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open Happenings in the Everfree RP


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(( Since I didn't join this sooner, let me explain how my OC is going to drop in. She was with this group already, but she was just a really shy pony and was in the back of the group the whole time so nopony noticed her. ))


Mintatheena trotted behind the group, examining the sights around her. It was a dimly lit forest, no sun shining whatsoever. She followed the rest of the group about ten feet behind them, the hood of her coat hiding her face, hoping they didn't notice her.


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Lyona looked behind just incase anypony was following them. She noticed a pony in a coat and was about to attack them. 

-Wait. Wasn't that pony in our group on the train...? She's really quiet, huh.-


" Hey, you better stay close. The forest's not very safe, I don't want anypony getting hurt." Lyona smiled, then looked front again.


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Staying with the group after we all gathered as much water as we could from the river. '' I feel that now that we are back on track, we can definitely still stay focused on the task at hand. Wait there is a pony behind us?'' Looking behind the group, where there is a unknown pony in a coat.

'' Lyona is right, stay close to us and we will keep you safe.'' Fireblaze smiles over at Mintatheena.

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Staying with the group after we all gathered as much water as we could from the river. '' I feel that now that we are back on track, we can definitely still stay focused on the task at hand. Wait there is a pony behind us?'' Looking behind the group, where there is a unknown pony in a coat.

'' Lyona is right, stay close to us and we will keep you safe.'' Fireblaze smiles over at Mintatheena.




Lyona looked behind just incase anypony was following them. She noticed a pony in a coat and was about to attack them. 

-Wait. Wasn't that pony in our group on the train...? She's really quiet, huh.-


" Hey, you better stay close. The forest's not very safe, I don't want anypony getting hurt." Lyona smiled, then looked front again.


Mintatheena was surprised at the sudden remark. She trotted a few steps closer to the group, fearing that she might get lost. She didn't respond to the kindness. Nopony noticed her before. She still hung her head until the next obstacle that would prevent the group to go through the forest. She didn't even bother trying to talk to the animals anymore. They've been turned into monsters somehow.

Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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Putting her hoof over Mintatheena's back, trying to comfort her. '' Don't worry you will be safe as long as you stick with us. We will make sure that you are safe and healthy since we have a great leader named Lyona. She has been doing a great job as a leader.'' Looking over at the crazy animals.

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Lyona didn't hear Blaze talk to Mintatheena. She was lost in her thoughts.

" I do wonder how the animals are. They seem pretty scared, but I'm no expert. Better with cats." Lyona thought out loud. 

" They're the reason we were alerted that there was a problem after all. That siren seemed to attract the animals, I wonder how..." The rest of Lyona's words faded into mutterings.


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'' I guess that we don't have to worry about the animals at all then. Since we have you as our great leader, not trying to kiss up to you or anything.'' Her cheeks start to blush a light red still thinking about the last person that Celestia sent to the group as reinforcements. '' I hope that your not looking at me blushing, I get pretty shy when I am.''

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Mintatheena didn't listen to her words. She remained silent. She kept trotting ahead, and heard a rustle in the bushes. She didn't give a care about it and kept trotting ahead of the group, as she sensed the rustle was either a bear or a bird. 'Might as well get this over with,' she thought to herself.


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" A leader is only as good as their team." Lyona smiled. 

-What could she be blushing about? Hmm... Maybe that stallion Celestia sent over...- Lyona smirked knowingly to herself. 




" So." Lyona caught up to Minty. " What's your special talent? And I didn't quite catch your name..."

Edited by Lynette


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'' You got that right, we are a pretty unstoppable team. I bet your wondering why I was blushing, aren't you?'' Fireblaze has a fake smile on her face, showing that she is trying to hide her true feelings for that stallion.


'' Because, maybe I'm trying to hide my feelings from you.'' She starts to smile very sarcastically.

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" A leader is only as good as their team." Lyona smiled. 

-What could she be blushing about? Hmm... Maybe that stallion Celestia sent over...- Lyona smirked knowingly to herself. 




" So." Lyona caught up to Minty. " What's your special talent? And I didn't quite catch your name..."




'' You got that right, we are a pretty unstoppable team. I bet your wondering why I was blushing, aren't you?'' Fireblaze has a fake smile on her face, showing that she is trying to hide her true feelings for that stallion.


'' Because, maybe I'm trying to hide my feelings from you.'' She starts to smile very sarcastically.


"...Mintatheena. " She said quietly. She avoided any further discussion so she decided to fly instead of walk. She watched the animals in the forest. I wish I knew why the animals were behaving this way.. they wouldn't talk either. Sounds like me.. she thought to herself, as she flew along the path. She didn't want to admit it, but she never actually talked to a pony for as long as she could remember. Well, back until college. So, she actually forgot that she can speak, since she didn't think it was a necessity. Her parents warned her about the world, always out to get you, so she didn't want to even get hurt by her fellow Royal Guard. 

  • Brohoof 1


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"...Mintatheena. " She said quietly. She avoided any further discussion so she decided to fly instead of walk. 


Lyona barley caught her words. She heard 'Mint', and assumed her name was that. She opened her mouth to say something when the pegasus flew away. She closed her mouth. -Guess she wants to be left alone...-




'' Because, maybe I'm trying to hide my feelings from you.'' She starts to smile very sarcastically.


