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open Happenings in the Everfree RP


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'' Your right. But, at least I'm trying to help us get through this mission. I guess you could say that there is no point in saving the group.''

'' Judge me if you may, I could care less.'' Holding out a fireball, in her hoof. '' Your lucky, that I won't use this on you.''

Putting the fireball away.

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"Well, you know what, captain?! You're not fit to lead anything, and you have the responsibility - and the intelligence - of a bag of straw! I'd rather be led around by a blind mouse than you, Lyona, you worthless pony! I'd die a thousand time to ensure your death, captain, just to see the look on your ugly little face when you fall down and never get up again!"


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Lyona's gaze turned to Impetus.


" You are the worst of them all. You think that everypony's going to love you, huh?" She leaned in, sneering. " Guess what? Everypony hates you. I regret the day that Celestia sent you here. You should've stayed in Canterlot, the worthless stallion you are."


When Fireblaze cast the spell, the whole forest shook. The clouds became darker, more menacing.


Lyona laughed. " Your futile attempt to save everyone did not, in fact, save anyone. Worthless."


The cloud that Minty had been lying on shook and thundered, making it very hard to hang onto it.

Minty stayed on the cloud. She's been through a lot of bad weather in Cloudsdale and the flight academy so she was quite used to it. Sleeping on a thunder cloud compared to flight school was like heaven. She slept on the cloud, avoiding the small lightning strikes the cloud emitted. "Haha!" She sneered down at the ponies. "I'm not moving!"


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redwaveavatar_by_cinderscribe-d6crfyw.pn  Redwave


"You are all terrible at this, might I be of assistance?"


A white pony lounged against a tree, close enough to be heard over the commotion without needing to shout. He seemed to have no sense of the magnitude of the situation, let alone any sense of urgency. His crimson mane flickered around his head as he chuckled to himself, watching the events unfold.


"You'll be the ones I was supposed to find, I assume? Would you like some assistance? Or is this a bad time?"


He was still leaning against the tree, paying more attention to one of his hooves than to the groups dilemma. after a moment of silence, he looked up, losing interest in whatever it was that had caught his attention. 


"Whenever your ready to stop admiring my timeliness and charm, I'm still waiting for an answer. Quickly please, no time to stare. I'd like to get out of here before I start to feel whatever is effecting all of you. That just wouldn't do now would it? For me to lose my charm because a crew couldn't learn to work together!"

Never quite forgotten.

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"Oh, really?" snarls Impetus, glaring at Minty. "Let's see if I can do a thing or two to help you out. Or should I say - off!"


Impetus unfurls his wings and flies at Minty, narrowly avoiding striking his head on the cloud in his madness, and tackling her. He draws back a hoof and gets ready to punch her.


((11 Guests are reading this. ;)  Look sharp! :lol: ))

Edited by Dark Horn
  • Brohoof 1


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Lyona didn't reply to him. She simply bucked him in the face.


Lightning crackled all around them, very close to all the ponies. A bolt struck a tree above her, setting one of the branches on fire. 




'' Your right. But, at least I'm trying to help us get through this mission. I guess you could say that there is no point in saving the group.''


" Get through this mission? Don't make me laugh. This 'mission' was doomed from the start." 


Lyona flapped her wings hard. " Wing-blades! To me!" She commanded.


Something rustled in Lyona's abandoned saddlebags behind her, and sharp, blade-like things flew out. One hit the already weakened burning branch above her, sending it tumbling down.


As the branch fell, Lyona looked up. Her eyes turned to their normal emerald for a moment. She attempted to flee, but the branch hit her before she could move.


Lyona lay on the ground, unconscious. The heavy branch pinned her down, still flaming.


(I have to go! Night-time here. Bye!)


Signature by Azura

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"Oh, you are sooooo charming. O-M-G, marry me. NOPE," Minty sneered at the new stallion leaning against the tree. "LAME," she yelled down at Redwave.

When she was done insulting Redwave, she noticed that Impetus came up and tackled her. She used her hind hooves to buck him off the cloud. "Get off me! Ew, I have coooties! Does anypony here have a handkerchief? Oh, no? I guess I'll have to use you!" She screamed, punching Impetus.


(( Hey, guests! :D If you're wondering why she's acting like this, read the two past pages! :3 ))

Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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Impetus staggers a few steps back, as the punch strikes him, his eyes slowly assuming a deep, callous blue, narrowing into slits of balefire. "You're going to pay for that, witch." he growls, lashing out with a hoof intended to cave in Minty's face.


