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'' Oh okay. Now that we informed him about what is happening, we should continue on our trail before that musical hypnotizing evil unicorn comes back to finish what she started.'' She said to Lyona. Waiting for the commander's next order for us to keep moving.

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@@Dark Horn,

" Obviously. We have ear plugs, and that has proved sufficient enough. They're magic, so they block out the noise we don't want to hear. In this case, the siren's voice. No need to take that tone with me, Impetus. I am the one who reports the behavior and performance of everypony after the mission, after all."


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"Fine, fine, have it your way. When do we leave?" says Impetus grudgingly, fairly convinced in the plan, but still sure something could go wrong. "I think I understand what's going on, now." The pegasus straps on a lance and folds and unfolds his wings in impatient anticipation.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Lyona smiled. " Good. We set leave as soon as everypony else has packed up their things. "


She took out her magical compass and studied it. " Energy levels seem higher up the river. We're going there, anyways. Everypony finish packing up, now! We're leaving! Move your plots!" 


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Starting to have a slight evil smile on her face. '' Well this is going to be awesome. To the river!'' Fireblaze said. She finishes packing her things, and starts to run very fast like lightning.

'' Finally we are leaving, onward to the river! Here we go, this will be pretty good or scary.''

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Impetus grins, liking Fire's attitude. He flies in the same direction as her, lance sharpened, and traveling light.


"Scary's nice, but I'll take good anyday. Come on, you lousy, ahem, come on, everypony! Let's go have a chat with this siren of yours."


Impetus continues towards the river.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Looking over at Impetus grinning. Makes it to the right path of the river. '' Your right, scary is nice. I am basically ready for anything, as long as your up for it.'' Fireblaze said to Impetus. '' I just hope that this mission does not end just yet since, it might take longer than expected.'' She continues until she makes it to the river.

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Impetus is only a few steps behind Fireblaze, when she reaches the river. "Who, me? Heh. I'm ready for anything." he says to Fire, though he doesn't sound too sure of himself.


"Not quite sure what you mean by that, but it would be kind of disappointing if our mission ended just now. I'm looking forwards to ending that siren's 'alluring' self, once and for all. Way more exciting than standing around in a rusty suit of armor, waiting on Celestia and Luna wing and hoof. Heh."


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Starting to speed up some more, but then stops at the coordinates of the river. '' I can tell that we can get along just fine. But since you can handle anything then, we can definitely survive anything since we survived since we survived the beginning of the mission.'' Fireblaze starts giving Impetus a very evil grin on her face.

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" Don't fly off after making a statement like that. In reply to your statement, we could use ear plugs, as we did before. I would prefer for the Elements to deal with this, but since this is a threat to the whole of Equestria, the Princess sent us instead. As I said before, we will only call for help from the Elements if the need arises. We have not collected all the needed information. There is a greater force behind all this, and we need to find out what it is before we can go back. My orders from the Princess were to find the main cause behind all the noise, and then report. We have only found a minion. We all are perfectly suited, every guard is trained to deal with dangers. We will handle this." She said firmly. 


Silver Note looked at Lyona with a blank expression on his face. "No disrespect intended Lyona... but with ear plugs in how can we hope to hear what she has to say? You can't hold a conversation with ear plugs in. Sure we can spy on her from afar, but we can only view her body language and actions. I have a feeling we will have to confront her face to face and talk to her. I understand our need to further explore before reporting back but perhaps one of us could go as a runner and ask for some specific help with the sirens magic?" Silver Note secretly hoped that this wouldn't make Lyona even more angry. He had the deepest respect for her, even when she was hic-upping! But great leaders needed great advisers. And since there were none in this group he would have to act as a second-rate, semi-acceptable adviser.




She turned to the rest of the group. " We shall go to the place Silver Note mentioned and discuss our plan of action there."   A shadow peered at them just outside the clearing. It went unnoticed by the ponies who were talking. The thing smiled. " All according to plan..." The thing turned and disappeared. 



Something caused Silver to shudder though he didn't quite know what it might be. the hairs were standing up on the back of his crest, but he kept the feelings to himself.




Impetus arrogantly spirals down from the sky, his golden mane and white coat flashing in the sun (or moonlight. Kind of irrelevant.).   "I've been sent here by Princess Celestia to help you losers in searching this petty forest. What have you good-for-nothing ponies done so far?"


Silver's first reaction was to frown at Impetus. Who in Nightmare Luna's name is this he thought to himself. He thought about stepping forward and giving this pegasus a wing slap but restrained himself,not wanting to upset Lyona further as she seemed in a bad mood with him. Instead he stood back and listened to the conversations silently, constantly checking himself so as not to make a smartass reply.




