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"Well, if it's not a musical, it should be." Impetus giggles. "Anyhow," he says, lying back. "I think my performance was well worth a cupcake, or well, at least a bite." Impetus abruptly flies off his cloud, snatches a piece of the cupcake out of Fire's hoof. "Let's see if it was really worth singing my awesome song." He looks at the piece of cupcake hungrily.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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"You know, if that was me handing out cupcakes instead of 'Blaze, I'd have mixed in the defective potion I acciendly gave to Lyona before you turned up..."


Cinder grinned, wondering whether she could put the Pegasus off the cupcake.


"It was hilarious... until she passed out. You should defiantly eat it. Only good things can happen from eating a cupcake. Same as drinking a nice, refreshing and not in any way spiked bottle of water."

Never quite forgotten.

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((I was hoping someone would save me. :P))


Impetus starts to look uncertain. "Defective... potion? Spiked... bottle of water?" The Royal Guard's face clouds, then clears with a laugh. "Thanks, Cinder. Fire's been looking guilty around me lately. I knew she would try something funny at some point." Impetus tosses the piece of cupcake back at Fire, where it rolls to a stop at one of her hooves.


"Nice try, Blaze! But nothin' gets past your friendly neighborhood, totally awesome Royal Guard!"


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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'' I just hope that you like it. The cupcake is made up of sugar, delicious sprinkles, and some coconut.'' Looking at Impetus literally look at the cupcake like a very hungry wolf waiting for their pray.

'' I hope your happy now.'' Laughing at Impetus. '' This was so worth it.''

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"Huh? What was so worth it? Whatever it is, your hopes should be high, with good reason. I couldn't be happier."


But a single eyeball occasionally twitches towards the cupcake.


Give me my cupcaaaake! he thinks with a laugh. "Ah, well. Are we there yet? No? How about now? Now?"


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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'' I guess my hopes are pretty high, luckily you don't want more of the cupcake.''


Her eyes start to look at Impetus, with a very burning passion.


'' I knew that, I had you wrapped around my hoof just for you to try to get the cupcake. Luckily, the rest is for Lyona.''


Blaze starts to plot her next move, with a very evil grin.

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Cinder giggled like a filly at the blank expression Impetus gave when she mentioned the potion: and when he decided not to eat the morsel...


"You know, when we get back? We need to start a petition to get cupcakes added to the ration list..." she said. "... and muffins too! Wait, what?"


((And on that note, bed time for me! Night all, enjoy the cupcakes and try to not kill each other while Cinder wanders along, oblivious to all around her!))

  • Brohoof 2

Never quite forgotten.

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"Cupcakes AND muffins! Agreed! We'll also need a food taster, too."


"Wrapped around your hoof! Ha! What are you talking about?" Impetus laughs so hard, oblivious to the actuality of things, that he falls off his cloud and almost lands on Fire. "Ouch. Let's get back to moving, shall we?"


((G'nite! We'll have fun with the poisoned cupcakes!))


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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'' Let's just say that when you were slaving over that cupcake, I was able to make you beg for the cupcake.''


A halo starts to appear in the middle of the forest, until it was burned by the fire.


'' Yeah we shall keep going, since I know that your interested in me.'' Grabbing the rest of the fire with her magic.

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"... What kind of desert?"


" Chocolate cake with dotted berries and cream." She smiled. 








"I know you think it's all just me not taking things seriously,... but seriously! " He lowered his voice more "We need to keep them distracted and laughing. You saw how depressed everypony got when that fog came. We can't fight it with low morale. Trust me on this one. I'm not just some class clown looking for attention. I'm looking out for everypony's spirit. It's what I do best."


" I know, Silver. But if we joke around for too long something else might get us. Keep them happy, but walking and head in the mission." Lyona replied quietly.




'' Lyona, I think you should eat the cupcake now. You must be starving on this long trip.''


" Nah, it's okay. I'm still quite full after breakfast, and it's not good to eat while walking." She smiled, patting her belly. 


