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open Happenings in the Everfree RP


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((I like how this is turning into a one hilarious mistake after another, I'm all for the adventure but this is brilliant! ))





"Uh, maybe like how I accidentally made you pass out?" Cinder interjected from seemingly nowhere with a half smile before noticing the hooded mare. "Oh! I don't know you, Hi!! I'm Cinder!"


She quickly glanced at her commanding officer.


"I mean, uh..."


Cinder made a still salute to Mintatheena.

Never quite forgotten.

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'' Well now that has passed by but not escalating creepy I guess that this long mission is really such an amazing adventure. I'm really enjoying this adventure like a very hyperactive pony.'' Salutes over to Cinder. '' Howdy Cinder. I see that you met our new member of the group, she is pretty shy at first but I bet she is nice when you get to know her.'' Bouncing up and down like a sugar crazed Pinkie Pie on all four hooves.

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" Okay, okay. Now everypony get a move on! We got walking to do!" Lyona ordered. 



The animals started chattering all of a sudden. It was similar to how they howled during the night, but this was quieter, and seemed to be only the animals around them. Their sounds increased in volume.


" What? But it's daytime! You're supposed to only be noisy at night... " Lyona looked around. The animals were restless, moving and squirming. " Everypony, we gotta move. I don't like this..."


Signature by Azura

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'' Trust me, I didn't like these animals when we first started this mission. I just hope that we don't see that unicorn that hypnotized one of our own with a very eerie song. Besides, animals are noisy any time of the day.'' Following Lyona's orders correctly.


Listening to the animals making many noises around us, Fireblaze starts to feel timid at the sound of them.

'' This is crazy. Luckily, when I win our bet I'll be able to spend five bits on some relaxing products.''

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" Liked him? I'd say it was more than that. I'd say it was looooovveee." Lyona cooed. " He's still with us, you know. You can go up to him and tell him your feelings." The pegasus winked, before shooting up in the air.


Silver Note snickered behind his hoof as he heard the conversation taking place. snicker_zps54f4b7ed.jpg 'At least she's distracted from matchmaking me and Cinderblock' he thought. He wondered if Impetus and Fireblaze will be sharing the tent this time. That will keep him out of our manes! Silver thought, as he suppressed his laughter. 


Silver sidled over to Cinder and said "If they do have to share a tent, they are NOT getting our two room one. It's the only two room tent in the bundle" He winked at Cinder giving her a slight nudge. "I'll bet you five bits that they DON'T kiss, and mainly because I think Impetus is too fond of himself to kiss anything other than a mirror." 



Mintatheena was flying over a canyon, listening to their conversation as she thought about her own love interest. As she was distractedly flying, she crashed into a tall sequoia tree. Her hood fell off of her head, revealing her face. She tried to recover from the crash.
Silver flinched as he heard a semi loud crash. cringe_zps1facc67d.jpg He quickly glanced about and noticed a small green pony wearing a coat. the hood had flown back in the impact and he recognized the pony as none other than Mintatheena. He'd seen her about at Cloudsdale, especially during pony school when he'd constantly hide from bullies who made fun of his dapples. She seemed to have been hiding from ponies as well. He'd never actually spoken to her, as a matter of fact, he wasn't sure she'd actually spoken to anyone!
Silver Note flew over to the site of the accident.
@"Oh Hello Mintatheena... I didn't even notice you were with the group.... " Silver Note listened intently as Fireblaze fumbled up healing Minty's head and wing and in the process hypnotizing the poor pony.
"Sheesh!" Silver rolled his eyes. innocent_zpsf822425b.jpg"Step aside, let me have a look. It takes a pegasus to understand flight problems"
"Unicorns!" Silver Note thought to himself. He could never understand magic. It gave him the heeby geebies.
Silver Note carefully examined Minty's wing and noticed that several of the flight feathers were missing. "You've lost flight feathers 2 and 4." He told her. "They will grow back but it takes months. Looks like you're earth bound for a while. No magic can heal that."


" Okay, okay. Now everypony get a move on! We got walking to do!" Lyona ordered. 


"Walk????" Silver Note burst into a stifled laughter, giving several little pig snorts in the process. He then lifted off the ground hovering just above it. "Yes ma'am,, ready to ... 'walk' miles" He gave her a ridiculous smile, then noticing all the others salutes gave her one himself. Salute_zpseca6d3a6.jpg




'' Trust me, I didn't like these animals when we first started this mission. I just hope that we don't see that unicorn that hypnotized one of our own with a very eerie song. Besides, animals are noisy any time of the day.'' Following Lyona's orders correctly.


Silver Note glanced sideways at Fireblaze. "Oh yes, not like unicorns don't do that sort of thing on a regular basis is it" he said sarcastically.  Then hovered forward ready to follow Lyona to the ends of Equestria.