"Huh. In-ter-est-ing. But do you have any idea on how you're going to go about bringing down this 'siren'? I'm all for rushing in and kicking in the door, but not with magical creatures. What's to stop this siren from 'alluring' you and your soldiers, commander? Did you think of that?"



'Well I thought of that'. Silver thought to himself. 'But apparently my thoughts aren't worth voicing to my commanding officer.' Silver scowled at Impetus and folded his hooves across his chest. He did not like this new arrival one little bit but held his tongue and bided his time. 


He silently followed after the group, head down, ears back and a permanent scowl on his face til they reached the river. He noticed the way Impetus looked at Fireblaze and sidled over to Cinderblock


"They'll make a cute couple" he whispered sarcastically. "This impetus makes Fireblaze look sane." he continued to scowl.


((OOC - Hey all, sorry for long post again, early morning catch up as usual. You guys are GREAT and welcome Dark Horn! Great character. This should make things very interesting in the Everfree. Check ya later have classes. ~ Mike)))

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Well, I guess Impetus and I will get along just fine. Fireblaze thought to herself. Looking over at the calm flow of the river's stream. '' Oh well, now that we reached our destination. I guess this is where we are halfway on our way in completing in the mission, in my opinion.'' Starts to giggle at Silver Note.

( OOC: See you later, Mike.)

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"They'll make a cute couple" he whispered sarcastically. "This impetus makes Fireblaze look sane." he continued to scowl.


"He makes you look like a gentlecolt." Cinder teased under her breath. "Seriously though, he just flies in, says he's been sent by the princess and everypony trusts him, just like that?"


She shook her head as she approached the water, tasting it before submerging the glass bottles one by one, corking and attaching each one to her belts.


"Ok, I've got plenty." She said, taking care to only talk loud enough that the rest of the group would hear her.  "You all might want to take some if you can though, don't know how long these will last if I have to keep throwing them in ponies faces."

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(OOC: Thanks for the welcome, Mike! I have the feeling I'm going to have fun here. On a slightly what-in-the-name-of-Discord note, I believe I see eight guests reading this RP. happy.png )


Impetus, arrogantly regally, tosses his head back, but fills up a water bottle of his own, though not quite sure of its safety.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Grabbing a water bottle with her hoof, opens the bottle cap, pouring in water from the river in the water bottle.


'' Time to enjoy some cool refreshing water.''  Tilting her head back, drinking half of the water with her mouth. Fireblaze relishes the fact that not only had she not had water in a span of days but, that she feels pretty attracted to a certain colt.


'' Well, let's move along the path after we get our required refreshment.''

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"He makes you look like a gentlecolt." Cinder teased under her breath. "Seriously though, he just flies in, says he's been sent by the princess and everypony trusts him, just like that?"


Silver Note motioned for Cinder to follow him a little way from the group and he whispered. "I don't trust him either, how do we now he's not the one causing all this or in league with that siren unicorn? Lets not tell Lyona our suspicions yet, just keep an eye on this impetuous Impetus. But seriously... do you have any more or those hic-up potions? I think I'm in need of one." Silver smirked mischievously. Then fluttered back over to the stream to fill his water flask.



((OOC: Don't ya just love OOC's inside of OOC's?


(OOC: Thanks for the welcome, Mike! I have the feeling I'm going to have fun here. On a slightly what-in-the-name-of-Discord note, I believe I see eight guests reading this RP.  )  

Really? I've never noticed that before. LOL. Maybe we will be famous role players some day, or maybe it's mods checking up on us.))

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"No disrespect intended Lyona... but with ear plugs in how can we hope to hear what she has to say? You can't hold a conversation with ear plugs in. Sure we can spy on her from afar, but we can only view her body language and actions. I have a feeling we will have to confront her face to face and talk to her. I understand our need to further explore before reporting back but perhaps one of us could go as a runner and ask for some specific help with the sirens magic?"


Lyona sighed. " Silver Note, the earplugs are magic. We hear only what we want to hear. "


(OOC: I'd usually go along with that, but that wouldn't fit in with the plot I'm making. Might change my mind later though)


The pegusus filled up her flask with water. She quickly placed it in her saddle bags. She looked back to see Cinder and Silver chatting, and then Silver left to get his fill of water.


-What are they up to?- Lyona narrowed her eyes, looking at Silver then at Cinder.




'' Well, let's move along the path after we get our required refreshment.''


" We will. Just need to check my compass again." Lyona looked at her magic compass. It was pointing to across the river. " We go across the river, so the pegasai need to carry everypony else." 


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Lyona sighed. " Silver Note, the earplugs are magic. We hear only what we want to hear. "


"Ah I see" Silver Note stated. "I didn't realize, I was using leaves after all."