Signature by Azura

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"We would be moving along a bit faster if you stopped the romance - Silver Dote!"


"Romance?" questioned Silver Note, feeling a little annoyed at the new nic name. He gave a slight frown. I'd like to wing slap him right out of the sky for saying that, he thought grumpily to himself. "There's no romance... " Newp... he'd never admit to it. "Cinder and I are just very good friends mr google-eyes-at-Fireblaze"


*Loud horse snort!!!*



((( OOC I'm Sooooooooooo temped to adapt the following song into  duet between Impetus and Silver Note 




EDIT: (( OOC - Oh what the hay! here it is.)) 




( Sung to the tune of "I wont' Say I'm in Love from Hercules)

If there's a prize for rotten judgement
I guess I've already won that
No pony's worth the aggravation
That's ancient history, been there, done that!
[impetus (in a perfect Discord accent)]
Who'd'ya think you're kiddin'
She's the one Earth pony for you
Try to keep it hidden
Silver, we can see right through you
Colt, ya can't conceal it
I know how ya feel and
Who you're thinking of
[silver:(Defensively) ]
No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no
[impetus (melodramtically):]
You swoon, you sigh
why deny it, uh-oh
It's too cliche
I won't say I'm in love
I thought my heart had learned its lesson
It feels so good when you start out
My head is screaming get a grip, colt
Unless you're dying to cry your heart out
[impetus: (mockingly)]
You keep on denying
Who you are and how you're feeling
Silver, we're not buying
Ha, I saw your hooves a reeling
Face it like a grown-up
When ya gonna own up
That ya got, got, got it bad
(Impetus pokes teasingly at silver with each "got")
Whoa Whoa No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no
[impetus: Sarcastically:]
Give up, give in
Check the grin you're in love
This scene won't play,
I won't say I'm in love
You're doin flips read my lips
You're in love
[silver: (angrily)]
You're way off base
I won't say it
Get off my case
I won't say it
[impetus (patronisingly):]
Colt, don't be proud
It's O.K. you're in love
(Impetus pats Silver on the shoulder In mock concern)
(quietly sang to Impetus alone)
At least out loud,
I won't say I'm in love
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"Cinder...?" the Earth Pony questioned, confused as to why she had been brought into the conversation. "Of course we are, why's that relevant? "




"I thought we were talking about romance? Like with Silver and his special somepony..." She made a very obvious gesture towards Lyona, who was mercifully not watching at that moment.

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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"Cinder...?" the Earth Pony questioned, confused as to why she had been brought into the conversation. "Of course we are, why's that relevant? "




"I thought we were talking about romance? Like with Silver and his special somepony..." She made a very obvious gesture towards Lyona, who was mercifully not watching at that moment.



Silver heard Cinders word and started to feel a mild panic inside.


'She over heard that? Oh no!' he flew down to walk beside her. 


"It's not" He reassured her as convincingly as he could. " He's just got his head in the clouds making up ponytails. If you ask me, he's just frustrated that Fireblaze hasn't kissed him!"


Silver gawked as Cinder gestured towards Lyona.


"you don't think that...." He paused... "Do you actually think that... me... and Lyona? Cinderblock... you are WAY off base."

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"I am?" She said, ears dropping a little. "Aweh... I'm not great at figuring out stuff like that... It's not an exact science. I was so sure... Your not lying to me are you feathers?"


She pulled an enquiring face at the flustered Pegasus.


"Anyway, I didn't think she felt the same way, so it's kind of a moot point."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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"I am?" She said, ears dropping a little. "Aweh... I'm not great at figuring out stuff like that, I was so sure... Your not lying to me are you feathers?"


She pulled an enquiring face at the flustered Pegasus.


"Anyway, I didn't think she felt the same way, so it's kind of a moot point."



"Of course I'm not lying. I'm exercising the element of honesty!" Silver said defensively. At least some of the truth... not including the bits I'm choosing not to tell... 