((( OOC stuff: Hey all, you guys are a crack up. Get so many laughs over your bantering about in this role play and wouldn't have it any other way. The sub-plots are awesome! so I did record the song but I'm so off key that I'm embarassed to upload it! Blush_zps7c2fb7f5.jpg LOL but probably will as long as you guys don't send it to any of my college friends or post it on youtube saying "This is Mikestar Brony's terrible singing! Cuz if you do I'll have to fly over and drop rotten eggs on your computers. Anyways.... Welcome to newcomer Minty Wintergreen. Cute new character. I assumed you wanted her flightless so sort or bought into that if that is ok. Haven't read your history on her so hope I'm not too far off with them having seen each other at cloudsdale. If so I can go back and edit it. End of silly OOC stuff.))

Edited by Mikestar
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'' Oh great, now Cinder and Silver Note are talking about my nonexistent relationship with Impetus. The tensions are definitely ensuing between those two in a very comedic way while, Lyona and I have our bet at the same time. I can tell that this is too funny.'' Putting a hood over her head, walking with the group until we get to the next objective. '' Defend the objective.'' Fireblaze cracks up at her joke.

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Cinder watched incredulously as the other ponies in turn mimicked her salute.


"Huh." she said, a little confused.


She didn't really know much about pegasi anatomy so she refrained from 'helping' Mintatheena: one potentially fatal mistake was quite enough for today. She hovered around for a while, still curious about the mare whom she had only just noticed.


Finally deciding that she wasn't going to be much use, she fell in beside Lyona.


"Does your magic clock tell us how far we need to go? Or just, like..." she pointed forwards "That way?"



((Also, inspired by how well this is going and that everyone else is more creative than me, I fancied doing another vector of Cinder using Mikestars armor as a reference img-1621221-1-happy.png))





Edited by Cinderscribe
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Never quite forgotten.

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Looking over at Cinder. '' Oh nothing. It is just that everypony thinks that I have a romantic feeling for Impetus but, it is definitely not true.'' Skipping around for a random reason, stops her skipping for a second. '' Anyway, I hope that Lyona's compass is taking us to the right direction.'' Flipping her mane in a very nonchalant way, showing that Fireblaze is prepared for anything.

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((Sorry, I've been inactive all day. Interesting things going on. happy.png )


"No, it's not true. Or, if it is, the feeling isn't reciprocated in any meaningful fashion. Let's just get this over with." says Impetus, keeping what his hormones bottled up inside. He grins as he picks up Fire, flies in a few lethargic loops, and then abruptly crashes on the other side of the river, unused to carrying so much weight.



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"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Crashing down with Impetus, landing on her back. '' I'll handle this if you don't mind.'' Putting his arm over her back, using a teleportation spell to teleport both of us with the group on the other side of the river. '' Try not to do that again, I would not want you to make yourself look bad.'' Putting back on her hood, hiding her blushing cheeks. Fireblaze knew that she was hiding her burning affection.

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Silver Note watched with amusement as Impetus transported Fireblaze back over to the wrong side of the river. Didn't he realize that Fire had already levitated the rest of the party across???  (Except himself and Cinder who were already across). Talk about not paying attention! What a feather brain. Then Silver Note stifled another laugh as Fireblaze levitated them both back to the right side of the river arm in arm and all cozy looking.


'This is going to be one heck of an adventure!' He thought to himself.


"Are you sure you don't have any more of those hic-up potions?" Silver whispered to Cinder but then he had another idea.... Sneaking over to Impetus's backpack he sneakily pilfered out Impetus's water supply and spiked it with his beer. Just enough that Impetus wouldn't taste it, but enough that when he drank it he would slowly get intoxicated. Snickering evilly to himself Silver replaced the water flask with out impetus noticing a thing since he was too tied up with Fireblaze.



'I just hope I don't get found out and stable-marshalled' Silver thought to himself as he bounded off tail in the air and mane waving in the breeze. Bounce_zps114f8772.jpg

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((Completely missed the first teleportation. Heh.))


Impetus doesn't notice the poisoning of his water, yawning. "So... which way does our compass point now?" he asks, also, being a, as you put it, feather-brain, doesn't notice Fire's reaction to him. Having humiliated himself with his crash and lack of attention, he doesn't make a snide comment about the magic compass.

  • Brohoof 1


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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'' I just hope that I don't get injured on this whole trip, since if I start to get injured I'll just be a liability and a burden on this mission.''

Looking in one of her five pouches for some glasses. '' Look Impetus, everypony has been spreading some rumors about you and I since I told Lyona some foolish thing I said to her: that you and I have chemistry like in a relationship.'' Looking at the compass. ''Are you okay, Impetus?''

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"They're not supposed to..." Cinder began before Silver slipped away, pouring something into Impetus' water. Considering the only liquid Cinder was aware of him carrying was...


She snorted in mirth, bounding after the pegasus.


"That was brilliant!" She hissed excitedly. "I kind of felt sorry for Lyona but Ineptus... not so much."





((Darn you all, I forgot how much I enjoy drawing Cinder, now I've ended up spending far too much time adding details to her!))



  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Impetus throws his head back and laughs. "What are you talking about?"


Then he looks around the group and sees that she's serious. "Well, let's settle this. There's nothing going on here between the two of us. We only just met, perhaps twenty minutes ago. I like her, as I do most ponies ((Lie, he dislikes most ponies he meets.)), but there certainly is no love at first sight going on here!"