'Do I really annoy her that much?' Silver thought to himself miserably. "Perhaps I ought to keep my thoughts and idea's to myself"


He heaved a heavy sigh and sat down in the river bank with a loud THUD, looking a bit despondent. ADrsad_zpsf281b9fc.jpg




" We will. Just need to check my compass again." Lyona looked at her magic compass. It was pointing to across the river. " We go across the river, so the pegasai need to carry everypony else." 


Silver Note perked his ears forward towards Lyona. "Urrr no problem Ma'am but who is carrying whom?" 

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He heaved a heavy sigh and sat down in the river bank with a loud THUD, looking a bit despondent


Lyona looked at Silver Note, a tired smile on her face. " Sorry, Silver. I'm just a bit exhausted from all these events. I get a bit grumpy sometimes."




Silver Note perked his ears forward towards Lyona. "Urrr no problem Ma'am but who is carrying whom?" 


" I guess you can carry Cinder, she's not that heavy. Impetus will carry Blaze, and I'll carry Night Dart. " Lyona responded, stretching her wing muscles. She was not that good with flying, since she preferred to walk. She still had enough strength to carry a pony for a short distance, even Night Dart.


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"Ah I see" Silver Note stated. "I didn't realize, I was using leaves after all."

"You know, I did wonder about that." Cinder said. "Guess I was just a little preoccupied to pay attention."


She looked around at Lyona after get statement about crossing the water.


"Carry me? Across that? As in, over it?" She looked at the water. "Uh, I guess."


Cinder wasn't a fan of water: it was fine for drinking or bathing, but it had never been an element she was comfortable with. At all.


'Beats swimming, I guess.' she thought.

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Silver Note glanced Cinders direction with a slight blush that he hoped no one would see.... Whoovesblush_zpsc73cf471.jpg


"cccc carry Cinder?" He asked Lyona. He realized he'd carried her a short distance before,, but that was different. It was before he'd heard her laugh! That laugh....... Oh my. His stomach suddenly felt a bit like Fluttershy's cutie mark!






"Of course" He replied giving Lyona a nod as he lept to his hooves. Then Silver glanced at Cinder to see what her reaction was.

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Cinder glanced around again, her gaze repeatedly coming back to the strong current of the water.


Nopony had mentioned this in training.


She turned to Silver, who was looking flushed: was be nervous? Did he think he wouldn't be able to carry her? That would be bad: really bad.


"Drop me in there and I swear to Celestia...." She said nervously before pausing to quietly add. "Still, I'm glad it's you and not incompetence over there, or whatever he's called. Please don't drop me..."


(Character development, huh. Looks like hanging out with some more brash ponies is turning her a little snarky, heh.)

  • Brohoof 1

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"Of course" He replied giving Lyona a nod as he lept to his hooves. Then Silver glanced at Cinder to see what her reaction was.


" Good. You two go first, I'll be right behind you." She smiled. -Just need to find Night Dart first...- She looked around for the pony. -Hopefully he won't be too heavy.-



" If he drops you, he'll have to catch you since everypony else will already have their hooves full." 


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"Drop me in there and I swear to Celestia...." She said nervously before pausing to quietly add. "Still, I'm glad it's you and not incompetence over there, or whatever he's called. Please don't drop me..."


"Drop you? Ha! No way. I'm a very experienced flyer" Silver Note said with all the confidence he could muster.  .Ultraconfident_zps0217b0b9.jpg  He flapped his wings boldy for effect. "Besides, I didn't drop you last time did I?" With a sheepish grin Silver Note soared up over Cinder grabbing her around the middle and flew swiftly and skillfully over the river, landing on the other side and letting Cinders hooves touch the ground gently, as if it was the easiest thing for anypony to do in all of Equestria!


"Ta Da!"  He said with a confident smirk on his face.




(( Yeah I'm finding some odd character development happening during this RP LOL My OC is now love struck? LMAO))

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(Best character development is accidental I think, makes things a bit more dynamic :P)


Before she could react, Cinder found herself being lifted, suspended over the water and landing on the far side of the river. She nodded in appreciation before shaking herself herself to limber out some of the tension as Silver...


'Is he posing?'


She shook her head.


"Flying, that's fine. Water, not so fine." She said. "Thanks, I mean. We're finding a bridge on the way back though."


She stomped the ground a couple of times. "Earth Pony, clues in the name: Earth Pony."

Edited by Cinderscribe

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'' Well, I'm ready to hit the road with the rest of you ponies So, time for me to get over the river.'' Pointing her horn over the river, her magic teleports her over the river with the rest of the group. '' Now that I'm over the river, I guess we are going to keep going.'' Fireblaze walks along the long path to the rest of the forest.

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