((We should do this more often. :umad:))


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Impetus staggers a few steps back, as the punch strikes him, his eyes slowly assuming a deep, callous blue, narrowing into slits of balefire. "You're going to pay for that, witch." he growls, lashing out with a hoof intended to cave in Minty's face.


((We should do this more often. :umad:))

Minty rolls over, letting the punch penetrate the thunderous cloud. "Haha, psych," she smirked. 


(( Minty tends to be more ninja-y when she's goth. And powerful. xD What do you mean by "We should do this more often"? More fighting or something?" ))


Minty snickered at Impetus, throwing out one insult after another, each gift wrapped with a kick, buck, or punch.

Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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( Good night, Lynette!)


'' I guess that Lyona was right. There is definitely no hope in helping the group at all, since we were all turning against each other.''

Blaze's eyes turn back to normal, looking around at all of the fighting happening between everypony.

'' Don't worry, I'll save you Lyona.'' Grabbing the heavy branch, throwing it across the forest as it crashes into the trees.

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((I mean, fight each other. :P))


After being struck a few times, Impetus tries a new tactic. He floats a foot or two above the cloud and uses a combination of bucks and kicks to send the cloud, with Minty still on it, down to the ground, where it hits a tree and skids to a stop. Impetus lunges towards Minty in a potentially lethal aerial dive.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Sighing, The intruding pony swung onto his hooves and sauntered across the clearing towards Lyona.


"You really got into this mess on your own?" He narrated to the group. "I'll admit, I'm impressed. Most fools need help from someone like discord to get into a state like this."


He turned to Nightblaze. "Redwave, charmed." he said, bowing slightly before motioning to the downed pegasus "Get her onto my back, we can come back for these two when they've worn themselves out."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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((I mean, fight each other. :P))


After being struck a few times, Impetus tries a new tactic. He floats a foot or two above the cloud and uses a combination of bucks and kicks to send the cloud, with Minty still on it, down to the ground, where it hits a tree and skids to a stop. Impetus lunges towards Minty in a potentially lethal aerial dive.


(( I know, right? :D I like typing out fights. It's quite enjoyable. :3 ))


After being injured for a few seconds, Minty shook it off. Her eyes flared red as she took a knife from the ground. "Don't move, unless you want to get hurt." Minty threatened, while she held the knife at her chest protectively, firmly. She smirked at Impetus, knowing that he can't do a thing.


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(((OMG and where has silver been during all this? Oh... I know... )))


Silver had been scanning the forest from above, looking for the missing group members. He'd left the rest of the group and was unaware of the chaos happening below. I'd best get back. He decided. No sign of Rorona, Chloe, Redstorm or Night Dart anywhere. They were clearly lost in the forest.


Silver Note glided down towards the group... the closer he got, the more heavy his wings felt til suddenly he lost control of them and crashed to the ground among his companions.




He scrambled to his feet, shaking all over and ruffling his feathers. 


"What is everypony doing? Impetus stop it! leave Minty alone!" Silver could only conclude that Impetus was finally cracking. bullying Minty of all ponies. She was so soft, and shy, and gentle and kind.... she'd never...



(( I know, right? :D I like typing out fights. It's quite enjoyable. :3 ))


After being injured for a few seconds, Minty shook it off. Her eyes flared red as she took a knife from the ground. "Don't move, unless you want to get hurt." Minty threatened, while she held the knife at her chest protectively, firmly. She smirked at Impetus, knowing that he can't do a thing.



Silver Note's jaw dropped. 


"Minty stop it!" he flung himself at the green ... grey mare and began trying to tackle the knife out of her hooves. 


She's lost her color he thought to himself as he struggled to get control of the knife. Something is wrong with her. Being a far heavier pony than Minty, Silver Note was easily able to pin her to the ground.


"Right!" he said loudly to the group. "we are all going to get a grip on ourselves. Something is effecting you all and you need to focus NOW on fighting it. Fight it ponies we are the Royal Guard!"


(( OOC I'm going to assume that since Silver is already grey he's immune for now. Advantage of being a dull color already LOL ))

Edited by Mikestar
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(((OMG and where has silver been during all this? Oh... I know... )))


Silver had been scanning the forest from above, looking for the missing group members. He'd left the rest of the group and was unaware of the chaos happening below. I'd best get back. He decided. No sign of Rorona, Chloe, Redstorm or Night Dart anywhere. They were clearly lost in the forest.


Silver Note glided down towards the group... the closer he got, the more heavy his wings felt til suddenly he lost control of them and crashed to the ground among his companions.




He scrambled to his feet, shaking all over and ruffling his feathers. 


"What is everypony doing? Impetus stop it! leave Minty alone!" Silver could only conclude that Impetus was finally cracking. bullying Minty of all ponies. She was so soft, and shy, and gentle and kind.... she'd never...