Impetus trots over to his pack and takes a drink of intoxicated water. But she IS sort of pretty... he thinks to himself.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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((((( OOC -


((Completely missed the first teleportation. Heh.))



LOL NO problem it just made it that much funnier! 


OOC: Spoiler ((Darn you all, I forgot how much I enjoy drawing Cinder, now I've ended up spending far too much time adding details to her!))



yeah, art  is addictive. Which is why I'm majoring in art.))))





"So... which way does our compass point now?"




''Are you okay, Impetus?''



Silver Note whispers to Cinderblock with an air of sarcasm dripping with mischief. "It's probably spinning like his brain" 




"That was brilliant!" She hissed excitedly. "I kind of felt sorry for Lyona but Ineptus... not so much."


Silver Note whispers back "Shhhhh don't tell anyone. I'll probably get stable marshalled but the confinement will be worth it to see him crash again." Silver brushed off the guilty feeling rising in him. This Impetus did, after all, call them all losers. 'I'll show him loser! 'Silver thought just a little maliciously. He really disliked bullies and ruffians. Besides, he'd been rude to their commanding officer! Nopony gets away with that... .except himself. Nopony!




((yet more OOC - Ok so here is the unlisted link to the song.... remember. I had nothing to do with it at all! Go easy on me, I'm an art, design and drama major, NOT a music major.))




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Impetus grins, taking another drink of the water. What was in that river? This water is good! Impetus looks around, taking account of the ponies. "Come on, you slackers! What's taking so long? What are you waiting for? Let's go bring down that siren, you-"


He stumbles a few steps, and then falls into the river with a splash.

Edited by Dark Horn
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"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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'' I knew that there was no spark of love at first sight between us like you said, or at least that is the intoxicated water talking.'' Trying to keep her eyes still on the task at hand. '' But anyway, if you do like me I guess we could share the same tent tonight if you want.''

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"Oh, sure. Why not? I don't see a reason why we can't share a tent." says Impetus, smiling and taking a third drink of water as he staggers out of the creek. "Wait, what? Intoxicated what-now?!" he says, coming to his normally acute senses, tossing the flask in the river.


"Say what, now? What's happening? That's water from the river! Why would I drink on duty?"

Edited by Dark Horn


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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'' You weren't drinking on duty, you needed a drink so you put that water in your bag. I wouldn't worry about it at all.'' Grabbing the flask from the river. '' I suggest that you have more of this delicious healthy water. Trust me, you will love it.'' Keeping her guilt inside of herself.

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"Come on, you slackers! What's taking so long? What are you waiting for? Let's go bring down that siren, you-"


"Slacker at your service and ready for action SIR" said Silver Note with a mock salute. "I do think though that we should all refresh ourselves completely first.... we could get very dehydrated in this forest under the influence of it's magic."


He took a long swig of his water downing the lot then refilling it at the spring....


Wait a minute... there is a pony in this stream! It's Impetus! Silver turned his back to hide the smirk and stifled the laughter winking at Cinderblock 24755_t_zpsad746c53.png pointing towards Impetus and trying very hard not to fall to the ground laughing hysterically. smiley___discord_yeah_by_telimbo-d58pczh 



or at least that is the intoxicated water talking.'


Silver Note over heard Fireblaze's comment and wondered if she had SEEN him spiking the water... Gasp_zps66fbf4d5.jpg at any rate if she did she seemed to be covering up for him in the long run. 


He let out a sigh of relief.




He'd try and make it up to her later. In the mean time he trotted nonchalantly along behind Lyona wondering if those other two would ever catch up.

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Impetus looks a bit confused at Fire's words at first, and then blushes at the laughter. He decides that he's not really thirsty anymore, putting his flask in his pack.


"So..." he says. "...what cruel thing shall we do to each other now?" Impetus doesn't have the faintest idea of who did it, though Fire looks guilty, but he has the vague idea that someone played a prank on him.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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'' Oh I know what cruel thing we should do to each other, decisions decisions. How about we prank each other tonight, then we continue it from there?'' Fireblaze looking at Impetus, hiding her guilt with a huge suspicious grin on her face that nopony can identify as ''hiding something.''

'' I suggest that we just try to humor each other while we do these cruel things.''

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"That may possibly have been the single, finniest thing I have ever seen in my life." Cinder said quietly, almost in fits of giggles internally. "Beer? That stuffs like alchemical alcohol!"


She stopped laughing for a moment to frown towards the belt laden with bottles.


"Huh, I should have brought some. It's useful." 


She trotted along with the others, gradually calming herself down as they progressed. 


"You know, It's alright now, but at night? Pretty dangerous here." Cinder stated the obvious out loud. "Would have thought I ought to have been sent somewhere less hostile, straight from training. Glad I wasn't, this is great! Just an observation."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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'' So I guess we should get started on these pranks, Impetus. That is, if your up to the challenge. I can definitely handle you.''


Gathering all of the prank materials that she needs to win this fun prank battle against Impetus.


'' This is going to be fun, and at the same time deadly.'' Fireblaze thought to herself not only was she ready for some fun but, she still has romantic feelings that she would not dare tell anypony else about. Not even if they tried to kill her.

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