hiccups, Lyona gasped for breath before hiccuping again. She was beginning to feel a little light-headed and dizzy. She leaned on a tree for balance, still hiccuping.

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Holding out a bottle of clean water, Cinder was almost in stitches from suppressing her laughter. She almost even forgot that they were in the middle of the Everfree.


"It'll ease up soon enough, and the water will help." She whispered to Silver. "Might take a few minutes to go away completely though. Revenge is sweet."

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Lyona eagerly reached forward for the water, only to have another hiccuping fit. Her vision was definitely getting darker now.


" I think I'm gonna faint!" She gasped. She only managed to get a small mouthful of air before hiccuping again. She was fully leaning onto the tree for support now. Lyona didn't feel well at all. Her sight got darker and darker, and her thoughts fuzzier. 

The hiccuping stopped, and the pegasus was now backed up against a tree, breathing softly with her eyes closed.


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'' I guess everything is going well then. I think I had enough sleep for now, but I guess we could continue on this long journey, oh well.'' Fireblaze puts a hood over her head to protect her unicorn horn. Still keeping track of herself with the group along the path.

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'' There we go, now we have a nice fire going on for warmth.'' '' So how's it hanging everypony?''


 Silver Note folded his fore hooves across his chest and tapped his hind hoof on the ground with a slight frown. Addressing Fireblaze he said "I don't think these ponies are taking this mission seriously! What do they think this is? Some kind of game?"


@"Try holding your breath and counting to ten...."




"It'll ease up soon enough, and the water will help." She whispered to Silver. "Might take a few minutes to go away completely though. Revenge is sweet."



"Revenge?" Silver whispered back, "You mean for trying to make us share a tent? I slept... i... I mean... I kept watch in the entrance... so it worked out fine...  But ....


Silver sad out loud "Cinder I think you missed pulling out one of the tent pegs back here...."


Silver Note dragged Cinder behind one of the tents where they were out of view of everyone else's view and gave  her a big....




Then nonchalantly pranced back to the group with his tail flipped over his back.

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'' Yeah, I think they do think this is a game. They get sidetracked pretty easily, since there is a lot of other things happening. It is like a movie with too many sub-plots and no reasons for why they are happening.'' Tapping her hoof on the ground too.

'' But don't worry Silver, the mission will be over but before that can happen. We still have to focus at the task at hand.''

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"Did you see her face? Oh Celestia, I need to do stuff like this more often!" Cinder chuckled as she wandered back to the centre of the clearing.


"Still, wasn't expecting it to be that potent... Maybe these things get better with age? I don't know, have to do some tests when we get back home..."

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Lyona was still at the tree lying with her back against the tree, with her head down and her wings splayed. She had fainted from the lack of air, with her hiccuping so much. She was breathing gently, but at a quick glance it looked as if she had passed away, not just sleeping.


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"Uh, oh, snap. We might have a problem." Cinder said, calming down somewhat at the sight of Lyona still laying against the tree. "They never did any damage to me before..."


Trotting up urgently, she held a hoof against the mares muzzle for a moment.


"I think she's fine but... uh, this might be a little hard to explain to the others." She said sheepishly. "We could throw water over her, that wakes ponies up, right?"

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'' I don't think that water will help. If only we could get an oxygen mask or something, if we could help her. But, whatever we could definitely use the water.'' Fireblaze said, looking at Lyona. Shocked at what might happen to Lyona, if something isn't done soon.

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((OMG :D you kind of got Nocturne's mane right! Or at least her tail. Good job. Oh and your song from earlier was cool.))

Night Dart woke up and looked at the sky. He cursed under his breath. It was obviously daytime, meaning his sight was horrible again. His pupils paled a bit and shrank, as they did every morning. At least they'd grow again when they went back under the tree canopy.. He stood up and dusted himself off, then went to the edge of the clearing. Still no sign of the unicorn. 




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"Uhm, uhh..." Cinder glanced about - she was certain that she had heard that water could rouse ponies, but never really needed to use that piece of knowledge.


It was worth a shot.


Uncorking another bottle, she shook it violently, hurling cold water over the sleeping ponies face.

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Lyona gasped and sputtered, her face and part of her mane wet. She looked around the clearing, confused.

" What happened? Why am I beside this tree? Why am I wet?" Her eyes were darting around. " Are we in danger?" She got up quickly, wings flared. " I'll annihilate anypony who dares to harm us!" Lyona was breathing heavily now, her mane puffed up.


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"Uh..." Cinder froze a little - she had always assumed that Lyona was a good leader - why else would she be in change? But this was something she hadn't expected. She was Fierce.


"No, no. No danger." The earth mare said "You passed out, no annihilating necessary!"


She held up the empty bottle.


"Water, see? To wake you up."

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'' It is a good thing that I don't get her mad. But luckily your fine, Lyona. You kind of went into out of oxygen territory, so now your okay.'' Fireblaze said. Her facial expression showed happiness but, the inside of herself showed doubt. Thinking to herself that Lyona is a good leader and, now all of her doubt is gone.

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Lyona puffed a strand of hair from her face. She had one last look around, and sat down with a huff. " Good. I was about to bring out my wing blades."
The pegasus looked at the bottle curiously, then at Cinder. " I passed out? I don't remember that. I can just recall somepony waking me up, after that everything's too blurry." She frowned.

(We posted practically at the same moment @ChaoticLightning.)


" Who knew oxygen would be my downfall, huh?" Lyona smiled.

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"Not yet!" Chirped Cinder. "Uh, yeah. Apparently you react really badly to these..."


She held up one of the still full vials from her belt.

"Like, it was a LOT more effective than usual. Side effects and all. Still, you should be feeling pretty wide awake now, right?"

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'' So I guess that we continue our journey? Since, after this is all over I will miss you guys.'' Fireblaze invites them for a quick group hug, spreading out her hooves waiting for a hug. '' Quick hug, anybody up for a hug?'' Waits for a hug, so we can continue the mission.

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Lyona looked at the bottle, examining it. -It does look somewhat familiar...-

She raised an eyebrow, and looked back up at Cinder. " What was the drink's purpose in the first place? Was me passing out from lack of oxygen a side effect?" The pegasus narrowed her eyes. 


(Gosh darn it, we keep posting at the same moment. @Chaotic)


" The mission is far from over. I doubt that she's the only reason why the animals are so noisy. Even though that pony's creepy, a single creature cannot disturb the whole forest. There must be a greater force..." Lyona mused.

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"Energy mixture! You were tired and wanted coffee. We didn't have any. Same kind of thing that 'Blaze drunk last night."


Cinder shuffled her hooves a little.


"It looks like they have... different effects for other ponies. I've never passed out before. It seemed to hit you really, really hard."

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Lyona frowned again. " How did I pass out from oxygen depletion, then? Did this potion suddenly render my lungs useless? That could have very well killed me. I would call it an assassination attempt, but since I trust you, I'll let this pass. You should not give out potions if you're not completely sure how they react to ponies. " The pegasus pony said, holding her disapproving expression the whole time. 



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