Silver Note's jaw dropped. 


"Minty stop it!" he flung himself at the green ... grey mare and began trying to tackle the knife out of her hooves. 


She's lost her color he thought to himself as he struggled to get control of the knife. Something is wrong with her. Being a far heavier pony than Minty, Silver Note was easily able to pin her to the ground.


"Right!" he said loudly to the group. "we are all going to get a grip on ourselves. Something is effecting you all and you need to focus NOW on fighting it. Fight it ponies we are the Royal Guard!"


(( OOC I'm going to assume that since Silver is already grey he's immune for now. Advantage of being a dull color already LOL ))

"PSH, yeah right! Get along with these ponies? NOT A CHANCE. I'd rather die before I get along with these wimps!" Minty said to Silver while she was still pinned down. "Why should we listen to you, anyway? Why should we listen to some fat gray stallion, huh?!" 


(( Just a question, were you reading the past posts..? Minty got brainwashed by these wisps that made her all jerky. Like, goth. So she views the rest of the Royal Guard as threats and she hates them. That pretty much explains it. Silver should know that Minty wouldn't act like that. :3 ))

Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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"Nice of you to join us sunshine" The pony nodded at Silver. "Fancy lending a hoof to save your crew before they all kill each other?" 


Tried of waiting, he pushed his neck under the the downed mare that the unicorn had called Lyona and lifted her onto his back.


"Let them have it out, just try not to let them kill each other. I'll be right back."


He took off into the forest.


((Took off as in ran. Earth pony. Just realized my poor wording.))

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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((ooc Yeah I always read the catch up posts and I did realize that she was .... well almost discorded. Silver realizes it too))




"PSH, yeah right! Get along with these ponies? NOT A CHANCE. I'd rather die before I get along with these wimps!" Minty said to Silver while she was still pinned down. "Why should we listen to you, anyway? Why should we listen to some fat gray stallion, huh?!"   


"Minty get a grip this isn't you. And the reason you should listen is because I know the real you.  Try to think back Minty... think of a bunny, you love bunnies."




"Nice of you to join us sunshine" The pony nodded at Silver. "Fancy lending a hoof to save your crew before they all kill each other?" 


Tried of waiting, he pushed his neck under the the downed mare that the unicorn had called Lyona and lifted her onto his back.


"Let them have it out, just try not to let them kill each other. I'll be right back."


He took off into the forest.


Silver Note noticed Redwave for the first time.


"What the..... " He watched horrified as the newcomer grabbed up his commanding officer and galloped away with her!


Releasing Minty, Silver growled loudly and  galloped after them. His wings useless to lift him any more. The weight isn't effecting him, I can only assume that he's responsible, showing up just as this trouble starts. He MUST be the cause.


"Come back here you tyrant!" He yelled after the new pony. "What have you done to my friends? Come back and fight like a real stallion, you coward.... " 


((EDIT realized redwave was an earth pony when i went to his character profile... changing it. OOpsie.)))

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((ooc Yeah I always read the catch up posts and I did realize that she was .... well almost discorded. Silver realizes it too))





"Minty get a grip this isn't you. And the reason you should listen is because I know the real you.  Try to think back Minty... think of a bunny, you love bunnies."





Silver Note noticed Redwave for the first time.


"What the..... " He watched horrified as the newcomer grabbed up his commanding officer and flew away with her!


Releasing Minty, Silver growled loudly and  galloped after them. His wings useless to lift him any more. The weight isn't effecting him, I can only assume that he's responsible, showing up just as this trouble starts. He MUST be the cause.


"Come back here you tyrant!" He yelled after the new pony. "What have you done to my friends? Come back and fight like a real stallion, you coward.... " 

"A bunny?!" Minty snorted. "What kind of coward do you think I am?" Minty sneered, laughing. "A bunny!!!! Oh, you're serious? Look, kid. If you don't want to get hurt, you might want to get out of my way," Minty said, grabbing for the knife. 


(( Woo, Silver is overprotective. Usually not like this much. At least I didn't witness it if you did.  :lol:  ))


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(( Woo, Silver is overprotective. Usually not like this much. At least I didn't witness it if you did.   ))


((OOC Yeah he is, though he may not have shown it before, he has mastered the element of loyalty. He h as many sides to him as he develops. His profile does say a little about it. )) 


Silver Note turned on his hooves.


"Dammit,, the knife" He remembered, Galloping back towards his friends. He felt so torn between helping Lyona, and the rest of the group but  had to make a quick discision.


Silver grabbed up the knife and stowed it in his saddle bag then turned tail again and sped back towards Redwave and Lyona.