"And of course she wouldn't feel the same way. Who'd want a special somepony like me anyway?" He trotted off up ahead frowning to himself at the return of his own self doubt. 'Out of my league,' he reminded himself.

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"I only meant..." Cinder faltered as Silver sped up away from her. "... What's up with him?" she asked out loud to nopony in particular.


'Bet I was right! And he's upset that you said that she didn't like him! Great job Cinder, now look at what you've gone and done, useless mare!

Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Lyona walked on, looking at her compass and unaware of the ponies' talking. Her wings were starting to get strangely heavy, as if they were being pulled down. She ruffled them, hoping that the feeling would pass. Even the simple act of moving her wings was tiring. 


-Do the other pegasai feel this?- She wondered, looking at the others. 


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Silver Note glanced over at Lyona. Was she alright? Her wings looked uncomfortable. He trotted over to her.


"Everything ok? That was not your average ruffling of wings?" He said with concern. Something seemed heavy in the air but he couldn't quite make out what the feeling was... it was oppressive... just like thunder about to break. Silver Note shuddered.


((OOC are we suppose to be feeling it to?))

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" I don't know, it's like my wings are getting heavier. I can still move them, but it feels slower. Maybe the feeling will pass..." Lyona muttered before coughing again.


(Yeah, and the unicorns should feel like something's draining their magic, while the earth ponies are supposed to be feeling weaker.)


Signature by Azura

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"And here was me thinking it was just my down mood that Cinderblock doesn't even notice I'm alive" Silver thought to himself.


"What is your compass telling you? I don't know a lot about science, but maybe it's a gravity pull or something. Cinder might have some idea's."


Silver glanced over his shoulder and motioned for Cinder to come over. He thought it best if all of the other ponies didn't hear their worries. they might panic and bolt off into the tree's if they thought something evil was at work.

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"What is your compass telling you? I don't know a lot about science, but maybe it's a gravity pull or something. Cinder might have some idea's."


" It's a compass that detects a the direction of the strongest magic source. It's been specially tuned to detect malevolent ones, and to withstand the Everfree's strange magic." She explained while taking out her compass.


The compass needle was spinning wildly, not to the north as it used to. 


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'Wow, how long have we been walking? I'm starting to get...'


Cinder tugged at one of the diminishing supply if bottles she wore, unsuccessfully pulling it from its clip. Fumbling for a moment, she eventually uncorked the bottle and drained the whole thing.


Nothing happened. No energy, no boost. Nothing.


"Lyona, can we stop for a minute? I'm not feeling so great...

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"That's odd" Silver Note noted. "I've never seen it do that before." 


Silver Note shuddered. Something felt dire and even the normally cheerful and playful colt couldn't help but feel a sense of dread and despair. 


"I don't think I can fly in this heaviness" he said to Lyona. "Is everypony here? There seem to be less of us? We should all gather closer together and not lose sight of each other. Yes even you Impetus... get down here with the rest of us!"


Silver note was on his guard, ready to face any danger that might come. His military training kicking in he found himself going into battle mode.


((OOC but his player is going into sleep mode since it's past midnight. Just drag Silver along with the action.  Oh and check out my ponysona -  Mikestar's new pic. Link in the signature. Night)))

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"Lyona, can we stop for a minute? I'm not feeling so great...


" Sure. But not for too long..." Lyona looked around, her coat fur standing up. " I don't feel too safe here." She tried flapping her wings, but to no avail. They stayed folded, drooping a bit.


" I can't move my wings!" Her voice had a slight undertone of panic. Even though she didn't use her wings much, it comforted her to know that they would be there when the need arises. Now, they weren't.  She tried flapping them again.


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"It's hard to move my... me." Mumbled Cinder as she staggered to a halt: her entire body feeling like it was too great a burden to carry.


Her legs shook as she tried to catch her breath. She didn't panic - she was too tired to panic.


"Need to rest... What's wrong with me...?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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