Lyona keeps walking but suddenly stops. 

"Oh, I'm simply flattered." She holds a hoof to her heart. The pegasus turns around very dramatically, wings slightly open. " But darling, aren't you with that blond-haired guard?" She smiled innocently. " Impetus is his name, am I right?"

Edited by Lynette


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'' Yeah that was his name but, don't be ridiculous. It's not like I liked him or anything but, we did have some chemistry.'' Fireblaze looks at Lyona with a very funny look on her face.



'' That is a very nice name, but I guess you want to be alone I'm guessing.'' Looking at Minty fly away.

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" Liked him? I'd say it was more than that. I'd say it was looooovveee." Lyona cooed. " He's still with us, you know. You can go up to him and tell him your feelings." The pegasus winked, before shooting up in the air.



Lyona looked around the forest. She was above the tree tops. -No threats. Good.- She checked her compass again to check if they were going in the right direction. Nodding with satisfaction, she flew back down.


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'' Love? Ha, your very funny Lyona. You think that I like Impetus? Why would you think that I love Impetus at all? You must be acting crazy.'' Following the compass to see if I'm going the right direction. The unicorn starts to smirk at Lyona.

'' I guess everypony is going to suspect that I like every new colt that joins the team.''

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'' Love? Ha, your very funny Lyona. You think that I like Impetus? Why would you think that I love Impetus at all? You must be acting crazy.'' Following the compass to see if I'm going the right direction. The unicorn starts to smirk at Lyona. '' I guess everypony is going to suspect that I like every new colt that joins the team.''


" What did you say again?" Lyona tapped her chin thoughtfully. " Oh yeah. You said that you and him have some 'chemistry'. Silver Note's clearly taken by Cinderblock, and you and Impetus together are adorable."  She smiled mischievously. -Who knew being a matchmaker and a commander at the same time would be so fun?-

  • Brohoof 1


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'' Are you sure that your right about me loving Impetus? We do have a bit chemistry but, the only way that Silver Note would be right is if me and Impetus kiss each other. Which there is absolutely no way, that you would be able to get proof about that.'' She starts to laugh evilly '' So how about we bet on it Lyona?'' Fireblaze keeps on walking along with her.

  • Brohoof 1
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" Fine. I bet you five bits that eventually you and Impetus would eventually kiss. " Lyona hovered above the ground, smirking. " I know that I'll win. He seems to like you as well."

-I better win. I want five bits to go buy myself a nice coffee after this is all over.-


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'' You got yourself a deal there. I know that Impetus and I will not kiss so, I got my victory locked up with those five bits put to good use.'' Looking over at Lyona hovering above the ground. Fireblaze's horn causes five bits to appear, putting it in her money pouch. '' I'm keeping these five bits to make sure that the winner gets these bits, so I'll definitely enjoy winning.'' Laughing very evilly, with an evil smile.

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" What did you say again?" Lyona tapped her chin thoughtfully. " Oh yeah. You said that you and him have some 'chemistry'. Silver Note's clearly taken by Cinderblock, and you and Impetus together are adorable."  She smiled mischievously. -Who knew being a matchmaker and a commander at the same time would be so fun?-



'' You got yourself a deal there. I know that Impetus and I will not kiss so, I got my victory locked up with those five bits put to good use.'' Looking over at Lyona hovering above the ground. Fireblaze's horn causes five bits to appear, putting it in her money pouch. '' I'm keeping these five bits to make sure that the winner gets these bits, so I'll definitely enjoy winning.'' Laughing very evilly, with an evil smile.

Mintatheena was flying over a canyon, listening to their conversation as she thought about her own love interest. As she was distractedly flying, she crashed into a tall sequoia tree. Her hood fell off of her head, revealing her face. She tried to recover from the crash.


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Running over to Mintatheena, trying to see if she is alright. '' Are you alright, Minty? I'm here to help you if you need anything.'' Putting her hood over her head, healing Minty with her magic from her horn. '' Now, should we get back to the group or do you need more time?''

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Mintatheena shook her head. "I'm fine.." she mumbled, and got back up on her feet. She noticed she had a broken wing, so she can't fly. She trotted back to the group. Can't believe I actually let somepony see my face.. I'm so disappointed in myself.. She brushed a strand of her mane out of her face, occasionally tripping over. She can't keep her balance.


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Helping Minty rise up on her two hooves, trotting to the group with Minty. '' Oh you have a broken wing, almost forgot. I'll heal that up quickly.'' Pointing her horn at Minty's broken wing when a sudden burst of magic comes from Fireblaze's horn which heals the broken wing, but accidently hypnotized her with the magic. '' Now, your wing is fully healed but I accidently hypnotized you.''

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Laughing very evilly, with an evil smile.


Lyona raised an eyebrow. " Okaaay? I think I'll go over there..."


The pegasus flew quickly to the two ponies. " Mint, are you alrigh-" She then heard Fireblaze say that she had accidentally hypnotized her.


" What? How the heck can you accidentally hypnotize somepony? Un-hypnotize her right now!" 


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'' That was my bad, my horn accidentally had a burst of magic that caused her to be hypnotized. I'll do it then.'' A burst of magic comes from her horn that un-hypnotized Minty from the hypnotizing. Starting to realize her mistake. '' I'm sorry to you and Minty, about that.''

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