"I swear to you...' he called after the white intruder "I'll tear you limb from limb, turn my friends back to themselves..."

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((OOC Yeah he is, though he may not have shown it before, he has mastered the element of loyalty. He h as many sides to him as he develops. His profile does say a little about it. )) 


Silver Note turned on his hooves.


"Dammit,, the knife" He remembered, Galloping back towards his friends. He felt so torn between helping Lyona, and the rest of the group but  had to make a quick discision.


Silver grabbed up the knife and stowed it in his saddle bag then turned tail again and sped back towards Redwave and Lyona.


"I swear to you...' he called after the white intruder "I'll tear you limb from limb, turn my friends back to themselves..."

"HEY!" Minty screamed. She flew after Silver threateningly. "You get back here right now, you bitch!" she swore, tripping over a log. She remembered everything. Her original coat color came back. "S-Silver? Where are you going..?" Minty asked curiously, brushing herself off.


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Crashing through trees after leaving the wounded mare in a clearing, Redwave almost collided head on with the blundering pegasus.


"What part of 'help me save your crew' did you not understand? Was it the 'save' part? Or the 'help'? Because right now? Neither of those things is being done."


He shook his head.


"You left those two fighting each other? Really? Why do you think I hadn't left already? And there was another injured one you know? You could have brought her instead of leaving her with the crazies."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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'' Oh great, the group is really at each others throats in trying to rip this group apart or keeping it together.'' Watching all of the drama happening in front of her own eyes.

'' I guess I should give up hope and not really focus on what the group is doing.'' Fireblaze's coat starts to resemble a grey spot on her coat, which could mean that her hope is fading.

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"What part of 'help me save your crew' did you not understand? Was it the 'save' part? Or the 'help'? Because right now? Neither of those things is being done."   He shook his head.   "You left those two fighting each other? Really? Why do you think I hadn't left already? And there was another injured one you know? You could have brought her instead of leaving her with the crazies."


"And why exactly should I trust you?" Silver said with a snarl on his face, he stamped his foot and gave out a loud stallion squeal.




"The enemy would't just stroll in here and say..." Silver Note put on a mock voice "Oh hey there I'm the one causing all of this."


Silver's expression returned to a snarl 'Of course he'd lie!..." Then something occurred to Silver.


"Other injured pony?" Silvers face took on a look of horror... "Cinder! what have you done to Cinder..." He screamed at the new pony, then pivoted expertly on his hooves and raced back to the clearing to find her, leaping over Minty in a quick bound.


(( OOC LOL just noticed that most of the recommended links to that above vid are inappropriate! Should I remove it? Ok replaced with another link which i hope works.))))

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"... well that was easy." Red breathed before yelling back at him "The crazy one was carrying her!"


'That might not be too helpful, they were all pretty crazy... Awh He'll figure it out.'


He paused. His job had been to find them. He could rightfully go back and claim his payment then and there...


"Guess I'm just that great a guy." He smirked, following the sounds back towards the clearing, using his sword to hack at the underbrush now that he wasn't carrying a second ponies weight on his back.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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"And why exactly should I trust you?" Silver said with a snarl on his face, he stamped his foot and gave out a loud stallion squeal.




"The enemy would't just stroll in here and say..." Silver Note put on a mock voice "Oh hey there I'm the one causing all of this."


Silver's expression returned to a snarl 'Of course he'd lie!..." Then something occurred to Silver.


"Other injured pony?" Silvers face took on a look of horror... "Cinder! what have you done to Cinder..." He screamed at the new pony, then pivoted expertly on his hooves and raced back to the clearing to find her, leaping over Minty in a quick bound.



'' Oh great, the group is really at each others throats in trying to rip this group apart or keeping it together.'' Watching all of the drama happening in front of her own eyes.

'' I guess I should give up hope and not really focus on what the group is doing.'' Fireblaze's coat starts to resemble a grey spot on her coat, which could mean that her hope is fading.



Crashing through trees after leaving the wounded mare in a clearing, Redwave almost collided head on with the blundering pegasus.


"What part of 'help me save your crew' did you not understand? Was it the 'save' part? Or the 'help'? Because right now? Neither of those things is being done."


He shook his head.


"You left those two fighting each other? Really? Why do you think I hadn't left already? And there was another injured one you know? You could have brought her instead of leaving her with the crazies."


"W-wait!" Minty stuttered after Silver, frightened. She trotted after him. "What's happening?" she asked, stopping him. She looked behind her at the so-called villain. She instantly grew nervous. She found that she liked this stallion, but didn't want to show it. She tried to shake it off and wait for Silver's answer.


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